It is a, queer story. but no stranger than the one told in Rome at, the time the ivorce ofHenry VIII. was under dis- cussion than the negotiations were broken fl'by the Earl of \Viltshire's dog. This nmannerly our had iollowed his master i to the court. and when the pontiff, b the close of the audience, put our, h 5 foot to be kissed by the ear] the d g bit ic and so angered the pope and h rriï¬ed the court. that the negopiations w re suspended. ’il‘he story may be true or false, but. in either caseis an excellent; demonstration of the value of the trifle, when the trifle occurs in the We of an exalted personage and gives‘point'i to the remark made by The Fate of America Once lluug on a Game 0! Chess. It is a. Spanish tradition that the fate of Columbus once hung on a game of chess, For years the schemer had haunted the Kipamish court, trying to interest some one i ‘ his cause, but at last, despairing, he de- telrmined to leave and go to France. The night before his intended departure he sought an audience of the queen to com- municate his intention and to take his leave. The queen asked him to wait while she made one more effort to interest the king, and left the room for that purpose. She found Ferdinand engaged in a game of chess, and disturbing him by her entrance, and thus causing him to lose a piece, he let fly a volley ofonths at seamen generally and at Columbus in particular, and then informed Isabella that the result of her petition would depend on the result of the game. It grew worse, and things looked blue for the discoverer of America, but Isabella, overlooking the board, Whispered to his majesty a suggestion as to a move that could be made ; the king adopted the suggestion, and America. was saved. occurs in the me 01 an exalted personage and gives point; to the remark made by Paschal along the same line, that if the nose of Cleopatra had been an inch longer or shorter the course of the world’s hiscory might have been materially chan ged. The application appears to correspond with vaccination, bubit is said the virus may be supplied in the form of powders. So far, however, the best method of appli- cation has not been made a matter of cer- tainty. If the virus can be put up in powders, and if lbs elï¬ciency in that, form can be established, it: would enable parents to apply the preventive in the earliest; stages of the attack. to this treatment, and _he does not doubt that pulmonary diseases, cholera. typhoid, and, perhaps, consumption. will he con- quered in time by its application. The application of the serum or blood, he said, was discovered by him through his close bservation of Dr. Koch's attempts at illing the bacteria in the living organism. appeared to Prof Behrini to be more portant to ï¬ght against the changes sed in the organism by the bacteria. e began to make experiments in 1890, succeeded in protecting guinea. pigs ainst the infeCtion of diphtheria. The periments were then made with children, (1, where the injections could be made in ,he ï¬rst forty~eight hours of the illness, he mortality was reduced to 5 per cent. of what it had been. In later stages of the disease the mortality was brought down to [0 per cent. The diaries of the hospitals of Berlin show that of 72 diphtheria patients who Were treated Without serum 2.3 died, whilst only two fatal cases resulted out of 78 treated with serum in the ï¬rst stages of the illness. In regard to such matters, public boards owe a duty to the people, and in all the series of dangerous diseases there is no enemy whose attacks are more indiscrimi- nate and unsparing than diphtheria. Prue enough, as Dr. Cassidy stated at the meet- ing of the Provincial Board of Health, the oflicial returns in recent years have shown diphtheria in Canada. to be ON THE DECREASE. This is, favorable testimony to our advance in thescienceof sanitation. But the advance is slow, and, in a sense, uncertain. Men ‘ fwealth, who spend small fortunes on the rainage and sanitary appointment of their remises, have their children taken off by iphtheria, and they are unable to trace its 5 urce. The manholes in all city streets mire the objects of general suspicion, and t ere are a. hundred and One other possible lairs of the bacteria. Cleanliness single- handed has a long up-hill battle to ï¬ght against the varied Conditions of our modern life; both in the city and in the Ways of commuuication in the country. It is, therefore. the most natural thing in the world that the reported efï¬ciency of the application of the serum of blood in cases of diphtheria should call forth uniâ€" versal interest. The local authorities have told us very little so far of the nature and application at this new preventive, but a paper read some two weeks ago before the congress of naturalists at Vienna. contains a. great deal of information to the point in these respects. The paber in question was read by Prof. Behring the discoverer of the new diphth- eria cure. He was able, we read, to pro- mise far-reaching eï¬â€˜icaciousness by the injection of serum as the cure of many vir- ulent. diseases. Already diphtheria and tetanus have ' The (hum-Io Board of nonllli “'Ill Pur- chase a Quanlliy of Serum for Inc “05- pltnls of Toronto. It iï¬nnounced that the Provincial Bond of Health will purchase as soon as possible a. quantity of anti-diphtheric serum from the Pasteur Institute in Paris for dis tribution amongst the isolation hospitals ll] Toronto. As far as we know, the Pasteur Institute will not be able to supply this new Virus for a. couple of months yet, and Drs. Cossidy, Coveruton and Bryce are to be commended for looking so far ahead that they will be able to give some of the ï¬rst demonstrations of its application outside of Paris in Toronto. They are to be com- mended for two reasons. This new diph- theria. cure, from the public point of view, is certainly the most interesting discovery that has been made by medical science, and the experiments so far made with it seem to have established its success at least as well as the protection of vaccination against smallpox. TRIFLES THAT MAKE HISTOE‘: . ANTI-TOXINE FOR DIPHTHERIA. ABSOLUTELY YIELDED Wonderfui Results From Taking Hood’s Sarsaparilia. Like a Miracne Consumption~Low Condition Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are manufactur- ed by the Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Out†and Schenectady, N. Y.. and sold in boxes (never in loose form iy the dozen or hundred, and the public axe cautioned againsb numerous imitations sold in this shape). at 50c. a, box. or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. \Villiams’ Medi- cine Company an either address. When strong tributes as these can be hr (1 to the wonderful merits of Pink Pills, it is little wonder that their sales reach such enormous proportions, and that they are the favorite remedy with all classes. DI. \Villiams’ Pink Pills contain the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing speciï¬c for locomotor ataxia. partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart nervous prostration, all diseases depending upon viziated humozs in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysiplas, etc. They are also a speciï¬c for troubles peculiar to females, such as sup- pressions, irregularities and all forms of Weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all troubles arising from mental Worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. to give her Hood’s Sarsaparilla. She is getting strong, walks around, is out doors every day 3 has no trouble with her throat and no cough, and her heart seems to be all right again. She :as a. ï¬rst class appetite. We regard her cure as npthlng short of a. miracle." W. WYATT, 89 :‘vlarlou Street, Parkdnle, Toronto. Ontario. Said She Was Past Ail Help and wanted me to send her to Le 'Home for lucumbles.’ But I said as long as I could hold .1; hand up she should not go. We then began From the Brantford Courier Mr. Thomas Adams Tells the Happy Result that Followed. [la “31: Suffering From . Severe Attack of RIM-Inna!lullâ€"\Vnuld III-To (Hum .hu1hln:_r I0 Secure Relh-fâ€"llow :1 Cure \Vus Brought Abonl. TAKING A FRIENDS ADVICE. beim Heod’ggaiï¬wmres Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable and ariecuybnmless. Sï¬dbyall druggists. 25c. Miss Hannah Wyatt Toronto. Ont. was unable to get 7r ï¬ve months and awer part of body ad to be propped ed. Heretofore experiments have been made than had practically, perhaps, as much value from the ofï¬cial standpoint. But on this occasion in is 110!) an experi- ment, that is being tried. The lives of British subjects are in danger in China. and in has been found necessary to send out reinforcements to Admiral Fremautle with the greatest, haste. The people of England are anxious, and on this account; the service of Canada. to the Empire will come before them in the most. forcible manner. When the commer- cial aspects of proposed schemes only are under discussion the public interest is not, and cannot. be. so directly arrested as upon an occasion of popular alarm and the neces- sity of protecting kith and km. This makes all the difference. Canadians will look to the railway to give a good account of its efï¬ciency in the transportation of these reinforcements for China across the Continent. In any event their quick arrival on the scene of duty would win applause, but at the present time it will also help to interest and con- Vince thousands who have not given the subject sufï¬cient attention of the necessity for providing a quick, clear and Imperial course of British access to the Far East. Get Rid of N euralgia. There is no use in fooling With neuralgia. It is a disease that gives way only to the most powerful remedies. No remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment of Pol- son‘s Nerviline. Nerviline is a. positive speciï¬c for all nerve pains, and ought to be kept on hand in every family. Sold every Where, ‘25 Cents a bottle. The forwarding of British sailors and marines to Chinese waters by way of Can- ada. directs the attention of the public here and in England once again to the desirabil~ ity of increasing the etï¬eiency of the Can a.- dian Paciï¬c railway by the establishment of a better service on the Atlantic. The men who are coming out from England wil1 reach their Chinese destination very much sooner via. Canada, even with the slow passage of the Atlantic, than they could by the other route. Their acceleration over the Canadian Paciï¬c railway with douhtp less make up for any delays on the sea, and it will be interesting to calculate how many more days might be saved if the Imperial means of communication from England to the Orient were onlysatisfactorily establish- or} Washington Press. If you have one in 00d order send us particulars and price. ur new premises are at: 28-â€"30 Lombard St. Toronto. The Grip Printing and Publishing Co. Engravers and Photographers only. An eminent american divine writes:â€" God has been pleased to store the earth and the air with remedial agencies for the cure of disease and the prolongation of life. I believe St. Leon \Vater to be one of these agencies. It is invigorating, exhilarating and remedial. Used copeously, its effecb upon the whole urinary passage is most beneficial. TO PRINTERS Students of nature have never been able to explain the chameleon’a change of color. Spooner's Phenyle Disinfectant mixed with ï¬sh oil or grease, will prevent; the Horn fly. Apply with a. brush abouc the horns, head and back of animals. Every home should have one. Endorsed by all Doctor: and Scientists‘ (“-9357 - - - PRICE $5.00. MANUFACTURED av CAN. GEAR co. Boston garment. workers will run co-oper auve shops. Grinds everything. even to the ï¬ner seeds. Stones last a lifetime. Iron plates. chilled 1-16, are not in it wit French Ruhr Stone:. 6 inc? es thick. \' ’ yo’v/ \/ IO AUENDIHE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE A Great vlng of Tune in Sending Troop from (-3 out ltrnnln I0 (‘lnzm Through (‘nnn Waterous, Brantforu, CANADA. “ModeUSSi V ' ' .v . -w n, ., ~1w.‘ ' V" ‘ v. 4 : x-:'~n~- ‘ K 22 "' ' ‘ , 5 ' - Np": . The .3231? inIté'fGr'c'zicélogues 50" 7" T113 Maxlm Fug Armsjmq cam-mg FROM LONDON TO HONG KONG. 1' either a Business or :1 She: )uld expect to succeed withoL ;. Announcemtnt free. C. A Chilled Cle'ar Thiough‘ Easy to run. simple. durable fin“? - Buhr Stone Chopper. Nevi H5503; Colin: ULSJL Chicago, “short at; talogues sea the .3 '17 long Q WM Shorthand Course rng, an a good Duslneï¬s trmr Flemmg, Owen SouN Feed Your Stock Grain Your Proï¬ts A\V'SETT, Will be increm- cd. your land freed from foul weedst you fas'f JVI‘ite â€"We want to buy a. No. 3 Ground rifle rim The Tree of Heaven 15 tile common name for the Ailanbhus, a. very tropical looking tree. Brown Bros. 00.. Toronto, Ont†tell us than it is not a. very satisfactory grower for our section. This house wish an ag ent here. they pay salary and expenses and ofl'er liberal inducements. faring pedals of the people. The knife has pared to the quick ; caustic applications have tormented the victim of cums until the conviction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor proves on what slender basis public opinion often rests. If you suffer from corns get the Extractor and you will he satisï¬ed. Sold everywhere. Here are cool mosses deep, and through the mosses ivies creep, and m the Ltream the Iong-leaved flowers weep, and from the craggy ledge the poppy hangs in sleep.» Tennyson. A woman who neglects to take proper ex- ercise is particularly prone to excessive congestion, debility and a sluggish circula- tion. This is the time we advise the “Pre‘ cription.†In all derangements and dis- placements of the special omans which result, in “signs of inflammation,†in catarrh- 8.1 discharges from the lining membranes, and in distressing irregularitiesâ€"this medicine is guaranteed to cure, or the mqpey will be returned. Cold in the headâ€"Nasal Balm gives sham, relief ; speedily cures. Never fails :1‘hought is deeper than all speech ; fe mg‘deeper than all Lhougha.~-Cranch. Charlatans and Quacks Have long ylieq their voqabioern bhg 31 A despntch from Engineer Pyne, in charge of the gun factory at Cgbul, says that, the Ameer of Afghamstan is in Letter health. is the resulbofa. healthy physical condition “Beautyis but skin deep†yet. it greatly depends on anlear complexion, free from wrinkles and hollow cheeks. always brings wealth of beauty. A healtny state of the system comes with Doctor Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It’s amedicine prepared for woman’s ailments â€"it. cures those derangements and weak- nesses which make Woman’s life miserable. I have been drinking St.Leon Mineral Water regularly for four years, and censider it the very best thing to drink while in general uninâ€" ing. It is an excellent regulator. having com- pletely cured me of constipation and kidney trouble: W Ghamyion St. Leon Mineral Water Gu'y, Ltd. Head Ofliceâ€"King St‘ W.. Toronto. AIIDruggists Gr (1 Hotels. Canada. . . . WW . Send for... ' GATALDGUE andTESTIMONIAL BOOK‘ Full Guaranteed Capacity ... .Manutactured by.... TEma cunuav rouOOEYOOMOAHY Ltd., TORONTO. WWMQMAQAEMR‘éflméflmwwâ€˜Ã©ï¬ GRANBY RUBBERS gmm???vmwmmmmmmnmmmg EOXFORD GOA: ----- FURNACES; THE NORTHEY MFG. CO.L’TD W. H. HASLITT. 385 Manning Ave., Champion Pedectriau of Canada AND POW ER. ..FOR ALL SIIES 0F BUILDINGS.- Capacity from 10,000 to 80.00 Gubic CFeet A Pretty Face ‘ SI‘EEL RADIATOR' TQRONTG, ONT. OXFORD WOOD FURNACE Better this season than ever. Everybody wants them Every dealer sells them. They wear like Iron. on the suf- he knife has applicationg A. R735 gives in- feel OR the latest and best lme of Books and Bible: in Canada. all size: and pl‘lCOS. Terms liheml. Write {qr circulars. WILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher. Toronto, - Ontario. the formula for making Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by physicians of the whole world. No secret about it. This is one of its strongest endorsements. But the strongest endorsement possible is in the vital streugl/z it gives. nourishes. It does more for weak Babies and Growing Children than any other kind of nourishment. It strengthens Weak Mothers and re- stores health to all suffering from Emaciation and General Debilitv. For Coughs. Colds, Sore Throat, Bron- chitis. Weak Lungs, Consumption. Blood Diseases and Loss of Flesh. Scott & Bowne. Belleville. All Druggisls 60c. & £1. For 20 Years .. \d % Take MjAdvhe and } 1") flusljt 0R gem; WE" \“ 'Ilo ant ("\OKe 0" ’ K Ea; 5cm) “:2 EMPï¬wcomm f6? tr]: Pfï¬lbfwd Pgrmamni’mre of Palms andflches ' w LHGAP" IL’i5 Really? Equil {day |/_~*\ported&<lj AGENTS “’ANTED Lnr‘ge Feed Door Sectional Fire Pot Rotating Bar Dumping Grate Large Combustion Chamber Long Fire Travel,encircllng radiator Large Hegting Sgrface DEE'E'S’ASH PIT HEAVY GRATE, especially adapted torwood burning Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box Dome and Radiator. which heat: quicker and are more dumblo RADIATOR of Modern Construc- tion and Great. Heating Power LARGE ASH PIT Scott’s Remerj .3 the equal of (\_-n The Leavill Deborning Clip- per will take them off with less trouble and less pain than any other way. Send fqr circular giving price, testimomals, etc. HORNS MUST GO- WOOD FURNACE GOAL FURNACE l‘rnlg Mrvm, .VIonln-al. S- S. KIMBALL: