Anton: 1 111101111201 Stouï¬vi 'Markhw Mb. Alba \Vozr‘lbri Kleinbu: WETERI Glam 8 to 10 a. 313.; and 6 to 8 p. W. ROGERS, DENTlST, Gradua'te Ton Plu'sicians a 3., J. T. EflcEflroy, with dip Dental Sc Friday of from 1 m D85 Residenceâ€"Two, do< ephone cmnmumr u.“ out Stare & J. WILSON, M. D., RICHMOND HILL. Ont. 1". F. MCMAHON. NE UBERALPHIKTiNG & PUBUSHzNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, om. VOL. XVII. n )leton EEURSDAY Address A ROBINFON L.D.S. AurmaOuh sismut Sun uni] A little east of E Collius' store. ‘5 Ofï¬ce hou S [.50 l0a.m.: €529 3 RECEMOND HII 1‘0 1) I, BUSINE SS CARDS >le Gum Applicwinn: used when required t your Cheap Teeth of Robinson. are & Bweliing TO RENT. 231$ USED BY TORONTO 3.1 15,8611, 16th,fl.ud THCRNHILL. i'Hm‘ e Pal per annum, in advance. OFFICE EEOUR§ VETERINARY DENTIST, CHMOND HILL. ISP OFFICE EEOERS NABY SURGEON EDITOR & LANGSTAFF Dr. A. itahinsen. 7“ RTJR will v ....%‘n and 101' House 1e On from rttriuury SURGEON DENTIST Wraith! -â€"-AND-â€"' u the Ontario Veterinary visit Maple on Monday and :k, and Concord on Friday 8.118 promptly attended to ‘came and other domesticat- ny the latest and most ap- Mum. m‘kdnle station, over W :omu of Queen and. mote Avenue, kflIEQ 1i ED EV 29th 30th .lSth, ï¬lm-h 14th ,‘Jï¬th 21th OPIIIIETOR Gem-Jr I/[ORNING litv. Member an“ NTf $333215 terium'y College if Sunday. 2130 of each month do do do do of each month do P. I“ ) years As Hospiml. I“: w I ,e wi ch Ell . Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at renâ€" sonmblerates. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple Licensed Auctioneers for the County of Yorkre- spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLm-tes'b n‘otico an 1 a rezlsnuabe rates. P. O. mhu'ess King Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Genera] sales of impleme"ts, t11rnitxxre.smn(liug timber. etc†attended on the shortest notice and at reasonahh rates. Stock sales a. specialty. Patronage solicited. P. U. address Unlouville. Collections in City and Countrv promptly attended to. Money to loan Licenseu Auctioneer for the Counties of York Uncario gnu Peel. Goods sold on consignment Generalsules 0 stock. etc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. 1’. 0. address, Every accommodation to guest". Board, $1 var day Thisflne hotel is ï¬ned up with all t} appliances for health and Comfort. B of l' pors .Jlll c‘igm's. _§ample rooms aning reï¬tted the above house Ian) prepared to furmsh the best accommodation to boarders and the “availing public. Best brands of Liquors and Cigars. Excellent smhling arm efï¬cient hosflers. Sample 1001115 for commercial men First-class Livery in con- J C STOKES THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. mere-I'M thweligrg. Rates $1.00 per day Nov 26-01 MISS c, HARRISON, ' DRESS - MAKER,1 A G F LAWRENCE MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"34 Bum; of Commerce Buildings, 19 King Street West. I‘homhm Ofï¬ceâ€" Post Ofï¬ce every Wed- nesday from m to 12 a. m. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFU‘E. Barristers, Solicitors, 34c. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce open every ' Sakurday. REERARESW H6985, MAPLE Mm Telephone 2984 Mr. T. Berhert Lennnx will be at Kelly’s Hotel, Richmond Hill every Wednesday, for the trans- action of business. LAWRENCE & ORMISTON. ROBINSON, LEN NOX& MACLEOD NOTA RY PUBLI C. lmeral Furnishings Undertaker HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, 5.: E... immm @flï¬fï¬g flï¬ï¬‚‘flï¬g, BARBISTV'SS, SC LINDSEY & LINDSEY, Paciï¬c Buildings, 23 Scott St. Toronto Barrisiors, Solicitors, &r. RICHMOND HILL. CALL - SOLICITED ‘G. S. LINDSEY 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO Barristers, Solicitors Notaries and Conveyancers. B. MILLER WRIGHT BROS, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. 18941 TORONTO AND AURORA Stokes a: Blough. Sn lom Et'knrdl COMMISSIONER IN THE J. 'l‘. Saigeon, J. .l. Luna", WM. RICHARDSON. Proprietor Emmi. JOHN KELL Y, Prom‘ietnr‘ LICITOES AND ROTARIES 5 & Emlmlmc-rs. ’Buss'es meet, In Essentials, Unity; in NOMâ€"Esseutials, Lib 5m with all the modern W s URMIS'I'ON, L L E. J. B. DUNCAN LYON LXNDSEY UNI ON VILLE‘ Money to Loan Bestrbmhds as for com- all trains. D BLUUGE “3'5 (PEI According to the lust census returns of 1891 the total output, of our cotlun mills in that; year was $8,451,724, which is accepted by the government as the yearly avrruge. That: this all or nearly ‘lll went intu consumption in Canada is evidenced by the fact that our total Cotton expnrts of last year only mac-lied $383,3i4\0r only 4.5 per cent. of the total unlan of the Cotton mills. The Canadian mer has therefore purchased from the hume manufacturer about eight million dollars worth a. year of his cuttnn pro- duct. Putting it at a low average, and say the manufacturer has enjoyed a pro- tection uf only 30 ppr cent. on his Cutton or 12$ per cent. mule than Mackenzie gave him. it. is not difï¬cult to ï¬guie out the additional price he has been able tn charge you for his uotuds. Let us see whaL it aggregates. With a pimtrctinn of 17.12 per cent, he Could have charged ynu just that much inure than you u'nuld have paid if CULlUl] goude Were on the free list. actly for you cannot help it, though it has cost you dear, if you Will for a. moment picture the millions of dollars the Me Uruuvevs, Langevins, St. Lllllls et at hue swindled you uu: of. In the one ca»: the ranch 01 the eye will nut grasp the coins- sal auiouuc yuu have been robbed uf, while in the other case it requires the must powerful inicruscupe to dulect what for legitimate purposes was taken by Mackenzie out of your pocket. But about the tax on the necessalics of life. In [875 the average duty on coal Oll was 32.7 per cent. The imparts for October last show that the duty on cnal oil aver- aged 87 per cent., and this in face of all thu pruuiises of the government last ses- ion to give you cheap oil. In 1875 the tax per head on coal oil was 1% cents; in 1893 it wns over 8.»;- cwts They lay great stress on the tax MackenZie imposed on eull'ee: what did it amuunt tn? The total duty paid in cufl'ee in 1878 Was $35,361, or an ILVf‘rage rate of eight tunhs of 21. Cent. per hczzd hf population. But. why do lhry not tell you at the same time that under Mac- kenz-e’s taiifl‘ your agiicullnral imp‘e- ments and Cuttonu new only tuxrd l7; per cynt. and Culllp‘lll‘c it with what they are dmuging out of you as duly on these articles? Let us me‘rat the cotton story. In 1878 we unpuned uf c ‘lton goods [u the value uf $0,901,922, and these uuods paid $1,- 2(I8.U75 in dmy. lu 189:5 u!) only 34; 557,402 \vmthof Cull-m you paid $1,295. 843. That is fur $87,768 less duty in 1878 you imported $2,345,522 wuyih uf CULIUUB nmre than you did in 1893‘ ' Had 1516 you importeq $4,390,033 wnun ur CULIUUB umre than ynu did in 1893. I Had the same rate of dn'y been applied to yunr imports uf ClitLUlJS that was applied in 1878 you would have had (0-day ${98,- 298 more in your pockets. Just digest those ï¬gures for a. moment. A little 0f the much talked uf duty on tea may help Lo wash it. down. \Ve have looked at what yrm have been taxed nu cuttuu impnrts but. what about the additiouul price the maunfactuxer at home is able to charge you when we find him pruluclcd with a 30 and 35 per Cunt. mrifl'l tmuul and y much the k this wwk on the listened to the Ice tuxs or Watchmd for sume lime p15 impressed wnh 11' have given, on dr the defence «Hun. said "'l‘hank‘b‘md We are constantly hearing of what Al» exander Muck‘mzxe did: that, he imposed a. duty on Tea, on Coffee and on other neceésaries of life. J1: is true he mada tea and coffee bear a. portion of the bur- den of taxation, but. let us look at the ï¬gures. In 1878 we imported 2,597,847 pounds of green and black tea. The total duty paid was $611,311, or a. fractiun uwr 14 Cents per head of our total popu- lation, afrnction over one cent a month Now this is their stock argument against. me Liberals. One cent a. mouth. Just. pause and have a. little laugh to yourself, )8 want to have a little talk With Wtek on the defensive. If yuu nod to the leading Couscrvmive or watchul the Conservative some time p-lst you must have per cent. protection he used~hls margin to 832,40 or-e million dull-are mure uld have taken out. of 3 Our Ottawa Letter. Heces “ivy 1y diff-Her Etude and ton indu :roviug a will lmve taken ( tarifl' Nu I slumed yo thy on the Co will ï¬nd Ihat King†has til the close following «I defending themsulv [fund by the Pnansee Umd I am not as other did: that, he imposed Coffee and on other J1: is true he madu life flllfl een ‘t of 3( add had p; OKII' ynu lulported tribute to the at the rate of a year 11 to this the: iid as addi g they Ives, to 9 who huva men {IP63 0U 'Ul Teleglaphic despatches were received in Toronto yesterday to the effect that. the Savage Comuee election trial in West Algoma lmd came to a. termination, that Mn Savage had resigned, and that Mr. Cuumce, the Liberal candidate, wnuld likely be elected without. r-ppusitiun. This will give Sir Oliver Munan another scat. You have talked ever since Mackenzie went out of power in 1878 because he taxed you 14 per cent per head as ndnty on tea, and tight-tenths of a. cent as duty on Coli'ee(\vliile giving you your ct-ttons and agricultural implements at a 17% per cent. tarifl'), but the millions Tory gov ernment has taken out of you throth the public works and railways depart- ments, to say nothing of the increase of ($3 per cent. in the aggregate customs duties annually taken out of your pock- ets, escapes your notice. Nu, Tnpper “as quite right when he said the Grit policy would decrease the revenue, and consequently the amount of money the Grits would have at their disposal to squander on public works. They Would have ample to lay out on legitimate works but there would be no “Bone†for the “Beecher.†Thank you. Sir Charles. you are not often so generous towards your political opponents. But Would the country squeal if the Grit policy did decrease the revenue and reduce taxation? If one can judge right it is reduced taxation the country is cry- ing for. There is only one class who say keep it up and it is those who are being made millionaires out of it. By “squatters’ right.†M rs. Fitzgerald claims the ownership of the "Luclge’, Cottage on the corner of Queen St. and Queen’s ave, near Osgoode Hall. The Georgian Buy Ship Cuna‘. and mer Aqueduct. Co. and asst. SuliCiLOl‘ Caawell have rearranged their agreement In nominating Mr. N. C. Wallace fer the H also of Commons, at Weston, on Monday. Mr. Tyrrell of that village took occasion to say that he was not a. Thump~ son man. He gave no reasons for his dislike to the premier. A mth case of 501a“an was discomred in the city a. few days ago the victim being James Fax, the well known comfc sing/er. He was immediately taken to tl‘ now. They must have revenue. Yum might as well ask a Vanderbilt to die charge his servants and do his own \Vnrk as tu expect the present gnvernment to come down from their extravagant ideas and live economically. Louk at their record. Sir Charles Tnpper said in the Maritime provinces the other day that “The Grit policy, if carried out. would decrease revenue and stop expenditure on public works.†It certainly would stop building contracts sncl‘. as Curran Bridge, Langevin Block, Shivk's Island dam, Tay Canal, Little Rapids’ Loc'ts, St. Charles branch Intel‘- culunial, etc., etc. If Sir Uhas. had prnperly atwted mil: to assist the Liberal party he cuuld nut have done more for them than he has doze by admitting this fact. ' $600 worth of alterations are tn be made in the new Parliament buildings. John Burns, the labor man. is expect- ed here this month to address a Sundsz afmrmmn meeting on 'l‘emperance. out for y Do y| has been Ex-aldermau McDuugall has been mentioned as a likely man for next year’s Mayor. Revival Services are being continued In several of our churches with gooi re- suits. Miss Jemima Hunter, of 56 McKenzie Cre., has left for Chm:ng where she pur- pugug spending the winter segmson._ beneï¬t of U think there motive min; thrupyl I 150 linen are;me employed on the im- provements at Han-Ian’s Point on the island. ' [any are n Addressng A large public meetiu vrgetown on Monday evening, .Irun McCarthy said the Govern! 111d unduubtedly go to the country ‘3 summer sesaiou of Parliament. ‘ever smallpox hospital. r yourselves. ynll think that. this high taxatiun en thrown upon you solely for the ; of the manufacturer? Don’t. you there is a degree of mercenary a mingled wiï¬x their alleged phllan- ‘ I I do. They profess much con- 'or the manufacturer but they are concerned about. themselves {list They must have revenue. Wm Toronto Notes. II News Notes. (kinds, C lzarity. eakers of Mr. N. C. Wallace for lh )1) ‘ervative and are I‘ll“ try laws, ï¬ned Mr Sir John Thompson Dead Shortly before 12 o’clock noon yester- day the startling news was cabled across the Atlantic that Sir John Thompson had suddenly died at Windsor Castle. It is said that (In the day previous to his death he had a, conference with Lord Ripun. Secretary for the Culnnies, nan the sub‘ ject of Interculnniul copyright ard the importation ofCanadian cattle. Sir John Thompson had just been sworn in as a member of the Queen’s Privy Council, and was seated at luncheon in the Queen’s Castle when he was taken sud- denly il. The Surgeon in Ordinary tn the hausehold was summoned, but the Premier was dead before the doctor arrived. , The body was removed to the Clarence Tower of Windsor castle where It would remain until an inquest was held. It is said that deceased had re- cently complained of ill health, and that the immediate cause of his death was heart failure. The sad news will be received with sin- cere regret in all pans of the Dominion, as the (lead premier was a. man possessed of far more than ordinary ability, and he had risen to prominence very fast during the put few years. He was without dnuhc the nblesr. man lathe Conservatnve party of Canada at, the time of his death. The .leepest sympathy is felt everywhere fur his Evife ind-fanfily in their sat] and sudden bereavement. ' If you want to buy or sell a. farm ad- vertise in the Toronto Weekly Mail. That paper reaches 100.000 farmers homes every week, and your advertisement should meet the eye of some one who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are inserted in the Toronto Weele Mail for ï¬ve cents a. word for each insertiun, Twenty cents a word for ï¬ve insertions. Address The Mail, To- ruutu, Canada. Mrs. hompson has rented her place to Mr. Frank Padget and intends moving; to Hope about. holiday time. On Friday evening about forty of the many friends that she has made since she has come to Headlier met at her residence to spend 9. social hour together and to express in this way their regret at having to part with one from our midst who is so highly esteemed, not only as a neighbor and friend, but as a willing worker for the church and its welfare. Besides the friends from the neighborhood there was also present Mr. and Miss Glass from [\laplchiss Lnnau from Unionville, and the Misses Florence, Annie and Bessy Thomas iron: Hope. During the even- ing a number of amusing games were played, among them the nctingof “bath dnge" and “intricate†as charades, which provoked :1 great deal of merriment. After refreshments were served the friends left for home fueling; that they had had it very pleasant time together. Our School Board has been making de- cided ilnpruvuucnts in the uppeararce in and about the schou.I house. Besides elded linprovuucnts in the appearance in and about the school hunse. Besides therouuh‘y renovating the school room they have built a snug lime coal and “and shed in the yard. MiasE Os’mrne has been reâ€"enaaged as teacher of the schuoi hen: at an in- creased salary. It need not be added that. Miss Osborne is giving excellent sut- isfuczinn m the sectiun Since she was gm" g: _>d as teacher here. Mr. I). Huslop, nnr enterprising mil- ler has had a "bee," drawing gravel‘ He had about twenty ï¬ve teams engaged gruvoliing the Mill Rund. Mr. (he. \Vellman has been suffering fur some time “101 a sore hmd, um re- Mr. Editor, 115 it is some time since you have had a communication from here I think I may be able to relate a. few cliangvs and happenings which have taken place in our little villa, which may be (if iutnrcnt to your readers. tanner IS on the Grand Jury, the latter on the Winter Sessions. ' WWW?“ sult of Caused t went. to tend ï¬le Mr. Wh Miss M."J tion in the Then in this r WANTED are In ANADAYS PRIME MINISTER. DIES AT WIND SOB. CASTLE. Mr. K H . White of that pl Iessra‘ Jonah Leo Y'lll‘llll Sinoleco ies, cts. a P 3 W e L 11k nt Headford. CUT“: Mdull 1) ï¬les of Ive al a sliver int nd Miss A. Con 11 Wednesday l Mlss M Mum : and Georg as jurymen ml Jury, tll secured a ennie h'ro lll No. 24 whmh I‘l