MacWherrell is reported to be one of the beat behaved convicts in Kingston peniten- tiary. "7,4 . Hon. 1). Mcbellan, formerly Provincial Secretary of New Brunswick, is lying at. the point. of deuth, from erysipelns. The Banque du Peuple has ellected a loan on the London market“: for one million (101- lars, on behalf of the city of Montreal, at three and a. half per cent. Mr. F. Beverley Robertson, son of Vlce' Chancellor Robertson, formerly of Hamil' ton. died at, Walketville on Wednesday evening, He was forty-three years of age. THE WEEK’S NEWS The Manitoba- Legislature Ihe ï¬rst week of February. Tha railway suspension bridge at Niag- ara Falls, which is one of the oldest sus- gznsion bridges in the country, will Boon taken down, and will be replaced by a cantilever bridge. Mr. Alexander McMicken } Id Mayor of Winnipeg over lilroy. At a meeting of subscribers to the Ot- tawa. winter carnival fund held the other night. it was decided not to postpone the carnival until next year, but to go on with it on the date originally proposed. Mr. Thomas Greenway and Attorney- General Sifton, of Manitoba, are in Sc. Paul, Minn. It, is said in Winnipeg that, their mission is in connection with a. pro- osed line of railwsy between that, city and Duluth. It is reported that the Halifax street railway is in a bad plight. One hundred thousand dollars' worth of its hands have been repudiated, and the City Council threatens to ask the Legislature to cancel the charter because of the inefï¬ciency of the railway service. At. a meeting of the Real Estate Owners’ I Protective Assocabion of London. Ont,, on Wednesday night, a resolution was carried asking for an investigation in connection with the recent waterworks extentious, and the City Council was requested to appoint] a special committee for that purpose. ‘ In consequence of the correspondence brought- out at, the Toronto boodle investi- gation, in which appeared a letter from A. W. Austin toning that he conid have controllei the Winnipeg City Council if he had chosen to do so, the \Vinnipeg alder- men who served during that year declare that. they will insist on having an invesvi- gatiou in order to clear their skirts. GREAT BRITA IN The Bank of Englands robe of discount remains unchanged at 2 per cent. The Allan line steamer Sarmatian, from Boston for Glasgow, went aground the other day in the nver Clyde. The London Chronicle says that the long' pending dispute in the tin plate trade in South Wales has been settled, the masters and men agreeing upon a. 10 per cent. reduction in wages. Sir Charles Tupper, Canadian ngh Commissioner to Great, Britain, has been made an honorary fellow of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society in connec- tion with the paper he recently read before the society on the Economic Progress of Canada. The long-announced investigation into the accounts of the Grand Trunk railway is proceeding in London, the Security Holders’ Association havmg agreed to the limitmion of the Board of Directors that the names of txaders having outstanding accounts should not be published. Ata meeting of the Imperial Institute in Londona society was formed, with Lord High Chancellor Herschel! president, to ob- tain and classify a. knowledge of the course of leisiation in different countries, espec- ially in the British Empire and in the United States. Eugene Kelly, Lhe Well-known New York banker, is dead- There iaa. bread and coal war at Port Huron, and the poor people are getting the beneï¬t. The U. S. Senate Committee on Foreign relations has decided to report favorably bthnpanese Lreany. 7 John McBride, of Columbus, Ohio| has been elenbed prusident of the Federation of Labor by the Denver convention. 7 Thule are now {en ships overdue on the Paciï¬c coast, and three hundred lives de- pend upon their safe arrival. Dr.A.B.Smith, proprietor of Lhe Hygien- ic Institute, died at Burdeme, N. Y., yes- terday, in his 76th year, after a brief ill- ness. Three British cannon, captured at. Fort Erie during the war of 1812, have been mounted as ornaments to Lafayette square in Bulfalo. Ab Jamestown. N. Y., the eye of a mur- dered woman has been photographed, and the impression ofa man’s ï¬gure was found in the retina. The clergymen of San Francisco are at- ranging for the organization of a, movement similar to the Lexow plan for the improve- ment, of municipal morals. Mr. William H. Powers, manager of the Star theatre in Buffalo. dropped dead in whe lobby of that building the other even- ng from apoplexy. He was born in Montrea 19 years ago. Bishop McDonnell, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,- mas issued an ecclesiastical interdiction Against, secret, societies, including the Oddfellows, the Knighï¬s of Pythias, and the Sons of Temperance. Job Batty’s Sons, of Philadelphia,ownera of one of the oldest established carpet yarn manufacbories in the Kennington district, ire ï¬nancially embarrassed, with liabilities sggregating $200,000. A despacch from Quantico, Va., gives an iccount of the experiments made by Prof. Langley, of the Smithsonian Institute, with his flying machine. The professor did not succeed in flying, but. will try agEiHZ "In the Buï¬alo Police Court, the other day the judge ordered Charles Hutchinson, who was declared insane, to proceed at once to Toronto, possibly for the same reason that. Hamlet, was sent to Eng- land. The Rev. Father Conway, formerlu a. flesh of a church in Dickson City, Pa., ‘1, now 0. member cf the Chauncey Olcott. UNITED STATES. CANADA. has been elect- .- Mr. Thomas will assemble of Vlce‘ Theatrical Company, having left the Church for the stage without his bishop’s permission. Iaaac Ross and his wife, of Bay City, Mich, have lived together 50 years and raised 14 children. Now they have quar- relled, and Mrs. Ross is seeking a divorce. The man is 80 and his wife 70 years old. Referring to the c5reer of Mr Mackenzie Bowel], and nnbing the fact that; he rose from the printer‘s case to the premiership, the Buffalo News says that in Canada as well as in the United Suites 8. poor man has a. chance of carving for himself an honorable career. Mr. John Burns made one of his charac- teristic speeches before the American Fed- eration of Labor in Denver City on Saturâ€" day, ï¬nding fault with the constitution. He was followed by Governor Waite, who told Mr. Burns than the American workmen were able to care for their own laws, and if they did want a. change, they would not, go to England for suggestions. The diamond cutters of Amsterdam have again gone out. on strike. Admiral Da Gama predicts another re- volution shortly in Brazil. The French Senate has adopted the Franco-Canadian Commercial Convention. The Swiss Council of State has granted a cmcession to build a railway up the Jung- irau mountain. The Cbmose generals who were (iefeaced at Port Arthur have been summoned to Pekin for trial and punishment. It is said the German Emperor has re- quested the Czar nob to remove Count Von Schouvaloï¬. me Russian ambassador to Germany. The Novosti, of St. Petersburg, says that the Council of the empire has sanctioned. an increase in the cotton import. duty. In honor 0" the Czar’a name day, Gen- Gourko, who recently resigned the post of Governor of Warsaw, will be made a. ï¬eld marshal. A violent earthquake shock. lasting one- minute, was experienced on VVeduesdaV ‘afcernoon at, Oraviczn, South Hungary. Much damage was done to buildings, but \no lives were lost. ‘ The proroguing of the Italian Parliament - has created a bad impression, and it. is interpreted as indicating that Premier Crispi intends to remain in power in spite ‘ of the Opposition. It is stated that the Czar will cause the adopsion of the Gregorian Calendar in Rue aia, and that he wxll abolish the secret police. _ A correspondent of The Times states that the aflairs of the British East Africa Company appear to be approaching settle- menu. C. Zestans Czyntki, a. teacher of laugu‘ ages in Muui:h, is on trial for having hyp- notised a wealthy lady into marrying him- The liabilities of the Commercial Bank of Newfoundland amount. to $1,989,000. The shareholders have instructed the trus- tees lately appointed to wmd up the bank's affairs. At Sydney. N.S.VV., on Thursday, was concluded the greatest game of cricket on record. Sboddarb’s All England team made 762 runs in their two innings, while All Australia made 752 runs. A principal feature of the Paris Exhibi- tion of 1900 will be the largest telescope in the world. The instrument is to be two hundred feet long, and to have an objective of four feet dlameter. It is reported that the Sultan has invited the signatory powers to the Berlin treaty to send delegates to Kurdistan for a period of ï¬ve years to superinwa the introduc- tion of reforms there. The Cologne Gazette publishes a. letter from Armema telliugof fresh horrors there, including twenty-:hree villages land in ashes, eleven other villages pillaged and forty priests massacred- Le Journal, of Paris, pubï¬shes an alleg. ed agreement between England and Italy, by wluch Italy is to occupy Khartoum and take possession of Morocco, with the exception of Tangiers, which is to be a British possession. The story is regarded as a. hoax. Clothes Are Not Always a Reliable Guide In the lndivldunl. A certain Earl, whose disregard of dress is quite proverbial, called at; his tailor's to pay his bill. A new manager came forward to receive the cash, and not. knowing his Lordship, mistook him for a servant. He examined the account, and, after receipting it, slipped a sovereign into the supposed servant’s hand, at the same time saying, conï¬dentially: “That is a. sovereign for yourself, and you know, if you had only been a. little bit sharper it: would have been two. You don’t get your master’s clothes worn outl half quick enough. In that time he ought to have had double the amount on that, bill, and it is really worth your while to get a. harder brush.†Witlrlra hall grin the Earl replied: “Well, I’ve always thought my brush uncommonly hard, and, anyhow. his Lordship complains about it.†"Nonsense!" eiacnlated the manager. “It: isn’t anything like hard, but; I cam put: you up to a wrinkle that. may even nasa an occasional ï¬ve-pound note into your pocket. Just} look here for a. momentâ€"yon see this bit of suck that, I have just taken from the shelf! Well, that’s rough- ened on purpose. You Lake that and give your master‘s coat a good scrubbing about the elbows every day, and give the trousers Itioï¬ch about, {he kHees, aï¬d it's at; least a good £5 in your pocket every year. You needn’t; think that yve shall forge} yqu.†“You are, indeed, very good,†said the Earl, withameaning smile. “I may im- part your very kind instructions to my valet, though I fear, while he remains in my service, he will nob be able to proï¬t, by them. As for the future, I shall not. trouble you with my custom. I happen to be the Earl ofâ€"â€"â€"I wish you good morning.“ Rural labor in some regions is in winter that a. farmer with 5. sn of grain can have it, flailed out che he can have it Lhnshed by steam MISTOOK HIS MAN. G ENERAL. aper than so cheap “It's mighty unhandy, wife." said he, †It‘s mighty unhxmdy‘ I flnd‘ A mortgage ï¬end to be prodding me, For always lagging behind. He does not, sleep but, he come2 in dreams‘ And hejades my needful rest, He plies his laqh till the morning gleams Have kissed their kin of the west. sold And the cattle from off the hill, As the lambs are mken from out, of the (old, And the grain to the dismnt mill; He yokea to the plow that; stirs the sol For the harvest of golden grain, The brawny Titians of honest toil, As he (esters tbair life in chains. “He eaten) his way to the souls of men Till he preys as the poisnned asp: The cry of des air he heeds not, when He has chm: ed with his deadly grasp. Then he cracks his whip in proud disdain. To the poor and needy'a cry, ~ And laughs at the hem‘bstring's broken pam where his wounded and dying lie. "No tribute ever a Satrap Iald 0n the bondsmen within his coils, More hard to bear than this ï¬end has made In his greed for thefmit oi spoils; He sits enthroned withs smile so bland, Where his millions of victims cry, In the heartless‘ soulless, demon land. Where the fondostot hopes wxll lie.†A Stone Dairy House. It is important that, the location for milk-setting, creaming and churning be apart from other buildings from which ordora of various kinds arelikely to eman- ate. Where rough, or rounded ï¬eld atone are to he found in abundtmce a. very Eer- viceable dairy house may be builh, as suggested in the accompanying illustration. The building is nearly square, and in divi- ded into two rooms, one for the setting of milk and creaming, with the other for churning, packing the butter and getting randy for market. A rough stone wall makes a very cool and picturesque building, and can be laid up very easily and cheaply He laughs when the fattening swine are â€"-its cost being probably less than wood‘ where the stones are at hand, unless lumber be very cheap in the locality. If ‘ possible, such 3 house should he built so as ‘ to secure as much shade as possible, as this will greatly help out in the heat ofsummer. A stone chimney gives opportunity fora ï¬re in cold weather. If a. well or spring is near at hand the water may be brought into the dair: house, as an abundance of cold Wbter, without labor of carrying it in pails, is greatly to he desired in duirying. The ice house should be located conveni- ently near, or even connected with the dairy house if desired. Where a. large deirying business is done such a house is almost. a. necessity, if the ï¬nest butter is to be economically made. Making butter on the porch, and in the house or in the cellar has altogether too many disadvantages. Health Necessary. It is a pretty well settled fact among swine-breeders and feeders that if they can only keep their hogs healthy and thrifty they can readily make them proï¬table. It is very essential. then, that all reasonable care be taken to maintain good health. To secure good health from the start the ‘ pigs must come from healthy stock, andl then such treatment be accorded them as i ‘ best calculated to maintain this condition Good and wholesome food supplied regular ly on a clean, dry feeding floor. and never more at any one time than is eaten up clean ; pure, fresh water supplied in clean ‘troughs where they can help themselves ; clean, comfortable, dry sleeping places, are the main essentials in maintaining a healthy, thriity condition with pigs. In all cases better health and thrift can be maintained if they can have :3 good range. Even in winter, when they will be able to secure but little food in the pastures, the exercise they will take, with the better air, will help materially to maintain and pro- mote health. i Too much beddingI so that they can bury themselves in iv, dump bedding or ï¬lth-y bedding, unsound or ï¬lthy food, unclean eating places, lack of exerciseflnck of vari- ety of food, and impure drinking water are the principal causes of disease. The hogs are too often made the scavengers cf the farm, and are compelled to eat what: the other stock refuse, and yet are expected to maintain a. heaithy, thrifty growth. No 0.614.; 35135341 'is as cléaï¬ly,“ given the opportuniby. and yet no stock on the avngage {arm stands move ï¬lth. A,A_,A_.__ They do not require expensive querters. A roughb shed, with a tight, dry floor for feeding grain, and e dry earth floor with sufï¬cient bedding to keep clean and com- 1 forteble, is all that is needed in the way of shelter. Arrange so that they can run in and out as they please. If well fed and watered they will not expose themselves needlessly. Feed regularly and water regularly, and they can be enein be kept thrifLy. Cleanliness is necessary to the maintenance of good health, and plenty of good feed, ‘ supplied regularly, is necessary to the [securing of a. thrifty growth. TH E FARM. The Ideal Cow and Ration. The man or woman who engages in kee'p- ing Jersey cattle as a. money making busi- ness should clearly understand and at no time overlook or forget; the fact, that when rightly practiced it ranks among the high- est branches of agriculture and requires for its successful prosecution as much sound judgment, forethought and skill as any The Mortgage Fiend PICTURESQUE DAIRY Rom-111‘; other business in which men are engaged. A business in which a certain amount of capital may be invested with more safety from losses, with more certainty of the return of a. fair and reasonable proï¬t ; a business in which there are more comforts and more pleasures, feWer annoyances and fewer risks than in any other that we can name. But it is not a. business for a slug: gard nor yet. for a tool. It demands intel- ligence and energy, forethought. and skill combined with tireless industry. The objective point of all Jersey breeding and feeding is the production of Jersey butter. The cow than will, year by year, produce the largest amount of butter of the highest. quality at the least, expense, is the best cow, is the ideal cow. So of food, that; combination of food stuffs from which the cow will produce this highest yield, at the lowest. coat, is the best, rationâ€"the ideal ration. The ideal cow and the ideal riatinn are the two things that the Jersey keeper wants to secure and unite. Zola, after being received by the Queen of Ibaly, expressed surprise at her erudi- bion. was killed by falling fr Lorain. In Melbourne there is a barber named Taylor, and next door to him is a tailor named Shave. Lady Can-hale is training a. staff of wo- men to take chswge of her estate in York- shire, in place of men. Conducior A. R. Johnson, of Massillon, was instantly killed on 3 Wheeling and Lake Erie bridge near Warrentown, A correspondent in Berlin says of Capa rivi that he is the very contrary of courtier; his back has never learned the courtier's eminenbtlocnors, whose sole duties are to attend to the ailments of the auï¬'ering poor. curve‘ mous collaborator, has so little ear for music that, he cannot distinguish harmony from discord. A large batch of state papers printed at: Berlin had to be destroyed lately because the Kaiser was named in it as William <I., instead of William H. Herr Eckermann, who sent to Emperor William 3. wooden crown, on which he had worked (or three months, received a. note of acceptance incloaing $7.50. Mrs. Humphrey Ward is said to be the bear, paid novelist now living. Out of her three books that have been published in the last six years she had realized no less than $200,000. Herr Boater, an ear-lieutenant. in the Ger- man army, now says that vegetarianism is altogether too wide. We Inqu be “fruit- qriansâ€if we wish wï¬nd sanitary salvation. His disciples live altoge‘vher on fruit. General Count von Heseler, oi the Ger- man army,is a stern old soldier and a. strict diaciplingrian. ‘He has been known to stop ,,_J “UL; L:_. a subordxuate in the street: and make hirh remove his boots and stockings to see if his feet; were clean. The doctor who pulled the old Ameer of Afghanistan through his hate illness is a young lady of Ayrshire, Scotland, Miss L. Hamilton, M. D., who took her medical degree three years ago in Brussels and practised m Calcutta. before she went. so Afghanistan. Thomas Kildea, a. Pitcaburg carpenter, M. Bizzel, a. French deputy, wants the French coins that. have been minted dur- ing the present regime, and bearing a. nude ï¬gure with wings, put. in $116 melting pot. And he frankly says it is not in the cause of decency he appeals, but. for art’s sake. He thinks the design is bare of that quali- Everyone has heard of Sarah Bernhardt}: curious bed, which is like no other one to be seen in France or elsewhere. It is nearly 15 feet broad, and when the fascinating Sarah is indispoaed and receives her imi- mnt-e friends reposing on acoucn. she looks The Queen of Saxony maintains three like a rediriilumeged Bird floating on a great, Sea. of White satin. In the department of Cantal, France, among the mountains of Auvergne, an attempt is to be made to return to the manners of primitive man. M. Gravelle, 8 painter, has acquired a. large tract of land on which ï¬ve married couples will settle, who will live in the caVerns and raise a. few animals and simple crops for their food and clothing. He claims that one 1 hectare (two acres and a half) should supâ€" ‘ply all the needs of 9. single indiVIduul. Among recent cabled statements regard- ing the Czar is one that he " has an income of 312,500,000 3. year.†As a. matter of fact, the Czar’e private treasury is practically inexhaustible, for he has no settled civil list, but draws what he lilies from the im- perml exchequer, every ruble in which is supposed to belong to him. W. S. Gilbepb, Sir Arthur Sullivan’s fa. A story is lacing told in London that on the death recently 6? Walter Peter, the editor of an evening paper telegraphed to Oscar Wilde to ask him to supply some personal gossip about the dead man, a. friend of the ex-aeathete. Whereupnn Mr. Wilde‘ wired beck: “Leave the gossip to the jackals, not the lions, of literature.†' i For the last ï¬fteen years, at regular lintervals of three months, Alphonse Dau- ldet has received a note, written in pencil from the same man, who is evidently a. great traveler, for his letters bear a.†the stamps of the world. He informs the great novelist that he trains animals to pronounce his world-famed name and then lets‘ them go. Major vou Wissman, the distinguished explorer, who was married a. few weeks ago at: Cologne to the daughter of a, wealthy manufacturer, Will 8001; retire from the German colonial service, although he has only just, burned 41. Bub {mu-teen years of African exploration is an expel-i. ience that has led him to appreciate a, quieter and less exciting life. ‘ PERSONAL. a scaffold at PURELY UANADIAN NEWS. INTERESTING ITEMS ABOUT mm OWN COUNTRY. " Gathered From Vu-Nnu I'Mnu Frol- the Atlanllc to flu- a'ocmc. Strabhroy has a Dickena' Club. Elmira is lighted by electricity. Euchre parties are popular in Brockvilla Glencoe High school pupils will publish a paper. Five sables were captured in Logan last week. Waterloo county lawyers want a law lib- rary. “Talent†socials are popular in country places. \Veatem Ontario 15 infested with hotel thieves. Sc. John’s Church, Cookatown, is buying a new organ. Teeszxber will ask legislation to sell its market square. The Bradford Catholic church has an organ and a new choir. The demand for houses in Bradford exl ceeda the supply. Wild ducks were sold in Napanee hat week at 20c a pair. The bugle band “D†Company, London, has been re-organized. A new Baptist church has just been de- dicated ab Sidney, C. B. 4 The Seafortb electric light; system ma be extended to Egmondville. The London Board of Education is v- ing for a. Normal School there. The C.P. R. is again reducing the .1 ber of his workmen at Winnipeg. / Hamilton grocers are talking abou/Jb early closing on Saturday eveninge. / An Orillia boy secured 1,000 nan’xea on a pledge against cruelty to animals." â€" Thâ€"e ï¬epwotbh Journal publishes the names of its delinquent subacriberp. Nicholas Awrey, M. L. A., is ehgaged in the dairy produce businesa at, Dundas. There were 43 deaths, 20 marriages and 72 births in Hamilton during November. The St. John County, N.B , lumber cut this year will likely reach 20,000,000 feet. Th-e North American Mil) Building Com- pany may soon resume operaï¬ions at Strat- ford. Mr. Isaac Bradley, a farmer, was sum and killed by a train while crossing b track 3.: Gladstone Station. The death of Miss Jennie Ramsay, lama of Orillia, is announced as having taken)" place an Albuquerque, New Mexico. â€" Shayner boys have discovered thst kick- ing an electric light post when the light» has-gone out will cause itto shine forth agmn. “By the proposed reduction in the rentals of the lessees of market stalls Hmnilton will 1036 $47.60 a month, or $571203 year. While carrying in an armful of Wood the other day, Mrs. George Moore, of Strath- roy, slipped and broke her leg in two places. Sarnia policemen made a round of the schools last week and searched the pockets of the boys for catapults, tobacco and othel contraband goods. of which they conï¬scated n. flour barrel full. A Campbellford miller was being boy (zoned by the bakers because of some alleged grievance. To get even the miller erected an oven and baked bread which he sells at; seven cents a four-pound leaf, and he says An nttempt was made north of Bradford a few days ago to wreck the mail brain going south by placing large stones on the men. It is said that the old steamer Olive, plying on the Rldeau canal, cleared for her owners this season between seven and eight. thousand dollars. aL'tTIQE'pâ€"bâ€"rViâ€"ce nits a good ï¬gure for Hi! flour. One Thing Lacking. The mammoth department, stores supply all wants. Not long ago a. customer in one of these all-round stores purchased a complete house-furnishing supply,includiug a dog, a parrot and a. monkey. He bought; himselfu. suit, and, having an ugly tooth, he had in eased up without going out of his way. Going up another flight, he sat; for his photograph, passed into a physician’s ofï¬ce on the same floor. was taken seriously ‘ ill on the flour uboveï¬ied Lhere, w“ placed ‘ n a. cofï¬n out of stock near by on the same I floor, and sent; home. The manager of the ..1'Iv uu., ....‘. -V_V house added in} Business-like wai: “We would havo furnished a Coroner and jury if the friends of the deceased hadn’t been in such a. hurry. †Deacon Hairbrigger â€"“ Yaas, parsoni you said you wished we could have a. bi crowd here no the openin’ of the religion revival, and I told you I’d bring ‘6“)- they’re all here.†Missionary (Gulchville In’s too bad. lam to Mr. 'Newe the house? 1 Mrs. New lure the .Newcddâ€"“ Y‘ I hadn’t enough cook, too, so I 16 ok is here. am LICK) jugb Drew the Crowd. 111â€"“ W gave you Got the Cook zone OL' What! No cook-stove in on money to by one}? ‘ Yes. my love, butI le)â€"-“ Dear! dear. told there has just, to buy a. ; the Show I she’sa 3 to ge! COVE U5 sto