W'ith the more than ordinary bustle on both sides of politics, it looks as if a general election for the meinion is near at hand. Candi: dates should be placed in the ï¬eld at once, if they are not already nomim atcd. The chances are that another session of the present parliament will not beheld. The question will in all probabilisy be taken to the Privy Council of England, where the Supreme Court decision may be reversed, but as the case stands now the province has only the power to regulate the trafï¬c. It will be remembered‘ that last year when Mr. Marter introduced his bill in which he proposed to prohibit all sale by retail within the province, it was pointed out by Attorney-Gen- eral Mowat that the jurisdiction of the province was, to say the least, doubtful, and the recent decision of the Supreme Court goes to show the wisdom of his contention. Had the Marter bill been passed there would have been no licenses issued, and by the recent decision oi the court, there would be practically free sale in liquor from one end of the province to the other. The Supreme Court of Canada has at last given its decision on the tem- perance questions submitted to the members of the court. The court were unanimous in their opinion that the Provincial Legislature has no jurisdiction to prohibit the manu- facture and importation of intoxicat- ing liquors in the province. By a majority of 3 to 2 they also decided that a Provincial Legislature has not power to prohibit the sale of liquors, either wholesale or retail. The following buildings were des- troyed :â€" Osgoodby Building, Melinda street, in which 15 ï¬rms had ofï¬ces. Brereton & Manning, wholesale furs, 24-26 Wellington street. Thomas Dunnett & 00., Wholesale furs, 30 Wellington street. Boisseau & Co., wholesale clothing, 32 \Vellington street. Robert Darling & 00., wholesale woollens, 34 Wellington street. B, H. Gray & Co., whitewear, 2~l~ 26 Wellington street. Hart & Riddell, Wholesale station-. ers, 27 Wellington street. The loss is estimated at upwards of three-quarters of a million dollars. The want of powerful steam ï¬re en~ gines was greatly felt, as with the water power the streams could not be made to reach the flames in the high- est stories. Toronto was again visited by ï¬re last Thursday evening, and the loss is even greater than that of the pre- ceding Sunday. The ï¬re broke out in the Osgoodby Building on Melinda street, and rapidly spread to the ad- joining warehouses, in spite of the efforts of the ï¬remen who worked manfully to save life and property. Fortunately, as at the previous ï¬re, there was a quantity of snow and sleet on the roofs of the buildings which prevented the flying Cinders taking ï¬re where they alighted. ‘ There was no loss of life in the secâ€" ond ï¬re, but the escape of three per: sons from the upper story of the Osâ€" goodby Building was almost miracu- lous. Mrs. Caven, the caretakers Wife, jumped from a window, and was caught in a net below, after which the husband and a nurse slid down the electric wire for some dis- tance and fell into the net. THE PROVINCE P0 WERL ESS. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday. Jan. 17, ’95 NEW ADVEESEMEHTs EM "'Eï¬iimui. A NOTHER GREA 7' FIRE lost on “.1133 Sheet. north of Thomhill, on the 28th of December lust, viz. 2-1 Persian Lamb Cap; ] Knee Rug, black on one side, red on the other. with the imprint of a lion. 28-? L. GABY. Richmond Hill ’i’HE LIBERAL The above reward will be given to any arson furnishing: information which will lead the recuveryof the following aroicles, which were lost on Yulge Sheet. north of Thomhill. on the Warm and comfortable wanting rooms for ladies and gentlvmen. Admisaiou 10 cents; chi d. reu. 5 cents Season tickets may be had on up- plicutmn to the caretaker. Mr. James Brownlee‘ The Richmond Hill Skating Rim: will be open 20 skaters 1mm 7.30 to 10 p. 11)., during the season on BAND IN ATTENDANCE O'N SAT URDAY EVENING. MONDAY, For Sale on Lot 2A. Con. 2. Vaughan. One Cow with calf by her side. Applv to W. J. MGRTSON. J.L.IE\OSS. - - Manager. Note Formsfurnished free of chargeâ€"on application. A general Banking Business is trans- acted. Notes Discounted. Special attention paid to the collection of Notes and Accounts. Money advanced on Nuies Lnd Mort- [\1 oney gages fur ban-“war. Sale Notes cashed or taken for collec lion. BANKIERSS, GWEGE : YONGE ST.,AURGRA. BANK - OF - TORONTO LL 333M» 3%.; Among the various imprcvemems now badly needed in this city is agrt-nnd fluor ï¬re-proof opera house, a new city lnall, a better system of lighting the streets, :1 more rapid transâ€: for the citizens and a better ï¬re applianca in Case of llt‘CF‘SSlLY. The Chief uf Police should be on guard against. burglars, as they have visited our sister cities. That the weights and measures will be found currect, and that no license Will be granted withnut serious consideration. as there are many of our young people who may be had astray. \Ve hope the sewers will be kept clean and in gnoa condition, so the slurplua water may be Carried out of the cellars. Now, as the Council for this city has been elected by acclamation. which goes in show that the peuple of this place have thought them honorable men, and placed them in their various positinns without any npposition, we hopes that Hwy will be free from all dishonnruble dealings and boodling, land that they will seek lu fur- ther the interests vi the city. We hope‘the Mayor wxll [no]; h‘ the in- terest of his pocket-book, as well as the interest of the city, as they do in olher cities. That the aldermen will look to the interests of their Wards, as there is nppositiun [0 face them at the next elect Ion. If you want to buy or sell a farm ad- vertise in the Toronto Weekly Mail. That paper reaches 100.000 farmers hmues every week, and yunr advertisement. should meet the eye nf some nus who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are insvrted in the Turuntu Weele Mail for ï¬ve nuts 3 WUI‘J for each insertion. TWenly cents a word for ï¬ve insertions. Address The Mail, To- ronLo, Canada. Mrs. Thu Orillia, are v. bl-rhood, and place, spent Mr. D. C. S: Businesa is rushing in our neighbor- hood, in one line at, least. Our enter- prising butcheriug Company were a little late in putting out their shingles, never- theless they have done a pretty large trade, and next year expect to be right, in it. Any person needin anything done in that lineâ€"from a rabbit to an oxâ€"calmot do better than employ the company and outï¬t. T0 SKATERS. Uncle D. C. is busily engaged these days in drawing sand for his new barn which he purposes erecting next summer. Mr. D. Lynec is gerting in his year‘.wood. He thrashed on Tuesday, but his grain did not yield as well as could be de- sired. The average, however, was as good as his neighbors, and as good as the price After milking the cows thin evening 1 concluded that a few Items uf news from this place wmnld be of interest. to readers at Tm: LIBERAL. Sleighng is pretty good just now, and peuple are making good nan of it. They remember the old adage, “ make hay when the sun shines.†Cow for Sale. $2 BeWéï¬cï¬ Euuuxifï¬giufl Richmond Hill, payaqu at par on all the lea-ding points. VVEDNESDAY, SATURDAY Tlmrnton and Miss Hughes, of are visitmg friends in this naugh- advanced on Noles Lnd Mort- any length of time to suit. the Drafts issued on the ant to buy or sell a. farm ad- the Toronto Weekly Mail. reaches 100.000 farmers hmues k, and yunr advertisement. at the eye nf some one who urchase. Advertisements of Steele Dairy Town Sherwood Mr. Steele, from the same a few days with his uncle‘ Richmond Hm P. o his new barn next summer. in his year'.:sday, but his A. G. ELLEOTT, Highest prices aliowed for Butter and Eggs. None of your 10 or 15c.-a-1b.- stuff, which is not Tea at all, but ï¬ne japans, Young Hyâ€" sons,Ceylons and Indian teas. Fine blended teas, also sole agency ior the famous TAMILKANDE TEAS Doubleyfold Suiâ€"ting cloths, ior ladies, 300 per yd. and up. In Groceries we keep the best. Fine TEAS Great value in Biack Cash meres and colored Dress Goods. Our double fold Dress G0ods at 25 cts are un- matchable at the price. Our black and colored Mantle cloths at $1.00 peryd.,double fold, cannot be equalled. Cotton, Union and Wool Underwear. \Ve keep Boy’s Underwear in all sizes. This week in the following lines: Blankets,Flannels,Sheetings, Wool Shirtings, Shawls, Wool Tams, Hoods, Scarfs, Hats, Caps In fut, imitation fur, seal- ette &c. ’ 1243553 WERWATS. “3435?. Sllll'Sa Neat, durable and cheap. If you want a strong, service- able Boot,you can get it here. Ifyou want extra ï¬ne goods we have them cheap. The Granby make, both lined and unlined. Yes, we are going to show this week the contents of 3 Sample Cases, just to hand of Fine Footwearâ€"â€" Going SPECIAL QUOTATIONS Skating Boots BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, OVERSHGES, RUBBERS Going Geing THOS. - MEREQETH ~ 5;; - CO. . . XMAS. PRESENTS . . 1894: Geo. McDonald, - Richmond Hill. Withom doubt the very best Robe made far the money. No dyed imitation of fur but a genuine black hide robe, all one piece ; moth and weather proof. Also selling the MATASSAEA COAT, both coat and robes down in price, Can also supply ï¬rst- class fur goods of any kind cheaper than can be bought elsewhere You can save money by buying your an‘se Blankets, 'inee Rugs and Rober here. Light. and heavy sLable blankets from 50 cents up, HARE‘EEE‘Q' “gigâ€? I Harflware and. Emma Furnishings Try a bottle and you will not be disappointed. application 171 King St. 13., Toronto, It has no odor whatever. I! is lastclcn. II will keep lor any length of time. it is oroawmlcal. The small 5120 will colon 500 to 600 lbs. 01 Emu-r. , It will not color the buttermilk. RICHMOND HILL. HARDWARE - STORï¬ Farmers†8c Storekeepers’ Supplies. VWLKENS $5 PAINTS OILS & GLASS S 6% i 7 \\}501é§;1e (j 0 & Retéil g a, 1mporfers. Gives a Beautiful Golden Yelh 168 & 168 KING ST. EAST, TORDNRO. 40S. - MEREDETH “ 55:1, ~ 0 156 I§ING STREET, E... TORONTO. Next Door to Clyde E10450}. . D. DANIEL & (30., ROBES TRIMMED AND LINED in ï¬rst-class style. THOS. MEREDITH <36 00. And Fancy Wool Knee Rugs, cheaper and better than If in need of a Robe buy nothing but the Announce that their store is full of useful . . . . . . . . . . OUR I’lQIClL‘ 1553 BE B1243. THE NEWEST AND R RICIâ€"IDIOLVI) IIIIJIJ CH RISTMAS. FANCY WOOL BLANKETb, e import direct it FINE HARNESS A SPECIALTY. (3 Doors from George St.) Wholesale and Retaxl Drugglsts, Jersey Cum; Butter Stoves and Tinware, Glass and Putty, Skates, the latest make, cts. up; Chopping Axes 60 up; Cow Ties 15 cts. up; X- Saws. Table and Pocket Cutler~= all kinds of tinware made to. order. EST BUTTER COLOR MADE. g )kf, Sinlilar to that in the Highest Grades of Repairing promptly done. Manuf; Opposite Clyde Hotel Free sample bottles C. REASON acturcrs. (150., :Sm ever. 1894: given on