Delivered on shortest notice at reasonable ‘ prices. r Wm. R. Proctor, COAL, WOOD W. H. JACKSON, MAPLE Mr. W. B. Gramhavmg gone out of +119 busines in Maple, I am again p'cpared to Lupply customers on shortest notice. Postal notes promptly attended to. Maple Pump Winks [$3 ' 94 RICHMOND HILL. vim Llï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚e 5 ' the other ï¬nal article Englandâ€" rnnnn! AF ORDERS SHLECH'E'ED. $1.56 E35 m: MT WAS in April. ism, that the first number of the American Review of Reviews was : printed The new idea of giving the best that Was ins the other magazines in addition to its own brilliannorig. inal articles. took America by stonn,_as it had taken England-though the magazine itself was not at all a reprint of the English edition. lt deals most largely with Amencan affairs.) and 15 edited with perfect independence,» in its own ofï¬ce. The Review of Reviews is a monthly, timely in illustration and text, and instantly alive to the newest movements of the day, to a degree never before dreamed of. Thousands of readers who offer their commendations. among them the greatest names in the world, say that the Review of» Reviews gives them exactly what they should know about politics, litera.» ture. economics and social progress The most influential men and women of all creeds and all patties have agreed that: no family can afford to lose its educational value, while for profes. _ Stonal and business men, it 15' Simply " indispensable. T-he' departments are conducted by c‘areful' specialists. in: I. THE REGULAR DEPARTMENTS stead of mere scissorswietders, and 'Besides the special articles and char- . . . acter sketches of thrilling Interest and scores of immediatelyinterestmg por- Melina“ the Review 0, Reviews traits and pictures are in each number; ,1 Ms mesa rm," dmnmmm Annual Subtcrlpflnn. 5:.50 7‘ sample Copy. Io Cents. In “any: All thls explains why the Review of Reviews has come to 3 probably unprecedenled success in the ï¬rst three years of Its existence. For 1895 it will be more invaluable than even, Agents are reaping handsome proï¬ts. We give liberal commissions. Send to: term; Tm: I3 Astor Place. New York SLABS '33 RHIEWvREVIEWS AND REszworREwEwg Edited by ALBERT SHAW At the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon. all- and singular that certain parcel or tract of laud and premises situate, lying and being in the in- corporated village at Richmond Hill. in the County of York, contaihinq by admeasuremont seven eighths of an acre of land, be the some more or less, being composed ot village lot num- ber nine, accoxding to a plan of the said village made by Pet-er S. Gibson, Provincial Land Sui- veyor. uudregisiered in the Registry Oflice for the said County of York as ho. 481. and known as “The Dominion House" hotel property. On the property there is u. Brick Hotel. two stories and mansai‘d, with good stubliug and driving she-l. Ail the buildings are in ~good repair. This hotel is well situated on Youne street. in the Under and by virtue of the pnwees contained in acertnin mortgage, which: will be produced at the time of sale,,bhene will be offered for sale by public auction at the premises in the vi'luge 01 Saturday, February 2, 1895 The undersigned will he at the Palmer House, Richmond H111, on Monduv, JLu’y 28m, to pur- chase horses,from 1200 to 1600 lbs. The hcrses may be sound. and in good condinoul from 5 to 10 yeayfs 91d. The Annual Meeting of the shareholders of the Maple Creamery Co. will be held in tue-Masonlc Hall, M‘uple. on Thursday, :ho 24th of- )an’y next at {o’clock p. m. JAMES MC} EIL. ‘ CHAS. B. WEEK, Hï¬TEL PREPERTY The next meeting of tueC‘ommii-nï¬ the Munici pality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Vellore, on Vaughan Council. Monday, Jan. let, 1895. MONDAY, JAN'Y 21, ’95, Fhe next meeting of the Cmmci] of theTownship of Markham will be hold at Unionville on r to SALEM ECKARDT, I in me Jorld ‘5 magazines :an5 lumth mi; daily record 0! current tum; Aquanbitv of Turnsps and Caz-rots. Apply Horses Wanted 13 paid to the 119 and the b ‘r furhhé' ,Ie apply RICHMOND HILL, Clerk’s Notice. "Besides the special articles and char- acter sketches of thrilling Interest and- timeliness the Review of Reviews ï¬is these regular departments: The Progress 0! the World.â€"-An Mus":- ted editorial review ol in: month‘s events which thinking, alert men and womtn Ihould understand in their proper danniw V cane: and proportions. Wing Anlcles of the Monthâ€"This de- artment, and the succeeding one. The (Micah Reviewed. embody meldea on which the magaxine was lonndcd and named. All (ha! is beg in the other magazines. American and loulgn. is here bri ntly summarized. reviewed and quoted rom. Current ulster In Carlmtm chronicles the month‘s istory through the pictur- esque means at the Iucccsslul cartoons -that are appearing throughout the world. Other dtpartments review cartlully new book. give lists and indexes cl Ill ar|iciu in the world's magazines. and lumisha terse daily record of aurranl wants. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Elm: @dvrrtiseuwnw. In the County of York. on President. NOTICE :tmv Strayed A \V R At 11 o'clock n. m articular or cent. of the purchase money Vendor's Solicitors at the time lance \Vlthin thixtv days there JOHN STEPHENSON Clexli W at; 11 an J. M. LAWRENCE. Clerk A. MAROIS. Montreal am rronto St J. HALL. Builder, Richmond Hill. ProvinciaLLand Sur- Je Registry Ofï¬ce for L ho. 481. and known hotel property. 01) 12k Hotel, two stories stubliug and drlving a in good repair. This Youge sweet, in the iisbant about 15 miles mi has an establisned standing. It presenw 0 anyone desirous of ‘erms and con Uï¬iouville rlil JISTON at I??? if}? V‘x‘ Sec'y ne Cuntccï¬ouery. Oranges. ens. Nails and Fruit. Wedding Cakes on Shonhest Notice Will give to your hands and face that soft and silk like texture that is :0 much admired. Prepared by HUSTLER No. 2â€"- :WINTER BALM: BAKER & CONFECTIONER Richmond Hill. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. None to equal it for Hustling that. Cough that kept your friends awake last night TRY IT ! TRY IT! Best in the Market to hustle that Frog in your Throat. MAGIC COUGH SYRUP wm Hustle those chaps ofl‘ your hands W. A. SANDERSON, YOUR ATTENTION A MINUTE HUSTLER N o. 1â€" Special amusement: can he made for large sums left on deposit. I) A. RABCLIFPE. Manager. A cnmformble 8-roomed brickclnd dwelling. with large kitchen. Wondshed and stone cellar, situated 11) the centre of the Village of Ricu- mmzd Hill. nnur to High and Public schools, halls and churches. Size of lot 84 feet front bv 100 fees in depth. Enquire of the Proprietor of ‘PHHLIBER 1"; Sums of one dollax mm‘ upwards received on deposit and interest aflowed thereon {rum date a! deposit to withdrawal. J. N_ STONG. Woodbridge, Proprietor. Residence far Saie. THE WWW BANK AURORKï¬RANCH Richmond Hill. .I. J. LUNAET. Agent. Kleiuburg, August 29. 1 The \Vushcr purchased hum you is the (1 eat, cleanest and the easiest worked wash the market. No washhoards required Mm. ED. Mcun'rcm Is an 1894 machine, and is practically the ul»_1y \Vashing Machine in the market. I}. is [he la't'est, simplest, and best ma.~ chine up 10 date, and no house should be Wilhnut "he. PRICE,$5; Sold on approval luv") HILL, Agent, T11 moni A reduction in charge made to all eountpy pati The Siang Washenï¬m DENTISTRY 3 Progressive, Rimless, anfeat. NOTES DISCOUNTED. DIM/53 HELL MAGIC CUUGH SYRUP Sale notes cashed or taken tbr collection :flVINTER BALM: ana Banking omce, Yongo Street, Aurora. WHAT ARE THEY? SAYU‘IGS BANK DEPARTMENT fulluwing is among scores of testi “3 relative tn the Slong Washer: Gaherml Banking Business Done‘ ada Li‘fe Building, 'szszflers Proprietor. DRUGGIST, Gold Filling, and Crown and Bridge Work (Specialty). HIGH CLASS WORK ONLY AND MODERATE CHARGES. M. F. SMITH, DENTEST, [NB OF Markham. The largest Dental Ofï¬ce f, 29. 1894. the quick; washer 1n 40m- men’s and children’s Plain Overs!) all kinds. In boat and Sims lea? Long Boots in men’s buys’ youths latest styles and patterns. Fur qn est in the market. Also Ladies’ G men's Seamle been c; in the boats. In men’s Waterproof Felc Talescn' Russet Felt boots, men’s Lung Felt 1 men’s Hose, four diï¬'erenf grades I Seamless Wool boots, men’s Snow been cnrefully selecied from the best in the Dominion. Also an extensive boats, Felt Gaiters, Felt. Slippers, W of Rubber Gouda. In Men’s Pure ( men’s Sandal Rubbers, Ladies Storm Ey Rubbers. men’n Overshoes in Sn Arrived and arriving daily at Savage’s from the best Manu- facturers m the latest designs of Furniture, in Chairs of all kinds, Tables ol all descriptions, Sideboards, Lounges and Bed Room Sets of the latest pat~ trens and designs and will be sold at less than Toronto prices. in Wallpaprrs, Ceilings, and Bordering‘s L0 match we can’t be beat in price or design. Groceries and Canned Goods on hand. A specialty of Paints, Oils, Varnish, and Window Glass of all sizes,Paint Brushes,and Ready Mixed Paints in all colors, and will be sold tor cash only. P. G. SAVAGE THORNHILL . . . , General Agent Co. York Bioney to IJoan on {{eal 13 state. Head Ofï¬ce, - Toronto. A SOLE) CANADIAN GGMPANY. Surplus or. Policy-Holders’ account at 3Ist of December, _ ‘ . 1893, $164,598.65. Pohcres absofuteï¬y rrzcomeqtable aiter ï¬rst year. No re- strictions as to occupation, resid‘eme or tmveis. MANWBTURERS iEFE Ei‘éSEflRéï¬SE 33. 1W I N TER FOOT IVE/1R H‘J-I BRANCH SCORE. 446 Yonge street, just b All Tobaccns and Cigars W1“ be sold at same prices as at, L \Vall Cigar Store. 167 ustom work a speci DON’T FORGET THE ADDRES 87 1-2 KING ST. EAST, CHRISTMAS GOODS Oil Men OR THE BRAN( astener 167% and C and Wome Good Black Chewing, ................ 35¢ per 1b. IOC McDonald chewing, reduced to 80. per plug. 25c T. & B. Plug for ......................... v ..... 213C :06 Derby Plug for ................................ 18c IOC “ “ ................................ 8c King AIJ§E() ROBERT SIVERS’;J Ant: convenience of our custumePs in KING STREET EAST, TURDNTU H. M. BROWN. dovan, Si ilt Edge. eats, consistent w GRAND OPENING OF specialt; promptly and Practice in C Street West, jUS'J.‘ ARRIVED AT 445 Yomggg T0110 m0. ante ears, W Pure ( Storm in Sm ility and price yon'will ï¬nd these ranby and men’s Goodyear Rubb d Braid- pe boots, men‘s Felt Art-i6 Buckled boobs, men’s Boots, half fox, tour diaerent grades of Lumber- nf men’s Stockings, men’s Hanover Standard Flake Merino Wool Bums. These goods have L manufacturers, n [in excel in this particular line. a stock of Ladies Winter Foot \Vear. F'er Lace Vulnen’s Skating bums‘ felt lined. A full stock IN S'K‘OCIK acku Pegged and neat] kntu in and i't'h the distance travelled. anada. e north we hnve npen bclow College sheet, mu: celebrated Hole TORONTO 0 button sale price a the che npened {up 3 Mat, there imihe-