If you enter such a city by a waterway through an arched gate in the wall you see many pleasure-craft,called “play-pidgin‘ boats,†of glass and lacquer and gilt work, and wherever there is a stone bridge will be seen a streetâ€"of the dead walls of dwellings that show no windows or no long rows of shops. wholly open, or disclose a little fanciful railing ending with a carved lion's head, to separate the public from the shopkeepers. The shopping streets are best worth a visit. Every shop has its signs hung across the , street or perpendicularly before it. The number of shops for the sale of seals, made of wood or white meta1,brass or jade-stone, surprises a stranger. The impressof a seal is as important there as a written signature is v here. The number of tea-shops,wl:ich corres- pondto our bar-rooms,is also prodigious, but they and barbers at work while the customers drink. The display of vegetables isgandy, and the cooking of cakes almost PERFUMES ENTIRE CITIES. In the stores for the sale of silks or cloth- ing or cotton goods one sees the stock on shelves, but in most shops very little is displayed. Customers must ask for what they want. And the worst goods are al- ways shown ï¬rstâ€"either because they bring the greater proï¬t or because it is de- sired to get rid of them. One needs great patience to get at what a merchant has to sell. Sometimes he shows his best stock only after many visits to his shop. The jewelry stores are splendid repositories oi beautiful things, but the best one I saw in China displayed nothing but a counter and a few score boxes. There are almost as many places for women’s hair as there are seal-shops. The fan-shops and the lantern shops are as strange to the eye as they are attractive. In the shops the merchants generally keep themselves in the background, beside an ink-slab and brush or a cup of steaming tea. The clerks do the work, as you see when ou notice the long curled-up ï¬nger nails of t e master and the heavy jade-stone ring , pon his right thumb. Thus men cripple, )‘their right hands to give proof that they do not need to work. Itis fun to l01ter in adrug-storo to watch 5 the making up of prescriptions, for they are i apt to call for dead beetles, dried snakes, toads stretched on frames, eyes of insects, and everything that can be suggested by the ignorance of the most backward pro- fession in China. Yankee clocks and lamps are sold in many shops, and so is kerosene oil. Cofï¬ns are the basis of a tremendous trade, and there are plenty of shops given up to the sale of red candles and tinsel- paper money for use at prayers in the temples. All the shops display braziers kept supplied with live charcoal tor the use of smokers, who light wisps of paper at the coals. 'l hese braziers are of a thousand shapes and sizes, and where one is missing there is sure to be a coil of smoking punk. The furniture shops are in use is teak, and weighs like lead. These shops are either- show nothing but tables and chairs r selling ornaments for' mmseii. And With no prospect of help be- fore him he began to feel that life was a burden and he had no desire to live. Twc physicians attended him,but after exhaust‘ ing their powers Mr. Elliott was told that ' “if he had anything he wanted settled he had . better attend to it at once,†the last doctor telling him he could not be cured. To an Argus representative Mr. Elliott gave the above facts and said that after having suf- fered a great deal of pain, and notwithstand- ing he was told he was incurable, he deter- , mined to try Pink Pill treatment, and purchased a dozen boxes of the renowned 'Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, Inside of three weeks he began to feel the effects of the pills and now most emphati- cally declares that they have made him as well as he is to-day. When he started taking them he was not able tohelp himself in any way, but during the past fall he took up the potatoes in his garden, and can now do all the chores around his house. This is a wonderful change in a man who spent l months in a chair unable to help himself or I even to lie down and who was told by phy- zsicians that his case was hopeless, and it is another trophy added to the many victories of Ur. Williams' Pink Pills over disease. Dr. VVilliams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing speciï¬c for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neural- ‘ gia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe; palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, all diseases depending upon vitiated humors in the blood, such as sorofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a speciï¬c for troubles eculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. in men they erl'ect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are manufactur- ed by the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing their trade mark and wrapper printed in red ink, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Com- pany from either address. l irresistible to strangers,until they discover that the wood The beds are like the four posters of our grand- Worth Securing. The Dr. Williams Medicine 00., of Brock- ville, Ont., have the reputation of issuing the handsomest pamphlets put out by any proprietary medicme house in Canada, and one Just issued under the title †Four Gen- erations of the Royal House of England†1 bears out this well earned reputation. The louver is a Work of art, and gives well exe- cuted portraits of Queen Victoria, the Prince of Wales, Duke of York, and the infant, Prince Edward of York. The con. tents will also be found interesting from cover to cover. A copy of this hanilsmm pamphlet will be mailed free to any of cm readers who Will send their address (plaiiil) written) on a post card to the Dr. William: mothers, with the sidés nearly all encclosed and carved, and backed by silk. wherebn men, women, and children are at work,\or are sleeping or eating. There are floal‘ting shops for the sale of ï¬sh and beskets’end vegetables, rice, nutsâ€"every- thing. ll'bere are the famous flower-boats, all gilt and satin behind their carved exteriors 'with their showing of painted and powdered girls and divans and drink and pipes. The population is like that Of an antâ€"hill, or the hold of an emigrant steamer. Over the tops of the boats on one side are seen the city well, and its edging of grass dotted with huts of mud and bam- boo, and with graves that roughen the surface like the mounds of prairieâ€"dogs. On the other side are the shops of the outer city, all open to the waterway, at the tops of stone stairways, given over to crowds of men, eatin2,drinking tea, shopping,selling, buying, idling, or rushing about. ‘ '5treeu min Five to Mac Feet Wideâ€"No Carrlgére Roads and No Carriagesâ€" Ncm‘ly Evertbody Vanks. To imagine a Chinese city you must try to fancy both city and country walled in ogether; dense city and green ï¬elds and groves side by side Within a long, gray bat- tle men ted wall. You must fancy the enclos- ure dissected by canals as well as streets, and the streetsmust bepictnred as only from ï¬ve to nine feet wide, says a writer in Harper’s Weekly. Astherearenocarriageroads,there are no carriages. The rich ride in Sedan chairs, high above your head, on poles laid on the shoulders of coolies. The ordinary folk ride on wheelbarrows, if at all, and nearly everybody walks. lhe travel out- side the cities is by boat, therefore there is nearly always a good-sized city at each point where a waterway joins the moat that surrounds the walL The jam, the awful crush, at one of these gate cities (if it is beside a large city) is beyond de- scription. Boats are there as thick as cut trees on alogging stream. Juuks, flats, chop-boats, express-boats, kickaway boats, eampans, and flower-boats all lie in a seemingly endless huddle, with just a narrow, shifting thread of a passage through the mass. The shouting, the clatter, the dim of yelling, distract atten- 'on from the delicate steering your men In st do to work their way through the ma 5. In the thick of the flotilla are Been The young lady who is unequal to conversation is only safe when she conï¬nes herself to yes and no. Thus for, she may not be especially interesting, but, she at least, keeps out of trouble. One such girl. who seemed to be interested in naming “ in the heavens above or the ea.th beneabh," was one day left alone with a gentleman, who found the greatesbdif’ï¬culty in keeping up the conversation to what he considered a desinbbe level. 4 A TYPICAL CHINESE CITY. He thought, helplessly of that other \FLOATING HOUSES AND SHOPS, So Interested Our readers will remember that over two years ago while Mr. Gideon Elliott, James street, St. Mary’s, was teaming ashes he was thrown from a load and received such severe injuries to his spine that he was un- able to walk or lie down in bed. He suf- fered great pain in his back. For long months he lived night and day in a chair, not able to do the slightest thing to help himself. And with no prospect of help be- fore him he began to feel that life was a burden and he had no desire to live. Two physicians attended him,but after exhaust- ing their powers Mr. Elliott was told that l “if he had anything he wanted settled he had better attend to it at once,†the last doctor telling him he could not be cured. To an Argus representative Mr. Elliott gave the above facts and said that after having suf- {ered a great deal of pain, and notwithstand- ing he was told he was incurable, he deter , mined to try Pink Pill treatment, and 5 purchased a dozen boxes of the renowned 'Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, Inside of three weeks he began to feel the effects of the pills and now most emphati- cally declares that they have made him as well as he is to-day. When he started taking them he was not able tohelp himself 1 in any way, but during the past fall he took up the potatoes in his garden, and can now ‘ do all the chores around his house. This is a wonderful change in a man who spent l months in a chair unable to help himself or I even to lie down and who was told by phy- isicians that his case was hopeless, and it is I another trophy added to the many victories I of Ur. Williams' Pink Pills over disease. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing speciï¬c for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neural- ' gin, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la. grippe; palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, all diseases depending upon vitisted humors in the blood, such as sorofuls, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a speciï¬c for troubles r eculisr to females, such as suppressions, irregularities, und all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. in men they eifect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. The Dr. Williams Medicine 00., of Brock- ville, Ont., have the reputation of issuing the handsomest pamphlets put out by any proprietary medicine house in Canada, and one Just issued under the title “ Four Gen- erations of the Royal House of England†bears out this well earned reputation. The cover is a work of art, and gives well exe- cuted portraits of Queen Victoria, the Prince of Wales, Duke of York, and the infant, Prince Edward of York. The con- tents will also be found interesting from cover to caver. A copy of this handsome pamphlet will be mailed free to any of our readers who will send their address (plainly written) on a post card to the Dr. Williams Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are manufactur- ed by Lhe Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Onb.. and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing their There was a noble way, in former times, of saying things simply,and yet. saying them proudly.â€"Irvmg. l “ 1.3 it, tru1y 2†she asked, with enthusiasm. “ How very glad I am to see it I" How different are the feelings that take possession of one as they read the particu- lars of some great railway or steamship disaster where scores of lives with whom we have no acquaintance have been lost, and reading the particulars of the runaway of a span of horses attached to a carriage from which one of our acquaintances has been thrown and killed. In the former case, although the lost of life has been great, you say " Isn't it terrible '2†but in a law days the affair has probably passed from mind, while in the latter instance months after you could recount the minutâ€" est particulars of the runaway. And so it is when we read the particulars of cures really remarkable, but because we are not interested in the person restored the facts are soon forgotten. But when a case can be submitted right at home, with which a large number of our readers are familiar, it will, we are sure, be of special interest and carry conviction. sustainer of a forlorn conversational hope, who tried one subject. after another, with no result. The other man could not talk, but afteradomu topics had been vainly broached, he brightened, and said, “ Try me on leather !" What. in this present case. could the young lady's “ leather†be ? Where did her interests lie? At length the discouraged man had recourse to nonsense. A stuï¬â€˜ed bird was set up in one corner of the room, and he mentally clutched at; it, for inspiration. “ Do you know what. kind of a bird that is 2" ha asked. “ No,†she said. “ I fancy it's an albatross !" “ Really ?" “ Yes ; and very likely the one that was shot by the ‘ Ancient Mariner.’ †The young lady leaned forward with a pretgy semblance of interest. Observe. Fora delightfully refreshing beverage, and aquick cure for sick headache, and derangemencs of the Stomach and Liyerâ€" “ Dunn’s Fruit SHine" IS USRIVALLED. It; An Accident at St. Mary’s with Al- most Fatal Results. The Victim Sufl'ered For Monlhs During which Tlme he was Fol-Md to Sit In a Chairâ€"Ills Case Finally Pronounced Ilopt’le‘ssâ€"IIOW Ills Restoranon was Brought About. (From the St. Mary's Argus.) especially keeps the 'l‘nrOat; clean and healthy. Doctors recommend it. because u. xs a PURE PRODUCT of Salts of Frmt, Soda and Potash. Through a“ chemists and stores. Whham G. Dunn dz Co., Worksâ€"Croydon, London. A CALAMI‘I‘Y AVERTED. GANANQGUE DRY EARTH CLOSET . . . Hood’s Cured Bcrofula In the Neck-Bunches All Gone Now. Dernlqnen t'ly {311qu $15 39% El E $5543“ w: 2‘ a; éi'rcutars'. "THE LINTEN'iNSTITUTE " C. I. Hood 6; 00., Lowell. Mass.: "Gemlemenzâ€"I feel that I cannot say enough In favor of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. For ï¬ve year: I have been troubled with scrolula. in my nect |nd throat. Several klnds of medicines which I tried did not do me any good, and when I com- menced to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla there wen large bunches on my neck so sore that I could Hypocrisy is the necessary burden of villainy ; sï¬'ectation a. part of the chosen trappings of folly.â€"-Johnson. Get Rid of Neuralgla, There is no use in fooling with neuralgia. It is s disease that gives way only to the most powerful remedies. No remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment of Pol- son's Nerviline. Nerviline is a positive speciï¬c for all nerve pains, and ought to be kept on hand in every family. Sold every where, 25 cents a bottle. Charlatans and Quaeks Have long plied their vocation on the suf- fering pedals of the people. The knife has pared to the quick ; caustic applications have tormented the victim of coma until the conviction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor proves on whatslender basis public opinion often rests. If you suffer from cows get the Extractor end you will be satisï¬ed. Sold everywhere. “not bear the slightest touch. When I had taken one bottle of this medicine, the soreness had gone. and before I had ï¬nished the second the bunches had entirely disappeared." Bmcnn A'rwoon, Sangervilie, Maine. As soon as we have discovered the need for our joy or sorrow we are no longer its serfs, but. its lordmâ€"Lowell. N. B. If you decide to take Hood’s Sarsapa- r1113, do not be induced to buy any other. Hood’s Ping cure constipation by restor 'ug me peristaltic action 01 me alimentary canal Sheet Metal CciEings. Term Cotm Tile, Red. Black and Green Rooï¬ng Slate. Mom Cor- nices. Felt, 'I‘m‘, Rooï¬ng Pit/‘11. Eiv. 'illncra, Downpipes, 810.. supplied Lhe Lradr . Telephone 1936. Adelaid & Wulmer Sts‘ TORONTO. The last appeal of the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto for homes for boys brought into them a. large number of ap- plications. But the little boys bet/Ween one and seven years old have been entirely for- gotten. The Society hue some beautiful little fellows between those ages (and knows of some babies) for whom it, wanta adoption. Address the Secretary, 32 Confederation Life Building, Toronto, Ont. It. is only a poor port of happiness that could ever come by caring much about our own narrow pleasurea.-â€"-George Eliot. Homes For Little Boys. ______ a," - The Bordeaux Claret Company have I Leon Water. over twenty thousand dozens of Claret, years, and cc Burgundy, Sauterne, Ports, Sherries,which tor and the n they are offering at, $3 and $4 per case of I t‘inent. Owi 12 large quartg bottles. All guaranteed pure, sound, and imported directh‘om the vineyards of France and Spain. They are not common washed-out. wines but are old, rich, generous, genuine fruity Wine;sold on their merits only and not on a. label or brandâ€"brandolatary will soon be a. thing of the past. Nearly every swell family in Montreal have tried them and will now use no other. All ï¬rstâ€"class physicians recommend them. Our cellars are open to the public and we guarantee satisfaction. Ask your wine merchaub or grocer for them, or address for price list Bordeaux Claret Company, 30 Hospital St.,MontreaL Telephone 139-}. Give a. boy address and accomplishments and you give him the mastery of palaces and fortunes where he gownâ€"Emerson. G. DUTHiE & SGNS The very afflictions of our earthly pil- grimage are presages of our future g ory, as shadows indicate the sumâ€"Richter. Hood’ssséfï¬fa Cures SLATE SHEET-METAL, TILE & CRAVEL ROOFERS 'LUOEI . . . ! PRICE $5.00. MANUFACTURED av CAN. GEAR COMPANY French Treatyâ€"Blond Making Wines‘ WINES FOR EVERYBODY. Others Failea Sangervme. Maine. The Leavill Det pet will take then double and less p: other way. Send for circular te>timonials. etc. HORNS Craig Street, BlmureaL After Every home should have one. Endorsed by all Doctors and Scientists. S. S. KIMBALL. 65 Shutcr St., Tox'éuto. Dehorniuz ( ,hem of with 3 pain than MUST GO. price, :lip- less any Leon Water. I have been using it. for some years, and consider it, a wonderful reguls- tor and the most perfect water on this con- tinent. Owing to the very uncertain con- dition of our city water I very rarely drink it. preferring to buy Sb. Leon, rather than risk my health in drinking water the purity of which is nearly always questionable. James G. Giles, 834 Yongeatreet. Toronto. The long-standing dispute between the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway Company and the city of Toronto relative to the Espla- nade has been seLLled in a manner perfectly satisfactory to both parties. 1 take pleasure in adding my testimony of Lhe good effects I have received from St. snleying the Farm- ers. th Gardeners. the Florists and the Horticultural Specialists in all > portions or 11L“ llnmiuion. with our seluctcduml rnlvnbln stocks of Seeds for the Field, the Garden 331‘! the Green- house ; and year may may men- orders come to us M regularly In the Sonar-m, so that. the people‘s trnsr, is to us 2; must, valuable possow sion. Our Seed Catalogue l'c-v 1395i?! now Nady and will be mailed free to all who apply to For nearly half a. century we havr‘. been Catalrh Use Nasal Balm. Quick, posi- tive cure. Soothing, cleansing. healing, John A. Bruce 8: Co. Whata Prominent Merchant Says Bibles in Canada. all sizes and pnce Terms liberal. Write for circulars. WILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher. Toronto Ontano. FOR the latest and best llne of Books an Great North Western Telegraph Company 01’ (LANA!) A. Way to spend a winter is to attend the Northern Bus!- uess College, Owen Sound, Out. All who would like success in life should prepare for it. Send for Annunl Announcemem~~frcc. C. A. Fleming, Principal. Direct and exclusive commotion with the otï¬ces of the Weatcrn Union 'l'elegrnph Com- papy in the Quiged ' nd Canada ,4. n. ,, r For centu supp]; ‘ era. ‘ the P Horticultural Spa porti :hi or 111-“ Him .00†in number); also through Canadian Ter- ritory, with the Anglo-American. Direct; and American cables to Europe and Countries beyond; and direct connection with cables to \Vest Indies. Central America, South America and Bermuda Islands with pale or sallow complexions, or suffering from skin eruptions or scrofulous blood,will ï¬nd quick relief in Scott‘s Emulsion. All of the stages of Emaciation, and a general decline of health, are speedily cured. Scott’s takes away the pale, haggard look that comes with General Debility. It enriches the blood, stimulates the appetite, creates healthy flesh and brings back strength and vitality. ForCoughsColdsï¬oreThroat. Bronchitis. Weak Lungs, Consumption and Wasting Diseases of Children. Sendfor aur pamplzlzl. Mailed FREE. .. 9“ Scotti: balms. BBIIeville. All Druggists‘ THE IMPROVED WALTEE? EAKER &. GU. pin Indmn‘olubié, :ï¬d c319 lea M m can: a can BOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. Anamic Women WALTER BAKER 8o 00. DORCHESTEB. MASS. * Unlike the Dutch Promâ€, no Allu- lien or other Chemicals or Dye: m mod In an of their re ant-dons. Their delicious BREAKEAS _ COCOA a I may HAMILTON, ONTARIO Emulsion AGENTS WANTED .l) M EIICIIA NTS CUCUAS 'ANH CHUCULATES The Largest Manufacturers of i1th Chickens by Steam. Amoluwly mlf-resnlntinc- Tho simplest. most mutual andcheapestflrstâ€"clms Hatchet 1n the market, ammmee. GEO. mm. a 00., London. Ont. ï¬ln Europe and America. Fungflgca 93mg ELO'n this Continent. have received w HIGHEST AWARDS Industrial and Food EXPOSITIDNS THE INCUBATOR Better :his 5.2aer man :ver. Evermch EVOI‘Y Jcaier 59.115 them. .I‘bev mar .ike iron fl-om the put A. P. 746 50c. 0:. 8L SAUSAGE GASINfl poFié‘e‘if‘Engï¬â€˜Ã©i Sheep and Narrow American Hog Casings at right prices. Park. Blackwell BL Co.Ltd. Tor‘nto sale, in Wood Trimmi Machine. at & pargaiï¬qa CHARLES NE CHER. Cleve- 13115, Ohio. "Ciiy 73nd, CBï¬ï¬ty. Fin-Lune for 73663. Agents. Address. I). L EVANS 8: CO., 274 College St, Room 12 Toronto. Ont: Schillcr’s Sarsapamla Pills. WEAK NE RVOUS ? TIRED ?SLE EPLESS? PALE LO ODLESS ? I'HIN , DYSPEPTIC? Have you tried them 2 No! Then do so at once for they always cure. What ‘I The most palalable. thg most relinblq. the sat- C7ou'p, thoping Cough, Catarrh And all affections of the Throat and Lungs The cheapest and best remedy for Catarrh cold in the head. etc. (25 cents a tube.) Dr. Laviolette’s Norway Tar Liquor Concentrated. The great Blood Puriï¬er (only 250 for large bottle) cures all maladies of the skin and mucous membranes. from youruDrnggglst or Gyoger. _w!;o can Dr. Laviolette’s SYRUP [1F TURPENTINE â€"‘e:t‘8'J:IdFEi170 313% Eï¬cgémruis’ remedy for N Coqghs, Cglgs, Btoncbitis._Lo_ss_oprice "Iiï¬Ã©dfé’tï¬Ã©ï¬â€˜hï¬zï¬ iuiy Wholesale house Or direct from the proprietor Arc you but I get sax of them for a. quarter. L J.GustaveLavioletteM.D. 232 85 234 St. Paul 82. Montreal It's no because‘ I’m Scotch but you canna smoke a better Cigar than They make weak nerves strong, promo sound, refreshing sleep, aid digestion restore lost appetite, are perfect blood and/leslt builders, aud restore the bloom of health. Sold by all druggists 500“ per box, 6 boxes $2.50. Rob “ROB BUY,†gists.â€~ "i5â€" 'â€" _ Infvgxï¬'con" 2"" “MM‘ and 13 the ï¬gs-teéouzegqllnd Croupuggn. u They cost 5c. THECOOK’S BESI FRIEND Roy Cigar Dr. Laviolette’s Anti-Gatarrhal Balm DUNN’S BAKING POWDER K. H. SGHELLER & 60-. TORONTO ,ij ALUABLE CANADIAN gATENT 1m- 'Gn'cizs-r SAL: IN CANADA. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS EMPIRE TOBACCO 00., Mon-rush; ArjfrEDâ€"plgFIcE MQNAGERjn ever! Qwoééirimginz Largest Sale in Canada. ASK FOR THEM you need the [1A