Prof. Hadley, of Yale. is charged with 'being a. Maltbuaian, because he commends the prudent man who works hard, invests wisely and does not. marry till he knows he can support. a. family. Joseph Sharsburg, of hazelton, Pa†who has lived in a cave near that town for sev- eml years, has been informed of uhe death of a. relative in Germany who has left him a fortune valued at $500,000, The Jewessea of St. Louis have formed the Sisterhood For Personal Servxce, a. charitable organization which will care for che poor at their own denomination and educate their children. Baroness Ida. von Barnekowpf San Fran- cisco, has left. for Germany, Where she will look up a fortune which is said to have bean left her. She claims to be a. granddaughter of Countess von Moltke. At. Washington a bill was introduced in the House appropriating $1,000,000 to pro- vide a. suitable residence for the President of the United States at the head of Four. Leentb street. The body of James R. Uurry.ex-sherifl of Greenwood, Ind., has been stolen from its grave. Mr. Curry died from an ailment which the physicians could not. understand. Mr. Strong, of New York, has been pre- sented with a. looking-gloss framed in old mahogany. which belonged to Mayor \Vil- lard; the ï¬rst Mayor of New York City, who was elected in 1665. The ï¬rst. strike in the history of the Act- ors’ Protective Union of America. took place at, Brockbon, Mass†the other day, but the strlkers were out; only one night, the dis- pute being arranged satisfnctorily. Mr. W. Clarke Noble, the sculptor, will make a. bronze memorial of the late Bishop Brooks, of Massachusetts. for the Church of the Incarnation in New York, of which the Rev. Arthur Brooks is rector. The Bethlehem, PA, Iron Company rel. ceived the whole contract. for the armor f0 Russia’s two new war vesseis. The contract calls for over 13,000 tons, and means a full year’s work in the armor department. Arizona made train robbery a. capital offence, punishable by death, and it is said not, :a. train robbery has occurred in the territory since the enactment of that law. Chief Justice Mattesonpf Rhode Island, has given an opinion in a. case involving the rights of married women to enter litigation, in which he holds that a. married woman can be sued withoutjuining her husband. The San Franciscans are apprehensive that the commercial supremacy of their may will are long be challenged by the city of Los Angeles, which is growing rapidly. An old rubber boot. was dragged up in Tangier Sound, Maryland, last week with ï¬fty-two young oysters on the outside of it. and a. large toad on the inside. Holmes county, Miss., is excited over Zhe discovery of a large bed of ligniue, or brown coal. Its width In one place is ten miles, but its thlckness is not stated. Professor Delos Fall and R. Clyde Ford, of Albion College, Mich., will lead a party of students into the wilds of the Hudson Bay Territory next; summer. A mad dog had full possession of the streets of Salem, N. J., for two hour! and bit; sixteen persona, seven horses and a score of dogs before it was killed. Judge Henry, in Kansas City, recently decided that a. man must) pay his wife’s debts, even if he be suing her for divorce. Residents of Anderson, Ind., are signing a petition for the pardon of George Shabnler, who was convicted of murder thirty years ago. Nathan Haskell Dole, of Boston, is agi- tating the question of the esmbliahment of a. chair of Russian language and literature at Huvard. A bill has been introduced in the Missouri Legislature prohibitmg life insurance com- panies from taking risks on children under seventeen years of age. Another big whaleback steamer for ocean trafï¬c is soon to be built; at, Everett,VVash., where the largest vessel of the kind afloat was lost a few weeks ago. The New York Central Railroad Com- any has annnounced that it, will issue no ore stop over tickets. eer cannot be shot at any time in Cum- ber . nd county, Maine, and a man was ï¬ned $40 for violating the law. And ew Carnegie’s daily mail of begging epistle would be large enough to give busi- ness to ï¬x rural post; oflice. John itzgerald, ex-President of the Irish National League of America, died at his home neafl‘ Lincoln, N eb., aged 65. TEX-Senator Edmunds is said to be confer- ring thh prominent Episcopalians on the subject of building a. cathedral in ‘Nashing- ton. James Hunbon,trensurer of Lyon county, Nev., was found dead at. his home 111 Day- ton, on Monday, having been shot, in the head. Francis Mnrphy,the temperance lecturer, is about to go to Europe to delivar a series of addresses. $51M UNCLE SM 18 AT. New Hampshire yields most; of the mica produced in this country, and no great, quantity at that. Nelghhorly Interest In “ls Doingsâ€"flat- ters of Moment and )llrtll Gathered from Ills Daily Record. Emerson, Neb., has one brick building. Thomas Stilf is an undertaker at Jersey City Heights. Chicago has twenty-two general and six- teen special hospitals. Sandow, the strong man, wss robbed of all his jewellery at. New Orleans. The cultivatedlnnds of the United States only occupy 289 acres of each 1.000. Archie Gordon, the newspaper man who wrote “ The Ugly Duckling," is dead. A law curiosity-gleaner claims that there 2E6 500 open caverns in Edmonson country, y. Hog cholera is raging near Eldomdo Springs, Mo. One farmer has lost; seventy- ï¬ve head. The United States patent ofï¬ce is up to date with its work, for the ï¬rst time in ï¬lteen years. ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE. Shark Took the Ship's Log as Bait. The log and part of the line of the bark John J. Marsh, now discharging a cargo of salt at Philadelphia from Ragged Island, is believed to be in course of digestion ID a. shark’s stomach. The Marsh was beating her way north through the Bahamas, the home of the man-eaters, when a. pull almost strong enough to bring the vessel to a halt Was felt by all on deck. In looking aft the line was seen disappesring down the throat of a big shark. As the log is made or cop- per and weighs several pounds,it is probably by this time making the sea monster feel somewhat uncomfortable. The Dr. Willisms Medicine 00., of Brock- ville, Ont., have the reputation of issuing the handsomest pamphlets put out by any proprietary medicine house in Canada, and one ]ust issued under the title †Four Gren- erntions of the Royal House of England†bears out this well earned reputation. The cover is a Work of art, and gives well exe- cuted portraits of Queen Victoria, the Prince of Wales, Duke of York, and the infant, Prince Edward of York. The con- tents will also be found interesting from cover to cover. A copy of this handsome pamphlet will be mailed free to any of our readers who will send their address (plainly written) on a. post card LO the Dr. Williams Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Lovers of flowers not rich enough to buy often have various ways of prolonging the life and freshness of the few they get. Vio- lets may be kept fresh if keptin fresh water and covered overnight with a tumbler. Most flowers will retain their freshness for several days if kept overnight in the open air. Any one possessed of one of those delicate French clocks that have to be covered with a glass dome cannot do better than sell or pawn the clock, usually an object of neither use not ornament, buy flowers from time to time With the proceeds, and use the glass dome as a. protector for the flowers at night. It Will keep them fresh for days. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, and restore shatter- ed nerves. They are an unfailing speciï¬c for such diseases as locomotor ataxia. partial ypsralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neu- ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after efl‘ects of la. grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostrstion. all dis- eases depending upon vitisted homers in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic ery- sipelas, etc. They are also a speciï¬c for troubles peculiar to females, such as sup- pressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and restore the glow of health to pale and ssllow cheeks. In men they eflect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses or whatever nature. Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills are manufactur- ed by the Dr. Williams Medicine 00., Brockville, 01112., and Schenectady. N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing their txade mark and wrapper printed in red ink, at 50 c. a. box, or six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Company, from either address. and 1 tell into a state at chronic poor health, which completely unï¬tted me for my ordinary work. I was really dragging out a. miserable existence. I suffered for over seven years from a con- stant, pain in my stomach, as well as from weakness and continued dehility. I tried many stertised remedies which I thought might. be suited to my case, but without relief. I at length decided to try Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills. I soon fer the pain in my stomach relieved, and after I had used Len boxes the pain was entirely éone and I now feel like a new man. I can now work half a. day at a. time without, fatigue, and as I am still using the pills I conï¬dently expect, as I have every right, to do from the great results thus far, to be able to do my work as formerly. I am 57 years of age, and before the attack eight years ago, I always enjoyed good health. I have stored my experience to many people and invari- ably recommend a. trial of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills." The above is the substance of Mr. Lamb’s story, to which the Monitor may add that; we consider him a reliable and trustworthy person who would make no statement which he did not: know to be correct and truthful. An Important Statement From 3. Well Known Farmer. A GREY COUNTY MIRACLE. Tells the Story nr Eight Years or Sur‘ («ring and ann Emu-ts lo Regain Healthâ€"flow This Great Boon WM Fin- ally 0hlaln0d. Keeping FIOWers‘ Worth Securing. rd Monitor STAMMERING 3 tiona‘a S circular Sheep mid Nan-07w "Kr righnprices. Park.Blzu WILLIAM SAUSAGE GASINQSEETS'. Hood’s Sarsaparllla Gave Perfect Health. The following letter is from a. well-known merchant tailor of St. George, N. B.: “ C. 1. Hood 8: 00., Lowell, “ Gentlemenâ€" I am glad to say that Hood’s Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills have done me a great deal of good. I had a severe attack of the grip in the winter, and after getting over the fever I did not seem to gather strength, and had no ambiilon. Hood’s Sarsaparilla proved to be just what I needed. The results were very satisfactory, and I recommend this medicine to all who are afflicted with rheumatism or other amictions caused by poison and poor blood. I always keep Hood’s Sarsaparilla in my house and use it when I need a. tonic. We also keep Hood's Pills on hand and think highly of them. ’ J. W. Dy KEMAN. St. George. New Brunswick. Hood’s Pills are purely vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all druggists No Strength, No Ambition I take pleasure in adding my testimony of the good effects I have received from St. Leon \Vater. I have been using it for some years, and consider it a wonderful regula- tor and the most perfect water on this con- tinent. Owing to the very uncertain con- dition of our city water I very rarely drink it, preferring to buy St. Leon, rather than risk my health in drinking water the purity of which is nearly always questionable. James G. Giles, 834 Yonge street, Toronto. Catalrh Use Nasal Balm. Quick, posi- tive cure. Soothing, cleansing, healing, The extreme cold of the poles is mainly due to the fact that the Arctic Ocean is certainly, and the Antarctic Ocean prob- ably a land-locked sea. For every widower who marries a wzdow‘ there are 11 who espouse maidens. Hacd’ssï¬ï¬â€˜mCures Have long plied their vocebion on the suf- fering pedals of the people. The knife has pared to the quick ; caustic applications have tormented the victim of come until the conviction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor proves on whatelender basis public opinion often rests. If you suffer from come get the Extractor and you will be satisï¬ed. Sold everywhere. Get Rid of Neuralgla, There is no use in fooling with neuralgia. It is a disease that gives way only to the mash powerful remedies. No remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment of Pol- son's Nerviline. Nerviline is a positive speciï¬c for all nerve pains, and ought to be kept on hand in every family. Sold every where, 25 cents a bottle. When a fellow’s best girl calls him a. perfect poem he should be careful. Many a perfect poem is rejected. Adaâ€"“Is Jack Ragers a. talkative man ?†Helenâ€"“I’ve been trying for two years to make him speak.†Observe. Fora. delight/fully refreshing beverage, and aquick cure for sick headache, and derangementa of the Stomach and Liverâ€" What a Prominent Merchant Says. “ Dun‘n’s Fruit-Saline" IS UNRI’VALLED. II; especmlly keeps the Throat (216le and healthy. Doctors recommend it, because it is a. PURE PRODUCT of Salts of Fruit. Soda is a. PURE PRODUCT of Salts of Fruit. 8‘ and Potash. Through all chemists and stores. William G. Dunn & Co. Worksâ€"Croydon, London. The Bordeaux Claret Company have over tWenLy thousand dozens of Claret, Burgundy, Snuberne. Ports, Sherries,which they are offering 83:33 and $4 per 0533 0f 12 large quart hoLLles. All guaranteed pure, sound, and imported direct: from the vineyards of France and Spain. They are not. common Washed-out. wines but, are old, rich, generous, genuine fruity wine;sold on their merits only and not. on a. label or brandâ€"brandolabsry will soon be a thing of the past. Nearly every swell family in Montreal have tried them and will now use no other. All ï¬rst-class physicians recommend them. Our cellars are open to the public and we guarantee satisfaction. Ask your wine merchant. or grocer for‘ them, or address for price list Bordeauxi Claret Company, 30 Hospital St.,Montrea.l. ‘ Telephone 1394. FORï¬he latest and best im‘: of Books an Bibles In Canada, an e: and pnce 'l‘ermsliberm. Wriu-f -irru!:ut=. The Army Appropriation Bill, carrying 23,000,000, has passed the U.S. Senate. French Treatvanlood Making Wines After the Grip WINES FOR EVERYBODY. Ghanatans and Quaeks AG EN 'I‘S “'AN'I‘ I“) I) Jilr. J. W. Dykeman St. George, New Brunswick. tem libcmh “'rih» fur win-umrs'. BRIGGS. P‘Cblisher, Toronto Ontario. THE LINTE adv Shuter ‘ermqnenuy nCC :S I ‘I’l‘ U 'l‘orou t. Tl‘ cured or‘n LC Tm- ‘lish 's at for but I get 51:: of them for a. quarter. It’s no because I’m Scotch but y o u c a n n a. smoke a better Cigar than “HOB ROY.†V, ANTEDâ€"OFFICE MANAGER in every City and County. Fortune for good Agents. Address, D. A. EVANS 8: 00., 274 College St.., Room 12 Toronto, Ont Don't Tobacco Sp" or Smoke Your Life Away is the truthful. startling title of a book about No-To-Bac, the harmless, Euamnteed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves. eliminaws the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength: vigor and manhood. You run no physical or ï¬nancial risk. as Noâ€"Toâ€"Bac is sold under guarantee to cure or money re- iunded. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co..374 St. Paul Sn. Montreal. Rob Address the Secretary, 3'2 Confedetration Life Building, Toronto, Ont. The last appeal of the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto for homes for boys brought into them a. large number of ap- plications. But the little boys between one and seven years old have been entirely for- gotten. The Society has some beautiful little fellows between those ages (and knows of some babies) for whom it. wants adoption. Smdférpamphlzl an Statt’: Emulsionâ€"Fret. Scott & Bovme, Belleville. All Druqalsts. 60c. & $1 stimulates the appetite, aids the digestion of other foods, cures Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis,and gives vital strength besides. It has no equal as nour- ishment for Babies and Children who do not thrive, and overcomes Any Condition of Wasting. For all the ailments of Throat and Lungs there is no cure so quick and permanent as Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil. It is palatable, easy on the most deli- cate stomach and eï¬ective. LitItle Petâ€"“AI'isn’t. My ‘tummick full.†WALTER SAKER 84. [30. put; aha solubié. and 66:1: 1&5."th Eric'cénc a cup‘ SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER 89700, DURCHESTER, MASS. An Obedient Child. Motherâ€"“ My goodness 1 Are you 31‘. that candy again? I told you nobtoeat cagujlypnvan empfy stpmaph." They cost 5c. THECOOK’S BEST FRIEND t' (11' TOIKONTO (Menxon 15 paper) out. . Noteâ€"All enterprising merchants in every town in Canada sell our seeds. All enquiries answered See our Catalogue The Steele, Briggs, Maroon Seedco. ' ‘a BriE‘AKijAs'y COCOA {5‘ ubaolmi? “ What of “ 'landy.†EMPIRE TOBACCO 00., MONTREAL Get them sure or send direct to In. LXRGEST SALE IN CANADA. or write us FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS RUBERS Coughing. 0 you Want Homes For Little Boys. Scott’g Europe and America. UUCUAS 'ANfl CHOCOLATES The Largest Manufacturers of wankich GRADE 9n Unlike the Dutch Process. no Alka- lies or other Chemicals or Dyes It. used in an of their Ereâ€"211:8 ' m. .m, . 62. "A". . Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS .011 this Continent, have recalved HIGHEST AWARBS Better :his emsor. man ever. Evervbudy wmnos them EVnry dealer selis them. I‘hev Wéar .‘ike Iron. Wing from the great eeds 747 Schillcr’s Sarsaparilla Pills. WEAK NERVOUS? TIRED , SLEEPLESS? PALE BLO ODLESS? I'HIN . DYSPEPTIG? They make weak nerves strong, promo sound, refreshing sleep, aid digestion restore lost appetite, are perfect blood and flesh builders, and restore thebloon' of health. Sold by all dmoggists 506“ per boas, 6 boxes $2.50. J. Gust-ave Laviolette, ï¬ll). 232 & 234 St. Paul St. Montreal- Arc you GERARD??? DRY EARTH CLOSET . . . For two years 1 have been suï¬â€˜ering horribl’ from a. severe attack of catarrh, and after having tried many remedied without success. one of my friends recommended to my notice Dr. Laviolette's Anti-Catarrhal Balm. To- day, thanks to this excellent remedy which I used in conjunction with Dr. Laviolette’s Syrup of Turpentine, I can say that I am per- fectly cured. I recommend it to all those who are troubled with catarrh as the best and most eflicacious preparation that exists. and I have to thank you. doctor. for the great good and perfect cure your remedies have effected in my case. There’s No Use Talking I For sale at. all druggists. Anti-Catawba] Balm in metalic tubes. 25c each. Syrup of Turpentine, 250. and 500. per bottle. See that. the pignnture “J. Gustave Laviolette" in red ink is on the label. Certain sure for flatarrh Found at last ! 3usiness COIUSC'TS Vthfe £67. in Cmda. u; guaranteed. C. A. FLEMING, Principal. Sheet. Metal Ceilings. Terra Cotta. Tue, Red. Black and Green Ronflng Slate. Metal Cor- nices. Felt. Tar, Rooï¬ng Pimh. Etc. Gutters. Downplpes, &c.. supplied the trade. Telephone 1936. Adelaid» a Wldmer Stu. TORONTO. thorough instruction as the Non-mm»; BUSINESS COLLEGE. me Sauna :horthand Course includes Shorthand, Tyyewriting, {Eusinss XVriting, adeBusipeis Leger lVï¬tlng.‘ 0n: Head (Miceï¬ing St. W.,Toronto. G. DUTHIE & SONS St. Leun SLATE, SHEET-METAL, TILE & GRAVEL RQOFERS MANUFAOTURED BY 0AM. GEAR COMPANY K. H. SCHILLER & 00.. TORONTO 25cm, 50st; and 3L0) Bottlo. - One cent a dose. Itis old on o L' " ts. It cures mimem Consumption Einsth best Couzh and. Group Cure. ‘ Sole Proprietor St. Leon Water ass. medicinal agent is the greatest success on the American continent. The proof ofthe pudding is in the eatin , and people who have used St. Leon ater testify to its marvel- lous healing properties. Write us for testimonials and experh opinions of this Water, which, with valuable infor- mgtï¬qnnwill _be [naileq fre: of charge. Sold hotels. Mlle EMELI E AYOTTE 55 St. E'izabeth Street, Montreal. you need by all druggistgr grbéeï¬â€™rénd Mineral Water Cm, Ltd. Every home should have one. Endorsed by all Doctors and Scientists. PRICE $5.00. gate?