‘ The Wounded man was hurried to the hospital, and while on his way there was possessed with a. sort. of mania. for swing- ing his right arm. It, could not be‘ held. He was speechless, but understood every- thing said to him. When he was placed on the operating table it was thought he would die before the longitudinai sinews could be stopped from bleeding. He went through e Lrephining operation, hoWever, and was p 3‘ to bed. -‘ u- '1' x Toward night partial paralysis of his ar send. legs set. in. bum he regained the pow r oi speech And called for his mother. At t, at time he said he was not suffering pun. ‘During the night he was restless, but to ards dawn he took a bowl of beef tee. F om this time on he became strong- er. the Epower of motion of his legs and arms canine back to him and his mind was perfectly clear. He could talk, but with difï¬culty. His temperature was normal and his pulse remained all day and up to 8 o’clock at night: in the condition of a per- fectly well man and there was no inflam- mation in the wound, and at last accounts there was no indication of fever setting in. nan Recovering Aftcr Ills Bram had Been Severed by a Snw. Of all an eculiar and interesting cases the sow. , of Puget Sound havs sent to Seattle, none competes with that of Horatio Stetson, an engineer in Stetson 8: Post’s mill, whose head was out half in two the other day by a rip saw. Stetson was the engineer and also assisted his brother in ï¬xing the machinery in the saw-mill. By chance the mill feed belt. came 03, and Stetson stepped under the table to ï¬x it. He ran his head against the saw. and in less than the twinkling of an eye his head was cut across the top just in front of the ears. The saw went down into the brain fully three inches, t. e point of exit on either side of the bead being on n leVel with the top of the ears. Stetson crawled out from under the table, and Wes grabbed by his brother, who clapped the two pieces of his head together. The brother says that “blood and brains were coming from his head. which looked as if it was falling apï¬jn)’ .. . ....‘ “ I can’t drink with you,†said the other sadly, “ but I will tell you a story. I have not been home for two years, either. but that is all there is in common with us. I was married to a loving women, but mis- treated her. Not intentionally, but I drank and drank no matter how Itried not to, until, unable to get a position in my own place, and having lost all my friends and credit, my wife went back to her father’s and I started out to make a fresh start. Even then I could not straighten up, but a year ago I took my last drink. It was natural that my fabher-in-law doubted me, and so. in spite of my reformation, he made it a. condition that 1 should not again claim my wife until I had been a sober man for a year, the alternative being thetif she le't his roof she should not return if 1 relapsed. [ had not faith enough in myself to reject zhese terms,so I worked hard and waited. I was expected to-morrow, and, satisï¬ed :hat my reform was genuine, I should have oeen received with open arms, restored to ny wife and to the respect of my friends, with every prospect in life opened up to me afresh.†And Then me Other Man Declded not to Drink. There was an episode at the Toronto Union Station the other day which passed unheeded save by the principals. A young man was seen on whoss face exuberance of joy was plainly written, and who could hardly refrain from making everybody else rejoice with him. He took a sear. next to a melancholy looking man and tried to engage him in conversation, but it was uphill work. Finally he said: “Stranger 1 want to tell you something, seeing that, we’re both waiting for a train. I am going m get married. I have been away from home two years, and now I am going back to the old folks, and to-morrow I am to be married to the girl I was engaged to when I left. Come and take a drink with me. I feel so good I want; some one to feel good with me and I don’t. know anybody here. Come on and let’s have something.†Up to this point the young man had spoken under great; strain, bub without shedding a tear. There he broke down and, pulling a telegram from his pocket, he let it ï¬nish the story. It read as follows: Mary killed in a runaway. Come at once. †The prospective bridegroom quietly stole away and left the widower to his grief. He did not tske a drink, either. According to the technical description of the wound it commences on the top of the head end in entering the brain cut the ï¬ssure of rolando. This section of the brain is supposed to Afl‘ect the power of motion, the truth of which claim is borne out by the manner in which Stetson acted on his way to the hospital. Many phy- sicians do not wonder at his being alive, but they are mystiï¬ed at his being possess- ed of all his mental faculties, and retaining the control of his limbs, having a good appetite and being perfectly normal in all other conditions of his body. The Dr. Willie-ms Medicine Co., of Brock- ville, Ont., have the repumnion of issuing the handsomesb pamphlets put out by any proprietary medicine house in Canada, and one Just issued under the title †Four Gen- erations of the Royal House of England†bears out; this Well earned reputation. The cover is a work of art. and gives well exe- cuted portrails of Queen Victoria, the Prince of Wales, Duke of York, and the infant, Prince Edward of York. The con- cents will also be found interesting from cover to cover. A copy of this handsome pamphlet will be mailed free to any of our readers who will send their address (plainly Written) on a. post card to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Little drops of water, Freezing on the walk, Make a man who steps there, Indulge in naughty balk. The Slippery Season. HIS HEAD SPLIT. TOLD HIS STORY, Worth Securing. Maura-lain Made Ills Life Miserableâ€"Many Remedies Were Tried lu "anyâ€"Al Last Roller (Juno â€"â€"IIow he Oblnlm‘d II. From The Canadian Evangelist Hamilton. A member of the siafl of The Canadian Evangelist in conversation recently with Mr. Robert Hetherington,who lives at No. 32 Railway Avenue, found him very out spoken in his admissions as to the beneï¬t he had derived from the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and anxious that their good qualities should be made widely known. He is so thankful for the good he received from them that he says he considers it his duty to let others know what Pink Pills have done for him. Mr. Hetherington was a. severe sufferer from neuralgia for about seven years. It bothered him very much ‘ in the head, arms and legs, and the pain I was often so excessive, and the soreness sol great that he could scarcely walk. He‘ tried, as a matter of course, to ï¬nd re-l lief. and in doing so tried mnny so-called remedies, but none of them were of any beneï¬t to him. In August inst his attention was called to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and he determined to give them a. trial, and procuring a. supply began their use. ln‘ about two weeks he found himself much relieved and found the pains disappearing, and after using Pink Pills for a few weeks longer every vestige of the pain had dis- appeared. and he was as well as ever. Mr. l Hetherington has refrained from making any public statement before, for the reason that he wished to be convinced that his cure was complete, and he is now satisï¬ed upon this point. In reply to a question Mr. Hetheringwn said he was satisï¬ed that his present condition is due en- tirely to the use of Pink Pills. Before beginning them he had discontinued other medicines. and when he found them helping him had continued their use until he felt that he was fully cured. He further re- marked that he now felt like 9. new man, “Formerly,†said he, “ when I got up in the morning I was so stifl and tired that I could hardly walk, while now 1 get up feel- ing fresh and ready to go to work. 1 have not felt any of the pains sincelnst Septem- ber, and I wouldn’t again suffer for one day the pains I formerly endured for the price of tweigy boxes of pills." The Peculiar Experience of a Hamil- ton Man. ‘ Dr. Williams’ Pink Pillsmay he had of all druggiacs or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont†or Schenectady, N. Y., atï¬fty cents a. box. or six boxes for $2.50. Mr. Hetherington is not the only member of the family who has expexienced the beneï¬cial results of Pink Pills. One of his daughters, a grown-up young woman, was quite ill for a month or six weeks, and after a course of Pink Pills is again fully restored to health. Dr. Willinms’ Pink Pills have a remark- able eflicacy in curing diseases arising from an impoverished condition of the blood, or from an impairment of the nervous system such as loss of appetite, depression of spirits. anaemia,chlorosis or green sickness, general muscular weakness, dizziness, loss of memory, locomotor ataxia, pï¬rï¬lysis, sciatica. rheumatism, St. Vitus’ dance, the alter effects of la grippe, scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a speciï¬c for the troubles peculiar to the female system, correcting irregularities, sup- pressions and all forms of female weak- ness, building anew the blood and re- storing the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of any nature. These pills are not a pnrgative medicine. They contain only life-giving properties, and nothing that could injure the most delicate system. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the ï¬rm’s trade mark and wrapper (printed in red ink.) They are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred,and any dealer who offers substi- tutes in this form should be avoided. Ask for Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale Poo- pliand'reiuse all imitations and substitutes. SEVEN YEARS OF SUFFERING Causad by Inflammatory Sweninz A Perfect Cure by Hood’s Sarsav parllla. “It affords me much pleasure to recommend Iood's Sarsaparilla. My son was afflicted with great pain in the joints, accompanied with swelling so bad that. he could not. get. up stairs to bed wlthout crawllng on hands and knees. I was very anxious about him, and having read Pains in the Joints so much about Hoods Sarsapzlrilla. I deter- mined to try it, and got a. half-dozen bottles. tour of which entirely cured him." MRS. G. A. LAKE, Oshawa. Ontario. Hood’s Pills act easily, yet promptlv and efï¬ciently. on the liver and bowels. 250. Cold in the headâ€"Nasal Balm gives in mm relief; speedily cures. Never fails. A. P. 748 Hood’sszféï¬laCums Be sure to get. Hood’s Sarsaparilla.‘ ï¬ANklEA/(E Oshawa, Ont. plieations. But the little boys bebween one and seven years old have been entirely for- gotten. The Society has some beautiful little fellows between those ages (and knows of some babies) for whom it, wants adoption. Address the Secretary, Confederation Life Building, Toronto, Ont. Have long plied their vacation on the suf- fering pedals of the people. The knife has pared to the quick ; caustic applications have tormented the vintim of cows unbxl the conviction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. Putnam’s'k’aiuless Corn Extractor proves on what slender hasis public opinion often rests. If you suffer from corns get the Extractor and you will be satisï¬ed. Sold everywhere. Adaâ€"“Is Jack Rogers 9. talkative man?†Helenâ€"“l've been trying for tWo years to make him speak.†When goirvxk from a' warm atmosphere into a. cooler one keep the mouth closed, so that. {-he air may be warmed in i‘ts pgw sage through the Hose before it. reaches-the lungs. Fora delighm'ully refreshing beverage, and aquick cure for sick headache. and derangements of the Stomach and Liverâ€"â€" “ Dun‘B’a Fruit. same" IS UNRIVALLED. It especially keeps the Throat clean and healthy. Doctors rec_omnyend 1:17L bepaufelt is a. PURE PRODUCT of Salts of Fruit. Soda and Potash. Through all chemists and stores. William G. Dunn & 00., Homes For Little Boys. The last, appeal of the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto for homes for boys brought into them a large number of ap- Worksâ€"Croydnn, London. Merely warm the back by the ï¬re, and never continue keeping the back exposed to the heat, after it. has become comfortably warm. To do otherwise is debilitating. Get Rld of Neuralglw There is no use in fooling with nauralgia. It; is a disease that, gives way only to the most, powerful remedies. N0 remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment of Pol- son’s Nerviline. Nerviline is a positive speciï¬c for all nerve pains, and ought. to be kept. on hand in every family. Sold every where, 25 cents a bottle. When hoarse speak as little as possible until the hoarsenese is recovered from, else the vo‘ce may be permanently lost, or difï¬ culties of the throat be produced. says she Sb. Louis Joumal of Agriculture in an editorial about No-To-Bac the famous tobacco habit, cure. “ We know of many cases cured by No-To-Bnc, one, a prominent. St. Louis architect, smoked and chewed for twenty years ; two boxes cured him so that; even the smell of tobacco makes him sick.†No-To-Bac sold and guaranteed no cure no pay. Buck free. Steriing Remedy 00., 374 St. Paul Sm, Montreal. After exercise of any kind never ride in an open carriage or near the window of a. car for amoment. It: is dangerous to health or even life. 1 Lake pleasure in adding my testimony of the good effects I have received from St. Leon Water. I have been using it for sdme years, and consider it a. wonderful regula- tor and the most perfect water on this con- Linent. Owing to the very uncertain con- dition of our city water I very rarely drink it, preferring to buy Sc. Leon, rather than risk my hes.th in drinking water the purity of which is nearly always quesoionable. James G. Giles, 834 Yonge street. Toronto. What a Prominent Merchant Says It’s no because I’m Scotch but you canna smoke a better Cigar than but I get sax of them for a quarter. “RUB BUY,†Sâ€"h-eza; Eridâ€" ï¬zï¬â€˜ro'w; lï¬eiricaï¬ Hog Casinés at rightprices. Park.B\ackwel\ 8c Co.Ltd. Tor‘nto GANANQEUE RY EARTH CLOSET . . . SAUSAGE CASINGSE nices‘ Fell Downpipe G. DUTHIE & SONS See our .Catalogue All enquiries answered Thes‘eele, BriggsMarconSeedco. M :' thl oRONTo ( en non spaper) '1‘ on." . Note~All enterprising merchants in every town in Canada sell our seeds. The} cost 5c. SLATE, SHEET-METAL; TILE & CRAVEL ROOFERS MANUFACTURED av CAN. 0 Telephone] You Don‘t Have to Swear Off, Sheet. Metal ( Get them sure or send direct to un- or write us EMPIRE TOBACCO CO., MONTREAL. Charlatans and Quacks 0 you Want Observe‘ , Rooï¬ng L’lt/‘h. me. Hunters, . supplied the trade. :6. Adelaid &Widmer 5128 TORONTO. ilings R iving ooï¬ng J ï¬ng m Every home should have one. Endowed by all Doctors and Scientists. PRICE $5.00. eeds AR COMPANY -â€"-F‘inest Im- Qormd English mm. Tile, Red‘ 0. Metal Cor. Etc. Gutters, pliehtionï¬ The Bordeaux Claret Company heme arns unbll over twenty thousand dozwa of Claret, here’s no Burgundy, Saunerne, Ports. Sherriea,which Ext/“'10?†they are oï¬ering M53 and $4: per 0586 0f Cusmmerâ€"“You fellows ought to get rich. You make 300 or 400 per cent on what you sell.†Druggistâ€"“What can I serve you with 1’" Customerâ€"“Gin me three Lwo.cent stamps." 12 large quart bobbles. All guaranteed pure. sound, and imported direct. from the vineyards of France and Spain. They are not; common washed-out Wines but are old, rich, generous, genuine fruity wine;sold on their merits only and not on a. lkbel or brandâ€"brandolatary will soon be a. thing of the past. Newly every swell family in Montreal have tried them and will now use no other. All ï¬rst-class physicians recommend them. Our cellars are open to the public and we guara‘ï¬tee satisfaction. Ask your wine merchant or grocer for them. or address for price list, Bordeaux Clam! Company, 30 Hospital St.,MonbreaL Telephone 1394. and rapidly growing children derive more beneï¬t from Scott’s Emulsion, than all the rest of the food they eat. Its nourishing powers are felt almost immedi- ately. Babies and children thrive on Scott's Emulsion when no other form of food is assimilated. a useful, progressivd, pmsperous andisuccesszï¬l Eiï¬zén, by taking a. thorough Business or Shorthand Course at THE NORTHERN Busmcss COLLEGE. OWEN SOUND,ONY. \5 rite for Announcement to C. A. FLEMING, Prin'l. WILmAM BRIGGS‘ Phblisher. Toronto Ontario. stimulates the appetite, enriches the blood, overcomes wasting and gives strength to all who take it. or Coughs, Colds. Sore Throat, Bron- chitis. Weak Lungs. Emaeiation. Con- sumption. Blood Diseases and all Forms of Wasting. .Smdfor pump/£1223 Free. Scott & Bowne. Belleville. Au Druggisls. 50c. A $1. tipnal by :4 Le elrcuiars. | W TO TAKE YOUR _ PLACE As, STRMM ANTED-~OFFICE MANAGER in every City and County. Fortune for good Agents. Address, 1). A. EVANS & 00.. 274 College St. Room 12 Toronto, Ont WALTER BAKER 8:. 60. Unlike the Dutch Procels. no Alka- ic- or other Chemical 0r Dye; ll" K wed in an of their preparation. The" delicious BREAKFAS&‘ COCOA u nbsoluhly pun Ind wlubln. md cost: (an that one cent a m. There’s No Use Talking z French Treatyâ€"Blood Making Wines. BOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE- WALTEH BAKEHJB £0. DURCHESTER, "Ass. St. Leon Water asamedicinal agentl ' ‘. - [r v' - is the greatest success on the American ’ mat,†of war)?†ode†(ml of mm continent». The!)er oi the pudding is r EX CES E5 in the entin r, and people who have used 3 9r body’ 0 S of any M St. Leon. ater tesgify to itgs marvelâ€"I fure. T/Ley res/ore Nervous Enera) lous healing properties. Write us for; ‘5 testimonials and experu opinions of reZz'Eve Brain 1112' e aid Di exlz'or this water. which, with valuable infor- f g“ I g mation. will be nmil>d free of charge. Vextore [03f Appetite, 15712771016 50167“ Sold by all druggists, grocers and . hotels. 'efreshmg Sleep, and are a per/2a Si. Leon Mineral Water $0.. Ltd. BloodandFlesh Builder. Head oilichlingSt.VIZ/Toronto. K. H. SCHILLER 8t 60.. TORONTO "OR the latest and beat. him of Books an Bibles in Canada. all sizeï¬ and prlce Terms liberal. ngte for clrculars. THE COOK’S BEST FRIEND FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS WINES FOR EVERYBODY. LARGEST SALE m CANADA. GRANY RUBBERS Emflsion AGENTS WANTED Scottls abies DUDUAS 'ANU DHUCOLATES The Largest Manufacturers of Permanently cured by Linton's Educa- zn. No advmace fees. Wri e for THE LINTEN INSFITUTE. PURE.7H§cIA-I GRAD_E_ EXPOSITION8_ In Europe and America. Industrial and Fund 0:: thin Confluent. In" recdvcd HIGHEST AWARDS Better Everv dc 65 Shuter St“ Tordnco. from the great Ills the . . . . . THE...... Great North Western Telegraph Company OF CANADA. Printers at Newggaper Outsidea and mm as, The Best Printe and Newsiest in Canada. Saves 50 per cent. to Publisher. Facilities uni surpassed for all kinds of News per Prinsing Write for Prices and arms. Direct and exclusive contraction with the ofï¬ces of the Western Union Telegraph Com- pany in the United States and Canada, (over 21,000 in number); also through Canadian Te} ribory. with the Anglo-American. Direct and American cables to Europe and Countries beyond; and direct connection with cablea as West. Indies. Central America. South America and Bermuda. Islands THE IMPROVED Edliod b A. 3. VOO'I'. Organist Jarvis St. 15: Church. Toronto. Prion, Single Copies,$1.00; PerDoz.,$10.00 PUBLISHED BY the Wilson Publishing Co’y. TORONTO, CANADA. 01 Tina 65115513771?"ch beat:eco£nshpand Crotm can. . WHALEY, ROYCE &. :53 yous: 5mm. - TORI It Always Cures 232 :3 23% ST. PAU L STREET, Dr. Laviolette’s SYRUP 0F TURPENTINE From your Druggist or Grocer. who can procur.n it from any wholesale h'mse 01‘ direct from the proprietor ANTHEM W0 RRY T0 PUBLISHERS ! SGHILLER’S SARSAPARHLA Are a pertain z'n’ufgorator for the victim of war/y, overstraz'lz of mind or body, or EXCESSES of (my na- fw'e. T lzey res/ore Nervous Elle);S reZz'Eve Brain ï¬zz‘zgrue, aid Digestion, Vestore lost Appetite, promote .wmmz', refreshing Sleep, and are a perfect Blood and Flesh Builder. L GUSTAVE LAVIULETTE, M. I]. MON 376$! 0175mm by all drun- .1_x__. n____. ,_,,.. A ?0UGHs, COLDs, BRONCHITIS, HOABSE- NESS, Loss 0? VOICE, GROUP, WHOOPING COUGH, ETC., Era, Weaken: t/ze Nerves. [mpaz'rs the Digeslz've Organs. USED WITH INVARIABLE SUCCESS NR [1er that’s what kills a man. It Wearies the Brain. STAN DARD Bio. EBTEL a: 00., mm». ASK FOR IT JUST ISSUED. Hatches Chickens by Stunn- Ahsolumely self-resuladuh The simplest, most nibble. and cheapest ï¬rst-class Hatchet In _the market. grown-agree. BOOK. VIGTBB INCUBATOR TORONTO, ONT. Pills K