Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Feb 1895, p. 1

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AT THE LIBERALPRINTlNG & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. VOL. XVII. THURSDAY MORNING '1‘. F. McMAHON. DR. LANGSTAFF. ‘\ RICHMOND HILL. 8 (0 [0 a. m.: and 6 to S p. W. J. WILSON, M. D., RICHDIION D HILL, Ont. Aurora. Ismsithr. 16th,; ud Rich mud Hill .,...9$h n.11(' (at the Palmer House) Stour‘iville .. .V .. M ukhmu ‘. Mt. Albert . AN no lurid-40 Kleinhurg «I Ileana .. [rt-“isms Gum Applimtious used whim required (Sara: your Cheap Teeth 0! Robinson. W. ROGERS, HENTBT, Grmiuate of the Ontario Veterinary College. with diploma. from the Unmrio Veten’uury Dermal School. will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p. m. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of hurst auntie and other domesticat- ml animals treated by the latest and most ap- VETERINARY SURGEON pfoved methods A Store 20x44 ft. with dwelling attached 24x2 1b., to team in the V‘lluge ur Uninuvine. In tn shone lLl‘: show win laws, 7 ft. square. 4 counter »-1 518.35 my a umber. The buildings n‘re Lw stories. with 1:11:11 (-eiliuus. Cellar uudernem ~-1 518.35 my c stories. with 11 use house. Sh feet. Located nest. office, the age. Pussessi Apply to Uniouvmc‘ 02 Star; & Dwelling: $1 per annum, in advanCc. ‘6 Glazier, Grghwr and E RESIDENCE Address A ROBINSON SIolOm.m.: 6108p. A little east of Parkrlale stat-inn, over W‘ Collina' snore. corner uf Queen and Northcote Avenue, BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, a]; HE‘WifiGN, W'au Vi’l‘fiblZflZ} $1.? “@3119 fiihml don TORONTO TO RENT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY OFFICE HOURS 0F VICE“. “011 RS Emma. dz Pnormn'ron HOUSE PAINTER, USED BY Dr. A. luuhinson. t. lick-1691 mama. 313 rtcrizmry . McElroy, 3n can be .EKEELE, umber. The lmjldmgs g1] ceilings. Cellar nu re-house for feed uwl gr benween Webber's h tel best bllsiues's stand in SURGEON DESTXST 9911 mm 2.1m Va akcr & luwcllcr. ~~LÂ¥D â€"-â€" imam]. H: an: 14th 28:11 29th ‘Bnth 22nd. 15th gar L.D.S. Alll‘O! a. Ont RICHMOND HILL SALEM E( H M uncfi it Sunday. 2156 of each mouth (it) ' do do do I)! each month do other Staple { “3“ IKARDT LI' und the the vu- :ezlmsmmw Haw, HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, 62c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. M. TEEFY. NOTA RY PUBLIC. Toromo Ofiiceâ€"No.x5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill OffiCe optn every Saturday. A G F LAWRENCE LAWRENCE & ORMISTON. WONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Mmamr d? GollectiominCity and (lountrv promptly attended to. Money to loan I'm-onto Officeâ€"34 B nl: of Commerce Buildings, :9 King Street West. I‘homhmOfficeâ€"Posl Office every Wed- nesday from 10 to 12 a. m. Telephone 2984 License“ Ancciouoer {or the Counties of Yoxk Untano and Peel. Goods sold on consignment Genaralsulefi 0 stock. em, promptly attended to acteaaonublerahes; P. 0. adj}; Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York,re- specttuuy solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest notice an“! a rensonabe rates. P._0. admaas King J C STOKES ROBINSON, LENNOX & MACLEOD Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York times attended to on shortest notice and at reu- snnahle rates. Patronage solicited. Residence Mr. T. Earhart chmnx will be at Kelly's Hl‘teL Richmond Hm awry \‘Veduesduy,for the trum- aa-m'ru of business. Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘ounty of York. General sales of impleme' ts, turnimra.standing timber. eta. ntteurled on the shortest no‘ice and at reusnuable rates. Patronage solicibed. P. 0. address Maple. Every accommodation to guestn. Board. 31. var day THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. This fine hot?! is fitted up with all the modern Appliances for health and comfort. Best brands uf liquors and cigars. Sample rooms for com- mercml travellers. 'Buaaes meet all trains. {cums $1.00 per day. Having zefltted the above house I am prepared to turn .5‘) the hestaccouwmodumiuu to boarders and the :rlvelling public. )Se‘st hm. .ls n‘t‘ Inquqrs and Cigars. Excellent strlblin; for (‘01): necuou Funeral [“lIIfll‘i RICHMOND HILL. A - CALL - SOLICITED. 9.0. S. LINDSEY BABBIST"BR, SOLICITORS AND NOTAI‘JES J. B. EHLLER LINDSEY & lINDSEY, Pacific Buildings. 23 Scott St. Toronto, vandal-takers ck E nubnlm ors. E. Lam”, Mififlfi EWQ‘EEB” Barristers. solirnors, &c. TORONTO AND AURORA. Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries and (louveyaucers. 158 mm; STREET EAST. Toncxro RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14-. 1895. bbm. 11s of quum's and Cigars. Excellent 11;: anu efficient hustle”. Sample _xomus mmercialmeu Fix-stroluss Livery m cun- MISS C, HARRISON, $ MESS - MAKER-,1 Barrisfers, Solicitors, 8w. WRIGHT BROS, Slosz d: Blougla. COMMISSIONER IN THE J. D. Readman, Salvm Evkardl MAPLE J. T. Saigeon, 35mm. “It; Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” “'M. RICHARDSONl Proprietor JOHN KELLY, Proprietor W S UBMISTON, L L B fiywmm hangs Alwayso E‘ J. B. DUXCAN LYON LIN DSEY UNIONVILLE Mon ey to Loan D BLOUGE We have only tn lmuk at the Ofiicial Gazelle, ptlhlishrd [v day, lu learn why Ihe gnvernnvent is anxious fur an appeal to the people before the Miniamr uf Flâ€" nnlme is I": “Sell :0 declare M the House the deplurnble conditilm of tlm finnncvn of the enumry. His pnflihml is made all the more emharansmg by the speech he made in palliament on the 27d] of March, last session, when he tuld lhe Hunse lhub m the face or declining revenue me gnv- ermuant would practice l’lgld economy and retrenchment. In 3 recent letter I quuted his remarks and whar he lnld the Hunse. If ynu have it. by yuu it is really Worth ruadinu over again, If fur nothing more than m me how he has lied cn y'm. Let us luuk at the Ufl‘icial Gazette. It shows that the result nf the past seven umnlhs’ financiering hears nu cvrdence of ecnnulny, but, mlher nu the other hand' dn we find that reckless expenditure “em on IIIUI‘H rapidly than br-fma. The tutal revenue during the seven ummhs ending 315i. hf January last. was Sl9.255‘832, while the expenditure reached $20,130,- 200, Hllnwillg a dehcic of $875,376, where lHuL year them was n. surplus at $2,022,. 665 in the treasury at this time. This statement, «herzfore, shows lhar we are just $2,898.02?) worse. on" than we) were (in the 313', (If January, 1894. That rrpreseuts the shurtaue In the treasury un the 315k. 0! January last fur the 7 munths as cumpared with that date last year. Now to lhia add lhe pruhubla deficu, fur the next 5 months, basing our calculation nu tha figures fur that puritid of last year, wuich, Hccavl'ding in the Official G -z-Lte. showed a detiuu nf $3,232,985. we find that. at the end of the pl'nsellt fiBCal year (30 Jum) the Minister uf Finach wrll have an actual deficrt of $6,]3L014, or an adverse balance mlqu tn LhaL amuuut as compared with last. year. As to the net (1ch it. amod at. $341.- 972,35[ nu Ihe {fist of January, 1894. On the 30th nf June last it had Increased in $246,183,029, an increase of $4.210,- 678durmg the five. ummha. Let. us See whether Minister Frmmr has economde in U115 direction, On January 31, 1895, we find by to day’s utfiuial G;Zblle that the net dcbc has been Increased in $245),- 4U7.462, tn which for the next the ummhs add the same raw of iucmaae {hat look place in 1894. during the same period, and VH5 will [ind ourselves with a net deht nu 30th uf Jane IWXK amounting In $253,618,140, an increase of $7.435,- 111 during the fiscal year. This caicuiuliun is placed on ihe as- Slllllplillll that. Minister Fuchr hill hum this nut. try and practice economy as he calls it, and dues at least. not excted his last year's expenditure fur the cull)ng five months. It be dues, urd you know the elections are appionching, uur debt uiil be much larger on the 30111 mi June llmn I have represented iii But is it. H. Wonder that. Minister Foster fears meeting parliament? ls il ii won- der he name the elecii'ins over below an opportunity is given the Liberals to attack him in the House for the miser- able hiilni'e he has made of ii 7 Fustvl‘, nulwiihsmnding his promises, professions and pledges of lass session. knew his expenditure was increasing, while his revenue was shrinking. But his policy and the policy of the govern- ment has been one of deceit, deception, fraud and corruption, and wliv now be surprised at the expnsui'e the publication of this week’s Gazette has laid ihe gov- ernment open to. A deficit, of upwards of six million dul- iars. Is it u wunder Foster says bring the e'iectiuhs on anon ur I am a. “dead duck.” He might, be able to tell Durha- Iiaiuent there was nothing really m it. be- twten Haggnrt and u clerk of his depart.- ment; that Caron had been lied about, in culmeuliuu with certain cilizws In Utm "Rallr than facts there (-f it are rnumd. 1!. would be beaten before the c Our Ottawa Letter. On: wul‘d more. rsler saw that :d some Show): facts and threaten- suys, “fur God’s ecunns first, u‘r we be better fur us to ountry' than in the (led two months .1 sessiuu up reuouchmeul lIl UH WU l‘ called for at once for the construction of piers, breakwaters, and public buildings from Vancouver Ln Halifax. and in a few days [Ins statement will be borne out. bv the advertisementn fur tenders that will appear ill ch? g-oyernment press. The North York District Divisiunb‘ona nf Temperance, held their first set-‘smn nf thu year in Kettleby Temperance Hull, nn Thursday, January lat. Over seventy delegates were present,amon2 whom were J. B Brnokn. G. W. P.. of Toronto; \V. H. Bmvell, G. S . c-f Whitby, and J. M. \Valton. G. T., of Kettleby. Encouraging repnna were received from ten subordinate divisions in the dis- trict. ahnwinu a net, increase in the mem- bership of 102 for the last three months Ivf 1894. During the past quarter two new divisiuns were established, which now have a membership of 41 and 31 re- spectively. The silver cup awarded by the District goes for the.preaent to Rav- enslme Division. which initiated 41 members. The foul-wing officers were elected fur the present year :â€"â€"D. W. P., Bro. F. W. Henc‘nck. of Ke'lleby, No. 232; D.W.A.. Sis C. HIll, uf Queenaville, Nu. 223; D. S , Em. A F. McKenzie, of Laskay. N0. 221‘; Trans , Bru. SLeohens, of Raven- uhuu. L 1:. 280; Chap, Bro. E. H. Pagg. of Hupe 0H. NH. 282; COIL, Sin. 0. E. 256 W'l‘he nvxt meeting will be held at Queenaville about the last. of May. A. F. MCKExzm. District Scribe. On Friday evening last the Ladies’ Aid Sauinty nf the Lutheran church held a social in the achnol mum, which, on aecmmc of the caldness of the weather, was but puxurly attended. After partak- ing of an appetismg repast set by the 'mlhr's they all repaired to the parsonage, whet“ Miss Snider, of Elia, gave a read- ing, and where theVInlernatim-al Auto- graph Quilt was put up fur sale. It. was purchased by Mr. J. K. McDonald, of He On Wednesday evening a number of the friends and neighbor“ gathered at the residence of Mr. James B xrneu,a.ud after spending a pleasant and profitable Lime Hwy presented him with a purse and some gmceries. to make the wav of life snmnther during the winter. On Thursday afternm-n the Institute Cmumittee of the Vaughan Sabbath School Associatinn met In the Presbyter- ian church, Maple, tn arrange the pro- grumme for the Institute tu be llcld in St. Andrew's church (Presbyterian), '.'lh con. Vaughan, in June. An excellent time may be expected as the programme is gund and as able and talented persons are being secured tu take the subjects. 011 Friday a severe etnriu swept uver this vicinity blocking the wads; some places they were impassable. The rail- road was also blxvcked lip, so that. the citi- zens nf this place did nut see any trains from Friday until Monday evening. Tort-lit" Bread famine also prevailed in our town, as the Richmond Hill baker was sultl out before he arrived, and neither bread nor fluur cunld be purchased at the gX‘UCery. We alau understand that the cnlerprising fuwn of Edger was as badly afl’rcted hy the famine as we ware. . . 1- “a understand that the cmustable of our sister village nuth uf us Was snuwed under on Monday lash. If you want. to buy or Sell a farm ad- verlise in the Tornnto Weekly Muil. That paper reaches 100.000 furmeys homes every week, and your adVertivement should meet the eye of some une who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are insurted in the Tnmntu VVeeklv Mail for five Cents a. war} for each insertion. ’l‘weuly cents a word for fivu il.serti0ns. Address The Muil, 'l‘u- rnuto, Canada. HVulne On. N". 2.82.; COIL, Sis. C. E‘ :neW, of Lluydtown, NU. 260; Sam. m. T. Humer, of Pine Orchard, No At the semi mam,th shoot of the Vic.- toria Square Rufle Ciub nn Wednesday last, the folluwing scores were made while the) mercury wag nway down beluw zero W. Mliatard . Geo. Dennis . J. McKenzie R. Agar ...... R. Frnucy .... Gen. Forester Gen. Forester . 27 27 54 The following, are the winners of the prizes offered by the club for the highest nveraye scnres made at. the four clu'b (Hatchetâ€"~18! class, R'. Agar; 2nd alums, :un 3rd class. L‘ Stuuteu- held Lhe burg are 18 Sons of Tempeaance. a bld f‘ ue Victoria. Square x: meeting of the club will be Wednesday, Fub’y 20th, when 21).} prizeAholders must defend ms to [he \ruphies against all in their respective classes. RS‘BI'; Sherwood ‘ur your Votes! 100 yds. 200 yds. T’l burg, 41 34 v 75 Chou 45 28 73 grow 3‘2 class, L The competidnn for the silver cup and the vair of stones nflered by Mr. J. Kelly, of the Palmer House, came off on the rink on Thursday and Fnduy last, Owing to the very arvere Weather. some clubs did not. put in an appearance that Were expected. 01: the first day The Yorkn, n! Flush Tot-cum, played a. good game With Markham, bu: were defeated by 13 mots. as follows : 69”“ YORKS R. Malcolm, ak. .. .27 T Gibson, sk 9 Total . . . . . . . . 36 Total . . . . . . . . . .49 The Scarboro anha Leafs were drawn to play the Aberdeeua, 0! East Toronto, in the aveuiug. but. Aberdeen defaulted. Aurora also defaulted to Richmond Hill, thus leav- ing Markham, Maple Leaf» and Richmond Hill to pluy 01} Richmond Hill was drawn to play Markham Friday morning, but owing to the storm Markham failed to put in an appearance. Richmond Hill that. winning from Markham by default. This left. Rich- moud Hill and Scarburo to play, which they did on Friday afternoon, Richmond Hill winning by 10 shots, as follows: 5cm. MAPLE LEAFS RICHMOND HILL A. Manon J. Brownlee R. Green J. Morison H. Thompson W. D. Atkinson A. Patterson. sk . .17 C. McLean. 5k . . , .24 J. Chester H. A. Nichol]: R. meur 31.5“er ‘ G. Cbesler W. H. Pngsle’y l R. Thompson, ch. .20 J. Palmer. 5k. . . . . .23 On Thursday night Richmond Hill and Sourboro Maple Leafs pluyrd a triendly game. Richmond Hill winning by 8 shots. 'l he cap has to he won by the flame club (bree times, Markham having won it twice sud Richmond Hill once. The stones are presented annually to the waning team. The ladies‘ relief commutes. of the village are to be unngmtulnted on their successful efi'urts in raising money for the needy.“ the skuling carnival on Tuesday night was with- out a. uoubi. the very best, ever given in the rink here. Many 0! our citizens who are suhjom seen on skates came out in costume, and participnted in the evening's enjoyment. The caretaker had me ice in its usual good Storey. Maid of Athena ; Jennie Wiley, 1:. Squaw; Harold Prncmr, Spanish Cavalier ; Loon Proctor, Iucruyable; L. Hoover. i Chinese; Elhtl Swilzer, Gypsy; C, Hurds, lhe Well known Canadian Sport; T. Hicks, an Indian; Ida Macklim, Toronto. Sailor Lassie; Auuie Scarborough, Louis XV. AmnzOn; Beatrice Etliolt. Princess Olomie; F. Sheppard, Diamond Dick; 163 Glass, Red Bidinghoud; John BroquJckey; H. McKenzie. lucliuu; L. Mun-is, Lord Fauntleroy: Bev. Glow”, an Irishman; Dr. 1LLnuualafi. John Bull; CnrrieBobinsou, Sunflower; Maud 'l‘yrrell, Morning Star; MMAIbiu, Spanish Dancing Girl; Florence Maudie. Red, White and Blue; Mrs. A. J. condition. the decoration committee dis- played exqmsite tame in the arrnngement o {iszne paper, flags. and other articles of orunmeutatiun,llm band furnished delightful selections 0! music, and the refreshments at the ladies' booth lell nothing to be desired. Some of the costumes were fantastic. some were swell, but most of them were represent- ative. Many of the costumes were worthy of special meuilon, but as there was such a variety we deem it well not to make compar- ison. In a few cases the di~guise was so perleet that some of our citizens did not know their boon companions. The amount taken was about 355. The following is a partul list of those in costume with the character represented 1-â€" Mrs. Prnctor. Lady of the Harem; Jennie Palmer, Fairy Queen; A. J. Campbell, High- lander; Wilber Skeale, Mexican Senor; May Storey. Maid of Athena ; Jennie Wiley, 1:. Squaw; Harold Prnctox‘, Spanish Cavalier ; Campbell, Under grauuute; Mildred Wilson. Doll, Varden; Bel Moodie, Magpie; Albert Glues, Cbinamau; Mrs. Will D. Atkinson. Sunflower; Rob Moodie, John Chinaman; Ernest Geode, Diamonds; H. B. Qliumz, Yankee Rebel; Hannah Gurbutt, the Rose; Entry Vandmburg, Indium; Auule Glass, Sunfluwer; J. nfiin, Snow Mun; Mrs.T. Hicks. Red, WhiIe and Blue; Stella Morris, Red Ridiugbumi ; J. Hurda, Rob Roy; Susie 'l'rfluch, anl ; E. Siarmp, Soldier; Mile: Lnnquluff, Adulpu; Mittuu Langmuir, Lord Fnuuunluy; Norman Wilson, Punchinallo; Lou Lrgga, Queen of Clubs; Sam Clifiord. Stars and Sd'lpes; John Trun,Deacou Jone‘; Louise Hmrisnn. Lust. Rose n1 Snmuwr; G. W. Gluvelmu Officer of the. Canadian Militia hunt a century ago; Dell C. P.11m‘er, Maple Leaf; I. Mullmllund, King Wu); Minnie Guru-es. Ruse- Bud; Louie Guam-,RedAVbiLe A“: Blue; Lizzie» Pfllmfll’IJBWt’Er; Flt-m Hopper, B,Gipsy Queen ; Jeanie Gale, 'l'umux. . Nun; Album Allvin, Cin'lerella; L-Miu flapper. A“; Blue; Lizziu PnlmerJewem; F: B‘Gipsy QuuPu ; Jeanie Gult’. Tu Alberm Allvin, Cin'lerella; House-mui Huuie Sis] Brown. Jdckev; Emma Martin. a, Hulubow; Ross LiuklawrI Uuumlu. mg 101 Mun-kt The LIE imbue Tomi . . . One [Single copies, 3 cts. Farm for 22mm Kelly Cup and Stones. Subscri maid; L. Sheppard, Gipaj: Queen ; Sisley, Marguvrite; Arthur Vander- Higulnud Lmulie; Turrunce Brown, Buy; Game Couper, Venus; Jau.’ ‘Juukfiv; Emma Martin, a Bulubow; MARKHAM G. Vanzmt, 5k. . . W. H. Hall, 5k. .. my a ‘Lrt. N I? Total be 1H the No. 33

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