Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Feb 1895, p. 1

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Aurora. 13mm. 16th.aud 22nd Richmond Hill ...9LL1 and 24511 (at me Palmer” House) Stoufiville Markham .. Mt. Albert .. Woodbridge KXeinburg 0 Aston Reliable Gum Applications used when required 936“ your Cheap Teeth 01 Robinson Diseases (if hm «1 animals treat proved methods Gmduato of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord 0n Friday tram 1 to 3 p. m. Calls promptiy attended to Diseases of horses, mantle and other domesticmc~ Qd animals Heated by the latest and most ap- A Store 20x40 ft with dwel It... to was in the Village or stone ax show windows, 7 ft. -â€"1 glass top (2 lancer. The stories. Wm: h1g1] ceilings. the huuse. S Lore-house fort leet. Locum benwaeu Web post oflice. the has» businss: Also dealer in LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. 8 to 10 a. m.; and 6 i0 8 p. m. Glamor, Grainon- and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE, J. '1'. McElroy, VETERINARY SURGEON WHY! W. RDGERS, DENTIST, Apply to ‘ Uniouville. Oct.11th,1894 We HEWESON, W. J. WILSON, M. D., RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFICE HOURS A.L.8KEELE, Store &: Dwelling AT THE LIBERAL PRINTiNGd: PUBLISHlNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONI‘. '1‘. F. MCMAHON. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING VOL. XVII. Addrass A ROBINFON b.D.S. AuroraOnt A little east of Pm‘kdalo station. over W. Collins“ score, corner of Queen and Non-hams Avenue, “ Watch-WE aker é: leweucr. StOIOa.m.; 6to§p.m. VETERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL, BUSINESS CARDS. uses, 11an TO RENT. TORONTO Vlfil‘flldzgfl £53 “@qu ngml per annum, in advance.) y. the bean bus :session can be HOUSE PAINTER, OFFICE HOURS Emma & Pnopmm‘oa USED BY Dr. A. lkaahinson. wrttrizmm Groceries and other Staple Articlps. l. Pun-onan Solicited. SURGEON DENTIST median . â€"-â€"-ANDâ€" imam. U94 .1.- 092A. Webbe 218w, it Sunday, 2st ram-h of each month 14th do .‘Aeth do 291:): dc 8062: 'do RICHMOND HILL en at; once. SALEM ECKARDT 1544f 5 Stan mg attachea 24x28 Juionville. In me square, 4 counters Imildiugs are two Cellar underneath a! each month do 4, : underneath ll grain 2.0.260 tel and the 1 in the vil- lA - CALL - SOLICITED. Licensed‘Auctioneer for the County of York smug attended to on shortest notice and at rem stumble rates. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple Licensed Auctioneers 102' the County of York,re- spootfully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest notice an" a reusonabe rates. P. 0. address King Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. General sales of implemev ts, iurniture.smnding timber. etc.. attended on the shortest. notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. Every accommodation to guests. Board oer day Oollections in City and Countrv promptly attended to. Money to loan Licenseu Auctioneer for the Countnen of York Untano and P961. Goods sold on consignment Gennmlaalep 0 stock. em, promptly attended to at. reasonable rates. P. 0. address. UNIONVILLE. Thisflue hotel is fitted up with all the moflern appliances for health and comfort. Best brands of liquors and cigars. Sample mums for «rum. murcial travellers. ’Bussua meet all trains. Rates 31.00 per day. Barristers, Solicitors, 56¢. Toronto Officeâ€"No.x5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Office open every Saturday. J 0 STOKES THE PA LMER HOUSE MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Mmggg a gammy, REEHMBWN HQUSEs A G F LAWRENCE Toronto Officeâ€" 34 Bank of Commerce Buildings, 19 King Street West. l‘homhillOfficeâ€"«Post Office every Wed- ne§day from xo to 12 a. m. ‘49. '1". Herbert Lennox will be M. Kelly's Hotel, Ricpmond EH] every Wednesday. for the trans- mum: of business. Nov Funeral Furuwlnings Always on "and HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. To] eph one 2984 LAWRENCE & ORMISTUN. DI. TEEP‘Y. NOTARY PUBLIC. ROBINSON, LEN NOX & MACLEOD Undertakers Gr Embasme 0.6. B. LINDSEY E. égwam MLYQE fiMQ‘Efiag BARBISTV'BS, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIEB LINDSEY & LINDSEY, J. B. MILLER Pacific Buildings. 9.3 Scott St.‘ Toronto. RICHMOND HILL. Barristers. SolirltoI-s, am. TORONTO AND AURORA. RICHMOND 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries and Con veyancers. WRIC RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21. 1895. Stokes a: Blougll . .I. D. Rendman, MAPLE Salem Eukardl COMMISSIONER IN THE .l. 'l‘. Saigeon. WM. RICHARDSON. Proprietor 113m £21131. JOHN KELL Y. Pronrietor‘ “In. Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all tlzz'ngs, Charity.” W S ()nmsToN, L L B E. J. B. DUNCAN BROS. Tâ€"TTT LYON LINDSEY Mon 9y to Loan D BLUUGE .31 Grit. deficim resulted under a 1304 per cant. rate uf duty, while the thl'eal- euad deficlt nf six million dollars for this year alone, (aggregullug Inn-m than the total deficlta lrmn I873 to 1879) is one of the results of a tutti that has averaged 19.34 per cent. for the past. sixteen )eurs. Just, here let me ask you [0 amp and think whether it was not better that you shuuld have had a deficit of$4,61)3,638 in the treasury undar a. 13 04 per cent rare uf dmy. than w have been taken 19 34 per cent. on your imports that $38,858, (536 mute might. be taken out nf yuur puckels, which would huva been the case had the anv rate uf duty been imposed by 811‘ Richard Cartwright. V'l‘here seems to be Hut. one answer to this questinu. 0n the other hand had Tory gnvern- men: continued the average rate of duty ilxlplvsed by the Liberals. since they came in puwrer. in place nf your paying $311, 634,394 Into the treasury Lhrungll the customs huuse, you would have only bseu Called upon Ln pay $210,019,007. The (inference between lerrul custulns Lantf and Tury custmns cant? has taken just $10i,615.387 out of Vuur puckels smce 1879 \Vilhullb any refereHCe m the ex- urbitant prices the manufacturer has been able to charge you us a. result of the high prutechiun given him, It is not. such adiflicult probieni to work nut, although figures and ambiance do not, as a rule, make very entertaining reudinu‘ IL must strike the average reader that, if them was a deficn in the treasury dur- ing the Liberal administration there has been a. tenfold greater (me in ynui- own pockets as a result. uf the times Tiny ad mi..isli'ariu|i has been taking out of you during the past sixteen years. Tim Tory gnvei'umeiit is now going to keep you Cullipullv with their deiicll. which, on liie 30th of Junu, will excred the aggregate dt'UCiL fur the win-1e. term the Liberals wvre in pimer, including [he deficit of The tntal cnszums duties collected dur- ing the 6 ynnra indicated was $80,730,520 whlle the total value of goods impnrted for home consumption was $618,868,389. makng the averaga rate of duty 1304 per Cent. From 1880 to 1894 the tum customs duty collected was 8311.634394 and the tuml value of goods Imported fur lmme cunsulu‘ptiun was $1,610,575.21], showing an average rate of dllly u! 19.34 per cent. . - Had this rate of duty impnsed by the Tories been apphed m the imparts dur- ing the periud from the 30th uf June, 1873, m the 301]] M June, 1579, instead of a tax averaging 13 04 per Curl}... the Liberals would have [nkun just $38,858 6361mm: oat uf yuur pockets to “ml; the treasury receipts. mure tavurabie m the Liberals, bun favorable to the gavel-11mth E haVe given the Tomes every clmnm they may have no ground for dlsp my figures. unless tn Say that 1hth tun lenient; too kind. Yet, in view of all these facts the} about Grit deficits. The next time you hear Haggan, tersou, Montague, or any other th us 100k at the figmes as they pre- sent. the'mselves iu the last volume of Public Accounts. On page 70 we find that from the 30th June, 1873, to the 30th June, 1879 (‘5 years), the aggregate deficits amounted to $6,426,958, while the surplus fur mu yearnâ€"1874 75~am0unted to $1,824,419. which, deducted from the abuve, lelt. an actual deficit for the m1 years of $4,602, 538. Now we find that for the 6 yenre there was an actual deficit of $4,602,538. No attempu is made to deny It. nor to ennmal the fact, but let us look 8-8 to the umber cnndniuua of our finances under which this deficit. occurred. These arc facts “ Tgry Stampers ” do not discuss with you when out on their Inlssiouul'y tripe trying to convert you to thelr faith. Had I made my comparison with the 5 years fl'ulu 30th June.1873, to 30th June, 1878, the uhnwing would have been even mure favorable to the Liberals, and un- favorable Lu the government But. I hava given the Tomes every clmlnCo that they may have» no ground for dispuning my figures, llllleSS tn any that lhuve been In their attempt to draw public atten- tion from the deplorabh condition of their own finances we are constantly re- mined by 'l'nry smmoers and any press that Sir Richard Cartwright had deficits; that in fact his was an an of deficits. Now I want. you to bear in mind that. I haw bevn very liberal in my calculatiun. fur l have held the Grits reapnnaible for all expenditure frnm 30th of June, 1873. m 30th of June, 1879.. although they did not, come into office until 7le of Novem- ber, 1873. and went out. on 16th of Oc- tober, 1878. But. I want. to be charitable. Although the deficit. am the 30th of June, 1879, was $1.9b7,999, I do not wish to glve those who am talking about. Gm deficits any chance to say we cook our figures, nr manipulate them to bear out our own aureemenc. I would rather err ‘he other Way. I do not wish to interfere with the Tnl‘y monopoly, for they have 9. monop- oly uf manipulation. 1879 Our Ottawa Letter. Valli minister. or any of their satellites talking about Grit deficits, refresh his memory With some of the facts I have here given you and ask him If he has not Omlthad to tell you euniething. Yuu will corner him if you dn, and you will get. your money’s worth of fun (seeing him trying to wriggle himself out If a hole. {and should you have the opportunity of listening to the Dulished and sainth eloquence of Foster, before the campaign is uver. just ask him to repeat that pur- tiuu of his budget speech Hf last session which appears an page 187 of Hausard, where he tnld you that he was gung to fulluw the example of the prudent house- holder, ifcc., and kuep his expenditure Wilhin his incomeâ€"“ so that (to use his own words) In the end we shall not have that uanlc-vined visitation which so often made its appearance tn my hon friend who sits oppuaiia me (Sir Richard), an neg and illvisnged deficit." The gall, clieek,'dvceit. disliunesty uf Foster talk- ing in this way to the House when he knew that at the rate of expenditure the government was going on with, their deficit at the (lid of the year Could not full «hurt at double the amount the deficit had aggregaied during the whole term of the Mackenzne administration. Moved by Mr. Arnuld, wounded by Mr. Brysun. that the petition of Albért Banks and 23 othcrs be referred to the Unmmxasiouers of District No. 3.-â€"-C’afii~‘ ed. J J. Camel-0n. sharpening picks... G. Lnnl‘le, 10l ioada ......... F. Luvetc. filllllg In p11. and keep- n-g Mme . . . J. Funmck, Work on ruad 41} days A Gray, work in pit, 7 days ......... Gr Ezuld. work in pu 7 days ...... H U Bush, 207 loads gravel '1‘. Calms, 5 days levelhug gravel? To the Editor of THE LIBERAL 513,â€".wm1e so much is being said in a gemch way about "good roads” and “hard times,” u. might. 1101. ha out. of Mace to make a. few ruumrxs thumgh thu mud.qu of your Valuable paper that w«-uld apply Lu both subjects as they pre- sent. Lhcmwlvus to us In uur own cuuu- Ly. Dmlrwt No. 1â€"â€" Thus Pearson, putting in culvert and drawing mammal nn Therm hillside rnad, 3rd con . . ....S UlsuiuL No. 2â€" R. ans. drawing 36 yds.gravel... J. U’Cuuuor “ 26$ “ U McDuugall “ 253} ” G. LMvrie “ 15$ “ A. Kerr “ 25% “ . . J. R. Wilson ” 15 “ l). Mchhald “ 9 “ 140Vth Brus.,filling in pit 7 days“ 1), Wllauu “ " l " ... W Murphy “ “ 1% “ G Janet: ” ” 1‘; “ Cam you help smiling when you hear Foster talking (f “unwelcmne Visitat ions," and of “ ugly and illvisaged defi cits.” He said last session that if he did nut. cut duwn expenditure he would have a. deficit. and u by dld he, in face «If this, ask parliament to ratify his estimates waking appruprintion for the expendlture of unlliona ul dollars that might. have been delayed until his finances were in a. better con‘ln‘on. The reeve viil the chair. Members pretunt: Messrs. Arnold, Bryaon. Kirby and ‘Vflt‘hun. The following petition was presented: me Albert Banks and 23 others to mm ling hill betwwn luvs l2 and 14. 8th con. Moved by Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Arnold, that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the followmg mud accounts: â€"Carrieu. The council afljourned until Tuesday, the 12le of March, to .ucel a: 10 a. In. ' The roads in Markham and Vaughan townships are generally good, but, owing to me recent storms, they are now In a very bad condiuou. In some places they are dug uul. 1n dllches, wnh walls of snow on each slde so high you can scarcely we over them, and so uanow than teams are not. able w pass,excepn at irregular inter- vals where the drums are less deep 01‘ where a. place has been dux out for the purpose. Frulu this scale or thmgs, un- less you are thoroughly familiar with the mud and me constantly on the wawh,you are upt [0 meet some team in a. deep cut where you are forced to either climb the bank and flounder through the deep snow, nl‘ dig yourself out. This Is more apt to occur in night when you Cam nexcher we the approachmg team uur form any idea. of the best. place for meeting ll. Besides this the track is broken up into innumerable holes and pitches so deep that. m going down them you feel as If you were gong down an elevator and the boy had let. it drop. You then strike The council of the municipality of the township of Vaughan met at the town ha! on Tuesday, Feb’y 12m. Vaughan council Good heads. K‘ .n. U .- u u u ‘4 it 7 days“ " 1 “ OI (I ... u u "- . . . ....$10 12 1 28 GU IO 10 375 225 595 128 9 00 00 50 00 00 TU 00 It. Is not only the back roads that are blessed with this state» uf things, as there an many places on Yunge amaet, where teams cannot safely pass and where the pitches axe enough to break a. cutter, Last. Friday evening about thirty of the young people of the Presbyterian church visited the home of Mr. T Walk- ington, on the 3rd cuncessiun. and took the inmates by surprise. During the evening a purse cumaining a naudsumd sum of money was presen!ed m Min Annie Walkingtnn, in recognition of her services as organist in the church. the bottom of the pitch Wlbh a fume that almost. breaks your back and makes your teeth rattle. In some places,“ the Elgin mad, these pitches occur every rod or two fur lung (instances. With the amount 0! money collected on the York Roads surely means can be fuand to make the mad at least safe to travel on. 'l'here are men enough out of Work who would be glad of a. job on the roads, and Who could by that means keep lhelr families from dlstress till spring opens and more work “pens up fur them. Through the township there Is not a divâ€" isiuu but cuuld glVe useful employment to une or two men. They could be em- played under the pathlnaster, and he Could direct them from day to day in their work. The tracks could be kept level and the places for turning out larger and more numeruus, and as spring comes, bare sputa ouuld be coveredmnd a variety of work would present itself all tending. to improve tralfic and at the same time help the poor man through his hardest season. On Monday evening the Methodist 0. E. society was visited by three large sleigh loads of young people from Edgely. After a. short devotiuual exercise. led by Rev 8. Noble. refreshments were served and a. sucmble time spent. 'l‘wu sleigh luads- of Foresters from here visited the lodge at Wuodbridge on Monday night and had a very enjoyable evening. The Methudist S S. bud theix ride on Tuesday afternoon. II. [1 ing tea. was served in the Vestry church, and after tea a prognuu givwn by members of the sch..ui, Szuge'on’s monthly sale nu was well attended, and a larg cattle 501d. 0n \Vcdnesday evening MI 4 nf Toronto, gave a lecture in l dist church on lemperanw and his daughters are giving ments in aid uf the Grand Luu CLAnKâ€"At Dollar, on Wedu 1895 Mary Clark, relic: ‘ Clark, aged 76 years. Funeral nu Friday as 1 p. Methomst Cemetery. Money spent in this way is not lost to the farmer, as it enables him to make the best. use of the snow and do a. great umuuuc of Work which the present condi- tion of the roads renders almost impossi- ble. Whu euuld team hay to the city at ércsent on our back roads? The great advantage of living on Yonge street is that. as a general thing, when the back roads are too bad for teaming, the farmer Can depend on Y( nge street. being good, and from this cause can often take ad- Vantage of a sudden rise in prices. If the back roads Were looked after properly every tarmer would be able to make To- ronto minke: safely with a. load of hay at any season of the year. The annuai social of the Presbyterian church )8 to be held in Lhe luflllzsv next Friday evening. Miss S. McDonald gave .L bl»: party to sume of her frie uesday :venjng. Mr.- D. Brfiwu and dan Keespnrt. Penn, are visiti: Bailey’s: Mr: E J. Cuusins, and f r0utn. were visiting at. Mi nwr Sugday. _ A Mlss Patt'y Lines, of I“ On a short vacation. Rev. F. E. Fletcher, of farmer pastor of Maple, p; to friends here last, week. we”. and Mamtuba air .~ Mr. and Mrs. G. Gm visiting at Mr. J. CtaddL I simply thruw out these few sugges- tiuna. Mr. Editor, heping some action may be 3aken,if uuL on the plan indicated abUVe, on some other workable scheme that will give both good roads and at the same time afl‘urd much needed work for the,p0ur. Richmond Hi”, Feb’y 19m, 1895. with him 'Tfifl $1.00 IN A]. [Single copies, 3 cts. DEA’I‘II Maple Yours truly, OBSERVER No. 34 k, are rouville y 2031: J ame: 5, and sin's, home 3 visit )king agree Joya' vVed- mm- last :1: of sigh ven- the was tho- Mc- W.

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