Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Feb 1895, p. 4

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NEW Ainviiziinsraiiirars i’i’ilic' itilieral. Rronironnil‘ilrmn Thursday, Fi-b. 28, NOR TH YORK. The Conservatives of North York met in convention on Friday last, and nominated as their candidate Dr. Strange, of Toronto. Dr. Strange carried the constituency in 1878, and the party now hope by a combined e‘lbrt to capture the scat ‘ from Mr. Wm. Mulock, who has represent- ed the riding for the past twelve or thirteen years. The Conservatives should bear in mind that Dr. Strange has not the hold on the riding that he had seventeen years ago. At that time he was a resident of Aurora, en- joyed a good practice, and was in touch with many of the farmers who at that time were led to believe that the National Policy would secure for them a home market and good prices for all their products. Besides, al- though Dr. Strange personally had many friends, he never showed much ability as a parliamentarian. 0n the other hand, Mr. Mulock has been one of the most active workers in the House of Commons, and never have the farmers of North York had a better or a more taithful friend. Acts of kindness are not easily for- gotten, and we feel confident that the yeoniani‘y of York will stick toa man who is able and willing to do more for them than any doctor is able to do. -â€"â€"â€"- Tlic recent report of the Canada Pacific Railway is an indication that the company has not enjoyed a suc- cessful financial year. Tory cani~ piigners are now busy telling the electors of Canada that the country is in a flourishing condition, and they are asking for another lease, of power . l on the ground that'w the “Vational Policy, which has blest us in the past, ' will be continued in the future. This kind of talk may do very well for the campaigners, but the laboring men who are looking in vain for work, and the farmer who is deprived of a freer market for his produce, are looking for something more substan- tial. The shareholders of the C. P. R. should bear in mind when they are now minus their dividend, that had it not been for that huge railway combination, the “old policy,” restricts the carrying trade, would have been swept out of existence in 1891. “It is nevertoo late to mend.” which Referring to the recent difficultic between the Toronto University and the students, The World, a few days ago, advised the young men to sub init to the authorities, and even sug- gested that many of them would he better at home with their parents. Saturday Night, however, rushes to the side of the rebellious youths, and cllzistisC‘s The World for its expressed opinions. The World's advice, it acted upon, is worth more to the students than all the soft soap that “ Don " can furnish iliem. At the nomination in Aurora on Friday, one of the spr-akcrswâ€"Mr. Jas. Boddy~in support of Dr. Strange, said :fi“ If the Coiisei‘yatives all united and worked hard for the Con- veiilioii‘a noliiiiice, they would put :in end to Mr. )lulock‘s legislative career and his bit of"l.iog‘us farmers in North. York.‘~ hll‘.Mlllli(‘l{, instead of being; a i- ii ions farmer, works one of the lined forms for many miles around. , m Tobacco in the Home. To no l:«l:l(il'ili"l‘lll.14?Iilill,\[.I NIH; in answer to your correspondent I in‘I‘iii. Iill§l‘.ll.\l.1iflil~ll' \H'ek, unhooi liliâ€" \0 iillll'_' Illi‘ iisv- of t driven, or (liwiissiii; ‘2 Il‘ mliisiiiiliry Hf Uiiiti'icliiiglr the habit, I rlliiik that Litiliieilill'L’ may he said lll' favor If the llH‘Hllill'.‘ ii the (l. iililV‘ C \IIIICii allnuirig I'll) 1.59 in lllr‘, “H41 h,‘ |ho Ilillliihri 1 f tho industrial lI-iiiic. Mn"; of those who occupy [ll-it ilisll‘ {mien are aged inch and Women. a iziini- ‘ her of whom have used tobacco fr lll' their youth, until the habit has become Second nature. Judging from the. rest- lessness, peevmhiiens and all-gone ed-ncss of some of us when We have to go wuhout the “ inevitable plug "for ii. Mark, it fel- lowâ€"feeling makes us kind enough to think that it would be cruel to deprive those poor pensioners on the County's bounty of what has to them becoiiiu a real necessiiy. Then many of the inmates of the Home are illiterateâ€"~they ellhrr cannot read or have no taste Ini‘ perusing bovka or papers, they cannot study astronomy any higher than their heads, nor geiiliigy any deeper than the spade. PIIySIIIIUHy 13 bcyulid their reach, because to iliéiii the wide World is contracted to a open. We. Could not expect them to employ their menml faculties in solving any of the difficult problems in Connectii n with the social questions of the day in reference in the benefit of the human race, brCull 0 their sources of statistical infoi matron are necessariiy few and narrow. N-i can they occupy their leisure moments in launching great schemes for ihe amelio- riition of the delilmuble condition of the " submerged tenth," became llit‘ll‘ timid cial priniiluli is somewhat circumscribed and their "inhelary TesnillCrS emremelv limited. To lhe charms of music, vi-cnl or Instrumental, amateur or profx-ssional. or large maj irin of the inniaiei of (he Home arc sirangers. Their only alierna live then is the pipe, the “'(il'lll wide panacea lul‘ all film ills of lifeâ€"nmn’s great sedative medium for ge‘wendimrs put, prownr and furore. Wiili this rh -y begin“: the lime Wlill'll otherwise would hang heavy on [hair hands, inhaling its lragrant perfume, complacently smiling as it tickles lheir olfaciorv nerves and watching with indolent satisfiction the smoke as it rises and curls in airy and fantasric circles above their heads. lam not amnig those who think that with oldinu tobacco from a devotee Won (1 resul in death, but a prisoner in jail is not a parallel case to a pauper in thr- Home. One is a CHPIIVH brcziusu he has violated the law, the other a child of the county by hard necessityâ€"the one a criminal deserves no special privilegesâ€" (he other a dependant requiring the kind Consideration of his benefactors. The ii.- males of the Home are the unfortunate, the infirm and the aged. The County aims tr.- provide for their coiiif irt. Were it not for ihe exliileraling effects of to- bacco. conversation on long wniter even- ings Would become diiil and listless. En- tertaining stories of bygone days and past expeiieiiCeS tame and insipid, and the Home itself. palatial residence as it is, with all its comfortable and beautiful surroundings, would be 1.. place inciioio nous and miserable if its inmates could not resort to the pleasant companionship of a well-tilled pipe. Perhaps, Mr. Editor, if your able Ciir- respondent would give the readeis of THE LIBERAL a few reasons why we should not use tobacco in the I‘I-Irne, or anywhere else. he might lay the found-d.- tion of a great moral reformation. A READER. Richmond Hill, Feb‘y 27th, 1893. .,, _ The third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted for “Want” advertisements. If you want a Situation. a Uit‘cliallic, a business, machinery, lodging, if you have lost. or found anything. or if you want to find out whrroaiiyone is, adVej‘llHe iii IIII' Toronto Daily Mail, and read the ad- Vertiseiueiits on the third page' of that paper. The charge is two cents a word each insertion, or ten cents a word for six insertions. Address The Mail, Toronto, Canada. -â€"â€"â€"r4o.â€" Maple A very pleasant time was spent at the Manse lflnt Friday ereoiiu. A large l’llllllhrl‘ ()f the congregation and [heir friends were present. After a sumptuous l'elillBL provided by the ludirs the company amused themselves Willi music and guinea uriiil a late hoiir. Mr. A. Shank and Mr. “7. Jackson, who were delegates to the S 13' Con- Veiiiion at Islington, gave their reports in the Lutheran Sabbath School last Suns day. Mr. J. C. McQunrric has been elected President for the ensuing year, Miss A. Criiddncx HIILIINIIISS E. Lines were delegates to the Christian E ideavrir Convention held in Toronto on Monday and Tuesday of this we: k. Miss .\‘Ia\Vl‘V. who was the guest of Mrs (Dr ) Sisley, retuiiwil to her home in Gravenhnrst lasi Sariii-iliiy. Miss Lilv Knight, of Toronto, was via iiing wiih Miss McDonald the latter part of last week. Miss Eva Johnston is vi-iting frienls at Kettleby and Aurora. 1 l‘IlrS Jean Rumble. of Patterson, spent a few days this Weth’ with friends in the Village m- Moa EY To? (uni N Money to him! on ilrst iiiortgnuos. I‘ldSV monthly payments. Apply to :\. l". \li'liliIVle‘. Iii‘-fini _ liinu P_ o cEAlSlRllDEMARs C O PYRl G HT 8. CAV I "R’I‘AIN ll PATENT ? For a. prompt answer and iin honest. Opinion. write I1) . Il‘lNN tK' CU" who have had iiearlyiil‘iy ycizrs’ experience in the patent business. Loiniiiuiiiea- lions strictly r-oiiilileiiiial. A Handbook of [ii- fm'lfl 10H (‘UH‘TFIHHH I'llll-Iils and how to (ill- tiiiiii oiu sent free. Also a (analogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Mniin & (‘0. receive special notice in the Soil-urine America n. and thus are brought whier heiorelhc iviihiiewnii- out cost to the inventor. This siiienrini pnpr‘r‘ issued weekly. elegantly illustrated. has by i'urihe lamest circulation of any scicntiiic work in the world. S3 ii year. sample on vies serif. free. BurldinnEditiou moiiihly,$‘...’iOa year. Single co ies,‘.’. cents. ’E‘vcry number contains beau. ti ul plates, in colors, and piiotogru ha of new houses. with plans, enuhlinu builders 0 show the latest designs and secure eoiili'iicts. Address MUNN .§', (30.. NLW Yonii. 301 BiwauivAy. 'deaqo sour} Armor dn pom; eaeq 9M 'qseo 10; Has 9M .. I '409111100 01 may ruoq 'INEIAMHVJEICI EOHS 9? 1.008 mo H pun sqyoxd news mb ‘sumtiaii :{o 'wuxeui .mo 'eo ‘SIiioio Emails .SeiP'B'I ‘svnoio 1911mm ‘speemt ‘S’llnS'SlWOIGAO ‘siaao'er {in J0 9‘0“?qu GILL SI 'S'BIII'X re Nos 980ng welder 0:; sxeqqopappe pm». ‘ 'Euifinq ospz are our qnq‘eum am He Bumes £1110 son are 9M spoofi .IOIIIIIHIS 95> Bands 10; 11100.1 satin on, 131910 in Kremng JO amour err: 10; 901101 in peonpex zipper? aq min :{ooas tequila am J0 91qu 911111013} 11; pure ‘saoog ‘sreqqng lime}; ‘peunun pun pang 'iiia puomaoia ‘ssoiaua 'o "v 101w r008 ‘saiaaooao ‘SaOIISleAO ‘peuii SBA-via pin “P311?! snail pix ‘snirii 1001a ‘Sii pier) ‘memrepufl ‘sIeuuem ‘SJGMOJIHOQ ‘sqenumg stresses .0 Ufflgl . . . ~.. 'em'firxrnmuu:wmymmm ‘ ‘ .VVholesale " ’ & 'Reiaii 0, Importers ,),A i. . .,__ rent“ Hardware and House Furnishings, PAINTS OILS 8: GLASS OUR. l’lfilCI’Gfis CAN’T} m l Bic BEAT. 1M We import direct from Manufacturers. Farmers‘ 80 Storekeepers’ Supplies. ( WILTMNS &- (30., g 186 & 168 KING ST. EAST, TORONBO. (3 Doors from George St.) {Ti Daisy utter Color. [â€"4 THE NEWEST AND HES'I‘ BUTTER COLOR MADE. /: I l Gives a Beautiful Golden Yellow Color, Similar in that in the Highest Grades of ' Jer-ey Cows Butter. ‘ It has no odor whntc-vwl'. I! is tasteless, . It will keep Inr any length of lime. - ll i~ ecmwmmal. O The small size will color 500 lo 600 lbs. ail Ruth-r. g It will no! color my: buttermilk. Try a bottle and you will not be disappointed. Free sample bottles given on applicvilinn. CI 70C. D. DANIEL dz CO, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, I71 King St. 13., Toronto, â€"â€" Opposite Clyde Hotel C3 , . O RICHMOND Iâ€"II'LL. é: HARDWARE - STORE Stoves and Tinware. Glass and Putty, Skates, the latest make, 60 cts. up; Chopping Axes 60 cts. up; Cow Ties 15 pts. up; X-cut Saws. Table and Pocket Cutlery, all kinds of tinware made to order. Repairing promptly done. E ‘ C. REASON {'11 p.._i RICE-INKOND 1111,14 pg HARNESS SHOP FINE BARN ESS A SPECIALTY. You can save money by buying yer‘r Horse Blankets, Knee Rugs and Robes here. Light and heavy Labia blankets from 50 cents up, â€"â€"FANCY WOOL BLlLNKETb, And Fancy \Vool Knee Rugs, cheaper and better than ever. If in need of 3. Kobe buy nothing but the . . . . . . . . . . \Vitliout doubt the very brat Robe made for the money. No dyed imitation of fun" but a. genuine black hide robe, all one piece ; moth and weather proof. Also selling the MA'I‘ASSANA COAT, bolh coat and robes down in price, Can also supply first" class fur goods of any kind cheaper than can be Inillullt elsewhere ROBES TRININEEW AND LIVED in flI'Sl'clnsfi style. m Geo. McDonald. â€" Richmond Hill. W NAAO S C 0 M N G , . l And there are a great many goods in our line that you will require. Look at this list : l aSPR lit 9/3 18 'n Barb Wire, S2.87§; per ioo lbs. Freight on 500 lbs or over prepaid to any station, where rate does not exceed 25c. per 100 lbs. Barrel (.ihurns, 3.00, 3.25, 3 50, $4.25 \Vatcr \Vhitc American Oil, by the barrel, 13¢. per gal, and nocharge for barrels. _ Manure Forks, Spades and Shovels, all steel, 50 ' cents and up. ' , \Vire and Cut Nails, Hinges, &c., are very cheap. \Vc can otllrr speri'il low rate on Carriage Bolts, l’aiiits, Oils or Glass. | l Thea. fit Go, 1565 Kth} S'l‘llflflil'l‘, It, 'I‘OIZON'I‘O. i NFQXIL Hl‘oor it“ (Clyde: 1110101.

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