Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Mar 1895, p. 4

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Rionmimn Him“ Thursday. Mar. 7. ’95 MR. Fos'l'b'R'N SA FE SEA 7'. n..â€" If the facts in reference to the $300,000 loaned by the Dominion Government to the Fredericton and St. Mary‘s Bridge Company are as stated by our Ottawa correspondent on another page, it is little wonder that Minister Foster has decided not to again contest his present constitu- ency, but to accept the nomination tor ,York, N. B., where so much money 'has been spent by the government. He, no doubt, feels secure in York, where he has stood by the electors even at the sacrifice of the interests of every other taxpayer outside of that constituency. Mr. Foster's con« stitucncy, with a population of about $30,000, may applaud what has been done, but it must be remembered there are over two hundred constitu- encies in Canada, with a population according to the last census of 4,833,. 23), the greater part of whom to not wish to see money squandered in the way referred to. It would be diffi- cult to find a more glaring misappro~ priation of your hardearned wages, that are bled out of you by the do mands of the treasury department, than the ease in point. The Minister of Finance goes to England to borrow money upon which you are paying interest and when the interest you are to receive on the lOnIl falls due, and with which you are to pay the interest due by you in England, the party owing the interest is for years permitted to default. The county that has been so lenicntly dealt with by the Minister of Finance is the very county he is now asking to elect him to parliament. If he had given them the money outright the people would have known where they stood. But that would not do, for once the money was paid over there would be no interest ac- count to hold over the electors of York. Our correspondent has gone into de- tail, has given day and date in sup- port of all he has said, and we would like to see what defence government will have to offer in rebuttal. Will Mr. Foster state that when parlia- ment voted a loan of $300,000 to the Fredericton and St. Mary’s Bridge Company in 1887, it was not on the distinct understanding that the inter- est at 4 per cent. would be collected annually ? Will Mr. Foster state that the taxpayers of Canada are not paying a 3% per cent. interest per annum on the loan of $300,000 to the Fredericton and St. Mary’s Bridge Company for which no interest is beâ€" ing received ‘2 Will Mr. Foster state that the Auditor~General has not peatedly drawn his attention to this dcfalcation of interest by the F. & St. M. Bridge Company, and urged him in the public interests to take some action? Will Mr. that he has collected one. dollar of in- terest from the F. & St. Ill. Bridge Company during the past live years? Will Mr. Foster state that Alexander Gibson, whom government news papers are now stating will support Foster state him in York, was not a charter nieiii- ber of the l". 6’; St. M. lli-idge Com- pany ? And this Minister of Finance, who asked at Sherhroolm 2â€"“ What manner of men and what kind of policy is in be sub- is the man, the same stilnn-d for the men and the policy of to-day." i At. a llll‘l ll! g i f lili‘ dimple illiciiiiziea’ liniiiiirn oi. {whiny t‘\’L*:ill\;! i i lus; \Ht‘l-C lln- l0li"\\lll‘_’ n Hist-is nwi'o k‘l: eioil: l’. l I l idem, J T. Sun'i- ii; \vlc‘" l’iosiilmil L} l l i' i R clicii‘ds'iii; Sci'ii-t :i'y llllil. 'l'rooiiiri', l‘l 1‘1. Elliott; Lilii'ul‘luii, R. H. 1le HULN-ill. A ooiiiniiiieo nus also app unlml lo [\l'li vido for illl enturi i-tlilui i-i lll: Lil 1 “it 1:" held in lake pin:- young people from York drove up to Mr. \V. Jackson's and had a very pleasant time. .‘ur. R. S. Thompson is making ini- prot'enieiite in his store and iiitcndu to have everything a: convenient no pun- Iible. Promotion (‘Xamlnn'lflllfl are to be held in thy public school here on Friday next. Last Finlay evening Mrs. H. Linrs gave a party at, her home. Most oi the guests wr-r» from the 2nd eoneeSsioii. Rev. H Ross. of Manitoba, in apt-oiling a few “(mks with Rev. C A Cainpbellal the Mouse. 0 Received «Sc Acxnowledged. Mrs. J. A. E Swilzer. received, a few dal‘s ago, the following lelvlrr aekoow lrdzing wiih (limka (he meeipt of a number of quilts forwarded by the \Vo men's Missionary Auxiliniy of thin ril- lage .- COLLEGIATE lnsrrrvrn. CHILLiWAcKJi C .Frh‘y [5.35 DsAn lins Swrrzan,â€"~'l‘lie qniiis from Richmond l'llll :xlixoiary arrived Jan l7. Kinle arr-«oi our thanks for {lir- none. l‘lie quil'a sent by the dilrr‘l'k‘llt societies, lime pi-ivrd .1 source of gloat comfan to us in Ilio lusririiie. n'heie no Ill'lCll h d ding ia Ht't‘~lt‘d. in looking at the "Re port," I use iliai you are not ii large i-iiixiliari, an I think you have done re inarltly “ell in send. so many nice quills. 'l‘iii-rv in always so much work [latching and qlllllli-g. luioie a leHei for Ilie March “Leaf l»t,' so you will see what I Would other- wise write. to you personally. Praying that God “my bless and keep you, I remain. Yours very sincerely, M. L. CLAizKE. «cuâ€"â€" Sale Register anA'Y, Min-eh Htli~Creilit Sale of Farm Stock, the. on lot 0, 51h con. VllllLillili], the propei-tyof W. A. Heliukuy. Sale at the o'i-logh. 'l owns, 8 months. Salem Ecllaidt. nurtiniieei'. FhIDAY. Malt-h 8â€"Creuit sale of cows. steers and pi s. at the Franklin house. Mni'klmni, the Tiroperty oi Torrance &' Siiou l)l|¢1l. Sale at l O'l‘lUCli. Telâ€"inst} months. Salem Eulinrdt, ' auctioneer. errniin, March thâ€"Creilit sale of c-ittlo, pigs, grain and potatoes, on lot :28, 2nd eon. of Seurboro, the pro: city of W. H. A: 1’. A. Pet- terson. aalciitoiie o'clock. ‘lei'ms 3 men. for grain Ilutl potatoes, ti mos. for stock. Salem Eekardt. auctioneer. MONDAY, Mari-h ilthâ€"(‘i'edit sale of farm stark, implements, eti:.,oii nest half of lot 30, rear (if.ll’llr‘1ili. King, near K‘;i.Ll0b\’. the property of T. 0. hchiinougli. Terms, 8 months. J. T. Saint-on, nut-ti: IIUCI'. lioxnn. March llâ€"Crellit sale of farm stock, implements, dc. on lot 23o, lst con. Markham, the property of Henry Line. Sale at one o'clock. Terms 8 months; 8 per cen‘. ior cmh. Siileiu E-‘liurdt, auctioneer. TUESDAY, March l-Jâ€"Administriitors’ (:i‘e lit sale of IL ful'ul. store and (lWelliii-h, farm stock. implements, household iiirniiiire, ($6., on lot ll rem 6th con. Markham, the property of the lure Allen Mch’ nnon. Sale at cue-en o’eloel. ; lunch provided, Terms 8 months; it per Ceul per unnum {or cash. Salem licâ€" kul'lll, auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, March 1:;~(3ieilit sale of farm stuck, implements, tie. on lot 1”, till con. East York (town line). the property of the late 'l‘hoinus W. Patte son. Sale at twelve o‘clo:~k; lunch provided, Terms 9 months. Salem Ecknrdt, auctioneer. Wannnsmv. March :3 â€"-Ciedit sale or farm SlucK, implements, &c., On intfi5,15t con. Mu khuiu (Yonge Sii'eet. ‘2 miles north of ltiehnioiid Him, the pi‘upert) oi kit-u. Nclile. Sale without reserve. Sale at one ri‘i-lm-k. Terms 8 months. N. E. Smith, uni-i ioneer. WEDNESDAY, March lJâ€"Crmlit take or form stock, implements dun, lit (illtfith's hotel, ‘l’eston. bale at 1 o'clock. 'J‘eruiso' months. J. 1). lteadmun, auctioneer. FRIDAY. March iii-Credit sale of farm stock. im- plements, five, on lot in, 4th con. Scurboru, the propertv of Francis Underwood. Sale at twelve o'clock; lunch prodded. Terms 8 months. Saiem Flt-kinda, auctioneer. SATJHDAY. March 16~Ui~mlit sale oi 1min stock, implementatte, on lots 2'2 and 23, 3rd con. East York, the property of Hugh McDowell. Sale at 12 o'clock. Tennis 6 months. Salem Eckardt. Auctioneer. MONDAY, Muicn lHA-Ciedit sale of farm Stock, implements, man on lot 21, rear 4th con. Sznrboro. the ,‘pro 'rrty of Archie Bonnet. Rule at 1.}. o'clock; lunch provided. Terms H months. Seven per cent. per annum ior cash. Salem Eekurdt, auctioneer. Moxnnr, March lotn~0reuitsiile of farm stock. iiiioieinents, household iui'niinro, etc. on lot 5;. lst con. Markham, the property of Win. Wright. Sale at 1 o’clock. ‘l'eiins, 8 months. N. h‘. Smith, auctioneer. TUEleAY, Mai-en illâ€"Credit sale of farm stock. implements dam, on lotzl‘z, 1st ron. Markham, the propeity of Suinuelii'iuiieis. Sale at l'..' o'clock. Terms) 8 months; 7 nor cent for Bush Salem l-iclmrdt, mimioneor. DNl‘lt-IJAY. Mai-ch yuâ€"Cieilit sale of farm stouli, implements. Aka, on lots 18 and is), rear Ilid "on. Vaughan [Map e) the propeiiy of Fiedei‘ich S in iit one U'clUle. Terins,7 LLUlltlli. Suwm Eelinrdi, uiicr. \VEDhltnLIAY. lllureh Zl’A-Lii'clllb saie oi mini stock, implements, like, on lot 1, 7th con. King (King Creek), the property of Thomas i'am. Sale at] o’clock. Tennis 0 months. J. 'l‘. Singcon. auctioneer. WEi DAY, hilll‘l'l] L’ilfiUre-Jit sale of farm st: 1, implements, Ac, on lot 3-1, con. t), Scaiboro. the pri party of \V‘.l\l. Norton S.ilo hi i: o‘cloi'lt; luLll'll provided. ’1 oinis eight iiioziilis. Sunni ldekai‘dt, auctioneer. TuLlicsimr. Mulch Zlâ€"t‘redit solo (if liii'ni stock, implements, &.~.. on lot :l, Mn eon. Miii'lilinni, the property of ll: iii‘)‘ l’iiliimr, Sulo at one u'l'liu'k. Tcl‘lubd mun-dis. Salem ltekui'ut, Eliublulicei'. FRIDAY, March 22â€"Crmlit sale of farm stock, iin‘ plclllulllS,L'\'C.,l'U lot L’i. 1st con. Scarboro. LUB}!I'1I1'tl'iyUf l'homai; \\l‘l;‘ll§. Sale at 1 o'clock. ’l'ermsa months. Salrni lacksrdt, auctioneer. Fullui, lllm'i-h iflnilâ€"(‘reilit sale oi farm stock. iiuploiiieiits, AWL, no lot 17, 'Jl;(l eon. \‘niiginiu (Unti'iillei, the property of John Dau‘llllflu. Sale “ithout resoi’io. halo at l o'clock. WE To is b months. Eight poi (rent llllU‘VUll for cash. thrill Ei'liuiiit, iiiietionoer. S:\Tl‘lill.\\ ‘ 113”\ ioliii sale (if fail Joel,\i ~ ,on lot lo,1illii-iiii.1il ’llulll, “y‘lll't 'l'honqisoii. 2: tllw lillill u'vlu. k, uuciioi or“. Tl'li‘ s Tnil'ntirs. thilciii ,li. l'iiins., ‘ 1=>liztoil ill. a ' o’.l.i; sill; .‘i‘ U.) the above 7 i as“ e a. v3 . a i I Q s‘é ,.. _ {j- l. winiafitlgi‘v, Insult“ nee Agent Winn“ I: i r‘ Hr '5‘: use...» 1T. igli'i’ilfd. "\ ‘3’ l! 3". 3‘1". 115'? Hide li‘sSohiiith o .5 inc L)lll,l.‘il niii-e‘iiCIi, 150 the rarer i. unfiidihm lit , “woman‘s MAPLE. this . 'iliH hfiou‘q‘ll’li’. ‘i {.501qu "‘3 ‘V 1 demo any linear dn pang emu 9M 'cioeuuoo co, ire; tuna PW ‘Lflflli‘lilflt'cfiifl EOHS 9? $008 mo U? S «e are an. amount; aim [in Eur-Has A1110 ion are am spec? remains a; 33’ i 30 niacin an; to; 99nd at pamper Annex? eq min 110qu return. 911130 31mph em time; u 10} 111001 exam 0:; iepio u; mentiqu rpm: ‘snoog ‘sxeqqng Knee}: ‘peunun put peun IIIst 'S'BUIX are pros esoqa, accident 01 Sterne peppa aq es ill”. ill-m P0053 ‘S‘i‘IHEQGEl-Ll ieOOJeAO ‘sgexo'ef ‘suimex 313mb pus sigoxd [team S isalpg’l ‘Slllolfi 19mm ‘SPQSMJS ‘SWIS '3 'UHX’EIII mo rim 'reuu Sinai viii ‘siiiiii 100M. ‘soleo ‘svicioio Bu WEE gall-“lid l9? nsfiipmg ‘ieainxepug ‘siauuem ‘sragtegmog ‘steaueig snos'ees sing, to oauaieq at”, 'l‘ J ‘saoqsxeag ‘1 “uses .10; Has 9M 5, Militias a co. E 166 &188 KING ST. EAST, TORON (3 Doors from George St.) U) m r, F“ O C‘ 70C. D. DANIEL & CO, 0 Q Q HARDWARE - STORE 8G 'SllHHl/‘l NAAO HIHHQL . , A r , _ WI‘LV _ Wholsale 5!: Retail Importers. Hardware and House Furnishings, PAINTS (lilfi & GLASS llllll Witt-$3 Chill 6%? Bill. We import direct from Manufacturers. Farmers' &: Storekeepers’ Supplies. magenta can.“ THE NEWEST AND iinsr BUTTER COLOR MADE." Gives a Beautifui G .lden Yellow CUlni‘, Similar in that in the Highést Grades of Jersey Cows Butler. It has no odm- whatever. I! is tasteless. It will keep lar any la-ngili oi lime. It is economical. The small lee will colon 600 I0 600 lbs. 01 Blil!!‘l‘~ It will not color the buttermilk. Try a bottle and you will not be disappointed. Free sample bottles given on application. m Wholesa'e and Retail Drnggists, 171 King St. 13., Toronto, Opposite Clyde Hotel RIOHMONfi Hing" ;’* Stoves and Tinware, Glass and Putty, Skates, the latest make, 60 cts. up; Chopping Axes 60 cts. m up; Cow Ties 15 cts. up; X-cut ‘ Saws. Table and Pocket Cutlery, all kinds of tinware made to order. Repairing promptly done. - C. REASO'N IRICEEEIONI) 1111114 ARNESS SEQ? FINE HARNESS A SPECIALTY, You can save money by buying yoi'r‘ Horse Blankets, Knee Rugs and Rubef hero. Light and heavy s.ahle blankets from 50 cents up, nâ€"FANCY' WOOL BLaNKETt,â€"-â€"% And Fancy Wonl' Knee Runs, cheaper and better than ever. If in need of a Robe buy nothing but the . . . . . . . . . . “’itliout doubt the very best. Robe. made for the money. No dyed imitation of fur but a genuine black hide rot-e, all one piece ; moth and weather proof. Also selling the hlA'l‘ASSANA COAT, boll) coat and robes down in price, Can also supply iirst- cluss fur goods of any kind cheaper than can be lifillulll elsewhere BHPBES THINIJEEED .~‘.\..\D LINED in lia'st-cliiss style. Geo. McDoneffa, Richmond Hill. m. .. . n..- , And there are a great many goods in our line that you will require. Loolrzit this list : Barb \Vire, $2.871; per ioo lbs. Freight on 50'0 lbs or over prepaid to any station, where rate does not exceed 2 e. per ioo lbs. 5 Barrel lihurns, 3 oo, 3.25, 3 50, $4.25. \Vafer \‘Chite American Oil, by the barrel, Ijlc per gal, and no Charge for barrels. Manure Forks, Spades and Shovels, cents and up. 'Wire and Cut Nails, Hinges, the, are very cheap. \Ve can offer spool il low rate on Carriage Bolts, Paints, Oils or Glass. all steel, 50 S3 ‘Q n. W :2,” a, t . En tit 0a, 156 intro- s’rnEET, is... TORONTO. Threat; Vie} Hi‘ 10 C'Ti ilu 'Illo'el. u

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