:11 (we) . N.B.--Re£i<tared Letters: musrbe handed in It lustfï¬feen Minutes: Qarlier than the abové mentioned hours for cln Un in ï¬rkrimh Dmvexxpn DJWnWL Ifhm'nh i1 sternum yewm nrket Am‘om Kinz.. Rxmn "homhill Downsview ‘ Daven‘vm't . TORONTO Union ~Until further motive Hiils win be dosed at tha Richmond Hi1] Post Ofï¬ce as follows:â€" MORNINé‘â€"Gning Northsnulh East and \Yest. including Tllornhéll, Connects with an tmins, flouv- Richmnn’i Hill_ as ft Mï¬' A» Exprosqjmrth & S( Accommoduh‘nn, north and Express North Mail South... N. R, R. Leave 7 10‘. Kin: .. Aurnm .. .. . Newmflrkot Evzxmazâ€"G RICKMOND HILL, Thursday, Mar. '2l, ’95 SUMMER TIME TABLE 1055..,11 Last car: mond Hill profespional and Saturday uflernonu PORONTO PRUCTOWEFKGE LINE. Mr. T. Herb‘ert Lennox will be at Kelly" Hotel every Wednesday. Good solid large Onions for 180. per peek, at the Concrete. Court. Richmond marrow eveninn. Curtain Pains complete, including Drapery Pint-3.11)! 25 cents, and extra vuluein mount- ed Window Shades at the Concrete. The Eul‘ject for discusdon at the Enworth League meeting toâ€"mmrcw night will be “ Temperance." Dr. Baxter, Grit. won the seat. for Haldl- mud on Tuesday, beating Mr. Senn, Patron, Bargains in Spring woven \vir 33.50. by 280‘ Mrs. Whittaker, by her three childr her mother and re‘ l’me Lard, Rendered. 10c 10 05 crele was the ti) that Dr. F. J POST UFï¬tE NOTICE John Hend 31 H I‘l Molropolilnn 5:. Hallway Going South mux‘ I; 0(3 /A_ I; C . Wm 20 um ll H rm. HILL pm M Gall-«mough, V. 8‘, 715115 Rich- profesdonully every Wednesday {\V ‘énIm’ SOUTH ,plé,T<j_rny_ 64') OIN€ urm her TIME TABLE 8.49 Fon‘5ï¬tn, Markham ,szc. nth East and West (as Mutlrcsses ‘at Savage’e. 132.00. Mixed Mattresses , A. 0. R, will meet to Quarter night. of Toronto, accompanied 91), spent. a few days with urned home yesterday. Leave G M. TEEFY. Postmaster‘ M r m1 William Welter u‘ml-‘r's or Best Kettle Alhinsou dz Switzer. )RTH “leaving the Palm†1th Going North uth Accom Accom 11.13 11.22 or $1.00; ’0. -at the 12 50 840 1‘10 30 of June dSIL 00 Ar T h quart 30 20 public no of Torontc ,sm :1 m. 11.00 a m 600 P. m- Mail Ex 7.45 5.30 for 30 Morgan’s y¢ snrvay Pnkin I Bran at. I]: pack Next Suudav mumng Rev. Mr. Vickery will preach from the text “ For may one vhull be suited with ï¬re, and evrry sacriï¬ce shall be saicvd wnh aull."-â€"Mark it, 49. THE LIBERAL and Weekly G‘oI-e will be aant from this date to the Isl: of January, 1891;, for $1.00. As there me waiting; times ahead, this is too good a chance to be missed. Mr. H. J. Newt;er and daughter are no“ counted among our citizens. having mowed to their home on Arnold St. yesterday We are always pleased to welcome retired (arm- crs in our midst. Next Sunday will be Temperance Day in the Methndist Sabbath School. The schnIurs WIlI be addressed by therleache‘rs 0|} [he whject. and names enteer on the plpdm bank Mnsic by the S. S Orches‘n, pm. apploprinla ringing ly the school. All vis nors are welcome. The heelâ€"CEflforum APHEEQETJ‘BEP at the Counrele. Gaod Valencia Raisins, 5 cents per 1b.; good Palms Currants 5 cents per 11).. and extra Bosnia Prunes, 5 cents per 1b., at [be Concreler Sunlight. Pure Soup which is an Atkinson .ï¬ You know the parable of the foolish virgius~ well lbeu don't. delay but give you; Millinery order to Misu Cbamhers br-fora the Easter rush is on. Atkinson a Swil'zcr. The Semi-annual onuvwliou of the York Conn-y Women‘s Christian Temperance Union will be held in the Mexhodieh chUch. 'l'monto Junction, on Tuesday, March 26m, Mr. J. R. Campbell, gram buyer, M the Richmond Hill Sl‘uliau. has for sale a quan- tity of chmca seed barley, goose wbrak an†pause. free from all foul seeds. Also a quan- tin of seed barley. 32 lbs. Tilson'a Rolled Oitd for $1 00 lbs Lawym'a Wheat Flakea fnr $lllU‘ lbs Gold Dust Cornmcul for 31.00 M. Concrete. 1895. In 10 The Patrons of Richmond Hill Aseocinliun met at the resldence of Brn. George Nublp Yorge seret, on Tnuaday ewmng‘ and spent a pleusaut evvning together. After an oyster supper to which abnul 40 Sat down. the brethren spent an enjoyable ham or lwo in ï¬peecheaJo Isis, recitations, songs and music. The members Separated in good time fuv their several human. Exiamjn’e 1116' Check Gingham at 52. per th‘CIflggk-ï¬hirting at 56. per yard, thv 2suib'c1'a‘ “fast {flared Pï¬m at'5c. per yard. and who‘s; in‘ch Selisia Linings at. 9c. per yard aHhe Concrete. Verh‘cal Writing. - Miss Eva \"iiey has lm‘l us some twenty sheets containing specimens of writing dmw by a 3rd class in Hami‘stmi sireelschooi,’1‘n. ronio. The wrifing is done by the vertimsl system. as taught in the Toronto Schoolt‘ The buecimens are remarkably good for a 3rd ciass. and so even that it. looks as i1 done by one pupil. Trustees, teachers, or snvone interesth may see the specimens at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Toilet Snap per; dnz. Box Morse Helin trope 30mv Infant‘s DeIight 27c., Fine Oat meal 21c., & lb. bars best quality either Out meal, Casiile cr' GlyCerene 4 for 23s., 0!- Brown W‘indsor for 50. and 3 for 56. A‘ kiuson AZ Switzer. Mr. George Dunstan, Manager of the To- 1'onto Financial Corporation, was in the village on Tuesday, and explained the mode. of buSines’s to Mr. J. M. Lawrencs. the Man- agur hem. Quite a numlmr of the businesn mm mm. MLDunetan. and were well pleHFed With the explanations and information giv- en. The new institution WI“ do all kinds of husinesa done by banks, the onlv difference being that I'm corporation issues no bills. Mr. Lawrence has already taken some depcsits. The Hon. Willred Laurier will speak in the new Agricultural Hull, Markham. under the auspices of the Markham Young Liberal Club, on Saturday. March 23, 1895. at. two o'clock p.m., ashisled by the following prom ineul. genllemen: Wm Mulock, M. I’.: J. D. Edgar, M. R; D1'.Coulter. Aurora; G. B. Smith: J. Richardson. M. P. P., and Ald. H. R Franklaud, the Liberal candidate fur the Commons in East Yo‘rk. A special train will leave 1119 Union Slutior, Toronto, at. one o‘clock p. m. sharp, stopping at the Queen amp: crossing and all stations balween To- ronto and Markham. Returning will leave Markham 21:6 p. m. Single fare for round trip. terns there with illuslr Will D Ar I‘ellvy‘a bleuJeul ( rmd pure Ceylon 1‘.- the Uoncrece, In. 20 l‘umental mu Tle Delineator for April is an excellent eci'ueu of this popular woman‘s magazine, lpplfmmlnry (0 Elle regular issue of pat- rns there is a timely article on bicycling. th illuslralions 0f ('nstumes, that will 11)- rest all lovers of the wlwel. The papers the voice. which were interrupted by the age, cnunm. be A’kinsun's leruu in :1 Soon, 20 brand Demonstration Soap 3 bars for 18c., Richard's 4 Mrs hr 230. and \Vonderlul. «mm noap, 512-uz. bars for 23c. Switzer. 305 Open for Busine P of I. Supper. The Delineator‘ For Sale lwah 1 tnam d‘efeai‘el John mvdul curlmg match to 11. Now, on to :ul series the ï¬rst. m Tea. An-i Bee :}lb luuxl packages and 30 cents pe-r are ml d there rtnin intro th Organization Mecnng. A meeting 0! Rulurmers in Division No. 2 Markham. was held at Joyce's Hnll, E'qiu Mllls, 0". Friday, evening. Mr. D. Lyneb in the clmir. ’l‘hera was a large attendance, and even’ elector present seemed thuroughly in earnest abuut the wurk of the campaign so close at. hand. Mr. H‘ R. Frankluud, the Cummous candidate for E18! York. was also prebeut. and got, acquainted With most ol the “Juan electors iu the DDlFiofl. Mr. Franklaud in a neat. speech, mid of the work be bid already done lu the riding, saying that he was Well plensed wllh his couVuss. By all acuannhl, No. 2 will give a guvd re- port of itself when the general election is ln-ld. Live Stock and Farm Journal. The Cumviiun Live Stuck nui Farm Journal for March has come to band. As Ilsllul, it. cuntuins much tlmt is interesting on various Lupice in connection wi-b farming. The ï¬rst page is embeilishï¬d with an illu» lmlinu of a ï¬ne specimen of a th wruugbbred nurse belonging to Mr. Jmhn Huig, Hoax-Li's Slatiun, 01m. and the following are a few of me many articles of intrreaL:â€"‘ The care of Inth.†“Foot. root in sheep," “Succes- sinn oi pastures," “ Growing of spring wheat," “Sowing o! apnng grain," “Goose- herm-a for proï¬t," " Beeke-ping on the farm," “Punllry raising." etc. A sample of lamhp.†“Foot. root in sheep," “Success Sin!) 0! pastures," “ Growing of sprim wheat," “Sowing o! apnng grain," “Goose berm-a for proï¬t," " Beeke-ping on th< farm," “Punllry raising." etc. A snmph copy may be bad on application to the pub lisuers, 20 Bay street, ’I'uroulo. MISS E. Pauline Johnson. the Mohawk In- :liuu Poet. Reciter; and Mr. Owen A. Smily, me clever society entertainer and imperson- ator, will give one of their popular entertain- ment» In the Museum Hull. mxt Mouduv evening, under the auspices of the High School. The Jobnauu-Smily combination nu Well spoken of by the press wherever bay appear. and the proyraunne- to be given here promises to be a most. interesting on». l‘ne High School are lurking {or a lull mouse. Doors open at 7.30; entertainmem .u commence at 8 o‘clock. Admimion, 25 cents; children; 15 cents; reserved Beds, 35 «Aural The chair wrll be taken by Mr. N‘ B. vbvrlsnn, B. A. Plan of hall at THE L13- EnAL oflice. A Manly Correction. Mr. J. T. Suigeon was put to some trouble mxl annoyance I couple of wwks ago while nctiug l1] Ibo capacity of auctioneer in Sim- '09. County. Mr. Suigenu had properly re- uuwed his license. but dld not have it. in his Docket when an ofï¬cious countable demanded uim to produce in. The Brudlord \Vilmss. vluch was l-‘d mlo errgr by the report. made Lhe following manly correction last. week :â€" unducu-d a snle in this county without a proper license. This was 00L} fax-3t. as Mr. Suigeon had been careful to renew his license m-{ore occasion arose fur' him lo use it, and the complaint l'aid against him before our J. P's. was accordingly dismissed." “ We Weré in erfor last week in our item reipecliug Mr J. T. Saigeou, of Maple. motioneer. in stating that Mr. Snigeon had Canadian women are already noted for mmy graces of person, character and heart, and nnw they propose showing that tbev also “ms 55 mental pqwers vi a high o.der, cont niued with puaimas qualitieih 'Lhey haw uuxierlukrn ‘to fansume charge ol'iw eutire usue of the Toronto Daily Gibbe'ï¬or April 58th, nox‘). The regular. ediiuiinl and n-eportoriul stufld, certainly. all the ma'e ummhers fliereof, will be displncéd for that iAsue by n stuff of ladies who wiil cover evary ieparthnt of the paperâ€"business, editoriah new] and general. 7 ’1‘beissne will be a very Izu'genue,'l;01h as to number of pages and a- ~ircululion, and will also be non-pulitical Iud non-sectarian, The result of this unique 'HJdL‘THlkiDg wiil, we are sure. be wan-had with interest, not only by the fair sex of the Dominion. but. also by the, on this ocousion, more curious element. Lacrosse Meet-.ng. A meeting for rte-organizing the Richmpnd Hill anrosse Club for the season of 1895, was held in the Lnrue Hall on Thunduy weuiug last. Mr. Will D. Atkinson was in (he chair, and Mr. A. S. Snags acted as secretary. After reading and conï¬rming lbw last, unuunl minutes, the following were elected olï¬cera for the current year :â€"- Hon. Pres , A. E. Puguley. Pram, Will D Atkinson, The brethren 0! Court Richmond. No. 7046, A. O. F., [not at. |heir hall last. Sunday afternoon, “here tlnev were joined by a large land of the members from Conn. Union, 'l‘lwrnhill, and about. em equal number from Omnt Laurel, King City. Leaving the hall at 3 o'clock, they formed in procession, and. headed by the Richmond Hill band,murched to St. Mary's (English) church, where a sermon was preached by Rev. F. Hmtheote, of King, a. prominent memner of the order. The music along the line of march WHS choice and npproptiate, a. medley {or tllr occasion, couslsling of the seleclions “ Fall into Linn," “Onward Christian Soldiers,†and " Newer my God Io Thee," bming been arranged by Mr. A. J. liume. Between 70 and 80 Furestera mara in the prncesdnn. The church was crowded to llua door, uud many wcru n01.9veu able to get standing room in the church. Rev. Mr. Heutllcnte Vice-Pros. C. McLean. J Seu'y, W. E. Wiley, ’l‘reus.. G. Cooper. Captain, G. (Hover. Committeeâ€"W. Savage, J. Glass, Wye. Trench and A. Skierk. On motion it was decided tn join the C. L. A. If the other clubs approve of the 5groUuiug. the club here propose a district to he campused ol Ieums from Rlchmnnd Hill, Murkbum. Slvouflville, and either Uxbyidge or The Elms, of Toronto. preucbe Boarders Wanted till 3. at the clo: «iater return to the good w Jembers. 'I‘hz ver the suece High School Concert The Women’s Globe Enquire a: Sermon to Foresters. 1h I truly ‘urch. lie' elienl sem 058 d toAthe w}; the breth THE LIBERAL OFFICE £318 ATKINSON & SWITZER l . 1 - I ISAAC Yam Picture Taken Our Spring Stock has arrived in all the lamest styles consisting of Ladies’, Gents’, Misses†and Boys’ B )uts, Shoes, Slippers, &c. Ladies Strap Slippers, Dongola Kid, only | Misses and Buys Carpet Slippers, only $1.00, worth $1.50. Ladies Oxford Shoe, ï¬nest kid, satin tip. extra. ï¬nish, only $1.25, Worth $1 75. Ladies Dungula Kid Button Root, a bar- gain, only $125, worth $1.75. Ladies Gipsy Boot, buttun or laced, kan- guro leather, only $1 22, worth $3 00. Fine Clutli Sllppers. 3 Lu 7, only 1250 Pruuella Buskin‘s Einstic Front, 3 to 7, only 250. worth 500. 25c., worth 450. Strong Laced Bouts, high cut, 3 to 7, n. bargain, only 750. Boys J: Girls Schnul Boots, hand made, only $1, worth $150. Mens strong Laced Bouts, only $1, worlh $1.50. Mens Kip Grangers,whole fox,only $1.50 worth $3. Mans Fine Calf Boots, silk slitcll,pninted All purchasers of Boots & Shoes to the amount of :5 1.25 and over, we will take their photo and send to their address free of charge. Come and get y COR. KING & GEORGE ST., TORONTO (ET. DOK‘VS‘VTEIJL. 1)l'()1)1'ie§,01'. 1895. GROCEEW STGCK STOCK-TAKING COlVlPLETE. RESULTS SATISFACTORY. SPRING GOODS "There are Gthers,†General lines of A167’C/26l72di86 DOMENION SHOE 8TB The mm PEQQf. ‘ M. ' Jl' picture taken ï¬rst time you are in the city right in the store. For satibfactory dealing in all Now in 01 $1.50. Mans Kip Grangers,whole fox worth $3. Mans Fine Calf Boots, silk sti or Puiladelphiu toe, only $2 233% but the Place PC1811 HMD‘E‘ We LETE take them ,pninted ‘orth $3. 1895