Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Mar 1895, p. 1

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'1‘. F. McMAHON. VOL. XVII. DR. LANG 3 to £9 a. “1.: W. Jl WILSON, M. Eton? M “K Mt. A W. ROGERS, RENT RICHNIOND HILL, Ont. VETERIN St D S B E LIBERAL PRINTiNG & PUBLISHING HO RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 1)is( lau ‘5 $1 per annum, in adv ndu Steinmmg 6m wtal A litt. BUSINESS CARD RICHIE/XOqu TOROE 31:3 IS PUBLISH @FFEt (Di-‘J’ECE Emma NAM VETERH . fiiififliiu Fifi C ill) BINFON TI: mu R H ENG?! TORNING Dwelling EMT. ) EVERY HEP? pm. Wm RIF GED ‘T to 8 p. m. ERA .‘AFF and most DENTIST, 0“ um and. Ki. “1. RUCC. month rm 1 24x in my mt. tw mt NOTA R Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Barristers, Solicitors, 85c. Toronto Officeâ€"Na. :5 Toronto Shem. Richmond Hill Office open every Saturday. WONEY T0 A G F LAWRENCE LAWRENCE & ORMISTON.‘ Aflgggg we ancgm Toronto Buil I‘horn I‘eleph‘ Outline and Peel. ()0 Generalsaler a stock to at reasonable rates Licensed Auctiomm Licensed Auctioneer sales nttended to on noneble rates. Putn Maple ROBINSON, LENNOX & MACLEOD Patrc Every accommodatiz “I‘l’liEHCes for of liquors anu mom-m] cm“ Rates 31.00 p9 ollectio THE PALMER HOUSE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c fiififiéfififi ich BABEIST"BS, SOLICIT J. B. MILLER LINDSEY & LINDSEYl Barri 5101's. Soziflzm's, 431'. @2523 nsed Auctioneer RIC 158 mm; Mm: MISR F RICE etc.. Mte nable I'E ge nolici Herbert Let. u] Hi” everv LINDSEY ne hose} 1' )s in City ;tended to Officeâ€"34 Brmz of Commerce hngs, 19 King Street West. lOfiiceâ€"Posloffice every Wed~ ay from :0 to 12 a. m. TORONTO AND AURORA Au ‘isters, Solicit‘ Con vey Stokes 45; I! 30"“ Sale COMMISSXOXER IN THE J. D. Rosanna“, 984 RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MARCH 28. 1895. §alem Erhard! cmuneer fur the Coun' @232“. 1MOND HILL ’l‘. Saig MM mat. QJv‘fg 0ND I )1:er ts, furnit on the shone er day ELI PUBLIC, W S URMISTON 1x the .QHI th e E. J. B. DUNCAN h e C our 35:, active solicited Cnuntrv prompih' coy to loan ,t-r c H be 11th lI guestfl. Board lcu (30“ Wit]: th Couu tles aduress King St, Toronto. taries an lerésh: I}NI(INVHJIII sentials, Unity; in Nonâ€"Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." 11L) ty of York and at reu- Residence 1M JN 'rier 13's 0“ 11y quire Cnnsiderable tonic before' the; get themselves in shape to meet p ment. The emlutiuns we have with here during the past few weeks c! indicate hnw frail is the foundation which the present Cabinet. has been which the present U: atrncted. The weather cock parliament building with the revolutiu phce in executive government’s policy died. this qm-stiu m ah mher, importme it 15 incmnb to assist in phlilicul UK u-qui‘uy and ll must I \vllL 1vrubably 1112 lines reaclun by tl bchu [his mava If indecision is an evidence of as. our rulers in the Cabinet ‘ ('lver Uue W l It, may safely be said that for the lime is question has been made paramount all mlier, and for that mum!) and the, purlamzu Ilmt has been allaclled to it, IS incumbent nu bulll pulir-ical parties assist in huving it. suttled, not on its lillcul merits but upon the basis of ui‘uy and right. 11 must not. be understood that I am stifying or cnndemning the policy the vurnuwnt have adopted in thin umller. As Liberals we can all unite in (:l'iHCis- u and cmdemuinu the goveinu-ent’a cu} pulicy: we can eunsni'e their ex “again-e, but in the (Illebliull now be re you there are principles iiiVulved at do not iltlllllb of our bring a. unit Liberals either wuv. and far that of this we may be in a brtter Our Ottawa Letter. Huggart is numbered with thnse 1e lmd m take a back seat, and he the pluck to resign. 9 ‘11 many matters “f public policy ‘inet Has been dIVidcd there is y no qmstion m which me dwid- s have been so firmly drawn as in g a decision in the Mumtubu mun “ill shuw its slncerlty [Fact tn the legislatiuu they an muld the Manitabn Lezislatu 0 Luke action ('II the Iuamlale Le premier from here to Govern (his “eek y safely be said that for the (iv ‘eéieion reached a and Cuus'ervu filers, while by eut ut organ decided would b md Chung Ill fur me to My, Lllel'ctore, rmm'm. in reaching a m an prompted by a. deui 1y beliuved to be right, 01 ion had been Inspiucd by nr lluw far the gOVerl) to be crvngmtulated f()[“[l18 an)! e lukvu ll mil be u muncr 1. Test In now wulch hpr fur 1h ' the half 11‘ E ace we were hen the 111 discussing the admit. of either w not pn‘ ummou «Mime cabinet wanted a sessinr smd dissulutiun. Fum can":ch he a canal jub' if iuve musty and more direct. \ ernuxe int were informed by the a that a general election upon, while the day >rinu the news that the god his mmd and would Mm muse with his 91x «1- deficit. while H the affairs of hlS :ut until the elucti Hun ( circhs since the on the town 1 ouuld not keep us than have hf both [)1 WM) smi HY. theft: 1ed is bound ( natives ahke by a very lur 9H upnn you as nut have acted w ll )‘ tter c‘umcs He a bring a. and fur inflmtin h3ve taken and in the late premier afucuun, and fore, whether a conclusion desire to do wt, or wheiher :d by polltical lineal stripe ; will they witnessed 5 clearly enrd ll ur of H ‘30 kne astigutcx rim and he 0 policy here is t divid- .-n as in .auitubu marvrllous ll: of nur Luer : Is kept open 1 Cd“ every mg ing tr-s'imnni what the bl: dune fur lhel hrH-deservin: u; r can “lin- ft} u' the (y in ster Stap I) Jl'd 9.1 i If: too much at stake to allow them to h it all their own way. There are many acts of the admh tratiun that must. be lw ked into, and thuugh thvy will kick hard. as they ways do, against parlianu-ntary mw gnuon into their conduct, the opposil uill coma here with their minds '2. made up to fight it out, to the bitter e The Liberal minority in the House there w protect yum interests. and w they have fflIlHd to make honth men vi the gang Who fur years have b squandering your hard earned was lhey h‘eru succevded in defeating u: of the big raids the gnvermnenb had c templated on the treasury and on y templated on the he pockets. 1 therefore any that of aeriuus regret if in cumin” that must ue Bll'l has MI o‘er and o’er Chlldl'ell of men fore. and Jrs'ls tn ’l‘hy bUSnm fly, in n Wealeys, whnse memmy In nth u) the memnry uf Um As you tuun \he curner yn come to the Baplist Mussi kvpt, open ulHlm time. An lllluulrS is given frum 12 t,“ ing talk on Gnd's dealings w «,f a brnken both in bud)‘ Fundy at all Comm; help I]. A iiulu fur: ()uml Duur. k 0pm: Missi glnriu rum the power of am am xarwllous hng and libr- f nur Luer and Savimu 5kept open 365 days in .u] every night. hear bew 'lg tes'imnnies of redee :hul the blessed Luld one for them, 'who wer vii-deserving sinners; Ir f Gad, they are ataudiu My 11) re them to Ht' Women’s Tva finest building humor Hf llmse their lives to n ntxnu the 2‘ mnderi 5y hav the big While I'll u; hing this Missiun 18 y 5 been m9 rfienua nf Cu d: from the black raw 1; g them from darkness JIII the power of Sin and 1th‘110llSllght and lube-1 nur Lord and Saviour kept “pen 365 days in Lime licago and its Wonderful WorKs upon the Child- ren of Men. rling,v [h the 010: hiue reins ( ‘s. tieury's IVHSSHH \husd-A. ere Mrs. heard as she speaks lllfl rnlnent rtanr, i null! 111 SH“ lll' :r Inzm spake. mung back on 83115 St.. we e passing dnwn Van Buren St. (2’! Clarke, yuu wnli came to (ht Mission. Cul. Clarke was the in u: in the hands nf thd in est-ab Llns Mission 18 years age, whicl n Hm menus nf cunvurtmg tlwus nm the black rav.ngrâ€"s of sin. chanu :m from darkness intu light, am he power of sun and salan into tin ever sum 3 of “flies lVlUlH when: 1. such of political which ynu ) those who are an heart; who udY. swul and all times u [In-maul further a HS lea wlnt who he t1” sh and CULT work for Hi ()SPHI. : Clark street v Uldl we see le 'l'ul‘y n Ott .1iu UHH I ‘it will the he: see Will the \V. ‘ 89833.“ M rs rty md Su‘i W F lll‘ Ill Hf tn light, aw atan into th uf the gnspu This Missin: 1g and l men he! 1N! NI 3 mat f the ( la w [h as the in BUM H at nnce whinh is W11 thn ll‘l inls hi! \ll In an UL 111' unto: m his pro th may carll th< swellings an nothing heavi are dealt, 1t mun in “Ii wm Ll” Mr "mar. cluse fnr the pl ‘oNVEM OF THE Cum ills, March 23rd. 189 [Single copies, 3 cts. syumathv Ill ung. Here you learn of the of Gd and the brotherhood ls nf benevolence and mercy t to tlmse brutlwrs who aro by sicknesw, or wlmm God in we hux called up higher to )lden streets Hut angel feet. In this hrmherhnnd ihe In Unionville. J “EU 1) one by rdan in It rtrnm her ercv continually bless vour children. now wrapt in na. 'l‘hmmun his engaged the L Kufl'ar as clelk in his Maple athurles: mrir-y b aneu LI." as for Sale. HI ind ireu Iheb of he: emumm.s to anly blurs, Though the body, we hupa nt wizh the Lord. : 20th inst. at 2 uded by those who of respect to their Janp '13 moved into his idencu on Main St., has purchased Mr. Int near the church, ctory Nh ‘I‘he .lucuased was ‘61, aged 34 years, She was the only rs Juram Eckardt, was baptized and Evan. Lutheran I. Fishhnrn, and HI member uf the Saturday. As he 21;: ladies were on my triad to make 18 in the twin, but. 2 ubserwd by the win speedxly ,m- U‘I' mnyer do cnnvey ‘er to God; that He M.) $0,] ad rursnts be true; smn summon you. nubev vour days, :9 his bright Iace. REV. F. BRUCE. an mntc luril M‘E resent K E M ISSIUN‘ an tell her 5.11 I n Weir. months SEQ-eaved well that ng come, warm as of farm stock nut for- a charity, ,ther, not fill [h where’s No.39 Christ I “HI here from i away on tm’h ? :nuld loose I), farm stock, m Scm‘boro, air. Sale at 81113 klv'emsed M. God 0551 ‘he carries has been the past cry 0:9 fur that, rm Mock As he Saieu: ugpflu Brlde, {in the wing com- 21D- this

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