m Itiiiiiv " ‘r, EVIiLi:Thvursday, April 4, ’95 “ GROBSL Y UNFA IR." The Woodhridge Leader, of' the 22nd of March, says that their ï¬rm has been asked by the clerk of Vaughan township to tender for the printing of that municipality. The Leader, however, thinks that the tenders called for are “grossly un- fair," and endeavors to prove its as Bertions. One complaint is that the party whose tender is accepted will be reâ€" quired to go to the clerk’s office and copy the minutes for himself. Our cotein says that in case The Leader got the contract, it would take them several days to write out the copy for the printers, and thinks that township clerks are paid for doing that kind of Work. We certainly agree with The Leader that copying the minutes is the work of a good many days, but we scarcely think the coun- cil would be justified in imposing this task upon the clerk, without re» inunerating him for the cxt‘a work, just to accommodate the printers. Heretofore, it has not been necessary. Another complaint is that “proofs must be read and corrected at the clerk‘s ofï¬ce! That DiCnhS that proofs must be either sent by mail to the clerk for revision, to he returned at his pleasure, or the manager of the Woodhridge Leader office must drive over to Maple, seine nine or ten miles distant, with the proofs, and run the risk of ï¬nding the clerk away from home.†Surely the manager of the Leader does not think that the council Would allow documents like the voteis' lists to be distributed, that were not super- vised by the clerk. lIf this were alsl lowed, the court of revision would be a much more expensive institution than it has been of late. 'EIIIE‘ LIBERAL has never printed at page of the voters’ lists that the proofs were not read by the clerk, and,V-of course, we always went to the clerk‘s ofï¬ce with them. The Leader insinuates that the clerk is responsible for the tenders, saying that “time will tell whether the township Fathers of Vaughan are disposed to follow the leading strings of Mr. Lawrence." &c. When the proprietor of The Leader knows that a committee ofthe council was appointed to draw up the neces sary tenders for printing, we are more than surprised at his lack of geod manners ’ey insinuating that they were influenced by the clerk or anybody else. We imagine that Mr. Lawrence is in a position to say that he never made a suggestion to the committee as to how the tenders should be drawn up. The Toronto World refers to the Manitoba school law as that “ miscr- -ab‘ic school question.†There is noth- ing to be gained by calling nasty names. The Manitoba school quest- ion has to be inanfully faced, and the sooner it is settled the better for all concerned. Village Celine-ii. The council met in the clerk's ofï¬ce on March 27in Members all presmit. The :liliiiitra of the 13511 Uf March were read aiiil “moored. Mm. Ll ny \ir. Savage, snconded by Mr. I’lllllt‘l“ that the more be hereby iii- ntructed io niiend the meeting of the Legisl‘lllV‘: Assembly Committee to op- posi the passage of lhe Bill entitled “ An Act respecting ilie town of North Toron- ’to," in so lar as the «Bid Bill relates to thin fileiriipoliian Street Ruilway.-â€"-Carri- Q . Th~ clrrl; read a petition signed by W. H. Glass and .39 others praying the coun- 'cil in "lithe a grant of $50 to aid in the *eataiblisliuwoi (if aRendiiig Room in con~ ncc'ion with the Meclinnics’ institute. Mowd by Mr. Savage, seciinded by Mr. Aikiiisoit, ihat ihiscimucil do hereby grant ihe sum of $25 to the Mechiziics‘ Institute in aid at the establishment of a Free Reading Room in Connection with the said Institute, for the ï¬rst six iiioiitlis.â€"-Carried. The Presidvnt of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society addressed lite Colin- Cll wiih a view to thHllllng assisiiince in the ereciion of a gallery in the Agricol- tural Hall. Mr. Palmer iniide, seconded by Mr. Morison, that this connoil do hereby agree to contribute one half of the cost of erecting a gallerv nod raised seats in the . Agricultural Hall, provided the ionil Cost of erection does not exceed 8100â€"Cai ri- ed. Moved by Mr Sawge, seconded by Mr. Aikinsnn, ihiit ihe Pink 0: nillllllr'e is hereby authorized to form a joint coin iuittee to act with the Committee of the Agriculiiiral Society to arrange about ilie seating capacity proposed in the foregoing resolutionâ€"Carried. The Council adi-iurned. M Tzcrr, Clerk. -â€"â€"-â€"<o.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"r A Dialogue. The following dialogue between two pupils attending Hll Blr'llielllflry FCllliiil may serve as an amusement fi-r some oi ihe'cliissicil readers of THE Linen“. in Richmond Hill, Tliiirnhill and viciiiiiy, EUN'I‘ES IN LUDUM LITERARIUM Serms, JOANNES. SY. Cur adeo curris, Jvmllllf‘ï¬l Jo. (“or lepus, iit uiiini, pn- eanihiisl SY Quid hoe proverbi est? Jo. Quid iiisi .idfiiero in leinpore nIiie Trcltilllllll CHYA» l'IL’llIll, iictuiii est de pelle rile-4 NY Hac quillo‘lll ex parle nihil e<t pr'riifllll Mode pizeteriia est qiiiwiiiu. Iiinpice horologiuin, inaniis iiondiiiii ai'iuii pun: Him, qnod hoi‘aiii ab horn sequis simiiis rliruiit. J0 At ego \‘ix hilieo Iiiir-ni n-irologiis; iiieiitiiiniiir iioniiuiiqiiiim. SY. At niihi lide, qiii caiiipiii a: \oc.-m alldlvl. JO. Qillll ll‘q‘ll'l)»il‘ll'l SY Horain esse iluiiitain. Jo. Soil es! x. aliod, \iiide inauis etiani time-«in, Ri-d ileiiilii esi iiieinoriier licrierna I: aim, siiiis orolixa. Vei'eor lit Dossiin .‘Y Coin- mime pcriculum n-irrris. Nun J1 lim- vix sntis fem-o. Jo. Ei nosii piiem ptoris sieviiiiim. Oiniiis illl noxa (nu-Hulls eui. Nee lll‘rlelS immii iiosiiis imiious o-iiun si corioni esset biihuluui. Sr. Vii-inn is non iideiit in lndo Jo. Qomn igiinr vicariuui constituit? ‘y. Cornelinni. Jo. S’i'uhilli' illiiiii ? Vru nostris imtihus. ls rel Ol’lfllll) pliigosior i-st. SY Vi-riiin dicis; & idoo non raro sum ilius brachio prUCntus paralysin. Jo. Non est piuui, iiiiprecari prr-eceptori. Nol-is pi-tiiis CilVUlldlllll, iie lllCldilllllls iii illiiis iyriinni inanns. Reddninus lll'el‘ nos Vicissioz, :iltero I‘i’Clifllile. aliein Coilice-iii inimi- ciente J0. Pnlchreiiioncs. Fae‘ piaeseiili sis niiiulo. Nam iiiriiis oflicH. memorize. J0. Facile dew-rerem piiVorein, si non adesset pcricoluui. At ‘lll tanio discriniine qnis possit ease securus animol Fateoi; aimnieii non YOUR ATTENTION A l\llNUTEl ~ 'QLHZtrSHBI’S“ WHAT ARE THEY? o.‘_.__ HUSTLER Nn. 1â€" MAGIE COUCH SYRUP Best in the Market to hustle that Frog in your Throat. MAGIC COUCH SYRUP None in equal if for Unsiling that Cough that kept your friends awake last night TRY 1r .' ’l‘nr H I 4..â€" -â€"â€"â€"â€" nusrLEn No. 2â€"â€" â€"IVINTER BALM: Willi} Hustle those chaps off your hands. 2: WINTER BA LM: Will give to your hands and fiice that s ift and silk like texture that is so much adiiiiierl. Prepared by W. A. SAlIDERSON, DRUGGIS’I‘, Potatoesjor Sale. About 200 bugs of Choice Seed Potatoes, and a qlluul-lLV oi Bruin: Point on. Apply to WM. JilSlCS, Lot 2,) :ird (.‘on.Viiu:-lian .ï¬ liiuliiiionil Hill 1'. 0 . A Brick House in {load repair. with good garden and soiull ll'llllfl, is to rent, ouMiil sil'ect, iii the Village of liiirliiiiond Hill. Apply to 34 T. H. RILEY THE PERFECT TEA ‘ TH‘E FINEST TEA IN THE WORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN lTS NATIVE PURITY. " Monsoon " Tea is packed under the supervision ofthe Tea growers. and is advertised and sold b them as a. sam leof the best linesof Indian and cylon Teas. Fini- ‘that reason they see that none but the very fresh leaves go into Monsoon paékages. That is why " Monsooo.’ the perfect Tea. canbe sold at the same price as inferior tea. , h is ut up in sealed caddies of}; in. . lb. and ' 5 lbs . an sold in three flavours at 4°C.. 5°C. and 6°C. l If 'our grocer doc! not 'liccp it. tell him to write (a STEEL. HAYTER & C0,. “and 13 Front St. £215; Tomato. i I E S E3 Giving up Basins A. G: .. . Here are a. few of the many bar-i gains in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots. Shoes, and Groceries: 12 yds Dress Geods for 75¢. Children’s Boots 40c Double Fold Dress Goods 150 Boys’ Strongr Boots 75c †“ Cashmeres 25c VVomen’s Boots 65c to 3:31 “ “ Serges allwool 25c “ Oxford Shoes “ “Suiting 25c in 4 styles $1 Factory Cottons 3c Men's Heavy Boots p1 Chaliies 5r “ Fine "‘ $1.50 Prints 5 to lot Beys’ Suits 93?. to $4.25 I‘lf-lai‘nettes 106v: I:§C Men's o 3435,, so, 5,, .JlanlIalTlS ' (J ()C u , , f... . ()xffird Shining 10c overhang b3 00 to 6'50 Men’s and Boys’ Hats and TWilled Sheeting 2 yds Cars Cheap wide 20c ' I ' n [:Cather good, 15C Curtain PUIICS, ill-358‘ enllb Cl. Heavy Table Linen 30c rings ceii-piete. 20c Corsets 35c to $51 curtains and carpets cheap Everything in Grocery Department at Reduced Prices. Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange * Richmond. ll. ‘_ Ivar-I ‘Sr '1 Lil Daisy Butter some. THE NEWEST AND BEST BUTTER COLOR MA DE. GiVes a Beautiful Golden Yellow Color, Similar to that in the Highest Grades l f ' Jersey Cows Butter. It has no odor whatever. II is tasteless, I! will keep [or ain lvngill of lime. II is o-rnncnncnl. The sun! size will color 500 lo 600 lbs. M Butler. It will no! color the buiiermillr. Try a bottle and you will not be disappointed. Free sample bottles given on application. C. D. DANIEL 6: CO, \Vholesale and Retail Druggists, 171 King St. E., Toronto, Opposite Clyde Hotel RiCIâ€"IMOND iI-IIL.i_i HARDWARE STORE For all kinds of Hardware, Chums, Clothes VVringers, Carpet Sweepers, Barbed Wire, Black Wire, GalvaniZed \Vii'e, Poultry Net- ting, Forks.Rakes, Spades, Shovels, HngCS,T:i‘Dle & Pocket Cutlery, Creamers. Tin Pails, Milk Pans, and all kinds oi. Tinware in stock or made to order. Eat/c Troughing, Iron Rooï¬ng of all kinds, Furnace \Vork, Stoves, and all kinds of work in the tinsmith line. Repairing promptly (lone. Prices c. MASON. 1.351(BEINIIOTVI) 1111ng siARNESS 0?. Is the place to go for your Light Harness, Heavy Team Harness, Collars, And all other supplies. FINE ~ HARNESS - A - SPECIALTY. Everything up to date and prices as low as possible lor good work. Repairing promptly attended to. Special attention given to Facing and Repairing Collars. All work guaranteed. Geo. McDonald, Richmond Hill. ‘ \' “ii is & can i3ANE§IERS4 strict : i SVE_ST.,AllRilRA. Drafts issued on the ’BANK or -’i“0RONTo payihlo M par on all the lending points. ~ f3.†Ue‘. â€"â€" A general B/nkng Busineu is trunn- acted. Nun‘s I)l°Cnili..-~il Sweial iltll'lillinl mid to the collection of Noise and Accooiizs. Honey :iiivniced on Notes and Mort- qilgt‘fl for any lengih of time to suit the biirl‘iIWc'l‘. Silo Notes casln-d or taken for collec- illHli Note Foriosforiiished free of charge 0!} :ipplicuiioii. J.L.IiOSS, a - Manager. :3? Fwd f....,\p go ~\_ 4 E}? mail 5": . ;~5“~"3 a SXNVJ. Slend Mr. W. B. Gram liavm: gone out of the business in Map 0. 1 ion again i rnpared to supply customers on shortest notice. Postal uotrs pronip;ly utteride to. \V. H. JACKSON, MAPLE .i. “r. snicEON, Insurance Agent ._F()R__ {illliE illré’i‘. iiiilTUAL illli ll‘lSiliiANGE 00-: J De DIlLlhll nnicrica, also the *E‘EMEEEAH to GENEREL ï¬nbllJlil‘lbii MAPLE. COAL, wooo AND SLABS Delivered on shortest notice at reasonable piicos. ("RIDERS BULICITED. ‘ Wm. B. Proctor, RICHMOND HILL. reii'sniivicri SIR PHILIP. Registered Berkshire Boston! 0! Royiil Lanny. first prize at the ln:lustriul.sup- ‘ posed to be the bout sow iu’CAnadil. Also Registered Shropsan Itani; his lambs are me best I ever raimil. ,‘ H. QUETT-ON ST. GEMGE Oak Ridges, Oct. 25th. 139%.