Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1895, p. 8

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ORG-ANS, PIANOS, Farmers‘ & Storekeepers’ Supplies. WELKENS & CO’Y., amd there are a great‘ many goods in our line that you will require. Look at this list : Barb Wire, $2.87gper 100 lbs. ' Freight on 500 lbs or over prepaigl to, any station, where rate does not exceed 256'; per 100 lbs. Barrel (,Zhurns, 3.60, 3,25, 3.50, $4.25. Water \Vhite American Oil, by the barrel, 13%C. per W’EEKINS & 00., SPRENG IS COMING PAINTS OILS & GLASS GEEK PRflfiES CAN’T BE BEAT. ALWAYS IN FRONT! Taken this opportunity of thanking his friends and customers for their liberal patron- during the last six months. Genuine low prices and reliable boots and shoes has a guud effvct on the public. I am now showing and selling thu finest stuck of Spring F..nt<\\’eur we have yet had to offer, which is saying a guod deal for them when you consider our reputaiion for Emu-class “coda. Our spring stock is seennd to nuue nurth uf anouto, and we invite you to call and inspect our line of goods in Ladies' Dungnla Kid Oxfnrds tips and fauvd needle toe, Ladieu’ finest Kid 0x~ ford needle me 3 large buttons, Ladies’ New ank The c‘mh tons, Ladies’ Daisy J‘LId Uxfurd tips and faced turns, Ladies’ u Juaan Kidt Oxfurd m 3, Ladies’ Tau Pebble Oxford m a needle toe, Ladies’ Oxidr: Gua- Tan Oxford very fine, Ladies’ Oxford tine Kid with Goodyear welt, Z..dies’ Arm-«lean Kid Oxford Turns, Ladlea’ Bmclmr Oxford best Kid. Ladies’ finest Kid Buttoued Bout. Piccadilly toe Goodyear welt, Lndies’ finest. Kld Bal- moral needle trm tips and faced turns, Ladles’ Unnuola Kid COngess New Yul‘k toe turns, and all ahades of misses‘ and Robb. Sivers, Wholesale 86 Retail Butcher The LIBEBAI Milch 166 & 168 KING ST. EAST. TORONRO. Hardware and House Furnishings, SEWING MACHINES ustom Work a specialty, sewed and pegged. R promptly and neatly done. Wholesale 80 Retail Importers. At right prices, and on terms to suit the purchaser. S. C. WOOD, gal., and no charge for barrels. Manure Forks, Spades and Shovels, all steel, 50 cents and up. Wire and Cut Nails, Hinges, &c., are very cheap. \Ve can offer special low rate on Carriage Bolts, Paints, Oils or Glass. hos. " eredith & Co, 156 KING STREET, E. TORONTO. Next Door to Clyde Hotel. WELL ASSORTED STOCK of Organs and Sewing Machir'es, always on hand. Givc: us a trial. Subsm OWS We import direct from Manufacturers. CLARK, - CONCORD. ROBERT SVERS 3ribe for HIGIJ. GRADE nan kept constantly (3 Doors from George St.) AND“ children’s {outvwean Also in men’s Shell Cordnvan Bals New York Toe Goodyear Welt, men’s Shell Cordovan Congress Goodyear Welt, men’s finest Kangaroo Bals Goodyear Welt, men’s Purpnise Bals Goodyear Welt, men’s Calf Bals m 3, men’s Calf Congress Tips Goodyear \Velt, men’s Bufl‘ Congress m 5, men’s Bufl‘ Bals needle we standard screw, men’s Tau Pebble Bals m 8, men’s American Calf Bals, men’s Gondola. Kld Oxford, men’s Bufl' Oxford, men’s Tan Pebble Oxford, men’s strong boots laced and buckled. a. full stock of boys’ and. youths’ rrong and fine boots and difler- eut kinds not mentioned. Residfinse far Sae. Richmond Hill $1330 IN A3) lfiEfiifiL’, 9 VANGE {epairing Authorized Capital,â€"â€"$2,5oo,ooo; Subscribed Capital,â€"=â€"$627,4oo, ]. K. KERR, Q. C., President. - GEO. DUNSTAN, Manager. Has opened 3 Deposit and Savings Branch at I‘HE Toronto Financial Corpommon, MONEY TO LEND License District of East York. Where moneys are received ON DEPOSIT IN LARGE AND SMALL SUP Interest allowed on Deposits in the Savings Branch at 4:}; per Cent. Drafts issued to all parts of Canada. Collections promptly made. List of new applicants (or promise now under Hotel Licenses for 1895-96 : Listof new applicants for Hotels not under license: . di-vâ€"nslou No; 11, York Township East. ' k? AI! petitjonsand protests again st granting Licenses must e lodged with the Inspector at least. four dayglreflouu to tho first vmeetiug oi the Board. Total numbér ‘of applicutxons for 1805â€"96:â€" Taverns, 3'); Bee: and Wine, 6 months, 1; Shops, Total number of Licenses issued for the yam 1894-95 :-â€"'1‘nvcms. 30; Bear and Wine, 6 mumbs. 1 ; Shops. 1. Saturday, April 20th, 1895, For the nurpuse of granting Licenses suing License your. Dated at the Inspector's Oflice, Uniouville. Apxil 2. 189.5. Crone, E‘rmxkland J.. Norway. El smu. John, Sr..1{ichmcnd Hill Shaw, Albert J., East Toronto. Vaughan The next- meebing of the Council of the Munic pality of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, Veuore. on TUESDAY, APRIL 9, ’95, Boston. Frank; Main Street. East Tmontn, Keacme, Morgan, (ixâ€"ace Ayenue, ‘Polling S b. The underaigned,!ot 61. lsb con. Whitchu has for sale a quumitv of Seed Pause. CHARLES '1‘fiQMI"_SON TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, for th ublished in accordance with the R. S. 0., 1887, Chap. 194, Sec. 11, Sub-Section 6. Appiy to Bv order or the Board, Awell-bred Black and Tan Hound came to he premises of the undersigned on Monday, 5th Ma,er 1895. The owner may have the same by proving The Board ‘0! License Commissioners will meat on BifiRSES for SME The undersigned. lot 35.131; con. Vaughan. has 2‘ sale the following: 1 Buv Horse. 5 years 01(1,H. 1‘. 1 Brown Horse, 7 years old, G. P. 1 Comings Horse. ugqg. unn- “nrnv 40â€"3 SEED PEASE â€"AT THEâ€" CLYDE HOTEL. TORONTO. 216% Notice 39. film: fiamfimmmte. Huifidfltaved. n4 JAMES ECIAARDT, .al iii? r? fiiféié’fivnhfi‘f At. 10.20 a. my, Head Ofioe, 86 King St. East, Toronto, Wfifi‘ifififié) Richmond Hm at 10 a. m J. M. LAWRENCE, Clerk Exchange bought and sold. rompt attention given to the collection of sale ,ged. B. WELDRICK ROCHEST Inspector E. R. York lsb con. Whitchurcl.‘ Cwncil- MANUFAGTURERS UEE INSURANGE I}. mggsgrmmumci- Head Oflioe, - Toronto. RIL 9. ’95. A SOLID CANADIAN GGMPANY. BELIx’mdg'e’s 1’. 0 1511;251:311 P. 0 for the en * OR THE convenience of our customers in the north we have opened up; ** BRANCH STORE, 4-16 Yonge street, 'nac bcluw College street, where . . _ J . all Tubaccos and Clgara wxll be sold at same pnces as at our celebrated EL-le-m-the- Wall Cigar Store. \\ rum mm mm: DON’T FORGET THE ADDRESS: 167 1-2 KING ST. EAST, Surplus on Policy-Holders’ account at 3Ist of December, , . I 1894. $77,789 72- Pohc1es absolutely 1nconte<table after first year. No re- strictions as to occupation, residence or travel. THORNHILL Room, Ceiling and Bordering Pap Our stock is now complete in Room,Cei1ing and Bordering Papers to match,from the best mak- ers, and as cheap as any house in Toronto or elsewhere. SEE OUR 5 CENT PAPERS. Pb 0 R C resulting from bad seeds would nnt occur g s” (Iflell if FARMERS and GARDENERS alâ€" 2 ways knew where gnvd seeds c-mld be purchased. $24 «JW ""’ Fertilizers, Garden T0013. Syringes, Spray Pumps and the Famous Planet. Jr. Implements. Everything for Farm and Garden. OUR CA TA LOG UE (fr PURE GROUND FLAX. OIL CAIKE. file. The cerebrated EMPIRE STOCK FOOD Via the cheapest ar The Steele, Briggs, Harem Seed 60., we, The celebrated EMPIRE STOCK FOOD is the cheapest and best arncle you can put in ynnr feed boxes. RUST'S EGG PRODUCER will made your HENS LAY. Full supplies for the, POULTRY YARD on hand always. We will pay hIghest market prices for Red, Alsxke and Whlte Clover Seed, Timothy, Seed Gram, &c. 187% KINO SWEET EAST, TORONTO Mixed Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Leads, and Turpentines. Brushes, all sizes, at bottom prices. Glass cut to order. pricés. Glass cu Furniture'low Usual stock of G1 Goodglack Chewing, ................ 35¢ per 1b. IOC McDonald chewing, reduced to 8c. per plug. 25c T. & B. Plug for ........ 20c Derby Plug for .......... IOC “ “ .......... Money to Loan. Conveyancing Done. 130 AND 132 KING ST EAST, TORONTO Vegetable, Flower and Farm Savage, Richmond H z]! rmmm’mmmmmm . M. LAXVRENCEg 446 YONGE ST, TORONTO. of sales and other notes wt to 0rd w in price Groceries ....and... BROWN. zutifully illustrated a to suit the times. cheap as any in town. Manager, Richmond Hill General Agent Co. York ...20c ...18c

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