AT WE LIBERAL PRINTLNG & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. ‘1‘. F. McMAHON. THURSDAY ZMORNING DR. LANGSTAFF. 8 to H) a. “1.; and 6 to E p. n: Aurora lst.8th, 16th, and 22nd Richmond Hill......9t.h [Lu-1 24th (M: 'me Palmer House) Stoutfville .. .‘......18tb erlglmm .20t-h m. Amer-t M... .. .14“; W. J. WILSON, M. D., u... . n, Stouï¬ville .. erlghmn ï¬n. Amer-t ........ Wm) [bridge Kleiuburg . 0 “atom ........ ..18tb, i! Sunday. 215t- .20t-h or each month .14tb. do .318“) do .29th do .3nch do Ra‘inhle Gum Applimtions use?! when required BS’Geb your Cheap Teeth of Robinson. 70L. XVII. W. ROGER ,IHENTLST, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School. will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p. 1):. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of horses, cattle and other domesticat- ed animals treated by the latest and most ap- proved methods. VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL, Ont. Store. & Dwelling TO RENT. Glalzwr, Gramm- flung We HEWESGN, RESIDENCE, Also dealer in lgiHE A. L. SKEELEJ Addrass $ I per annum, 6‘ A little east of Parkdale station, over W‘ Collins’ store, comer of Queen and Nortbcoue Avenue, § :0 19 a. m. RICHMOND BUSINESS CARDS. VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMLOND HILL, . T. EvicElroy, fln‘s‘ml. wrgnzzgg ms? TORONTO an. mw IS PUBLISHED EVERY OFFICE HOURS Emma 62 Paormmon $1.00 Der Year. A ROBINSON LBS. AuromOnt HOUSE PAINTER. USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. wettrmnm Wraiml. SURGEON DENTIST .â€".AND‘_. (3’ 11m y l. ; 6to§p.m. HOURS lfl‘el' RICHAK all! i! Sunday. leb or each month do do do do a! each month do L) e 1'- MISS c. HARRISON, LlDRESS - MAKER, ) ‘[ RICHMOND HILL. aSA- CALL - SOLICITED. Barristers, Solicitors, 86c. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No.15 Toronto Sheet. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce open :vcry Saturday. HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. VIGNEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES nggg d? flaws/mm A G F Lawmmca LAWRENCE 8: DRMISTUN. Collections in City and attended to. M Toronto'Ofï¬ce-M B m: of Commence Buiidmgs,19 King Street West. l‘hornhillofï¬ceâ€"Post Oï¬ceevgry Wed- nesday from 10 to :2 a. m. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Unmer and Peel. Goods sold on cumsignment Generalsalee a stock, etc... promgtly attended to M reasonable rates. P. 0. adgress. Licensed Auctioneers for the County 01 York,re- spectluily solicit your patronage and iriendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest notice an“! A roasoube ram. P.0.a.dnress King Telephone 2984 J C STOKES Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at tea~ snuable rates. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple Mr‘ T. Berber: Lennox will be 3% Kelly's Hotel. Richmond Hill evexv Wednesdxw, {or the trans- action or business. ROBINSON, LEN NOXS: MACLEOD Limnsed Auctioneer {or the County of York. General sales of impleme' ts. inmiture.smnding timber. em. attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. Every accommodation to guests. Board, $1. Der day THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Thisflne hotel is ï¬tted up with all the modem appliances for health and comfort. Best brands of liquors and cigars. Sample rooms for com- Inarcial travellers. ’Busses meet all twins. Rates 31.00 per day._ Having Iefltced the above house I am prepared to turn 1311 the best accommoduion to boarders an} ch? trav‘ellipg public. Best brands of ifquors and Cigars. Excellent ramming an!) eflicient lmstlern. Sample 1001118 for commercial men First-class Livery in con- nection. EIGHARSQN HGUSE, N (N 2H1 Funeral Flu nlehings Always on Hand!“ RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. BARB-IBTI'ES, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES J. B. MILLER LINDSEY & LINDSEYl Underlakcrs dr Embalnu-rs, Paciï¬c Buildings, 23 Scott. St. Toronto Ea, QEMQN, @&Â¥&E EWNEEW Barristers. Solicitors, &0. TORONTO AND AURORA. Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries and (:onveyancers. 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO WRIGHT BROS, Stokes a: Blouglz. COHKISSIONER IN THE J. D. Rendman, Salem Erhard! MAPLE J. ’1‘. saigeon, any RECHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, APRIL 11. 1895. WM. RICHARDSON, Proprietor PM? J DHN KELL Y. Prom-ietor. u] Countrv promptly Money toloan W s ()nmswon, L it E. J. B. DUNCAN Essentials, Unity,- in NomE LYON LINDSEY UNIONVILLE. Money to Loan D BLOUGB \Ve are on the eve of another session, probably one that will be long remember- ed. Sir Charles Tupper is not, the only one who dreads it. Foster dreaded it.,and after reading the ofï¬cial Gazette to day we‘cun eXpress no surprise. It ir said that nuzlnï¬g is so bad that it might not be worse, but what Cul'ld be Worse than the ï¬nancial statement Min- ister Foster is forced to lay before you to day. I have no doubt. he would have sup pressed it. had he the pnwel‘ to do so, at, lean until the elections in Haldimand, Antigoniah, Vercheres and Quebec West are uver, for it is cerlainly Very damaging evidence against the gnvemment, an evi dence of reckless extravagance and un- fulfilled pledges. The statement, which is for the nim months ending 31st March, places the revenue Cullecmd during that. period at $24,653,099, $27,845,846 during the correspunding period of last year. For the same period the expendi‘ure nn Consolidated fund alone, wnhuut ref erence to expenditure on capital account. which ammm'cd lo anmher $3,273,195, “as $23.844,991, or $513,236 Innre than it was during the nine months ending it was (lining the nine munllis ending 315! March, 1894». \Vhile the expenditure was $513,236 in excess of expenditure during the ihree quarters ending {Hat March of last year. a shiinkage of $3,292,747 is shown in revenue, making the country’s ï¬nances $3,805,983 worse (H than they new on the same dale, 313% March, 1894. Allowing that. fur the next three munllis, wl.icli go to make up the balanca of the present ï¬scal year, the revenue shows no further decline, and that. rev- enue and expeiidi'Ure remain the same as last year, “hat viill be the position of our ï¬nances on the ,30Lh June. The deï¬cit in the treasury on the 30th June last. year was $210,332. To this must be added the $3,805,983 represent.- in}; the balance imw standing against. the treasury up to 3lat March as Compared wiih our position on the same date of 1894 and we get the aciual deï¬cit for the year, allowing that matters grow" no worse fo: the remaining three months. Just. look at the remit of this master- piece of ï¬nanciering. you taxpayers n In; have been the dunes of Mimster Foster and his 0111162121165. A deï¬ch. of $5,016,415. 15 there a 'l‘ury Millimer or a Tory newspaper Mm will dare say it. will be less 3 I have of cnurse assumed that there will be no further sluinkage in revenue. but. I know that in doing so I am de- ceiving myself and misleading you. Those who are best. posted in prospect- ive revenue and expenditure for the next three months say that it. is impoasible that. a. further adverse balance of at leasl one milhon dallars can be averted, which would bring the deï¬cit up to over six million dollars at the end of the gear. I do piiy Tury correspondents and editors who for party sake have to put forth their best efforts to make as guud a story as possible out of the very unsatis- factory text the government has furnislh ed them in the ï¬nancial statement. Wiih all the facts before him the editor of the Citizen, the government organ here, in reviewing the ï¬nancial slamment m-day puts a sign board heading nver his article, “ 'J‘lie Reign of Economy." Slime one met. Foster going up to his department this morning smiling away as if a happy 1111)“ng imd struck him. Asked what it. all meant Foster said he was laughing to see what a. good job the editor of the Citizen had made out of the ï¬nancial statement. Let us see where Faster found his grain ot comfurt out of the Citizen’s cum meutu on his balance sheet. In shumiug that. “ A Reign of Emm- ou:y †had struck the government, the editor of the Citizen tells us that the ordinary revenue for the month was 32,- 748.153 and the expenditure $1,509,958, both uf which he says are less than for the con-eepundmg month of last year. 748.153 and the expenditure $1,509,958, but}: uf which he says are less than for the corresgmudmg month of last year. Now the editor of the Citizen leaves you just there. He does not tell ynu how much less the revenue was, nor does he tell you how much less the expendiâ€" ture was. Let us.look at the ofï¬cial ï¬gures given 1 will. The revenue for the month was $1,011,173 less than in March last. year, while the reduction in the expendiâ€" ture was only $189,353 less. This is what they call “The Reign of Ecnnumy .†I “ou’t say in is economiaing the truth, but it The been a reducLiou of $3,292,747 in revenue as ounpared with the cure-spending periud of 1894, but. “bile he tells you mat the expenditure for that period amounted to $23,844,891, he makes no comparisun with the expenditure of last year. Why? Just because that ex- penditure would show an increase in ex- penditure of $513,236. Our Ottawa Letter. u’t say in is ecanomising the truth, tanks mighty like It. edmm of the Uilizan then goes on that for the nine month there has ssnnfials, L ib‘crtv ; in all tlzi The Citizen, however, ï¬nds that in ex- penditure on capital recount. during the month there has been a reduction of $200,659, which it announces with the following interesting bit of informatiun‘. following interesting bit, of informaticn “ If the revenue has‘fallen off, &c , &c.. it has to a large extent been met by re duced expenditure on capital acoount. the resuh of rigidly economical manage ment of the departments of government.’ For appearance sake in view of the ap- proaching session they have cm down ex- penditure on capital account. $200,659, and they are losing no time In letting you know all about it. But where does " The Reign of Econ- omy " the CitiZen tens us about mule in 7 omy But where dues " The Reign 0? Econ- omy " the CitiZen tens us about mum in 7 Mr. Faster and his friends must, think they are teaching the methods of ï¬nance to 3 Kindergarten class when they at- tempt to palm off such stories upon you. The council of the municipality of the township of Vaughan met at. the Town Hall on Tuesday, April 97:11.7 Mr. Arnold, that the treasurer be hereby authurized to pay the fol accounts: Distnct No. ]-~ - To 'l'hos. Keys, fox spikes, Wedges and sharpening pxcks... . . District Nu. 2-â€"- Tu Jas.Marsha|l,fnr 5,500 ft.plauk at $14 pel M The reeve in the chair. Members present: Messrs. Arnold, Bryson, Knby and Watson. The minutes of last meeting were read and on moliun apprnved. Moved by Mr. Watson. seconded by Mr. Arnold, that the treasurer be and is hereby authurized to pay the following nt$14pe1 M 77 00 wCarried. Moved by Mr. Arnold, secoudtrd by Mr, Brysun, that Rubert N. Taylur du have the road alluwauce from where .the mud deviates between lots 15 and 16. in the 811) can. Vaughan, to the Humber river. so long as (he said municipality of Vavghan uses the said deviation as a. public highway throng!) the premises of the said Robert. N. Taylor, allowing the same Ruben N. Taylor to remove all erections and standing timbu‘ from of? the said road allowance belongirg to the tuwusliip, pne year's notice to be given ,slmuld the same municipality desire tu :egain posseasiun of the said original road allo“ ance. -â€"- Carried. Moved by Mr. Bryson, seconded by Mr. Arnold, that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following accounts: To Edward anett, for cutting 2 cords of Wood and piling aame...$ 1 50 “ Wm. Richardson. fur keep of indigenta ...................... 1.00 “ T. F. McMahon, printing and binding 300 auditors’ reports, 100 \bills, 400 declarations to pathmasters, &c 33 60 -â€"Carried. Tenders for the township printing were received frum T. F. McMahon, of the Richmond Hill LIBERAL, and A. R. Faw- cett, of the Toronto Junction Leader. The latter “ithdrew his tender. Moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Watson, that; ‘he tender of T. F McMahon fur township priming for 1895 be acceptedâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. KirbyI seconded by Mr. Bryson, that it. is expedient to divide road beat No. 86 and to form it into tm» road beats by taking lots Nos. 10, 11 and 12 from No. 86, and to form said lotsintu a separate road ban, to be known as 86;, the persons living on said lots to perform their statute labor on side line between lots 10 and ll, and on the west ends of lots 10, 11 and 12; and that. lots 23 and 24. 7th 001)., be taken frum beat No. 57 and placed in No. 58, and the West portions uf lots 25 and 26, in the SL1) com, owned by Wm. Mitchell, plac=d in bcut‘NU. 85; ï¬nd that the seal of the our poratiun be attached to this resnlutioD.â€"- Carried. Byvlaw No. (546 was passed appointing overseen c-f highways fur the current year as follows: 1 James Buwes 2 Thomas Lane 3 David Buyle 5 Arthur Cuman 6 J" S. McNair 7 Wm. Slmey 8 Gen. Charlton 48 John Wilson 49 Sam Robinson 50 Wm Watson 51 Jas Brown 52 Jas. Ross 53 Ruben. Willis 54 Albert Banks 7 Wm. Slmey 53 8 Gen. Charlton 54 9 Alex. Prentice 54a 10 Geo. Deadumn 55 ll Jun. Charles 56 )2 R. Vouderburgh '57 13 J. W. Heaalip 58 14 W. Washington 583 15 Geo. Fisher 59 16 Arthur Bowes 60 17 Jesse Baker 61 18 John Coombs 62 10 H. BassingthwaiteGB 20 Wm. Clement 64 21 G. W. Duncan} (35 22 All-9X. Gurdad (3(3 23 Reuben Kcfl'cl' 67 24 Wm. Shuuk G7; 25 Jas. McNeil 68 26 Jun Crudduuk 69 27 Henry Thomas 70 28 Geo. Watson 71 Vaughan Uouncil 1117.? C harity. 53 Ruben. \VIIHS 54 Albert Banks 54qu. Thompson 55 Wm. Mainprlza 56 Chas. While 57 Isaac Devins 58 R. Cunningham 58uNA Donernl John Wilson Sam Rubinsun Wm Watson Jas Brown W m W m Jno W JIM. ML \Vm. XV Wm. Watson Jas. Weather Wm. Madget M Ill lï¬gan nflathie Johusxu \Vray VVeathe Maiup JcflEey attruss hch “S 395 EEO“ HZ 31 40 41 42 43 46 T. Ruchardson 4'7 James Murray The council then 27th day of May. 38 Although muddy streets are very prev~ alent in this vicinity, and considering the unpleasant weather, quite a. number at- tenlul service on Sunday evening and listened attentively to the eloquent, ser. mon expounded to them. Mr. McCarthy's hired man took his departure rather suddenly. and certain persons miss him very much. It is hoped he will soon return. We. hope our choir lender will be able to take her part in the singing next Sunday, as she was much missed during her absence. Mr. John Cnombs, jr.. has gone north to work with brother during the Mr. to we summe We are sorry to learn Mrs. Leaf took very ill on Sunday morning, but she is improving now and we hope she will soon recuperate. The young fulks of this town intend holding an entertainment in the school house for the purpose of doing some local improvements during the summer. All are welcome. Don’t. miss it for we expect to have a good time. If warm weather Continues the farm- ers will own be clapping their seeds under ground. ' 11 is the latest, simplest, and best ma.- chine up to date, and no house should be without one. Is an 1894 machine, and is practically the on]y Washing Machine? in the pmrket. Kleinburg, August 29. 1894. The Washer purchased from you is the quick- esL cleunest and the easiest worked washer m the market. No washbom'ds required , Mas. ED. McccranoN. The Sung Washer The following is among scores of testi- monials relative to the Stong Washer: .L J. LEI’NAU. Agent, PRICE,$5; Sold on approval DAVID HILL, Agent. J. N_ STONG, Woodbridge, Proprietor. CALL AND EXAMINE THE ï¬néfaws 8:. Bailey’sfa REIKPIAE. (WETH BERDEES T0 MATBH) A. Winger D. Smith G. Quanta Jacob Snieer J. A. McKinuon Wm. Kyle 77 Thus, Smith, E Alex Malloy 78 Jan. Mitcheil \V.H.Castalur 79 Thus. Smithd‘ M. Thistlewaite 80 Albert. Searl John Darker 81 Juu. Deadmau A. McNaughton 82 H. Appleton J. R. \Vilann 83 E. Humbly Isaac Murray 84 Jas. Barneath \V. Hamilton 85 Wm Agar James Dcvins 86 Isaac Fletcher Robert Topper 86.1L Cameron Henry Whitmore87 James Denna THE FINEST TEA I IN THE WORLD FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA of t? “ Monsoon" Tea is packed under the supervis of the Tea growers, and is advertised ant} sold b t! as a sampleof the best qualities of Indian and e; Teas. For that reason they see that none but very fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. That is why “Monsooqf the perfect Tea. cm sold at the same price as inferior tea. It isdput up in sealed caddies of 35 1b.. 1 1b. ‘ 5 lbs.. an sold m three flavours at 4°C.. 5°C. and 1 If your grocer does not keep it, tell him to w m STEEL. HAYTER & C0., 1: and 13 Front m s'iéï¬.â€iiï¬fizï¬ & co.,‘ East, Toronto. IN ITS NATIVE PUFNTV [Single copies, 3 cts. THE PERFECT TE NEW WALL PAPERS Carrville 74 'i6 88 P t’hillips. adjourned until the Richmond Hill. Wm. Wood Robt. Kellam Richard Agar H. McDonald Jno. Drummond Thus, Smith, 8?; Jan. Mitcheil T1103. Smith,j Albert. Searl Juu. Deadmau H Appleton E. Humny Jas, Barneath Wm Agar Isaac Fletcher Markham.