RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, April 25, mom! Hill and Saturd Last ca. Mr. T. Hotel eve The Women’s Globe came to hand on the 18m inst. It contains 40 page, and many of the articles are interesting and instructive. Court Richmond, morrow evening. Gallon tins of choice Apples, 20c. each at the Concrete. In reply to “Enquirer,†the Prize Liet for the Spring Exhibitiqu to be held here on the 24th of May, Will be published in a week of H70. IOI‘ pnbil further notice Hails win he closed at the Blchmmid Hm Post omce as follows:â€" MORNING :â€"â€"Going North. 501111) East and “'est, including Thornhill, Maple. Toronto, Markham .&c. 7.45 Emma :~Going south East and West (as above) 5.30 N. fir-Registered Letters must be handed in at least ï¬fteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for clgsjngï¬ï¬ “ ‘ ,,_‘-_ Leave 718.. King township council meets on SAturday next‘ at Prentice’s Hotel, Nobleton. Horse Shoe and Lynx Brand Salmon, cans for 25 cents at the Concrete. Mr. Ben Industrial year and s a couple 0 age. TORON'I Cormécts with an trains, leaving House Richmond Hill. as follows: Mail & Expresshorth a: South. Accommodation, north and south Express North" Mail South... Maple'Syrupâ€"We have the genuine ar ticle. Nuughton Bros.. Elgiu Mills. Uu i‘ tu‘kdtt! Davenp Dawnsv l‘hnrnhi mgnMn a’ewmarket Aurora.†Mrkaa‘l SUMMER TIME TABLE $1.00.â€" eucis Ra box 01 2B Mr. J. H. Prentice (Eckardt and Prentice) had two auction sales in the village on Sat- urday. A: the Palmer House. Lot 60, con. 1. Markham, containing 150 acres, was bought by Mr. Robert Elliott, and lot 51, at Elgiu Mills, was purchased by Mr. M. McNair. Both lots were the property of the estate of .the late Mrs. Hopkins. After disposing of the real estate. MLPrenticg had a succesaful sale of Mr‘s. J. Walsh's household effects; We Eifihmï¬Â» 810mm Thornh Downsv N. R. R. TIME TABLE. There is nothing mean about low prices you can prove that at Atkinson 5L Switzer'sA Autbm . Newmarket PROCTURTSTAGE LINE. 12 55“. l o L005 305 Go to the Concrete for stylish Fits anything but. crimeâ€"Atkinson & mzer’s customvmade clothing. POST OFFICE NOTICE 1V] cu'opolitan SI . Railway LOfJ A148. Going South 'nic 9 10 9 30 10 10 1030 10 50 11 lo 11 30 per 1b 31 a. Herbert Lennox will be at Kelly’s ry Wednesday. 30 am jamin Corey, who was sent to [he Home from this pEace abnut a. lelf ago, died in that institution {weeks ago. He was 60 years of TL . Gallanough, V. 8.. visits Rich- professionally every Wedn'esday my afternoon. HIEL Lorna on Sat/u: Crossing at 11 Game NUB’I Mail .. ...,]0,05 GOING SOUTH 10 E). 11 10‘ 11 30 11 50 1210 1230. 12 50 ..120. "140 .200. ,.2 20 1030 wmmwmmm 6788993 410 .480 .630 650. '7 2o 7 do. Nau uues, 910 no 30 3.40 8.30 8.48 9.13 Lane 5‘) 25 49 M. ‘fEEFY, Postmaster un‘aul ucreta 1f) ‘ 10 30 10 50 11 10 1] 30 1150 12 10‘ O. F., meets to 140 Ho 220 310 Going N orth ros 40‘ lruit 40 7 00 Ar o.‘.114o av mght [eaves ) o’clock. kccom. Mai) 11.13 '64:! 12.30 11 g the Palmer 1210 12 30 .12 5o , 1 lo 1 40 10 20 10 50 11 10 1130 115 3 30' 720 740 800 820 850 910 9 3o Milliuery 8 oo 8 410‘ 6 Jo and Raisins, 930 40 30 50 New Val- ï¬1.00 per lgln Mills. 8.00 a m. 11.00 a m 5.30 p. In. 10 55 12 55 ‘3 05 710 7.05 7.34 7.42 7125 ‘25 30 G class, J. Trudgeou J. C. Jenkins.. J. Lever . . . . . . R. Agar . . . . . . R. Frisby . . . . at 8 a. come. ï¬rst of The Presbyterian congregations of Richâ€" 'momiâ€"H-‘rlhmd Thowhill held a meeting on Tuesday evgn' , which was presidgd over by Rev. C. Kgpampï¬ell; of Maple. The object of lhe‘m'ééting Was the selection of a minister for Me ‘unit'ed congregations. It was decided to invite Rev. Mr. Grant, of Toronto Junction. The vote was practically unanimous lrom both villages. The Presly tery will be asked to give its consent at the May meeting. By all accounts the choice is an excellent one. A pleasant evening was spent in connec- tion with the Epwortb League last Friday evening. MLJuhn Glass occupird lhe chair. Several instructive essays were read in refer- ence to “Early Methodism in Camdn," and the selections were interspersed with musical selections. Besides the usual opening exer- cises, the following were given :â€" Essayâ€"Barbam Heck, by Master Lorne The Victoria Square Rifle Club met on Wednesday last, when the iollowmg scores were made :â€" An item appeared in one of the Toronto papers to the effect that C. D. Daniel 6: Co., the well-known Druggisls, 171 King Sthlast. had sold out their busines. Such is not. the case; they are still lo be found at the old stand. The report arose from the fact that they recently sold their Carlton St. branch in order to devote their time exclusively to their King St. business and to manufactur- ing. Customers are delighted with the Wall Papers at the .Couc’gete. Splendid papers for 40. per mug Just to hand at the Concrete' another tierce of pure leaf larJ. Great value. Discharging ï¬re crackers iu the Village 1115 become such a nuiaance that the reeve has been compelled to get notices printed and posted up warning parties against breaking the village by-law governing the nuisance. The ï¬ne may be as high as 820, We believe that storekeepere do wrong in selling those dangerous explosives. thereby putting temp- tation in the may of the boys. Vobal Solo by Miss Lauder. Essayâ€"Early Methodism in Richmond Hill, by Mr. Wm. Harrison. The lecture by Rev. J. H. Hector, general- 137 known as the Black Knight, giVeu in the Methodist chmch on Moudav evening, under the auspices of the Sabbath School was both interesting and amusing. The lecturer, who issuing the Iicenhes to whom they shéll have been granted. - is a negro a! [urge ph natural ability, and his the time he commenc sent was quite manifest many personalmemims: An inter in the Echc to-mormw of the Juui To East York Hotel-keepers. Mr. James Eckardt, License Inspector for East York Distnct, will be at the Clyde Hu- tel, Toronto, on Wednesday, May lat, Mom 10 a. m. till 3 p. m., for the purpose of There an others, but; none like the 250 and 350. Japan Teas at the Concrete. will 11160 be are in‘med. See the Wall Papers at. 5 cm. per roll. and boxder to match at the Concrete. many personal.remimscences of the Ameri- can ‘v’ur, and stated that he had been con- nected with no less than 11 bottles. He was also at the Johnstown flood,und narrow- ly eseaped with his life. In fact, few m'n can truthfully relate as many heir-breadth escapes us Mr. Hector told his audience on Monday evening. The “little darliie" us referred to by himself, was a were [my when he was first taken into the Army, and the practical jokes played upon him by the Union soldiers were very amusing. In cer. tain parts of the discourse, Rev. Mr. Hector grew quite eloquent in a manner peculiar to his race. and his original humor brought forth rounds of applause. He showed him- self to be a warm advocate for prohibitinn, was in favor of giving women the franchise, and condemned tea drinking. The chair was occupied by Rev. J. Viekery. The st- tendsuce was not lug/a. The b: at {or 25 one at At the grant Horse Fuir held in Toronto on Thursday. Friday and Suzurduy of last. week, Dr. 1“. J. Gallunouqh. of Thornhill, was awarded 2nd prism, 335, for his mom'- hred stallion, Munotony. b’y MontiCello, dam bv Romney. There wpre 17 entries and 15 compeetitors in his class, comprising the best, bases of the Dominion. MLALProctor also secured tbu-d prize [or his standards bred stallion; Bourbounais; Aiming tun-ï¬e who visiu‘d the great Can. I adiau Horse Shaw held in Toronto last. week was Miss L. Wright. Sue was joined at the exhibition by her brother. Mr. A. E. Wright, of Brampton, who was ninng 'he prize winners. Mr. Wright. secured third place [or saddle horse in class 39. over 14.2. and not to sxceell 15.2, in a competition or 14. The mare is 4 years old, sired by Imp. Dan- néson. dam by Old Toronto Chief» Directly after the fair, this handsome little prize win- ner. “Myrtle,†was handed over to Miss Wright. M orris. ' Vocal Solo by Miss Annie G \tO. Essayâ€"Ed crto R lappflrd. g u yerson, by Th Scott {0WD fly The Black nght‘s Lecture Rev: G'ran’r’“ C alled." â€"Father Case, by Mass Don‘t Tempt the Boys. ,b will the 1.. sharp he compe 6 season the suc C. D. Daniel & Co. sting entertainment will be given Epwcrth League Victoria Square )on) the room of [he Mat ‘ridny) eveuiugm Epnorlb League ddceseed Ivy Mrs. Chun- taken at 8 Arge physique, has 1 and his original huu mmenced until he lorse Fuir held in Toronto riduy and Su‘urduy of last Gallnnouqb. of Thornhill. prise, 335, fur his “Jam'- notohy. b’y MontiCello, dam eh for practice on May 24, Visitors Cordially we] tition which began at the is new ended. the follow- ‘cessful competitors :â€"'1st d class, Geo. Brown; 3rd ,3eas and Tomatoes, 8 cans mcrete. takén M. 8 o‘cloc- 100y. H44 ..39 ..42 ..33 200 y. 27 31 25 28 Total 71 67 61 until he to The lecture athodist church, by the members a. The childreh were [my when army, and the 1] him by the 0mm Miss Annie as a lot of lumor from 19 took his churer gave the Ameri- d been con- rumes. He 1nd narrow- â€, few m‘n lair-breadth Au Before leaving Miami to take up her residence again in Morden, Mrs. W. J. Andrews, formerly of Richmond HillI was the recipient of a handsome present, consisting of a carving knife and fork, and a dinner act of knives and forks, and the fullowmg address, to which we have much pleasure in giving publicity: MIAMI, April 51h, 1895. DEAR FBInNn,â€"We have learned with regret that you are about to leave us, about to exchange your residence in Miami, wherejou have livedâ€"fonabout two years, for one in Morden. You will be missed in this place, missed in the choir of the church, of which you are a member, missed at all our public enter- t-ainments, at which you have assisted so willingly, and contributed your part so cheerlully, in entertaining us with your skilfnl instrumental music. You have shown your readiness to assist in training and [repnring others that they might perform their part efï¬ciently in entertain- ing their audience. We cannot allow you to depart without oresenting to you this expression of our love, respect and gratitude. Be pleased to accept this gift, not for its intrinsic worth, but as a mark, a. small mark, of our appreciation of your kind less and willingness to oblige) and as they appear upon your table may they remind you of the days you spent in Miami, and wherever Dirine Providence may order your lot, may He endow you with the blessings of His grace, with good health and strength, and may your path through life be pleas- ant and happy. and when you have ï¬n- ished your earthly course may you be admitted into His Heavenly Kingdom. (Signed), Fnluxos, MIAML Ynu'll save your credit as a judge of good goods by spending cash with Axkinson dz Swilzer. m Stung washer Is an 1894 machine, and is practically the only Washing Machine in the market. It is the latest, simplest, and best ma‘ chine up to date, and no house should be without one. J. J. LUNAU. Ag East York Licenses. The Board of East York License Com- missioners met at the Uljde Hotel, Toronto, on Saturday, April 20th, at 10.30 a. m. Present â€"Messrs. James Ley, (chairmen) I). Lynett, (secretary); C. Harrison; also the Inspvctor, Mr. James Eckardt. Minutes of last meeting were read and conï¬rmed. On motion, the transfer from the Brillinger es- tat-e to John Ellston sen. was conï¬rmed. The Inspector presented this annual report. which was read and discussed. He also pre- PCuted the following petitions and protests: From D, Booth and others, praying to grant Frank Boston a hotel license. Contra peti< tion lrom John McCulloch and others, and resolution lrom Mt. Meldrum Sons of Tem- pemmee, praying not to increase the number of licenses. Petition from John Bullen and Ollinrs asking for license (or Morton Keschie 21‘s. Moore Park. Contra petition from Geo. Wllliams and others,prsymg not to grant euld license. A deputation waited on the eunnniemoners, from East Torrnto, headed by Rev. U. Langlerd, asking the commiss- i man to reduce the licenses in and around East Toronto. A large deputation from Moore Park, headed by Mr. Joseph Gibson, asking the commissioners not to grant Mor- tou Keaehie license at Moore Park. After the deputations withdrew| the following ho- tel licenses were granted:-â€"â€"East Toronto vil- lage. John Warren, Albert J. Show. Mark- ham village, John a James Torrance, James E. Pitts, John Higgins. Richmond Hill, John Kelly, John Ellstcn sen. Markham township, Newbery Button, Hughes Bros, John .Vebber, Wm. Meek, Redmond Joyce, Arthur Moorcroft. York township, David B. Birrell, John Gamble. Andrew Bell, F. H. Schmidt, F. J. Crone, Mrs. Sarah Hackett, Geo. Empringhsm, Michael O‘Sullivan, R. H, Crew. Searboro township, Henry A. Burrows, Edward Sanderson, Wm. Keeler. John Maxwell. The following were held over far future oonsideration-â€"â€"East Toron- to village, Mrs. E. Hunter, shop license. Frnnk Boston, holel license. York town- ship. Mrs. '1‘. Wall, Mr. Morton Keacbie, G. Woodward, (six months beer and wine li- cense). Scarboro township, Robert Clark. The Board adjourned, to meet at the same place and hour,on Friday, the 26:1: of A-' pril. The Inspector still be at the Clyde Hotel, Toronto, on Wednesday, May 1st, from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. for the purpose of issuing the lwenses to the persons to whom they will have been granted. The Washer purchase est, cleanest and the es the market. No washb J. N, STONG, Woodbridge, Proprietor. The following moniuls relative PRICE,$5; Sold on approval DAVID HILL, Agent, experience in the van Mons strictly confldem formation concerning tnln them sent free. A leg] and scientiï¬c boo! Patents taken through Munn 8: (‘9. rec sgeciul notice in the Sx‘iennï¬c A moncn n, 1. us are brought widely before the publlcw out coat. to the inventor. This snleudidfpu issued weekly, elegantly illustrated. has by m largest circulation of an scientiï¬c work in world. 3 a. year. Sump e 0‘ Pies sent free. Building Edition monthly. "..503yem‘. Si: 99919st cegts. _ . erynpmper contains 1» house latest Bui copie tiful â€"M«>rden Hérald CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? F Idmw Edition monthly. "2. s, 25 cents. Every uumhe plates. In colors. and hq as. with plans. enabling ui‘ ; deal a and secure contra NR 00., NEW 201m, Presentation. is among scores of testi tn the Storm Washer: Kleinbu msed fro Mus. 1‘11 i’émiï¬Ã© Eï¬eii‘éziï¬iï¬a :ly before the public with- Lor. This snieudid naner. Richmond Hill. l. A H in tents bum; 7361' B'iwASFrAY. out .est w Au Markham. Uayeny. Single ‘ contmm beau- Ogruggm of new 'iera show the _Ad(1ress zon. write to x ï¬fty yeurs’ Uommunican UTCHEC (‘9. receive tho' quickâ€" washer 1n ‘or a Hi- 91 'tné the To the amount of $1.25 and oyer we will take their Photo and send to their address ' Free of Charge. Our Spring stock has garrived in all {hi la_tes£_stylesl.ponsistiqg of Ladies’, Gents’, Ladies’ 5‘ (‘ IC u H {l (l Strap Slippers, 750. worth $1 00 Oxford Shoes 750 “ 1 25 Russian Tan Shoes, 90 “ 1 25 Kid Button Boots,$1 00“ 1 50 Dongola. 'Kid Button Boot, _a beauty, $1 25, worth $1 75 Kangaroo Button Boot, a bargain, $1 25, worth $1 '75 Extra. ï¬ne Dongola Kid Rnttnn, flexible soles, $1 50 worth $2 25 Fine Cloth Slippers, 3 to 7, only Fre I. DOMENEQN SHQE COR. KING & GEORGE ST. New Prints, New Sheetings, New Dress Geode, New Cottons, New Flannelettes, New Gottemde New Delaineites, New Tweeds, New Muslims, flew Trouserings Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, and Garden Seeds. 1895. en’s Strong working Boots $1 w’th 1 25 i C H Bostun Calf $1 15 H 1 so I Come and get your Picture taken E SOMETHING IN The Bargain Line ISAAC CROSBY. BOOTS AND SHOES 7F. DOVVPESVVTEIJL. 131'0p1'ietor. The Ladies of Richmond Hill That will meet with approval and B’oys’ and Misses’ Boots, â€"-â€"ALL PURCH ASERS 0Fâ€" APRIL. And Vininit)’ SWITZER .ta, Shoes, Slippers, '&c. Men‘s Kip Grangers. whole fox, $1 ' worth $2 00 “ Fine Caser Calf, $1 25 w’th $1 “ Russian Tan, laced or gaiter, $2 worth $3 00 Tan Shoes. ex. soles $1 worth $1 50 Buys' Strong School Bouts 750 to $1 [K K‘ Mis ildren's BJots from '5’ Strong Scho Fine Tun Sh Carpet Sllpp ‘ses’ Kid Butte Are able to present'to time you Pmof. m Shoes, ext soles Shppers only 25c. 3mm Boots, put 1 worth $1 50 are in STQRE . TORONTO 5. whole fox, $2 00 alf, $1 25 w’t} laced or gaiter‘ $3 00 the eity u p w are 1895 is