Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Apr 1895, p. 8

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ORGANS, A WELL ASSORTED STOCK. of Organs and Sewing Machines, always on hand. Give us a trial. . Wholesale 84: Retail Importers. WILKTN 166 & 168 KING ST. EAST, TORONRO. (3 Doors from George St. 111 (3}1'1 GRAD E Hardware and House Furnishings, PAINTS OILS 8: GLASS DUB PRGES tAll’l' BE EAT. We import direct from Manufacturers. ~Farmers‘ & Storekeepers’ Supplies. PM OS, ~â€"â€"AND-â€"â€"- l SEWING MACHINES ' At right prices, and on terms to suit the purchaser. S 62 00., SPRING is C llnd there are a great many will require. Look at this list Barb Wire, $28721 per roo lbs. lbs or over prepaid to MING goods in our line that you Freight on 500 any station, where rate does not exceed 25c. per 100 lbs. Barrel Churns, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50. $4.25- Water White American Oil, by the barrel, I3%c.per gal., and no charge for barrels. Manure Forks, Spades and Shovels, all steel, 50 cents and up. Wire and Cut Nails, Hinges, &c., are very cheap. We can offer special low Paints, Oils or Glass. eredith dc Co, Thus. rate on Carriage Bolts, 156 KING STREET, E., TORONTO. Next Door to -.:,. Clyde EIotel. . WAYS iN FRON ROBERT SEVERE Takes this opportunity of thanking his friends and customers for their liberal patron- 81173-11 PrOfitS and QUiCk Reâ€" Geuuiiie low prices and reliable boots and shoes has a I uni now showing and selling the finest stack of Spring during; the last six months. good (‘deCt on the public. Foot-\Vear we have yet had to offer, which is saying a good deal for them when you .consider our reputation for first-class goods. north of Toronto, and we invite you to ca I faced needle toe, Ladies’ finest Kid Ox- ford needle toe 3 large buttons, Ladies’ New York Tie cloth tops, Ladies’ Daisy Kid Oxford tips and faced turns, Ltidies’ Dongola Kid Oxford m s, Ladies’ Tan rabble Oxford in s needle toe, Ladies’ Oxide Goat Tun Oxford very fine, Liiilies’ Oxford tine Kid with Goodyear Welt,l 1 Ladies’ Dongola Kid Oxfords tips and! Ladies’ American Kid Oxford Turns, Ladies’ Bluclier Oxford best Kid, Ladies’ finest Kid Buttoned Boot Piccadilly toe Goodyear welt. Ladies’ finest Kid 8111‘ moral needle toe lips and faced turns, Ladies’ Dongola Kid Congress New York toe turns, and all shades of misses’ and Custom Work a specialty, sewed and pegged. promptly and Rob t. Sivers, S. C. WO O D. Wholesale 80 Retail Butcher “.[APIJE . Milcli Cows kept constantly on hand, e-ii ou»_m Subscribe for The LIBERAL. Our spring stock is second to none and inspect our line of goods in ‘ children‘s foot-wear. Also in men’s Shell Cordovan Bals New Ymk Toe Goodyear Welt, men’s Shell Cordovan Congress Goodyear Welt, men‘s finest Kangaroo Bali; Goodyear Welt, men’s Porpoise Bals Goodyear TVelt, men’s Calf Bals m s, men’s Calf Congress Tips Goodyear Welt, men’s Buff Congress in 5, men’s Buff Bals needle toe standard l screw, men’s Tau Pebble Bills in a, men’s American Calf Uals, men’s Gondola. Kid Oxford, men‘s Bull" Oxford, men’s Tun Pebble Oxford, men’s strong boots laced and buckled. a full stock of boys’ and. youths’siroug and fine boots and differ- ent kinds not mentioned. Repairing neatly done. Richmond Hill Resillfiillilitlti Sale. A comfortable 8~roonied brick clad dwelling, with huge kitchen, woodshvvl and stone collar, Situated in the centre of the Village of llicln \nunil Hill, nvur to High and Public schools. hulls and churches. Size of lot 8} feet front 17" 100 feet in depth. Enquire of the Proprietor of 'I.‘ HIXLIBER Hi “we Measure. ’ emu iii Ailvstiflfi. 1‘ 1-113] Toronto Financial desperation, Head Ofiice, 86 King St. East, Toronto, Subscribed Capital,~â€"$627,400, GEO. DUNSTAN, Manager. Authorized Capital,â€"$2,Soo,ooo; J. K. KERR, C., President. lâ€"las opened a Deposit and Savings Branch at RICHMOND Emil LL, W here moneys are reccived ON DEPOSIT IN LARGE AND SMALL SUMS. Interestallowed on Deposits in the Savings Branch at 4.} per cent. Drafts issued to all parts of Canada. Collections prornptly made. Exchange bought and sold. Prompt attention given to the collection of sales and other notes. Y TO LEVIâ€"3 MONE * J. M. LAWRENCE. Manager, Richmond Hill 311cm @dmtissmmta Boarders Wanted Enquire at THE LIBERAL OFFICE wwiFWffi‘i a: 0616:: saga-M Flower and '4" . 7.2.2" H :5. raiaâ€"shq. J‘M'tfigé‘iszfi ! Vegetable, .9 RELIABLE MEN to sell ' our choice and Colllplutc line of Nursery Sttck. Highest salary and coni- )lllSSlOu paid weekly. paying and permanent po- sition guaranteed and success assured to good men. Special inducements to beginners, ex- perience not necessary. Exclusive territory Fertilizers, Garden Tools. Syringes, Spray Pumps and. the Famous Planet Jr. Implements. Everything for Farm and Garden. % OUR (llTA LUG'UE (fl‘t'if) beautifully illustrated (I: most complete and your own chmce or sumo given. 1).) not ’ to GIL Our Mimi'sva Slam-l “Write (Jarret “:3. . . . , Is ti'lilyaleuilcr. the lurigest zintl heaviest ci‘oiiper known, no other Cni‘ro‘: "mm; RO(‘HLSTI"“' N" X“ (E735)? ' grown is so easily harvested. _ _l Our Dir-lofted Mammoth Long Red Mange] Has been known to produce under high cultivation over-1,000 bush. per acre. Our Selected Purpie "op Swede .6 mmiimo mistresses * r03. sum “ A {our your old stnllion,"Romnnofi." by Tlml- Is the very finest strain in cultivation, produces large round perfectly shaped gen; dam by (llil Iturie (imp. t. b.) A sure foal bulbs and L3 a, very heavy crooner. E getter, good mover. Terms easy. ' J THESE varieties are all Ellis 1' PRIZE winners every time; give them a trial; . H- QUETTUN ST- GEORGE L‘ they will prove all we c‘aini for them. Oak Ridges, April 17th. 1805. (g: __._ f_ Y 1 ' T 2.7% PITRE GROUKD FLAX. OHL CAKE, kc. = s C ‘ J ‘ l l ‘ . , y . 9 B The Celebrated EMPIRE STOCK FOOD is the cheapest and best % a s . ‘l‘ll ! (ll an n in llll‘ feed boxes. Money to loan on first mortgages, Easy a C e y ) c p t y; E 3‘: monthly payments. Apply to a ,, A V ‘ ‘llj . p g L A. F. \IrKEXZIE. t5} ale B ma, fl, egd '0‘, A, * 32-11111 - King 1&0 ti; “3 te ’ r ’9 r I .969 * jag ‘ ’ ’ * 9 f I 130 AND 13;). KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. V .37, 7 .q s- , Man. has? .~ We .. . : d. ‘ W I. pix-v4, 131011937 to Loan 17:6,. ,,;jg,,::.;3fwi,e§;fw. .,_ H 4,63%“. orificugng _ ’ ‘ 4 5, - 1- . , 011 good Farm Propertv at low rates of interest. {93 _ , gfimgumgsiii littlest? ME; 187% KING STREET EAST, TORONTO Bui‘riétei's, Solicitors. Notaries, No. x, Adelaide Street East, Toronto. iOR THE rnnvsnience of our customers in the north we have opened up a I 0 m BRANCH STORE, 41.6 Ynlue street, just below College street, where all Tubacons and Cigars “Ill be sold at some prices as at our celebrated Hole iii-tho- Wall Cigar Stare. I am ready for business. Haring purchased an elegant, new, and well assorted stock of Good Black Chewing, ................ 35c per lb. - - - - M Do ld h ' 0', red (:1 to 8c. i Groceries. Provisions, Con- loge, glug’fa C ewm° uce $3; factionery, Fruits, Cigars n‘ 25c T. & B. Plug for .............................. 20c . and Tobaccoes 20c Derby Plug for ................................ I8Ci IOC “ “ ................................ 8c Tam prepared to supply the public with goods at prices that are equal with the times. OICE FAMILY AND PASTRY FLOUR At close prices. DON’T FORGET THE ADDRESS: 167 1-2 KING ST. EAST, ....and.... 41.8 YON GE ST... TORONTO. tlillllilltl‘iliitts in insurer is Head Ofiice, Toronto. A SOME CANAQEAN GQMPANY. Surplus on Policy-I’lolders’ account at 3ist of December, . _ I 1894. $177,789 72- PoliCies absolutely incontestable after first year. No re- strictions as to occupation, residence or travel. H. M._ROWN. THORNHILL . . General Agent Co. York Money to Loan. Conveyancing Dorie. OH turns every time. BE SURE TO CALL. GOODS DELIVERED. O. J. ROWN. YOUR ATTENTION A MiNUTE! 'HZISZZBVS“ WHAT ARE THEY? .oâ€"â€"â€" HUSTLER No. 1â€" MAGIC CUUGH SYRUP Best in the Market to hustle that Frog in your Throat. MAGIC CDUGH SYRUP None to equal if for Hiistliug that Cough that kept your friends awake last night Tiiy IT .' TRY 1r! Room, Ceiling and Bordering Papers. Our stock is now complete in Room,Ceiling and Bordering Papers to matchfrom the best mak- ers, and as cheap as any house in Toronto or elsewhere. ' SEE OUR 5 GENT PAPERS. Mixed Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Leads, and Turpentines. Brushes, all sizes, at bottom prices. Glass cut to order. Furniture low in price to suit the times. Usual stock of Groceries,clieup as any in town. P. G. Savage, Richmond H ill soâ€" HUSTLER No. 2â€"- :WINTER BALM: Will Hustle those lchaps off your hands. :: WINTER BALM: Will give to your hands and face that soft and silk like texture that is so much admired. Prepared by W. A. SANDERSON, DRUGGIST,

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