THE LIBERAL PRlNTlNG &PUBL§SH1NGHUUS£ VOL. XVII. D R. LANGSTAFF. 8 to 10 a. ms and 6 W. J. WILSON, M. D., W. ROGERS, DENTIST, 3HURSDAY MORNING RICH Graduate of the Ontario wish diploma. from tbs» Dental School, will visit M Friday of each week, am from 1 to 3 p. m. Calls pr Di<eases u! ad animals t proved mam feat A Store 20 ft., to tens i1 suns at.- am â€"l glllSS mm Store &' Dwelling TO RENT. ‘0 w. HEWISQNJ Glazmr, Grainm‘ and l'apcr- Hanger. RESIDENCE, Aha dealer DLULLLVLUJN J.) .LaLJ..LJJ_.l. , ‘ ‘ A. L. SKEELEHA- CALL - SOLICITEDJ Addrsss A ROBINSK Iiuhur; )leton ETERINARY SURGEON cries. a bou E to If) an. m.; A little east of Parkdu' Collius’ store. cumur Lï¬ville khan) Albert RICHNEOND HILL. Elb'nï¬ Gm zeta 30m: BUSINESS CARDS. VETERlNARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, “'uln-h- 9v Lu may TORONTO RICH} flwamï¬i £55? HOUSE PAINT ER, annum. in advance. xm ft: with 1 the V11qu Dr. A . Robinson. FHCE “0|, 16th bore. comm 6f†Queéu and. Northcme Avenue, wtttrinnrg IcMAHON. ’iflk‘fliml . WI nkel' & leonIcr. â€"-ANDâ€" >1 D HILL, Ont. i! mm :alls 1m ;, cattle by the HED E Eï¬cElroy, Z‘E’Eihz‘mi ario Veterinary College. chu Ontario Veterinary ;it Maple on Monday and and Concord on Friday 5 promptly attended to Lttle and other domesticat- the latest and most. up- EEOUR§ ia. i. var.- Mr 6 io § {9. m. 1;.D.S. Aurox It Out '3 and other Staple RICHMOND HILL th, if Sunday. 215t H: of each month .11 , do uh do 11 do 511 do iuq attached 24x28 Juionville. In me square. 4 counterR buildings are two Cellar underneath ONT TIST RS i when required to 3 p. I each month do I'J! H x. {NOTARY PUBLIC, HIGH CCURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND BILL POST OFFIUE. Baz risters, Solicitors, 86:). Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"N315 Toronto Sheet. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce open every Saturday. A G F LAWRENCE MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES LAWRENCE & URMISTUN. Gollectionsin City and attended to. M Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"34 B :m: of Commerce Buildings, xg King Street West. Thornhil] Ofliceâ€" Post Ofï¬ce every Vv’cd- nesday from to to 12 a. m. Telephone 2984 Licenaeu Auctioneers for the Countx Ontario and Poe-.1. Goods sold on co Generalsales a stock. etc†prompti: to at. reasonable rates. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York,re- spectfully solicih your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the aLortest notice and r1 reusanabe rates. 1’. 0. address King ROBINSON, LENNDX & MACLEOD J C STOKES Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sines attended [:0 on abortestgqtiqe mail a}; rel).â€" HQ;â€" Pniï¬jinggb isohcited. Residence Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘ounty of York. General sales a! impleme- ts, turninure.;,mndinq timber. etc., attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. Every accommodation to guustfl. Board, :51. var day THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Thisï¬ne hotel is ï¬tted up with all the modem appliances for health and comfort. Best brands of liquors and cigars. Sample rooms for com. mum-ml travellers. ’Busses meet all trains. Rates $4.00 per day. Etwing Ieï¬bhed the above house I um prepared to turn sh the best accommodation to boarders and the u- Lvellin'l public. Best brands of iiqum‘s and Cigars. Excellent stabh’nu unu efliciant hustlers. Sample moms ior commercial men First-class Livery in cun- RECHERGSQN HQUSE, Nov 26*91 MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, BAT-BX STP'RS, SOLICITO LINDSEY & l INDSEYJ r. ’lk fl-m-hert Lemmx will ‘ hmoud Hin every Wednes‘ Paciï¬c Buildings, 23 Scott St;n Turoutl ES égflgWg ®§aÂ¥$$ QEQQ‘EEEW Barristers, solicimrs, a-c. TORONTO AND AURORA. Barrister ‘ul‘nlchings Always on Hana Iicl‘fl nderlakers a: Embaimvrs, 158 mm; STREET EAST. Toncx'ro uville RICHMOND Eckardl & Pi (‘i‘fliléd', LINDSEY VIRIGHT BRO S, C'J‘MMIESIONEB IN THE Surkes d: REOIIgla. .I. D. Reudmzln, MAPI J. '1‘. Saigcou, l Solicitors, N Conveyancer 93:11:11. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY 2. 1895. WM.'RICHARDSON. Proprietor JUHN KELL Y, Prom'ietor )d Connh-v promptly Money to loan W S 0mm S AND NOTARIES in be MK 53531212515 e Counmoa of York M on consignment promptly attended ari 3.111%: wrch Cauvme. WTT mey to Loan nnd the trans 3!. \Ve will nnw take a rapid glance at early Methodism on the circuit to which we belong. l 1832 Rev. Ruht.rC( Presiding Eider Jewel. \Vu may pre- sume that. they came nn horse back, be- cause Surveyor John Stegman, grand- tamer uf Mrs. James Jenkins and Mrs. O’Brien. of our town, who lmd ontYonge Street, reported to the Surveyor-General port ih there a! but no the Qua zre in 1814 Rouge buew Un'cmt Mam 3J- pems with Messrs. Gatuhel. Culp, Yon- max I a-Id Harman as mini-nus. In 1818 Lhe nut Muhudist church was builn in York, south of King and near BuyStreet, bcfme there “ms 3 siugiu member In the town. Eider Ryan mortgaged his farm to build it. 1111827 it “as made into a station, and its pulpit snpplicd twice a month from Yuuge Street Circuit. In 1832 Rev. Rum. Carson. fmhur of the editor of [he Pr’lulkham Economim, re- pmud the snze of the circuit to Le ï¬fty miles long and thenty-tjve miles mde. Many of the ministers whu ¢ ndcavured m con-.1 this great territory wnh the Wurds of aalvatmu endured bardzhips and pri- vunons um wuuld disheancu many of men fellow itineranla in these days of emy lravdling and comfurtnble Cunveyâ€" As {opulation and nusmbenhip increas» ed, Yungc Street Circuit has been divided many times. The last was in 1873, What] it “as made to consi:’c of Richmond Hill, Maple, Betllel, Vlctul‘la Square, Head- ford and Patterson. AL the union of the Metlwdist b dies in 1884, anle and Belhel were Lransferxed to another circuit by the Conference. Among the revival influences of those days Weâ€: the'ever popular Camp Meet- i gs. Held periodically for two or thrue Weeks at a. lime, they were attendtd by cronds of people from many miles around. Memhvrs of the church “cut “iih provis- ions for themselves and everybody else, intending to stay from start to ï¬nish. Sermons and addresses by the most; able and eloquent ministers that could be ob mined, and prayers going up from the hearts of scores uf devoted men and women sometimes resulted in a revival that “ould swuep like a wave over the atsembled tllousuuds‘ and hundreds wuqu b9 led to give their hearts to God, Two of these camp meetings were held; arly Idethodism in Rich- mond Hill. one in 1856, the other in 1873, under the auspices of the ofï¬cials of Yunge Street. Cucuib. The writer has read the lives of Peter Cartwright. and L'Il‘enZL Dow, and uf the skrange incideuns connected with the camp meetings 0f those days. rent, repurth to the Surveyor-General hrs in 1801 as fuvlluws: “From the “n of York (l‘oruntu) to Poplar Plains mkvillr) the mad is cut; but as yet the eater part of [he said distance is not ssable for any carriage whatever,†and our lvcality he says, “ street. cut, logs .t, burnt and a very bud place in the ad,â€and he adds lllal “he was sorry say tbaf the must anrient inhabitants Youge Sireet have been must neglec- l in clearing the street.†The most "'7 1 ‘7 . "' . ' “ lllanlfestatinns,†being “ under thel influence,†trancea and other remarkable ‘ rxpcrionces recorded of those gatherings, but was very skeptical and supposed that if they really occurred they were the out- Couie of ignorance or backwoods eccen- tiicities. The following, howeVer, hap pelted at the camp meeting held in 1856: The meetings Were conducted by Very able men and the gathering of people was very large. Among those who came from a long distance was a. merchant, a tall, muscular, intelligent and handsome look ing gentleman. He Came with his wife and all the neCessaries for a long stay. The couple sat near the front, (ippOsitu to the pieaCher’s platform, and the gentle- man always paid the greazest attention to the exhoriationa of the ministeis. After the semen on one occasion there was the usual prayer men-ting, and a. pretty lliely one it was. The writer, sitting on aback seat, could see the whole front of the en compmeut. The gentleman rose as if to go forward to the penitent form, when he suddenly fell to the tui’tl? as if dead. He lay for more than an hour pcrftctr'y st.ï¬' and motiOnless. The prayer actt‘lcn was interrupted and huud:els gathered round supposing it lute a case of sudden were the NTINUEI) FROM LAST WEEK N072 ~E Essential-s, Liberty ; in all things, Chm/it} :Lthan been here at. that The nnnismrs re- settlers here and :t‘ fur thirty miles, held a service at. came up leth'dism Bangs am ("196 lcler Ty he knew his wife ei.joyed. That when he began to seek far 1?. he found that; there was an insuperable barrier between l him and salvation. It, was a large stock of liquor he ha_d in his cellar at home, it. rose like a mountain before him whenever he tried to pray. He resolved to destu y it as soon as he reached home. As SOL n as he made the resolution he felt the barrier removed. and rising to express his gratitude to God, he became so “ver- cmne with jay that, he lost eunsciuusness and fell. The merchant went home, knuCkud every liquor‘burrel in the head, letting the contents run in the street. From a. semi-inï¬del he became an ex~ emplary christian. Another incident connected with that Camp meeting which has never been for- gotten tonk place on the last day of the gathering. After a. thanksgiving service aid an at duzuu in number, walked two and two in from of the prucessiun, followed by the Converts, a large numbur, ther. came the members of the church, and after them the Congregation, many hundreds in number. As they marched the whole pruccss'ruu sang the Coronation Hymn, “ All Hr.“ the Power of Jesus’ Name.†When the minrsters carme nppoaite the preachers’ stand, they divided, the tear uf the prwesuion passing betwueu. \Vhen it came to the lust. (hey were two aged whiterhuired ministers who had passed thruugh many a trvlng experience in early Methodist iu the baCkWUOds of Can- ada. When they thought of all the good that was done they were so overcome with joy that. thty fell on each other’s necks and wept. The-re was scarcely a dry eye on the camp ground. (To BE CONTINUED.) Another incident connec :anip meeting which has n: gotten tonk place (“I the la gathering. After a. thanks i farewell processiun was fu uuund the inside uf the cm a very large one. The mix [lulu-ll in nulubel, walked t hunt ut' the procession, fa Last week was a. quiet one in Parlia- ment. The Address was adupted in both Hullses after debate. The minority report presentel by the Rev. Dr. McLeod, one of the ï¬ve c0m« miseiuners appoimed to enquire intn the l'n-wr trafï¬c and the question hf pro- missioners appointed to enquire into the l'q'mr trafï¬c and the question of pro- hibition, is an exhaustive aflhir. He Says in discussing the eï¬'cct of the liquor trathc “roll all interests effected by it.â€" “There is no room for differences of opinion in regard to the fact the intern- perance and its inevitable train of harm- ful Consequences constitute one of the mist formidable evils that afflict. society, diminish the wealth of the Country and impede the progress of civilizniun†Mr. Martin has a. motion for papers ra- lating to the importation of Jew pedlars from Chicago One piece of information required by Mr Martin was the number 01 those immigrants committed to Calgary jail. Mr. P. E Daly, a. brother of the Minister of the Interior, was in some way concerned with the importation of these undesirable immigrants. Mr. Martin twk the Minister of the Interior to task for declaring last. session in reply to him that these immigrants were of a desirable class and were taking up humesteads. This was a part ok Mr, Dalv's Vigorous immigration policy, but Mr. Martin quoted from a letter written by Mr. Fortier, an (fï¬cer 'of the department, l saying that the department had been de ject had been disobeyod by the executive, and charged that this was a common practice and in gross violation of the rights and privileges (if the House. Mr. Daly said the pressure of business Ind prevented the returns from being bruugln down, but. he would bring it down now. He admitted that a. mistake had been made with regard to these Chicago im- migrams, but claimed that only one had been Committed to the jails. Mr. Daly attacked Mr. Greenway for not. doing anything in the way of ilnmlgravion. and want. back :0 Mr. Mackenzie’s reCUrd. In reply to various quespinns it came out. that, the total cost of the Vuters’ lists was $195,000 to date. The lists printrd in Moutieal has been divided between the ofï¬ces of the “Gazette,†“Trade Uuiou,†“Journals of Cummerce,†the “Piesse,†“Senecal,†the “Monde,†and the “Minerva,†and in Toronto one batch was given (0 the “Catholic Regis- ter " and another to ihe “ Orange Svnti nel,†while a third Went in the "Mail," uflice, all at. three cents a name. When the Solicitor General, in reply to Mr. Lauticl, stated that a piocess had been issued against, the C'Jl.ll()llys fur the judgment. obtalned againat lllcnl for $45,- 000 he evaded the print a: Lu rim (1 Le of the process. Mr. L-uuier returned to the charge and culltd fur the iniunnuuon. Mr. Curran \Hggled a grean deal and â€"-'.r a celved in importing thew foreigners from (lineage, and to use Mr. Fortier’s own Wold“, “ had dropped them." Mr Martin declared that the iunnigratiun policy hi the gnvemmeut was almost as entirely afallure. Mr Martin also com- plained that an order wt the House made last aessiuu for informant n un this sub- imam: L BBS“ er kiln mude to God, he beau: ith jwy that he lost c :11. The merchant Â¥ d every liqnorburrel i the contents run in a. semi-inï¬del he bec Our Ottawa Letter. :gauuu, many 11 As they marched sang the Corona rmu ‘ndeav by a: ham; went home, Darrel in the head, run in the street. he became an ex~ gaiua't. them for Jile ‘da Lu Elk (1 Lanrier returne L for the iniurm; :1 a great. deal to evade a at: that instruction l been given to amp inial K'IUE 5 \v VAr.-V.. “He 50 nver- eunsciuusuess went home, m the head, 11 the street. rumn an PY~ Cx 71-5103 nrned to urination. deal and L Straight \ctions tn [1 four 01‘. ï¬ve days aguA pelle‘d him process had bee had placed his paper. | The Budget 0H Mr. Fitz Contrast moms co Curran. Edgar. had no from My Curran. 0:1 \Vednesdzly Edgar. He said that Jill had not been dismisse from the ofï¬ce of Deputy New \Vestmiuster pvnite the investigation. he Wa: duties, ana from ofï¬ce, in the Senate, skid Mr. I dismissed by Urdu-in ( appniuted by Order-in-C‘ Thompson dibmissed him report vi a. Cummis ’l‘upper reinstated ' posed to be polltiCi Madam Laurie: of the sessiun in of the sessmn Thursday nigh‘ tended. Sir E number of on were present. Mr. Dauin, M. P, fur East Assiniboia, has given notice uf the fulanlllg resolu- tiun in favor of female sufl‘ a. {6: “ That in the opinion of this Hunse the privilege of voting for candidates for membership thereof Should be extended to women possessing the qualiï¬cations which would nuw entitle men to the electoral fran- cliise.†Introducing his Bill to amend the Rail- way Act Mr. Brysuu explained that the Bill was intended to authorize the Rail- way Committee of the Privy Council, in the evaut of ninety days’ default of arail- way cnmpany to pay us employes, alter legal service upon the company, to ap- puint a. receivur to take charge of the railway and pay its liabilities for labor. A Bill to amend the Provincial Court Jud-5585i, Act will be intruduced by Sir Charles Hibbertz'l'upper. The proposal 13h) make the salaries of two judges of the Montreal Cucuic Cmrt $3,000 per annum each; of two Manitoba County Court. Judch $2,000 each, and $2,400 after three years (:f seivice; the salary of the llritiall C-nluinbia Judge in Admiialty 1345? 0mm! [on tor re emp ated on March 3 Bowen. in re AN mews & BAleY, WE WEEK] BAKE AURORXï¬RANCH Sums of one dollar and upwards received on deposit; and interezq allowed thereon [mm date of deposxt to withdrawal. Special mmug MONEY T0 LOAN 000 NOTES DISCOUNTED. :oarders Wanted Budget speech is to be delivered 8116 r SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Banking Ofï¬ce. You General Bankink Business Done mm nite wer givan in the Senate by Hvell to a question concerning among, Deputy \Varden of the Iitentiary, fulms an amusing r the diplnmncy of the Com- nuent 0f the government. Mr. NEW PRENTS, ingle c Another case of Including American Acid Progfs and Satin Surahs. See them. . . . 1 reply RA Di) L l FF F2. Manager. nrier held her ï¬rst reception rn in the Russell House on ht. It. was very largely at» Mackenzie Bowen and a. other prominent members thou: uploy Fmally Mr. Laurier com‘ to admit that the u issued since MnLauriet question on the notice ‘emeu mu) also [01 41 iuflumce held her ï¬r the Russel v to the same question Mr. Fitzsimmons was Lr-in Cmmci), and re- r-in-Cuuncil. Sir John :J him fur cause on the 51011, and Sir Hibbext him also for cause sup- me ODICS at nt. y ananered Mr. mes Fitzsimmons rd or suspended r Warden _of the mtiary. Pending s relieved of his ,st he was retired Mice tu conslder- . He was rein- ;t. Sir McKen- lien for collectfon LIBERAL OFFICE be made for large eposit. Street, Aurora, cts. MAPLE +4