\râ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ’EUUNDTHE WHULE WORLD WHAT IS GOING ON IN I‘HE FOUR CORNERS OF THE GLOBE. 0m and New World Events or Ilnorl‘ï¬l_ (‘hronIl-leil Brieflyâ€"Interesllng flun- penlngs of lleceul Irate. In Berlin sheet music is sold by weight- Miss Ellis, of London, is the only woman performer on the kettle drum. The Swiss government made a proï¬t of about $1,000,000 last year on its monopoly in spirits. An English surgeon recently hollowed outa new socket for an artiï¬cial eye, the old one not being large enough. Albert George Sandeman, the new Gov- ernor of the Bank of England, was born in 1833. He is a wine merchant. The peacock is found in a wild state in India, Ceylon, Madagascar and many other parts of Asia and Africa. Thirty six British authors and nine widows and orphans ofauthors were assist- ed by the Royal literary fund last year. Sir William Harcourt, the English Chan~ cellor of the Exchequer, has gone back to the use of manuscript when delivering his speeches. Success seems assured to the new Olympic games at Athens next year, $40,000 having already been subscribed for their establish- ment. M. Felix Faure is to visit Algeria after Parliament adjourns. He will be the only French ruler, save Napoleon 111., who has never set foot in the province. It is a strange fact that not one of the three officers in the Scots Greys forming the deputation to their Colonel-in-Chief,the Czar of Russia, is a Scotcllman. Among recent acquisitions of the British Museum are a number of unpublished tales by Charlotte Bronte, written by her under the pseudonym of “ Lord Charles Albert Florian Wellesley.†Alphonse Daudet believes in the notebook as a help to authors. He always carries one of these little books with him wherever he goes, and jots down brief notes of his observations. It will cost a million drachmas to put the Parthenon, the Temple of Theseus and 'the other monuments in Athens damaged by last year’s earthquake in a safe condi. tion. An appeal for help will be sent out to all countries. Au interestin Latin inscription has been discovered at ourba, in Tunis. It gives an account of the defence of the town in 49 B. C. by Pompey‘s party against Julius Caesar,and contains a military term hither- to unknown, posteicus, meaning a gate for a. sortie. Mme. Jeanne Dieulafoy, a French woman artist of distinction, has worn men’s attire ever since she was married. She had been decorated with the ribbon of the Legion of Honour, but her usual garments have been the' chief bar to her husband’s admission to the French Academy, and she may discard them. At the Russian town of Reni, at the junction of the Pruth and the Danube, a rich ï¬ne was made lately of gold coins of the time of Philip of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great. They are in excellent preservation, and 512 of them have already been seized by the police and sent to St. Petersburg. The Russian courts have reversed the assumption of the American tribunals that when a husband and wife are drowned in the same disaster the wife dies ï¬rst. The Russian doctors have testiï¬ed unanimously that the man would be the ï¬rst to die, because the woman is more agile and keeps herself longer above the water. Mont Blanc is threatened. like the Yung Tran, with an interior railroad. A Swiss engineer proposes to run a tunnel, 7,400 metres long into the monarch of mountains, starting at St. Gervais, and then to build a vertical shaft 2,800 metres high to the top. His estimate is that it can be done in ten years for 9,000,000 francs. A physician in Switzerland undertook to count by means of a pedometer the num- ber of steps taken by him in a year. He averaged daily 26,740 steps, or 9,760,000 for the entire year. He took 700,000 steps in walking up or down stairs. Figuring a step at two feet, the doctor walked nine and one half miles a day during the entire year. Count Tolstoi’s son Leon has just made his debut in literature, and presents a striking analogy to Alphonse Daudet‘s son Leon in pretentiousness, style, and some- what morose manner oflooking att'ne world. This is all the more curious, as no French novelist of any celebrity more closely resembles Count Tolstoi sr., than does Alphonse Daudet. A woman weighing 183 pounds eloped from her husband at Essen in Germany lately. He found out the train she had IECOETROIERTIBIE EVIDENCE. A Young Lady Raised From A Sick, Bed. "one For Those suffering From Nervous l’roslrulion. Weakness and low Splrils â€"Ilow Roller (‘nn he Found. From the St. Mary’s Argus. The accumulation of evidence is what convinces. A. man bringing a case besore a jury without evidence to convince them of the justice of his plea has a poor chance, but when witness after witness is produced to back up his plea, then the jury easily ï¬nd a verdict in his favor. This is the case with one of the greatest life-preseryers knotvn to the world at present. The evidence of hundreds and thousands of witnesses has been publish- ed testifying to its priceless value, and the juryâ€"the publicâ€"are being con- vinced. St. Mary's has many witnesses who could bear golden testimonials. The Argus gave recently a remarkable case tn the cure of Mr. Gideon Elliott. Again we present another. Miss Mary Scott, daughter of Mr. John Scott. had become completely prostrated; was pale, nervous, low-spirited and in such a condition as to alarm her parents and friends. She had not been able to leave her bed for over six weeks. Doctors’ medicines were not help- ing her. Mrs. Scott had been reading of the wonderful cures effected by Dr. Will- iams‘ Pinh Pills for Pale People and some acquaintances recommended them. She purchased three boxes and before the ï¬rst box was ï¬nished an improt’ement was noticed and continuing the use of the pills Miss Scott was soon able to perform work about the house and is now enjoying better health than for years. Mrs. Scott also testiï¬ed as to the great beneï¬t she herself had derived from the use of three boxes of Pink Pills and declares that they would not be without them in the bones. An impoverished condition of the blood, or a. disordered condition of the nerves are the fruitful sources of most ills that afflict mankind, and to any thus afllicted Dr. “'illiams' Pink Pills oli'er speedy and cer- tain cure. No other remedy has ever met with such great and continued success, which is one of the strongest proofs that Dr. VViIliams’ Pink Pills accomplish all that is claimed for them. They are an unfailing cure for locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica. neu- ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, nervous prostration, diseases de- pending upon vitiated blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipclas, etc. They are also a speciï¬c for troubles peculiar to females, curing all forms of weakness. In men they eï¬â€™ect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the ï¬rm’s trade mark. They are never sold in bulk, and any dealer who offers substitutes in this form should be avoided. These pills are manufactured by the :Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail at either address, at 50 cents or six boxes for $2.50. Strange Discovery. Nature has a beautiful habit of adapting herself to difï¬culties and weakness, when- ever that is possible. If she is choked and hindered in one direction she tries to become more vigorous in another. An English author says that a man of middle age, with whom he is acquainted, found one of his eyes affected,as he thought, by reading small print at night, and applied to a famous oculist for advice. The doctor examined him very carefully, and presently inquired whether he had ever suffered any inconvenience from the other eye, the right one. “None whatever," was the reply. “Still,†said the oculist, dryly, “it is very important for you to preserve the sight of your left eye, inasmuch as you have never seen with the other since you were born I†A VETERAN 0F THE LATE WAR Cured of Elutterlng of the Heart and Smothering Spells by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heartâ€"It Always Relieves in 30 Minutes, and thus saves Thous- ands of Lives. Mr. W. H. Musselmun, member of the G.A, R,, Weissport. Pa.. writes: “ I have uâ€"‘cd two bottles of Dr. Agneiv's Cure for the Hunt and have been entirely cured of palpitation or flutterin of the heart and smothering spells, ltook 10 ottles of sursaparilla, but it failed in any way to relieve inc. 1 do not think the value of the heart curc can be estimated. It that I feel like a new man.†treasure, two things most precious to the taken and telegraphed only her exact weight to the oflicials at the other end of the line telling them to arrest her. When the train came in every woman on it was taken to the baggage room and weighed ; the run- away was at once identiï¬ed and sent back to her husband. The Queen has granted letters patent to Lady Sibelle Mackenzie, elder daughter of the late Earl of Uromartie, to be Countess of Cromartie, in the same manner as was her grandmother, the late Anne, Duchess of Sutherland, who was Duchess of Suther- land before the episode of Mrs. Blaid, the present Dowager Duchess of Sutherland, whose life in Florida will be recalled by many persons. â€"â€"â€"â€".~â€"â€"â€"- Substitute for Paint. The following is given as a ï¬reproof and waterproof substitute for paint for use in boiler and engine rooms: lVell sift six quarts of freshly slacked lilne, add one quart of rock salt and one gallon of water ; then well boil the mixture and skim clean. To ï¬ve gallons of this mixture are added one pound of alum, half a pound copperas (stirredin slowly) three-quarters of a pound of potash, and four quarts of ï¬ne sand or hard-wood ashes, well sifted. To this may be added any coloring material desired. This substitute is stared to be especially applicable to brick work and similar sur- faces, and to be as durable as slate. There is no grievance that is a fit object lrrodress by mob law.â€"-Lincoln. life of a man.â€"â€"Lavater. Women know a good thing I . slay in the house u moment longer than I has wrought sucha change in my condition tissue and bone_ By gambling welose both our time and ful remedy for Emaciation, General when they Wasting Diseases of Children. “ Am I Married or Not ?" asked Mr. A., despondenrly,l “rieclare,my wife is so nervous and irritable that I don’t can help. My home isn't what it used to be.†“Mrs. A. is suflcring from some functional derangement, lpresume," said B. “ Yes,she has been an invalid for years," “ Exactly. Herexperlcnce is thal of my wi"e, bill she was cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Presenption. Get this remedy for Mrs. A., and the happiness of your home will soon be restored." Mr. B. was right. For prolapsus, painful periods, irregularities-4n short, all †complainis" peculiar to the female: sexâ€"the. “ Favorlle Prescription" is a sovereign speciï¬c. Rupture, 0r Hernia, permanently cured , or no pay. For l’umphlet and references address, World’s Dlspensary Medical As- sociation, Tinlialo, N. Y. Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mindâ€"Shakespeare. Doll’ltuil) I") ‘V‘ITII IKIIEII’IATIS". A Norwood Citizen Praises South Am- erican Rheumatic Cure. “Villiam l’cgg. Norwood, ()nl.: 'l.risi (‘hrist- mm I could hardly wall-t. was nearly doubled up with rhcunmiiuin. lprscurml three l)0lrlie.< of South AlnI-riI-un Rheumatic (‘urc from \V. Rutherford. druggisl. of Noruond, (lllil found it the best and quickth .lctiniz medicine lover saw. The ï¬rst do~l~ grave relief, and the Ihrcc bottles completely cured me. I have had neither ache nor pain from rheumatism sumo." No accidents are so unlucky but that the wise may draw advantage from them; nor are there any so lucky but that the foolish may turn them to their own prejudice.â€" Rochefoucauld. Catalrh Use Nasal Balm. Quick, pos tive cure. Soothing, cleansing, healing, There is no beautiï¬er of complexion, or form, or behavior, like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us.â€"-Anon. Get Rid of Neuralgia. There is no use in fooling With neuralgia. It is a disease that gives way only to the most powerful remedies. No remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment of Pol- son‘s Nerviline. Nerviline is a positive speciï¬c for all nerve pains, and might to be kept on hand in every family. Sold every where, 25 cents a bottle. A. P. 761 WALTEE BAKER &. GU. . The Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH GRADE .\\ i CUCUAS lill] CHUCUIAIES 1r Oi. [lit Continent, have received HIGHEST AWARDS from the great Industrial and Full EXPOSITIONS “ In Europe aIIIl America. Unlike the Dutch Prose-hue Alkaâ€" ~ v _ Des or other Chemicals or Dyes are ' a. used in anv of their preparations. Their delicious BREAKFAST cocoa ll absolutely pure and soluble. and com Icu than one cent a cup. -,l| SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKEM on. no!†" FOB. TWENTY-Fl. v ._- . ----, DUNN’S BAKING POWDER THECOOK’S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. WeakWomen and all mothers who are nursing babies derive great beneï¬t from Scott's Emulsion. This prepara- tion serves two purposes. It gives vital strength to mothers and also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrive. Scott’s Emulsion is a constructive food that pro- motes the making of healthy It is a Wonder- Debility, Throat and Lung Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Anaemia, Scrofula and Charlatans and Quaeks Have long plied their vocation on the sul- faring pedals of the pcOpIe. The knife has pared to the quick -, caustic applications have tormented the victim of some until the conviction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. pulnum’s i’ulnlcss Corn Extractor proves on what slender basis public opinion often rests. If you suffer from some get lhe Extractor and you will be satisï¬ed. Sold everywhere. However rich or elevated We maybe, 3 nameless something is always wanted to our imperfect fortuneâ€"Horace. K ecipeâ€"For Making a Deliclous Health Drink at Small Cost. Adam's llool liver I-inl'iicl y . . . . . . . . . . one bottle ‘ il’l~l‘l]lll.llln’> Yeast . . . . . . . . . .hall a cake . . .l.vi0 pounds Sugar. . . Luk warm \Vzil or ... .. ...lwo gallons l)l.~.\'()l\’(‘ l.llC sugar and yeast in the water, add lllo r‘xlrucl. Zillil boltlc: place in it warm place for Iwentyl’o 1‘ hours until it fcrincnts, illcn place on ice. when it will open sparkling ‘ and delicious. The root beer Can be obtained in alldrug and grocery ~Inrc< in 10 and 25 cent bottles to Illuke lwo and ï¬ve gallons. LADIES he your own Dressm :lker by using The Magic Scale Syslom. \V 'tcfor nirl-ulur is price list. Mi<s MacDonald. i; Silurer SI... ’I'oronlo‘ AGENTS wsarrun IPOI’. thr- latcst and best, line of Books an Bibles in Canada. all s‘ and price ’I‘uruis liberal, Write for f‘ll‘ClllflI‘S. WILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher. Toronto Ontario. $l5q FOR AN OLD mum IAN STAMP uscrl between .‘1 and Ill-is. [.00K l I' \Iillll "I." LEI’I‘EII Sand illd col- lections of slunlpa and not the high0~t cash Ilrli'l.‘ for them from C. A. NEEDHAN 051 Mziill St. Hamilton, Ont. G. DUTHIE & SONS SUITE, SHEET-METAL, TILE & CHAVEL HOOFERS Sheet Metal Ceilings, Terra Cotta Tile Red, Black and Green Rooï¬ng Slate. Metal Cor- nices. Fell. Tar. Roofing Pitch, Etc. Gutters, Downpipes, &c.. supplied the trade. Telephone 1936. Adelaide a Widmer Ste TORONTO THEMONEY-MAKE R" KNITTINGMACHINE ASKYUIR SEWINGHACHINEAGEHT _ FORIT, ORSEMA3CENTSI'AMP Fm PAHI’ICULARSPRICE L151; |' 7 smrscorros YARN.&¢. n - THISls 5090 FOR 32?? s'ENp‘rc (Z EELMAN BROS, NE? -GEORGQETQWNDNTI'. .' * i l l T‘IUSKOKA RESIDENCE FOR SALE-â€" A Situated inlhe famous. Muskoka‘lake region, 1‘20 miles north of Toronto; one of the ï¬nest properties in Muskoka: cottage, with veranda all round; alargc sitting-room, run- ning screen the entire front of the house: bay window with wide upholstered seat: boatâ€" house. with large room in upper part; ice- house. steam-aunch. 33x6 feet. cost 31.250, with Roberts“ patient safety boiler: row-and sail boat, canoe. steamboat wharf, all conven- ience~: the house is furnished completely: veranda rockingchuirs. lounge. tableware, John Bull range and all cooking 11tcnsil<,etc.. sprirghed<,ln:1tircs<c<. refrigerator ice for sea- ‘ ~on. wood for steam launch and the large brick (It‘ll ï¬replace in sitting room, as well as ample lpply for cooking-range frr screen; every- .lling nearly new; only been in use ~llort time: 1 [he henseis situated on lake linsï¬l'a'l, right on steamboat channel; price » 83o; terms LU suit; won’t rcnl. 5. Frank \ on. 73 Ade- laide street West, Toronto, Can. THE BANK or TORONTO DIVIDEND N0. 7%. Notice is hereby given that a DIVIDEND OF FIVE I’Elt CENT. for the current half- year. beingr at the rite of TEN I’Elt ('ENT. PER ANNUM upon the paid-up capital of the bank. has this day been declared. and that. the same will be payable at the bank and its branches on and after Saturday. the ï¬rst day of June next. / TIIE TRANSFER BOOKS will be closed from the 17th to tho 3let day of May, both days included. THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE SHAREHOLDERS will be held at the banking house of the institution on W'cdnes~ day. the lll.ll day of June next, the chair to be taken at noon. By order of the Board. D. CCL‘LSON. General Manager, The Bank of Toronto. Toronto, Hirll '14, 1895. 66666 Bargains in C. Bulbs and Plants The Aldtllllh’m of Wu; {h at Minimum of Curl No. 13â€"15 Gladiolus, ï¬nest assorted, for sea I -- 6 D.\hlias,sclccrshnw variel's “ 50c. “ Gâ€" 8 Monliaretias, handsome . “ 50c. “ Oâ€" 6 Roses.evc.b‘.oom'g beauties†50c. Window Collection, 1 each, Fâ€" Fuchsia, Dbl. Fl. Musk. Ivy “ and Sweet Sc't'd Geranium, 506. Fâ€" Manetta Vine, Tropreolium, Mex.PrimrosF Szlâ€"leliotrope Eâ€" 8 Geraniulus, ï¬nest assorted “ 50¢. Râ€"l‘l Coleus, ï¬ne assorted colors “ 50c. S~ 5 Iris, finest varieties . . “ 50c. Any ‘1 cnllccuons for Sac. : 8 for 01.25; or5 form. by Mail. post-paid. our selection. Asunpl Catalogue Free. THE STEELE. BRIGGS, MARCON SEED CO. LTD. Toronto. Ont. u (A u see “'- St" Leo“ Mineral “Val†has proved Send/orllz'mp/zlet on Smtt'r Emu/lion. Free. itself a perfect boom to them. The most happy man is he who knows how to bring into relation the end and the beginning of his life. â€"Goethe. A MAZAWATTEF. ATLAS. The Mazawsttee Tea Company has issued and copyrighted a neat little atlas,coutaining sixteen full-page colored maps, specially prepared and com- piled from the latest authentic sources. The divisions and countries shown are as follows.â€"â€"â€"The world, England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Europe, Asia, India Africa, South Africa, North America,South America, United States, Canada,Australia, New Zealand and Ceylon, from which last island Ihe Mazawattee tea comes. The publishers have received many very compli- mentary letters from teachers and others praising the little atlas. The fault‘ï¬nderâ€"it is his nature’s plague to spy into abuses; and oft his jealousy shapes faults that are nonâ€"Shakespeare. Don‘t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away is the truthful, startling title of a book about No~To-Bac, the harmless, guaran'eed tobacco habit cure that braces up nicoli~ nized nerveS, eliminates the nicotine poison, makes Weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or ï¬nan- cial risk, as No-‘l'o'Bac is sold by all Drug- gists eVerywhru, under a guarantee To cure or money refunded. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy (30., 374 St. Paul St. Montrcal. Scull Jr Bowne, Belleville. All Druggisls. 60C. 3. $1, STAMMEHING lif’é-lné‘E-ié‘r’l’l E33327: tlonitl System. No :tilvunce foes. \Vrilo for circular. THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE, [$5 Shutcr St . Toronto I I can Nol'rlticsd‘urll lrlcks 8: Our large catalogue lvimlc. F. l2. Karn l Trick and Novelty 00.,157 (.‘liurcli St.,’l'cronto ’CAUTION Owing to the enormous Magical Apparuun. La. est l‘.‘ll’0l,l0:lll and Anlcri sale of our famous “Something Good †Cigar Other Manufacturers are putting on the man lict inferior goods under this name. l A poor article is never imitated. llierefore ills I'm-l lh:ll. " Something Good" is being mum: vi‘h-ilvd ix ll. guarantee to ~lllokers that it is the Best 5 cont Cigar on the market. In [illl't'llzhillg see that our rude mark (The SIIOW'SIIOCI and lll‘ll‘. lidilll." uu c.lr.‘ll box. no cilicr is genuine. Uur "Something Good' brand 1\ l‘cghzi-red and any Ouc al.‘ liu; other Clg‘di‘> llllIlL'l‘ this name will be proscculcd. Empire Tobacco 00., Montreal. j ‘/.. CAN DA’ GTEST MUSIC HOUSE Music Publishers,Manuiaclurers and Importers 0F EVERYTHING MUSICAL SPECIALTIES: Our ‘ Imperial ’ Band Instru- ments, Guitars, Mandolin- cs, Banjos. Harmonicas, and the Latest Music Publi- cations. 1F Don't purchase until you see our prices. _ Semi for Calulogurs ulelllmmlg goods 7:- l]!lifr.l. ‘ WC WANY VNE ADDRESS OF [VEHV MUIIO TEACMEH AND BANDMASTIR IN (.ANADA. Willlluilllclaalcll. I58 vonas STREET, TORONTO. - CANADA GRAN? Better this season than ever. They wear like Iron. 1 dealer sells them. An Agreeuble Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Sold by Druggists or arms by Mail. 250.. 503., and SW.) per package. Samples n-ee. The Favori'h mum OER fol-the Teeth and Bren ,m Dr. Laviolette's Syrup of, Turpentine USED Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, WITH Loss of Voice, L Hoarseuess, VVliooping- Cough, Group. Etc,, Etc. Always Cures A51: for it SUCCESS From your Druggist or Grocer, who can procure it at any whole- sale house or direct from the proprietor, J. Gustave Laviolette M.D. 232-234 St. Paul St.. Montreal. SNUW Hill. We intend to make a mums farm lag)†this season. Why not been of the. by laying a -' i » SNOWBALL WAGON. to will please you, give you satisfaction ad save you money. No breakion or Inh- smstha' bills topay out fea- npflg. If I. have no amiss melodity, ‘ direct“ 'llll Sillllllillli Willi GOEPIEI. 51‘. 01201203. ONT. FISHING TAGKLE. SPECIAL OFFER. 1 Fine Trout Rod. Lancewood Tip . . . . . . . . 81 2§ l \Vaterproof Braid Line, 25 yards . . . . . . . . 20 l Trout Fly Spoon . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1 Click Reel. 40 yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 l Gut Casting Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 lDoz. Gut Hooks. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 l Box Sink.ch . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 3 box. brood Trout Flies . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . 25 $2 65 We will supply this fine lot for Si cash. Send your money or order through your dealer. Perfect Gut (lasting Lines (Scotch) $2.40 Doz Lacrosses. Footballs and all kinds of Sporting Goods. THE WIGHTMAN SPORTING GOODS 00 403 St. Paul Street. Monteeal. _ vanized after completion, " , ' in nests of ten, 8 to I2 feet high and 30 to 36 inches in i. diameter, at 2360. per gallon. ‘ } They do not rust, shrink, leak. glve j taste to water, nor allow foreign sub- stances to get In. They can be put In garret or barn and thus are protected from freezlng. They take no settlng up. are cheaper than wood. Tank substructures of all slzes made to ' p order. Send for prIce not and ' _, deslgna forsubairucture and v" ornamental watersupply. AERMOTOR co. . . . -. h . h . . . . Did you ever stop to think how comp clely the Aermotur Co. made the modern \rindlnill business] How it has inullop- ollzed this entire line of manufacture because of its ideas, inventions. designs, qualities and prices. or forced others to be literal and serviie unnatural; Witness the stool wheel, the back geared puruper, the high gourch power mill, the steel towers, fixed and lilting, the gnlinniilng of work after completion, the grinder centrifugal feed. the improved irrigatingv and other pumps, the all steel pole sawâ€"one of the most popular thlngi we ever put out â€"the steel storage .‘lllrl stock tanks. Everything we have touched we hue batten-d and chenpollell. It is the thing we have delighted in and it lids [l.|lll. “‘l- lune €5f:ll'li)lih‘ll a score I of brclnch houses, .«0 as to have all Illeeu got-iii nozlr those who want them. The Aerlnntor Co. has but one more anilulwn, I. want» to ll‘lllil and till one more new building. It bus 2 acres of null it in ['I’l‘N'Ii‘ lwitlun unoccuprcd by Imi‘ullnrs. It ox [rei'lviu l'nillllllclllo in Juliolu cuh'l' that 2 acres will a single budding. 7 slulles lush. This Will give it H more acres of floor all lCO. Then when the phllllc dvmznud requires m. :0 g 1 than can be produced Wlll'l (his addl-l space it Will ri-fi; l ('Xlt‘ll‘l fliathcr. or make any eEori I ' d. Ill‘ lls :- ti no“ palm. Us To suru or its with “> (I r'rras, PI'JIPS, "llIIMiV ml stout )21i'.,"£'l‘l'.. en.- 1 mm. lroxrlxi's T0 . i‘l l‘.I.lC, Fl‘lelall RF.- '1â€! Galen MODEL u mm: sl'rrtr Iron 00., CHICAGO. a» owly um .i.~mmrl. n mil lion turn a. l'Ni‘lI.‘f‘lI.\’l"l'Ilil'.l'l‘l‘ vi - . i llI‘l', . l .\I. iilwr Liliitnli I.‘ PHIL“ 5 LOW I‘ sill uu r-zlll-l. l: Hill'sli or 1 in; Will; Everybody wants