Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 May 1895, p. 8

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Amd there are a great many goods in our line that you will require. Look at this list : Barb Wire, 552.87% per 100 lbs. Freight on 500 lbs or over prepaid to any station, where rate does not exceed 25¢. per 100 lbs. Barrel Chums, 3.00, 3.25, 3.50, $4.25. Water White American Oil, by the barrel, Ijécper gal., and no charge for barrels. Manure Forks, Spades and Shovels, all steel, 50 cents and up. Wire and Cut Nails, Hinges, &c., are very cheap. We can offer special low rate on Carriage Bolts, Paints, Oils or Glass. E‘hos. Mereflith & Co, _"7 7 A If the great man who wrote those beautiful lmes had livedi now he would have been sure to have addedâ€"â€" But SWeeter still than this, than these. than all Is the sweet ringing tone of a WELKENS 85 GUY, H E1 NTZ M 2‘ PAINTS OILS 8: GLASS UR PRiflES 3am 35E BEM. W‘nkus this opportunity of thanking his friends and cuunmers for their Iibvrnl patron- uuring lhu last six months. Genuine low prices and reliable boots and shoes has a ; od viiâ€"cm on the public. I am now showing and selling the finest an ck of Spring Fuut.~VVeur we have yet, had to ufl‘cr, which is saying a uuod deal for them when you rounider our reputation for first-class goods. Our spring Block is second to nnuc north of Toronto, and we invue you to call and Inspect our line of good» in ALWAYS IN FRONT! Ladies‘ Dnngnla Kid Oxfnrds tips and faced needle toe, Ladies’ finest Kid Ux 10rd leedle Me 3 large buttons, Ladies’ NM! ank Tm cloth tops, Ladies’ Daisy Kid Uxfurd Ups and faced turns, Ludes’ lit-"qula Kid Uxfurd In 5, Ladles’ Tan thhlo- Uxfurd m s npedle toe, Ladivs’ “(ide Ur: at 'l‘nn Oxford very fine, Ladles’ tuft-rd the Kid with Gnodgear Welt, Ladies’ American Kid Oxford Turns, 'vmmas‘ mahm- Oxford best Kn}, lmdies’ finest Klri Hnmmed Bout Puccarliliy toe Hmmyear Walt, Ladies’ finest Kld Bul- wnml nver‘le tue lips and faced tux-nu, LRdIva’ Uunynln Kid Congress New Yurk we turns, and all shades of misses’ and VV Rob S. Sivers, Hardware and House Furnishings, HIGH 168 & 188 KING ST. EAST. TURONROL ustom Work a specialty, sewed and pegged. Repairing promptly and neatly done. NELK‘INS & 00., armers’ & Storekeepers’ Supplies. ‘holesale 8c Retail Butcher PRING IS COMING Wholesale 85 Retail Importers. Subst- 156 :3; 311929; 833333333 333 3353. n11 56 KING STREET, E., TORONTO, I'Vext 13001“ to Clyde 1101381. RI;&PIAE . NTZMAN & CO. 1‘ .‘ A DODIINION OIfiG Especially those you buy from OW S We import direct from Manufacturers. 'Tis sweet to hear the watch dogs honest 1):er Bay deep-mouth’d welcome as we draw near home; ’Tis sweet to know there is an eye win mark Our coming, and look brighter when we come; ’Tis sweet to be awaken’d by the lurk, Or lull’d by falling waters; sweet the bum 0f bees, the voice of girls, the «(mg of birds, The lisp of children and their earliest Words. CLARK, - GONGORD.} ROEERT SWERS 1n (3 Doors from Ge HOI' stantly children’s font-wear. Also in men's Shell Cnrdnvan Bnls New Ymk 'l‘ne (z‘mudyear Welt, men’s Shell Cordovan Congress Goodyear Welt, men’s finest K'mgaruo Bale Goodyear \Velt, men’s Purpoise Bale Goodyear \Velt, men’s Calf Ball: :1) a, men’s Calf Cungress 'l‘ips Goodyear Welt, men’s Bufl' Congress m 3, men's Buff Btlls needle we standard screw, men’s Tan Pebble Baln m a, men’s American Calf Bale. men's Gondola Kid Oxfnrd. men’s Buff Oxford, man’s Tau Pebble Oxford, men’s strung buots laced and buckled. a full stock of boys’ and yon‘hs’ s’rong and fine boots and differ- ent kinds not mentioned. ' mg mm Richmond Hill inn-“dd eSt E fil‘iihl PHI 4 feet 1’ i'Emonto Financial Cameraman: l Robt. McClair‘; j. K. KERR, MONEY TO LE} REPAIRING 0F Interest allowed ‘\ Best in the Market to humid that. Frog in your Throat. | MAGIC COUCH SYRUP mm" W“ W ' fifQCE'MbN 5'». (mom Oak Ridges, April 17th. 1b95. J'. mum sows, AURORA “was; WSEQI'IJENTIST, ‘ RICHARDSON HOUSE. MAPLE. Raw Them Having purchased an elegant, new we“ assorted mock uf CHOICE FAMILY AND PASTRY FLOUR Small Profits and Quick Re- turns every time. BE SURE TO CALL. YOUR ATTENTION A MINUTE! None to equal it for Bustling that Cough that kept. your friends awake )ast night TRY IT ! TRY IT ! HUSTLER No. 1~â€" Will give to your hands and face that so“: and silk like texture that is so much admired. Prcpaxed by HUSTLER, No. 2â€". :IVINTER BALM: 0n W111 Hustle those chaps ufl' your hands Erscerics, Provisions, Con- fectionery, Fruits, Cigars t and Tobaccoes 1 W. A. SANDERSON, I“ “’ellnesdny Each Month. am prepared to supply the public with gouds at prices that are equal with the times. Portable Engines And Separators, Mowers, Reapers And Binders of All Kinds. GOODS DE 00K. MACDONAI MAGIC COUCH SYRUP rll)‘ :ZWINTER BA LM FOR ‘ SALE . J. BROWN. “HUM/6784 WHAT ARE THEY? Where moneys are receive n' year old stallion, "Ronmnofi am by Olulmric Limp. t. b‘) 1 good moyon jun: imw Stlvtvtimmrnts. )Addressâ€"m? Spadinn. Avci, near Bar bord Sb. 1011037 1, Adelaide Street are now prepared to undertake I am rezifly for business. 1 Farm Propertv at I 0.1T tllowed on Deposits in the Savings Branch at 4% per Cent. Drafts issued to all parts of Canada. Collections promptly made. Sterling Exchange bought and sold. Prompt attention given to the collection of sales and other notes. At close prices. DRUGGIST, apital Authorized Head Ofioe, 86 King St. East, Toronto, DIRECTORS D & BRIGG VERED Jno. A. Richardson, M. rate Has opened :1 Deposit and Savings Bran ~403111 f," by I'D A sure I Toronto. I f inter and 11 ed ON DEPOSIT IN LARGE AND SMALL SUMS * OR THE vnnvvnipnce of nnr customers in the nurth we have npem-d up a ** BRANCH STORE, 446 Yxnue street, jmn below CJHt‘IES street, where all Tobacmns and Cigars Will be suld at. same prices as at. UHL‘ celubmtved Holeiu-the. Wall Cigar Snare. DON’T FORGET THE ADDRE 167 1-2 KING ST. EAST, MANMGWRERS HFE ESUBAEGE 8%. Head Office, â€" Toronto. A SOLID CANADIAN CGEEPANY. Surplus on Policy-Holders‘ account at 3Ist of December, I , I 1894. $77,789 72; PollCleS absolutely mconteqtable after hrst year. No re- Room, Ceiling and Bordering Papers. THORNHILL SEE OUR 5 CENT PAP Edward Cronyn. 0.000 strictions as to occupation, residence ’or travel. Our stock is now complete in R00m,Cei]ing and Bordering Papers to match,from the best mak- ers, and as cheap as any house in Toronto or elsewhere. Mlxed Fa Turpentine prices. _G 1672L Good Black Chewing, ................ 350 pe: Ioc McDonald chewing, reduced to @2131 a a per plug. 25c T. & B. Plug for .......... 200 Derby Plug for ............ IOC “ “ ............ Furniture sual stock 0 Money to Loan. -T%€£-%Mii T935335 STE??? KING STREET EAST, TORONTO H. M. BROWN. Paints J. M. LA‘wVP-ENCE. cm: ".10..& mta JAG YONGE ST, TORONTO. [an mmmémm Daniel Spry;- Oils, Varnishes. Leads, 2 Brushes, all sizes, at bott cut to order. V07). ‘st an! at 1n prlce to ocerles,che ....and.... ‘IH ubscribe nice ru r1 General Agent Co. York Conveyancing Done. Ric/msz H 2']! at}, k Yer Manager, Richnlaond Hill DUNSTAN, Manager. we, E. 1.. Davis, M. PP 35¢ per 1b the times. 5 any in town 49166910059 .20c .I8C

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