Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 May 1895, p. 5

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"he N."R‘. R. mgr: TABLE. GOING NORTH. I‘ORONTO. Mun Accom. Ex. Union ...... 8.30 ...... 5.310 ztrkilalo... 5-“ Davenport ...... 5.18 Downsviow ...... 5.58 thn‘nl‘iil . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.15 m’onuoivu HILL... 6.24 King ............... 6.35 Aurora ,, .. 6.5:} Newmarko 9.0.) GOING SOUTH. I fix, Accom. Mail. dewmarkct. 6." 11.13 6.28 Aurore. .. 9.35 Ill-2'2 (1‘32 King ....... 8.49 11.42 gnfi Rionimxn HXLL ...... 8.59 11.50 1.0:) Thornhill ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 9m ...... 7.12 Downsview .. 922 . . . . _ . . . - ~ - ~ Davenport... 9.31 12.15 T34 Parkdcle .................. 9.40 12.20 7-49 TORONTO Union .............. 9.50 12-30 7 55 PROCTORTS'TKGE LINE. Connects with alltrttinr, leaving the Palmer House Richmond Hill. as follows ‘ Mail & Express,l\0rth ck. South. .. .800 a 111. Accommodation north and south 11.00 c. to Express North .530 p. in. Mail South... ....0.15 p.111. POST OFFFCEâ€"NOTICE Until further notice 1 [oils will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as folloWs:â€" MORNING ~â€"â€"Going North. south East and \‘l'cst, including Tllornhill, Maple, Toronto. Morkhum.&c. 7.45 Emma zâ€"Gnins south East and West (as above) 5.80 N. B.â€"â€"chistersd Letters must be handed in at least Fiflecn Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. SUMMER TlFlE TABLE ll] eu'opoliran Si. Railway Going South Going North mi ‘9 ° :3 :3 is . . g .. k l“: K‘â€"’¢ 1-: S Q) a; . (5 E 0.. .24 n . . :l g 8 .9 0 U 2 o >1 L’) C) >1 Leave 6 20 am 6 40 Leave G 40 ’1 00 Ar 7 10 710... 7:0... “.740 ............ 740. . 800 .. .8 20... .. 8 20... 8-10 ......... 8 45 815... 820.. .8 40 .. 840... 9 845... 8 50. . 910... 930 9 10.. .. 030... 950 ......... 10 0:10.. ...lfi ...1020 1005.. .. ...10 30...10 50 1050...11 10 1110.1130 lilo 1130.115!) 11:10 1150 . 12 lo pm 115 12 lo...12 30 1210111111230... ..12 30 ..12 50 ...... 12 55 1230 ...... 12 50 .. “1-750... 1 lo @255... 20... 140 140 .. 200 200... 220 220... 2-10 240... 300.........3 05 .. 310... 330 305... . . 330... 350 ‘ 350... 410 410. . 1130 .. 430... 450 ........ 4 55 .. 500... 520 455. .. 520... 540 ' 540... 600. 55 610... 6.30 6 05 .61 630... 650 630.. 700... 720 5'5 .. 700. 720... 740 720.. 7-10.. 800 7-10.. Boo .. 820.........8 25 800. .. 83o .. 850 . . 8770 .. 910 910 .. 93o 93u... 950 950...1010 ...1010...lo”lc . . 1030...1c 50....10 55 1055...1loo ...... 1120 .......... 1120...11§0 Last car going north on Saturday night loaves C. P. R. Crossing at 11.50 o'clock. din: glitcml. Hicnluoup HILL, Thursdiiy, May {6, ’95 LOCALS. Mr. T. Herbert Lennox will be at Kelly‘s ~ Hotel every Wednesday. Dr. F. J. Gallanough, V. S., vicits Rich- mond Hill professionally every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. Great value in Straw Huts at the Concrete. In future. Mrs. Wells, L. D. S., will be at the Richardson House, Maple, on the first Wednesdav of each month. Oil Stoves 60 cents up; ginâ€"nilâ€"for the hot weather. C. Mason. Mr. J. M. Letsche, of Davisville, business manager of The Leader and Recorder, was in the village on Tuesday, and gave THE LIBERAL a fraternal call. The best pure Leaf Lâ€"aid still selling at 11 cents per lb. at the Concrete. In the P, S. report last week we should have had Mabel Marsh’s name in Part 11. instead of Mabel Smith. The latter’s name appeared in its proper place in a senior class. Two cans of Horse Shoe brand Salmon for 25 cents at the Concrete, and good Red Salmon 10 cents per can. The Annual Picnic in aid of the R. C. Church will be held in the Driving Park, on Wednesday, the 19th of June. Full particu- lars will be given in a week or two. Splendid quality of Oxford Sbirting for 125 cents per yard at the Concrete. Mr. A. B. Davidson, P. S. Inspeclor, spent Monday and Tuesday in the schools here. He will send in a Written report to the trustees relative to each department. Great value now in Laundry and Toilet Soaps at the Concrete. The village band furnished good music in front of the Masonic Hall on Thursday and Friday evening last, previous to the com- mencement of the dramas by the Townsend Shakespcreun Company. Mr. Wm. Atkinson started Tuesday even- ing on a tlip through Pennsylvania, and will spend a few works with relutivas in that state. He was accompanied by his brothar sum, Mr. David Graham, of Iuglewood. ‘ this ofiicc for 25 cents. Vaughan; and llohi rt C. Gillies and \V. (Ir. Huycock, of King, are among the jnrymvn 0n the trial of the Hymns brothers for the murder of W. Wells, a brother-iu-lew to one of the accused. Lndies‘ Cotton llygeian Vr-sls 5 cents each and others very nice quality with short. sleeves 12 cents each at the Concrete. Dr. F. J. Gal’anrugll, of Thornhill, has that promising young tl-otlingthred stallion, Romanol’f, 4 years old, by llodgcn ; daln by Old Ruric. The young stallion will be kept at his own stable during the summer. For 5 cents per lb. you can buy good Cur- rants, linil>ll153 Bosnia Prunes, Japan Rico, l’eurl Tapioca at the Concrete. The Pau~American Congress of Religion and Education will be held at Toronto on July 18th to 25th. The Congress will be composed of representatives from every country, province and state of North and South Ameiica, including Protestants, R0- man Catholics and Hebrews. For purity, strength and flavor Bee brand pure Ccvlon Tait takes N0. 1 rank; for sale in 1 lb. packages at 20 and 25 cents each at the Concrete. Try it. The proprietors of The Hole in the Wall tobacco store, 1675- King St. East, tell the gardeners and agriculturists in their adv. on another page, that it will be to their advant- age to call on them. Never miss a good chance. Read their ad. A poor quality of Canned goods is an abomination. Buy only the best, but get those at Atkinson & Switzer's l)w prices. Lieut. Sidney S. Marsh will be at Rich- mond Hill on the 24th of May to take names of those wishing to Join N0. 5. E. Company, 12th Battalion, which goes into camp at Niagara, in June. See notice on another page. Millincry is a grand success at. the Con- crete this season; style, quallty and price all just right. The Markham Sun last week got out a supplement giving an elaborate account of the successful contests oi the Markth la- crosse club during the past few years. If The Sun does not think that Mnrkham’s Knights of the Stick are the best team ill the Dominion. it certainly believes in giving them a position pretty near the top of the ladder. Low prices on good values are highly valued. This seeming paradox is demon- strated by Atkinson 52 Swilzer. The frost on Sunday night did consider- able damage in this sectiOn of country. lee froze to the thickness of half an inch. To mate plants, and much garden stuff was nipped, and it is thought that grapes and most of the fruit will be very much injured. It cannot be known for some time what the amount of the damage will be. The day previous to the cold snap every orchard was apicture to behold. Modest appearance, good humor and At- kinson & Switzer's Spring Suits are becom- ing to any gentleman. Captain Allen. formerly editor of The Re- < cordc'r newspaper, spent a few days in the village with the dramatic company. The captain. who is a brother-in-law of Mr. Harry Townsend, will in future act as business manager and advance agent. Three of his household are members of the company. and the gallant captain, on Thursday chning, proved himself well qualified to assume a Shakespereau character when duty calls him to that poet. We hope our former ootem. may have every success in the management of his dramatic company. Illinois propoaes to tax bachelors for their failure to propose to lovely ladies. That serves them right. All men should marry. and the married men of our town should trade with Atkinson & Switzer. “ Love Reasons Not.” In reply to several inquiries from some of our subscribers who missed part of that very interesting story, “ Love Reasons Not,” pubâ€" lished in THE LIBERAL a few months ago, we beg to say that the book can be procured at The story is fasci- nating from beginning to end. We should have to conjugate in all the moods, tenses and inflections if we told all the advantages of our prices. Atkinson & Switzer. Rev. Mr. Grant‘s Call. At last Tuesday‘s meeting of the Toronto Presbytery the call of Richmond Hill congre- gation to Rev. Joe. A. Grant was presented, and the Toronto Junction congregation was cited to appear before the next presbytery meeting when the matter will be decided.â€" Tribune. North York Teachers. The annual meeting of the North York Teachers’ Association will be held in the Aurora Public School on Wednesday and Thursday, the 22nd and 23rd of May. On Wednesday evening, Mr. Frank Yeigh will lecture in the Mechanics‘ Hall, on the sub- ject, " Canada, Historically and Pictorislly." The lecture will be illustrated by a powerful stereopticon. Summer Examinations. High School Entrance and Public School Leaving examinations will be held in the High schools, commencing on the 27th of JunP. High School Junior Leaving, Uni- ‘versity Pass Matriculation and Scholarship examinations begin on the 2nd of July. High Schenl Primary begins on the 4th of July, and High School Senior Leaving and . Honor Matriculation begin on the 11th of July. S. S. Institute. Au Institute in connection With the Vaughan S. S. Association will be held in St. Paul's Presbyterian church, 7th con. Vaughan (near Purplevllle), on Thursday, the 6th of June. The followxng are among those who will read papers: Rev. A. G. Hudson, B. A.; Rev. Jas. Carmichael, Rev. B. Large, and R. S. Gourlay. Esq. The sessions will be conducted by Rev. C. A. Campbell. All interested in Sabbath school work are cordially invited. Mitchell Hadwen and Wm. Hm, or purchased from Mr. Si. (lvnrgo, Oak Ridges. Pacers are Eligible. In the race: to take place on the track on the 2-Ith of May in connection with the Richmond Hill Spring Fair, pilch'S arc eligin ble in all the races as onl as trotters. By ordel. Resolution of Condolence. The following resolution was pcsscd by the liicllulclld Hill “I, M. S. : “ Moved by Mrs. (lrant, seconded by Mrs. A Newton. that the ulcinlcrs of the same convey 10 Sister Switser their expressnuis of profound and heartfelt sympathy iu the recent sorrowful bereavement she has sustained, in the loss of her mother, Sister Atkinson; also that God, who in his infinite and unerring wis- dom, has pcrmitted the LillICIlVe dispensa- tion, may giant her the consolation of His abiding prcsence till she meet the departed loved one in that land “that is fairer than day," where parting and tours are unknown. Subscribe Now. The Farmers' Sun has been making such a good fight on behalf of the agricultural class of this country that we feel that it should be in every household. We are pleased to say that we have been able to make arrangements with our cotem. to club that valuable journal wilh Tim LIBERAL. Onr subscribers need not ask how it is done; suffice it to say that This LIBERAL and The Farmers‘ Sun will be sent to any address in Canada from this date to the end of the year for the sum of sis-lg crnrs. Those who are already subscribers of Tm: leBERAL may have The Sun for the balance of the year for thirty cents. Don't miss this chance. Twu good pdpel‘S, over seven months. for sixty cents. Queen‘s Birth-Day. As the time for our Annual Spring Fair draws nearer, the prospects for a grand celebration grow brighter. The secretary has already received a large number of entries, and the probability is that we shall blue is very fine exhibition on the 21th. Besides the exhibition proper. the perform- ance of the ParkOl-Ronald Company to be given in front of the grand stand, without any extra charge, and the speeding in the ring, should draw a large crowd to our vil- lage. Some fast horses will be here for the open and 2.50 trot. The bicycle rnccs also promise to be exciting this year, and the seating accommodation by the erection of the new gallery and raised seats in the Ag gicultural Hall should make every person comfortable at the concert. Don‘t miss coming to Richmond Hill on the 21th. Arithmetic and Atheism. This is the title of a very clever little book by H. L. Hastings, of 47 Cornhill. Boston. In this volume Mr. Hastings shows clearly that the existence of an omniscient God is necessary in order to account for the wide and even complex manifestations of mathe- matical principles in nature. '1 here is thought in the universe; and can there be thought without a thinker? If there are mathematical principles illustrated in the structure of plants and animals. in the stars above and in the earth beneath, in music, bolh vocal and instrumental. and most of all in vocal music, must we not conclude that the framer of nature constructed nature upon mathematical principles? We should like to make extracts from this very interesting and instructive book, did our space permit; but we think we do better by urging readers who take an interest in such questions, to procure the book for themselves, and to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the same. The Townsend Company. Two very enjovable evenings were spent in the Masonic Hall last week with the Townsend Shakesperean Company, which has recontly been reorganized for the season of 1895. The compang gave excellent satis- faction here, the plays acted each evening being thoroughly appreciated. The manager, Mr. Harry Townsend is an accomplished actor, and so well did he represent Shakes- perean characters on Thursday and Friday evening, that several of the spectators, well acquainted with first-class talent. were free to admit that they had never listened to a better Shylock, in The Merchant of Venice. or to a cleverer Duke of Gloster, in the his- torical drama, King ichard 111. Mrs. Allen (Florence Townsen ) gives valuable assist‘ ance. As Portia, in the Trial Scene, she was again and again applauded, and in some of the lighter comedies, she managed to keep her interested audience in roars of laughter. Miss Falls (Constance Townsend), who has but recently taken to the stage, is a. young lady of good ability, and gives promise of a clever actress in the near future. Both lady performers possess great personal attract- ions, pnd are sure to be favorites wherever they ’appear. The company Would not be complete without Mr. Wm. B. Mack. His grimaces Were very amusing, and he passes readin for a young man of 21 years, or a senior at 60. In fact Mr. Harry Townsend may well feel proud of his company, as all are capable actors and actressss, and some of them are excrptiolially clever. Some of their costumes were handsome and apple priale. It is hoped that last Friday night will not be the last occasion on which the Townsend Shakespereau Company will ap- pear before a Richmond Hill audience. liiARiuLitins COULTnvâ€"anonTâ€"At the resnlenco of the bride's lather, near 0x Bow, Assu., on the lst of May. by Rev. W. S. A. Crux, Albert E. Coultry, of Winnipeg, to Mary A. Knight, daughter of Wm. Knight, formerly Of Vic- toria Square, Ont. DEATHS SuiERKâ€"Iu Richmond Hill, on Tuesday morn- ing, May 14th. 1805, Mrs. Barbara Ann Shierk aged 02 years. Funeral this (Thursday) afternoon, to the Tunker cemetery, Holso‘s Hill,leuv1ng the house at 1 o'clock. We are now prepared to undertake Portable Engines And Separators, Mowers, Reapers And Binders of All Kinds. "fkfiifilfifib :3 L /f 7 j; //. r 5?: Iii/L / r \ -/-""/ \ be /// ‘\ Bar Bar , . gains ‘ Bargains ,' f ‘ ' swirl tdé‘ _I sins % I ; .Lu Bargains tea-certs». I. 4.. Kidd - i- Bar ains “B7 ai‘gains Bargains v fiifi-li’w‘fl‘vw to»; "cinematic vim-2. Every shelf Loaded down Come and get your share in the GREATEST BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY: Ever offered in the vi - ,. -7- I in our Store is with Bargains ~, ~amen-4.Liliiinfismmwinawtcumats? ‘, wary: “ Ilage of Richmond Hill. Free 2 Free I Free I Ladies’ 5‘ (l at (i U N (‘ â€"â€"ALL PURC H ASERS OF â€"â€" BOOTS AND SHOES To the amount of $1.25 and oyer we will take their Photo and send to their address Free of Charge. Our Spring stock has arrived in all the latest styles, consisting of Ladies’, Gents’, Boys’ and Misses' Boots, Shoes, Slippers, &c. Strap Slippers, 75c. worth $1 00 Oxford Shoes 750 “ 1 25 Russian Tan Shoes, 90 “ 1 25 Kid Button Bootsfll 00“ 1 50 Dougola Kid Button Boot, a beauty, SI 25, worth $1.75 Kangaroo Button Boot, a bargain, $1 25, worth $1 75 Extra fine Dongola Kid Ruttou, flexible soles, $1 50 worth $2 25 Fine Cloth Slippers, 3 to 7, only 15c, 0r 2 for 25c. Men’s Strong Working Boots $1 w’th 1 25 u 1895. New Prints, Boston Calf $1 15 “ 1 50 Men‘s Kip Grangers. whole fox, $1 50 worth $2 00 “ Fine Caser Calf, $1 25 w’th $1 73 “ Russian Tall, laced or goiter, $2 I 1) worth $3 00 Tan Shoes, ex. soles $1 2.}, worth $1 50 Bt-ys’ Strong School Boots 756 to $1 (if) “ Fine Tan Shoes, ext soles 1 (0 “ Carpet Slippers only 250. Misses’ Kid Button Boots, pat tips $1 Ct) worth $1 50 Children's Boots from 250 upwards IK H Come and get your Picture taken first time you are in the city. DOMINION SHOE STORE, COR. KING & GEORGE ST., TORONTO. T. D()VV’§VVE or. Fire LL. Proprietor. .u- mun. . v r00. MAY. 1895 New Sheetings, New Dress Goods, New Cottons, New Flannelettes, New Cottonads REPAIRING Up New Delainettes, New Tweeds, New Muslins, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, and Garden Seeds. J. .FLEURY’S SONS, AURORA ISAAC CROSBY New Trouscrings

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