VOL. XVII. IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ‘FH Mu} DB. LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. OFFICE HOURS 8 to 10 :1. “1.; and 6 to 8 .p. m. twuom 15% Rich nan l (at me P Shoutiville . nukharn .. 21:. Albert “7 )0 lm'ilgo K‘xeinburg a >1eton.... W. J. WILSON, M. D., RICHMOND HILL, Ont. Reliable Gum Applications used thu required 8363!; your Cheap Teeth of Robinson. Addrsss A 11013111902: L.D:S. Aux-oiaom. HE LIBERALYRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. W. ROGERS, DENTIST, Grnduato of the Ontario Veterinary College‘ with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School. will visit» Maple on Monday and Friday of each week, and 001200er on Friday {mm 1 to 3 p. m. Calls promptly attended to Diseasps‘nf horses, cabcle and other domesticab o-i animals treated by the latest and most up- pfoved method J. T. McElroy, VETERINARY SURGEON Store 85 Dwelling TO RENT. Apply to Uniouville. Oct.1‘.Lh,189L €931 per annum, in advance.) OK W. HEWISON, ' n: g -. -. - I RESIDENCE, -m LIIUHMOND HILLl‘ J- " ' IC‘HJMOND ‘HILL. A. 'L. is KEELE, A - CALL : SOLICITED. GlaZler, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Also dealer in Groceries and other Staple Articles. Pnces right. Patronage Soiicited. THE LIBERAI A Store 20x40 ft ‘. to ram in tho '8 to 10 :1.m.; 16m 8 p.m. A little east of Pm-krlnle station, over W‘ Collius' score, corner of Queen .and Northco be Avenue, BUSINES S CARDS. VETERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL, Brutal. wz-‘gngfl gm “’au-h- H a ker a: Iewc-Ilcr. (Tyne gamma TORONTO “ï¬nk. tï¬tb. and leill numb 3.11.4 ue Palmer House GFFICE HOURS EDITOR & Pnovmmon @110 net "Yeah HOUSE PAINTER, USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. Walnut. no anluge of Unionville. In One win laws, 7 ft. square. 4 counters muLar. The buildings are two :41] ceilincs. Cellar undemeum wreJmuse for feed and grain 20x60 between Webber‘s hnlel and the best. business stand in the vil- uu can be given at once. 'wrtcriuurtj SURGEON DENTIST -â€"-ANDâ€" with dwelling attached Alluge of Unionville. 1 MAHON. ixsch, it Sunday, 21st 20th of each month km: 6 0 .28th do 2911: do 30th do 24th SALE M ECK 15-“ of each month do ARD'I HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. DI. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, Barristers, Solicitors, Sac. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Oflice open every Saturday. A G F LAWRENCE MONEY TO LOANWT LBWEST BURRENT RATES LAWRENCE & ORMIST-ON. Mmng e9 flwwmm Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"~34 Bz-nk of Commerce Buildmgsrxnging Street West. Then:th Ofï¬ceâ€"Past Oï¬i‘coeVery Wed- nesday from to to 12 a.-m. Collections in City and Countrv promptly attended to. Money toloun, Telephone 2984 ROBINSON, LENNOX & ‘MACLEOD Mr. T. Herbert Lennnxminabe uhï¬eljy‘éï¬Ã©tul Richmond Hill every Wednesday. for the transâ€" action of business. 0n good Farm‘l’rupettv at low rates 01 interest. SALE); Ecpnm‘. Unwnvmo. Licensed Auctioneers for the Comtleauf ‘York, Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment; Gennmlnalee 0 stock. eta, promptly attended to at reasonable rates. Licenuad Auctioneers {or ï¬he County of York,re- spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly. influence. sales attended on the sLortesbnutice 3.113 a x‘eusonabarates. AP.O.uda.ress King J 0 STOKES Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales anded to on shortest. untive and at ma.â€" sonablemtes. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Geueru‘ sales of implemevts, turxxicuI-e.smnding timber. etc... attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. Every accommodation to guestn. 'Bomrd, $1. Der day Thisï¬ne hotel is ï¬tted up with all the modern appliances for health and comfort. Best brands. of liqunrs and cigars. Sample rooms for wnw mercial travellers. 'Busses meet ull'umins. Rates $1.00 per day. COOK, MACDONALD &B RIGGS, THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Blonqy to 1402111 Funeral meshings Always on Hand RICHMOND HIHL‘POSTUFFIUE. 0.5. B. LINDSEY BARBISTI‘BS, SOLICITORS AND NOTARXEE. LINPBSE‘Y & LINDSEYJ J. B. MILLER Paciï¬c BuiXdings. 23 Scott St‘, Toronto [Hula-takers a: Embaimers, linrrlslvrs, Sollcllors, R0. TORONTO AND AURORA. E7. gummy @%Â¥&§E %@@E&, Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries and Conveyancers. 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO MISS C, HARRISON, Ecknrdt .& Prentice, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Adefaide Street East, Toronto WRIGHT BROS, noum's'sxoaxa m was Stakes ea: Blougll. J. D. fleadmnn, J. .‘l‘. Saigenn, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY éflcml. “In 13.39527â€?an "Unify; in N072~Essenzials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." JOHN KELL Y, Proprietor W S URMIBTON, L L B E. J. B. DUNCAN Lyon LINDSEY J..H:Pues’r1cn, Carrville. Money to Loan D BLOVGE QUEEN ’S B‘IRTH‘DAY THE 15m ANNUAL ammo mumnox A GREAT SUCCESS. Several reasons might be given -i\hy the lï¬ih Annual Spring’Exhibitiun [if (he Richnmnd‘Hill Conga St. Agricultural Society Was more successful than many other past fairs, and fully as great 3 am:- cess as any of its predecessors. In rhe ï¬rst place the directors were favored with gloriously'ï¬ne Weather, and secondiy they had furnished a programme of attractions better than ever betnre. There were not so many horses or cattle on the ground as in former years, ‘but in the ï¬ne arts and ladnvs’ “ork. the num- ber of entries was larger, and the quality of the articles was mole satisfactory than for many years past. In Leicester sheep T. F Bnyntun 6}: Sons were the principal exhibitors; in Cotswolds the above had a worthy competitor in Peter vBoyntun†and in swinerGeorge Padget shared the honors with the Boyntons. In South- doWn sheep R. Marsh & Suns carried off all the prizvs. The principal exhibitors Iiu ladies’ Weik were Mrs. C. Butcher, of Aurora; Mrs. T. Smth and Miss Mi} Year), of Toluinre; and Mrs. C. Wismer, of Malkham. J. W. Mabley and '1‘. ~\V. Stevens, both of North 'Yutk; and 680. Padget, of Markham, were the principal exhibitors in grain, and Wm. Jones made a clean sweep in potatoes. Trench’s display of buggies, wagons, carts, &c.,-hnd:mnny admirers during the afternoon. "W. Touch, agent, Aurora, allowed a bindolachine, made by 003581] 31-03., Brnckville, and T. Tlnkler, of Stonfl‘ville, slmwad and explained his wheel plow to many H. A. Nicholle 8150 showed a wheel ,plow, as well as a walking plow, acuï¬ier and a pea’hur‘vestpr. E J. Cable, of Richmond Hill, and H. Jackson. of Maple, had pumps tun ground which seemed to work with (in: satisfaction. 'l he perfnrmance by thmParkor-R-mnld, troup was much eï¬jnyed, partitularly by the young part of the visiturs, and the Richmond HI“ band gave a varie‘y of gum] SL‘lt‘CtiUllS of music during the after- umm. -Dr. h‘IcCully,-of Turontn, gave an exhlbhinn 5f speed with hla Altuneer, uruund the track, and proved the young horse to be a remarkably flue stepper. The fulluwing is the prim list: Slnllinn aged- Atkinson. ‘CANADIAN DRAUGHT _ Stallion 1 year oldâ€"'1‘ H Lnge Lynet. Brood mareâ€"George Pad Span of horsesâ€"James Wells, J W Callum. Brood mareâ€"R Marsh & Suns, Geo Robinson. :Filly or gelding~2 years old ~â€"R Marsh d.- Sons, T ~Woolerton. Filly nr uelding 1 year oldâ€"T F Buyntun & Snns,‘W‘H Line. Span of horsesâ€" W G Buynton, RrB Elliott. junaméâ€"Alfred Mason, Wvaraham, R Friaby. ï¬UARRIAGE Stallion ‘1 year uld-~â€"R Marsh &cSUHS. Brood mareâ€"John Kelly, Geo Robinson. Fllly or gelding 2 years oldâ€"H Summer- feldt. Stallion agedâ€"W .R .Proctun, Albert McBride. Brood mareâ€"Jul": Palmer. .Filly or gelding 1 year oldâ€"H Gamble. ‘BLOOD Stallion agedâ€"F J Gallannugl). Brood mareâ€"Geo Cuwie. Best spring cult, by Munotony~Geu Robinson. CLASS '1 Single carriage horseâ€"41311195 McLean. Span of roadstersâ€"James McFm-laiie. Gentleman’s suddle horseâ€"R B Elliott. Single punyâ€"Juno Pugsley. H F Happen JUDGES-HP Smith. Thomas Hood James bryduu. SYEEDING Best lady's Lurn-outâ€"Mrs C \Wisner. Open trot, John Palmer, ‘Hulry Legge, Frank McFadden. 2.50 trotâ€"James Wait, F Hubinsun, J Sutherland. Bi- cycle race, 2 milesâ€"W Marshall. Bi- cycle xuceâ€"J Stollard, W Marshall. v VJ Ell'iou, W. Meek, J Kavanagh. DURHAM Bull agedâ€"T H Legge. Bull 1 year oldâ€"R Marsh J: Sons, J Brillinger. CuW agedâ€"R Marsh 1!: Sons. Heifer 1 year uldâ€"K Marsh 6:, Sons. GRADES Cow agedâ€"lat and 2nd, Jus McLean. JERSEY Cow agedâ€"H F Hopper. Heifer 1 year oldâ€"T Ludford, Arthur Quantz. JUDGESâ€"WmStiver, G Eel-ï¬stâ€, C.J Brodie. ' AT RICHMOND HILL. HORSES JMPUPJED DRAUGHT GENERAL PURPOSE ROADSTERS CATTLE 0 Steele, Ruben W. the get. Mc- , IVIAY 30, 1895. SHEEP COTSWOLD Ram agedâ€"T F Boynton & Sons, P Boynton. Ram 1 shearâ€"'1‘ F Boynton & Sons, ‘W G Boynfon. Pair ewe: aged â€"P Buynton, T ‘F Bnynton & Sons. Pair ewes I shearâ€"TtF Bn'ynton & Sons. W G vaanI. Ram agedâ€"W G Boynton. Ram 1 bheurâ€"T F Boyuton dc Sons, W G Boyntun. Pau- ewes agedâ€"~W G Boyntun, T F Buynton & Suns. Pair of ewes agedâ€"T F Buynt‘on ’4: Sons, W G Boynton. SOUTEDUWNS Ram agedâ€"R Marsh & Sons. Ram 1 ahenr~R Marsh (it Sons. Pair ewes aged â€"R Marsh ;& Sons. Pair ewes l aheat 4R Marsh d; Sons. ‘LA ROE BREED Boar 1 year and overâ€"Ti? Boynton "& Sons. Bum-4 months and under 1 year â€"W G Boynton, T F Bnynton & Sons. Saw 1 yvar and overâ€"T F Buyntou.& Suns, W‘G Boynton. Sow 4 months and under 1 yearâ€"VV G Boynton, '1‘ F Boynton dc Sons. BERKSHIRE Boar 1 year and overâ€"T F Bovnton d: Suns, Geo Padget. Boar 4 months and under 1 yearâ€"3P 'Bnyntou, Geo fPadget. Sow agedâ€"J> Buynton, TzF Boyntun & Sons. Saw 4 months and under 1 year -â€"â€"P Buynton, Geo Padget. Jamesâ€"Alben-Bostwick,‘Geo Smith, E‘Sanderson. Brahmasâ€"H F Hopper. T Ludford. While Laghurnâ€"H‘F Hopper. Brown Laghumâ€"r‘Juhn IPugsley, T Ludford. Plymouth Racksâ€"'1‘ Ludford. Cochin â€"â€"1‘ Ludford. Hamburgâ€"Jim Pngsley, T Ludfnrd. Black minorcaâ€"B HopperY W H Pugsley. \Vyandottesâ€"â€"-T .F Bnyntun d: Sons. Bmtamaï¬lst and 2nd, T Lndfuld. Gamerâ€"T Ludford. Pigennsâ€"T-Ludford. JUDGESâ€"W J Gould, john E Ross. DAIRY Best 10 lbs butter in lb rollmâ€"TF Buylflonxxk Sons. 10.1bs butter in ‘crncl; â€"â€"Wm Jones. ‘10 lbs butter i116 lb rolls -â€"â€"D C Steele. 101hs butter In 2 lb rolls â€"Arthur Quantz 5 lbs butter in rollâ€" Arthur Quuutz. 12 lbs butter in 6 lb rnllsâ€"Mrs. C. Wismer. 4 lb loaf home- made breadâ€":Jas McLean. Batch of biscuitsrâ€"Mrs'n -Wisme:-. H JUDGESâ€"‘1) Gregory, C ‘J Brodie,-Chas Norman. 'Siugle hamessâ€"‘Geu McDonald. Boots and sheenâ€"1R Sivers, Furnitureâ€"PG. Sumac. r . V JUBGESâ€"Arthu! Qdautz, James Bliss, John Morgan. Kennington paintingâ€"Mrs T Smyth, Mrs C Wiemer. IPniuï¬na on chinaâ€"Mrs U Wismer,E McVean. Painting on plush. velvet, or feltâ€"Jet and 2udâ€"st C Butchâ€. Painting on cotton battingâ€" E MoVean. Edhh Mnrtsnn. Painting ‘HAMPSHIRE Penmedinm woolled sheepâ€"R Marsh Sons. MECHANICS’ MAN UFAC'I' URES LADIES' W0 RK LEICESTERS POULTRY ' WIN-E Mortann. Honi- Mrs C Butcher. Table dpylcsâ€" Mrs '1‘ vath. Slipper holderâ€"Mrs T Smith, Mrs C Butcher. Mexican needle \vorkâ€"-E McVean, 1111‘s '1‘ Smyth. Draw- ing room screenâ€"E McVean. Collection of novelties~Mrs C Butcher. JUDGESâ€"Mrs McMahon, JVer J H Sanderson, ï¬lm W D Atkinson, Mrs J Duncan. Miss Lloyd, Miss Bertha Lloyd. WRITING AND BRA-WING Cupy book, boy under 15 yearsâ€"Lee Harris, Herbert Smith. Copy book, boy under 12â€"3 G Glover. Harry Innea. Copy book. girl under lï¬â€"Lexie Mort- son, Beatrice Harris. Copy book, gill under 12â€"Georgina. Elliott, Ida Glass. Drawing book, pupil under 15 yearsâ€"Ivy Newton, Lee Harris. Drawing book, pupil under 12 yearsâ€"Frank Storey, Emma Pater-man. JUDGESâ€"Hnnry Brown, J E Olubine. GRAIN, FRUIT, ROOTS Eating applesâ€"C Wiemer,H F Hopper. Cooking applesâ€"H F Hopper. Collect- ion of grainâ€"J Mabley, Thos WStevens. .Bushel fall wheat~J Mabley, G Padgat. Bushe] spring wheatâ€"Thos W Stevens, J \V Mabley. 'Buahel six rowed barley â€"J W Mabley, The: W Stevens. Bushel white oatsâ€"J W Mabley, Thos \V Stevens. Bushel black oatsâ€"C Wismer, Thou W Stevens. Bushel small peasâ€" :lst and 2nd, Thos ’W Stevens. Bushel large peasâ€"Thus W Stevens, W Eyer. Collection of potatoesâ€"Wm Jones. Bush early potatoesâ€"“7m Jones. Bush late potatoeaâ€" er Jones. Half doz carrots â€"â€"James \Vells. Canned fruitsâ€"Bern Hopper. Picklesâ€"C Wismer. Cataqp â€"F W Jackets. WineeF'W Jackes. A prominent newspaper man remarked that the enterprising secretary seemed to have provided about everything but badges for ’I‘heTPress. JUDGESâ€"Geo Keith, Jas Thompson, 3 R Campbsll. In is said that F. W. Jackes took more priza wine to the fair, and took less of it away with him than any other exhibitor on the grounds. There was no extra charge for the Parkur‘Ronald oxhibitiun. Neither wa there for the dialogue between the ex- hibitors of the‘Ric‘nmond Hill and Maple pumps. The fair has a great variety of attrac'ions. Competitors in the bicycle races should ï¬nd out before they start that; three times around the track counts for a mile. Paris amen; Mite Helebore. insect Powder. The proper place to buy your In- sect Powder, Helebore and Paris Green is named below. All Paris Green sold by us this season will be analyzed, and tested by licensed anâ€" alytical chemists, and will be guaram teed absolutely pure. IA very Choice lBlended Tea. 1Rich, Strong, Pure iANDREws :& BAILEY, FITZ ERIN by Holgeu, dam by Old Erin Chief; g.d. by Star Davis. American standard bred; g. g. d. by old imp. (’1‘. B.) anidist. Tamasâ€"To insureLsaA :flsï¬igflgfll‘e" 15‘ ugh $4. nrnnnn W. J. mm. 8:. Sn .110 KING ST. E., TORMTO. Benâ€"Hm: Oak Ridges, May 16th (Successors to J 03. Dilworth & Co Wholesale and Retail Druggists, [Single copies, 3 cts. .v. .. __ .7: MAPLE†Tfotting ‘Sire all for sample. NOTES '1’1.‘ Q'Uiiï¬ï¬bï¬ GEORGE ch. 1595. NO 48