Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 May 1895, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL, Thur M-r. Chadwick of York Miss Clay and Mizzs Albiu the 24th of May with the here, Comfort Soup. 5 cw. per bar at the Pivot, Surprise Soup, 5 029. per bar at the Fire Proof.. If any person found a butter testur in the Agricultural Hall on the day of the fair, the findé‘r will kindly leave the same at T111: LIBERAL office. The jury disagreed in the Hyams murder mal. consequently the prisoners were sent back to jail to reappear in the fall. Our Ottawa Letter. Minutes of Vaughan Gouucil business meeting and other matter unavoidably crowded out this week. Star Laundry Soap, 5 Fire Proof. Mr. B. F. Irwin, of Newmarket Lodge, paid an official visit to Ivy Lodge, No. 114, A. 0. U. W., on Tuesday evening. The gremren at the claw had luncheon in the all. Three famous 5 ceu; Soapsâ€"rSurprise, Comfort and Star Laundry. For sale at the Fire Proof. . !§11 kinds of Hardware at right price! at C. Mason‘s. ann Mowers. Tree Pruners, and Spray Pumps at. U. Mason’s. Oi] Stoves-sud Oil Gas Stoves. the cheap est fuel in use. 0. Mason. Mrs. S. L. Beva: family, of Turont after Spending 9. ft: Farm, Elgiu Mills Mr. A. B. Rice, ediLr-r of The York Tnb. uue..bas been elected by acclamation a member oftbe town Council of Torouto Junction. Congratulaliuns. bro. Rice. Stouflville lacrosse team W111 be here on Friday of next week to play in the champiun- thin series with the home team. A good game may be expected. Liian‘b too late to paper your room. At- kinson & Swixzer still have some beautiful panel-us. Dr. F. J. Gallunnugh, V. S , visus Rich- moud_ Hill profeSs'mnnlly every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. Rev. W. GLHJWson, of Newmmket,pI-eucb- ed two very excellent sermon: in the Memo- dist church last Sunday, morning and men- inz There is always a cool blowihg through Atkinson & Mr. Sylvester Savage 1. spent a couple of days 1:; son, Mr. John Savage, of A bit. of cash, an eag sure at the Concrete you Atkinson 6; Switzer’zs Teas sleep we“, their prices are not steep. It isn‘t difficult to tell where one buys ene‘s clothing when fit and style are cou~ sidcred. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. '1‘. Herbert Lennm Hotel every Wednesday. Great value in Gems’ E'raees at the 0 crew. Mr. James Ecliul’dh paid ms quarterly Visit to the hotels here on Tuesday. Enre fresh Lard. Maple Leaf brand, 11c. per lb. at the Fire Proof. Mr. Bussell and Miss BusaeH, of Milton, have beLu guests of Mr. J. W. Eâ€"Hiotl. during the past. week. Mr. H. H. Clark and daughter, Miss Minnie. were the gmsm of Mr. W. Harrison on Muy 24th and Sunday. Amemorial sen‘ice rclatxve to the late Mrs. Robert Elliutt will be preached in the Methodist chumh, by Rev. J’. Vickery. next Sunday morning at. 10.30. The more you put. into Atkinson G: Switz- er's bargains the larger your per cent». of earnings. Th9 Methodist and Presbyterian church?! were well patronized on the Queen’s Birth- day, both [or Dmuer and Tea. The former, including tle Sunday collection, realized about $75, the latter .$75.48. Good meals were furnishedlat boll: places. Mr. J. E; Snugâ€"ram Won $8,960 at Woodbine races in Toronto inst. Week. Extra value in Geuta’ Fancy Shaw flats at the Concrete. Mr. Thos. Powell was on Saturday elected A member of the Toronto J‘uuatiou onunoil by a mnjoritv of 68. The successtul candi- date was placed in the field in oppositmn to the Mayor Bond party. Thxrty Centsâ€"We sell you a Ceylon Tea at 30 cents we think will please you. Naughton Bram, Elgin Mills. We ‘Zfiikeml The time in trade at Atkinson (k Switzsr‘s ii any time aim the L‘h ors are open. It is teportad that another newspaper is about to be started in North‘Tomnto, under the management of Mr. Thos. Moore. Mr. Moore was the originator of The Recorder. wluch, a few weeks ago,.was purchased by The Leader Company. of 'Boronto Junction. Great value in Shirtinga,, Cottonades and Prints this week. at the Concrete. Just to hand a nice lot of. fancy Savy, Blue“ and‘ Bed Plinth. L()( Aennox will be at Kelly's and M3. returqu days at cts er mind, a bargain '11 find. ' f Toronto Junction it Wet-k with his Sunny Hill Farm. accompanied by of Thoruhill spent sisters of the latter buxiness breeze Switvszr’s store. per bar, at the :thur iuy THE LIBERAL is pleas}de acknowledge fricndiv calls from a number of gentlemen . why amended the annual fair on Friday lust. Among those who called were Mr. Frank Deutnu, burristen accompmied by his ' brullmr-iu-luw, Dr. Geo. Cliugau; and Mr. anu Brown, Pan-on candidate for West. Ymk accompanied by Mr. A. Smith, editor- in-cbief’uf the was,- all of Toronto. Ibe Queen‘s Birth-day always brings many visitors to spend the d‘ny, or a number of days, With relatives and friends here. The lollowiug are among those who honored our village with their pressuce lliis year :â€"~ Mr. and Mrs. C. Savage. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Baker. Mr. and Mn. Ins. McConaghy, Miss L. Mchllnu, Miss Finch. Miss Eva Wiley, Miss Jennie Graiuger, Miss Eva Jewel, Mr. J. H. Brydou. Mr. Sidnev Marsh. Mr. C. P. Wiley, Mr.«Reuben Phillips, Miss Phillips. Fancy California Apricots cheap Goucrele.‘ Genta‘ Flanneleue Shins with pockets 20 cents each. at. the Concrete. Nicg BEueue Regattas. open from, extra quality, $1 each. W est York Farm ers. The annual meeting of the West York Farmers‘ Institute will be held in Orange Hall, Woodbridge. on Wednesday, June 5211, at 2 p. m., for the election of viii-sets for the ensuing year, lo discuss the annual excursion and other unportant business. All mem- bets are quuesIed to attend. Markham on Saturday of this week :0 face the team of that town in a match In m9 championship series; Baiz'finczad at 3'30 17. Ladies‘ Hygeian Vests. shon sleeves,,for 8c. each. rxtra fine ones 17¢. each, without sleeves 6c, ouch at the concrete. Canadian Wild Flowers. No tndent of botany should be without The Wild Flowers of Canada. No. 1 o! the series gives the parts of plants and what they are called, with illustrations of each part. High school students should see it. Leave your order for the series. or get a sample copy at THE LlBERAL office. Price 1‘5 cents; The congregation of. Trinity Ghurcb, Thornhiil,iuteud holding a Garden Party, and a sale of useful and fancy artieies on the'Hawtbm-n Springs' Grnuud,‘ on Thurs- day, June 13th. Games open at 2 30 p.111. Tea served from 4.30 to 2.30 p. m. Swings, football, croquet, &c. Thnrnbill brass band in amendauce. Ticke'e 25- and 15 cents. hoceede to be devo‘ed to the organ Fund. m. The following are the phnyers: P Puweil, G. Glowâ€",1”, J. G'nes‘ F. Sims, R Glass, W. Savage, W. Hall. G5, Cooper, A SLierk. W. Trench. C Lyons, J. Sanderson T. Trench, spare mun. Just to hand, another lot of Gents" Inch: Maple and Chocolate Fedoms. latest. AL- kineon d2 Switzer. The Deimeator for June Contains summer fashions, garments for sporting and outâ€"door. wear fur-ludies, misses and girls, convenience for: and etiquette of travelling by sea and land, rose and violet culture, around the Len-table, summer foods and dishes, Ohio State University. Venetian ircu Work. kindergarten papers. burnt work, woman as an artist, Serving and wailing at !uble, preservatmn and renovation. article on cleaning lump shades and oil prxiulingsi the newmn banks. 9. asp-iio' party, knitting, naming, tuning. lace-tanking, eLc , etc. Our Ofler. As an inducameut to new subscribers we are prepared to send the following news- papers to auv address in Canada from this due to the 31st at December, at the prices named: THE LIBERAL and Farmer‘s Sun for 60 cents “ “ “ Weekly Globe “ (30 “ u .I In I u u The Concert. There was not a weak point. in the pro- gramme rendered at the concert, in connec- tion with the Agricultural‘ Society on the evening of the 24th of May. Every part was well taken, although it might be said that, owing to the very large crowd in ihe hall, with some interruptions in the rear of the building, part of the audience were unable I to hear as well as they desired. Few of those present wilfully disturbed the concert, but a little talking here and there made it difficult. for some of the perfonners to throw their voice to all parts of the hall. Fully 1000 people were present. Miss Annie Louise White was very pleasing as an elo- i cutionist. and was repeatedly eucored. Mm. Geo. Fox proved himdelf a magnificent play- or on the violin,.aud was loudly applauded, especially when he favored the audience with familiar airs such as Annie Laurie. Mr. J. M. Cameron gave a number of good songs ' and recirations in a manner which showed ’ his excellent. ability, although par-t ol, the ' audience were probably disappointed when he did not appear in fantastic cosinme.. Mr. Henry Simpson as a vautrimqnist and humorist pieased everybody. The clever sayings between “Bat and Joe " were very amusing and every person in the hall was anxious to-h’ean ever-y word of the discussion 1 with she-dammed; spirits. Miss Mthy acted with nfl'ieieney as piano accompanist during the evening. The chair wan filled by Mr. W. 'Drcnoh..primdsu. oi the Society. ‘ In this book, published by J. L. Hastings, 47 Cornhill, Boston, the Writer begins by exposing the popular delusions as to aalnu and his mode of operating, then traces the history of spirit munifestaticns, and ascribes these manifestations to the power of the nrch-deoeiver of mankind. The author com bats the View ofespiritunlists that they hold converse with departed friends through mediums, and shOWs that. instead of con- versing with friends, mediums-are conver- sing with demons. who are the smismries of satan. Then reasons are given why in the present time there are many spirit mani- festations. We enlirelyconcurm‘th the in- genious author in those readers. It will be sgood thing if our readers purchase copies of this excellent pamphlet and. read it thoughtfully, or giveit to such as, in their opinion, may need such a corrective to de- lusions-only too general. Richmund Hull laurnase team go The Depth of Satan. Garden Daily Star “ World at the The Annu :1 Picnic in connection with the Sabbntb Schoolp Headford, Will be held on Barlm’s Flat-s on Saturday, J‘une Est. 1895. At 3 o’clock p. m. a Fbotbull contest will take place between two or more teams, the winners to receive an A‘ssorciaciun thcball. The 24th passed 03 quiet‘y in our vil- lage, some of the perple visiting friends at” a distance, and others entertaining visitors at home, while quite a number attended the fair and the concert at Rich- moud H11}. In purity, atreng‘h and flavor our EB'cent Japan Tea exaells all others. Atkinson xi: Switzer. Giganizbd teams Invited. Other games’ and amusements will also be pI'OVided. The Teston B‘rasa Band will be in anemiance, Tau served from 5" to 8 p. m. Free-Will Ofieriug at the table. Booths~ containing. Ice Cream. Bananas, Lemenade and other delicacies will be on the grounds. On Sun- day. June 2nd, auniV‘eraary sermons will‘ be preached at 1’030’ 43. m. by Rev. Wesley Dbau,- and at. 7 p. m. by Rev. J. Viokery. Singing by the children 0! the schqbl. Col- lectlons on behalf of‘S‘. 3': Fund. Miss Marcia McKay and‘ Miss Mabel Marter, of Pnrkdale, rodo out here on their bicycles and remained over Sunday at Mr. r1. Uraddock’s. Mr. James Scott and Mr. Mervyn Furson, of Toronto, wheeled out from the city on the 24th and spent a few days with friends in the village. 03: Saturday a small private picnic was held at, Bond’s Lake by some of our young people and their guests. A num- ber of them rode up on their wheels and some druve. A very pleasant afternoon and evening was» spent. in boating and other amusements. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart. Gordon, of Innis- 51, have been visiting at Mr. J. Woods’. A few of the villagers had a very pleas- ant outing in Rumble’s grove last Satur- day afternoon. The mnmhly meeting and quarterly tea of the W. M. S: was held at Mrs. J. Oliver’s on Wednesday of last week, The ladies of the congregation and their hus- bands were iDVitcd. The beat pure Leaf Lard 300. per 1b., or in quantities of 20 lbs. 10M per 1L, and Cottolene l-l‘c. per lb.,.at the Concrete. Rev. Mr. Auderson,.0f Aylmer. ed in the Presbyterian church on last. Since 1 last wrote two accidents hap- pened lmrth of our town, which might have proved Serious; On Saturday even- ing Mr. J. Shunk, while returning from Creamery Town, drove ufl' the end uf the bridge, breaking one of the shafts clean ufl" and splitting the other, Fortunately Mr. Shunk was not thrown out. The other occurred on Summy evening, when a pedestrian and a. ’cyclist collided, and the propeller of the “heal'very uncure muniunsiy took the gwund. but after a Most of the farmers around here are busily engaged in tllling the soil and planting their potatoes; one farmer in- tends planting 25‘acres. few hot, wards and a fueblu attempt, at pngjlism, each- wended his way hnmeward feeling little the worse fur their abrupt meeting. The latest sight. our town has witnessed was the race between two milk waggohs, which lasted for (Net a mile, but the " overtake: ” just simply “ gut ” there. Miss Milly Shank spent 'llueaday last with Miss E Campbell, of this place. Mr. Wm. ()ster, of Toronto Junction, paid a visit to our town. Mr E. Rank-in sp.axntSu11day ab hulum Mng Gardner, of Elia, spent Sunday in this village. Messrs. W. Clark and W. Oster were the guests of Hy. Kefi‘er on Sunday even- ing last. One of cm: ladlefhas purchafied a. new piano, and we understand that. a. party of friends came down from Maple one evening last week and spent a feW pleasant. hours inmnsic and song. ()ur insumnce agent paest through .he town nu Tuesday. last on his way tu Kinuhul‘n'. Some of our boys expect to attend the picRiC qt Hfadford on Saturday nex§._ - Charles Fillerum is at presexit working at Mr. Harrison's. He Is an expert hand in potato raising. W'eddfing Cakes on Shortest Not. The undemimed has 10 or 12 Bags 0! Seed Potatoes Ionsale M 40 ceu ts per bag, J. Tfi'xfiEpmmggx. H BAKER & CUNFECTIUNER Richmond‘ H 111‘. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Cunlcclloncry. Oranges. Lem- ons. Nuts and Fruit. %mvameâ€"fi~23 Spa/Hm. 43's., WA Hue bold 8b.. MRS, EELLS. DENTISI EiltCHARDSQN HOUSE» M92913. mwmcsdny Each Month. DAVID HILL, DAVID HILL, 47â€"2 Seed Potatoes Proprietor. Annual Picnm Sherwood- FUI -I. LINE OF Maple Richmond Hfllénliils» tiees Ffifi PASSNB GUUNTEHEEIT CW. A very. important arrest was made last week at Maple. A lady passing the Richardson) House noticed a. fifty cent piece lying un the sidewalk. She stooped to pick it. up, bun seeing it was a- counterfeit, she did not touch it. She had, howewr, only gone a few yards,‘ when the County Constable walked up and arrested her fur passing bad money. Don’t forget to call at the Duminiun Shoe Store, Cor. King SI. Genrge 83.3., Toronto They keep nothing but solid leather goods (no cmmterfein). Alnhough leather lin; advanced fifty per cam, our prices still remain the same on account of. purchasing a large stock below the advance. Your Photu- tukuu Rice with every purchase of $1.25 and over. New Prints, New Sheetings, New Dress Goods, New Cottons, New Flannelettes, New Cottenade New Delainettes, New Tweeds, COR. KING 8: GEORGE SD, TORONTO. New Mag-lines, New Trouserings Groceries, Gmckery, lesswarea. and Garden Seeds. A LADY CAUGHT IN THE AGT. DOMINION SHOE STGRE, ’I‘. DO\\’ SVVE 1414. I’L’Oprie tor. The Fire Pmaf. you want Bargains in BOOTS ANE‘ SHOES MAY. 1.89 L”

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