VoL. XVII. u the plum; " IS PU BLISHED EVERY RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JUNE 0. 1895. “ï¬nal. 'FEE 1917. DI . THURSDAY MORNING NOTARY PUBLIC, AT {HE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, our. '1‘. F. McMAHON. EDiron l: Enoruiaroa. sitcom. DR. LANGSTAFF, RICHMOND HILL. OFFICE nouns 8 to 10 :1. m.; W. J. WILSON, M. 13., RICHMOND HILL, Ont. OFFICE HOURS 6t08p.m. 8 to 10 a. m.; and 6 to S p. m. t... ‘ VITJZ’&IZEQ fllï¬ USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST, numra lst,8th,16th,aiid 22nd of each month Richznou 1 Hill .....0th and 24th do (at txie Palmer House) . r Stoull’ville . .. .. . .......18th,'if Sunday. ï¬st H-ii-kliam .. .zuth of each month. ‘Mt. Albert . llth do \Voo'lbridqe .28th . do Kleinburg 29th do :2 )leton......... 30th do fleliable Gum Applications used when required. SGet your Cheap Teeth of Robinson. Address A ROBINFON L.D.S. Anroannt. W. ROGERS, DENTIST. A little east of Parkdale station, over W. Collins' store, corner of Queen and NONLICOW Avenue, TORONTO alimentary Tr. MEIR},â€" VETERINARY SURGEON â€"â€"-ANDâ€"â€" - VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, : Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Collette, j with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p. m. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of horses, cattle and other domesticat. ed animals treated by the latest and most ap- proved methods. TO RENT. A Store 20x10 ft with dwelling: attached 21x28 ft... to rent in the Village of Uuionrille. In the stuie are show win lows, 7 ft. square. 4 counters â€"â€"1 glass Em) c iunter. The buildings are twu (stories, with high ceilinus. Cellar underneath the house. Store-house for feed llull grain 20360 feet. Located between \Vebber's hotel and the post oilice, the best business stand in the vil- uge. Possession can be given :it once. Apply to SALEM I‘lGKAIlDT. 15-“ W. HEWISON, HOUSE PAINTER, Glamor, Unionville, Oct. 11th, 1801. (Emincr and “anger. RESIDENCE, - RICHMOND HILL A.L.SKEELE, “'ataslli- i! akcr at Howe-Her. Paper- Also dealer iii Groceries and other Staple Articles. Prices rigul. Patronage Solicited. ms ’ L: $1.00 ner Year. 3 I‘elephone 2984“ COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. A G F LAwnExcis W S ()nms'roii. L L B BUSINESS 0 A3133 LAWRENCE & ORMISTUN. Barristers, Solicitors, 86c. . Toronto Officeâ€"No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Sat urd ay . T0 LOAN Aiï¬i’vï¬i CURRENT RATES Ofï¬ce open every J. B. MILLER E. '3. B. DUNCAN Manse o flwmwv. BARBISTFBS, SOLICITORS AND NOTABIEB. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"34 Bent: of Commerce Buildings, :9 King Street West. ThornhillOï¬â€˜iceâ€"Posl Ofï¬ce every Wed- nesday from :0 to 12 a. m. Collectionsin City and Country promptly attended to. Money to loan. LYON LINDSEY LINDSEY & IINDSEY, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries and Conveywcei-s. 0.5. s. LINDSEY Paciï¬c Buildings, “.BScott St.,‘Turonto. Money to Loan ROBINSON, LEN NOX & MACIEOD Barristers. Solicitors, «'K'c. TORONTO AND AURORA. - *lh'. T. Herbert Lennox will be at Kelly’s Hotel ~Eiclztmrl Hill every Mhednesday, for the turns- action of business. Money to Loan 021 good Farm Property at low rates of interest, COOK. MACDONALD &B RIGGS, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. M J. H. Pnnnrrcn, Carrville. SALEM Eannnr, Unionville. Eckardt a: PI entice, Licensed Auctioneers for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment General sales 0 stock, etc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. J C STOKES D BLOUGE Stokes at Blongli. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York,re- spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest notice and a. rousenabe rues. P.O.address King J. T. Saigeon, Licensed Auctioneer lot the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reaâ€" sonable rates. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple J. D. Reutlmnn, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. General soles of impleme"te, Illl‘nlllll'e.btulllllug timber, (3150.. attended on the shortest notice and (it reasonable mites. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address anle. E7. Loweâ€"w, deï¬bï¬ noses, 158 KING STREET EAST. ToRoNTo Every accommodation to guests. Board, :51. nertlay THE PALMER HOUSE RICHIVIOND HILL. ’I‘hisï¬ne hotel is ï¬tted up with rill the modern appliances for health and comfort. Best brands of liquors and cigars. Sample rooms for com. iiieicial travellers. ’Bussus meet all trains. Rates 31.00 per day. JOHN KELLY, Proprietor. Miss c, HARRISON, '7 DRESS - MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. A- CALL - SOLICITED. VVRIGHT BROS, [7 lid (wankers & Em balm (-I's, Funeral Furnishings Always on "and ~1151dlii‘eit‘zh5; SW No. x, Ade‘aide Street East, Toronto Pa“ wont have attempted no defence of the l ‘ iiig $3,000 111 1678, ‘3; In 180-1, 4-. Our Ottawa Letter. Since my lust letter I have htid it little free advertising from the Toronto Mail- Empire, the government’s chief organ. [admit the Mail Empire’s large circiilo thin and um uraleful for the gratuitous publicity the few words I had to say to the farmer in my last letter have recuch through tliii channel. I would have been more grateful, liowewr, liad'thc Mail Empire shown a little more lionésly and publisth my hatter in full, and not have destroyed it and selected such por- tions of it here and there in the hope of making out a. case. The government or- gan alter publishing such lines of my letter as suits its purpose interprets it as follows: " Having continuously declared that the farmer wants no protection, the Liberal leaders are now asking the farmer it “but has been said is true, because if the farmers wish to continue under the taritf the Liberals will withdraw their 01)- position, al least as far as the farmei’s interest goes.†I do not think there is a farmer, liber- al, tury, or patron, who, if he speaks conscientiously, will say that my lclter conveys any such meaning, or interpretu~ tion, unless it is chopped up and mutilatâ€" ed as The Mail and Empire 1103 (Jolie in its reproduction. The o‘vject of my letter was to get an expression of opininii from the agricultural classes as to whether or not they were satisï¬ed with the eXorbâ€" itant taxation they are laboring under and the way their money was being scut~ ‘tered among the political friends of the government. Had The Mail and Empire honestly reproduced my letter it would have been seen that it was not protection on what the f'armer sells. but protection against the reckless squander-mg of his money by the government 6 eXiirbitant taxation on vlhat he had t buy lluit I was discussing. 1 said in my letter that ifâ€"lhe farming community was contented with their present condition that at least as far as protecting his interests gaiiist high taxation and criminal extravagance goes the Liberals would withdraw their opposition, I made the statement know- log I was betting on a certainty as the sporting men ivuuld say There is iic lack of evidence to show that the fdl‘luel‘d of this country are not contented with a customs tariff that has been framed to make a few manufacturers Wealthy, and with a. system of reckless expenditure of public money that gives the political boodler an opportunity of growing rich at the expense of the farmer. Have you observed that for some time the subsidised press of the govern- governuient’s actions, but have devoted their editorial efforts to altackiug the Liberal party. They now see that their only hope lies in making the country be- lieve that they are no worse than what men are. Some of their organs have commeiiCed personal attacks on members of the opposition, but if they want to light out the political battle on those grounds we will give them a dose of their own medicine. If they want to talk of what goes on in the Cunlll‘IOLB r one the opposition press will have something to say. If they are going to commence that game we may have something to say about the record of Caron, Huggurt, Cos- tigan, Angers, Duly, Clarke Wallace and a, score of the rank and ï¬le that Will make very interesting reading. No. the prin- ciple is a bad and vicious one and should be deprecated. But if the Tory press count that sort of political warfare, the Liberal press will be lound ready to face them with their oun Weapons. I have mentioned this incidentally, as l have re- cently noted that one of the Liberal members has been undeservedly attacked in order to make political capital against him. But it is not the moral side of their lives we now have under review, but the extravagant. habits of the ministry In discussing public expenditure this week Mr. tider guve some interesting facts rcgiirdiiig the large salaries that are paid to members of the civil service at Ottawa, and the enormous increase there had been since 1878 111 the number of high-salaried olliciuls. In 1878 there were 15 clerks drawing $1,000 salary pcr aiiuum; Ill 1804 the number had increased to 144. Clerks re- ceiving $1,100 in 1878, 9; Ill 1804, 35. Receiving $1,200 in 1878, ‘21; in 1804, 45. Receiving $1,3CO in 11378, 28; Ill 1804, 35. Receiving $1,400 11] 1878, 28; in 1601, 138. Receivmg $1,500 in 1876. 8; in 1804, 31. ’tecuiyiiig $1,700 in 1878, 4; 111 1804, 18. Receiving $1,800 in 1878, 8; in 1804, 55. deceiving Y000 in 1078, 3; 111 1604, 8, Receiviiig$2J100 in 1878, U; Ill 1504, 25. leceivmg $2,- 300 Ill 1878, 1; ll] 180-1, 5. leceiriiig $2,100 in 1878, 10; in 1804, '27. {cursiv- Ile- CUlVlllg $3,200 Ill 1875, 11; Ill 1804, 11’. In zitltlilioii to this there Were the follow- ing salaries paid in loll-1 that were not [IIIILI Ill 1875. \'i;:.: 4 of $13,500 each; 0 of $2,000 Ulcll; 5 u $3,800 each; 3 of ($3,400 each; 1 Of 54,100; 3 01 $3,000, and l of $0,000. This is of course without reference to the hundreds of clerks employed in the civil service «ho are drawing salaries under $1,000 a year. The comparisons uiveii sli-iw an increase of $694,000 in salaries iiiid an increase of 456 in mem- bers. What just grounds can the gov- ernment offer for taxing you $1,402,279 to keep up a retinue of clerks at Often a who complain of the hardships they have to endure because they are supposed to reflux“. in their offices from ten until f0i r with an hour or two at noon in which to take their lunch. The government, as I have before pointed out, has increased this expenditure (32 per cent., while the yearly tax you have to pay to keep these men in affluence after they wear out from hard work, is $262,302, against which $63,97I is deducted from their salaries. Do you not think it would be a. good thing for you to question the Tory can- didate in your county 3 little on these points when he solicits your vote. 0 LIm'Kha.) a Council. Markham Township Council met at Victoria Hall, Unionville, on Saturday, May 25th. Members all present except Deputy Reesor. The reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and on motion Conï¬rmed. A Cniiiniiinicaticns were read from Holmes, Gregory JL Lamport, township solicitors, re. Markham Township v. J. LaiigstaHâ€"iiotice of sale of land; from J. McDougall, C. E , re. charges forinspeci- log, Thoriihill bridge, amounting to $49.25; from A. '1‘. Miller, re. removal of John W'estland from hospital; from Joe. Mundey, road overseer. Tiiornhill, re. marlka in his division; from D. R. Benton. cleik of Pickering, re. grant of Township of Pickering of $80 on town line, opposite lots 12 to 17, Markham, on usual conditions. Assessor Forster reported rates ï¬xed for school assessment between Markham Township and Village S. S. No. 15. as follovrnzâ€"-'1‘oiviisliip assessed value, 323,- 000; Village, $52,000. Mr. Winterstein applied to council for pay for suit re. Mitchell. COURT Ol' REVISION. On motion the council resolved itself into a court of revision. They having subscribed to and taken the oaths ast' members of said out adjudicated upon the following appeals: A. Scott assessed too highâ€"$2,200. On motion dismissed. r , 353. Bennett assessed too highâ€"$45 per acre. On motion assessment reduced to $200. Emerson Cole to strike 05 dogâ€"dog poisoned. Struck 05. Frank Palget assessed too high. Re- duced to $650. Mr. Brownâ€"appeal of assessor. Mr. Brown put on lot 6, con. 5, assessment $4,800. Thos. It. Hagermsn assessed too high. Dismissed. Win. Thomas was put on as tenant under J. J. Lunau, lot 8, con. {3. On motion the Court adjourned sine die. COUNCIL RESUMED. Lawrieâ€"Scottâ€"that the assessment rolls for 1895 as finally revised by the court of revision be and are hereby con- ï¬rmedâ€"Carried. Quanlzâ€"Lawrie-that the treas. pay the following accounts:â€"â€"Henry Rumble, 20 yards gravel, $2; W. Stiver, repairing culvert, lots 10 and 12, 6th 001)., $1.50; W. Ham Hull, printing, $2 50', Uorscn & Son, printing, $22 ESLâ€"Carried. Sc.uttâ€"Lawrieâ€"â€"that the trees. pay J. Clark 5)c., for repairs to road plane; also to the mover $2, expenses incurred in taking the Davis family to Toronto en route to Montreal; J. Lawrie 850 , paid to \V. H. Johnson in aid of W. McMill- len, jr.â€"Cnrried. Quanlzâ€"Scottâ€"~ that $80 be granted for improvement of tUWiiliue Markham and Pickering, from lots 12 to 17, Town- ship of Pickering having apportioned a like amount, Mr. Laurie to be Commisâ€" sioner to act in conjunction with the cum- missiouer from Pickering; amount pay- able on order of commissioner when work is cuiiipleted.â€"â€"Carried. Sc»ttâ€"â€"Lawrieâ€"tli-it the trees. pay Jos. Woodward $5, fur keeping the lute Jus. Bell during the Blelleï¬S.-â€"~Cr\l‘l‘led. Quuiilzâ€"Lawrieâ€"tlizit the trees. pru- cure a ticket to bring John \Vestland from the hospital, Toronto to Millikemâ€" liirrled. Scoltâ€"Qiimilzâ€"lhat on order of the reeve the treasurer pay the amount re- quircd for renewing culvert on south towiiliiio, Cull. 3, iiiid bill York township for out: half amount.»â€"Carricd. Quziiitz~-Scuttâ€"tliat the tiezis. [my A. Forster, assessor, $10, for equalizing, union school BLCllUllS No. 7. Muiklianir and Wliltcliurcli; No. ‘23, Muikliam and \V'hitclinrcli; No. 1.3, Township and Vilâ€" v logo of Mnrkliaiii.â€"U:irried. inwriewQuuutzAâ€"thzit the mover be CUlllllllSSlUllt’l‘ to have three culverts on side road between lots :10 (llvd ‘21, cons. 0 and 10, removed or repaired, as may be decmel necessary; amounts puyuble on order of comiiiissiolier when Work is com- metedâ€"Carried. Quantzâ€"Lawrieâ€"that the reeve and mover be commissioners to repair road- way opposite lot 13, 2nd (3111.; amount payable on their order when work is com- pleted,â€"-â€"Carried. Scottâ€"Lawrieâ€"tlmt the mover be a. commissioner to make necessary repairs to bridge on sideroad between lots 25 and 26, con. 5; amount payable on his order when work is completedâ€"Carried. Luwl‘leâ€"lenlzâ€"that when this coun- cil adjourns if. stands adjourned until Saturday, June 22i:d.â€" Carried. Qiianlzâ€"Scottâ€"tliat the recve be coni- missioner to examine ditch opposite lot 18, 4th con., and if deemed necessary have the same opened; amount payable on his order when work is completed'â€"' Carried. Quantanawri'eâ€"that Frank Pearson be commissioner to renew culvert oppoâ€" site lot 27, 2rd cons, also for renewing culvert in green lane, lot '5, 6th con.; amount payable on order of mover.â€" Carried. On motion council adjourned. Paris Green. White Helehore. Insect Powder. The proper place to buy your In- sect Powder, Helebore and Paris Green is named below. All Paris Green sold by us this season will be analyzed, and tested by licensed ari- aâ€"lytical chemists, and will be guaran- teed absolutely pure. . INIGHOI & 80.. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 170 KING sr. 5., TORONTO. (Successors to Jos. .Dflwor’th & Co.) Ben-Her A very Choice Blended Tea. Rich, Strong, Pure Call tor sample. ANDREWS & BAILEY, MAPLE DAVID HILL, BAKER & CONFECTIONER Richmond Hill. “’flOLESALE and RETAIL. l‘UI-L LINE OF Conleclioiiei‘y. Oranges. Lem- ons. Nuts and Fruit. Wedding DAVID HILL, Proprieto . Cakes on Shortest Notice. inmate tiltrtrtt‘. PRICES AT FAllMl-‘ills' \YAGGONS. Wlicat,wliite, per bush 1 00 l 01 Wheat, red, pcrbnsh . . .. l 00 U 00 Wheat, guano, per bush. 0 9;} 0 00 Outs. per bush 0 45 0 id I‘cm‘, pci‘ bush .. 0 (31 0 00 Harley, 0151' bush . 0 45 0 00 'l‘urki'yn, pci' lb ..... U S [:10 ~ d Hogs, porcwt . 3 00 5 00 0 00 0 00 0 50 0 (30 U 00 0 00 0 1t 0 1" 0 10 0 00 . U 55 0 00 Am lea. lrt‘l’ lrbl 2% 7:3 4 '5‘) 1*1.‘l_\',(‘lil\’i‘l' 7 3g 8 50 11m: in . in no 11 00 mixiw, .5 . . . , , , . . 0 .70 7 50 SBH'RIDSCYIIMB 101' The LIBERAL.