Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jun 1895, p. 4

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Cherryâ€"Lemonâ€"that this» council re- lieve Mrs. Sarah Baker from statute “labor in pbe village of Kett!eby.f-Carried. Lemonâ€"Cherryâ€"that John Elliott be paid the sum of $3.00; â€" Newton, $2.00 for burying one horse, and that the Clerk notify John Dobaon to par 33 00 to this municipality, said sum having been» paid to J. Elllott as above. Ln default he, Dobson will be prosecuted according to lamâ€"Carried. Ednard F. Pinkerton had his- name placed on the roll as farmer’s sun. Frank Trent’s name was substituted for that of Mr. J. D. Prentice, said Prenbioe’s name remaining on the list as F. M. John Nixon was assessed as tenant Keena Ho- tel property. Wright Fuller was assessed as lenant, lot 4, con. 10; John A. Sharp, lot 35, con. 3, assessment confirmed. McCallumâ€"McCulclleonâ€"tlmt the fol- lowing changes be made in the path- masters: Wm. Jenkins in place of John Buys; David Terr'v in place of Louis Mount; Parnhmn Wells in place of T. J. Ferguson, and Silas “Hay in plnce of \V. Leonard.â€"‘Carried. ~ King Council met as 00ml: of Revision at Kettleby on May 30th 1895. Members were all present. The following appeals were heard and adjustedzâ€"Jolm Malby, lot 20, con 2, claimed that his assessment was too high, assessment confirmed; James Wells, lot 75, con. 1, same complaint, reduced as- sessment reduced $100; Melville Stephens lot 20, con 2, same complaint, reduced 3100: Thomas Morris, 18 and 19, con. 2 vs. same complaint, reduced to 8600; Joseph Palmer, lot 35 con 3, assessment confirmed; Edward Watson, lot 25, con. 8, assesment confirmed; Jus. McGinnis. lot. 32, con. 3, assessment confirmed; E. W. Love, lot 28. con. 4, assessment con- firmed. The following were relieved of doy-tax: â€"Hngh Mitchell, Z. Black, David Dales, E. W. Love, James Ness, Mrs. McComb. Dep.-Reeve McCallum, Benj. Rolling, Thomas Reynolds, each one dog; Wm. Coleman, one bitch. “'m. Atkinson was assessed for one dog got since the assesor made his rounds. ' The: court édjuurned-and general busi- wag taken up. R. Rumble, drawing gravel and repairing culvert .l. . . . . . . C. High‘ reeye, freight on car of cedar .............................. . John B. Smith & Sons, 15,000 ft. sq. cedar ........................... Alex. McCague, 400 cedar posts at 110 . District N0. 2â€" Juo. E. Elliott, hauling plank and repairing bridge on side road between lots 10 and 11, 8th con District. No. 3â€"- J. L. Card, lumber, posts, cfic “ “ guarding, spikes, «be. John McDonough. freight on John McDanough, wheel for "leveller The Council Yhen' adjnixrned until Tuesday, the 18th of June, to meet at 10 Moved by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Mr. Kirby, that the petition presented by Wm.Watson, from John Jéhnson, jr., and 11 others to have the eideroad gravelled between lots 5 and 6, 8th con. be left to commissioner, Mr. Wm. Wat arm, to deal with as he may deem fit. â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Bryson, seconded by Mr. Kirby, that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following amounts: Dr. Robinson, medical health officer ................................. $63 00 - Carried. Moved by Mr. "Arnold, vseconded by Mr. Brysou, that the clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify Mr. Lewis Locke to remove tllabrusgwgpd mtgâ€"logs on 6th con., opposite lot 5, 35 it is an ob- struction to road workâ€"Carried. By-Law No. 647 was then passed, pro- viding rules and regulations prohibiting from running at large certain domestic animals on the highways of the township. Mal-u". wit-"v. wannv... Moved by Mr. Kirby, seconded by Mr. Bryson, that the treasarer be and is here- by authorized to pay the inflowng road accounts: District No. 1- Heury Marsh,2 boners and‘tnbes $200 00 R. Rumble, for unloading car of cedar .............................. 4 00 _ officer ................................. $63 00 L. Richardson, chairman Board of Health, one meeting . . .. . . 2 00 Benton 8; Dodds, advice re. "road luts 11, 12 and 13, con. 8 ......... 7 00 Moved by Mr. Watson, seennded by Mr. Kirby, that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following claim for lambs killed by dog: or dogs, being twu-Lhirds the value: To John Darker. $1.66.â€"Cnrried. uxvu- pm. a u. The minutes of lass meeting were read and an motion approved. The following claim for lambs killed and injured by dog or dogs, was presont- ed: From John Darker, for 2 lambs killed and 2 injured by dog or dogs, valued at $7. _ The council met- far gen after the Court of Revision the 27th of May. The reew Members all present. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday Lost-J. Palm}; pvuv v. .. “0...... Impoundedâ€" J. Brownlee Qherryâ€"Lemn-thaf the raging d4) King Township Council NEW ADVEHTESEMENTS Vaughan Council J. M. LAWRENCE, Clerk for general business Levision un Monday, he reeve m the chair. June 6_ ’95 146 00 34 00 44 00 16 00 28 32 200 800 JUSTJ ARRIVED Sums of one dollar and upwards received on deposit and interest allowed thereon frnm date of deposit to withdrawal. RELIABLE MEN to sell our choice and complete hue of Nurserv Stuck. Highest mun-y and com- missiun paid weekly, paying and permanent po~ Bitiou guaranteed and success assured to gnod mun. Spemul iuducemeuts to beginners, ex- perienr-a nut necessary. Exclusive tannin-y (9151 your own chmce at §gyga g_ivw._po_u_ot Special arrangements can be made for large _sums left on deposit. (lelnv. Apply to Small Profits and Quick Re- PAINTS, OILS & VARNISHES Mrs. (Rev.) C. Langford, of East To- ronto, was visiting as Mr. Cradduck’s last week. Mr. A. Dickinson and Mr. Creighton7 (If Schomberg, were visitihg at the pan snnage last Sunday. Last. Saturday evening the villagers were treated to an open-air cnncert by a couple uf violinisls, who played a number of selections. Having purchased an elegant, new, and well assorted Stock uf CHOICE FAMILY AND PASTRY FLOUR W. A. SMDERSN, DRUGGIST. THE 0mm 3w ' AURORâ€"A BRANCH Banking Oflice. Yongc Street, Aurora. 0 A. RADCLIFFIL Manager. Groceries, Provisions, Con- fectionery, Fruits, Cigars and Tobaccoes I am prepared to supply the public with goods at prices that are equal with the times. O. J. BROWN. Teston brass band passed through here last Saturday on their way to Headford. The Coral Buildera’ Nlissiun Bimd pur~ 0059 giving a cuncert in the Methodist church on Friday evening. A NOW Then Mr. E. M. Mufl'at. and Miss S. A‘ Wil- son were united in marriage by Rev, C. A. Campbell on Wednesday of last week. A photographer from Edgely has visit.- ed our town lately, and taken several views. The funeral of the late Mr. T. } of Toronto, and formerly of Teston, pque here_ o_n_ Sahlrdgy last. ‘ Mnand Mrs. C. Ham have the sym- pathy of the Cummuuiiy in the loss of their little daughter Gladys, who died last Saturday afternoon. new issue his order on the treasurer in favor of H. C. \Vebb and John A. Wat- son, assessors, for balance of salary fur current year.â€"-Carried. _( ' J. C. STOKES, CHAS. PATTERSON. NOTES DISCOUNTED. GOODS Sale notes cashed or SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT â€"â€"He]lebore, â€"Insect Powder, â€"-Paris Green, *Chinese garden Powder eâ€"Peerless Bug Killer, â€":Slug Shot, â€"Sulphate of Copper, for insects and bugs. General Banking Business Done‘ - turns every ti BE SURE TO I am ready for busine The best only. ALLEN NURSERY 00. At close prices. , CHAS. FAMERSON. Reeve. Clerk Maple taken for collection ROCHESTEB. .N. Y. IDC. C f‘ 313.3135 e u S Bates Cutlery, Creamers, Tin Pails, Milk Pans, and all kinds ot Tinware in stock or made to'order. Eave Troughing, Iron Roofing of all kinds, Furnace Work, Stoves, and all kmds of work in the tinsmith line. Repairing promptly done. Prices right (3. MASON. FINE - HARNESS â€"* A ~ SPECIALTY. Geo! McDonald, 503 s all c. bars for c.; 12.1c. bars for Ioc.; 2"c. bars 21c. PK 4 2 3 BOOTS, SHQES, SLIPPERS, 800., At Reduced Prices. Teas, Coffees, Spices and Canned Goods. DBUGGISCFS I71 King St. 13., Toronto, â€"â€" Oppo: fiARNESS Everything up to date and prices as low as possible for good work. Repairing promptly attended to. Special attention given to Facing and Repairing Collars. All work guaranteed. For all kinds of Hardware, Churns, Clothes \Vringers, Carpet Sweepers, Barbed Wire, Black Wire, Galvanized Wire, poultry Net- ting, Forks.Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Hinges,Table & Pocket COPPER SULPHATE’ ELLEOTTE~§ SALE?“ For Grubs, potato Bugs, etc. very large stock bought before the rise in prices, which are being offered at the old prices. NOTE A FEW PRICES RICHMOND HILL: HARDWARE STORE Light Harness, Heavy Team Harness, Collars, “ Tan Thread Gloves regular 15c. for IOC it super u u H 25 u 20 “ Blk. Cashmere “ " 25 “ 15 u u ' u u u 25 (t H (t (‘ ‘€ Black and Colored Cashmeres 25., cents per yard. Cream Henrietta, regular 75c. for 500. Double Fold Dress Goods “ 35 “ 25 Muslims, Prints and Delainettes from 5 to 15¢. per y Ladies “ \Vhite Oxford Shirtings Men’s Braces 10, 15, Men’s Tweed Pants regul For Spraying Trees. Blk. Cashmere Socks“ Cotton Socks 10, 12%, 13c 35’ Hose 8, to, 12. I15, 20c. Vests 5, IO, 12, 1.5, 25c. Black Worsted Pants Tweed Suits Black \Vorsted Suits Flannelette Shirt Fancy “ Straw Fedora Hat}, regfilar $1 ERICHDIONI) IIIIJIJ Is the place to go for your And all other supplies. HELEBGRE pecial prices in For Bushes, and PAWS GREEN Opposite Clyde Hotel for for $1 t! 25 U» 5.. RGSSfie Ban Mr. W. B. Gmm havmg gone out of the busines‘ in Maple. I am again yrepnred to supply customers on shortest notice. Postal notes promptly attended to. mm Note Forms furnished free of charge. an applicafion. J.L.ROSS, - - Manager BANK Wylie Pumas Werks 8k. GENEBEL HhSlUtNL'E MAPLE. GEJHE HIST. MUTUAL FIRE IN§URANGE (30.2 Delivered on shortest notice a: reamable prices. Wm. B. Proctor, RICHMOND HILL. A comfortable 8-roomed brick-clad dwelling. with large kitchen. woodshed and stone cellar. situatedin the centre of the Village of Rich- mond Hill, 11‘31‘ to High and Public schools, halls and churches. Size of lot 84 feet (rout bv 10g leet- _in depth; . ...â€"... --.~.... .1- M n gages COAL, WOOD Residence for Sale. Exxqu Ei'Efi‘é'Pmpmcor at war. LIBERAL BANKERS, FFECE : WNGE ST.,AUBBRR. ORDERS SGDLICI'I‘ED. H. JACKSON, IlePLE T. SAGEON, J De Duns“ nmerica, Also the 5 Discounted. ‘ Eal attention paid to the collection as and Accounts. 9y advanced on Notes and Mort- ur any lenth of time to suit the neral Banking Business .is trans Insurance Agent Drafts issued tes cashed or taken for collee- able at leadiu - 0F - TORONTQ -â€"FORâ€" SLABS AND par on all the 5; points. m the

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