VOL. XVH. THE LiBERAL PRNTING RICHMOND . F. 3h D R. LAN 8 :0 19 a“ ma W. J. WILSON W. ROGERS, I RICHMOND HIT. $1 per annum, in adva Graduate oi the l with diploma. fro Dental School, will Friday of each we from 1 to 3 p.111. ( Diseases of horse e1 animals treated proved methods. ah'ahlo Gum App! fC-et your Cheap Store 86 Dwelling TO RENT. Amlrass A ROE Glamor, Graincr and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE ï¬tolOa.c RICHMOI A ï¬tue east of E Collius‘ store. N on k Store 20x40 it, , to rent in the fies, with h a house. Sbl VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHNIOND HILL, Vii/“£13! £5 ply to ‘nviile, Oct . T. mommy, ERKNARY SURE EON IS PUBI TORONTE; “'nlq n1‘mufl..... he Palms OFFICE {vb Uh]. OFFI‘CE HOE nee 8th, 16 )cuted be :e, the} be 3589351011 DITOK d HOUS L.SKEELE, Dr. wetsrinnrg ESS CARDS :M AHON â€"-Al\‘Dâ€"â€" V111 €25;th by the EW:é®N,, akcr d ml 6 to 8 p. MB H0! h dwelliu Rmhinscn. n Webber's h usmess 5mm mil. ZMC iC 6:081:- PAINTER, o Veterinary 3 Ontario V Mingle on Mo: 'l‘k yummy atber and other (11 latest and BICHM SALE ak Jeweller. aim: lellm‘ My} nth 9? IST, KARDT and the AL l2. a two neath HILL 31F the vil- ple LAW BEN C NOTAR Gollectior Ontario and Peel. ( Generalsales o stm to at reasonu ole rat ROBINSON, LENNOX& MACLEODK SALEM Ecmnr spectufull: influence and a re Licensed Aucti Sales attended J C STOKES MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS - MAKER, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. General sales of implements, turniture.stam1ing timber, etc., attended on the Shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. Every accommodation to guests. Board Der day THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. appliances for heal' of liquors and cigar mercinl travellers. Rates $1.00 per day Dioney to L0 Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand LINDSEY 8: LINDSEY, LI) the (“‘6 01: A - CALL - SOLICITED. Thisflne ho‘ Ban-hams, Solicitors, &0. TORONTO AND AURORA. Undertake-1‘s & Embalmors, Barr Ea LEMQM @3225: E3138 WQ‘MM TDSGA aturd Earristers, Solicitors, 80a. 3 Ofï¬ceâ€"No.15 Toronto Street and Hill Ofï¬ce open cve 158 KING STREET EABT. TORONTO RICHMOND MOND HILL POST OFFICE iflL O URT OF JUSTICE, 81¢. Marriage Licenses. .l Auctioneers for the Countxes of Ymk and Peal. Goods sold on consignment sales 0 stock. etc" promptly attended “stokes 4k Slough . Auctioneers for the County of Yorkie- r solicit your patronage and friendiy . sales attended on the sLortest notice msnnabe rates. P.O.nddress King WRIGHT BROS, ENCE MACDOP de‘aide Street East, Toronto{ J. l). Rendnlan, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JUNE 13. 1895. J. ’l‘. Saigeon, an“ a: PI enticv, ISSIONEB IN THE 1L0 AT LOWEST CURRENT R ‘ Solicitors, 1V0 Conveyancers ‘ I 27. Essential d} flwwmm a ; ï¬tted up with M] the modern Ich and comfort. Best. brands as. Sample rooms for con!- 5. 13115595 meet all trains. & URMISTOD JOHN KELL Y, Pro: for the County of Y shortest notice and at nuge solicited. Resich W S ()mnsT HII 3 BLUUGH {Yorkie- 1 friendly est. notice King of York )d at reuâ€" Residence was Son the} as 11 pro: gaol ural 8T6 government in the Home of Cnmmuns, mt upon Sir Charles Tupper, Haggarn and Caron a few days ago when he, Foster, informed the House that a report “unld be laid upnu the table which his colleagues, Sir Charles, Haggan and Caron, had each a moment befure declar- ed should nut be brought down It. was 5"â€.H {>11 as takes mi They are ï¬ghting among themse d but little attempt, is made to cm is fact. What more humiliating 1 uld have been witnessed than the r in which Foster, now leader f0 yernment in the House of Cnmx 1: upon Sir Charles Tupper, Ha I mention this to show you that there are some of their supporters who are no longer prepared to hide their faults. Before the public accounts committee last week the fact was brought out that J. B. Mills, M. P. for Annapolis, a sup- porter of the government, owed the gov} eminent $994 for rent of military property at Annapolis. Col. Macpherson, of the militia. department, who was examined under oath, said that since 1888 the (le- partment had been trying to get Mills to 1 n L,,1 .L,_ L___ ilin up, but not a dollar had they been able to recover since that year. The impression prevails here that the Curran bridge swindle will be allowed to drift along until after the general elect- ions are over, when the prosecution will be abandoned. Speaking on this matter last week Mr. Laurier said that in the prosecution of the charges against con- tractor St. Louis cousin of the Minister of Public Works), there had been a. want of energy and a want of determination that was evident to a majority oi the peo- ï¬le and the country that it had been a 81min prosecution. During the discussion over the proponv ed increase in the judges’ salaries, Dr. Sproule, who generally stands elbow to elbow with the government, said the gov- ernment had not. made out a. case sufï¬ci- ‘elitly strong to justify the proposed inâ€" t crease. This is another evidence of the spirit of independence that is crawling in- emly snrox crease. Tl spirit of 1m to the fold are only f0 by the rebt 6123.111 Our Ottawa Letter. the fuld. After all the rank and ï¬le '6 only following the example set them ,1 the rebellious ministers. , Durng the week McMulleu moved the mend reading of his bill to abolish the vil service superannuation system. He )inted out that while the total revenue » the fund last year was Only $63,974, 1e government in 1894 had paid out 262,302. in that year on account of sup- rannuation. There are 551 retired civil the Shf rmed the House that; a r aid upnu lho table whic Sir Charles, Hagan“ each a moment befure d wt. be brought down I thank parallel in the L Dias quire a political opponent 1n the ranks of the once Live (amily, who are now ‘ at Ottawa, there is seri- ‘issensions Blight have ex- i, but it would have been f treason to have breathed old days when Sir John rtained the team. Those , and the grip 0‘ the par\y othing more than that of igues, for there has been fluence and responsibility as his master, and Jack )ud care tu let his nominal ntials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.†r; and Jack his nominal themselves, a to conceal iating scene .L ‘ the man- r for the servants who are now nuauun allowance, wh the 3e are 4685 tfï¬cials uting to the fund. It coming more apparent. means are superannu entire 4 upon th lineal ( enumen side to That all sigr well sustained who read the and almost. fre almanac gene: what it says, I if their own Wl'i Me Methodlet Church of t1 queen’s weather for their Anniversary. As Lhé games of the day 1 o'clock, people begah the grounds to witness thq between the Bachelors am Bnth sidrs went enthusias the Richmondv H1â€. band Mr. Vickery took the chair, and after a. few introductory remarks, introdHCed the performers. MI. A. E. Eccleston, tenor soloist, of Toronto, sane. “ The Death of Nelson.†and "Mother’s my Sweetheart.†Mr. Eccleston possesses a, ï¬ne voice which shows careful training. It is need- less to say his songs were well received. The Stoufl'ville Quartette’s rendering of mn J. Frisby . . W. Scott \V. Friaby... T. Frisbv . . G. Henrick R. Frisby J. Mustard G. Furester J. Vlckery... ,What might have been a very seriuu accident occurred near our town. Sum boys attempted to blow some frogs out. L the water with a can of powder. Th powder exploded and one of the boys gL Ins ï¬ngers badly burned. When wi boys learn that powder is dangerous ? Messrs. M. \Vatson. J. Lyons and J Kinnee are each building new barns th summer; the boys are expecting raising summ 50011. Rev. Mr. tiaukm wait. to his brother this placg. o_n Sund: Mrs. Jackson Elia, paid a visit on Saturday last. Mr. Hiram K Mr. J Read ..... Trudgeon at w nuation that the abniition e taxpay mgiue t! t to shov Victoria Square l1] Keï¬'ar Mr. R us fail in ï¬ne weat l on Saturday last. a almanacs foretold :ezing weather. 131‘ 'ally means the op; the weather proph1 roe, and the friend hurch of this pla |er for their Sunda} hxchelors and tl‘ nl: enthusiastic re now drawing superan- xce, while to the fund [flicials who are contnbâ€" nd, It is every day be- Jparent that unless some zed 'by which the system may be made self~sus‘ country will demand its As it. is it is a fraud 'ers of the country, a. po- nat has enabled the gov- ve efï¬cient ofï¬cers to one cm for political favorites Sherwood near 0 H.’ an to as the cri( ’ere being played and arrived, and of Sunday School lg’s orchard. after :0 the well spread mm c r1 the H. Thomsml“ H. McKenzie C, Forester .4 Ed. Forester. 0‘ Well E. McE H. But) 11. Brown Ed. Dixon Mi M r. Th :h the system the pipe uade se1f~sus- town, ll demand its \Ve a it is a fraud Recorde ountry, a. po- truthful ‘bled the gnv- received 5yes Srown Ellee the ï¬r E the 2 ï¬nest J" thls plac i0 40 ampfon iY IXGDZIO “Hill int, 111 Dbl ‘slle amL a after- t cum- possess ne was f King Cashel rength. 1g, but Th er N 351118] 3 were ii the m p‘t mm to the px; Fig. 3. NESHL & 80., and stat Pars Efflgfl; We Helehore Andrews 85 Bailey, l 1. EIAALPLE 170 we ST. E., TORONTO. ire The bike driver who is after the scalps the :Sherw‘md correspondents had atter be carefulfas we have a new con- able in our town., We would advise m to bury the war hatchet and take up 6 pipe of peace With the citiz‘ens of this Hefy, c Hay, t Stmw‘ I‘l’ I Boarder 11V {Wat Successors to Jos. Dilworth & Co.) W1 PURE PARIS GREEN PEERLESS BUG FIN ISH, For potato bugs. HLLERS Tanglefoot, Fly pads, Fly powderâ€"for flies. 11 re verv sorry to notice that the r scnbbler gives some very una infurmation; it is not. very well in this place. [Single copies, 3 cts. I’BICE 5 AT 33‘. Enz'nntu ‘iflm‘kctï¬. Ems? Powder. pur bu. er bbl er, Helebore and Paris tamed below. All Paris by us this season will be 1nd tested by licensed an- emists, and will be guaran- 1t01y pure. and Retail Drug: uire at )Iacc ARWRS’ WAGGONS‘ 51L “.3 1 03 bore and 5 Wanted THE LIBERAL OFFICE to buy your In« No 50 045 mwm 787 gists‘ O03 60 00