The higher class of men have adopted, to a large extent, our method of dress. But, with few exceptions, the women continue the native dress,which is decided- ly more becoming. Those that wear our style of dress are apparently uncomfortable Ind wear it only when receiving foreigners. Even the men wear Western suits only when appearing in public. The higher classes usually have two separate though connected housesâ€"one furnished in foreign style with chairs and tables, the other with no furniture. The former they use but little except when receiving and entertaining foreigners. Even those educated abroad seem to prefer in home life the old Japanese Ways. The middle classes of men are gradually .dopting Western dress. Some coatumel are ludicrous in the extreme. You often see a. cost over a. kimors or an odd-shaped hat, a coat and bare legs. The climate being warm in summer the working classes wear only a breech cloth. and in the interior one sees lehorers with. cute gaiment of any kind. The women one no more modest than the men. EVERYTHING BACKWARD ACCORD- ING TO OUR WAYS‘ The Roof In the First Part or the Home They Buildâ€"Saw and l'lnne [lack- Wardâ€"The Government la Liberal and Progreaalveâ€"lteaullfnl Ivory nml “'oorl (‘nl‘vlngâ€"Knllway lined with Cherry Trees. Ths‘quainb and novel scenes in Japan grow upon one as he prolongs his stay. writesa correspondent. QUEER THINGS IN JAPAN. Coming down from the interior last week I passed a pool where a score of men, women and chlldren were bathing together, and to the surprise of our little parry psrticularly the ladies, the entire lot scur- ried out: to the roadside to see our line 0} jinrikiahas pass. To them it was appar- ently but natural to be clad only as nature had provided. In the winter the Japanese will nocwear half ts much u‘xomhing as a foreigner. But then the natural Japanese do everything by contraries, viewed through our eyes. For instance. the roof is the ï¬rst part of the housn they build. That is constructed on the ground and then the house is built under it, the roof being raised as the con. atruotion goeg on. This is done in the con- atruction of houses with several stories as well as those with one. §he has estaublished a. cheap and eiï¬cient telegraph and postal service and a tele- phone service in her chief cities. Street cars are used in several cities, and in Tokio on electric street railroad is to be con- structed. The chief cities are lighted with electricity, and, indeed, Japan is becoming a thorough Western country. LOOKING FORWARD. The government is liberal and progres- sive, and what private corporetions will not undertake it does. While it owns the telegraph lines and many of the railroads, Ill of which are proï¬table, private corpora.- tions 0WD half of the railroads, the tele- phones, electric light plants and street railroads. Railroads and street car lines pay very handsomely. They are operated cheaply. and the average Japanese is so deft upon the subject of riding that he will spend his last cent to travel to a distant town and walk back. The beds of the railroads are sodded and beautiï¬ed. One railroad has 200,000 cherry trees planted along the sides. Tbvere are something like 40,000 public schools in Japan. The buildings are com- fortable and education is compulsory. L'hlzi‘z \1.:.1~1n CAEVING. In ivory and w nu x carving Japan is ahead of the rest of the world ; in lacquer work sud ll] pottery and vases she has no rivsl. The work of the Japanese artists in paint,â€" ing flowers and birds in not equalled. Yet no Japanese artist can paint, a. horse or the portrait of a foreigner. They can‘t paint a horse because they have no horses that we would call horses. They are many, rough- loolfing, knotty brutfes. _ The Japanese saw and plane backward. All their doors slide instead of opening. Their tailors make the lining of a suit ï¬rst their books are primed backward; and you read from the rear ; flower are gardens in the rear of the house; keys turn to the left instead of the right ;vehicles and rikis has pass to the left; trains run on the left hand track, and everything else is contrary to our system, except their modern innova- tions, patterned upon Western ideas and inventions. Japan is rapidly undergoing a social and industrial revolution. She has a military ayltem founded upon the best experience of France and Germany; a navy modelled upon the best French and English teachings. She has made herself dockynrds and built and bought steamers for forcign trade. She has constructed railroads throughout her country. but she uses the little English compartmenbcars, and as yet has no sleep- ing cars, though theyare badly needed. Japhn is not adopting the Christian religion . There are thousands of Christian missionaries, but they are said to be accomplishing little. There is no Sunday in Japan, as with us. It is like all other days. Stores are open, business goes on as usual. The Japanese, however, have many days of rest or recreation. For instance, last Sunday was a day on which the birth of male children in Japan during the preceding yeer is celebrated. In front of every residence in .which a boy baby was born was a. long be uboo pole, from which numberless paper ï¬sh floated in the breeze. These ï¬sh had a wire holding the- mouth open; the wind blew through them and they appeared pretty and natural. ‘ The ï¬sh are presents frodi friends, and the number hanging to a. pole indicates the popularity of the family. They represent , carp. which are said to swim up waterfalls, ' and thus are symbols of the success the and lhus are 5y boy is hcped to BUILD THE ROOF FIRST. in bi flute sun at; “g The Mohammedan pilgrimage to Mecca is a. unique custom in the religious history as. of the world. Notwithstanding the in- ot roads of civilization upon the Orient. 100,- ed 000 human beings still undergo the greatest, , pnvations in order no kiss the famous black ‘1‘ stone which forms pan of the sharp angle un- of the Meccan Temple. The beneï¬ts of ,n- the pilgrimage are gm“, for the sins of Twelve and ï¬fteen children in a family is not unusual. The mother takes charge of the youngest infant, which she straps upon her back going about her duties. The other babies ere strapped on the backs of the older children, who run about the streets with them. It is not unusuel to see a child of four or ï¬ve years old with an infant upon ita back. They play about the streets in this way. If a. husband grown tired of his wife she is easily divorced. When it, is known that two of the seven grounds upon which a husband can divorce his wife are disobedi- ence and talking too much it in unneces- sary to mention the others. Among the lower classes divorces are very common, and it In so common for. man to have several alleged wwes. glen in the world. Girl babies don’t want in Japan. The birth of one is s misfortune in the family. The poor girl: have a hard time of it in Japan. If her parenbs are poor she is sometimes mold for a term of years, or a marriage is armnged at, an early age. She has no word in choosing her fate. At. the hotels few of the waiters under- stand English. In consequence the menus are printed in English, with numbers for each dish in English and Japanese charac- ters. You cell the number in Japanese or point; to the Japanese character opposite the dish in ordering. Like everything else in Japan, the theatres are constructed backward. The stoge is at the entrance and there is a ham- boo curtain between it and the street. Between the audience and the stage is nothing, The curtain in the rear- of the stage and on the street is raised at the commencement. of the performance and kept up for a time in order to catch the populace. They are permitted to see enough of the performance to become in- terested. Then the curtain is dropped and many are induced to spend a iew sen for admission. One hundred thousand pilgrims are now assembled in the City of Mecca, and u cholera has appeared among them they threaten the health of the world. In a very short time these cholera-infected pilgrims will return to their respective countries to implant the seeds of I diteful plague among the nations of the earth. Thousands of Etrlrkcn Men Where Cholera Kazan. Humph 1 I did everything I could to win her af- fection. My goodness 1 And at, last I succeeded. Whaâ€" She granted all that I asked, and by so doing made me the happxesn man alive. Mercifulâ€" ' every pilgrim, no matter how dark they may have been, are forgiven by the AL mighty, and the supplicatiunsof uhe pilgrim in behalf of others are accepted by God. Such was the teaching of the Prophet. As soon as the pilgrim reaches. the last stage near the sacred city he makes two prostrations in prayer, and divests himsalf of his worldly raiments. Then he assumes the pxlgrim’s sacred robe and sets his heart. on Mecca. The Meccan pilgrimage was a compromise with Arabian idolatry, and no Moslem writer has ever yen attempted to give a spiritual explanation of its ceremonies. It is one of the most curious circumstances in in the history of religion that the supersti- tious and silly custom of Meccan pilgrimage should be grafted to a religion which is iconoclastic in its practices. The spectacle of the Moslem world bowing in the one direction of a black stone while it warships the one true God stumps the religion of the Prophet of Arabia as one of compromise. Mr. Binkaâ€"I men a. woman to-day that. I thought a good deal of ones. Mrs. Binksâ€"Oh, you did 2 Yes. I used to do my very best to please her. I asked her to come right, up to the house with me to-day, but she had some shopping to do, and cannot get, here unbil supper time. Mr. Binks, my mother. She isn’t as mother that I PILGRIMS TO SPREAD A PEST. UNHAPPY GIRLS. THE MECCA PILGBIM- A Mean Fellow. home, my dear. It w met. She gave me y am going right 11' at Mecca. om ou‘ 9111' The Care of Worn- Out Pastures. Assuming that the old pasture has been plowed, enriched, and sown with 3 good mixture of grass seed that has growu well. the grass should be cut in bloom for hsy_ Nature seems to throw all her energies into the perfection of her seed, the stem being then largely composed ofindigestible woody ï¬ber of little feeding value to the stock, While the roots are weakened to the same extent as the new seed is perfected. There- fore, to cut when the sap is in the stem ii to gain a more nutritious food and to leave a root in full rigor of growth. When hay. ing is over, the after-growth should be grazed with fattening stock or working horses. Do not let milch cows 01‘ young stock into such pasture the ï¬rst season, because is they require so much food for milk, bone and muscle, their manure is poor. Keep sheep off, for they would tear up many oi the young grass plants. At the expiration of about 10 dsys‘ grazing take the stock off, and run over the ï¬eld with chain her- rows to distribute droppings and prevent the growth of patches of the stronger grass- es. In three or four days the stock can be put back. In October or early November give a good dressing of dung, say 12 loads to the sore. spread and leave to the follow- ing spring. A daily ratiOn of chopped straw 5 lbs., wheat brin 1 lb. and cottonseed meal 2lbs., will help both stock and land very ‘ considerably, snd without it most pastures i will certainly deteriorate. AGRICULTURAL Second yearnâ€"In spring chain-harrow,l chen roll well, md when ready to graze put, on the stock. See that the dropping! are‘ regularly spread. Should any rough tuftal appear other a couple of weeka' grazing. bAve chem mown down with a hand scythe. the cuttings carted off and given no the stock in the barn, and give to these places only a. dressing of salt or caustic lime, the letter for preference, in a ï¬nely powdered condition. This simple management to- gether with new seeding of poor epoee will soon produce an excellent pasture, and moreover will keep it in a good heart and increase its value yearly. This in the method I have ndopted after many yesra’ experience and study in old England,where we take far better care of pasture than you do in Americaâ€"Prof. Albert A. Jager, ‘ England. Methods in Dairying A few weeks ago the British Dairy Farmers’ Association visited Switzerland on r a voyage of investigation. They found a great many things of value in dairying which they highly commended, and noticed the great care, skill and neatness mani- fested by the people in the manufacture "’ dairy products. Under the most progresâ€" sive methods the Swiss farmers have not only added to the value of their products within the past ten years but greatly advanced the productive capacities of the soil. Dr. Gerber of Zurich. has been a prominent factor in these advanced methols, and for many modern appliances the dairymen of that country are indebted to him. With so progressive a people it is no wonder that we ï¬nd the following facts: In Canton Zurich two-thirds of the farm business is devoted to dairying and it pays a net return of4 per cent. on the value of the land and 5 per cent. on the improve- ments. Hay yields two or three tons per acre and sells at $12 per ton in ordinary seasons, whereas a decade back it was $l8 to $25. Milk has held steadier in price, the Zurich farmers receiving an average of 81.27 per cwt. for milk sold in 1891 to butter and cheese factories, against $1.15 twenty years ago, and for tnis whole period the price has averaged $1.18. The pasture and mowing is better now than than and yields larger crops, so that dairying is more proï¬table in Zurich than in former years. The farmers get about 3 cents per quart for milk sold to peddlers, who retail it at 4 and 5 cents, making about 33 per cent. Clover-sick Land. It has been uoLicenl that it. is almost, impossible to grow red clover your after year upon ordinary farm soil. Old ï¬eld of clover become thin and yield little, and are then said to be clover-sick. Experiments have shown that when land is in this condition none of the usual mnnures or fertilizers can be relied upon to secure a crop of clover, and the only means of inâ€" suring a good stand and yield is to allow some years so elapse before repeating the crop on the name lend. "The general result of the trials on ï¬eld soil was that neither organic matter rich in carbon as Well as other elements, nor ammonium salts, nor nitrate of soda, nor mixed complete fertil- izers, availed to restore the full clover- yielding capabilities of thesoii. However, where some of these were applied in large quantity, and at considerable depths, the results were better than where they were used in only moderate quantities and applied only on the surface. On a rich garden soil, however. red clover has grown luxuriantly every year for forty years, so that the primary cause of failure is neither fungus nor insect diseases, nor noxious excretions, nor shade of grain crops, but, is probe.ny due to the exhaustion of mineral fertilizers, or available combined nitrogen, or nitrifying microbes within range of the roots. Rotation, hOWQVer, cures clover- sickness. When an epple is frozen it makes a good deal of difference how it is thawed. When your ear is frozen don’lvthaw it euddenlys When onions are frozen if thawed very gradually they will come out all right. What has this to do with dairying? This much: Sudden extremes of temperature dismtegrnte. Don’b chill the cream with chunks of ice in the churn and expect che best, results. Don’t beetle suddenly trom a low degree to the churning temperature and churn immediately. Let it stand for some time at the right: temperature and better results may be expected. Tempera Caution as to Temperature tun ha- wry much to do with mecca b handling milk and creamâ€"she right: um- persmre is one of thc essentials. But noc only lu- Lbo degree of heat very much to do with results, but sudden changes have peculiar eï¬â€˜ecu and should be avoided, especially just, previous to or during manipulation. Skim mm; for Pigs. A reader having naked the Breeder’s Gazette as to whe that he could effort! to pay 20 cents per 100 for skim-milk tofeed pigs, with hogs selling at. four and one halfcenbs per 100 XiVe weight. Prof. W. A. Henry answers as follows : “ As a. bare proposition with no contin- gencies I Would say yan. For young pigs the feeder "can ï¬nd nothing equal to skim- milk. It. gives them a start that nothing else can. For such, iced three pounds of skim-milk to one of corn meal. A mixture of half corn meal and half shorts in perhaps more satisfactory from a practical aband- puint, though not theoretically. I think shorts are less harsh in the young pig’s stomach. Certainly pigs fed shorts 841d milk do wonderfully well, while theoretic- ully corn meal is the complement of the milk. A: the pigs grow older, unless there in milk in abundance, reduce the milk gradually. ONE VOYAGE AROUND CAPE HORN Samples of the Weather that May be l Found In that Locality. The British ship Spoke, which left Ant' werp 33-1 days ego for San Francisco. ended her voyage on Saturday,nnd from the reports of her crew it was one of the most unlucky voyages around Cape Horn that have been undertaken for many months. The vessel sailed on June 16, 1894, and all went well until Aug. 22, when the vessel was almost Within sight of Cape Born. On that day a. gale that had been blowing all the pre~ ‘ ceding day increased to nhurricnne. Several l of thelighter soils were blowu to ribbons, and the ï¬rst mote. J. Bruhon, went aloft with the men to assist in replacing them. While hqwu in the fore-rigging the ship gave a. lurch as a great wave broke on deck, and about the same instants dark body was seen to fall from the yard of the foremost through the flying spray and sink into the sea. It was the ï¬rst mate who went over- board and woe never seen again. It was im- possible to make any ottenpt to save the drowning man. A seamen named Denerice was badly buised by being knocked about the deck, and several other: were laid up from bruises received the same way. The next day the gala moderated somewhat, but was running and the ship labored heavily. Z55:- relieving tackles on the tiller were carried away and the nexh wave that broke on the deck washed away the mid- ehip steering gear. Some new nails were set, but they were blown away Again, and the vessel rolled and pitched an the mercy of the storm. Then came a week of mod- erate weather and advantage was taken of it to make repmra. On Sept. 7, the vessel passed Cape Horn. and ï¬ve days later. after weathering a succession of gales, another hurricane was encountered. The ï¬rst blaatoi the storm threw the ship on her beam ends and the sea made a complete breach over the hull, washing the deck clear. The rush of the tremendous body of water over the decks worked havoc among the rigging. and the mast: swayed and tottered as though about to fell. One of the seamen named J. Auger was assisting in fnrling the mizzen topfllll when the crash came on the deck. The shock was felt so strongly aloft that he was shaken from his perch and fell into the see. He made a struggle to swim after the vessel, but nothing could be done to save him and he was drowned. He was only 20 years of age and a native of France. For nearly ten days the hurricane continued without intermission, and during that time the vessel drifted back nearly to the Cape again. ru’l'hen came a day of fair weather, but. the next. morning saw the storm in all its fury again. The seas once more were \VASHING OVER THE VESSEL. end one wave larger than the rest swept over the bulwarks, smashing in the door of the forecastle and flooding the quarters of the men. As it went at: it took off the skylight of the cabin, ï¬lling the moms of the ofï¬cers with water and damaging a. quantity of provisions in the staterooms. Many more sails were blowu away, and the men of the crew were so knocked about by the storm and rolling ofthe ship that only nine were ï¬t for duty by the time the storm subsided. The moderate weather was only for a few days, when it seemed that the storm had gathered all its forces for a ï¬nal often. to wreck the vowel. All of Sept. 27 the hurricane was more severe than any of the previous days, and the seas rose almost like mountains. During the height of the tempest the midship wheel rudder chain parted. At the same time the relieving tackles parted again, and the rudder was almost useless. Nothing could be done to steer the vessel while the storm lasted,ond in that time she got broadside to the seas. At. times it. seemed that the mural would roll completely over. Then the cargo began to move to starboard, and by the time the rudder chains were temporarily re- paired the vessel had a. heavy list. It; was impossible to get the steeriuggear in repair so that; it could be depended upon, and the vessel was headed for the Falkland Islands. 15 took her nearly ï¬ve months at. Stanley to make repairs,a.ud on Feb. 7 last ahe sail- edagain. She had fair but variableweanher until within 500 miles of porb,when a streak of calms was encountered, and it took her twenty-two days no make port. She sailed in through the Head! with every piece of canvas she could carry set. and made a grand circle to an anchorage onf Alcatraz Island. H.â€"Is your boy fond~of books? D.â€"â€"Very. I gnva him a copy of Robin- son Crusoe the other day and he got. lots of fun out. of it. H.â€"â€"I didn’t know he could read. D. â€"Be can’t read,but he tears the pages out. and makes boats of them. Oh, yes he‘s fond of books. A HEAVY CROSS BEA Fond of Books. Patches and Eggs. “Mrs. Penna, exue me if I mm in- quisiï¬va, but why have you mesa pieces of cloth spread on: there in the sun‘.’ They ook like new cloth,†remarked Mrs. Price looking out of the window on the little aide porch. “Thev are indeed.†was Mrs. Peben' laughxng rejoinder. “ They are pieces ‘of my boy’s pants for patches. The garment: has faded somewhat, and not to make the commas too startling. and subject him to unkind remarks, I am trying no obtain the same shade on the new piece as we Bee on the old.†"That is an idea A have nevu- thought of," said Mrs. Price. “It would be 9. good plan when putt-lug new sleeve. in gingham or calico dresses, ivouldn’h it) I†“ Yes, you would probably have to Wash the material in that cue.†“I have seen much discussion of dish- washers recently," remarked Mm. Peters. “ While Visiting a. friend I found she had discarded nei- dishpan and used not axlctly a dishwasher, but certainly a. very orgian plnn._" _ “I. -; "She uses a ï¬fty pound lard can, which she obtained from a store. Pile the plum ueatly at the bottom, pack the saucer! around them, then the cups and the glasses lent. She says they will not crack if laid on their tides. She washes the silver and knives separately, u they are apt to be scratched. Cut 3 light ehavmg of soap into the can and pour two kettle! of hot water over the dishes. Set the can on 3 wooden chair close to the table. Then after a few moves of a. long handled dish mop, the dishes were piled on the table vodm'm, and 1 must any they looked very nice. And in a very short time a. large pile was washed and wuped.†“That sounds very easy." sighed Mrs. Price. “I hope it would prove so in pree- râ€"‘T-I should like to hear about it," and Mrs. Price, in an interested bone. tics." "Suppose you try is and see," was hot friend's suggestion. “I have been experimenting with boiling eggs,» Mrs. Price remarkedhafter a panâ€. "7“er hive decided that the most perfect way is to lay the eggs in the hot. saucepan and cover with boiling water. Let them remain where the water will keep hot.l bub nor. boilmg, for ten mlnutes.†_ ‘ _ ’5?! y “And what is the result. ‘2'†inquiréd her liaLener. V..._°, ,_‘ , "I have a new method, too, which I have both seen and tried myself. Bresk four or ï¬ve eggs, keeping the yolks whole and separate. Beat the whites to a “it? froth and pile on an earthen plate, which will not injure. Drop the yolks at. regulsr intervals into zlie whites. Set in a moder- ate oven until the Whites are brown, when the yolks will be cooked just right for most, people. A. little watching Will pre- vent their getting too hard." “ I think that, must, be a pretty dish," was Mrs. Price‘s comment. “ That. 15 one of its udvantegea." wns the answer. “I never use window soreené.†said a wise housekeeper the other day, “because I have a. fancy that. they shut: out all the hit in hot: weather, and, besides, they serve to keep the flies m the house equally as well as out.†“ButI never see a. fly in your house,†said her friend. How do you manage it: Y For my part. I must confess that. screens or no screene,my summer means to me one long battle with the littlg pests."’ “My remedy is a simple one,†said the good housekeeper, “and I learned it. yeors ago from my grandmocher, when I used to air, and watch her putting bunches of lav- ender flowers around to keep the flies away. My method is simpler. I buy 5 cent!’ Worth of oil of lavender at the drug store and mix it with the same quantity of water. Then I put in in a common glass atomizer and spray it around the rooms wherever flies are ape to congregate. especially in the dining-room, where I sprinkle it plentifully over the table linen. The odor is especially disagreeable no flies, and they will never venture in the neighborhood, though to most. people it has a peculiarly fresh and graceful smell.†Oranges are out in half and eauen with an orange spoon. The peel serves as a cup. Pineapplea are peeled, cut in very thin slices, the core cut out, and served with sugBV. Bananas are slightly opened at. one and and served on individual fruit plates. Berries are usually put in a. large berry bowl and served in individual dishes at Often several kindé of fruit are placed in one large fruit. dish on the mble, and each perscm provided Will) an individual fruit. plane. table. Grapes are placed ona large fruit dish wigh green Jetway .&r_o_un_d_ edge. : Oranges eaten in the natural state, or with the pulp prepared and simply sprin- kled with sugar, are so delicious and healthful that it seems almost unnecessary to suggest other Ways in which they may be utilxzed. Lettuce Salad.-â€"Carefu place in the sslad dish 5 for dinner. Slice four h over the hop. Then take a. ‘ cream, half cup of vineg‘ spoons of sugar, one teas Mix well and pour over. tln Strawberry Trifle.â€"Put a quart of‘ berries in a. fruit dish, sprmkle mm and powdered cracker. Then m custard of one and one-half pints of three eggs, half cup of sugar and n ful of corn starch. Pour over the scalding hos. When cold cover with ped cream and maria HOUSEHOLD. How Fruits Are Served Flies Hate Lavender. Recipes. Vinegar, cnree Lame y teaspoonful of salt, '9; the lettuce. ~Put a quart of straw- ;, sprmkle with sugar ker. Then make a ne-half pints of milk, fully sutï¬cient lettuce p of rich, sour , chree table >onfu1 of salt, wash and