“Elm ‘~-, \KJ- Ricniioxn IIrLL, 'l‘hursdziv, .iullc. lit, ‘- 11 ()(3‘ ï¬nial“. Mr. T. Herbert Lonuox will be at Kelly's Hotel every \Vcdiic~'<la_\'. Dr. F. J. Gulluiinugli, V. S, vislls Rich- mond Hill profes~innzilly eveiy Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. Division Court hero ill-morx-nw, Try a gallon can of Apples at. the Concrete for 20c. Royal Tl-mpiui-s of Temperance will meet In their hall next Tuesday evening. The best Corn, Pl-us and Tomatoes, 3 cans for 250. at the Concrete. The Presbyterian Sabbath School purpose holding Iheir annual picnic _ut Bond‘s Luke on Saturday next, the 15th inst. Get a. package of Ban brand pure Ceylon Tea at. the Concrete, and give it 13. {air mat, A correspondent to Tim Lrnmm. hos writ- ten “ An apology for Tobacco." We shall endeavor to insert it next wuek. New Cheese lull cream, 10 cts. per lb. at the Concrete. There will he no service in the Methodist Church next Sunday morning, the ministers being at conference in Toronto, 4 bars either Czislileflatmeal or (llycei'iue, best Toilet Soap, for 2'10. at the Concrete. Entrance examinations to High Schools and Collegiate Institutes will he held on the last Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this month. Pure Leaf hard, 11 crs. per lb.; Lard Compound 8 cls. per lb. at the Concrete. Mrs. J. Morison, Miss Amy Newbery, and Miss Emma Lauder left on Friday to spend a for weeks with relatives and friends in Prince Edward _Couuty. Try a tin of Log Cabin Baked Beans and \ Pork, 12c. per can. at the Concrete. Sir Mackenzie Bowell and Mr. Clarke ‘Wallcce have acclipted invitations to address the Orangemeu at the 12th of July celebra- tion in London, Ont. ‘ Salada“ Teaâ€"We have a. supply of “Salads†Ceylon Tea. Naughton Bros, Elgin Mills. The lacrosse boys go to Uxbridgc on Sat- urday to play a. championship mulch with the team of that town. They will take the train from Slnufiville. May they give a good account of themselves. The BOcTTeasut the Fire Proof have be- come famous for their good flavor and splen- did drawing qualities. Mrs. P. Sullivan, formerly Miss Sadie Pierce, spent. a few days with Mrs. A. J. Hume, and left on Tuesday to make a visit in Markham, prevrous to returning to her home in l‘iorth Tonawandd, N. Y. A ï¬xed value of quality, but a flexible standard of prices, that's Atkinson & Swit- zcr‘s rule. A team of horses belonging to Reeve Pugsley ran into the pond on his farm on Thursday evening last, and for n time things looked serious, but by the assistance of a load of stalwarts from the Hill, the equities were Safely landed on term ï¬rnia again. No use in buying your Tea of the pedlars when you can get. a better quality for lean money at the Fire Proof. In the Methodist Conference, according to some of yesterday’s dailies, Rev. G. L. Powell is lrpnsferred to Richmond Hill cir- cuit, Rev. J. W. Graham to Maple, and Rev. Wesley Dean to Little Current. [t is rarher warm Weather for jumping but you are excusable if you jump for the bar- gains at Atkinson & Switzer’s. West York Farmers' Institute have made arrangements with the G. T. R. to hold-their annual excursion to Niugara Falls on Friday, the 21st of June. Tickets from Richmond Hill station $1.40. Children half price. See bi ls. ' - The best Salmon, Horse Shoe brand and others, 2 cans for 250., at the Concrete ; 2nd quality 10c. per can. G. 1‘. R. changed lime on Monday, The management added another train on the Northern, leaving Toronto at 10.45 a. m., but unfortunately for the business men in this section of country, it does not stop at Richmond Hill. Surely the railroad author- itfes are not anxious for passenger traflic. Just to hand at the Concrete, another lot of Genls’ Fell. Hats. The " Valley †is the latest; the boys should see it. In the list of successful students at the recent University examinations, published on Monday, appears the Mine of Elmer E. Law, of this village, as a fourth year man. Mr. Law is lo be congratulated on his ex- cellent standing. be having secured his dc~ grcc of B. A , taught a good part of the last four years. and never attended any of the University lectures. Just to hand at the Concreteâ€" great value in ï¬ne Carpet Brooms. Rose, Pansy. nud‘ Thistle, also splendid value coarser Brooms, Shamrock A., and Diisy B. Atkinson dz Sritzer. Laying 0! Corner Stone. The Corner Stone of the new Church of England at Maple, (St. Stephen's) will be laid on Thursday, the ï¬lm; of June, inst, at 330 p. m,, after which tea will be served from 5 to 7. In the evening a musical rind literary eulert inmcnt will lo given, for which ï¬rst-clans talent has been secured. ’i‘eston Brass Bind will be in attendance, and everything will be done to make the afternoon and evening pass by enjoyably. Tickets for ten and entertainment, 25 cents; ~7lhi'drcn,15 cents. befall. The Exec-olive Commitlc.1 of the Canadian Press Association are mulling arrangements for an excursion through the most inlerest- ing parts of Quebec and tho Muriliuie prov~ incls. It is expected the party will leave Toronto On the ‘19“) of July, and lll‘ll tho irip will occupy about twu wot-ks. During this time over 2061) “Hits will be owned by l boat and in special cars. The total cost for [TullSpOl'tlilililL sleepers. and liolel bills, will be between M5 llllll $.30. , _ Wm.m ., 7 / , It is nearly the lmiprst day of the your and Atkinson dz Switzer mnl‘o things b illlnl‘e by bringing prices. down to l'nc sthtost l limit of lhe Year. Sewmg Machines. Mr. 0. {Brown of this village has secured the sole right to sell the improved New Raymond Sewing Machine rill through the townships of Markham and Vaughan. Per Solis wanting to luy ï¬nd this a very easy running ono and one that would be sure to give entire satisfaction. Died of Cancer. Mrs. Margaret Barnes, for many years a resident of this place, died Tuesday morning at the Home for lncurables, to which insti- tution she had been rentovrd only the prev- lullS Saturday. DI‘CPHGBI} for the past few years had been ullliclcd with cancers from which She lllld been a great stiflvrer. She was bringht to her late home on Richmond Street. on Tuesday night and was interred in the village cemetery yesterduv afternoon. Standing Committees. The Board of Management of the Public Library met on Tuesday evening, and ap- pointed the following standing committees for the year :â€" Re-Unionâ€"McMahon, Sandersonï¬icholls, Storey, and Savage. Debateâ€"~Harrisou, Nicholls. McMahon. Financeâ€"Nicholls, Pugslev, McConaghv. Lectureâ€" Wilson, Sanderson. Storey, Savage. Libraryâ€"-Pugsley, Storey, Wilson. Renting Pianoâ€"Sanderson, McMahon. Wilson, McConaghy, Miss Wiley's Death. We regret we are compelled this week to record the sad death of Frances, eldest daughter of Mr. Francis Wiley, of this vil- lage. Deceased had been hung in the city since September last, and a few weeks ago took that dread disease, diphtheria. She was removed to the hospital, where she re- mained until the authorities thought it would be sale to have her brought home. She arrived home about ten days ago, and, at times, it was thought she was improving, but she died on Tuesday evening about 8 o'clock. The news of her death was a. great shock to many here, as comparatively few knew of her illness. nubide of her immediate rslativcs. Dcceased‘s lnlhor and mother, brothers and sister, have the sincere sym- pathy of a large circle of friends in their sad bereavement. The funeral takes place from the residence this afternoon at 2 o‘clock. Patterson Lodge. The following are the newly elected ofï¬cers for Patterson Lodge, No. 265, Thorn- hill 2-â€" W. Bro. J. E. Francis, W. ‘.\I. W. Bro. G. A. Langstaff, M. B.. I. 1’. M. Bro. R. S. Thompson, S W. Bro. H. B. Schmidt, J. W Bro. Wm Richards, Chaplain. W. Bro. J C. Steele, 'i‘reasurer. W. Bro. W. W ialC-E, M. A . Scc'y. W. Bro. Jas. STUDJHH‘ll, S. D. W. BIN). U. A Lilifln‘bllï¬, M. 13., J. D'. Bin. 1). A. Neiles, M. D , S. S. Bro. Wm. E131}. S. Bro. M. While, D. of C. Bro. Goo. Fisher, 1. G. Bro. ll. Home, Tyler. Lacrosse Mat ch. The lacrosse mulch played here last Fri. day between Slouï¬'villc and Richmond Hill resulted in a victory for the visitors by 2 games to 1. The play was quite cnteresling on both sides, and although the ball was a good part of the time in the neighborhood of the Siuuftvillo slips, there seemed to be something in tho Hill‘s home which pre- vented lnem from scoring. The team play was defective, too much attention being giv- en to individual play. The best of feeling prevailed throughout the match, and al- though there was very little intentional roughness on. either ride, several of the boys were pretty well “ used up " at the end of the game. Mr. Sangster, of Stouï¬villc, refereed the match, at the close of which the usual friendly chat-rs were given. Monster Picnic. The great event of next wvek will be the picnic to be held in the Dii\ing Park hero on Wednesday, June 19th. in aid of the new Roman Catholic church. A good programme of sports will be carried out, consisting 0! horse racing, foot racing, jumping, hammer throwing, quoit matches, etc. A football competition will commence at 10.30 a. m., the winning team to receive a cash prize of 310. Mr. R. N. Harrison. the champion heavy Weight. thrower of the world, will give an exhibition of his skill and strength. 0n the track will be ‘2 30 and 3 minute horse races, open to trotters or pacers. for purses of $40 in each race. The Richmond Hill Band will furnish music during the after- noon. Dinner will be served on the grounds from 1210 2 o'cloelr; Tca from 4 to 7. Ad- miséion to grounds, 25 and 15 cents. Vis. itors are invited to come early and spend an enjoyable time. The Crowning Sin of the Age. This admirable publication deals with one of those delicate social topics which is often spoken of, and very seldom Condemned otherwise than in a hull-hearted wily. It is here, however, boldly faced, and the evil is download in no uncertain way. The vice â€"we should rather say crimeâ€"condemned seems to he feni'lully prevalent in the United States, particularly in New England. We l have it own in Ounnda, as the abominable practice“. of Ur. Andrews can testify. The , book, originally a sermon by a Presbyterian minister, is accompanied by notes, compiled by G. H. L. Hastings, 47 Cornhill, Boston, Mass. If commendation goes for anything this book should be wtdoly read. Cardinal Gibbons, Rev. A. J. Gordon, Joseph Cook, and other distinguished persoucgcs warmly commend the performance. Very few min- isters since the davs of Wesley, have had the courage to expose social vices of‘this ' character. l As Others See‘Them, Richmond Hill Methodists have set on example which their brethren elsewhere and those of other denominations as well would act wisely in following. The disciples of \Veslcy in the Yonge street village, have one of the riealest little churches in the Province -â€"and it is practically clear of dtbt, only about 8900 remaining to be paid on account of n tolul cost amounting to some 315,000 These good people built modestly in the first instance, and they strove honestly to get rid of their obligation sis soon as possible in the second. The example is one, we repeat. that should be followed elsewhere. We copy the oblch compliment to the Methodist puople of this place from the I‘m. ronto News of last Saturday. rind take this opportunity of stating that the cost of the Methodist church was, when built in 1880. 517 000. to which has been added about 8100 for repainting, lruls'ornining, etc. The total debt is now $800. DRY GOODS, ATKINSON ‘ &SWITZER YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL. We believe if you were to turn the world upside down y )11 Would (ind Alllineon (Li Swilzor‘s Dry Goods and Groceries advertised on the other side. 1 o.i=.' Through the courter of Rev. Mr. Vickery, Court Deputy of Court Richmond Hill, we have received the lollowing f'lClS concerning the Independent Order at Foresters . During the month of .\lay the number of applicav lions for membership received by the Medi- cal Ronni was 4,022, of whom 3,611 were accepted showing an advance of 500 on the highest number of applications ever received in any one month. The Surplus Fund of the Order on the 1st ol June showed the high total of $1,317,000. On the 30th of May the corner stone of the Foresters’ Temple was laid by His Excellency the Earl of Aberdeen, (livornnr-Gcncrul of Canada, in the presence of an immense concourse rf Foresters and lheir friends. The Temple Will be eight stories high and will be the ï¬nest fraternal headquarters on the conti- nent. Tho Forestric year closes on the 30 h of June, and in every particular ii. will be the most prosperous year in the history of the order. The increase in the surplus has been $360,000.00, and in the membership abont18,000. For the month of June it is expected that at least 5,000 applications will be rcceived. During the year new courts have averaged 35 per month. The Supreme Court will meet at St. Martin's Town Hall, Trafalgar Square,London, England, on the let day of October. The High Court of Ontario will meet at London, Ontario, on the 8th of October. GOOD GOODS, GOOD VALUES, LOW PRICE» ‘. r I ‘rl - «hi DEATHS \VrLEY-Jn Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, June 11th, Frniiccs Marian. eldest daughter of Mr. and Nlrs.1~‘rari-is Wiley. aged 29 yours. BARNESâ€"At tho Home for Incurnblos. on Tues- duy, June 11th, Murgurct,Ba.rnes, aged 70 years. lllultll SALE â€"â€"OF VALUABLE â€"- FREEHOLDflROPERTY. . '. The following property will be offered for sale by public auction, on the premises,by Salem Eckardt, Auctioneer, on Sstu clay, lune 29th, 1895, At the hour of '2 o'clock in the afternoon, till-cc parcels of and. port Ohwulch is in the Village of Woodbi‘illge: Your Balance 011 nations lithium com. A LADY CAUGHT IN THE ACT. A very important arrest was made last week at Maple. A lady passing the Richardson House noticed a ï¬fty cent piece lying on the sidewalk. She stooped to pick it up, but seeing it was a counterfeit, she did not touch it. She had, however, only gone a. few yards, when the County Constable walked up and arrested her for passing had money. PARCEL ONE contains four acres, more or less, being part of the south easterly quarter of lot 8. in concussion 8 of the Township of Vuughe an. immediately north of the Public school lot in the said Village or Woodbridge. PARCEL TWO contains 5 acres. more or less, being also part of the north easterly quarter of saidlnt 9, also in the Village of Woodbridge, and to the north of parcel one. . PARCEL Tl-lllE E contains 1‘23 67-100 of an acre, more or less. being also part of said lot a. adjoining and to the west or the lands of the Toronto Grey andlii'uce Division of tho Cuna~ dian l’ucitic Rnilwav Company. Parcels Nos. 1 und‘2 are vacant land, but are well udapted for building purposes. Parcel No. :3 comprises the mum of the late Francis John Bout, and has situated on it two dwelling houses, one u. storey and a. half brick hound. with kitchen and outbouses. and the other 0. frame building, one and a. half smreys, with kitchen. nlso burn and driving house. The buildings, burn Lind driving house are in good re- port. The property is wall fenced andwcu sup- plied with good well water and spring water. The farm is a. good clay loam and mu. good state of cultivntion. and has on itagood orct ard of apple and plum trees. and about 10 acres of hardwood hush. Parcels 2 Bull :t are under lease to one John Longinore, which will expire on the lst or April, 1&95, except in respect of possession of one of Now, if you want Bargains in BOOTS AND SHOES Don’t. forget to call at the Dominion Sll'u‘ Store, Cor. King 62: George Sts., Toronto. They keep nothing but solid leather goods (no counterieits). Although leather has large stock before the advance. Your Photo taken Free with every purchase of SL25 and over. the houses and burns. and right of access thereto. ‘ TERMS OF SALE: PARCEh 1;â€"’l‘he purchaser will require to pay to per cont. down at the time of sale, and the balance in 30 days thereafter without interest. PARCELl z:â€"The purchaser will require‘ to pav 10 per cent. uown ot the time of sale, suflici- wt to mud-:1: ono lith of the purchase money on thelzith (lily of October next, without interest, and the balance on the let day of January next (1890). with interest from the 15th day of Octoâ€" ber next, on such balance. ‘ ‘ PARCEL Lizâ€"Tho purchaser Will requu‘eV to pay {0 percent. down at the time of sale, suthci cut with tho said 10 per cent. to make one half of the purchase money on the l5th (lay of 0.10- ber next. without interest, and the balance or the purchase money on the lat day of January, 1506, with interest llom the 1st day of October next. on such balance. The purchaser Will. be entitled to receive the rent from the 15th day of October next. heads will be uiven at the expense of the purâ€" cliiiscrs of the several parcels on payment of the purchase money and interest. Further torms and conditions of sale made known on thcduy of solo. or on application to ARCHIBALD MCQUARRIE, and JOHN C. MCQUARRIE, Executors o! the late Francis John Hunt 503 Maple I’. O. Dated at Woodbridgs this 7th day of June, L595. House to Let. “ Ilouso lntcly occupied by Mr. Win. Atkinson. anoi able situation, between Masonic Hull and Methodist Church. Seven rooms; hard and soft water. Apply to the proprietor, \V. A. SANDE RSON. Drugnist, 50â€"; Richmond Hill. Tsrswss I.‘ ’. con- MUNN a count the SCIENTIFIC AirunrcAN tinuc to not an Solicitors for l’utcrils, (Livcnts. Trude Marks, Copyrights. for the United States. Czilindn, England, France. (lermuny. etc. H' d Bonk about Patents smut free. ’l‘liirtyâ€"sr‘von yours“ expirrience. Patents obtained tlirnuuh MUNN & CO. are noticed In the Fl'll‘IN1‘lr‘l(‘ A .Vilsiricarl, the largest. host, and most widely circulated scloiitlï¬c paper. 53.2021 your Weekly. Splendid enuruviriga and interesting in- fnmiuilnn“ Specimen Cl‘py of the Scieiiriï¬c Amer- lcnn sent. mm. Addrch M CNN 2‘; ‘0.. SCIENTIFIC‘ AMERICAN miles. 251 Broadway, New York. ._ I DOMINION SHOE STORE. COR. KING & GEORGE S'i‘.. TORONTO. 7E1. DOVVS‘VVEHJL. lï¬'Oï¬H'ietor. .‘:.~~,rt - “.1 4. The Fire moot. ma JUNE ms New Prints, New Shootings, New Dress Goods, New Gottans, New Flannelcttes, blow Gottcnade blew Delainettes, New Tweeds, New ll’luslins, New Trouserings Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, and Garden Seeds. ISAAC CRQE’SBY advanced fifty per cent., our prices still remain the same on account of purchasing a. .