When the bicycle Wu mainly an instru- ment of sport it had its uses to the com- munity, has it was not a thing of public cansequenee. New thetiss sporting uses are quite secondary to its practical em- ployment, its influence and effect upon .llle, character and material progress are worthy of consideration. Its beneï¬ts are many and great. Now that horses have ceased to scare at it there are practiCally no offsetting objections whatever. It does nobody any hum, unless it be the horse“ dealers. It annoys nobody and incommodes ‘ nobody when properly used. It adds ab. soluter nothing to the sum tots] of unnecessary noise, -the elimination of which is the chief problem of civilization in cities. 0!! the other hand the bicycle is greatly beneï¬cent. It is teaching men anew the uses of their muscles. It is rescuing them by tens of thousands from their slavish dependence upon others for the means ol getting about. It is teaching them to rely upon themselves for locomotion. The bicycle is inducing persons to take exercise who have hitherto sluggishly neglected to use their limbs. It is taking them into the free open ainpumying breath into their lungs and rich, red blood through their veins. 1!; is compelling themto rest their jaded minds tooâ€"to recreate themselves. For while the man who merely walks may drag his tiresome train of thought after him. the man on the bicycle must attend strictly to what he is doing and for the time forget the marking cares that weary the mind and wear out vitality. To women the bicycle is even more a benefactor than to men. More than men's their lives have been shut up in hot rooms, while more than men they need the nerve- building, blood-making influence of exer- cise in the open air. 'lhe bicycle is doing "more than all the sports combinedtoinduce women to such exercise, and the next gen- eration of men will be the better mother-ed because the young women of to-day are learning to love a. wheel. Hysteria, head- ache and nerves have been enemies in the rear of the human race ever since civilize- tion made the mistake of shutting women up in luxurious houses and excusing them from the blessing of work necessity, under the absurd misconception that the sentence pronounced upon Adam and Eve was a curse. The bicycle is rendering women another greatly good service. It is teach- ing them the badly needed lesson that in the matter of clothes it is ï¬tness and not convention that determines comelinese and propriety. The bicycle suit is a minister of grace an apostle of common sense in the matter of women’s dress. It in no way opposes skirts in their proper place. It merely teaches women to adapt their dress always to the conditions to be met, which is the true gospel of all costuming. The woman who puts on abicycle suit for a spin will not be likely to drag a train after her over dirty sidewalks when she goes shopping or to dispense with the graceful sweep of the train in her own parlors. The bicycle is n missionary of good roads. It takes many men into the coun- try who would otherwise never learn the joys of meeting nature face to face. The increasing thousands of tourist wheelmen are teaching the country people in most practical ways the advantage of making their roadways good. and thus inviting travel from which they reap ohm-vest. The wheelmen are growing numerous enough to he themselves a controlling majority in the making up or public opinion, and to put any man upon a bicycle is to make of that man at once an ardent advocate of good roads. No other modern device has at once so many points of adven- tege to the public and so few points on possible public objection as the bicycle. Let the wheels go round! As to Snake Bites. That no less than 23,000 people should have perished last year in the Indian pro' vines of Bengal from snake bites shows how little progress has been made by science toward the discovery of some antidote for the poison of these reptiles. The trouble is that the poison of nearly every species seems to ofl'eet a. different organ of the body. This the bite of o cobra. seems to paralyze the lungs, while the dobois. pro- duces terrible convulsions. From time immemoriel physicians of every clime and race have devoted their energies to the discovery of cures for these bites; but judging from the heavy list of casualties from this source alone in' Bengal, the most highly civilized province and possessed of the best system of medical supervision of all English colonial dependencies, it would seem that all efforts in this direction have been abortive. Effect of Fire on Steel Beams. A recent ï¬re in Toronto showed the fatal eflect of ï¬re upon steel beams in non-ï¬re- proot structures. The building was of brick and wood and the walls above the ï¬rst story were supported on heavy steel giruers. When the ï¬re broke out the beams became softened by the heat, and the building col- lapsed. Wooden beams would have stood much better. They will last until almost burned away. while metal often becomes useless how more heat without. being touched by the flames. NOTES AND COMMENTS. THIRTY YEARS OF TORTURE. The Story or an Old Ilnn New Nearing the Fool of Life's lllIIâ€"Ilow Belle! Came to lllm After Repealed Failures and on. appointments. From Kemptville Advance. "I am now almost at the foot of the hill of life, having attained the 76th year of my ege,end neverduring thattims have Imede a statement more willingly and conscientious- ly then now. My body has been tortured by pain for upwards of thirty yeers,caused by rheumatism, and there are thousands enduring a like eï¬â€˜liction that need not if they would but heed my experience and avail themselves of the proper means of relief. The disease ï¬rst affected my hip and spread to my legs and arms. Like many sufl'orere I spared neither trouble nor ex- pense in seeking something to alleviate the pain. The disuse had made me so helpless the I was unable to at on my coat and my hands an ï¬ngers were being twisted out of shape. There seemed not the shadow of a hope of relief and very neturslly I became discoursged and dis- heartened, and time after time hnve I given up in dee air. While in Arizona three years ago {heard of Dr. Wflllam' Pink Pills. I sent for six boxes in order to give them a. fair trial. I followed the di- rections elosely and by the time the fourth box was ï¬nished the pain hed greatly les- HANDS AND FINGERS TWISTED OUT OF SHAPE Wl'l'H RHEU- MATISM. sened and friends having witnessed the wonderful eï¬ect upon my body could not. help ndmiring the Pink Pills, and being about to leave for the seat, I gave the re- maining two boxes to them. Unfortunately I neglected getting another supply fol nearly a year after resuming to thi: part. and I felt that to me Pink Pills Were one of the necessaries of life. Last spring I procured a. few boxes and have been taking them since with A very Satisfactory effect am gled to say. Now I feel like a new man entirely free from pain or stiffness of joint. I have a slight numbness of feet and half way to the knees,but am conï¬dent that these pills will relieve this feeling. Although well advanced in yearsJ am able and do wslk mony miles a day. For‘ rheumatism Dr. Willisms’ Pink Pills stsnd pre-éllligéhzly above all other medicines ac- cording to my exeperience and I urge a trial on all auï¬'ering from this painful maladyi†~ The above is the nnvnrnished statement of {acts as told the Advance recently by Mr. George Selleck, an esteemed resident of Miller's Corners, and no one hearing the earns“ mmner of its recital could fail to be convinced of Mr. Selleck’s sincerity. But if thin were not enough hundreds of witnesses could be summoned, if need be, to prove ‘he truth of every word stated. Mr. Angus Buchanan. the Well knowu druggist; md popular reeve of Kemptville, speaks of Dr. Willinms' Pink Pills as one of the most; popular remedies known, having 5 great, sale among his customers and giving general satisfaction. It is well known by chemists that caustic soda. can be produced by passing a. curren t of electricity through common table salt, The salt, which is chloride of sodium, sep- arates under the action of the current into soda and chlorine, either of which by itself is much more valuable than the salt from which it is produced. The process is a. simple one, and not expensive. The salt is dissolved in water and a. current from a dynamo is passed through the solution. Metal plates are placed in the salt water and attached to the dynamo wires. Chlor- ine is set free at one pole and caustic soda. at the other. The great difficulty, lichver, Rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, partinl paralysis, locomotor ataxia, nervous head- ache, nervous prostration and diseases depending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelss, etc.. all dis- appear before a fair treatment with Dr. Williaml’ Pink Pills. They give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and build up and renew the entire system. Sold by All dealers or sent postpaid at 500. a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. \Villiums Medioine 00., Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady. N. Y. Don’t, be persdaded to take some substitute. is that chlorine dissolved in water is one of the most powerful solvents known. Almost all metals are dissolved by it. Even curbon, one of the most unsoluble of substances, is rapidly attacked by chlorine and wears away quickly. _This peculiarity of chlorine interferes with the commercial practicabil- ity of the process. No substance has yet been discovered for the electric terminals which will stand the strain and yet be cheap enough for manufacturing purposes. When 3. Dane Gets Drunk. This is the way the police in Denmark deal with the drunkards found helpless in the streets. They drive the patient in s cab to the station where he sobers 05; then they take him home. The cabman makes his charge. the police doctor makes his. the agents make their claim for special duty,end this bill is presented to the land- lord of the establishment where the drunk. srd Look the last glass that did the business. No wonder that certain landlords protest saying that proofs are insufï¬cient and some alleged victims sham intoxication to get the lsndlord into trouble. I WAS UNABLE TO PUT ON MY COA'h Salt Treated Electricall y. ï¬nch inï¬ovei: My Whole Family is Crazy. An entire family of seven were tsken into custody in Cleveland the other day. charged with insanity. The family consists of Henry Buchwald, the father; Charlotte Buchwald, his wife, and two grown daugh- ters, Eve and Emma, and three small chil- dren. All the members of the family are strong believers in the spiritualistio faith, and have been locked in their home at 3 Beaver street. for over a week, holding wild- ly insane spiritualistic seencee. One of the daughters is laboring under the hallucina- tion that she is a spirit, and another mem- ber of the family that the spirit must die. The spirit was perfectly willing to he sscriï¬ced, but the errivsl of the sheriï¬â€™s oflicers prevanted them from carrying out their insane ideas. Armenian girls who reach the age of 17 without. being engaged to marry some one have to fast for three days and then live on salt ï¬sh for a fourth day without. drinking any water. Men old at thirty. Chew and smoke,ea.e little. drink, or want to,all the time. Nerves tingle. never satisï¬ed, unthing'. beautiful, happineu gone, a tobacco-enur- ated system tell! the awry. There’s an easy way out. No-To-Bec will kill the nerve-craving eï¬ecbe for tobacco and make you atrong,vigoroue and manly. Sold and igum-lamest] wcure by Druggisla every- where. Book. “Don’t Tobapco Spit; or Smoke Your Life Away," free. Ad. Ster- ling Remedy 00.374 St. Paul St..Mont,red. can never teen on a body frail from disease any more than the lovely lily can grow in the sterile soil. When Consumption fastens its hold upon a. victim. the whole physical structure commences its decay. At such a period. before the disease is too far edvanced. Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery will arresb and cure it. Send 6 cents in stamps for a Book (160 pages) on Consumptionand its cure. Address World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, How many people live on the reputation of the reputation they might have made.â€" Holmes. ' Oncei used, Dr. Pierce’a Pellets are ulways in fuvor. Speciï¬c for constipation, piles, biliousness. and headaches. Ab Florence last, week a man aged 74 married a woman aged 52. There ll no no In fooling wich naurslgln. It i:- diaeua ch“ given my only to the man powerful remedial. No remedy yet (ll-covered bu given the grand results lhlt lnvariably amend- the employment of Pol- aon’l Nerviline. Nervilino in a positive lpeciï¬o for all nerve pains, and Ought so be kept on hand in every family. Sold every where, 25 eenu a bobble. I Was cured of Rheumatism 1n Twenty. Four Hours. 1, George English. shipbuilder. have lived in Chatham, N. S , over forty years. Last spring I took severe pains in my knee. which, com~ bined with swelling. laid me up for six weeks, during which time I endured great suffering. I saw South American Rheumatic Cure adver- liscd in the Chatbam World and procured a )ottle. Within twenty-four hours I was ab Iolutely free from rheumatism, and have not teen troubled with it since. He who is in evil is also i‘ mean of evil.â€"Swedeuborg. Hem long plied their vocation on ihe In!- !ering pedals of the people. The knife he: ared to the quick; caustic Applicable“ lve tormented the victim of corn: untll the oonvlotion Iheped iuellâ€"there’n no cure. Pntmm’l Painleu Corn Extractor prove: on what Ilender bnlil public opinion often rests. If you wife: from eorne get the Extractor end you will be “tidied. Sold everywhere. Woodstock will soon vote on a by-law for a $9,000 market shed. Guelph has a. young ladies' baseball club called “McGintya.†The Fine Art department at Alma Lsdies’ College, St. Thomas, ()nt., is doing very successful work, over 1,000 certiï¬cates from the Ontario School of Art having been taken by the students. Students can qualify an Alma College and receive license to~teach in the public and high schools the various subjects of the art course. Rates low. For Announcement address Principal Austin, B. D. Immediate relief. [have m, ï¬les and can say positively th man. I believe one bottle of convince anyone of its great L. J. Law, Toronto Junction, Ont: “I con- sider it my‘duty to give Lo the public my ex- ferience With Dr.Agnew's Cure for the Heart. have been sorely troubled with heart disease and unable Lo lie down in bed for eighteen months owing to smothering spells and palpi- tation. Each night I would have to be propped up by pillows'in order to keep from s nothering. After treating with several medical men with- out beneï¬t. I procured a. bottle of the Heart Cure. After taking the ï¬rst (10:8 I retired and slept, soundly until morning. I used one hot,- tle and have not taken any of the remedy for seven weeks, but. the heart: trouble has not N‘s-appeared. I consider it the grandest. remedy in existence for heart; disease." Campers are already out Aboun the eastern lakes of Ontario. - Kidney Disease Vanqulshed by South American Kidney Cureâ€"The Rem- edy Which Relieves in Six Hours. ment and tried all kinds purpose: in fact. I did I until South American K _lt seemed to an my cas Adam Super, Burk‘s (nucp pain to; months For 18 Months Unable to Lie Down in Bedâ€"A Toronto Junction Citizen's Awful Experience With Heart Disease. Must Explate Their Crime. Charlatans and Quack: Got Rld of Nauralgla. “I AM A CURED MAN.†Nicotlnlzed Nerves. Alma Ladies‘ College. A Qu eemy Head Kinds of did not Falla, On from kid in the pn nieh. worth Health Drink at. Small Cost. un’l 3000 Beer Exhackn._...ono bob whmmn‘l le................ha.lfau.. ----mnoundl the sugar and reason: the mouqu Lndbome; plus: In a w Mummy-tau hour- nntfl lo fe “males, wha- “mama-pun... he mm s.) h alumnae Mm,m2mâ€m“m West Shore Through Sleeping Car to New York. One of the bwdsomeet sleeping can that has ever been turned our. of the fac- tory is now running from Toronto to New York without change via the popular West Shore route. It is a buffet car, and re- freshments can be obtained on route, if desired. This car leaven Union Station, Toronto, every day except Sunday, at 4.55 m. ranching New York next morning at 10.10 a. m. On Sundays the sleeper runs from Hamilton only, connecting with the through train from Toronto. Call at any Grand Trunk omce in Toronto for information or space in this sleeping car. Reservations can be made in advance if de. sired. Datumâ€"Use Nasal Balm. Quick. pul- flvo cure. Soothina. o‘enulinn. healing. An Agreeabie Lumvo and NERVE Tome. Sold by Druggm. or [out by nun. m. 600.. Md 01.00 per package. Samplol 1m K0 30.3.23;me “29m It wi Recipe. â€"For Making I. Denote. and rapidly growing children derive more beneï¬t from Scott's Emulsion, than all the rest of the food they eat. Its nourishing powers are felt almost immedi- ately. Babies and children thrive on Scott's Emulsion when no other form of food is assimilated stimulates the appetite, enrichel the blood, overcomes wasting and gives strength to all who take it PM Coughs. Colds. Sore Throat, Bron- chitis, Weak Lungs, Emaciation. Con- sumption, Blood Diseases and all Form! of Wasting. Sendfor pumpkin“. Fret. W! h Bflwno. ioflevillo. All Druguifln. 501. A 8| it's no because I’m Scotch but y o u c a n n a ;moke a. better Cigar than “ROB BUY." The] cost 5c. Out I get sax 5f them for‘a [uarten GUARANTEEDVTO GIVE FULL PDWER CLAIMED Rob .;;:. UPRIGHT and H0] M Stationary, Portable“ All sizes a from 95 lo 20 ‘ “one > I Fl I R I I I FAWN†GRAN BY 33%: A {air a Roy Cigar t“ a"? Over 2,000 in successful operation. EMPIRE TOBACCO co.. MONTREAL YEXCELLED in Simplicity. Effective Working Qualities and Durabiflty. Emulsion, 59mg: Babies to mica Better ‘hil not“. than over. Everybody wan“ the. Bury dedu- adh than. They vam- liko Iron. A. P. 767. “m WATEROUS UPRIGHT and HORIZONTAL. Stationary, Portable&Sem| -Portahla mm. 510 20 A Horse STAMMERING 5:???†ma“: Hpnn} Byetey_.__N_q Advance fees. nto fl ‘ _-,. -â€"â€"nmn'vmn Hï¬f "wihE‘aNTï¬ï¬févl‘ï¬'S’i‘flUâ€"Tï¬. '7 no Shana an 1010-!â€- m- , A ,v, FOR All on) MHADI“ m uxed between 1851 and 1.“ BOOK UP YOUR OLD LETTEM and dd wlleotions of stamps and get the host on. “MM !nr them from O- A. ï¬gle Blsto. Sheet-Hem. Tile a Gruvd Boot.- G. DUTHIE & SGNB FOR All on; uued beLwo IAOOK UP YOUR 01.1) I wlleotious of stamps and g mod for them from Main St. E.. Hamilton. WANTED HELEâ€"Rellabie men in every locality (local or travelling) to intro- luce a. new discovery and keep our show cards asked up on trees. fences and bridges through- out town and country. Steady em loyment. ommiaaion or salary $65 per mom. and ex- enses and money deposited in any bank when Ital-ted. For particulars write The World Med. Electric 00.. P.O. Box 221. London. Onb.. Can. Sheet Metal Cellinzs. Ten-a. Coats file, End. Black 3nd Green Roofln _ Slate. “01:81 On- Bluaa. Felt. Tar. Rooï¬ng Itch. Ebc. Gum ownpipes. ac" supplied the crude. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS 23: GENTS WANTED for the Farmer! Friend and Account Book. highly re- commended by the several Ministers of Ag- riculbure for Canada. Prices low. Terms libel-3L Sand for circulars. WILLIAM Emma, Toronbo.0n1. FOREST. [AKE AND PRAIRIE. Twenty Years of Frontier Life in Western Canadaâ€"18421862 By REV. JOHN McDOUGALL, The writer of this captivating book has spun his whole life on the Canaduan frontier. and almost wholly among the Indians. His rel-vices to the Grovetngmenc durjgg lte_uPris'in 0(1885 WALTER BAKERE 00‘ With 27 full-page original illustrations by J. E. Laughiin. Fogï¬iL-i‘(.€?eï¬oï¬frlhe‘ Ebidition'ot thing. hwcst during the ï¬fths and six. in our Non ties. The illusuutiom are superb)! done. mad the original design in ink and gold on tho cover make it a. very handreno book. Ask your Bookseller for it‘ u write direct a. Me‘;;tvf;é;i m 0;; â€"p_\;lr)ilri°cï¬n{in&. Hi3 page. teem with exci_ling ad_v_a_nturo,‘§‘r}d present. 3 . .L3. -4 iélobï¬oné 1m Adelaide a; w‘ 1030: FARMERS here is a snap for yop. Harris hm sample cloth pieces [or (181155. 33ml b. for trial lot, 00d value. 27. 29. 1 William st" Totem. WILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher, 29-83 Richmond St. West. Toma. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER & 00.. DORGHESTEB. MASS. WHALEY,ROYGE& 00. fHI-zcooKs 3,5153ng PURE, HIGH GRADE ocuns and CHOCOLATES 0n mil Continent. In" mind HIGHEST AWARDS c Semi for Catalogue: mmtiom'ng goods 1:- qmrcd. w! WAN? TN! AODRISS or wt" nus-o TUONIR AND nAnnMAsun m mum; Isa YONGE STREET, TORONTO. - CANADA Lanaasfsu: nu CANADA. CLOTHg SLOO. The Lam Mnnuhflum of JUST OUT . BRANTFORD. CANADA Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS IN EUROPE AND AMERICA. Our ‘lmperlal ’ Band Instru- ments, Guitars, Mandolin. es. Banjos. Harmonicas. and the Latest Music Publi- cations. It-Z?’ Don't purchase until you see our prices. m Music Publishers,Manufacturers and Imporiers or EVERYTHING MUSICAL MUSIC HOUSE caution: In vicw of th! mnny imit-Iionl of the libel: Ind wrnpperl on our goods. consume" should mlkc Inn that our pllcc of mlnufaemn. ‘nnmely. Dorchelter, Mum. in prinmd on etch pukn‘e. CANADA'S GREATEST from the (rut SPECIALTIES : on ,6! lb.