THE KAISER’S BIG CANAL. GIVES THE GERMAN NAVY TH KEY TO THE BALTIC SEA. it "n: Two linarumus Lot-ksâ€" Frauce Equally Anxloudâ€" bow Along Ihc (‘xuml BI'.‘ Accmumodnle Great l-‘lecls Vessels. While the general public See in the open- ing of the Baltic and North Sea Canal the completion of one of the greatest, engineer. ing feats of the century, France, Russia, England and Denmark and Sweden now realize that Germany by building this new waterway has ioniï¬ed herself so completely M to be almost impregnable. This seemingly commercial enterprise is of such paramount importance to Russia, that two years ago, by means of a. balloon, her ofï¬cers were enabled to obtain a pird’s- eye view of this great engineering work and also of its strategical possibilities to Germany’s navy. The information thus gained is most religiously guarded in her War Department. France, equally anxious to discover what her gresc rival was doing, senb two or three yachis to Kiel during the summer of 1893 and the French engineers on board precur- ed important informauon by means of snap-shot. cameras. But, unfortunately, the Frenchmen were discovered. They were arrested, imprisoned and only releas- ed buc a few months ago. Kiel owes the prominent. position which she holds (lo-day more to her standing as A MILITARY AND NAVAL PCRT than as a commercial one. [he commander l of the North German Squadron is stationed ‘ there and the majority of the establishment and dOCkybl‘dB oi the navy are centred there. The headquarters of nearly all the maritime authorities are located thereâ€"the naval constructors, the division of marines, the division of laborers and workmen, the marine schools, magazines, factories for the manufacture oi naval uniforms, etc., etc., This canal Will give the key of the Baltic to Germany, and will bestow on her some- thing of the same position which would belong to E3) pt as regards the Suez Canal, were Egypt 5 power of the ï¬rst rank. The canal will almost double the efï¬ciency and ï¬ghting power of the German fleet. While Russian ironclade in time of war Will be labouring through the dangerous water! along the narrow sound between Denmark and the Swedish coast, those of Germany Will pass quietly from one see to the other over this new magniï¬cent waterway. Perhaps if Hamburg had had her way this Baltic and North Sea Canal would never have been built, for it certainly threatens her paramount position as thel great entrepot oi German,foreign and colon- ial trade. But it was not commercial considerations which determined the build- ingof the work. For the primary impulse we must go back to what Moltke said some years ago, “that in the event of a naval war Germany would have to begin by securing herself against the encroachments of her neighbors." The canal has many paint: of 4echnical interest about it, but cliiefest of them all are the locks, two in number and GIGASTXC IN SIZE, which stand like Sentinels at either endâ€"- one keeping guard over the Baltic, the I other over the North Sea. 7 > _ , Of the two the Brnnabunel lock, near the mouth of the river Elbe, which empties into the North Sea, is slightly the larger. It is of more importance than the lock at Holtenau, near Kiel, on the Baltic, for the reason th .t it Will be called constantly into use. Flood tide and ebb on the Baltic seldom present any marked difference. Such a diderence, when it does occur, happens only about twenty-ï¬ve or thirty times a year. so that the look at Holtenau will be open practically all of the year. A very different condition of affairs prevails whexe the canal touches the Elbe. The difference in tide here makes the depth of water vary from ten to nearly thirty feet. I‘he foundations of the lock at Bruns- buttel are unique because of their size. The walls are built of brick and square blocks of stone, and altogether there are over 100,000 square yards of masonry. It consists of two chambers, parallel and adjoining. each having an available length of 492 fest and a width oi 80 feet each. Only one other lock in the world surpasses this in size, the one at Bremerhsven. near the mouth of the Weser, but which is not a part of the system of any great canal. The Brunsbuttel lock is provided with three sets of gates, and the regulations concerning their use are that they are to he closed every four hours. HYDRAULIC POWER operates their mechanism, there being in the centre of the basiniight, inswinging gates to relieve the main gates of a. portion of the pressure. Pontoons are to be used for making the basins water-tight when repairs are needed. . ,1, INA. r __ w, _. 0n the canal, just beyond each lock, inner harbors have been constructed, great scooped out and mesoned basins.which will accommodate a large number of vessels. The surface width of the canal is 217 feet and the depth of the side is 19 feet which is quite ample, when it is considered that few of the Baltic trading vessels draw more than 18 feet. In the centre the depth is 30 feet, and so admirably have the sides been constructed that the speediest iron-clad in the world could steam through it at its highest rate of speed without doing any damage. The canal’s total length is 63 mile, and the average time set for passing through it, is thirteen hours, thisincluding the delays in thelocks. Seven speciallittle harbors have been constructed along its course which will accommodatelthe largest ships afloat. The cenel’e course is from Brunshuttel on the Elbe, opposite Cuxheven, to a point on the Baltic three and e half miles north of Kiel, running in a slightly northern direction for about half the distance and then turning east. The two ends are practically in the same latitude, and in A straight line are about ï¬fty miles apart. At Bruueoutlel, at the mimination of the canel,there is a large and serviceable harbor, 328 feet wide and 1,512 feet long. Here the Elbe tides run high and strong, but with the effective opening and closing of qâ€"lnlssin and ‘uâ€"lnner llnr- I“: lint-ugh Io cls of Trading will strucmon, a. the appx opr out, Ry lloedlng Then- W'ords of Wisdom She Will Earn nml Denorve the Reapecl or llle ('olunuinlty on Foot and Awhoel. yop. Don some. Don roads. Don tion. Don’t ride where a man would rear to wheel. Don’t carry too many things in your pockets. Don’m wear white kid gloves ; 5111; in the thing. Don’t go out. after dark without a male escort. Don’t chew gum. Exercise your jaws in private. Don’t use bicycle alang. Leave than to the boys. ISAAI. Don’t-Leglect Lo carrya compact; little toilet case. thimble: Don’t, allow‘ your dear little Fido to accompany you. Don’t. think you look as pretty as every fashion-plate. Don’t. let your golden hair be hanging dowu your back. Don’t, try to have every article of your attire "match." Don’t, appearin public until you have learned to ride well. Don't ignore me laws of the road because you are Don’t recream Don’t jockey. Dou’b a wheel Don’t 1 Don’t forge» 'Lo jumpofl your wheel when you have applied Lhe brake. Don‘t. cultivate everything that, is up to date because you ride a wheel. Don’t go further than a mile from the nearest kerosene can after dark. Don’t ï¬ndertake a. long ride if you are not conï¬dent, of performmg it easily. Don‘t appear to be up or “ records †and “record smashing.†That, is sporty. Don’t, forget um there is a difference between a. lady bicyclistand a. bicycle lady. Don’t, be asnamcd to wear dark blue or smoke-hued sun glasses on long rides. Don Don Don Don’t emulate your brother’s attitude if hefidge parallelAwiLh _Lbe grpynd: Don Don Don' Don Don‘ Don Don Don’t travel 'withouc a thin gcssumer cloak. It, wnll prove handy in many ways. Don't go out wnhoul some money m your pocket, for it may be a long walk home. ‘ Don’t try to éalune your friends with great grace while you are on your wheel. Don’t decide that a Worn-out woolen street, dress w1ll do to wear on your wheel. Don't wear a Bush for ornament. Its end may become entangled in the Wheels. Don‘t look back Lo “nee what she has got on.†Eve's curiosity wenL before the toll. Don’t do anything on a. wheel that you would non do on a fashionable promenade. Don’o stop and discipline Email boys who may Lhmk 1t funny to make remarks about you. Don’t use a brake until you have been thoroughly luerucLed as to how and when to gppu in. Don’t scream loudly for assistance be- cause you see a strange man in a ï¬eldâ€"it may bg a scarecrow. Don’t, wait until you are stranded ï¬fteen miles from home before learning the use of yonr tnols. ' Don’s lhiuk the bicycle will reduce au- perfluous flesh if you insist. upon satisfying th bigycle appetltg. Don‘t make the comparaLive merits of various bicycles the subject of discussion. It is as dangerous 9. theme as religion or politics. Don’t nde at. all if you are in doubt, as to the beneï¬ts to be derived, until you hays consulted your family physxcmu: - Don't think the bicycle a substitute for a baby carriage. There is danger ahead not only [or the infant but the bicycle and yograqlf. Don’t try to scale mountains on your wheel. Only beginners do that, and of course you don’t care to appear a beginner, even when you are one. "eroï¬â€™; with a young man who will pedal away for assistance should tramps or hoodlums make trouble. Don’t atfempb a curly bang if your hair does not, wave naturally. Console yourself with the thought of your appearance on the home trip with straight dejected locks floating in the breeze. )on Don Don Dou' Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Patti In London. Adelina Patti has again won the hearts of Londoners with her glorious voice, and this too after an absence of twelve years, They ï¬nd her acting inï¬nitely better and her lines and middle notes quite as sweet and mellow as they were twenty years ago. An high an $30 waspnid for one stall on the night of her reapywerance. and this is considered a verv practical test of her attractions. FOR THE BICYCLE WOMEP are L stop at road-houses. L forget your tool bag. is attempt a "century." 0 coast, It: is dangerous. 0 say “Feel my muscle.†3 get lost in the country. t boast of your long rides. ’L wear loud-hued leggings. ’t, “talk bicycle" at the table. ‘D cultivate a “bicycle face.†’1. an on your pocket Oil-can. 't refuse assistance up a hill. 'L wear clothes that don't. ï¬t. '0 went jewelry while on a tour. ’0 powder your lace on the road. 't wear rubber-soled cycling shoes be a. fright. wear a man’s cap. race. Leave that L6 the Ecorchers. imagine everybody is looking at, bappear in public until you have to ride well. L ignore the laws of the road because e a woman. t o‘ erdo things. Let cycling be 5 ion, not a labor. L wear the gay colors of a race horse IL is bad form. n think mat every man you meet, on 1 is a gentleman. b scream if you meet a cow. If she u ï¬rst she will run. L say that, the girls who ride with a not. in your social set. L forge» Lo jumpofl your wheel when 7e applied Llie brake. wear laced L‘oota. They are tire- converse while in a. scorching pos aim. on the road. 20 out. without a. needle, thread and keep your mouth open on dirLy ride where a man would fear to ms animate total cost made for it ‘cribed abow ships aettm l was built w 440, 0( .hm ‘tfl < Hauling Hay from Soft Ground. 0:: many farms there are marshes and other soft pieces of land into which the wheels of the ordinary hay rack cub deep‘.y Poling hay from such land is slow and Ledious work. Oxen can often be taken upon land where narrow can, wheels cannot. go. A wood sled ï¬tted with such shoes as are ï¬gured hex-emuh can thus be used f0 haulma ofl‘ bay. An inch thick board is sawed reheatedly across one end. as shown in the upper sketch, and is Lhen forced into the shape ‘desired. Strips of joice are fastened to the upper side, leavmg just room enough between them for the side of the Wood sied to set in. A bolt, slipped through L he jam: and through the side of the sled at. the front and rear holds the shoe on ï¬rmly. An ash board makes a serviceable shoe of this sort; and one easily bent. into shape. PRACTICAL FARMING. 1 corner of the feeding place and replenish before the box 13 entirely empty. The hogs will help themselves and will keep healbhier Every business has its uncertainties That of the farmer has more than some others and less than have many. He can not predict the yield of his crops. The severe frosts of May last were entirely unexpected. Now large regions are sufl'er- ing from drought and attacks of insects while other large regions which, last year. suï¬ered much from these causes, have favorable weather and promise of large crops. He can not predict the prices for his crops. It remains true that supply and demand ï¬nally control prices, but there are many disturbing condit ans. Specula' tion temporarily advances or reduces prices‘ With modern means of transportation the crop condition in even a considerable part of the country has less influence in ï¬xing prices than have the crop yields of even distant countries. a'n‘gl- EHrvirftriexr-rthau if tne ï¬shing is-only done at. interva‘rs. The recent remarkable advance in the price of Wheat was not anticipated by many. No one knew, no one now knows, whether the highest pornt has been reach- ed. There is an unfounded opinion that “speculators†have absolute control in such matters. Now, as always, the specu- lators are divided. One part hopes for an advance ; the other seeks to reduce prices. Both classes pay earnest attention to all possible means by which an intelligent forecast of the probable harvest in this and other countries may be made. Reports of good rains depress prices; reports of drought advance prices. After years of waiting, years which brought loss to many and failure to some beef cattle breeders and feeders, we now have good prices for good {at cattle. This advance has been conï¬- dently predicted by intelligent men year after year. During last {all and early winter the evidence seemed conclusive that prices for hogs would advance more than they have. The advance in prices for sheep and lambs came sooner and was more marked than the writer had anhicipated. There is large difference of opinion among inbelligenn farmers as to the course of prices for horses during the next. few years. The writer believes the prices lor good draft horses will advance within two or three years. This last opinion is dependent on a. mat- ter of great importance in ntfecting prices ior farm productsâ€"the general prosperity of the country. The impossibility of cer- tainly predicting this adds to the uncertain- ty of the farmers’ business. There are good indications of a revival of business in general, but no one can say positively whether these are to be fulï¬lled. Because of these uncertainties it has‘ never seemed wise to me to go so far as many do in advocating specialty farming. either for a locality or for the average individual farmer. Under favorable cirâ€" cumstances the specialty farmer secures larger proï¬ts than does the one who has a greater diversity of crops. but he run more risk of loss. Special ï¬tness of land, of location, or of the man frequently makes it wise to give almost exclusive attention to the production of one crop, but this is not true as a rule. The safer practise is to select two or three leading lines and also give attention to some minor Industries. Trying to do a little of everything is even less advisable than is having an exclusive specialty, if this has been well selected. The Uncertainties of Farming. One line of argument might as well be abandoned once for all. This is the claim that it is impossible to overdo some par- ticular agricultural industry. We may as well accept the fact that any agricultural product, for the production oi which any considerable part of this country is well ï¬tted, can be so sbund sntly produced that the supply will exceed the demand. For years it was insisted, with elaborate argu- ments to sustain the position. that it would be impossible to over-supply the demand for horses ; but this was done. For many years it has been held rank heresy to sug- gest the possibility of overdoing the dairy business. Certainly the present condition of the dairy business is such as to mske it wise for those not engaged in it to con- Saltmg Hogs sider words of at the top,†“ The very best is never plentiful.†etc. It is true that a. tew cattle have sold at high prices each year during the depression. It is true that a small percentage of the horses now sold brings high prices. It is true that a considerable number of dairymen are now getting such prices for milk‘ or cream, or butter as gives them a large proï¬t. The question for each farmer to ask is whether it is pro- bsble he is so situated that he csn expect to secure these exceptional prices. come dair The New Woman Set-ma to be Sonllng 1: inlo lrrespecllve of nor Marriage “own. Much is said both wise and otherwise, in reference to the obedience which a wife vows to yield to her husband. Brides boast that they have evaded the word “ obey†and substituted †go gay,†" say nay,†or some other similar sound. After her wedding a. lady of this kind remarked to the minister who had perform- ed the ceremony; “ Now [cull you to witness that I entertain no intention of obeying, †The minister answered, with a sad, sweet smile : “ Ah, madam, you little know the bleeaedneaa of obedience.†Of course. no one worthy of attention believes that. it, is a wife’s duty to obey when her husband wishes her to 3.2!; con- trary no the dictates of conscience. As little is she expected to conform to a standard ’of obedience and service such a, was laid down in aconversation overheard between two children who were playing on the sand together. Small boy to little girl : “ Do you wil to be my wife ?†Little girl, after reflection : “ Yes.†Small boy : “Then pull off my boots.†On A great many points, however, con- cerning the pecuniary or other interests of the family the husband will usually be the wisest, and may most properly be treated as the senior partner of the ï¬rm. A woman may like to have her own way, but she has little respect for the husband who gives in to her in everything. The ideal Wife claims the liberty of being herâ€" self and managing her house, but she never refuses loyalty to an nflection which supports and protect! her. Despotism and obedience are indeed terms that have no meaning in y matrimonial alliance of the right sort. The word “ obey†had not a: great ter- rors for the Queen of England when she was gomg to be married as it, haa for the “ New Woman.†When arranging about the service the Archbishop of Cancerbury asked Her Majesty whether it. would be desirable to omit the word “ obey," and she answered ; “ I wish to be married as a woman not; as a. Queen." At a negro wedding, when the clergy- man read the Words "love, honor and obey," the bridegroom interrupted him and said: “ Read that agin, 83h ! Read it. once mo’ 30 de lady kln ketch do full solemniLy of de meaning. I'se been met- In rieu befo . As a rule, however. when the reins get. into the Hands of wives the domestic coach goes much more comfortably even for the husbands themselves, and we are not aurâ€" prised that, so many wives consider their husbands creatures that have to be looked after as grown-up little boys, interesting, piquant, indispensable. but. shiftlesa, head- strong and at. the bottom Absurd. ‘ . A husband is continually liable to any and do foolish things or to offend people from want of tact. It is a. wife's duty to prevent. him irom doing so. Nor will he object to be wound up like a clock and made to go right: in reference to such matu hers. What can he pleasanter than for a hus- band to be well managed, and at the same time allowed to fancy that he is managing himself? Only the other day I heard one‘ woman passing in the street say to another : “ He’s a man who would be nothing without his wife.’ When arwoman has a husband oi this kind itis her duty to guide him rightly instead oiallowing him to come to nothing or worse. On one octasion a Scotch minister knock- ed at the door of a house where a husband and wife were quarrelling. When admitted he inquired : “ Wha’s the head of this house ?†The man quietly replied: “ Sit yersel’ doon, mon, sit yersel' doon ; We’re just trying to settle that the noo." A Tree Hitching Post. It; is often desirable m use a tree for a hitching post, but there is danger that the horse may gnaw the bark, or rub his har- ness against. the tree. The cut shows a her device to obviate both diiï¬cultiea. The horse thus hitched can neither reach the tree nor move in either direction by it. Another safe contrivance to prevent horses from gnawing trees consists of. a staple to which are attached three or four links of a chain. a. half-inch rod thirty inches long, then three or four more links, with a snap at the end. Teacherâ€"If sixty men work Iixty days at Sixty gents a. Eigy, what. do they get. I , ,‘_:L_ _.___ Mrs. De Goodeâ€"What did the minister prggch ï¬gainst 00-day ? A.A_:I_\ I)" __-_AL-J against time. Boyiéét mad ‘ï¬Ã©ugh to striké, i guess. Mr. ï¬ZWGoode (wéarily)â€"He preached SHOULD WIVES OBEY ? arafullv before deciding to sting, WIVES RULE WELL. THE IDEAL WIFE. mm A Long Sermon. What They Get. 0!] an //n t ‘y' Do you wish ARMENIA IN DESPAIR. COLLECTING THE WHOLE YEAR‘S TAXES IN ADVANCE. Reporls Tlmt llll‘ Reforms Demanded Wlll Be Executed by Turks n Inner Blow â€"l’rlsoners Taken to ('onslanllnople. The Armenian revolubionist prisoners who were betrayed by the Turkish govern- ment at, Tchiboukla, on May 19, were taken from the prison at Van, very early on the morning of Sunday, June 2, and started on their way to Constantinople. This'wal done under the orders of the sultan. No one knew that the prisoner: were to be transferred until they ectum‘ly had left Van, the order having come from Cannon- tinople late Saturday night. Instead of being dragged along on foot, the men were mounted on horses. The men had been in hiding in the mountains waiting for reâ€"enforcementsI making plans' for carrying on their work, and the weather having turned cold and wet they went to the house of Hahto, head man of Tchiboukla, to warm themselves and dry their clothing. Hahto was supposed to be friendly to the Armenian cause, as he was not a Turk, and great numbers of his fellow countrymen had been massacred by the Turkish government in the Mosul district in 1892. Upon arriving at Hahto’s house the men stacked arms in the corner and gathered about the ï¬re. While they were squatted about the ï¬re Hahto’s scribe, a Turk, called his master out of the house and insisted that they be handed over to the 'lurkish government. The scribe threatened to denounce Hahto to the gov- ernment unless the men were betrayed. Hahto then called together a force of Kurds and Yezides and ordered that; to make the capture. The villagers went into the room one by one and took part in the oonve rsa- tion. At a signal they seized the guns and commanded the men to surrender under pain of instant death. Taken completely by surprise, the revolutionists made no resistance. Of the fourteen members in the party only one escaped. Each man had a Boidin rifle and six ‘of the party had revolvers. There were large numbers of cartridges and some material for making dynamite bombs and a gelatine copying pad for making duplicates of letters. TORTURED ON THE TRIP. The prisoners were taken to Sevi the next day by soldiers and were marched sixty miles to Van, where they arrived Wednesday evening. Their arrival was watched by a large number of Turks and Armenians. 0n the way they were beaten by gun butts and prodded with bayonets and otherwise maltreated. As the English member of the party was unable to walk the whole distance, he was given a horse to ride the last twenty miles of the way. The Englishman told the ofï¬cials that he was Harry Williams, of London. His father was William Williams, of the same address. He had with him a photograph of a young woman and an English passport made out to Harry Williams on June 15, 1892. He declared that he was the cor- respondent of a telegraphic agency of Lon- don aud that his card of credentials was made outin the name of ?aul Quesnel. He was, he explained,on his way to the Moush and Sassoun region to investigate the Armenia situation. His thirteen companions were in his pay as guards against attacks by Kurds. The other prisoners told the same story. All were dressed as Kurds, including Williams. At ï¬rst Williams denied that he could speak Armenian, but subsequently,under the pressure of torture. he admitted that he could. After a week of experimenting with various kinds of persuasion: known to the Turkish jailer: the governor of Van said that Williams had confessed everything. Nobody believes this. Up to May 30 Williams had been unablelto2see the British vice consul at Van, although Mr. Hallward went so far as to ask the governor unofï¬cially to let him see Williams, but the request was refused. All of the prisoners were tortured during their stay in the prison at Van. The situation in Armenia grows more critical day by day. The Associated Press is constantly in receipt of stories of robbery, outrages and murder. The condition of Armenians has been worse during the post six months than it has ever been before. Even in the City of Van soldiers have been placed on guard at the Armenian chuxchel, the oï¬icials fearing an uprising. vuv vu.-...._ .~__V_H ,, The Government is now cuollecting the whole year’s taxes in advance, which is: most unheard of and cruel proceeding. The demand is acsentuated by beatings and bayonet thrusts. Thousands of poor villagers are living on roots and greens. and on the Moush plains the wretched Sassoun- lis are literally starving to death. The protests of Great Britain and America have fallen on contemptuously deaf ears. That Turkey has no intentions of carrying out any sort of reforms is shown by the daily increase of pressure now being put upon the helpless Armenians. Orderly Music. Acolonel in the French army, who had great eye for neatnese, but not much of an ear for music, took ocuasion one day to compliment his bandmaeter on the appear- ance of his men. “ The uniforms are neat,†said the colonel, “ and their instruments are nicely polished and kept in order, but there is one improvement that I must insist upon.†“ What is it, colonel ‘2†“ You must teach your men, when they perform, to lift their ï¬ngers all exactly the same time, and at regular intervals on their instruments, soâ€"One, two ! One, two l" Some time ago the proprietor of a travel- llag wild-beast mensgerie well known in Italy, dusrrslled with his wife,and the pair separated. The wife soon afterwards went into business on her own account in the w11d beast line. Last week the husband’s mouogerie arrived in Bologna, and it was followed two days lsterby that of his wife. The husband was equal to the occasion. He had the wallsof the town plscsrded with she following ambiguous unnouuoo~ wnvu III-v nunâ€. _. ment: “In con-seequejI-x-égudf the arrival of my wife in Dhia town my stock of wild beasts has been increased.†A Husband’s Revenge.