THE NEWS IN A NUTSHELL THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. lnleresllngltems About Our Own Country, Grout Britain, the United States. and All l‘nrtsof the Globe. Condensed and Assorted for Easy Readlns. CANADA. C.P. R. land sales are looking up. Bush ï¬res are reported on Manitoulin Island. There were heavy declines in the Anglo- Csuedisn trade in June. Mr. Warden King, a. prominent business man of Montreal, is dead. The Globe hotel, Winnipeg. was de- stroyed by ï¬re on Saturday. The Government has made important changes in the ï¬sheries regulations. A subscription in aid of Irish Home Rule has been started in Montreal. A car load of show horses and cattle from Ontario has reached Winnipeg. For the half year ending June 30th 2,322 immigrants arrived at Winnipeg. The ses serpent exhibited himself to two ï¬shermen near Hamilton Beach. The ï¬rst csrload of cheese ever exported from Winnipeg was shipped to Montreal. The latest crop reports give assurance of a bountiful hsrvestall over the North-West. Wentworth County Council is taking legal steps to separate from Hamilton in regard to the administration of justice. President Sir Charles Rivers Wilson will arrive in Montreal about August 17 to investigate the Grand Trunk affairs. A four-year-old boy named Paulson was run over by an electric car in \Vinmpeg on Saturday and died a. few hours after of his injuries. According to London Vanity Fair, the Queen has expressed a strong condemna- bory opinion regarding the so-called New Woman, especially as Do the style of her dress. Mr. William Smith, Deputy Minister of Marine, bring: with him from England proposals [tom the Allan Company for the establishment of a lavenceen-knoty Atlantic steamship service. Archbishop Clem-y has issued a circiilar to the clergy of Kingston Diocese asking for aid for the Irish Parliamentry party in the forthcoming elections. The City Engineer of Toronto has re- commended improvements in the water works system the cost of which will ex- ceed six hundred and seventy thousand dollars. Th: Elder-Dempster Line a‘eamer Mexi- co, having on board the ï¬rst cold-storage ahipmenb of Canadian butter for England, was wrecked in the Straits of Belle Isle. The crew are safe. The Queen is taking a keen interest, in the elécxxons, and will be supplied with all the results by a special wxre running to Windsor castle from London. The Queen has ordered that extensions be made to Frogmore lodge, which will become the residenCe of Prince and Princess Henry of Battenberg in the event of her death. The ofï¬ce†of the Italian fleet last week, were feted in the most hearty manner, both at Portsmouth and in London. The Duke of Genoa and other Italian ofï¬cers were presented to the Queen at VVindaor on Saturday. Gen. Lord Roberts has declined the pos- (bion of Commander-in-Uhief of the British army, according to the Manchester Guard- Capt. P. Lamothe, of Alton, IlL, has commenced proceedings to recover six thousand acres of land in Ontario. which it is claimed will revert, to him in 1897 on the expiry of anineby nine years’ lease. The city of London is lncated on part of the land. A gswapaper has just been started in London which is printed on a posan end. The ï¬rst. number has {our illustrations. 3 comic tragedy, a few jokes and puzzles,and some advertisements. The general elections in Great Britain practically commenced on Friday, with the return of thirty-six unopposed candidates, including thirty Conservatives, three Liberals, and three Parnellitee. Walnut shells are in demand in London for the purpose of adulterating ground cinnamon, and bring more than whole wal- nuts. The powdered shells are not distin- guishable unless the microscopic examina- tion is an unusual careful one. UNYTED'STATES. Samuel L. Clemens (Mark poor, and in very bad health. The Washington Marine Hospital Advised that yellow fever is epidemic Pono Rico. Forest ï¬res have been raging in vicinibv of Alpena, chh., for the lean days, and much valuable timber has I destroyed. The New England Magazine thinks that Boston ought. to have a monument, to either Cromwell or Calvin to represent the spirit of Puntanism. In Logan county, Kansas. the farmers have what they call “thistle .bees,†at, which time all hands turnout and ï¬ght the Russian thistle. Rawhide pinion: are being placed 111 some of the eleztric can at. Kalamazoo. It will render them as near noiseless as it is possible to make them. Rev. Dr. McAnally of St. Louis, senior editor of The Christian Advocate, and one of the most prominent men in the southern Methodist Church, is dead, aged 78. A farmer near Sandwich, 111.. ploughing the other day in a ï¬eld. unearthedo deer's rib. An Indion’s arrow-bead was fastened in the rib so tight that it could not be removed. Within a few days of ï¬rst using scales for weighing gold coin. instead of counting it, u heretofore. the Seattle Custom house has rejected more than $2,000 of under- weight coin. Five persons were drowned in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, by the swamping of the steam launch Deapatch in the tornado swept 97:35 the section. <__ ear..-" , GREAT BRITAIN. Twain) the J Len been All employel oi the Boston And Maine ailroad have been forbidden by a]; order Just issued, from usina to‘mooo in any form while on duty, and when of! duty 1f wearing uniform or railroad badge. inst issued, item using tobacco in any form while on duty, and when of} duty if wearing uniform or railroad badge. The French liner La Normandie, which has arrived at. New York, had an eveniful passage. An explosion of coal gas killed one of l«er ï¬remen, and the crew had an all-night, battle with s ï¬rs in the forehold. The City Council of Rockfort has reduced the pay of all officers on the police force who have not served two years $200 per year, making it $600. This follows the cut; made in the Salaries of the principals in the Public schools. The boss barber: of St. Louis have decided to test, the validity of the Sunday closing law. They ï¬nd it is a great damage to their business, as well as a great. incon- venience to the public. Their counsel are conï¬dent of winning their case. Atel Burman, of Cadillac, Mich . while visiting Sweden,his native country,reaohed the age of enrolment in the army, and failing to present a passport, was drafted. His father, Axel G. Burman, after two years, has brought about his release. Reports from the commercial agencies of Messrs. Bradstreet and Dun agree that the business for the first half of July has been fairly good. Prices generally continue strong, though values have declined in a few minor lines. Iron and steel are higher, and print cloths and cotton are ï¬rm. \Vooiens are also ï¬rm and dry goods are quiet. Clearing house exchanges fer the past fortnight have been 35 per cent. in advance of the returns for the correspond- ing eriod of last year. Leather and hides are rm. “Labour troubles" arebecomiug an important factor in the trade situation, and wages show in many lines a steady advance. In the South trade is quiet, but at ChiCago it is above the average, and at St. Louis, Kansas City, and Omaha prices are ï¬rmer and the movement good. lvvv, levAvv-u’ _.__ _. Severe earthquake shocks have been a?“ fort - "7’ “ ’ . ' . . . . y persons including the priests, “Penance‘i 11.) the C“me and Ural ms" were Wounded befnre order was restored. bricts of Russia. The newly-established Mail at, Frankfurt- on-the-Main is the only English newspaper WITH A SHEEP’S LEG. in Germany. â€"â€" ' An unknown man succeeded in penetrab- 13.9 Boy's sum was fllortll’ylng, but the lug into the Royal palace in Madrid,where Grnfun' may make u an mgm, he shot himself in the breast. . . An extraordinary hone-graftingoperatvon Ship-owners are complaining of the high i tariff charged in the case of vessels passing was performed a†the Hahnem‘m" Hoapm’l through the Kaiser Wilhelm canal. in Philadelphia 0“ wedneadï¬)’: expert ",A _._L_A:.._a:_... .. n»-«;nn A: n nhnmn’a â€"_â€"â€"’-â€"â€"â€"â€" $25,606Rk1mending £he' 1m Czar in his laat‘illness. Mr. Henry M. Stanley says the world’s greateeb need just, now ,I Runway through Africa from the Medllerranean to the Cape. Foreign papers said that, Prof. Leyden, the famous German phygicianL reqeivefi The Japanese have learned the art of making luciier matches, and have taken away Lhe vaer trade of lndla in this artirle from Europe. The steam cutter of the British cruiser Speedy foundered wh1la on its way from Southampton to Spit‘head. Three persons were drowned. It: is estimated that while the annual revenues nf all the Countries of Europe are $2,9S0,000,000. their expenditures are $3,300,000,000. Acloudbursb destroyed recently half of the village of Olanesci, in Roumsnia. Many persons perished. Other villages suffered also. Forest ï¬res burned over 80 miles of valuable timber in Newfoundland, and destroyed a. number of buildings. The recent. rains extinguished the ï¬res. Emperor William last week had agood time in Sweden, when King Oscar and his family took great pains to signalize their friendship for the German Emperor. Intense heat prevails throughout. Italy, and several deabha caused thereby have been reported. Au Palermo the mercury registered 111 degrees in the shade. Fire has destroyed two hundred and thirty houses in bhe town of Sambrew, Poland. Two thousand persons are ten- dered homeless by the couflagx anion. It is generally believed that Japan will use a large part of the war indemnity Plan of Grounds and Buildings for Canada‘s Great Industrial Fair. (With Referen snuffâ€"C†GENERAL. which China is to pay her f9: the pulpoao of materially increasing her navy. A French paper reports the Prime Min- ister of Spain as saying there will be no deoiuive operations in Cube for the present owing to the elections of the climate. 1 Am,, “a _,,,, German warships have arrived at Tan- giera with orders to insist upon the pay- menu by the Government of Morocco of an indemnity of eight thousand marks for the murder of a German citizen. It has been discovered that the Lnxor obelisk in the Place de la Concorde, in Paris, is crumbling away under the in- fluence of the atmosphere. The obelisk was taken from Egypt to Paris in Louis Philippe’s reign. “Dr. Tomaszewski, the regimental surgeon belonging to the Landwehr, residing at, Schxnicgal, Germany, has been dismissed from the army on accounu of his refusal to ï¬ght a. duel with An Apothecary of the same town. i surgeons substituting a. portion of a sheep’s The plan for erecting a gigantic Bis- marck monument at Blankensee, near Hamburg, on the steep shore overlooking the Elbe, is taking shape. It. is proposed to collect; a million marks for the purpose by public subscription. leg for a diseased bone in the leg of fifteen. year-old Boyd Folnell. The physicians say that their patient is doing well, although it is too early to determine whether the operation willprove a success. Some time ago young Folwellreceived an injury which resulted in necrosis orrotting of the right shinbone. A few days ago it was decxded that amputation of the limb would be necesSary to save the boy’s life and, after the parents had been so notiï¬ed and prepared for the worst, Dr. Carl V. I Vischer, one of the surgeons oi the hospital ‘ staff, decided that bone grafting might save the limb. Accordingly a big, ï¬ne-looking, sheep was procured at the stock yards and taken to Dr. Vischer’s laboratory. The animal was shorn and shaved and kept in a ï¬rst-class condition until Wednesday, when Prince Henry of Prussia has sent a num- ber of bottles ï¬lled witn water from the River Jordan to the Minister stationed on Heligoland, to be used for baptismal pur- poses. The Hohenzollerns are always baptized with water of the Jordan. Since 1868 the foreign trade of Japan has increased ten-fold, and amounted in 1894 to 230,728,042 silver dollars. Its chief imports are kerosene, Italian cloth, sugar, raw cotton, cotton yarn, ahirtings, arms, machinery, instruments, and mous- aeline de laine. The leading articles of exâ€" port include cotton goods,copper,and coal. San Peluyo is the patron saint. of the village of San Mateo, near Ferrol,in Spain. His Image was to have been carried about in a procession the other day,bub B dispute that. arose as to who should carry in caused knives, revolvers, and sticks to be used,ao that. forty persons, including the priests, were Wounded before order was restored. it was taken to the hospital. The boy was placed under the Influence of ether and the part of the bone of the rightleg for seven inches above the ankle joint was carefully cut away. The sheep in the meantime had been chloroformed and the surgeons cut away a portion of its foreleg to the exact measurement of the part the place of which it was to take. As soon as the bone was taken from the sheep it was ï¬tted in the gap and the joints of the boy’s bone were cove:ed with periosteum from the sheep's bone, in order to afford the proper nourish- ment to the bone. The entire operation was carried on under the strictest antiseptic treatment, and as soon as the sheep had served its purpose its throat was cut. Only a. few‘ such operations have been succassfully carried out, the earlier method of employing pounded animal bone, decal- ciï¬ed, havmg been almost universally un- successful. If Che operation comes up to the expectation of the surgeons, Falwell will walk and run as well as he ever did in his life. SOME DDI] USES FOB. PAPER HORSESHOES AND COFFINS ARE NOW MADE FROM WOOD PULP. Also a Good Imitation orSIlk ls Manurac, tunedâ€"Balls [or Steam Bonds. Wash Tubs, flats. Car Wheels and Many Other Ilsent Thlngs Made of Paper. We have had the golden age and the iron age and Various other ages, but the present. will probably be known as the wooden or paper age. Paper dress material masquerading as silk is the latest invention in the paper line, and threatens to drive the silk-worm out of business. Spruce saw- dust, cotton or jute waste and alcohol are put into the machine 3nd come out an the other end shining, delicately colored, rust» ling silks, suitable for the most, fastidious lady's gown. Of course, this paper silk doesn’t wear so well as the real fabric, but. think how much cheaper it will he I Enthusiastic paper manufacturers say the new woman and the new man will dine off paper dishes. It. is not improbable that the hat 0: the future will be an indestruct- ible paper nï¬air, impervious to ï¬re or water. Over in Paris any enterprising milliner will be able to show you made entirely of paper, frame, trimming, ornaments. and all. Parasols of paper do not seem to have been thought of yet, but; satchels and trunks of paper are common enough. The paper trunk, despite its frail the despair of the baggage smasher. It refuses to smash. So do paper car wheels. They have been in use for years on some of the mosbimport- ant, railroads in this country. It must. not be supposed that. the wheels are made entirely of paper. _Tbis. material only forms the interibr shell. Having been sub- jected to terriï¬c pressure,it is moulded and ï¬rmly bolted to the outer rim, which is of steel. Greater durability and lightness are claimed for these wheels, but don’t let the idea of lightness lead you to get under one. If you do you may pnssibly have use {or one of the paper cotï¬us which are being turned out at wholesale by a ï¬rm at West- fleld, Mass. The railroad train of the future is likely not only to have paper wheels, but; to run on paper rails. These are made entirely 0: paper and are formed in moulds under great pressure. They have been used to scan extent in Russia and Germany, and are said to be free from many of the defects ol U16 ordinary steel rail. are another European invention. Among the advantages claimed for them is that they maintain a. rough surface, enabling the horse to get. a. good grip on the smooth pavements. German paper-makers have put on the market a substance called “pupier sculptor,†which is used instead of clay for modelling. ltis simply paper pulp kept. solt. enough to be worked. Peach baskets. berry baskets and butter boxes are made of paper, and almost every- thing under the sun-salt, which used to come in pretty blue and white bags, oat- meal. crackers, ice-cream, candy, shoes, corsets, dressesâ€"is sent home in a paper box. Iu Japan, they say, some tolkslive in paper houses. and in this country paper boats are in use. Nor must the necessary sewer pipe be forgotten. Paper pipes for carrying water, aieam or electricity are not uncommon. As conduits for electri- encc Key.) to be held at Toronto from the 2nd to 14th September next STYLISH BONNETS AND HATS PA PER. HURSESHOES city they are considered safe. even though the wire be not insulated. Emperor Ind Empress Care a Man or ‘ Writing Scan-nous Verse. A young poet had written a most Icurriloua poem, in which be had described and libeled not only the empress. but also the grand dukes and duchessea. The censor of the press went and told the emperor. .“ T.he man had better be sent. off to blbena at once,†he said ; “it is not a cue for delay." “Oh, no,†said the empress, "wait a little, but tell the man I desire to see him as 6 o’clock to-morrow evening.†When the poor man was told this he felt as if the last hour had come and that the emperor (Alexander II.) must intend him- self to pronounce eternal exile. He went to the palace and was shown through all the grand staterooms, one after another. without seeing anyone. till at last he arrived at a small, commonplace room at the end of them all, where was a single table with a lamp upon it, and here he saw the empress, the emperor, and all the grand dukes and duchesses whom he had mention- ed in the poem. " How d9 you do, sir ?†said the emperor. “I hear that you have written a most beautiful poem, and I have sent for you that you may read it aloud to us yourself. and I have invited all the grand dukes and ducheeses to come that, they may have the pleasure of hearing you.†Then the poor man prostrated himself at the emperor’s teen. “Send me to Siberia. sir," he said; “Send me to Siberia. sir," he said ; “force me to become a soldier, only do not compel me to read that poem.†"0, air. you are cruel to refuse me the pleasure, but. you will not be so ungallant as to refuse the empress the pleasure of hearing your verses, and she will ask you herself.†And the empress asked him. When he had ï¬nished she said: “1 do not think he will write any more verses about, us again. He need not go to Siberia. just yet.†A nobleman entered into a conspiracy against the emperor and was sentenced ’0 Siberia. His eyes were bandaged, and he was put. in a dark csrriage.and for seven days and nights they traveled on and on, only stopping to take food. At. last he felt, they must have reached Siberia, and in the utmost anguish he perceived that the cur- riage had stoppedmnd the bandage was taken from his eyes, andâ€"he was in his own home! He had been driven round and round it. Petersburz the whole time; but, the home! He had He St. Petereburg t.h fright cured him. RUSSIANS SHOW DIPLOMACY. year it, will cost him $100,000}nore. Advertising Does It whose wealth is away The father who made my years ago, a. port/er He invented a patent, )yers were in the habit :uatomers, after selling la, “ Why don't you boules of our porter’s as old fellow along. It The porter was popular 1 BUILDING