No Time. How often do we hear housewives any they have “no time.†'l‘hey have no time for a romp with the children or to bestow some extra attention on the toilet of one to please its fancy. They have “no time" to put pretty frills or ruflles on the little garments. The same excuse is given as a reason for not making toothsome and ap- petizing dainties for the table, and for not having the table in neatest condition. The same old cry is heard about the nretty dresses they do not wear and the attractive manner in which they fail to dress their hair. Neither do they have time for the social functions of life. Mrs. A.’s call is left unreturned, and it really was not neces. sary to attend that meeting oi the reading circle. Likewise they never take any exer- cise in the open air because they have no time. This is one class of housewives. end their number is legion. On the other hand is another class of women. These know that they havs‘ twenty-four hours of sixty minutes each‘ every day, which is all the time there is. They arrange this time and their duties so that nothing is neglected. An hour’s read- ing every day, to keep posted on public affairs, and books to give new and better thoughts, clear the mind, and give one stronger and purer purpose. Then there is time for a walk or drive, even if not more than half an hour. It tones the system, brightens the face, and for a time at least “ drives dull care away." Neither is so- ciability neglected. Friendships are culti- vated. If a call or courtesy is due, it is never rudely neglected. The farâ€"away friends, too, are remembered. Letters are promptly answered, not only because they ought to be, but because it gives exchange of thoughts and ambitious with the absent almost as well as would a face-to-face talk. Besides these things, a woman should make a place for some special work, as philanthropy, or the study of music, sci- ence. or art. An hour each day could be devoted to any one of these. It is tiresome to hear 3 housekeeper say she has no time for these recreations. There is no reason why we should not have the time. That was one of the things for which it was given her. It never was in- tended she was to spend her whole life and existence in drudgery, utterly neglecting to develop the higher nature. in! Even the girl who is employed all day in an office, a young mother, the miliiner or dressmaker has some time to devote to self culture. An hour or more each evening can easily be so spent. There is no reason why even they should spend their time on trifles. As to the average society woman, she has any amount of time to spend in any way she chooses, but there are few who accom~ plish, or try to accomplish, any good work. Empty social functions ï¬ll their life. Their time, energy, money, and gracious men- ners are {or the most part spent on people of their own kind Who at heart cnre little more for them than they do for the lake breeze ; and were adversity to touch them with its cruel ï¬nger the erstwhile ardent friends would dispersa and disappear as pewdrops before the sun. That is how they spend their time, and think it well spent, while for the higher duties of life they have “ no time.†n i- 1 x Sénall wonder woman’s intellect is deemed When she thus judges the relative impor- tance of the things for which she takes time and those for which she says she has no time. To make a. quart of lemonade take the juice of three lemons, using the rind of one of them. Carefully peel the rind very thin, getting just the yellow outside. This cut into pieces and put with the juice and powdered sugar, of which use two ounces to the quart, in a jug or jar with a cover. When the water is at boiling point, pour it over the lemon and sugar ; cover at once and let it get cold. A Furniture Polish. A good recipe for this purpose is as fol- nws : Raw linseed oil and spirits of lurpentino in the proportion of twothirds ail and one of turpentine, is the model furniture reviver. It is what professionals rely on ; as a rule. they use no other. The woodwork should he ï¬rst carefully wiped off with a dry. soft cloth, and the dust thoroughly removed from corners and cer- vings. The best article to accomplish this is a large paint brush, usually called a painter’s duster. The oil may then be applied with A smaller brush, wiping 03 with a soft cloth and rubbing thoroughly dry. It will be found that dents and scratches lose their prominence under this tresiment ; should this method be pursued regularly there will be no diï¬icu'ty experi- enced in having furniture retain a fresh appearance. Pineapple and Edam cheese should be :nt so that. the top will ï¬t on again, and thus exclude the air and keep the cheese in good condition. A large piece of any other kind of cheese is preserved by wrapâ€" ping it well in a large square of cheese- cloth, dipped and then wrung out, of cider vinegar. When sending cheese to the table with the salad or any other course' see that. it is laid on a fresh napkin. When you have attained your plain boiled potatoes, take them at once to the open door or window and give them a. vigorous shaking in the draught. They will become white and mealy. Try it. once, and you will do it always, so great is the improvement. Apply sweet spirits of nitre to mosquito bites, and it will draw out all soreness and itching, if the skin is not broken by scratching it. If the throat is husky from dust or weariness an excellent; gargle can be made of a teaspoonful of spints of camphor in a. glass of hot water. Household. Somebody Says Which May Save the Lives of Their Daughters. A Young Lady at Dlerrlckvllle Saved When Near Death's Doorâ€"ller Illness Brought About by Ailments Peal-lim- lo ller Sexâ€"(Duly One Way' In Which They (‘nn Be Successlully Resulâ€" 0d. From the Ottawa Citizen. A CONSCIENTIOUS TORONTO LADY The Following Stalolnent ls Published by Request. I consider it my duty to inform the public of the extreme beneï¬t I have received from the use of your South American Rheumatic Cure. I have been a great suï¬errr for several years from rheumatism. and used this remedy. with the best results. I trust others will follow my example. and believe it they do so they will feel as grateful as I do for the beneï¬t. derived thereby. Mas. BATES. 71 Gloucester St . Toronto. porrant work that the heart. has to ertorm, and it is not, difï¬cult to realize what a manger menu even to a. slight; extent. of this organ means. Dr. Agnew's cure for the heart is a cure for heart trouble:. and nothing else. It is a mistake to suppose that remedies that are given out as panacegs for all the ills that flesh if heir to can effectively cure heart disellse. Within 30 minutes after taking the ï¬rst dose of Dr. Agnew‘s Cure for the Heart relief is se- cured, and eventually complete restoration is effected. what. When aman has more money than he knows what to do with, he very soon learns When a woman in ï¬rm is ner convictions it isn’t wiï¬e to call her stubborn. Some people’s ï¬ne clothes are no more than the pretty label on the empty cm. Adam's Root Beer Extract. . . . . . . . . . . one bottle Fleischmann'a Yeast . . . . . a cake Su at . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .two pounds Lu 'ewarm Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast: in the water. add the extract. and bottle; place in a. warm place for twenty-to r hours until it fermencs. then place on ice, when it will open sparkling and delicious. Charity should start In the heart and get out. into the world by way of the pocket.- book. There in more than sentiment in the saying of Sir Walter Raleigh to his executioner. “What matters it about the head it the heart is right?" The troubie is that in this high pressure age the heart is Reidom kept right. By careful estimate it is calculated that one person out of every four or ï¬ve has a weak or diseased heart. Think for a moment the im- portant work that the heart has to ertorm, and it is not difï¬cult to realize what a. erangeâ€" merit even toa slight extent. 70f this organ I would kiss you if I had the cheek to do it, and a bashful young man to his sweetheart. “lfb‘é'Eéâ€"tâ€"béer can be obtained in all drug and grocery stores in 10 and '25 cent bottles no make two and ï¬ve gallons. Cataxrh ~Use Nasal Balm. Quick, poa tive cure. Soothing, cleansing. healing, Hecipe.â€"For Making a Dellclous What is the matter with your lips 2 quer ed she. A STORY FOR MOTHERS Health Drink at Small Cost Encouraging Him dom kept right. ulmed that. one 'e has a weak on moment the im- hqs to perform it the hearl in this higt 11gth right. , .one bottle .halt a cake two pounds two gallons “ But evil is wrought by want of thought. As well as want or heart." By want of thought mothers allow daughters to become frail and puny. Over- study in girls induces uterine disorders and weaknesses, and blights their future hap- piness as wives and mothers. Joined to proper hygienic care, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a. priceless remedy in such ailments, its value becoming even more apparent every year. Using it. the wan, debilitated school girl gains color, flesh and spirits, losing those deathly headaches, tormenting backaches, languor, dejection, and other symptoms of functional irregu- larities, and nervous debility. It never harms the most delicate girl. Robertsdale, Huntingdon Co., Pa. \Vorld’s Dispensary Medical Association: Gentlemen,â€"I oannotsui‘ï¬ciently express to you my gratitude for the beneï¬t your medicine has conferred upon my daughter. Of late she has suffered no pain whatever. It is simply marvelous. You have just reasontocellityaur“Fsvorite Prescription,†and to stake your reputation as a. physician on it. A favorite prescription itis, indeed. to you and to thousands in this land, and I believe will be to suï¬ering women the world over. Yours gratefully, Asthma c-ured by newly discovered creat- ment. Pamphlet. testimonials and refer- ences free. Address World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Butfnlo, N. Y. The fact that, St. Leon Mineral Water is the only recognized perfect medicinal water on the continent is now beyond dispune. That it cures Indigestion, Rheumacism, Biliousness and Kidney trouble: is proven by the numerous instances in which it has cured where other remelies failed. Many a corn may lurk behind a polished shoe. Our leading physicians recommend it, for these diseases, and, besides,rthe proprietors guarantee it. Sold by all reputable deal- era. normal weight, because tobacco destroys di- gestion and causes nerve irritation that, ea 3 brain power and vitality. You can get a quic . guaranteed relief bf! the use of NoTo-Bacend then it you don‘t ike your freedom and im- proved physical condition you can learn the use of tobacco over again, just like the ï¬rst time. No-To-Bac sold under guarantee to cure by Drugqi=ts everywhere. Book free, Ad. SterPng Remedy 00., 374 St. Paul St., Mon- trea . A woman’s tact will buy more than man’s dollar. Washington, D. C.,â€". â€"Tho possibility of his party uniting on Mr. Cleveland for third term attracts increased attention here, and his nomination, despite its exneptional character. is not an impossibility. Recip- rocal trade relations with Canada and the admission into the United States free of duty of that celebrated Canadian product, Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor, on account of its painless action and certainty, would be a. plank in his platform. Use Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Sure l safe! painless i ls lisually Caused by a Derangement or the Kidneysâ€"South Amerlonn Kidney (‘ure “'Ill Poilllvely Believe It In 513: Ilo In. One may be deceived by the feeling of weight or dragging In the loins that causes unpleasantness and inconvenience to many men and women. Attributing the trouble to something elge, they forget- Lhat this may be evidence of inflammatory affections of the kidneys, thp eventually may develop into serious trouble. That: very successful speciï¬c. South American Kidney Cure. gets at. the root; of kidney tr able. and will quickly remove the cause. and having done this. complete re- covery is soon reached. It is worth repeating that South American Kidney Cure is a remedy for the perfect; cure of this one trouble. 1!; does not pretend to be a. cure-all. but it isa. cure certain in every case of kidney trouble. And it: does it quickly. THAT DRAGGING IN THE LOINS One of the lmndsomest sleeping cars that has ever been Lurned out of the factory is now running from Toronto to New York without change via. the popular \Vesz shore route. It. is a buffet car, and re- freshments can be obmined en route, if desired. This car lesves Union Station, Toronto, every day except Sunday, at. 4.55 p.m., reaching New York next, morning at 10.10 a.m. On Sundays the sleeper runs from Hamilton only, connecting with the through train from Toronto. Callas any Grand Trunk oflice in Toronto for in- formation or space in this sleeping car. Re- servations can be made in advance if desired. It takes less courage to marry a. woman than in does to be a husband to her after- wards. * ARMERS here is a. snap for you. Harris has Sample cloth pieces for qullts. Sand. 31 for Lrial lot. good value. 27, 29, 31 William St. Toronto. M I Permanently cured bya eriocly Educa- tional System No advance fem. Wrim for circular. THE ONTARIO INSTITUTE, 65 Shuter SE. Toronto Tobacco users as a ruleï¬re away beloyy The eye can lie more in a minute than the tongue can correct in a week. bibles in Canada. all sizes and 111109 Terms liberal. \‘V'rite for circulars. WILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher, Toronto Ontario. FOP the latest and best lme of Books an 00 PER WEEK and steadf employ . meat. you work in the loca ity where you live. Send us your address and. we will exgjainjhe busjrless. Write tro-daz. ,,,, n- n -.u...--‘ West Shore Through Sleeping Car to New York. a GENTS WANTED for the Friend and Account, Book. commendedby the several Minis riculture for Canada. Prices [0 liberal. Send for circulars. \VILLI Toronto. Ont. A Matter Now Beyond stpute ORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL offers special advantaggs t‘g‘young x‘nAgAnfldesirou‘s ‘- special advantages to young mgn'desirous of acquiring the art, of cuthg and nttmg gent- lemen‘s garments. Nn .better trade. a rare chance. Write for particulars, 113 Yonge St. Also agents for McDowell's Garment Drafting Machine for Ladies, $ | 5707,00,“ 5213a hEEdHBeEWJeH . l"'£{nd‘1893‘ I400“ Ul’ ICDIFIE lbll) Lli'l‘l‘l‘llt sanduld col lections of stamps and et, the highest cast price for them from . A. NEEDH 654 Main St. E.. Hamilton Ont. AN EB|aCiIï¬Vtilxe<l§H§inEsai V “'rite to-dny. The Queen Silverware 00,, Montreal I specialadva acquiring the men's gmmen auce. Write Cleveland for Third Term. Skinny Sufferers Saved AGENTS “(ANTED mum 0L0 GANAJIIAN 55mm VIAII mn- n-u- :I-twuu Ulu uun- ‘ rs and et [he hlghest cash lthlll In .nA.’ NEEDHAN Arm THOMAS THIRLWEI I Farmer . highly r [ers of Al .w. Tem AM 133106: rms Some smart, healthy, wellvbehaved boys from 10 b0 16 years old from Mr. Fegan’a Homes in England have arrived in Toronto. They are likely to give valuable help to farmers in the busy season. Several ex- perienced lads whose engagements have expired are constantly passing through the Distributing Home in Toronto. Those anx- ious to engage one of these boys should apply to the Superincendent Fegan Boy’s Home, 235 George S)... Toronto. A wonderful discovery was the combination known as NE a Nerve Pain Cureâ€"was four upon pain is simply wonderfu and scientists are lavish int its marvellous action upon in all other remedies have fai sell it was aliving skeleton; the doc- tor said he was dying of Maras- mus and Indigestion. At 13 months he weighed only seven pounds. Nothing strengthened or fattened him. I began using Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites, feed- ing it to him and rubbing it into his body. He began to fatten and is now a beautiful dimpled boy. The Emulsion seemed to supply the one thing needful. Mrs. KENYON 'WILLIAMS, May 21,1894. Cave Springs, Ga. Similar letters from other mothers. Don‘t bum-waded to accept a substitutl! Scott 6:. Bowno, Bollevlllo. 50c. and $1. MCA‘RTHUR, CORNEILEgg 00., GRANBY RUBBERS ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINING (Limited! LABORATORY 011' INLAND REVENUE, OFFICE or OFFIOXAL ANALYST. Montreal, April 8th. 1895. . "I hereby certxfy that- I have drawn. by my own hand. ten sample: of the ST. LAWRENCE SUGAR REFINING CO.’S EXTRA STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR, indiscriminately taken tfrom ten lots of about, 150 barrels each. I have analysed same and ï¬nd them uniformly to con ain : .u. ._L..L,...A-u It’s no because I’m Scotch but but I get sax of them for a quarter you canna smoke a better Cigar than T’HEcooKs BESIFRJEND “BBB RUY.’ H ' UPRIGHT and HORIZONTAL. A R M Stationary, Portable &Seml - Portable All sizes from .‘1 3:, E“, n‘ _â€" m @ r945 ‘ ( xxx . r: I n I I I Ffl¥°’“//§x@x)xpï¬f% GUARANTEED TO GIVE FULL POWER CLAIMED They cost 53. Over 2,000 in successful operation. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS UNEXCELLED in Simplicity. Eï¬'ective Working Qualities and Durability. EMPIRE TOBACCO $0.. Mcw‘rau‘. :R-GiEéiISVAfEWlN CANADA. My Baby Nerve Pain Cure Boys for Farmer 9933; T0 I00 AND TO BE A5 RE Better this season than ever. Everybody wants them. Every dealer sells them. They wear like Iron. White Lead. C erviline ; 'drugg MONTREAL. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS 01“â€" Colors. Glass, Varnishes. Oils. Chemicals and Dye Stuffs. WATERQUS, made when RVILINEâ€" eir pr Its (Signed) JOHN BAKER EDWARDS, Ph.D.. Prof. of Chemistry and Pub. Analy per cent. of Pure Cane Sugar with no impuri ists G. DUTHIE & SONS nices. Felt, Tar. noonng rw Downpipes, &c.. aupplied m Telephone 1936. Adelaig SLATE. SHEET-METAL, TILE 8: GRAVEL ROOFERS ARE YOU HONI WA: Miss Dexle: a. Romance of the Pro- vinces. By Stanford Eveleth(.\Irs.VV. J. Dickson). Paper 500. ctmb. . . ‘ . Japan. the Land of the Morning. By Rev J. W. Saunby. B. A. Freely illustrated . ‘ . . . . ‘ . . . , . . ‘ ‘ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . ‘ Motle : Verses Grave and Gay. By J. .Bengougg, l_at_e detog‘ agq‘ér- CANADIAN AUTHORS J. W. Beugou§£y late detor and Ar- tist of Grip. ith 106 original illus- trations. by the author and other Canadian artists . . . . . . . . . . . . , Forest. Lake and Prairie. Twency Years of Frontier Life in Western Canadaâ€"184262. By John McDougall. w ith 27 full-page illustrations by J. E. Lauahlin . . . . . . . . . . l . _ . . . . . l . l l . . . l Etchings from a. ParsonageVeranda. By Mrs. E. Jeffers Graham. W'itb illustrations by J. W. Bengouih . . . . l Lion the Mastiff. A Humane Story. By A. G. Savigny . o . . . . . , . , . . l . . , . , . . l . . . Walter Bake: & Bil. llfliiiï¬ï¬‚. wants soon a: WALTER BAKER & CO. LTD. DORGHESTER. M1138. tory protected; no co sample (weight six to Indy agents to t: agent made $214.53 11 for full particulars‘ Englewood. Ill. For Sale by all Booksellers: WILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher, 29-38 Richmond St. West. Toronto WHALEY.HUYGE& 601914: heap a!) WE WANY THI ADDRISS 0F (VEHY MUIDO TEACHER AND BANDMASYIR IN CANADA. I58 vane: STREET, TORONTO. - CANADA ANTED HEL? $OLD BY GROCERL EVERYWHERE for' NEW BOOKS fetal Ce Music PublishersManufacturers ?nd Importers OF EVERYTHING MUSICAL 7 Our" lmperlal ’ Band Instru- menta Guitars, MandoIin. es. Banjos. Harmonicas. and the Lakes! Music Publi- cationz. 57‘ Don‘t purchase until MUSIC HOUSE CANADA'S GREATEST JOfll’ BRANTFORD. CANADA _BY_ : weight thirteen pounds- sheet steel; capacity 106 its equal; every family lon't have to canvass: as w you have it for sale they aher. Each agent’s tem- competition. \Ve furnish six pounds) in nice case u take orders with: one 3 ï¬rst ten days. VAddrgas. .‘. SOBER. with us for You can r SPECIALTIES : Terra Coma. Tile. Red, ng Slate. Metal Cor- ;Picr‘h. Etc. Gutters. 2d the trade. laid - 8t Widmer Sts ‘ur price TORONTO ER. INDUSTRI‘ tidn' Mfg In vlew of tho many imitation- “men in 9very mg} to muo- ur Show cards ies whatever.†Ont ish VVash- or mam). es dishes xperiepce 5 1t, easxly; oymeun Moiitreal ic easy; at com- re mak- iMed when Jgh 8100 8100 $100 $100