per annum, in adanm “:7 I “1.95; . V’ “ our: gulls: ’lil IS PUBLISHED EVERY {'HURSDA‘I NEORNING AI‘ ’ useuseammmsemraussweucusr, Hm, COURT OF ,uanE, m. ., RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 1‘. F. McMAHO EDIT- it: it Pnorursron. N. KL; I..n.. «V... . _. ,_ BU SIRE; SS CARDS. in (tidal. :45? DR. LANGSTAFF. RICEMOED HILL. EFFECQ‘. "035353 R to E0=a.m.: 6m 8 mm. \‘:,.1. \rri'..s:n_\‘k a. 3:. lil‘TPlnSnN, A 1:,1;.l'rur.l,tu,n.c. ii.('rrui WlLSON 8; llUTCHlSON, RICHMOND HILL, Ont. . @FF‘UUIJ IKGURS Mcm'vrm mun-11W 7"" iliCHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1805. Email. _.... harm- / 4.,A-_d__~u..__.._.,. “an. “M. ’l‘iflEP‘Y. NOTARY PUBLIC. CI>3lJXISSIl5NER In THE "1 Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND llILL POST OFFIl‘E. 1 G "intimacy-(n W S ()mtIS‘I‘nN, L L B LAWRENCE & ORMISTON. Barristers, Solicitors, 86¢. Toronto Oï¬â€™iceâ€"NJJ5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce open every Saturday. your TO LOAN stairs CURRENT RATES .l'. R. MILLER E. J. B. DUNCAN Ham's Ems/“mm BARRYSTV‘JF, SOLICITORS AND NOTAT‘J’ES. I‘orcnto Oi‘l‘iseâ€" 34 Bent: of Commerce Buildings. 19 King Street West. Thornlull Ofï¬ce- Post Ofï¬ce every Wed» ncsday from :o to 12 a. m. GollectionsiuCily and Countrv promptly attended to. Money to loan G.G. S. LISTS 'i' ‘DTON LINDSEY ( liAilLl-TS if. B. BETECNE. 8 to it) a. inn: and t; to 8 p. m. LINDSEY! UNDSEY& BETHUNE Wines-1:17;me in c tit-cl . mifaibliiiï¬‚ï¬ (gig? USED 51' Br. A. Robinson. SURGEON DEK‘I‘XSN‘ :1'11":l“2tl5t~,85l\,li‘thLud 22nd of each month Rich's m l Hill .....9l.':i :m‘l ï¬lth <10 nit tic Pulzncr tinsel Stoiill'rilza . . . . . . . . ..18th, if Sun-lav, 21$? Mti‘xlic'n .. AM); of each nicnl'.) Mt. xlbert on \V v ) tori-146 .. d0 [Ki-’aiiiblirg do w ilston .. (lo Rzlimh‘te G um Amtliciitions used Ip‘lccu required _ 6366!: your Cheap Teeth of Robinson. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S. AiirOinut. w. nails, illillilS‘l,’ A little exist of Pnrkdule station, over W. Collins‘ store. corner of Queen and Norlhcote Avenue, TORONToï¬ utsf‘riiiis, BENTlST, RICHARDSON HOUSE, MAPLE, lst Wednesday Each Month. . Toronto Addressâ€"6'23 Spa-line. Ave., near Hur- y bord St. “summary 1 J. T. McElroy, VETERINARY SURGEON ~â€"-A~.\'Dâ€"â€" VETERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND SHELL, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. with diploma from the Ontario Veterinary Dcutul School, will visit Mauls on Monday and Frillayof eucli Week. and Concord on Friday rum 1 to 3 p. m. Calls promptly attended to Diseuscs of horses, cattle and other domesticatâ€" ed auiuimls treated by the kitest and most 8.1)- }: roved methods. ore I we‘llin TO R ENT. A Store 20x40 ft with dwelling attmched ‘24::sz ft.. to rent in the “lingo ot' Unionville. In me mic or: show win .lows, 7 it. square, 4 counters â€"1 Ala ‘ my a “inter. The buildings are two stories, with high ceilings. Cellar underneath the house. Store-house for feed and grain Zl‘xllu feet. 1. )Julwl bouweeu \Vebbei-‘s h lcl and the past oiiil-c, the host business stand in the vil- uqe. PUSSBn‘JlUlI can be given at once. Apply to SALEM ECKARDT. nionvillc, Oct. 1311,1894. . 15-tf w. HEWESGN,‘ iiuusr PAINTER, ’ Glamor, Hawaiian-r and Prayer-j Hunger. Barristers, Solicitors» Notaries rind Conveyancers. Paciï¬c 13 ziildings, ‘23 Scott St. Toronto. Telephone 2081 Money to Loan «Barristers, solicitors, cw. l'lOI’lONTO AND AURORA. Mr. T. Berlicrt Lcnnnx will he at Kelly’s Hotel Richmond Hill evch VVednesduy,for the trans- action of business. rARi‘IN & Glut/IN, Biriâ€"isters, Solicitors, Conveyancers,l\‘otai~ics, Sn: V 1_ Room 1, 75 Yonge St.. Toronto, LEW oï¬â€˜ces} FMCConaghy'astoi'aRichmuud Hill Richmond Hill Ofï¬ces open Wednesdays, and a member of the ï¬rm Will attend each sitting of the court. Dioney to Loan 0n good Farm Property at low rates 0! interest, COOK, MACDONALD 8: *BRIGGS, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. No. I, Adelaide Street East, Toronto W SALEM ECKARDT, Union ville. J. H. PRENTICE, Cerrville. Eskï¬l‘dt A: PI entice, Licensee Auctioneeu for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment General sales a stock, .309" qrmmptly attended to at ressonnole rates. J C STOKES X) BLUUGH Stokes ,5; Blough. Licensed Auctioneers 10‘: the County of York,re- specttully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the Flattest notice 3111 a reusonabe rates. P. 0.0.dureas King J . 'l‘. Saigccm. Licensed Auctioneer-tier atlas County of York sales attended to on shortest notice and at, rea- snrlmalble rates. Patronage solicited. Residence up 6 J. l). Beadman, Licensed Auctioneer for the f‘ounty of York. General sulusof implemerts, furniture. standing: 0 l1‘.t..,t. . -- ' mi e; e c it tended onï¬hï¬ shuusest notice and r to lend a hand) to den at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. 12.10. address anle. E. Museâ€. cmun scum, 158 KING STREET EAST. TORCNTO Every accommodation to guestt‘. Board, 51. not day THE PALMEii HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Tliisï¬na hotel is ï¬tted up with all the modern appliances for health and comfort. Best brands of liquors Mill cigars. Sample rooms for cmn~ mere-ml travellers. 'Busues meet. all trains. imtcs $1.00 per day. JOHN KELL Y. Proprietor. “virtuaï¬i. . . amen - " WRIGHT BROS, {lzielvriukors ï¬r. Elllbfllllflt‘l‘s, FIEIH‘E’RI furnishings Always on “and Letter. The Tory paprrs cccuse me of making ‘ much ado about nothing when 1 refer to that infamous order-in oumcrl by which, while parliament was in session in July, over one hundred thousand dollars of your money was granted as an increas- armuul snbsuly to the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway and to uliicli I referred in my last letter. The l’ustznuslcr Gtuercl now says it was not his intention to my the increased subsidy until after lie hurl cou- sultld parliament. When he malice llzut stillunmit llc tlncsl not loll the lriilli. Until this iniquitous deal was exposed in these lclli-rs it was nrrmiged that. the Canadian Paciï¬c Would receive their in. creased substdy quarterly to dale from the lst of July last, and that the ï¬rst payment would be made on 30m Seplt'ui‘ Iber. "his fact will be borne out when tho Clll‘rt'SpiHldt‘l'CU that has liliSRCll bo- twucn the government and the Cliuidmu Pacific in connection with this deal has liven laid bciorc parliament. Tlicre is amollici' matter which material- ly Alice‘s yuur l‘lilcl’uSiS and your vmce Sll' ulzl be raised agiiinst it before it is mo late for it may save. you many liuiuln-lla of thousands of dollars. 1!. is a well known fact. llmi some l‘f llu,‘ Cniilriclors who are Constructing the Sillll'dllguï¬ Camel are kicking, :lllil, as a rule, when govern- uncut Contractors luck, tho COHCi‘sslnlls they rvcrirc arc tnozlsuled by llll'li‘ nun generosity. and ilzt! mumth of lllJz'iilll‘y they are prepared to allow in l‘lmplilllllll! ' lollic bugle call of the government‘s political ugmls in clinrgc of the cummligu lurid. St. Louis, tliu clvnlructur for Hip. famous Curran bridge, told the Public ACCI'llllts Cmntnlltec that be burnt, his books because he dill tint want the world to know how much lll‘: had contributed to the elvctlun fuml. The Initial letters, “G. E. F." '(“Vlifcll might. st.m(l for (‘z‘enrgu E. Foster or General Election Fund), ulticli so often appearud in line but kn of RicGle<~,vy and Unutmlll y, and which had CO‘lSltleltiblc to (lo with SCllll‘ ing them: two men to jail. must still be fresh in your memory, for that little episode clist you many thousands of dullars. 1n fuct during the past 1-8 years you have bud many lessons in government contracts and by this time should know that “ for Ways that are dark and tricks lliut are shady the relations between unv- erumeut and contractors are peeliliur. Lrok at this partial record:â€"- A PARTIAL BILL OF FARE. St. Charles Brunch Ruilww'promiscd cost, $136,000; expended upon it $822,- 000 for construction; $900,000 for land damage. Tay Canal: estimated cost, $132,600; eXpeiuled upon it $476,129. Little Rapids Llck; estimated cost, $86,080; already paid contractor, $260,. 000. - Galnps Rapids Channel; contract price, $306,000; paid contractor. $446,500; claim still pending, $30,000. Llingcrln BlriCR; estimated cost, $370,- 000; already paid, $781,000; outstnndiug claim, $250,000, Curran Bridge; estimated cost, $123,- 000; actual cost, $430,000. Hundreds of thousands have been sunk in the same way on the Sliick’s Island Dam,-Cmiuulley-McGrecvy works, Cum quet Railway, Fredericlon Bridge, To- bique Valley Railway, dc, (to. lVe know that a. general election is at hand, and is it a matter of surprise that. “lien we hear there is to be a. cllnnge in classification on the Soulango Canal, with the experience we have, we should view the results seriously in anticipation of the raids on the treasury that are sure to follow. Is the record (uud it. is only a. partial one) I have just referred to, likely to inspiresontideuce in _Lhe government’s honesty? [L is the .duty of every Liberal news- paper (we do not expect 'l‘lu‘y newspapers ounce any change in the contracts entered into by the gov- ernment with the contractors who have undertaken the completion of this Work. A change in classiï¬cation moans opening the doors for the government to ï¬x, re- adjust. and ltlct‘l-‘ase cuntracluis’ prices, and that means hundreds of thousands of dollars out of your poCkels. Cull you point to a public contracl‘tliut has been given by the government during the .pu’dt )6 years that has not burn tampered with! I doubt it. Now this is a nice little point for you to study up. Just look into the matter for yr ursclf and see if you can discover a single contract the government; has let since they came in powrr that the Contractor has not been paid a bill fur extras or in some other may by change of classiï¬cation or alter- atilms, had his contract inllened up in Sllille l llicr way. But let us now lnol; at this nutter in illlOlllL'I‘ way. in u new light in which llw lilll'sllllll lvf golxrntzivut and Contractor has just prosl‘nlt l i'stll‘ to me. run k‘AllllHlt AN!) our; rZSJilL‘N'l‘ m-h'riist Tori. U u farmer cliiill‘uuls to (l livrr u (107.5“ lusts of bay or lwunly cords of wood ill. a ‘ clmtrncls to build a house, or the merch- z NonuEsmtiafs, Libsrl‘y given rate, he has to fulï¬l liis Contract, for if he fails the law finds a way of com- pclliu: him to execute it and without an advance in price either. If the mechanic ant to deliver goods at a ï¬xed rate, the l‘llV steps in and orders him to Complete his Contract nl" go to jail. Is it so when the government comes to deal with the contractor? Oh no nul if the contractor uill submit to a. little blending. r \Vliy has it become the invariable cus- tom for the government, who makes the law which compels the farm-er and mechanic and the laboring mun to keep his contracls. to permit. its own con- tractors to default or break their con- tracls when they discover that in llll'll‘ estimates they did not calculate on a sufï¬cient margin of proï¬t to enable tlicm to respond to the call {or electiwii funds u illi lhzit dcgrce of liberality the govern- nlwil demanded. Why should tliere be twu laws; one for the farmer, mechanic and laboring classes, and another for the government. ("m- lractor'l Answer that, question if you cam. if you do not know you Slll‘lllll‘ liurc curiosity enough to ï¬nd out. Ynu have enough at stake to intcrest you. if the country could only be brought to renltzu \vliut nu important factor the gUVQ‘l‘ll’HCHb CHLDI‘HC’JH' has pl'OVUd lll every 'l'ui'v cmnpugn, and the millions of (lull-ire l'f your money that his been: thrown into the. same contractor‘s incl-(H to bc again returned to the “ G. E. l" ," as McGreuvy aid Conn ~lley would Cull it. i tliiuk a. more careful study would be given of the government’s ways and means for raising campaign funds lll‘tll is now given by tlwse who are fouling llli’. bills. 15â€"“ Vaughan Uouncil The municipal cvnuucil of the township of Vaughan met at the town hall on 'l‘ucsdny, ilic liitli duy of August, 1805. at L’. p. m. The leave in tllv chair. Members present: Messrs. Arnold, Bryson, Kirby, and \Vutsun, Minutes of list meeting Wcrc read. aui ncllzpted. '1 he following claim for 5 sheep killed by dog or dog», valued at $l5, was pro Skilllcd by Mulcugn Watson. llix-ved by Mr. Bryson, seconded by Mr. Kirby, that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following claim for sheep killed by dog or dug), be- ing two-thirds their value: To Mulcoui Watson, 5 lambs killed, $l0.â€"Curr:cd. l‘lth'd by Mr. Kirby, Secllllded by Mr. Bryson, that the trcasurcr be and is here- by authorized to pay the following l‘oud achuutS: District No. 1~â€" Patrick Bropliy, putting in culveut on 4th 6011., lot. 18..... . . l 50 Henry Rumble, 0‘. lords gmvel G 10 Win. Kuwe, putting in culvert 3rd com, oppostte lot 21 3 00 N. Young, putting in culvert be‘ 1 tweun lots 15 and 16, con. 1 00 R.Rulnblo,druwiugV Cedar to Line's I and Hadweu‘s bridges M. . 8 00 R. Rumble, for ‘28 loads gravel... 2 80 Henry Marsh, 7170 feet plank at. $13 per M 93 21 District No. 2â€"â€" Edwurd Jarrett, repairing hill on 7th (301)., lot 14, $4; and hauling plank and replanking bridge on side road between lots 14 and 15 con. 9, 7 00 James W. Dcviuc, for plank and repairing culvcrts,one half to be charged L0 York township. ...... . 1 75 Wm. Watson, for 5 18 inch plpes at 55c.per ft. , $5.50; and 5.8 :n. at. 17%;. per ft..$l.75; pllllik Si, being one liulf,iuid 4 cedar posts at 15c. per post, 60c Henry Marsh, for 1008 ft. plimk at $16 per M . . . . .J. L Card, 882 it. pine plank at $15 per 34., $13.23; 36 f5. pino scmitlmg, 54.3.; 80 ft. guarding, 800 ; and 48 ft. pine 6x6, at $14 per 51., . 15 ‘14 Neil Black, stone,brush and build- ing breakwater at Mrs. Thomâ€"- sun’s bridge, $50; and $8 extra . at Mrs. Thomson’s bridge......... 58 00 District No. 3* J. L. Card, for 10 ft. cedar 10x10, at Mo; 16 ft. 8x0 at 70.; erick- lug and repairing at, Gougli's 4 97 J. L. Card, for 24‘. ft. 10x12 alt 8H3 per foot, and Work on Kleinburg bridge . . 7 E7 J. L. Card, 100 ft. of guarding at $l0 per M.; 10 ft. of cedar, 286 it. pine and cedar at 140 ; 795 it. hemlock plank, 137 lbs. spikes, and pulling down and building new blillge at How- lund's rucu . . . . .. . .. Henry lllursli, 1‘35 it. cf plank at $13 per M .............. R. Agar, ‘2 duyu’ work on road ‘2. 00 vâ€"Currled. Moved by Mr. Arnold, secoudcd by Mr. \Vulauu, that this council approves 350 17 56 of the resolution iasscd b ’ the Muililiuui . l } "ouncll, and will attend the meeting in Tui‘unln: and the Clark is hereby in- slrlictt‘d tn notify the clerk of Markham of llllS rcsuluiion.~Curried. liyâ€"law No. (548 was then passed as~ sessinq tlin sevcrzil School Sucllmls and Union Scbml sections in the township for the present year. By-luw 645) was passed for making a. npcci‘il assessment for the several Sciiovrl scclinns and the Union School sections which come under tlin provisions of the Act. the council llien adjourned until Tues- (luv, the 10th day of September next, to meet at ‘2. p m. a. BEES NALS. Miss Russell, oi Brandon, Mair, is visiting Mrs. W, H. Glass. Mrs P Bassiugthwaile is spending a. week with rclntires in Toronto. Miss Stella Morris has been visiting friends at Eglllllon and in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sheppard are on it visit to Barrie and other places. Mr. {nylon and Miss Heyton, of Wiscon- sin, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. Lillic. Miss Gruingw, of Toronto, is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. 11.1“. Hopper. .lr. G. Wariru and son, Muster Roy erucu, of Markham, urc- making a visit Willi Mrs. ll: h‘v‘létlil. Mrs. W. V. Draco, of Dl'lr'lll, paid a flying Vltib lo lllchmoud Hill lust Welsh, and culled on u few of her friends. Mr Miles, (E Toronto, a former clerk iu the 'L'urouto Financial Corpumtinu here, was in tch Vlllugc on Monday. The Misses Clam, Em and Corn Vaucamp, of Toronto, Spent Monday and Tuesday with Mrs. W. A. Siiudcrson. Mrs J Clarkson, Miss Myrell Clarkson and Mr A h; BttSFiDglllWalle spent Monday with \ir P Dissingthwuite. Miss Emma Wiley, of Detrort, and Miss Kylr’, of Tomato, are making 3 Visit with their taunt, Mrs. G. ‘Wiley. 1):. Hutclixson spent a week with his wife and family at Grimsby Pnrk and returned to his practice a few days ago. Messrs. l3. Pavt'ell and A. Shierk played with the Aurora lmnd at the ï¬remeu‘s ex- cursion to Miilluud last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Trench, of Eist To- ronto, bpéï¬l‘. Sunduy with friends in the village and returned home Monday after- noon. Mr and Mrs T Hicks and Mrs R Sivers re- turn from Thornton to-day, where they had been unending the funeral of Mr Hicks’ and Mrs Sivcr‘s lather. Mrs Nul‘l‘ls and her sister, Miss Siveri, of . annnto, spent nit-w doyswitb their relatives here and rclurued on Monday. Mr Norris also/spent Sunday here. Mr. J. E. Clubine, principal of Eglinlon Public school, was in the village in day or two ago cilliug on old friends. llirsfllubiue and baby rim spending a week or two at lluple with J. I). McQuarrie, Esq., Mrs. Clubine's father. Mrs G Masmi and Miss Annie Mason re- turned from Grimsby Park on Monday. They came home a Cuuplé or weeks sooner than they had intended, as Mr Mason had happened with a rather severe bicycle ac- cident a few days before, in Toronto, but who is now progressing favorably. DEATHS CEADWICKV‘AL his residence, lot 7, 2nd con. East York, on Monday. August 19th, James (‘bad- wi , uged 7T~yeurs,»l months. Hunsiasi-Lrâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Saturday. the 17Lll of August, James Henuesey, aged, DU years. GOGâ€"00917000000 O 00000-00000?) g ‘VQoh-ï¬or’s é ' Esr‘é:ozfssaï¬onal§ E333 ï¬ionary t) Invaluable" if: omce,ScimoI,2md Ifome New from Cover to Cover ’ 4, Successor of [hp . ‘ = l “ Unabridged. " r . ‘ Standard of tl‘re l 5_. U. S. Gov‘t l’riut- ‘ iii: Ollicc. the U. 5. Supreme Court and of nearly all the Sl'lloolbtlblis. “’armlv comâ€" “\(‘hdt‘d by State. Supcrintvnllcnts of Schools, and oilii-r Ellucumrsalâ€" most without num- hL‘I‘. rcn: f'tarilfnr'rl Authority, llN Ill)“. 1). .l. Brew-er, l'. 5, Supreme l‘cuit. ' lo-it writes: 'h llto eyo ï¬nds tit» ('IITIH'X of deï¬ni- ‘ iiie‘tlimls‘l in iiidi- E 0 i “ For . " . ]‘K‘l‘llllll(‘iflilnh, for turso )‘k‘l - ‘ “naive l-ilill"!l0hl~ of full“. ‘ ctiv'ii iau- an it working “(Bic umrv, ' rr's lilti‘l'ilillillllill' : "excels any “Hm-1' r: ltt‘! - \nlume.†c. .c- (i, Miami; if (10., Publishers, n-ï¬x'iz‘lri, “11534., 1.. .l V. inf-Spud fl) .h > y trig-r lw lml lviy l“.