who are engaged in a most noblc christian work, therefore membe the Methodist body will be pleas see ministefs of the gospel like Mr. Hunt, and others, condemn utterances of the foolish young 1 Only bigotsfland we regret to there are many of thenlhiiitl'tilgt 01' even listen to, the vilifying of sacriï¬cing women who spend r of their time in administering to wants of those stricken with dis The Rev. Mr. Hunt closes his 1 city bleé 0111 ma t11( that return t’orial] y rcferr'u Ma try 11 invit< Hon. question. The l‘ove Ml'. Laurier public and priva every person 21(11 Hon. Edward and his genera wonderful I debatcr. 'I father to th‘ doubt, is t and Empire Rev. John Hunt, a former p Richmond Hill circuit, has a l The Globe of Tuesday, cond‘ Rev. Mr. Cobourn’s sermon p] on Sunday, the 11th inst, to of Omngenien and Lady True in the city. Methodists are n( to abuse of their Catholic High School will re-opcn 0 next, the 26th inst. Pupil pose attending during the should be in attendance on RICHMOND HILL. Thursday vertising columns th High School will 1‘0- ing day, as it is very import present when the classes are and the lessons are assign many pupils~â€"and espec? who have failed at a prev ination by a few marksâ€" last half 01' the year. There is no safety in any such custom. Those who expect to take a certiï¬cate next summer should make up their minds not only to attend regularly, but to work diligently every day duling the: next school year. absur think that from schoo last 1] )lll‘C isc M B W< rll' 1‘) HIGH SCHOOL RE» OPENING abuse of their Uam thcr do they 1001: 11pm ‘ers of charity as other NEW ADVERTISEMENTS istian ‘11 In l(( he “ï¬ihsml. W W wa n t and ll alt person admires the rful power as an 1‘. The wish 15 to the thought, z “'S COBOURN CONDEMNED Olll hat they ma {1001 during t1 certiï¬cate by t'of the year am ilfrid 1( )( Lshâ€".‘ Garv CI‘E E) 111' ThC announcement in our ad U‘G :e 111" )11€ alt J. R. Arnoli 'in 6: Garvin UT YE] Cl V llf distill f as other that women d in a most noble and val itc )H 2 111' .11‘1 may remain aw mpire‘ “am sterh afï¬rm trans e lilgllmontl £1111 open on Monday Pupils who pur- 19 the ï¬rst term 1h as n educat 1E 7K ssig'ucd. '] )ecially th filst term, and unending the There is no Tl: )leased t re apt to l 11' )1' IS exam tlli 1 for hi 11 nt 11d HilI Blue mu( 1 tln man Rev i\‘( nd Mai I‘l 111 111 'ten 11] .1 I] 11 kJ ‘r d of Mrs. may be 1 rtime. Now is sllouldmi along t0 bluW of t has been em arml fan-Iv “in iAna‘rBws & Baaiey, MAPLE. Not. having seen any newa from Hiis town I (huught a few items vmuld not be out nf place. Farmers are verv busy at present with their harvest, which has kept the people hlisy this last wuek, but are getting pretty Well through now. Mr. Jacob Eyer having been the ï¬rst in this town to ï¬nish. Mrs. J. Eyer, has-returmd after a visit of mu weeks wiLh her daughter, Mrs. David Widemanqurmiey. Miss Gertie Lynett,i3 visiting “ith her almf, Mrs. Thornton, Urihia. Father Lyneu. paid a flying visit with father and mother on Sunday. We are Sorry to learn nf the sickness of Mrs. Nicholas Lynett, but hope she may be enjoyng gntld health in 'u shunt of M 1‘ last. works credit I he did. vassmg The nights nickle ï¬nis} 'Do you want to buy with the Mr. J. A'll About Now is the time you houldeï¬ng their forks Jung to the threshing tluw of the whistle men as been qmte a bit of t nt around here. The all'ly well and i5 a gm mrley which is a brew vir. N. Slinev’s new tio’ns six-k formqtlo: tdiï¬ (5915 5‘ tea} and sch Patents t ecml notic t us are bn out cost to issued week] world. :53 a year. Sample co iesseutfree. Building 1511mm“: mom-Lily, $2.00 a year. Single copies. 2.} cents. Every Dumper contains beau} timl plate& in colors. and uotogmfhs of new houses. with plans. enabling ullders oabow the Iago}: "2 agent“; contrgqsa- Address Abply The Misses Niel] '1‘ f EUN‘NE’CGZEEWYdeCE iii; Baumâ€"â€" "WAY. Money to Loan 05h IOU or Urlce ing the “chase 85 pairs Children's and Ladies’ Hose, black and Tan, sizes 7 in. to in. Your choice 50. pair. It 100 3113. American Challiesy 1m een \' \V ‘ert with grit: (1 him for H'll Dairy Town Ill Lloydtown any time, by ‘ ‘etury. Mr. G: She rwoodâ€" mr Ht lot it hu mlty ,8 an {one t. per x1.- learn “(the Lynett, but I :nud health in awn) ning considerable can two weeks. :11 is practising thre: :, and are opal for a me. by communicating pretty new (5 sutisfm of tllrcuhiu The Brain flw'd. means w lll W l an 10H Oily, and Miss were ‘he gnrsts :min on Sunday nay Mr )HI'U mcl ‘t M AL OFFK .{ chmnn-J N] nr tramping I". One at Barnett m the US .1 what King men this the ‘ann ll] [It] il‘ “I I ma Wes aim Styles of flamesga ‘FINE â€" HARNESS - A - SPECIALTYWVm R. Proctor, A150 fun lines Of EUEVyt/IZ/ng i RICHMOND HILL. BUGGV DUSTERS’ } Up to éï¬e and pï¬ces “‘ I mJï¬esiflema m sage; KNFF snas‘ DRY G [s a speedy cure bath children at Agents For all kinds of Hardware, Chums, Clothes \Vringers, Carpet Sweet Barbed \Vire, Black \R’lre, Galvanized Wire, poultry ting, Foxksfllukes, Spades, Shovels, Hinges,’l‘able & l’c Cutlery, Creamers, Tin Pails, Milk Pans,und all kim 'l‘inware in stock or made to order, Eave Troughing, Rooï¬ng of all kinds, Furnace Work, Stoves, and all lunz work in the tinsmith line. Repairing promptly done. P ï¬ght 0. M.A.SON. 171 King St. E BUGGV DUST ERS, KNEE EU83. FLY NETS. WHIPS, &6. Homeflealth (Registered) dARNESS SEW? Repairing promptl‘y attended to. GeoA RIcDonaId, â€"- Bicluuond E11211. HGME-HE THE HOME-HEALTH REMEDY CO., TORONTO. . G. ELLIOT? Clearing ' GGGDS, CLOTHING, HATS, f ARD‘VVARE STORE For Bargaim 13 {(131 NK()ND III]! 1]; RIOIEMOND HILJ... r Diurrlmet, Dysmntery, Summer Complaint, urown Davida“ Pleasant to take. 25‘cehts I rowu 1 )‘Eï¬ETGPrGIS'f‘S .. DANIEL& C< oronto, Blackberry (3011113011536; Is the place to go for TS, CAPS, &c., ELLTH BOOTS AND SHGE (R mrcd. The-y are all cut! lid-'1‘ persona] Sllp<‘rl'lsil t lenmdies that. can 111sz egistered)‘ Up to date and price right. Call and see th goods whether you war to buy or not. Opposite Clyde ulway SEGES ls 01 Iron is of BAN}? 8?er : YGNQE BANK - 0F - TORONTO payable at par my! all the J.L.I\OSS, - - Manager. 338E UiST. WWQQL FERE iï¬Ã©iï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ 68' VJ COAL, \NOOD A comfortable B-roonmd brick with large kitchen, Woodshcd um situated in the centre of the Vi mond Hill, nuur to High and 1 balls and churches. Size 0! lot 84 10:) feet. in depth. Jr EEMEEEAHGE ii {EEEEBAL nhsiumm MAPLE. elivered on shortest 11 price Enquire of the Proprieto: e Furms atiul). H. JACKSON, l‘v: J De 011L1le muerica, Also the 5 Disc( Insurance Agent vtul )tes cash Drafts and vlll H'IH SLABS nice at. reasonable rles and DION- ne to suit. the mess is tran3~ TH? LIBERAE n for cnllcc 1V! A'PTJT‘. of charge 'led to‘ “Elie schools. feet from bv J dwelling Lune cellar :e of Rich Nation m,