like RICHMOND HILL, 'l'liurgdiiv, I... () (3 As. 11 Mr. T. Hi-rberl Diiiiox will be at Kell)"s Hotel every Wednesday. Dr. F J. Gullaiioiigli, V. 8.. visits Ilicb- mimd Iiill prllikï¬il-ID‘Illy on Wednesdays only, during Julv and August. Two C1I:S bttb Bulimia for 250. at the Concrete. Kiiothcr circus will ho in Toronto on tho Qllih of August, and. like all the rest, it will be " the greatest show on mirth." If you want a good Trunk or Valise cheap go to Harrison's. 4... Eiciling bicycle lflCtS will be held on the Island Truck on Friday and Saturday, the 23rd and 21111 of August. Many of America's fusion! fl; ers will be there. Bulger‘s and L n‘nhy's Saliiliï¬ed Table Jellies, pints Q for 351*. at the Concrete. The School Board has granted Mr. I". H. Kirkpatrick leave (if llllr’r‘lH‘O to attend the Ottawa Normal School. He has guaranteed to supply a good teacher I') his placc, and return and resume ivuili some time in De- timber. If you Want Whips or Dusters get them cheap at Harrison‘s. The Iiiehmond Ilili juniors expect their lacrosse friends from Auiora down iii-mor- row afternoon (Fridml lo nlav the return match in llie pail: llHYf‘. Now, let L13 see that you all act like li.lle gentlemen! Pickling Vinegar 401:; gal. at the Concrete. An Ice Cream Social will be held in the Presbyterian church to-morrow (Friday) evening. Admission 10 centsk All are cordially invited. All fancy Sarmv flats at half price now at the Concrele. Ball. and Supper. ‘ A Harvest U'Hlll' Ball will be held at the the Queen’s H-wiul. Tllfll'lllilll, on Friday evening, August Blllll. .-\‘l are cordially in- vited to be prcsmil. Tickeis 51.00 The best Cheese 1‘21; cents per lb. at the Concrete. Cridit Sale. Credit sale (if horu‘w‘, vehicles. houacliold furniture, &r, the pi ipcrly of Dr Yilson, Richmond Hill, on Frill-23', AugustRO li,al1 .g‘clock p in. Turns 5 months. N l5 Smith. auctioneer. Two lb=. For: (‘1 .‘..l linking Powder for 25 (ï¬lls at We CullClPlll. . More Light It is not S'lTl‘pllrllig that several of our cilizcns are asking why the street lamps are not lighted (hi-so .lziik night's. If the coun- cil feel l‘oat, by saving omil oil, they are practising rcoiy‘li‘ they li-Id lielii‘.‘ (ll‘pr‘sc of the lamps ‘ilii: .. Surely they were not got. l'llFl‘Gi_'-‘ f -l‘ (n n in ii :s. igraut ‘ersn'in c- it a fair trial. i.. . Badge Get a [in of Liz' ll‘ " x w H -. . left a. me L'UIILTL lo, and g, Credit Sala. Will be sold by p'il-Iic rid-lion. on lot 15, roar of 7th Cllll. Tiliikliani, on Thursday, Aug. 291b, the licuz-zrliold furniture, farm stock, impleziiiiitiz, ‘lilfl also a ï¬rshelass farm, the property (:f the late Jacob Wis- mcr. Sale. at 1 o'clock. Terms for furni- ture, &c., months; terms of farm Eckardt 6: made known on diiy of sale. Iz’renticc,auctiuno ~ ‘27 lbs. Gi'anulalcil Sugar for Si, 34 lbs. good Yellow Sugar ibis \veek. Atkinson dc Swilzer. Tlie Di-cnni-il mceliiig of the High Courl, A. O. F, will be held in Guelph next week, commencing on Moiidi‘iv, the 26th. Bro, T. Newton. (3. 11.. will be the delegate from Couit Richmond. lie Court hire were anxious to attend the demonstration as a body on Monday l-ut us they could not gel what they thought. reasonable rxcursion rules from lhe Grand Trunk Railway ihey gave up the idea, Sugarâ€"Sugnis are cheap. We are pleased to quote prices as follows: 27 lbs Granu- lated for $1 : 35 lbs. good Brown Sugar for $1. Naughion Pros . I‘l‘gin Mills, York Roads A meeting of l'tDrt‘SEl‘itfllIVES of the various municipalilips opposed to the York roads be- ing assumed by ibe lociil municipalities, will be held at the Clvde hotel, Toronto, on Monday unit, the ‘26 li inst, Commencing at 10.30 n. in. It is to bc hoped that the ques- tion of York roads maintenance will be thoroughly discussed, as many people in- terested in good roads feel that Yonge street will never be lz-lpl. in proper condition if it has to be taken care of by the local munici- palities. Presentation Last evening the members and friends of the Presbyterian congregation met at the church and spent a social time together. Duiiug the evening the teachers of the Sab- bath school, and ilic bible-class, presented Mr A E lliiclcan, their la'e superintendent, with a handsomely hound set of Thackery's Works, as wall as with a copy of “ Beside the Bonny Ilrivr Bush." Rev Mr Grant made the prCSl‘lliillllll iii a clever speech, and Mr llaclcan thanked his friends in up- prcprialc words. Branch Law Ofï¬ce As will be seen by professional card on another page, the welbknown law ï¬rm of Garvin & Garvin, 'l‘orouto, are about to open a branch oflice in [his village. A member of the ï¬rm will [9 at Mr. McConaghy's boot and shoe store on Wednesday of each week, commencing the first Wednesday in Septem- ber. They will after that date he in a position to give personal attention to any and all bussness placed in their hands. They will also attend each sitting of the Di- vision Court held here. Egéliralfl l l l Musical Programme. , The Tillage hand “ill render llie following l progruiiirno oii Councillor Palmer's lawn on Siiiiiiliiy owning lil xi: M wich . . . . . . . . Fifth Annual . . . . . . . . .‘Eiivdcr Servo-ill» . . . . . . Fun I ill'ul'ls. . . . . .Ii'ithbuu Waltz .Li-ilo llorrilt†...lSeiineti T l Barnum- lluigrvilouAlareiigo . . . . . . . . Ripley (lziii-krlep . . . . . . Ci) Piiraile .. . . . . Sulilhwoll Musical Siuasuup (‘;illllll'l:<) . . . . . .Ilolliiisoii \l'allz . . . . . . . . Suerihi'ari . . . . . . . . Soulhwcll . vaircll . . . . . . . . . . Gladiator . . . . . . . . . . Sousa , “'HllZ .... . . . . . . . . Fay . . . . . . . . . . . . Scch March . . . . . . illiinluttan Buncli.... ...°bu5a Fibre Chamois, Grass Cloth, in black, cream and brown, Collar CnilVRS, Black Cun- Vll-‘i "Illl lie-st Iliess Liiiiiigd, great value, at the Uiiiinrilo. Died 3: 90 Mr Jain†Tll‘llllGFl‘y, for muny yours a citizen of this place, xiii-d on Sflilll'drly morn- ing at the ripe aim. of 9-) years, The fuiicriil Look plllCl‘ from his lute residence on Mon- diiv morning at 9 o‘clock, wh-n service was held iii St Mary‘s (It (3) church. The prislm', Rev P McMahon. lllllï¬v l'f‘ié‘rl‘k'll to the kindly disposition of rho llvllll'led, saying that he had lllnilP Prt'plll'ï¬ililll for the change, and made his peace with his God, after Which the speaker preached a very impress- ive Iwrunm on the Sillijr’cl " Dl-lllll,†stating that In die \vi-ll it is iiicc<s.iry to livo woll. A large concurrse of people afterwards fol- lowed the remains to Thliinliiii cemetery for interment. The Lost pni'c leaf Lard 11c. per lb, or in 10 lb. (guiiiiiiin-i 19.2. per lb. iii llio Comic-lo. Church to be Sold. 011 September 7tli the Reformed Presby- teriiin church, at 2B and BO Carlton street. Toronto, will llL‘ sold, the lrnstc-M, Mr-ssrs. Uassde, Casscls and Brock, believing this step to be in the interest of tlic churcl1,asit is somewhat in “bill. This church, which claims to use the only true Presbyterian form of worship, viz, the Psalms of David in lieu of liyiiiiml music, slicedcd from the larger body Several years ago. The pulpit has been occupied for the past year by the Rev. Robert Hume. The sale will be by public auction and subject to an 98,100 mortgage held by a local trust company. Toilet. Soup, .5 lb. Oatmeal and CllSille bars 50. per bar; ‘2 rakes Morsc's Old Brown Windsor for 5a.; Albert Toilet Soup Co's, Baby's Own Be. a cake. Atkinson 62 Swiizcr. Fire Bugs in Aurora. At10.30 o‘clock Monday evening lhc T. R. freight house iii. Aurora. was cuiiri-ly burned, together with u quaiilily of grain, merchandise and machinery. The ï¬re had made such progress \vli ii discovued that ii. was impossible to remove aiiytliiiii: or to slay the flames. The losers lll‘l‘, of grain, Graham Bros., and A. Unit; of liicicliiiiidise, J. \Vhimstcr. “'iu. (Jiigli and Towns d; (20., and of iiuploniriits, J. Fleury‘s Sans, who had a large (pinniin of manufactured goods stored ready for hill shipment. It is sup- poscd to be ii caSc of iucciidiiii‘ism. Total loss $5,000. An allrnipt was made a few “'eilirl ago to ill‘l‘ Hit same building. Laundry Soap, lllCllï¬ld‘r’ Pure, 4 his for 23c; Law son's \‘Condciful Soup 5 bars for 230. . lllFrlll‘l Illcclric, 7 bars for 5-25 cents; Our Own Electric, 12 bins for 260.; Sun- light. 180. ii pack , . Send 1‘3 wrappch of liiciinrd‘s Plait- ta haddock and gel 2i book, or 12 Mappers (if iiliglit lo lilivlllu and get a book. .v‘li'.l..i.ooii it S'ailzci‘. C01.- p'irriciiraiy Reference. Goo. (licvi r is and: oily cl :zcd lllil’rl'1QlllL) heavy weight lacrosse players of Ibis prov lllCe. Since the via) disbanded here Some time ago l‘c has. played Willi N'W‘V'Zflilllfl'l, who are now Cir-H ms of the Midland dis'rict. The Sun lzzsl ‘nuf-ii rifii'reil to his brilliant play in the championship match liotweeu Markham and Nwi‘.‘iiiiii'l-;«t as follows:â€" "Glover, 0f lill’lllllllnd Hill, did excellent work, being! at all times ill the right. plaice, and the Newmiirkct cry of ‘ Got it Glover!‘ showed the dependence put in the Richmond Hill man by tho visitors." 13in to kncw that Glover is ‘J. good “111.1,â€. is l)"CJSSltl‘y to see him pliy, lltellutc you Would not find out by tall-1mg to llIlL‘. The Quick Shine Shor- L‘Encking Ii selling fast; 2 [)0st for SC. at the Concrete. Iii Saiurday's Storm. Monday's dailies give an account of a terriï¬c storm which swept over lloiideau harbor, a few miles from Uhiilhum, on Sat- urday afternoon. Tlil‘l'e are about tweiilv cottages at this suiiiinnr li'ï¬ll‘it, and there were before the aloini about fifty family tents nearly all occupied. Only two of the tents stood the storm, \vliiie anvoral of the cittugcs were almost demolished. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bruckiii and family, formerly of this place, were among ili lrU “Lo fuï¬l‘JT‘d from ll 6 storm. Mr. Brackiii, who ii pliiicipul of one of the Cllulllllm schools, had three large tents, every one of which was SWPpt into the Bull. While the family wcie fleeing for clielter a brick chimney was blown off, and some of the debris was hurled on Mrs. Brackiu, who nairowly escaped with her life. A score of persons Were more or less hurt, but, fortunately, no one was filiillv iniured We are showing now better value in Coi- tonade Shirtiiiiz and Tweeds than we ever did. Atkinson dz Swilzcr. Private Picnic. On Monday liiet (bviog Toronto‘s Civic Holiday) the Misses Elleton entertained a number of their friends to a private picnic which \VllH held at Bond’s Luke. Games, dancing, boating and other amusements were indulged in, after which refreshments Were armed, and it is needless to say ample iuetico was done to [be tempting viunds which were prepared for them. Towards evening llie jolly piiily wooded ihiir way homewuid, having spent a verv enjoyable ailernOoii. 0n arriving home they repaired to their capricious hall room, where a most enjoyable conceit \VllB held. Among those who look part were: Miss Dawson, Mr. F. W. H. Cnles, and Mr. G. l‘lC'vaP, who de- serve izi‘ciit credit for the excellent way in which they entertained the party with their songs. During the evening Mr. H. P- Mo- Cloary, Mr. L. E. Moyer and Miss A. Ellstou gave a very laughable farce entitled "The German .I’rinceas."Y The evening was brought to a close by an impromptu dance. The young ladies are to be congratulated on the excellent way in which they entertained their guests. ;ou Sept. lit and 2nd, 189."), Harvest Festival and Tea. 1 The members and friends of the Zion Lutheran Church, 4th can. Yiuglnm, w'i.l hold their annual harvest fislival and we 'l'ru will hr ‘ followed by an entertainment, Consisting of recitalions by Miss Ina Fonwick, of Toronto, and mu-ic by the llutluiiville Lllllll‘l‘lll] l Choir, assisted by Elev. J. 1". “web, form: rly , of Philadelphia, Pa. A‘leo slioi‘l. nildrcdsvï¬ by the following rev. gvnlleineii: U. A, (Ininpbcll,A. Bedfoid, II. B. Siarka and J. F. Brucli. On Sunday, at 10330 ft. iii., a l sermon will be delivered by Iiwv 1‘». .ll. Starks, of the Pittsburg Synod, I’d. Mr.‘ l Starks will also, in the evening at 7 o‘clock, ll give an address, subject, " \Vllllt I saw and Hot]. N. C. Wallace, M. I’., is l‘XIlPCl‘d to prrsrde. Tea served on Monday from I to El p. in. Entertainment to comiin-nco at 8. Tickers, adults, '25 cents; children If; cents. _ No pains will be spared to make this Dvcnt boil] innerestiug and prl‘lllilhle. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Races at. Woodbridgc, bl’ldge Driving Park Al‘stlcllllll)“ was bald iii the 19ih inst. Avery fair crowd was pros out to witnrss the sports. In the foolbnll competition feur teams iiilcrcil. Fiist.,1‘iniz Grove faced the ALlllCllci, of Toronto, when the former Were Vlclilrinlls. ’l hon (he Tliistles, of 'POFODh0,SUCCUIhbl‘ll to Nobleh n. after which the two Victorious lellUH played off, when Pine Grove won the priz», which was a dozen silk handkeichiefs. ’J‘lin llllle bicycle race, best two in thick, wan won by Wm. Nose, Fred Smith llllilllg second prize. The horse trotting resulted as leliiWE.‘ ‘2 50 trot.â€"â€"1. J. Palmer's Loi-riia; ‘2, 1‘3. Jackson's Bella J.; 3,131uselt‘s Wile-Awake. llosl time 2 49%. Free-for-ull trot.â€"-â€"1, A. I‘roctoi's Dick French; 2, S. Kaiser‘s Pied U ; 3. U Stone's , Henry 6. Best time 2.30. '.l he lodges Were I). lllea (siurtcr), Kelly, J. Carr. Albcrl Iliiiris. eccreliiry. J. during the afternoon. Successful Candidates. i Last Friday’s dailies brought good news to some anxious candidates, Wl.illl niiiiiy i others were doomed to ilisxippoiiilinviil,. The 3 £01 owing shows the successful Cllnlll\illl(‘rl for neighboring school-i: Auroraâ€"Junior lcaiiiigaA, (liailain. L. Webster. Matriculation ~13. Yulc, W. it iw- land,French, German; II. Illiiiili'i u, Lilllll.‘ German; H. Warren, French, (ii-iinuii. Markhamâ€"Junior lcu\'ii~.gâ€"-.\I. il.i-‘gl r, I“. Button, J. Dohertv, T. (Hm-ii, I“. llllltlt‘l],1b. Johnston, E. Jordan. E. Lily, S. Nlll'l'lrl, A. Thomson. Senior leavingâ€"ll. (‘li:ipiiiaii,l,‘. l Flint, L. Forfur,1i Jordan. A. Kl'lllltidy, II. llicketts. Matriculation-“ii. Wiilcs. Newmarkct~Juiiior lamingflw. Davis, E. Gibson A. Lehman, Ii. l’unic, l)‘ Porter, H. Richardson. 0. \Vcslcy, Ii. \‘.‘i«:.ley; I". Robertson, Latin. Matriculationâ€"A. liow. ard; E. Connolly, chemistry; Ii Ililhiiie; llï¬ Holingsheud, [Lklln griminiir, French authors. Richmond Hill-â€"~Junior lowingâ€"W. Glass. Westonâ€"Junior leii'iiig-»â€"J. Elliott, .French; I“. Elliott, L. McIiiiics. Matricu- liiliou-R. Parsons, physics, French. September Delinciitor. In the Septcmber number of (he Duliiiealor lllB display of fashions for iho coming season is exceptionally lurgi‘, (Hle lll'J ~i'\l.s im- handsome enough lo :-'.iii lie in at mid: iiig taste. The issue is also l'liliilliiu [or the variety and qiiali‘iv of ill(‘ ll’u-liivll miller. llrs. Pryor‘e alllclel- ou lllt‘ S-Jl'lul I; do Cllllv ltinue, a. d this month the Dehlll‘llilu in con- sidered in a most iiiiwrcsliiig way; Amy Ituyson, a famous gi'iiilii.iic oi Giiion Col» lege, writes of a girl's life ibi i'c llllkl at X “Wuâ€" hum, the two best known 11» gli>li Colleges for women; Edith M. Thomas, in Ullllllt'ulluu with Dr. S. 11. Elliott, talks of woman as a writer, and Mary Sulltlluk Woo‘inun priicii~ callv treats of pliiii [ltll'tllUWOI‘ii as an em- ployinent; Mrs. Sara Milli r liirby caiiiiiines her valuable Series on lilllill‘l‘gllllcll woik, and Harriet Keith Forch Hives {iii-iliiâ€"r lu- structiiuis in buriit dccoiiiiious. Tho house hold departments are well ri'pi'i-seiiiril in the choosing and prcpuriiliriii of meals, season- uble cookery, the housekeeper. uiiil pneer- ration and renovation. Iiisliueli in and en- tertainment are provided in around the timâ€" table, and some novel iimii<ciiients, and the newest books are reviewud. In knitting, netting, tailing and crocliuting iimv designs are illustrated, will] dlscl'llillulls for lunbiug. Coligny College, Ottawa. This well known Young Liidios’ Collegu takes lrout rank among toe educational iii- stitutiona of the country. The tciichilig staff embraces specialists in lth-ll' seweral de. parlmenls, who have had successful experi- ence in their plUf'ISSlOU, and who are ladies "of culvu're and refinement. The building (.c- cupieaa most eligible site in the oupiiiil of the Dominion, and is a liuirahly flflvlpbtlkl fi r educational purposes. It is spacious, with large, airy class rooms and bed rooms; all beautifully furnished, ligliled by gas, LIUlllf-d bv the most approved system of hot water apparatus, and supplied with every modern Appliance ï¬tted to secure the health and comfort of the students, including but and cold WITH“ bath. There '11 accommodation for about. sixty resident pupils, but the num- individual attention may' be given to each. Not more than two students occupy the same bed mom. and Eth'l'lll of the rooms are single. The dining llilll is It huge, sunny room, and the table is of eiiperici quality, The assembly hail ‘SUILIS coiiifuriably about four hundrid per-Suns. It is u~od im- con. certs and other FOPllll Ulllt‘f‘lillllllll‘llls of the pupils. The libruiy for me use of the students contains many Vuluiihlo Will‘ks (if reference, and ilie rculing room is uiippliid with the leading piiiodiculs iiiid pipers The grounds, extending to si-vcmi acres, are beamif'nlly laid int, and are ulllIZ-‘li for lawn tennis and other outdoor healthful ,gameu. The home life of lillll col ego is a ’ very happy one. Parents dvsiiiiig lor their daughters a thorough education in ii refined ,Chrielinn home, can with conï¬dence send ,them to “oliqny College, Oiiiiwu. As will be seen by advcriiscment, aiplicalioiis for admission should be addressed to Rev. Di. Warden, Box 115.9, Post Oblicc, Montreal, from whom circulars may Ila obtained. 'Pne number of boarders is rapidly filling up for the driving park, Woodbii-lgv, on Monday, , I; Teston brass band furnished good music , - A. bar is strictly limited in order that Special ' heard at the great Buslon (2. llljouviiiilioii.†. ,_ Now, we The annual races and gums of llli‘ \Vooil- , ., Goods don’t stay on please the public. 0 course we have staple Bron in And see us. May be you will buy won't object. "“hm‘l: _, . ea 5&2 E LA New goods Salisbury Suitiugs, Flannelet Cloths, Dress Linings, Flannel B1 GRG E 15 always 18A __ I [6 Seasonab GoodsA FLY POISON, INSECT POWDER MACHINE OILS, PARIS GREEN, LIME FRUIT JUICE. and see our goods, and get. our prices. You can find us rive doors east of the Clyde hotel, in Dilworlli’s old stand. clinician. next session, =0 that curly appl‘icrm'b‘u should be made by those deeiiing admission. Sev- eral were disappointed last fall because of their applications being sent too late. (a), Wholesale and Retail Druggists, i170 KING ST. E., TilllflllTO. Goods. \Ve buy the best, sell the cheapest, and bright, and changes with the season. year round, too, but they are always good . It uced not cost you a cent and it pleases us to entertain our friends. . Atkinson rim ~ racer 1.895 Grey Flzinnels, Flannel Slieetings, aukets, 80, &c , Sic. RY STOCK if you require any of the above, call don’tâ€"ave SB†j Them. our shelves very long. ur stock is fresh and Of articles that sell the something then ve i . for August tes, Prints, Shir-tings, Grass ‘3shmere Hose, Yarns, Shaker complete. CROSBY. 7-4." h. w: ante Enquire al THE LIBERAL OFFICE MISS c, HARRISON, DRESS ' MAKER, RICHMOND HILL. CALL†SOLICIT??- CT TEA ROM THE TEA I is. \Lr} lrc: Ii 1...: i > ' v liv " .‘Inm \ivi.’ ilic pcrfuctTca, can he ,5. M. go inm Ti- I ~ _ sold iii the mun: gricc a3 illik’f'lnr tea. It is put up in sen] d caddies of If; llx. 1 lb, and ; lll's .Il:‘..l Suld in l ‘r thinniir“. (‘1 you, 50c. and (ur. do 5 rot kin-p if h-ll liimm “ '5 [LA is (0,11 and 1:, Ficm or. If vmir gr Ir" ix S'I‘l‘ fl. ll 1X Eust. Toronto