Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Aug 1895, p. 6

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Tiiiiiis or TE DEEP. A Series of Slrange and Thrilling Ex- periences M senâ€"The Trafalcsr’s Voy- age to Melbourneâ€"flow [he (‘aptain's Wire Took the Jeflerson Borden to Portâ€"In the Forelop of a Wrecked Vessel. The youth of nineteen who, last year, found himself by the death of his superior officers from fever contracted at Ba:avia,in command of a four-masted bark, and con- trived to bring her safely to Melbourne with a mutinous crew, performed a feat have been capable of navigating the Rebecca Crowell while the captain and mate were disabled from working But very few sailors know anything more than their own work. A terrible story of a crew left destitute or helpless by the loss of the officers was reported early last year. The incident. occurred on a Liverpool =bark, the Montgomery Castle. She had left New York for Java with petroleum oil in cases. On Feb. 8 the wooden bark Vega, from Pensacola to Bruges with tim- ber,f311in with her about 300 miles west of the Azores. She was flying from her mizzcii gsila pair of trousers underneath the signal flag. As the vessels got nearer it was observed that she was also flying a blanket as a flag on the foremast. A blackboard was held up by two men on her poop, on which was written in white chalk . ” We have lost our Capiain, two " Presently it grew as dark as pitch, and the gala came swooping down upon us With tremendous violence. The fury of the waves, as they doshod over the ship, I cannot describe. All at once there was a fearful crash, followed by cries and shrieks. The main and mizzen masts had both gone DEATH IN AN IRON JACKET. florrible Discovery ofa Skeleton hippos ed to be That ofa Last Century Negro Murderer. While digging on a road which runs by the board. A minute or two afterward from King George County Court-House, in a gleam of moonlight shone out from between two clouds, The scene that it disclosed will ever be engraved on my memory. The mass of wreck to leeward, the struggling forms in the waves, and the frantic cries of distress I never can forget. It Was a heartrending sight, and the whole period of my life seemed to be concentrated into that one awful moment. You can imagine [was thankful when the lifeboat came and took us offâ€"eleven men out of twenty-nine." ___._._.-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" Virginia, to a point called Indian Towri recently W. H. H. Caywood, unearthed the skeleton of a man incased in a complete ron jacket made of thin slats. The skele- ton was in a good state of preservation With the exception of a few of the small bones, and the jacket, although greatly rusted, was complete. The skeleton fell apart when removed from its resting place with the exception of the skull, which is HUW-lll OF s. POISON IVY FINDS A GREAT MANY VICTIMS JUST NOW. The Btrrnzth or the Poison Varies With line Thril'uncss oi’ the Plantâ€"Remedies inzzencd it): Those Who Only pm They llave Touched It When the ltdl- ina,r Regine. I have seen poison ivy covering hundreds of acres on our Atlantic islands and sand dunes,where it was almost the only inhabiir ant of the drifting sandâ€"~30 sparse and weak as to hardly deserve the name of vegetation, says a writer in Garden and Forest. It Wile my fortune to live for some mates and five sailorsâ€"no compass and no navigator." 'Ihe Vega launched a boat and the mate and two hands went in her. They found only eight men on board, most of whom were incapable of work through being in- jured. The story told was that the master the first and second mates, the carpenter, and four seamen had been washed over- board and were drowned, and that one of the remaining crew had his leg broken, that several others were injured, that some oi the sails and all of the boats were lost, that all the compasses (except a small one which was out of order) were destroyed, that the starboard light was destroyed, that the cabins were full of water, and the contents (including medicine chest, still in the head piece. Iron bands held the skeleton at the waist, knees and ankles and ran up and down the legs from the shoulders to the fear. T .t- riiapnragm was held by a series of bands somewhat like a corset, and the arms were kept out. stretched by several rings. The head piece fitted like a mask. A big iron bolt was rivetted perpendicularly to the top of the head piece and appeared to have been run through a beam. A more inhuman and horrible death than one in this cage cannot be imagined. The accepted theory is that this iron jacket contained the skeleton of one blari- uel, a negro slave, who, about I770 belong- ed to a family of Stewarts, and who was executed in an unusual mom or. Tradition THE BICYCLE AMBULANCE. time with a colony of sailors upon one of these barren islands, where this ivy com- posed, perbaps, a third of all the woody vegetation. Though then highly susceptible to the poison, I yet passed daily on foot through long stretches of it, and even lived in it, and though I took no precaution whatever. I did not feel the slightest irritation flow: it. It was a revolution to iollow-isbadets when I told them of its poisonous proper. Lies, for they had never dreamed of audio fact, nor had any of them ever been troubled by the plant. scarcely less remarkable and well deserved the substant al recognization his bravery obtained for him from both Lloyds and the owners of the vessel. The ship was the Trafalgar. Capt. Edgar died at Bataviav and the chief officer took command. Three of the crew deserted. Next the second officer thrashed one of the crew and was c(impelled to lock himself in his cabin for safety till, fearful that the seamen would carry their threat into effect to “throw his carcass overboard to the sharks,” he asked for and was reluctantly granted his dis- charge. The Latcsl Idea Adorned by line Hospitals of Berlin. Bicycles long since passed the stage of being mere instruments of reaction and every day brings forth some practical and useful application of the steel steed. The military authorities of France have admit- ted its value for certain purposes. Tricycles have already made their ap- pearance on the streets of New York,as safe, rapid and easily-propelled delivery carts. Another year or tWO may find the bulk of the of dry goods, delivery groceries, so?“ aft/er lea‘fmg Bfimvm one Of the A' 31::de ratify (Tra‘d‘elsctf‘i‘loybtflsfiliflefliz)privrrfpj provisions and all light merchandise done 18y: Iain M?::§l,;:iiaugflfnfmiy' Who l‘jmn.‘ “a. euervméd apwmnoe I could B’s. died. Capt. Roberts was the next were out, of order' that, the "me, had m the “mes by men“ of tricycle,“ There eg‘ :ud;§:’mcnmé m incite ma $3122: easily imagine that its desert surroundinga Victim. Mr. Samuel Norwood, now first nineteen inches of water in her. that there are twenty patterns of these vehicles on 51,“, ,0 am of rebellion,“ anarchy, bal more or less earned its virulence. Li officer designate, was compelled to lay up was no one on board m P‘WXEM’e the smp‘ “‘fikae‘ now‘ . , Manuel's illlfldeFtIS culminated in 1770 in such was the case we may infer, perhaps, abouL the mme time. He was Elmo“ mot “13‘ they ware enurely ‘Suomu‘o‘? lho very late“ ‘19V9‘0I’mem 0t “ cycle the brutal murder of his master, mistress that the strength of the poison varies to position, that in consequence injuries the survivors of the crow could not trim the yards, and that at night they shut themselves up in the forecastle and left the ship to herself. The men were crying, panic stricken, and thoroughly exhausted and worn out. Charts, nautical instruments,a starboard, lights and modicrnes were put on board the disabled bark, which had at this time from two to three feet of water over the cabin idea is an ambulance for use in cities,which is the invention of Dr. Hoeniz,of Berlin. The doctor styles his machine a velocipede, on account of its softness and mode of locomo- tion. It. has been adopted by the great hospitals and also by the Sanitary Com- missioners of the German capital. The latter superintend “stations” in every part of the city where Victims of accidents receive preliminary treatment at the hands of physicians. A velocipede ambulance is and several children. The archives of the County Court for King George County, Va., contain the record of his trial, con- viction and sentence to death. According to tradition, the slave holders of the county were so infuriated that they determined to make of Manuel an example for future rebellious and violent slaves. So Manuel, instead of being hanged, was bound in an iron jacket, or case, so that he could not move arms or feet, and in this condition some extent with the thriftiness of the plant. trated by fever, and beyond making an occasional entry in the log book he was unable either to take his watch or to usist in directing the ship on her course. He also died six days later, and just before him went Joseph Full, the ship’s carpenter. Capt. Roberts then lost possession of his reason and succumbed shortly before midâ€" VARIES \vrrrr Ins SEASON. The person of the ivy, though always present,probably,like all sap, varies slight- ly in activity with the season, though perâ€" haps not more than does man’s power'm resisting it, for the warm, persping skin of Summer, with. its open pores, takes in and throws out juices much more readily night. floor. This was accomplished not without attached m every one of the stations and . .. . . . ’ v was either swun or ibbeted a d lift to , was 801' TAKES COMMAND. glimcnlty, ficsusgthcre wasfi a hetaVCy gal; experience prove, it, u, be {M super,“ ,0 die by atarvmionflor “first. In i 3 id m“ at:lzkzlgor:x:i&:::“ligézzwgofgiznofuegedgzz Theron on a oun man named Shotten owmg- 5 ca 1“ W85 (1‘11 e 8“ t6 9 5D the ordinar horse ambulance heretofore ‘ ' I r p y g ' the only place available for the mate to used, 7 wh'le he swung mere‘ underg i g m“ PL'Eed PM“ “3 WIN". slow and torturing death, the citizens brought their slaves in droves to see the horrid spectacle, to hear the pitaous cries and moans of the (lying man, and thus take warning lost that be their fate also. an apprentice just out of his time, who hai been acting as third mate, undertook to direct the ship. Hugh Kennedy, the ssilmaker, was the only person beside“ Shotten who had the remotest idea of the duties of an officer of sufficient confidence to undertake the guidance of the bark while Mr. Shotten snatched a few hours’ rest from his long and weary duties. One of the seamen was transferred to the poop deck, merely for the purposo of taking watch occasionally. His knowledge of navigation ‘was of the most rudimentary character, and the task of sailing the ship to Melbourne seemed hopeless, but Mr. Shotten never lost heart. Fortunately the winds experienced Were not of very considerable force. While there were no prospects of a hard blow, Mr. Shotten clapped on as much sail as could induce his inert, somewhat refractor- ily inclined crew to spread to the favoring breezes. ' In the Indian Ocean Daniel Sheehan, the cook, took sick and died. He was the sixth and last victim of the passage. Mr. Shotten then attempted to induce the crew to clean and overhaul the ship and get her in good condition by the time she reached her destination. All his efiorts were of no avail. Beyond assisting to sail the ship they would not lend a hand to do more than was absolutely necessary to secure the safe passage of the vessel to port. A day or two after passing Cape Leeuwinâ€"famous cape of stormsâ€"the Trafalgar was overtaken by a gale, start- ing from the northwest and setting in the West. There was only one way, in Mr. Shotten's Aside from the sand form, all parts of the poison ivy are poisonous at all seasons, the root being by far the most virulent of all. I have seen a robust physician in the prime of health poisoned almost fatally, and rendered nearly helpless for many days, in spite of all medicines, simply by pulfixg the roots. a The total element seems to be volatile, and any part, When thoroughly dried, be~ comes wholly innocuous,but when out with hay the latter will become dry, while the ivy stems are still fresh and contain pols. on occupy was the carpenter’s shop, which was also flooded With two feet of water. There he made a bed up on the carpenter’s bench and took his meals in the galley. Having repaired the sails, etc., and attend- ed to the wounds of the injured, the Montgomery Castle followed on again after the Vega, the weather all the time being very bad and causing both vessels to roll heavily and ship large quantities of water. During all this time the Vega kept as much as possible in sight of the Montgom- ery Castle and signalled to her the courses and position every day at noon. On February ‘23, both vessels came to anchor in Fayal roads. The Yoga, it may be added, earned for her owners and crew the very nice sum of $5,250 for salvage. Of this $2,250 went to the owners? the mate, who took charge sf the Montgomery Castle, got $1,000 ; the master, who had extra labors to perform, received $1,000: the sailor (Nordling), who steered the Montgomery Castle, $250, and $750 was divided between the crew,the other seamen who went on the boat with the mate and Nordling having an extra share. Its construction is as follows : A litter without shafts, supported by three wheels with rubber tires, one in front and two behind, the whole being propelled and driven by BICYCLES FORE AND AFT. And He Was Sold. The occupant of the first directs the vehicle and rings the bell to warn other wheelrnen and vehicles. The man aft follows suit. The machine moves very swiftly, and up to date not a single accident has been recorded. The litter has a detachable cover of white duck, with windows at the sides. It is well ventilated and at night is lit by electricity. If the person transported wants to attract the attention of the bicyclists he rings an electric bell. The litter can be taken off the Wheels and carried into the house or to the spot where the sick person awaits it. Although the Emperor is opposed to the bicycle in the army, he is very favorably inclined towards the velocipede ambulance, which has proved an immense success, especially as it can be taken to places which would not admit the passage of a wagon. At the fall manoeuvres the ambulance velocipede will be tried. The ambulance physician usually rides on the wheel behind, the leader being an athletic young man capable of bearing the burden of the transport. hem , Twenty or more years before Queen saleswomw. Victoria ascended the throne of England, “Uh yes n she, answered p1easamly ; there was shown in London an odd family sometihea v’ve 36“ “wont” cycle built for more than the familiar “ two,” a regular family affair. The queer contrivance was known as the “velociman- ipede " and was invented by Mr. Birch, a In this condition it is drawn to the ham, where the slowly evaporated poison is absorbed by the surrounding hay, which thus becomes, in a. degree, as poisonous as the ivy itself. Through this means I have known men severely poisoned while taking out the hay in \Vinter. It is owrng to this volatilization of the juices that smoke of burning ivy or of brush heap containing it ranks next to the root in the virulence of its poison. Though the effects of ivy are generally a harmless but troublesome irritation, it has been known to prove fatal in some very severe cases, and susceptibili‘ty to its influence is by no means desirable, though the irritation is said to he sometimes slightly beneficial in cases of rheumatism. Some persons are never adected by the poison, but each attack renders its victim more susceptible, and some are even affect- ed at t rues by air that has blown over ivy, especially if the plant has been recently out. 3 When boys, my brother and I have A NIGHT IN THE FORETOP OFA WRECKED VESSEL. A few years ago the ship Indian Chief was wrecked on Long Sands. The follow- ing description of a night spent in the foretop while the ship was aground comes from one of tho seamen: “After the destruction of the boats I took shelter in the forecastle. Just before eight o‘clock a tremendous sea swopt the decks “Do you sell anything besides gloves: "’ asked the smart youth of the glove -4- M08 RULE IN THE SOUTH. fore and aft and burst right into the coachm‘ker of ore,“ ueen street Lim , mowed in ivy when our bare feet would be aglsnignizudobdfsgkigr 133.33%} tzidhgsgz forecastle. We all rushed out and coln'anmfieids’Lnd effing.“ befo;fi the "0" Jun“ 'seifi‘faxr" m we 50M“ :almost black with the driedl'juice, and we ‘ - a - . . I, ,, .. - u H were ordered on deck, sail was gradually began m swarm up the “ggmg’ for Queen'3 (“her and mother. the Duke and used oc‘ds'wany m wash our h as d faces in its leaves, rubbing them on by the handful, in order to prove our immunity from the poison, and always without feeling the slightest effects, Neither of us would now care to repeat this, as the ivy has . . , l Duchess of Kent, in Kensington Gardens, All Ame'ma“ Journal has Cmvplled ‘50 , and later on in public at Spring Gardens. following list of mon executions that have . Moaem inveutlon is turning ‘0,”‘8 um' occurred in the Southern States during one izatiou of the tricycle as a freight and [h J me) of this ear ._ r passenger carrier, and thelatest inventions m0” ( u y : _. , . M h f in that line bear a. decided resemblance to Negri. unnamed ;RayVille, 1a., June '3. ‘ for a long “me >890 P0180301“ t0 = 0 . _V. . . . um the machine of auto ictorian days shot, charge, attempt to aesault ! HOW THE WIS”): WORKS. I Negro, unnamed ; McAlpzne, Fla., June IN AN ALMOST CONSTANT SLEEP. 9’ hanged. charge, “tempt to assault. The porsunirig, w‘ri ch is of an crysipelas nature, usually appears, in light cases, at Negro, New Roads, La., ' the point where th-~ ivy Juice came in con- . . p -. ‘ lâ€" . April 3, hanged, quarrelled “nth hm em. inct with the skin, but seiere cases are ployer about his wages. ,apt to centralize at some point where the Tom Harris, colored ; Tuskegee, Ala, . skin is tender. After such a localization is once established each successive attack, June 6, shot by a masked. mob, charge, “talked too much.” if at all severe, is apt to reappear at that Jim Powell, Strassburg, Ala, Juncé, point, even at times when 1.0 irritation is felt when: the ivy was applied. hanged, charged with having entered the room of a white girl. Personally I know of HeVel‘Jl such cases, and this may Lexi l to show tliit the poison may be carried in the blood-~ a theory that J, M. Alexander, white; Tuskegee,;\la., is also upheld by‘tlie fact that if n c has June 6, shot by a mob While attempting to just been severe:y poisoned ‘ne cm, '0» defend Torn Harris. twanty to twenty-three hours a day. She Will Johnson, colored; Lufkin, Texas, can be aroused, and when awake answers June 123, hanged, charged with as- 1 questions With intelligence. She seems to ssnlr. the prospect before us was truly appalling. The ship was settling down fast, nd every sea now swept right over us, an we saw that very soon there would be nothing left but for us to take to the rigging. “I don’t mean to say that I thought at this time that there was any chance of my life being saved, but a fancy prompted me to have a good shirt or two to my back ; so I put on two new shirts and all my shore- going toga. That cutting, biting. northeast wind penetrated to our very marrow, and by the time I got into the top my hands were so numbed that I could scarcely feel, so that I had some difficulty in lashing my- self to the mast. There we sat, ten poor. helpless creatures, almost in a state of stupor, but though we were half frozen, there was none of us so paralyzed but that we could fully realize the horrors that sur- rounded us. The remainder of the crew, together with Capt. Frazer, Mr. Lloyd, the mute, Mr. Frazer, the second mate, who was the Captain’s brother, and a fine young fellow whose name I do not remember â€"in all seventeen in numberâ€"â€"took to the mizzenmast, and we could see them lashing themselves on the rigging. ' “ When the moon sliune out there was just light enough to show the three gaunt masts sticking up out of the water. Every sea that swept over us made the riiainmast rock and oscillate so that every minute I expected it would go by the board. It made me cringe again every time it lurched to leeward, because the chances were that when it did so one of the other masts would shortened as the gale rose, and the ship scudded before the storm for several hours under the two lower topsails and the fore- sail. Before sail could be shortened the top- sails and the main lower topSail were blown clean cut of the melt ropes. As soon as the Wind moderated and the sea fell, the ship srood in toward the Victorian coast, and eventually made the Heads, where the trouble of her young commander came to an end. INSTANCES OF WOMEN SAILING SHIPS. It is not often that a ship has been in charge of a woman. The wife of the Cap- tain of the Jefferson Bord.n took her husband’s watch occasionally when the vessel was short handed after the mutiny and murder of the officers. In 1869 the ship Denmark was broughtinto port by the Captain's wire, the Captain himself being laid up and incapable of doing anything except give advrce. Another striking illus- tration of woman's capabilities in the sea- faring line is afforded by the case of the bark Rebecca Crowell, which left New York for Bueuos Ayres, but became disc abled during a severe gale three days after leaving. Several of the spars and sails were carried away, and the Captain and first mate were injured to such an extent that they were confined to their berths the rest of the voyage and rendered unfit to manage the vessel. There was no other person on board who understood navigation except the Captain‘s wife, and she undertook the task of con- Strange Case 0! Little Maggie Loy, (irnlul lliipids. .Vlicli. or unnamed ; The case of Maggie Leyof Grand Rapids, Mich., is of more than uusal interest and is attracting the attention of the medical profession. Maggie is 13 years old, at- tractive in appearance, and ordinarily bright. For nine weeks she has done little else than to sleep. She drops ofl" to sleep while playing with her dolls and even while eating, and the sleep continues from 1some extent, iniuce par: of rho erllp’llrn to appear almost “lldll':VE‘f‘ he choose by keeping the skin locally irrititei .lur ng know what is going’ on, but unless her Bill Collins, colored ; McAlpine, Flu.,, _ _ attention is constantly kept fixed she wrll June 9, hanged, charge, attempt, to as unsatisfactory, I venture 9. for _estioris begin to nod and will be fast asleep before sault. ‘garlzere l rroni experience. A‘n) flattening surface or her age generally do and her bodily health assisted Collins to escape. augman the .iffec‘iriii. This has .“-l me to is good, but the desire to slumber-overcomes James Sanders, colored, Fort Gibson, adopt a cure :litt 1 bill to lo cupid mull everything else. She has been known to Miss. ; June ‘21, hanged ; charge, incest. ordinary tauâ€"cs. but much at- limes requires the period of incubation. As the remedies for rhis poison are so the visitor knows it. Two negroes, unnamed :McAlpineJi‘lau i or I‘l b‘iing of the pozsoiie i The child 61155 55 heartily “9 Children of June 9, shot by a mob ; charge, hgivrug breskzug of the blisrers tends us spread ’lllfl fall asleep while ridinga child's bicycle in Two colored qirls,uamad Wright, Games. an limouan of physical control llllll'nfl‘iln front of the house. She has lately been ville, Miss, June 12, beaten by a mob. (letel‘ll‘lllflllon that might we alumni in an gizlézgoglaegxggazh: Pomm’f deflglfim'on- gflgngg-wg2b31YE:uligegn andl [can 5 showing signs of improvement and her headed by the postmaster; their father, Indian. 1 _ E Y H me D L k th hyloung m3“ yea” tb . Lb t Y “1° ghweri‘“ is“ wakefnl spells are of longer duration and arriving during the whipping. knocked the ll 15 W 185 We I’O'fio’“ “W” Y “I‘mâ€"‘0 0 ’9‘ ° 5 ° ' ‘3 ems L“ 1350mm 0‘ ere 1“ e on w) “0" mg “I: a ew easier to bring about. She is, however. postmaster down with a hoe, and was “gl‘m 5”“ b3“ ll â€"‘““"UT '“1'” “HY shrouds and the- frail, shaking masts be- tween me and eternity. How the hours passed I cannot tell. We all sat on, cold and utterly miserable. All that I seemed to care for was if the end was to come that the process of making observations. The Captain’s wrfe, therefore, assumed the command of the vessel, took observaâ€" tions, calculated the latitude and the longitude regularly, maintained her place circurnsiancvs :illowmg it to he l‘lllrl|‘ll or irritated in any way. Under this treatment. lllc blisttrs ,will beiin to Willlt’l‘ iii 2‘. day or two, and will soon disappear; the itching soon subsides, espscmlly if a li'tlo cool still in a drowsy state, and the doctors killed by one of the “posse.” who are attending her do not seem able to William Chandler, colored, Abbeyville, overtake it. Miss., June 13, shot; charge, robbing a The girl’s father is insane and has for a woman of her pocket-book. on the poop and directed the course of the vessel. After exercising control for fiftyâ€" eight days, during which the vessel encountered violent gales and shipped heavy seas, she conducted the vessel, with its valuable cargo, safely into the port of Buenos Ayres. In this actual inpersona- tion of “ the sweet little angel that sits up aloft to keep up watch for the life of poor Jack,” the Captain of the Rebecca Crowx II was indeed fortunate in his matrimonial venture. A CREW IN MIDOL‘EAK \\ l'riiou'r A NAVIGA< Toll. This is one of the very strangest roman- ces in all records of the sea. It may seem strange on the first blush that Lone of the sailorsâ€"not evnn the second mateâ€"should it might come quickly. Ishut my eyes and prayed. A STRANGE FOREWARNINO . “ I had been sitting ever solonq looking into myself, as it were, when I opened my eyes and looked up. I was startled by seeing a black object coming (loWn the maintopmast stay. It came nearer arid nearer, and at last I could see that it was amsn coming down the stay hand over hand. When he reached us I found it was the mate, Mr. Lloyd. ‘ “'hat's the matter, sir ?’ I asked in a hoarse whisper. ‘ Noth- ing, my lad, nothing ; onlyI could not rest on the mizzen-mast. Somehow I seemed to have a warning that it was not safe.’ I made room, and then we sat on a long while silent. and motionless. year been an inmate of the Kalamazoo asy- lurri. has descended to her and that the sleepi- ased brain. She had a similar attack a year ago, but it lasted only nine days, while upon the present occasion her sleep has continued as many weeks. ___â€"â€"â€".â€"-â€"â€" Convincing Proof. Stranger, hood ? over there '2 Yes. Well, he's got rich in two years. Who is he? He sells boys’ clothes. l is this a healthy neighbor House Agentâ€"Healthy! See that man John Fry, white ; Gretna, Lu., June ‘24, It is thought that the menial trait hanged ; charge, incendiarism. Frank King, colored, Portland, Ark., ness is the first sign manifested 0f ll dla- hanged ; charge, murder. Summary :-â€"Total, 17 ; inen,15; women, 2 ; white, 2; colored, l5 :hunged, 8 ;shot, 7 ; beaten to death, ‘2. Total mob murders since March 1, 1895, 73. _â€"_â€"oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" The Man for the Place. Applicantâ€"You advertised for an assis- taut editor. I believe? Editor â€"Yss. Do you know anything about agriculture? I know enough to write paragraphs warli- ing farmers not to laws their $500 mowing machines outdoors all winter. You’ll do. water be applied to the spot occus ()“rliiy, Another useful remedy is sour b-r'w-‘rr‘ilk (the sourer the betteri applied ocvssnli ally and llll0\VC«l to remain on. A dec. ..-'ir-n of lobelln inflate is also gooi as a wusli, lut should never be taken internally, ___..,__.â€"â€" In Style. Mrs. Ebonyâ€"Is you gwine to Mrs. Dark’s to-inorrow 7 Mrs. Safricâ€"Wat’s gwine on at .\lrs. Dark’a? Mrs. Ebonyâ€"Silo is gwine r0 give it black tea. It is said that a church in Topeka has employed a Womitl) whistler to whistle sacred music every Sundayâ€"

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