BUY THE ) . NEW RMMGND-i Newmarl FOBONTO Accommoilat- Express Non; Mail South.... PROCTOBEET'A‘GE LINE. Richmonl MORNING EVENmG :â€"G N. Brâ€"Registered Lei M: iemst F1fteen Minute mentioned hours for (:1 Also dealer in Groceri Artie] Ifyou A Heintzunan ex: A 1)01niui0n A. New‘ \Villianng Or a Standard Si wmm-ket ï¬fe swag Washan Is an 1894 machine, and is practically the only Washing Machine in the market. It is the latest, simplest, and best ma- nhilm nn to date. and no house should be ft is the latest, chine up to date, without one. The following monials relative The Washer purchas est, cleanest and the e the market. No wash! PRICE,$5; DAVID MILL, Agent, POST oï¬ï¬fNoTICE .l. J. LUNAU. Agent, “’nwll-Wlnkm' a; Icwellcr. Prices right nects v Call and see these machines, they work second to none in Canada. RICH .rther notice Hai' 1 Hill Post Ofï¬ce 'â€"Going North: West, inclu HILL HILL R. TIME TABLE They Mgplé Markham. STONG, Woodbridge, Proprietor. iii GOI‘ mt an Organ. Piano, or ow prlces ; ‘8) h, V Id Letters must be handed in inutes earlier than the above SKEEL ‘01 M MOB ; Sold on approval th AG SOUTH Mm: ls wm be c‘koeed at the as followazâ€" somh East and Ldinu Thornhill, 1to,Ma.rkbam.&m 7.45 East and West, (as ’ï¬F'EEFY. I" s and other Simple Easy terms. Richmond Hill. uth the most reliabie goods in the market. mg scores of test 5 Slang Washer: (lard Sevvin g ROW N THE. BEST the I ‘ostmaster the quick- washer m 29. 181 SUMMER TIME ï¬iï¬ LIBERAL l??? 1511109 BAKER & CONFECTIONE Contesiiom Wedding C Fleujppolimn SI. Valuable Property FOR SALE In the Village of Richmond Hill. containing ~10 acres. on the north side of Centre street east, ï¬rsLâ€"cl ssldnd,ina. good stae of cult/Nation. A ï¬ne stream of Water crosses the rear of the lot. If not. sold_ _on 21' bgfore the {st day of :_ e M. :2 "mm Ina-e nv- Richmond Hill. “'KEOLESALE and BETA†mu. ... “v. w†-_ ,, October next whl be offered in 5 or 6 acre lots, or it intenng purchaser prefers I would sell the whole of the farm. containing about 50 acres. Fine residence, brick from, nearly new. Beauti- ful lawn; good outbuildings; large orchard, eruLwill avemzze 5200 a. year. Five mmutes' walk from churches, High and Public schools. Don’t miss it; owner retiring. J. BROWN Box 425 Richmond Hill JUSTM ARRIVED Sewingr Machine, DAVID HILL, 41 SLGU MNTS, ous.NilIs and Fruit. n2 Cakes 0n Shortest Notice 11g Niaohino .. 2‘ Niachino. 3G N R E) - Ev;qu cm 6mm in Hellebore, Insect Powder, Paris Green, Chinese garden Powder 1 Peerless Bug Killer, Slug Shot, Sulphate of Copper, Proprietor. The be YUIJC. LINE OF es. Lom- for insects and bugs. ner Year. )Sn. at. 11 ltnllwzn 40 OILS TABLE see 1E8 g, ‘: WM. HARRISQN K. Ker BRMGE WORKS I wish to thank my past, favors, hoping h puityouuge. ,_,x-u:, patronage. 1 huVe outraged a. Firstâ€"Class Horse-Sheer. who understands sore or tender teen. and an; prepar- ed to nge everv satisfaction in future. ' 1 also coutmue so manufacture theI.X.L. Cart. Come [m 1 see me. Aug. S-lul J. PIRRCEY. Teston. WM. HARRISON’S LEIGH SCHOOL Chmp for Cash. A large a‘ Harness Oil Having lai‘ behaving The Daisy Trunk Do You Want To Buy '3 up Dustef SOC DNE THE RICHMOND HILL CURRY COMES dc CARDS In great variety. Fly nets and Screens Very low. straw Notice HARNESS ‘ume and select from the followin msortmenbâ€"wbmlehoue. raw-hide, and wau. Irum 10 cents each up to w. Snaps Chaumion, Bristol and German. )uster‘l, Water-Prom Knee Rugs and Blankets in‘great. variety. 55 Oil, Dressing. :Suups POLSb, and Dick- more's Gall Cure. Housings, Fronts. Rosettes. taisy, McClniu’s and other Sweat; Pads. very cheap. Bits of all kinds, and other supplies. 3, Vulises. shawPSLrups. and Hunting Belts. glam in alarge stock of the above, nail wing in small proï¬ts Illld quick rewms, share of your custom is respectfully solicited by TESTON Trotting Sire 1-, (3., President bt. McClaip; Jno. RIC Leather, web, rope and RECHMOND HILL LOST iowed on Deposits in )I'afts issued to all pa mil be urgauized for term. 1106 Library ard Cm :uth with the bell“ Rzlvtttiacmmts. la in advanceâ€">54 fux‘t the Spring term; and Will re-ul‘en on Head Oï¬ice, 86 King: 8 moneys are :s will be issued, PO that p illbe kept informed of t) the pupils. The Board ' L tull attendance on re-o __f I; my numerous customers for mg for a. continuancu of their 753.130 vital Authorized ESTABLISHMENT Prompt attention nger Y TO LEND ex )enses. iOSEPH STE art. almost as {In by 9nd of August Apply t2 I, in the village. 0 I], made of an Em uonngmm, " M. A. I Mded by leaving Evie the nines 01 n, on or “I IIIPS Hallo t]?- e ub< E. SWITZER, Seo’v of Bear e received ON DE} micnl :1. Bc the A me Autumn 1 3'3 {0‘ the GEO as opened '3. MOND H Appa- m‘d at nrent ’35 Mi‘éï¬ï¬Ã©i} i U‘ï¬tiï¬Ã© 1.2%: Eï¬wï¬ï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬ 5 Head Ofï¬ce, - Toron‘t :1va SGLEE CANï¬aDmN cam HA1] 'n 95.3% 1THORNHILL DIRJ Surplus Policie The; Peogï¬e’s S301“ {3. 1391mm iPrison \ ï¬esi Guaiity 5 cams; 1 33mm? mm 5 %~:?:. Egmsa The Celebrated Peerless Machine Oils at 10 cts per qt. Paris Green, strictly pure, and the Excelsior Potato Bug Killer. Large Stock of Mixed Paints. Boiled and Raw Oils, Varnishes. Turpentines, Japan, and Dry Colors in all shades. ~ Furniture arriving daily in the newest designs. A very large stock of Wall Papers in the newest patterns, and will be sold as cheap as any house inToronto. The usual stock of Furniture and Groceries on hand. Glass in all sizes cut to order. Picture Frames made to order. .DUNS hardson a Deposi Ruddy Harvester Machme Oil, 4 Rubber and Leather 13 flag Lana Excha to the Féiï¬ï¬ éï¬â€™Ã©ï¬Ã©MimWRi s absoh StflCtiOI DI'( on Poiicy-Holders’ account at 3Ist 0t Uec‘ . 1894., $177,789 72; absolutely mconte<tab1e after ï¬rst year. 1‘ :ricrions as to occupation, residence or travei. all th: 16 "HILL . V. V . ’General Agent Co. Y Money to Loan. Conveyancing Done. MW nae bought and 1rden, t and Savings net T.P.P To Clear Stock we offer Savage, Ric/M72022cm H ill 1‘ m r L “AP ‘ \GE. AND SMALT < a Harrowing Tale. J. M. LAW Jen tlon 0t 5 IESQL‘V’ 1TH nat n unplcmems f are cultivati he Hole in tht the useful thir 67% Kin 1 set of 1ndeed ardener had no earï¬L )an Collectior M. BROWN, Gmm Bra Iting; Thresher’s Calf Kettles and ncn 1113 L\ U I Manager, other I pmmptly ma Eié‘ï¬ifl :em Rich no Skin Mitt 1H