Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Sep 1895, p. 4

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On Saturday last our town had their civic holiday, under the auspiees of the A. 0. F., a very strong order here, and ended by being a great success, the great. est features being the matches played by the difl‘erent foot-bail teams. There were the Eighth Royals of Nobleton. the Aux-om team. and the home team. the King City Rovers. The captains came forward and drew cuts as to who Would kick first. and it turned out that the Eighth Royals got the lay ofl‘. So the home team and Aurora kicked, and the first hmf time the home team, having the Wind in their favor, scored three goals. At the change of time every one sail now then the Aurora boys will get even with the Return, but the Rovers got no work and put A: two more goals against the wz'Mi, thus detour-flu Lise Antonio”: After the pleasant meeting of the oven- ine, the brethren lets so highly saliefied with Bro. Milne‘a address that s unani [nous vote was taken to have him back are long. J. E. FRANCIS, Recorder. Bro. Milne is one of the most capable Grand Lodge officials. and the able man- ner in which he explained the merits cf the order to the brethren assembled con- vinced all that he is an efficient oflicer, thoroughly versed in the subject of in- surance, whether it be “ assessment sys- tem," or of “ old line " nature. We shall look forward with pleasure to his next visit. when our lodge will hold an open lodge meeting so that the public may hear all about the strength and no- bility of work accomplished by the A. 0. U. W. Society: what it 18 doing and how its security will enable it for all time to go on helping the working mat}. _ Bro. J. Milne, Grand Organizer of the A. O. U. W., paid Newton Brook Lodge, No. 232, an nflicial visit on the 18th inst., and expresscrl his pleasure in finding our brethren working so harmoniously for the good of the order. Although our lodge has not increased very much lately, yet there is every encomagement that more will soon be added to our number. Subscribers to the Canadian Live Stock Journal will be pleased to re- ceive their journal this month in a new form. The journal has come out under the name, Farming, which is certainly appropriate, as the maga- zine appears to be devoted to farming in all its branches. It is being pub- lished at the same place as its pre- decessor, 20 Bay street, Toronto, with Mr. G. W. Green as editor'in-chief. The fiist number is divided into the the following departments :â€"-Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, The. Apiary, Horticulture, The Farm, The Dairy, and Recent Investigations. And besides the above there is a lot of useful information on various sub jects which cannot \be‘clas'sed'under any of the above heads. The journal is nioer illustrated, and is so handy in shape that no doubt many will preserve the copies and have each volume bound for future reference. J ohn‘s own lips the assurance that the latter‘s policy was not protection, but as he had publicly declared, res adjustment. Mr. Smith further states: “ My opinions are those of a moderate free trader. I embrace free trade as a. principle, not only on economical grounds, but because it tends to allay, by friendly intercourse, these inter- national enmities on which narrow and indignant natures fatten, some- times to the extent of a mania de- structive of their regard for social decency as well as of their common sense.” on a political platform inf protectionist tariff. Mr. denying the statement, 5 often been repeated in 0rd the purposes of malice. H independent support to Macdonald in 1878, not as ionist, as he had received statelm Monday RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Sept. 26, NE VER W Mr. Goldwin Smith has a letter in )nda‘y's Globe dealing with the xtement that in 1878 he appeared NEW ABVERTESEMENTS its .Efliimal. Yours in C. H. P.. Thornhill hat in 1878 he : a1 platform invfav FARMING. ated in order to serve malice. He gave an 1pport to Sir John 878, not as a protect» H. M. onwg. recein from Sir the assurance that was not protection, City PRO TE CT! 0N1 ST. Mr. Smith, in it has ’95 FARM to BEN T Known as " The Arnold Farm,” situate at. Thornhill, on the want side of Ynnge street. to» miles mirth oi Torontu, beiur: lot number (wonky-nine (29) flret cuncessiuu of Vaughan. in the Cnuntv of York, can Mining 200 acres. having a frame dwelling, two large bums, good etubling mull ogthujl Rugs. 7 ' 1 havbuéizaueed a First-cuss Horse-Show. who undersmnda acre or tender teen. and am prepar- ad to give evarv satismction in future. I also continue to manufacture the LXL. Road mm Maud ace mo, Aug. 84:» J, PIERCEY. T933011. I wnh to thank my Dinnerous customers {or past. favors.hopmg to: 3 continuance oi chair pngonage. r ' A comfortable 8-roomed brink-clad dwelling, with large kitchen. Woodshed and stuns cellar, mtunted in the centre of the Village 01 Rich- mond Hill, near to High and Public schools, halls and churches. Size of lot 84 feet front bv log‘teetjn dgp‘thL BAHRIAGE WORKS Residence for Sale. Patents taken th in Mum: a; C9. receive afiecial names in the Scientific American, and 1. us are brought. widely before the public with- put cost to the inventor. This splendid aver. Issued weekly. elegantlylllustmted. has b urtiie largest Circulation of an scientific war in the world. $3 ayear. Sump e co lea sent tree. Building Edltlo monthly. 8 .508 year. Slngle co les. ‘ .1 cents. l ery number contains beau- tl ul plates. in colors. and hotogm ha of new houses. with plans, enabling uilders show the latest deal a and seem“? contracgg. _Address unmu .nn u ..... ,h,_ ... CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT Q For a Brompt answer and an honest opimon. write to [URN (is 00., who have bad near} fifty years’ egrpen'encein the patent. business. nmmunicaâ€" txons strictly confidentlal. A Handbook of In- formation concerning Patents and how to ob. ynln them sent tree. Also a catalogue of mechan- xcavl gnd‘mlgngmc bgoks 59m. free. , Andrews & Baiiey, MAPLE. We Séfl it. Also pur’e spices and spice powders. Don’t spoil your pickles with cheap trashy vinegar, but use Foi- Ethio§§§fiiwlnrs apply tr 170 KING ST. E., TORONTO. THE Nichol & Mcflaié (in. DRUGGISTS. And are in a positinn to guarantee It tn give better satisfaction than (my uther Color on the market. Try it. If it dues not do as we say, we will cheerfmly re- fund the money. Price 25c. a home. Enqulié of EEE'PI-oprietor of THE LIBERAL The undersigned are sole agents for the fumuua Yorkshire Butter Do you use a Butter Color? If so you may well ask yourselves the question: Am I using the best kind 2 ‘1 “MW. nun-cu: BROADWAY. Golden Butter Sam In conclusion I might think the Eighth Royals manly trick by any means many of Toronto’s crack p1 not give other teams a good talk is going to have aunt)“ the Eilhth Royals, if so let from Laskay, one from Kinghorn, one from Pine Grove, and the rest, the big number of cm), from Noblelon. XVell it turned out that the home team gut we favor of ‘he wind the first halftime again, and kicked for tWenty minntea and scored nothing. They then changed goals and kicked twenty minutes more, hm the, home team held the Eighth Ruyuin, thus making it‘a draw, no goals being scored. There were a great many specmfnrs, and although the Forevers were at a large expense to make it a sncnesu, the pro weeds amounted to nenrlv $10. pointed. The Eight mam, as well they r the best men Turont from Laskav, one f tenn‘ 89881 (Successors cu Jos. Dilwnrth & Cu.) Extra Pickling. flfi‘. , 189 TESTON of enurSe the home team and the Royals had to kick. Now Lhese ave been most bitter enemies all and every one 'expected this in be match, and they were not disap- . The Eighth Royals had a good a well they might, having six of ‘ men anontu cuulul afl'urd. one YORKSHI J, PXEBCEY. Teston .1. D. iimDMAN. Agent. C. DAVYRON, 30 Avenue Road, vauto Color, aver sh‘u say did m hard Iy gentle ELM: Goods Marked in Plain Fig BUGGY DUSTEHS, KNEE HUGS. FLY NETS, WHIPS, 850. All Grades and Styles of Harness. , FINE â€" HARNESS - A â€" SPECIALTY. All of the best makes. Iwill sell you any stove made as cheap as the cheapest, and set them up ‘lor you lree of cost. Also Stove Pipes, Hot-air Furnaces, Eave-Troughing, Hardware and Tinware of all kinds very cheap. HARNESS SHOP. I# quickly cures Constipation, Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney troubles, Bilinnsness, Sick Headache, P'nrities the Blood, and Clears the Complexion. It is as pleasant as a cup of tea, and as easily prepared. For sale by all druggiats and dealers. Price 25 cents a package. If not conveniently prncurable it, will be sent, postage free, on receipt of price. by addressing THE HOME-HEALTH REME DY 00., TORONTO. AGENTS: C. D. DANIEL & 00., 171 King Street East, Toronto. It pnssesaes remarknbie properties: the Herbs. Roots. Barks, Seeds, &c., entering biuatiou are of such achal'ncter that results hitherto unafitamable are now within anyone who possesses a package of this wonderful medicme. Everything used in its manufacture is carefully selected under personal HARDWARE - STORE. JQN ALL L A very careful research and study of the Herbs, Fluwers, Knots, Seeds, found in various parts of America and Europe, has resulted in the due combixmtinn which will in future be known as HOME HEALTH HERB ‘ which should be Kept in every household. Repairingpromptly attended to. EYE-Co. DIcDouald, â€"- Riohnsonfl Cashmere-s; 25, 30. 40, 500. Black Drpss Goods, fmm 25 to 750. 54 inch Clothe fur Dresses or Capes, 50c. to S}. New Frillings. New Ribbons. Cmsets in the leading lines, 300. to $1. Ladies’ and Misses’ W0ul Tums from 20 to 75¢. New Skirtings, 15 to 25¢ New, Fresh and Cheap. Special value in Teas at 25, 30, 40c. per 1b.; special value in Coffee at 30¢. per lb. ‘ Spices,1Soaps, Starches and all leading lines in stock. Highest prices allowed for Butter and Eggs. . We have opened a large assortment of Footwear, and still there is more to come. Our trade in this department is increasing; that means lower prices, the quick returns enabling us to Sell cheap. See our prices before buying. We can show goods guaranteed to wear well. In Fancies, double fold, 15 Surges, a“ W420]. 250. BOOTS AND SHOES. Our stock for the {all trade is Iar and the Also full lines of LGW' PRECES HOME-HEALTH Will be maintained throu DRESS C. MASON . STOVES, STOVES, :‘mj‘w , :31} “’3‘ ‘J‘W-‘Jdrawm, m, - TGT Emigng Gash anti fineâ€"Price Stare“ RICHMONI) HIIJIJ 30. 40, 500. mds. frum 25 tn 750. for Dresses 01' Capes, 50c RICHMOND HILL; RICHMOND HILL. THE NATURAL MED GROCERIES GOODS Repairir‘g promptly done. Is the place to go for 202530, 350 umms'rnnnm We quote E “gay/7 Mg suit and up. Men’s Wml SOCki, 2 pair ‘6‘ pair for 35m; 2 pair fur 511 Top Shirts in )2 dificrent style $1 each. New Flannelettes, 5 to ]0( “ Augnlas, 12% to 156. “ Grey Flannels, 10 m Mvn’s Hats in t1 Fedoras, 503. to Christy Slifl's. 75 Special lines in P Men’s and Buys’ Up E0 date an? priCes right. Call and see the goods whether you want to buy or not. '0 and Ht ICINE. Seedn, &c . to be )e dismwery of a :ERB TEA, and ate figures supervisior nto its comâ€" the reach of mmm t0 Delivered on shortest notice at reasonable mice». Wm. B. Proctor, TEMPERMWE 8» GENERAL HLSJUENL‘E MAPLE. Mr. W. B. Gram havmg gone out of the businea in Maple, I am again [prepared to supply customers on shortest notice. » Postal notes promptly attended to. GORE DIST. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANGE 00-: COAL, _ WOOD RICHMOND HILL. (PRIDE RS sdDLICI'I‘E D. liehmond; Hill Branch. H. JACKSON, M‘ 1:. SAIGEON, 3 he Duusn mnerica Also the SA 3: E35 NI. (A 1V5: ENCE; Mana; E oney t 0 Insurance Agent 5mm; Cor flee, 88 King St. 3., TORONTO. â€"FOR- SLABS AND )0 )I J , Dmvi ation I allowed at current nanmai General M Duct anagcn' an LI:

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