" You will do more than go to Hartmoorâ€"yes, I am Don’t, call this mission cube STUI’JES FR “ If possible, I will accede to your re- quest," I said. “ I'm afraid I cannot speak more certainly at present." “Them you ; thank you. I know that you will make the thing possible." “ I can at. least visit, the Governor, Captain Standish; but; remember, even if I do this, I may fail utterly in my objecb. I musn not write to you on the subjectâ€"- just. rash assured that I will do my utmost for you." ' “I have been much interested,†I replied. “ Yes, yes, but. you must have had some special object in taking this journeyâ€"a. busy man lxke you will not come so far from town, particularly at this time of the year, without, a. motiveâ€"even granted,†he added, with a. smile. “that; we are old friends." - I broke in abruptly. “The messnge I am charged wmh is in a certain sense one of life or death,†I said ; “it affects the reason, perhaps the life, of an innocent; person. Is there no possibility of yqur rule being strebched in my favour ? “None whatever in the ordinary sense, but; what; do you say“â€"here Captain Standish sprang to his feetâ€""what. do you say to seeing Baysrd in your capacity as physician 2’†’ “What do you mean ‘3" .“bimply this. I should be glad if you would see him in consultation with our prison doctor. I know Bruce would be thankful to have your views of his case.†"Then heib ill?†I said. “Yes,he is ill-amhe presenb moment) the prisoner whom youhave come to see is in 9. stateof complebe cabalepsyâ€"snayJ willaend for Bruceand ask him tobell you about, him.†ï¬ts my uuï¬enn She gave me her hand, turned aside he;- head to hide her tears,and hurried from L‘nt‘ room. I thought a good deal about her and story, and although I was doubtful or being Able to communicate her message to Bayard, I resolved to viaib Harbmoor, and trust. to Providence to give me the oppor- tunity I sought. Some anxious cases, however, kept, me in town for nearly ten days, and it was not until a certain Saturday less than a week before the day appointed for the wedding that I 'was able to leave London. 1 went thlymonth by the night mail, and arrived at the great, gloomy~looking prison about, eleven o’clock on the following morning. I received a. warm welcome from the Gover- nor and his charming wife. He had break- fast. ready for me on my arrival, and when the meal was ever told me than he would take me round the prison, show me the gangs of men at their nations works of stone-quarrying, turf cutting, trenching, etc., and, in short, give me all information about the prisoners which lay in his power. “ Ah, I thought; as much. Do you feel inclined to conï¬de in me ‘2" “I certainly must conï¬de in you. I have_ come to Harbmoor to see a man of the namé ot Bayardâ€"Edward Bayard ; he was sentenced to ï¬ve years’ penal servitude about a year agoâ€"I was presen; at the trialâ€"I have brought, him a. messageâ€"I wan, if possible, to deliver in.†While} was speaking, Captain Standish’a face wore an extraordinary expression. “ You want, to see Bayard '2†be repeated. “ Yea. †“And you have brought him a message which you think you can deliver?" “ Yes. Is that: an impossibility?†“ I fear it is.†He remained silent; for a. minute, think- ing deeplyâ€"then he spoke. “One. of the strictest of prison rules is, that prisoners are not allowed to be point- ed out tovisitors for identiï¬cation. It is true that at stated times the convicts are al- lowed to see their own relations or intimate friends, always. of course, in the presence of a warder. Bayard has not had anyone to see him since his arrival. Are you per- aonally acquainted with him ‘2†"1 never spoke to him in my life.†“Then how can you expect 2" “ While we were waiting for Bruce,†said Standish. “I will tell you one or two things about Beynard. By the way, we :all him Number Sixty here. He came to us from Pentonville with a good character, which he has certainly maintained during the few months of his residence at Hert- moor. He is an intelligent man, and a glance is sufï¬cient to show the class of society from which he has sprung. You know we have asystem of marks here, and prisoners are able to shorten their sentences by the number of marks they can earn for good conduct. Bayard has had his full complement from the ï¬rstâ€" he has obeyed all the rules, and been perfectly civil and ready to oblige. “ It so happened that three months ago a circumstance occurred which placed the prisoner in as comfortable 3 position as can be accorded to any convict. One morning there was a row in one of the yardsâ€"a. convxct attacked a warder ina most unmerciful manner-he would have killed him if Sixty had not He was as good as his word, and took me ï¬rst through the prison, and afterwards to see the gang of men at; work. I was much interested in all I saw, but had not yet an opportunity of saying a special word about Bayard. After dinner that/evening Captain Standish suddenly asked me the object. of my visit. “Well,†he said, “has your day satisï¬ed I looked ï¬xedly at him for a moment theplspuke. Captain Standish When the servant to Lake a message him to call at the mediately . {his is the “ I héve come here for a special object,†I said. ~Vince. You are a. nitigate distr you. its is to relieve ," he said, .ieve illnessâ€"to soothe and ress. I am ill, mentally, and 1y medicine which can allevi- rose a. na rang the bell. appeared he asked him to Dr. Bruce, begging Governor's house im- U M )M THE DIARY OF A DOCTOR. LITTLE SIR NOEL. placed him in the tailoring establish- ment when he came. declaring him unï¬t to join the gauge for quarrying and for outside work. Well, when the scuffle occurred, about which I am telling you,Sixty sprang upon the madman, end,in ahort,at personal risk, saved Simkin’e life. The infuriated convict, however. did not let Bayard of? soot-fees ; he gave him such a violent blow in the ribs that one was brokenâ€"it slightly pierced the lung, and, in short, he had to go to the hospital, where he remained for nearly a fortnight. At the end of that time he was apparently wellagain,and we hoped that no ill-consequences would arise from his heroic conduct. After a consultation for 0&1] employed in my house, directing 5c carpenters in putting together a v1 intricate cabinet. He is, I consider, exceptional man in every way.†“But what about these special seizure eral secondsâ€"nor by the faintest flicker did it allow thelenst approach to sensibi- lity. I pressed my ï¬nger on the corneael there was not a flinch. I dropped thidâ€" again. After some further careful examina- tion. I stood up. “This catalepsy certainly seems real,†I saidâ€"“ the man is. to all appearance, absolutely unconscious. I am sorry, as I hoped to have persuaded you, Captain Standish, to allow me to have an interview with him. I came to Hartmoor to-day for that express purpose. I have been intrusted with a message of grave importance from someone he used to know well in the outer worldâ€"I should have liked to have given him the messageâ€"but in his present state this is, of course, impossible.†What treatment do you propose?†asked Bruce, who showed some impatience at my carefully worded speech. “ I will talk to you about that outside," I answeredâ€"I was watching the patient intently ail the time I was speaking. Standish and Bruce turned to leave the room. and I went with them. When I reached the door, however, I glanced sud, denly back at the sick man. Was it fancy- or had he looked at me for a. brief second? I certainly detected the faintest quiver about the eyelids. Instantly the truth I asked. “I am coming to them Bruce. Bruce will put the from a medlcal pomt of vie me introduce my friend, Dr adjoin For a: moment I scarcely recognized the man. When I had last seen Beyerd,he had been in ordinary gentleman’s dress ; he was now in the hideous garb of the prisonâ€" his hair was out within a quarter of an inch of his headâ€" his face was thin and woru,it looked old, years older than the face I had last seen above the‘dock of the Old Bailey. There were deep hollows, as if of intense mental suï¬erina, under the eyes â€"the lips were ï¬rmly shut, and resembled a. straight line. The bulldog obstinacy of the chin. which 1 had noticed in the court of the Old Bailey, was now more discernible than ever. “If ever a man could melineer, this man could.†I muttered to myself ; “he has both the necessary courage and obstinaoy. But what could ‘be his motive?†Standish asked. weekas a rule, he recovers consciousness after a few hours; but 50-day his insensi- biliw is more marked than usual." “You don't think it: by any possibility a case of malingering 2†I inquired. “ One does hear of such things in connection with prisoners." The prisoner doctor shook his head. “ No,†he said, “the malady is all too real. 1 have tested the man in every possible way. I have used the electric battery, and have even run needles into him. In short, I am persuaded there is no imposture. At the present moment; he looks like death ; bub oome,you shall judge for yourself.†As Dr. Briice spoke, he led the way to the door ; Captain Standish and I accom- panied him. We walked down 3 stone passage, entered a large workshop with high guarded windows, and passed on to a. small room beyond. The one window in this room was also high,a.nd protected with thick bars. 011 e trundle bed in the centre lay the prisoner. I bent down and carefully examined ’the patient. He was lying flat on his back. His skin was coldâ€"there was not a. vestige of colour about the face or lips. Taking the wrist between my ï¬ngers and thumb,I felt for the pulse, which was very slow and barely perceptibleâ€"the man's whole frame felt like iceâ€"there was a slight rigidity about the limbs. “This is a queer case,†I said, aloud. “It is real," interrupted Bruce; "the man is absolutely unconscious." ' When he spoke, i suddenly lifted one of the patient’s eyelids, and looked into the eyeâ€"the pupil was contractedâ€"the eye was glazed and apparently unconscious. I looked ï¬xedly into it for the space of sev- eral secondsâ€"nor bv the faintest flicker have just been tal Number Sixty. sulting Halifax 31 “ I shall be deli “ I think I u lepsy in gun atter lungs w} Standish that.†“ I have," said Standish. “He may have received a greater shock than we had any idea of at the time of the accident,†continued Dr. Bruce,â€omherwise, I can’t in the less: account; for the fact of cazslepsy following an injury to the lungs. The man was in perfect, henth before this illness, since then he has had attacks of catnlepsy once and sometimes twice in one ‘ormug. ouse du-e VII in a )Ol‘ gave Bruce. “ Six Com Tlth is :0. Pray W our Sruce ve hi He was movet ng the worksk but are his 2 M'viu 3D Jets insensibilibyâ€"in short, cata- ts worst form. His attacks be- the slight, inflammation of the ,0!) followed his injury. Captain has probably told you about icai point of view. Bruce, Vlet a my friend, Dr. Halifax. We yen talking about your patienc, ty. What, do you say to con- ifax abouu him '2" took [e has a pert: and pnly bhig SOHIE lighted, underst Bayard m mg an ter a c‘ from th -he is there now ml avmptoms ‘2†answered Bruce. ‘d you to any, is ill now 3" I facts be ive him crediI th. The doctm 'ing establish lng him unï¬t u and for outsim n ‘pnrtune, sai bad attack Lhi ooked into the acLedâ€"bhe eye unconscious. I la space of sev- faintesb, flicker ach to sensibi- m the corneael at outslde,†the patient Lking. 5 very hen he uilb :dit. " pomb, 1; unexpe homes noon, format to see H0 som pneon d PUFF flashe maliu “Wherb am I 2†he said. “What,in the name of wonder, has happened 7 Oh, now I rememberâ€" that; scoundrelâ€"let me get up, there 15 not, a moment to lose. †“You must not stir for a minute or two,†I said. “You have had A bad blow, and must. lie still. You are coming to yourself very fast, however. Stayquiet for a. moment and then you can tell your story.†"Meanwhile,Iwill goaud give the alarm,†said Shandlsh, who had been watching us anxiously. name of wonder, has hap; I rememberâ€" that; scoum up, there 15 not, a moment “You must not stir for I He left; the room. The warder had evidently been only ‘nadly stunnedâ€"he was soon almost himself again. was lyin holding a. been ‘ deprived of lay in his shirt, on t said. “I beg your pardon,sir,I don’t know your face.†“ 1 am a. friend of the Governor,†I an- swered, “ a doctor from London. Now tell your story, and be quiqk about it."_ ' H We all had a g‘ood word for Sixty,†replied the man ; “ ’e was a. bit of a favourite, even though ’e wot a convict. Tn-night he ‘laid like one dead, and I thought, poor chap, ’e might never survive this yere attack ; all of a sudden I seed his eyes wide open and ï¬xed on me. “ ‘ Simpkins.’ he says, ‘ don't speakâ€" you are a. dead man if you speak, Simp- kins, and I saved your life once. ’ “ ‘ True for you, Sixty.’ I answered him. “ ‘ Weil,’ he says, ‘ib’s your turn now to save mine. You ’and me over your hat, and jacket, and trousers,’ says ’0. Be, quick about it. if you say “no,†I’ll stun youâ€"I canâ€"I’ve bid a weapon under the mattress.’ “‘Oh, don’t you go and break prison, Sixty,’ I answered; ‘you'll get. a heap added to your sentence if you do that.’ †‘I must,’ ha said..his eyes wild-like. ‘I saw it in the papers, and I must goâ€"â€" there I! one I must save, Simpkins, from a. fate worse than death. Now is in “yes†for him. “I’d scarcely said the words,†continued the man, “before he was on meâ€"he lenpt out of bed, and caught me by the throat. Iremember a. blow and his eyes looking wildâ€"and then I was unconscious. The next thing I knew was you pouring brandy down my throat, sir. †“You are better now," I replied; “you had better go at once, and tell your story to the authorities.†The men left the room, and I hastened to ï¬nd Standish. There was hurry and confusion and a. general alarm. There was not the least doubt that Bayard had walked calmly out of Hartmoor prison in Warder Simpkin’s clothes. One of the porters testiï¬ed to this efl'ect. A general alarm was given, and telegrams immediate- ly sent to the diï¬erent railway and police Iremeined at Hortmoor for a. good part of the following day, but Standish’s ex- pectations were not realized. Although telegrams were sent to the different police- stetions, there was no neWs with regard to Edward Bayard. It was presently ascerâ€" tained that Simpkins had money in the pocket. of his jacketâ€"he had just received his week’s wages, and had altogether about £3 on his person. When this fact became known the success of the escape was considered probable. As there was nothing more for me to do, I returned to London on the evening of the following day, and reached my own house in time for breakfast. snaciohs. Standish said that theâ€" man would assuredly be brought back the following morning. Even if by any chance he managed to get as far as London, he would, in his peculiar clothes, be arrested there immediately. I was anxious to see Lady Kathleen, but was puzzled to know how Icoul'd com- municate «with her. My doubts on this point, however, were eel; to rest in a very unexpected manner. When I returned home after seeing my patients that after- noon, Herris‘ surprised me with the in- formation that Miss Levesen was waiting no see me. I went to'her at once. She came forward to greet; me with a look of excitement on her face. “You remember your pendent, Kathleen Church?†she asked. lazed flay “Where ctet. I reaolv rough the workshop mr of the little room is lying. Standish riding a. candle in bi “I It's “no, remember ever}thing now, sir,†he “I yeg your pardon,sir,I don’t know ‘SDE Standish a it M He hi» and wen cold atone 'Iil The man eyes I answered, as I makes and looked at r fax: it is good of you me poor chap. I will u to his room to- bion," I said, turn h. “ to mv seeing 3D Ha we lightn had a}: turne ie an .er; he had ments,and led him on ind asked a moment. at me ins. 'hat,in the Oh, now stflme get 6. be or two," blow, and to yourself ramoment just, passed away cost, that of his predecessor < $5,000,000 ; but: in each provided for the people a vividly remembered unl the popular mind by the next. The coronation is more than the simple a bsuble on the head of th‘ State ; it is a series of g< ials, and the people of 4 forms a. part, of the great earvh are required, Lhrc sentabives, to assist, whi made still more brillianl of the Embassadora of ev globe, and of large numl the reigning houses, f0 ‘â€"I don’t it Lady and implored that I would send And Iresolved to come to fetch self. Can you come to see her '3" “Certainly,†I replied ; "at wh “Now, if you will ; there is n be lost. . Will you return with m patient is very ill and ought attention without a_moment's del “My carriage is at the door: al back to your house in it ?†I est "Certainly," replied Miss Love She rose from her chair at once evndently impatient to be oï¬". A driving to Piccadillymhe turned : to me. Next Spring's Ceremonies $5,000.04â€). the re for a Russian coronation are very elaborate, and comprise, among other things, the laying up of great stores of provisions in Moscow, for the houses of that venerable city are compelled,on coronation occasions, to entertain from 500,000 to 600,000 strangers who Journey to witness the cere- monies. Every province iu the empire sends a. deputation ; every tribe, in the far- away districts of Siberia, on the steppes of Central Asia, from the Khivsns to the Esquimaux along the shores of Behring Strait, sends one or more representatives to present-the homage of the tribe to the great White Czar. Poles Finlanders, Lap- landers, Cossacks, Russians of a. dozen names. Circassians, Georgians, Bsshkirs, Turksâ€"for the Russian Empire contains millions of Mohammedans, Tcherkesses, Absssians, Cnlmucks.’l‘artars, Karapspaks, Daghistanis, Armenians, Kurds, Chinese from the district conquered by Russia from China. Mongols, deputies from dozens of wandering nations in the heart of Asia ;for over ï¬fty languages and double that number of dialects are spoken in the Russian do- minions, and the people of every language must present their homage to the Czar in their own tongue. The imperial coronations always take place in the Cathedral of the Assumption, one of the many in the Kremlin. the relgnmg hou assembles on than late the newly cu The )loh Crushed the Victim's Jamie and Filled Ills liody With Lead. The lynching of Neal Smith, the colored convict. near Chattanooga, Tenn., was even more horrible than ï¬rst reported. Smith was taken from the stockade used for conï¬n- ing prisoners by a mob of not less than 200 men. The Sheriï¬' and Jailer Ed Cox, with several men, were on guard, but the men refused to listen to reason and threatened to tear down the stockade and burn it unless Smith was delivered. The prisoner was turned over to the crowd, who led him to a point near where the assault was commit. He confessed his guilt. and was then treated to torture unparalleled in history. After being mutilated in a fearful manner by the father of the girl Smith assaulted, W. M. Henderson, who subsequently cut off the negro’s ears, he Was Seized and held while one of the crowd pounded his ï¬ngers joint by joint, one ï¬nger at a time, until the hand was a shapeless mass of bloody jellyQ This was because in the struggle to subdue Miss Henderson he had bitten off one of her ï¬ngers. The men then took turns shooting athim until when he died he must have had four or ï¬ve pounds of lead in him. He was literally shot to pieces, and the bloody pulp, which only an hour before had been Neal Smith, was thrown into aheartily prepared pile of brushwood and burned until not a scrap of bone remained. fox-5R How Long Will You leei The probable duration of A man’s life may be known if the ages at death of his parents and grandparents are known. If these be added together and then divided by six the quotient will be his approximate term of life. If the quotient exceeds sixty one year may be added for every ï¬ve ; if it falls below sixty one year should be subtracted for every ï¬ve. The presumption in this proportion is that with good fortune a man may equal. but he may not hope to excel, the average of his parents’ and grandparent/5’ lives. 5.000,000 {but in each case a show was rovided for the people of Russia that was ividly remembered until supplanted in be popular mind by the splendors of the ext. 'Ihe coronation is regarded as much lore than the simple act of placing a auble on the head of the ï¬rst man in the tate ; it is a series of gorgeous ceremon- ils, and the people of every nation that arms a part of the greatest empire on the arth are required, through their repre- entatives, to assist, while the spectacle is lade still more brilliant by the presence f the Embassadors of every Power on the lobe, and of large numbers of princes of he reigning houses, for royalty always ssembles on these occasions to congratu- l‘he at is really a THE CZAR'S CORONATION Imper in M0 HORRIBLE LYNCHING. was of the empire nation of the Em ; an occasion of this kind comes n a lifetime, and the policy of an imperial family has always izzle the eyes of their subjects by at court dramas, in which the ally a czar. To this end Russian (TO BE CONTINUED rial coronatlon THE E WW1 ate displays Her n to be 05. As we were ly,she turned and 'spoke voccasxona to wned monarch REPARATI oat, ove made there is no time to ronations are not I wnh me '2 Your :1 ought, to have ent’s delay.†door: shall we 20 ade as splendid as ire could permit. Emperor who has over $4,000,000; considerably over VIII (‘05! Over shortly to take lest: he one of ver witnease Hill we go W85 1U. Ills Nulh‘ SUBDUING THEIR TASTES for the hideous form of native warfare and allowing their surplus energy to assert itself in defense of the villages against wild piratical hordes and heathen despoilers from the mainland. Among the Lam-si-hoan savages in the trackless Ki-lain plain the Doctor has made himself warmly esteemed. Those wondrous people have rarely seen a white man,unless perhaps he was roasted on the dinner table. They were subdued by the Chinese, but remained savage in their tastes until the advent of Dr. Mackay. through whose influence they have in large numbers been Christianized. The Doctor began by living among them in the hardest privation, studying their language, and never mani- festing the smallest distrust of their good faith. His methed gained upon them al- mostfrom the ï¬rst. These tribes are known as the Black Flags. They live in the mountain of Formosa. They have drilled head hunters, who more than once lay in wait for the “black bearded banditian," as the Doctor came to be called in their dia- lect. This was before he had come into personal contact with these ï¬erce savages. Dr. Mackay is the only white man who has had an opportunity of conversing with the weird people. ed to be use4 mandarins. my $15.! {I Thus the beginning. The home to which the Doctor is now returning is that of a gentleman,and his neighbors are gentlemen, too, even if they be Formosans. The island is really as civilized as Japan, and we need feel no surprise. therefore, at the recent at- tempt to declare it an independent republic. The missionary has botany classes formed of natives. Alphine clubs, likew1se made up of Formosans, and scientiï¬c societies of the same membership. He is even a. Colonel, in what may be termed a Formosan militia, and drills the natives in regimental tactics, with the idea. of Apai‘t fiom the purely religious feature of the Doctor’s labors, he has maderemark- able discoveries in relation to the geology, botany, and zoology of Formosa, and also with reference to the ethnology of its in- habitants. The Doctor’s private library and museum at his native home have for years been a source of interest to scientist! all over the world, and his marvelous col- lection has always been at; the free dispos‘ al of those who wished specimens. His notes have been in demand at. all meetings of scientiï¬c societies, and there is no highel living authority on all subjects connected with the island. Not, indeed, that he ha: had an opportunity to do literary work, although he has written one book, " From Far Formosa,†but it has not yet appeared Eastern manâ€"The boasting ofyou Wesv erners makes me tired. When you out up your quarter sections into town lots, am’ sold ‘em at a high price, it was to the East that you looked for buyers, wasn’t, it? 'Nestern Manâ€"Jus’ so. Then it was Eastern capital that put money into your pockets wasn't: in? Of course. Then what have you to brag of? We brag of our smarnness in keepin’ thaa money in our pockets instead 01 buyin’ back the lots at half price when you Easteri capitalists wanted to sell. No ; I u enough but. t They had all French ed [he I Conn Did SSIUN AMONG SAVAGES. MACKAY’S STRANG 14 The West Ahead. Not His Trouble the trouble. V011 wer and "er Childrenâ€"Land -,r and Alone. to Preach ml Sow a Power In UK STRANGE LIFE AS I TO FORMOSA. 8.3V ‘1‘ there sailed from 1 my Branch V ,aly Parisians did Paris with