f /. I/ f / 2" @ffmfggtmgmmmutzï¬c" †"" dike RICHMOND Him, 'i‘lmmlav, (Jot. 1.1 (“>65 1&E.J$‘T’§. Mi. Herbert Lnnnox will be at Kelly’s Hotel every Wednesday. ' Dr. F. J: G.ill:iliot‘igh;V. vimls Fich- -mond Hill proles:ionully on Wednesdays and Snturdata. Dr. W. J. Wilson, 191 Culbth fit. ,Toronto. Oliice hours: it) a. m. to 1') a. m; 2 to 4. and 6 to 3} L'J. Phone IQRAE. “’8 hope to be in a position to insert. the minutes of Vaughan Council in next iESL‘le. New Figs, 5 cents per lb. at the Concrete. It. is expected thnt a 4 horse load will :10 to Markham on Saturday to the aurier meeting. Good Raisins. 3 cents per lb. at the Con- ci‘nle. ' The adv. of The Steele. Briggs Seed Co. in this issue, rel Hive to bulbs. seeds, plants, etc., is instructive to floilsls n.le others. Read it. Brooms are down, ask for price at the Concrete. The steam barge, Africa. of Owan Sound, wont down one day last week in Stokes Buy, Bruce County, wuen hel‘ crew of twelve peo- ple were all drowned. Horse Clippers, $1.06. best make 31.50, a: G. Mason's. The study of the International Sabbath School Lesson now forms a part of the ser- vices in the weekly prayer meetings in the Presbyterian and Methodist churches. ’ Seamless ply Cotton Grain Bags for $1.85 per doz , at the Concrete. Any person returning to Tun LIBERAL ofï¬ce a small hymn book dropped on Sunday owning between THE LmEuAL oï¬ice and the Methodist church, will be suitably rewarded. Check Siâ€"'k3 JIGâ€"imps, Silk ï¬nished Vdveteens for Trimmings at A.G.Elliott’s. o u A disastrous ï¬re occurred in Orillia about 3 a. m.. Monday morning. The Mulcahy Block, which had many tenants, was burned to the ground. Mr. Mulcaliy is a SOD-iuil‘lw of Mr. M. Teefy, post-maSLer. The double fold AmaZon Twilï¬t 20 cents per yard at the Concrete is a bargain. At the inquest at Newmarket on the death of Frmk Wright, the well-known humorous .-’ vocalist, of Toronto, the jury returned the deceassd died - following verdict: “ The from an overdose of chloroform, incautiously administered by himself.†Has your horse a sore back or shoulder? Get L’eckford's sure cure at Harrison’s. The Public Library Board are asking for tenders for the rent of suitable quarters for the Library and the Reading-Room; also for caretaking, fuel, light, and services as librarian. Tenders to be handed in to the secretary not. litter than noon on Monday ntxt. Good quality printed Cups and S.ucers for 75 cents per dozen at the Concrete. The 18th annual convension of the Ontario Women’s Christian Temperance Union Will be held in the city of Hamilton from October 29th to November let, both days inclusive. The managers have secured several very fine speakers, so that an excellent. time may be expected. t! See the ï¬ne Cashmere Hose that Atkinson & Switzer are selling for 25 cents a pair. Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather there was a large crowd at the'Woodb.ilge Fair yesterday. The spseding was exciting, and the usual good time Was held at the banquet in the evening. Next Week we shall insert the prize list in full. Noticeâ€"Persons indebted to 0. J. Brown are requested to settle their accounts before November let. The York District Council of Royal Tem- plars will meet in the Temperance Hall in this village on Friday next. There will be morning and afternoon sessions. Mrs. Swit- Zer, Mrs. Lnngstaï¬ and Mr. W, Harrison will be representatives for Richmond Hill Council of R. T. of T Clean your harness with McLaughlin's celebrated Llurness Oil from Wm. Huriison‘ harness establishment. Horses Wanted. Mr. Alfred Maroix, of Montreal, has ad- Vcrtised to be at the Palmer House, on Wed- nesday, October 23rd, to buy heavy draught and carriage horses weighing from 1200 to 1600 lbs. You can buy 10 lbs. lest. pure Lard for 95 cents, and 10 lbs. best full cream Cheese for 95 cents, at the Concrete this week. Postponed Meeting. King Plowmen's Association will hold a business meeting at Hogan's Hull, King, on Mondry next, the Elsi. inst... at >1 p. m., to make final uirdngcmcnts for their plowing match on Wednesday, the 6th of November. Atkinson & Switzer are doing a nice busi- ness this Wt-ck in fine Dress Goods and Trimmings, Mantles, etc. Changed Hands. It will be seen by new adv, on another page that Mr. J. L. McDonald has purchased the business and good will of Mr. 0. J. Brown, and will open in the Lorne Store, on or about Friday, the 25th inst., with a full stack of fresh groceries, canned goods, &c., dzc. Mr. McDonald has had considerable experience in a general store, and as be is well known in this section of country. we bespesk for him a good share of patronage. 0. J. Brown still has the agency for Par- ker's Dye Works. All parcels left at his res- idence will be promptly attended to. MT??? , .. I a ms t. l l Two Papers ;5 Mos for Si 35. We are prnpared [u nt'lll‘l '1 iii: LIBERAL and , Hm \Verâ€"klv (Hobo from now until l):(:. 31. loll“, for $115.3 in advance. 'l‘liosx- not tak- cillii-r of flit-«e piper- slinu'f-i‘ ~llb‘6lll)’ Call at this ofiica, or 'send the‘ ing at. once. money. Grey Flallnh'lF, Fancy Flunnels, Shaker Flannvls, Angola Flannels, in large Variety ‘ from 5 to 25c per yard at. A. G. Elliott's. I Crcdd hale. Mr. Simon Eater, lot 29. 2nd Con. Marl-i- kam.w1ll have en auction sale of horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, fowl, implements, etc, on Wednesday, the (itii of November. Sale at 1 o'cltck. Lunch provided. Terms 12 mo'Ivhs. Seven per Cent allowed for cash. Biliardt d‘ Prentice, Anclicncers. What do you Hint; of those new Dress, Pilltt-I'HF. ludlrb‘? The modern idea is always to be seen at Atkinson d.’ Switzor‘s. About Apples. We urn sometimes asked what cofstitntes a legal barrel of apples. A correspondent has sent the. following: “ The law requires eleven peeks to tlia barrel. In the absence; of a pro[ or measure three patent. pails make a bushel, nine pails a standard barrel. Twelve pails,or sixteen packs a sugar barrel." \Glass. Powell, llnll, If you your lluhbcrs silk G. Elliott's you will get. them both good and cheap. We sell the Celebrated (iranby Rubbers. â€"Eethod-ist Church. Anniversary sermons will be preached . next Sundav. morning and evening, in the Methodist church, by ltev. J. T. Morris, of Stayner. Mr. Morris is well-known on this circutt. as a fluent. speaker, and no doubt large congregations will be present to hear him. Voluntary contributions will be taken on behalf of the church funds. Dr. Hulchison is prepared to repeat tiny prescription giVen by Dr. Wilson, providing the numb-r on the l-otlle is returned. (I!) Epworth League. The Epwnrth League held their animal meeting on Wednesday evening. 0 :tober 16, when repnils wrre read by the retiring ofï¬cers. The elf-CHOU for the ensuing veer resultr-d as followi:â€"Pres., A. J. Hume; lst Vice Pres, Mrs. (item) Powell; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mr. W. 13‘. Brown; 3rd Vice- Pres., Miss Annie Trench; Secretary, Miss Bessie Redditt; Treasurer, Mr. John Glass. Now is the time to supply yourselves with good Boots for fall and winter wear; call and examine stock and prices at A. G. Elliott’s. Accident. On Wednesday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Heiae, near Victoria Square, had an unpleasant experience as they Were going to prayer-meeting on the town line. Their horse took fright at. a dog, ran into a deep ditch, throwing Mr. Heise out. After running about 40 rods, it ran into another ditch, when Mrs. Brian was thrown out, in- juring hrr back badly. The horse continued to run for about three-quarters of a mile, when ï¬nally it came to a walk and was caught. Neither the horse nor the rig sp- penred to be injured. October‘s raimants of delicate tints and lovely hues are rivalled by the charming shades and tones in the niw Fall Dress Goods lit Atkinson dz Switz.-r‘s. Htedfoz‘d. The harvest hours is now a thing of the pazt, and us far as we can learn we nobody got any bones l-ioken except the chicken. ....We are very sorry to learn that Mrs. J. Thomson, who has been visiting lriends in the neighborhood for the past week is con ï¬ned to the house through illness. .. . Mr. L. anes spent Sunday last in Weston accom- panied by “a friend."....The prophet is enjoying better health lately....Miss Hattie , anes is spending a couple of weeks with her sister,‘i\lrs. J. Ashmuu, of Weston.... Mrs. F. Boynton is visiting friends in the neighborhoodâ€"Cont. Dress Goods in Tweed effects 15 and 200. per yard, double fold ; Imperial Serges, Plaids and Uashineres 25 and 30c. per yard, double fold, at A. G. Elliott‘s. Attempted Burglary. Burglars made an unsuccessful attempt to rob tne post office in the viilage of Nobletou, King township. shortly after midnight on Friday morning. The postmaster, Mr. Larkin, who sleeps above the post ofï¬ce, was awakened by a. uoisa in the store below. Mr. Larkin went out on the verunduh to in- vestigate,-wben observing three men on the street below, he called out enquiring what they wanted. He was ordered to go inside, and a revolver was tired at him, the bull passing close to his head, and lodging in the door. The postmaster ran into the house, and when he returned With his revolver, he found that. the men had docamvcd. The burglars had pried the front door open with tools which had been taken from Holden’s blacksmith shop. Public Library Board The Public Library Board appointed by the Village Council and the Board of Edu- cation held their ï¬rst meeting on Thursday evening, when Reeve Pugsley was appointed chairman. T. F. McMahon, secretary, and ‘V. A. Sanderson, treasurer. They met again on Monday evening. when considerable work was done. H. A. Nicholle, E. A. Coombs and ’1‘. F. McMahon were appointed Library Committee, who were instructed to purchase library books to the amount oi $100. On inoliun, it was decided to open a Reading Room in connection with the Library, and an appropriution of $50 was authorized for magazines periodicals and newspapers for the use of the Reading Room. A resolution Wus passed to ask the Village Council to levy a tax of $50 for the general expenses of the Library and Reading Room. The annual fee for non-residents Was placed at 50 cents, and the secretary was instructed to ask for tenders for the oflice of librarian, suitable building for library and reading room, to be kept open at least three even- ings every week. On motion of Messrs. Crosby and Sanderson, the chairman and Messrs, Brydun and Ccombs were appointed a committee to draft regulations and br- laWs for the library and reading room. The Board will meet again on Tuesday evening, when the tenders will be opened. Football Match. i In spite of the drenching ruin of the morning, the Aurora footbull team, on Sat. urday afternoon, faced our boys in the park. 'll.c Hill had intended to put on the field a team Composed chi fly of ngzh school pupils, but the weather was so unsatisfactory may very few of the original team appeared. In order, however, not to disappoint the visit< ors, tln> following team of raw recruits took the hank-Sims. (jrninger, W. (ilnss‘, J. SaVage, Glover and Trench. Aurora lined up as folliws :â€"W. Young, E. Irvine. E. Fi'isbv, D. Webster, L. Graham, F. Brow. ing. F. Hartman, M. Mc. Co; and L. Hutchinson. W. J. Rutherford, of Aurora, acted as referee. The visitors in many points were superior, and at the close of the game the score was 2 to O in their favor. Our boys hope to plny the next. , I mulch under more favorable Circumstances, ' . and feel sure that. then the result will not b»: so unfortunate. Unexpected Denth' On Tuesday morning, Mr. Ernest Coomhs, principal of the High school, received ii tele- gram informing him of the death of his brother John in Huntsville hospital. The deceased was a young man of Lchty-six years, and was formerly well known in thi neighborhood. When but. a lad he learned the trade of machinist with Patterson dz Bro., and afterwards moved with them to Woodstock. After spending some three years in Woodstock he went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he was employed for nearly ï¬ve years, and left that city for Canada only last winter On account of the serious illness of his mother. Early last spring be secured a good situation with the Mickie, Dyment Lumlev' to, of Hunts-vi is. This situation he held until about four weeks ago, when he was stricken with typhoid fever. and remov- ed to the hospital. His case became gradu- ally more serious, and he finally anccumbed to the disease on the evening of Monday, the. 14th inst. He was the fourth son of Mr. John (bombs, of Carrville. The testimon- ials of his various employers speak of him as an exceedingly clevrr mechanic and a steady and industrious young man. The body was brought from Huntsville on Wednesday evening, and to-day, at 2 p. m . the little grava yard at Carrville will rtECPlVH the earth- ly remains of this young life so Well begun, but so quickly ended. 13bit 861?}; L37 Mr. H. McKerihan, of Toronto, spent Monday evening with Mr. A. S. Savage. Mrs. W. R. Proctor and little daughter, Kathleen, are visiting relatives in Milton. Dr. J. T. McElroy. V. S., returned Satur- day evening, after a ten days' trip to Chicago. Mrs. Andrew Irwin and little daughter, of Elgin Mills, are visiting relatives at Severn Bridge. Mr, Colin McLean started on Monday for Milton, where he has secured a position in a tailoring establishment. Reeve Pugsley, of this village, and Reeve Slater, of Markham tow'nship, were judges at Sutton Fair on Friday last. Miss :51â€. H. Wiley is attending the annual convention of the York County Women's Christian Temperance Union in Newmarket yesterday and to-day. Mr. C. E. Kyle. Miss E. Kvle, Miss Gert- rude Kyle, nnd Miss Sullivan, of Toronto. droxe up Suudav morning, and spent the day with Mrs. G. Wiley and family. We ol-surVe by the FeneIon Falls Gazette that Mr. G. H. Dartne’l, formerly cferk in the Toronto Financial Corporation here, has been appointed taller and ledger keeper in the same Eusti'ntiou at b‘enelon Falls, where a branch bus just bBL'U opened. i†Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bernard and lilt‘e daughter. of Montreal, and Mr. Bernard's mother, of Collingwocd, Ware in the village , on Thursday and called on a number of their former friends. They also called on friends at the Elgin Mills, and visited the old homestead. GRANTâ€"At the Manse, on Wednesdrtv, October 10th, the wife of RLV. J. A. Grant, of a. son. EIAixiLToNâ€"At Muskogee, Indian Ten, on the 22nd Sept... the wife uflt. W. Hamilton, of a daughter, D EAT" S PHELANâ€"At Thoriihill, on October 11th, Nicholas Pbelan. aged on years, a resident of‘Scui-boro‘ for 40 years. Commasâ€"At Huntsville, on Monday. October 14th, John Coombs, fourth son of Mr. John Conmbs, of Curi'ville, aged '16 veurs. LEALEBsâ€"Attlio residoncn or his~ soii-iii-lnw. F. Cosgrove. lionnl’s Lake, on Snturduy,0ctobcr 12th, Patrick Lenless, aged 75 years. egister. WEDNESDAY, October Zili‘ilâ€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, household lurniture, etc, on lot. 13. rear of 7th con. Markham, the property of Joseph Feesoi'. Stile nt 1 o’clock sharp. Elcvciiinoiiths' credit. Eckurlt‘. Prentice, uiictioncei s. FRIDAY, November nthâ€"Auction sale of farm stock. implements, household furniture, etc... on lot 2.], roar of 7th con. Mnrkhani, the property of Mr. Donald Douglass. Sale at. 11 o'clock; lunch pioviilorl. Twelve nionths' credit. Ecliai-dt dz Prentice, auctioneers. lfz‘Purties getting their bills pi‘iiitcd at this Office will receive u. notice simiinr to the above FREE oF.cIiAnoE. HERE! A large importation of ski our famous 25c. Japan Tea just received. It’s going fast. Want any? limitless t. alley. MAPLE Boarders Wanted Enquire at p DRY GOODS The name Dry Goods was ï¬rst used l. in 1745. and we have used it for several years ourselves, until now 1 ‘ . our name is always associated With Dry Goods wherever seen. Fine Table Linen, Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Tweeds, Worsteds, Go to make up the most complete assortment that. the critical mind of the intelligent shopper can Conceive. \Ve are advertised by our admiring patrons. w ATKINSON ¢ suuTZER G AND OPENING OF, FALL AND WINTER OT-WEAR ! A large new stock of all kinds at bottom prices. 1 Gents’ light weight low cut B llS, Gents’ thls, Congress and Oxfords cut from Dow gala, Butl', Shell Cordovan, Kangaroo, Pebble, L-idies‘ ï¬ne foot-wear, button and laced, neatest and best goods made; Ludics’ Oxfords all choice selections from best manufacturers; Boys’ and Youths’ in tine Bale and climbing and kicking shoes; Misscs’ and olllltls, outing shoes; Infants’ boots in different; styles. Our Goodyear Wells have giVen imbmnded satisfaction and we have the utmost conï¬dence in their merits. Everything can be found in our large and varied stock. Remember I will not be uiidcrsold. ALSO IN STOC‘K Men’s and Women’s Cork S dos and Blakcy’s Plates; Lac-es in Porpoise and Cordoâ€" van, Silk and Braid; Sabin’s Beeswax Oil, \Vatei'pronf Oil, Glycerole Polish, Ladies’ Buttons and Button HOUks, and Button Fasteners; Antoine’s Paste Blocking; Trunks all sizes at: wholesale prices. Custom Work a Specialty. Sewed and Pegged Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done at the Old Stand. ERS, Richmond Hi ll :4 New goods for Get. Salisbury Suitings, Flannelettes, Prints, Shirting‘s, Grass Cloths, Dress Linings, Cashmere Hose, Yarns, Grey Flannels, Flannel Sheetings, Shaker Flannel Blankets, do, 850., 84C. GROCERY STOCK Is always complete. .ISAAC C tOSBY. THE LIBERAL OFFICE