A SKaPTIG CONVINOED. He Had No Faith in Any Advertised Medicine. Attacked Will; in Bad Cold. Ills Trouble “'enl From “all to Worse l'nlll lie Was 'I‘Ilrenlencd “'llll Luromolor Atnxla~ 'E‘hcn Dr. “'illlams' l’inlr li’llls (‘urell Allcr other Medicine-i llnd Failed. From the Yul-inouth. 328., Timex The remarkable cures eï¬'ected by Dr. \T'liliams’ Pink Pills have long been a matter of newspaper notoriety, and many of them --well described as miraclesâ€"have 'been in our own province, but we believe ,7†so far none have been published from Yar- mouth. A Times representative enquired in a quarter where such matters would likely be known, and learned that there were several remarkable cases of restor- ation to health directly traceable to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, right in our midst. Curious to ascertain the facts in relation thereto, our representative called on Mr. Charles E. Trask, who had been known to have experienced a long illness. and now was apparently in excellent health,his cure being attributed to Pink Pills. Mr. Trask, who has been an accountant in Yarmouth for many years, was in his ofï¬ce on John lof one hundred ollicers and men, prisoners; also captured three guns, ore brass howitzer and three tuliibrils. Brigadier-General Vincent observedin his report of the brilliant- enterprise : “Major Ogilvis led on in the most gallant manner the live companies of the King’s regiment; niid,\vhilsi oiiehalfoi'thathithy disciplined and distinguished corps supported the 49th, the other part- moved to the right and attacked the enemy’s left flank, which decided our midnight contest." The Americans, though driven from the camp. hovered in crowds in the neighbour‘- four times more ing woods, and, being numerous than the British, the latter withdrew. The Americans, being rein- forced, took post at Forty Mile Creek. The loss of the Eighth at the surprise of the American camp at Stoney Creek was : Lieut. Hooper, two sergeants, and seven rank and ï¬le, killed; Major Ogilvie, Cap- tains Munday and Goldrick, Lleuts. \Vey- land and Boyd, four sergeants, and ï¬fty- one rank and ï¬le wounded ; thirteen rank and ï¬le missing. The Dimple Cheeked Village Maid may not retain hertlimples and rosy cheeks “blooming with health,†llntil she ï¬nds a good husband. A little neglect or accident may bring about some one of the many “ female" diseases and “ weaknesses,†to street when the reporter waited on him. ,,â€" J. on .,"‘ ‘ IllIr-tlllll I which the sex is subject, and health may be forever impaired, and hopes and happiness he at an end. Thanks to Dr. Pierce, his Favorite Prescription, prepared by him for women, cures the worst cases of uterine diseases, nervousness, neuralgia, irregulari- ties, and “weaknesses.†It is a great. in- vigorating tonic and nervine, and rapidly builds up the health and strength. Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, for constipation, sick headache, biliousness, indigestion. FOUND MB. TRASK IN HIS OFFICE. “Yes,†he said," there can he no possible doubt of the efï¬cacy of Dr. \Yilliams’ Pink Pills in my case, and I Will be pleased if the publication of the facts helps some other sufferer back to health. I caught cold, was careless and caught more cold. The ï¬rst thing I knew I was seriously ill. I could n0t walk. All strength seemed to have left my legs and the weakness! increased. From Leing obliged to remain in the houseI became obliged to remain in bed, but still supposed it was but a very! bad cold. I became so helpless I could notl move in bed without help. I had good at‘endance and the best of care and nurs- ing, but as week succeeded Week I seemed to grow worse instead of better, till I was worn to a mere shadow and began to care very little if I eVer recovered. A hint that I was threatened with something called locomotor ataxia reminded a friend that my case seemed similar to some oi those described in the Times. whch had been cured by Dr. \I‘illiams’ Pink Pills, and this ï¬rst drew attention to them as apossible all to me. I admit that I was skepticalâ€" very skepticalâ€"there are so many medi- cines being advertised just now, andI was never much of a believer in them. Well†Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills were purchased and I took them,as I suppose I would have taken anything else, simply as the routine of a sick room. The ï¬rst box seemed to show little elfect, and by the time I had got through With the third box there could i be no doubt my condition shOWed a marked . improvement, and I was correspondingly encouraged. The Pills were continued and I became rapidly better, so that I was able ‘ to sit up and go about the house, and occasionally go out if the weather was ï¬ne. Day by day I grew stronger, and to make a long story short, I feel I am to-day in as i good health as ever I was in my life, and I can hardly realize I am the same man who sutlered for six months, a helpless, des- pondent being who never expected to be on his feet again. While I have no desire ‘ for publicity I am quite willing these facts . should be made known for the beneï¬t of‘ others, and am ready at any time to bear hearty testimony to the genuine worth of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. They restored me to health when 1 never expected to be about again." Mr. 'l‘rask certainly looks the picture of health, and remembering the long i period when he had been laid up, ourl representative left, fully convinced- that'i Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills have well deserved all that was said of them elsewhere. When such cases can be pointed to in our own midst there can no longer be any doubt of the reliability of the many statements of wonderful cures effected throughout the country. -_ *â€" BATTLE OF STONEY CREEK. Once taken, always in favor. True bravery is shown by performing without witnesses what one might be capable of doing before all the world.â€" Rochefoucauld. SEVERE KIDNEY‘ TROUBLE COM- PLETELY CURED. Two lloltles of Soulh Aulcrlcnn Kidney Cure lnll II. The idea that disease of the kidneys cannot be cured is a mistake. True, many so-called kidney cures do not cure, but in that great discovery, South American Kidney Cure, there is found an unfailing remedy. This is what llr. David Hogg, oi Sunnymead, N. W. T., says’: “I was greatly aiillcted with severe kidney trouble, sufl‘ering the many annoyances and pain that follow this disease. There was hardly any remedy that I did not use, in hopes of securing relief, but it was not until I bought a bottle of South American Kidney Cure that relief came. The one bottle immediately relieved me, and two bottles produced a complete cure." The quarter of an hour before dinner is the worst suitors can choose.â€"Zimmerm an. Catalrh Use Nasal Balm. Quick, posi- tive cure. Soothing, cleansing. healing, Men are never so easily deceived as while they are endeavoring to deceive others.â€" Rochefoucauld. As an enemy of pleasure, health and comfort, dyspepsia has no equal. It vanishes when at. Leon water is liberally used. We enjoy ourselves on y in our workâ€"in our doing; and our best doing is our best i enjoyment.â€"Jacobi. Michael Adams, MJ‘. for Nortlinmllerâ€" land. 51".. is Another Who Has l'scd lir. Aguew’s Ciilnrrhal Powder and Been cured. It does not seem to matter where one looks for good results from that wonderful medicine, Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, they are to be found. Every one in his own province,and every member of the Commons knows Michael Adams, the popular member for Northumbel'land, N. B. When he says to the world, as he has done over his own signature, that Dr. Agnew’s C‘starrhal Powder is productive of most satisfactory results tor cold in the head and other oatarrhal troubles,they know it means much. The medicine is one possessed of peculiar virtues and never fails to effect a cure. One short pud of the breath through the Blower supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew’s Catarrhal Powder diilusea this powder over the surface of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use, it relieves in ten minutes, and permanently cures catarrh, hay fever, colds, headache, sore tliroat,tonsilitis and deafness,60 cents. There is nothing that a man can less adord to leave at home than his conscience or his good habitsâ€"l’acke. “I Have Had Rheumatism for years, and Nerviline is As Recorded Authentically By the Elglilh King‘s Regiment. Extracts from the regimental records of the Eighth King’s Regiment, of Halifax, for 181243 contain a good account of the night attack at Stoney Creek. The ï¬ve companies of the regiment, under Major Ogilvie, which had retired from Fort George, had taken post on Burlington Heights, at the head of Lake Ontario, where about 1,600 men were assembled under Brigadier-GeneralVin- cent. Three thousand five hundred Ameri- cans, with a ï¬eld train and 250 dragoons. advanced against the British detachment, and drove the picquets from Stoney Creek. The light companies of the Eight-h and Forty-ninth Regiments, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Harvey, moved forward on the 5th of June to reconnoitrc, and, ascendedthe position of the enemy’s camp, the ï¬ve companies of the eighth, under Major Ogilvie. and the Forty-ninth Regi-i ment,mustering together only 70-1 bayonets, advanced at eleven at night against the enemy’s post at Stoney Creek, where nearly four thousand opponents were assembled. After traversing seven miles of difï¬cult road with great secrecy, the enemy’s camp was surprised. The British dashed among their opponents with undaunted bravery, routed the very superior number of the Americans with great slaughter, and made Brigadier-Generals Chandler and Winder, ï¬rst and second in command, with upwards liavtng i the only remedy that has done me any good." So Writes Thomas McGlashan, l North Pel'nam, and his testimony is sup- ported by thousands of others who have experienced the wonderfully penetrating land pain subduing power of Nervillneâ€" l the great nerve pain cure. Marketabie, Possibly. Housekeeperâ€"Want any old newspapers? 1 Junk Man-No. NeWspapers un’t made jo’ rags any more. Made 0’ wood pulp. Housekeeperâ€"Isn’t wood pulp no use? Junk Manâ€"Guess not; but dump ’em on. If they happen to be made 0’ maple wood, maybe I can sell 'em at a maple sirup fac- tory. A Marvellous Statement by n l'roml- v uent ‘flnlllllilllâ€"A Rheumatic ltt-nlcd- Which Is (‘uring the “'orlil. Mr. E. \V. Sherman, proprietor of the Sherman House, Morrisliurg, Ont., is known by thousands of Canadians, hence the following statement from Mr. Sherman will be read with great interest and plea- sure : “ I have been cured of rheumatism of ten years’ standing in three days. One bottle of South American Rheumatic Uure performed this most remarkable cure. I had silli‘ered from this disease, as I say, for ten years, and I did not ever expect to be entirely cured. The effects of the ï¬rst dose of South American Rheumetlc Cure were truly wonderiul. I have only taken one bottle of the remedy, and now haven’t any sign of rheumatism in my system. It did me more good than all the doctoring I ever did in my life." SAVED HER LIFE. â€"â€" Wlint 0lll‘ Home oi lir. Agni-W's l‘ure for [he “9an Did for Mrs. J.L. llllller, o: \Hlltewood. ,\‘.W.’l‘. Only those who have so sulTered know the distressing feelings that follow an hf. fection of the heart. Let one who has been :iilllcted speak, and tell of the remedy which will cure. Says Mrs. J.L. Hillier, of \Vllitewood, N.‘V.’T.: “ For some tune I was much aillicted with heart failure ; in fact I could not sleep or lie down for fear of suifocution. itried all the dot-tors in this section of country, but- they failed to give me relief. A local druggist recommended a bottle of Dr. Agncw’s Cure for the Heart ; I tried it, and with the result that I im- mediately secured ease that 1 did not know before, and after taking further doses of the medicine, the trouble altogether left me. The fact is, knowing how serious was my condition, this remedy saved my life.†Every occasion will catch the senses of the vain man, and with that bridle and saddle you may ride liim.â€"Sir P. Sidney. A Question. How can we raise more com to the ‘acher'.’ Why, of course by using Putnam’s Corn Extractor. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor has given universal satisfaction, for it is sure, saie,and painless. Like every article of real merit it has a host of imita- tors, and we would specially warn the public to guard against those dangerous substitutes oilered for the genuine Putnam’s Extractor. N. C. Polson & Oc.,proprietors, Kingston. A. P. 785. Weak, Tired, Neivous Women, who seem to be all worn out, will ï¬nd in puriï¬ed blood, made rich and healthy by Hood’s Sarsapaâ€" rillil, permitnciit relief and strength. The following is from a well known nurse: “ I have suffered for years with female complaints and kidney troubles and l have had a great deal oi medical advice during that time, but have received littlr or no beneï¬t. A friend advised me to take Hood’s Sarsa arilla and I beglan to use it, together wit Hood's Pills. have real- ized more beneï¬t from these medicines than from anything elselhave ever taken. From my personal experience I believe Hood’s Sarsaparilla to be a most complete blood puriï¬er.†MR5. O. CROMPTON, 7) Cumberland St., Toronto, Ontario. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominentlv in the public eye today. Hood’s pills easy to buy. easy to take. easy in effect. 25c. Av Strictly High Grade! \\ heel at a MODERATE PRICE. G. '1‘. PENDRITH, Manufacturer. 73 to 81 Adelaide St.“’.. Toronto RICH FLORIDA LANDS-~rtecloimed muck: ad joining Lake Apiipku: healthiest purl; of ntntc; no clearing, drainage. or irrigation; two or three cro " yciiriv: low l‘l'lCe~’Z easy tei'lns. W. J. Fm 105'. ‘103 Church at, Toronto. MILL SUPPLIES,â€"â€"'l'ethw’s English Curd Clothing, Belting. l\lill Bliii'lilncryAVools, Cottons. Yarns. Waste. Saponifled Wool Oils. Root. S. Fraser. 3 ’. Helen ht. Montreal. BUSINESS CHANCES. If you want to buy or sell aslock or bu:iness of any description write me. Ili:\\‘0 had large experience in the wholesale. Alli selling busi- ne~ses continually. Correspondence Confiden- tial. No charge to buyers. Jonx NEW, 21 Adelaide East, Toronto T?XTILE MILL SUPPLIES. Cotton and \Voollcli. Best English Card Clothing. Aniline Dyes. High-grade Log- Wriod Chips. Write for quotations. ROBERT & CO., ll St. Michael \‘t., Mmtrea _ PORTING GOODS-All kintl< Hulls, Rifles Alniiiunition. llllil Fishing Tackle. Agent for Blue Iioclt ('lity Pigeons and Traps. T. COSTEN & CO., 1698 Notre Dame St.. Montrea Machinery of All Kinds. Il‘OIll Windmills. Fire Department Sup- plies and \\'lttel‘works l’llint~' down to Engine l’flclilll‘; of the best kind. J. E. NAUD. Manufacturers’ Agent. '25? Come Dame 51.. Montreal. [19 our *mmmm g mud wowiil show you how to make 53 a day. ab- solutely Flll't’; we Illllllbll the work and tracli you true; you work in the locality WIN-In inu ll\‘\‘, Send us your millions and We Will cxpluin thi- business fully. BEND $3 for every day': Work; nllnlutel: Burs, Address D. '1‘. Morgan, liox A. 4. Windsor. Onto. o. DUTHIE & SONS SLATE, SHEET-METAL. TILE & GRAVEL ROOFERS Sheet Meiail Ccilings, Terra. Uottn Tile, Red Black and Owen Rooting Shite. Metal Cor nices. Foil. Tar. Rooting l’iiw'h. Etc. Gutters llownpipes. Sm. supplied the trade. Telephone 1936. Adelaid - 8: Widmer Sts TORONTO CHAMPION STUMP & STONE EXTRACTOR. There are more of these l‘vlfli)lllI‘i6.l in use than all other kinds coul- bintsd. 14 years†trial has proved them the ll'rl't‘r (it once. bc\t. Send for price.: and terms to s. s. KlMBALL, ’7(.‘-raig 5L, Monti-mi The great success of in 1780) has led of their name, Baker 34 Co. are facturers of pure ie Ilï¬". Chocolates on this continent. used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, and be sure that 1 they get, the genuine Walter Baker St. Co.’s goods. the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established to the placing on the market many misleading and unscrupulous imitations labels, and wrappers. Walter the oldest and largest manu- and high-grade Cocoas and No chemicals are WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, ’ WUR SALEâ€"NEAR Ultllillib'Yâ€"li‘ltUl'l‘ F‘iIlMâ€"boil new and fich: Ililrl}' acres cleared; eighteen planted to rhoioc fruits; very convenient rind hmutit‘ul location: marketingr famliiim- ttn-urpniood: no triuh; worth forty-ï¬ve hundlcd. If taken at once will tnkethirIy-flvr- liUi:Ieran>li.OI‘ one Then- sand mu remain on lllOi‘lilugt'; a snap move quick. 1., Box “3, \Vinolia. Unt. W I , / Mgwfloï¬zgfls COR. YONOE 8:. OERRARO STS., TORONTO. ONT. NANADA‘S Greatest. C0liiliicrcizll School; advantages best in the Dominion: stu- dents assisted l0 positions every week ; mode- rate rules: everything lirstvclflss'. Catalogue and specimens oi‘ pcnmnnship flee. SHAW 8: ELLIOTT, Principals. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN’ BAKING POWDER THECOOK’S BEST FRIEND LARGEST S" E IN CANADA. DON'T COUGH YOUR LUNGS AWAY, GERMATSBRETEYsILSAM, AND BE straw on THE COUGH. Sold by Drllggists Ar 25 and so nonts. The only chemical hand lire ex- tinguisher how approved of byrhr ,' Inspector of Government of Quebec -' and nli tire department authorities. It is ihc simplest. the ll0<i’:ind the , cliezipost and is now in use in most â€"- public buildings. factories. cic. Price $24.00 per Dozen. lHI GllllllDllill Hill lllllllllllSiliR 00.. 7â€"9 St. Peter St.. Montreal. lilllillli'l‘ltill, lieliltilyz TOII'Cll10 (ill. Dyfpupqn. illii:iliillia. lion of mo Lungs. I‘Bltlï¬â€˜nlhl‘r we guarantee a «'lear pi oil! of . sï¬'xnw Fillmrll Illsf‘fll'lil{\'â€" Apparatus Iinil 011 from 81“ to .950. Oil can he kept for several yon -. Soc (-cl-t iilmtcs of cures Olll‘rllni‘dâ€" Published ill the Montreal pullers. £FEX1’1..iNA*i'nlz\' I’.\.\ll’lll Ffi‘ Sl. ‘ ALEXANDRE.†Specialist of Paris. 1694. Notre Dame 813.. Montreal WHAT A REMARKABLE cHAseEl In your appearance. conversation and genel al hearing. if you have been lately drinking St. Leon regularly. Your stomach may have been upset. your liver sluggish. or your duty. St. 1 con makes everything smooth and if you don't believe it just try it). LEON MINERAL WATER OO- Ltd. Head Omceâ€" King St. W.. Toronto. Tel. 1321. ST. DORCI‘IESTER. MASS. kidneys failed to perform their , I OUGLAS BROS, Slale.lGravel and meta. roofer»; mclallic ceilings. skyligth shout metal workers. 124 Adel-.iitioVV..Toron to STAMMERll‘l tinnnl System. No advance Permanently cured by a strictly Educa- ees. Write for circular. 'l'HliJ ONTARIO INSTITUTE, “ï¬r WINES P'QMWP‘? 4 ARMERS here is a snap for you. Harris Send St.. Toronto. , ha~~ sample cloth pieces for quilts. $1 for trial lot, good value. 27, 29. 31 William CANADIAN SHORT STORIES. OLD MAN SAVARIN... AND OTHER STORIES, __BY_ EDWARD WILLIAM THOMSON Cloth $I.00- CONTENTs : Old Man Savarinâ€"The Privileg of the Limits â€"McGrath's Bad Nightâ€"Gr Godfrey’s Lamentâ€"The Red-Beaded Win- dcgof' he Shiui 3 Cross of Rigaudâ€"thtlo Baptisteâ€"The Ride by Nightâ€"Drafted-A Turkey Apieceâ€"Grandpa 315 \Volt Story~ l‘he Waterloo Veteranâ€" chn Bedellâ€"Ver- bltzsky's Btratagem. PRESS OPINIONS. Montreal Gazette: “ Mr. Thomson has studied with equal success the French settle! on the banks of the Ottawa. or its atributaries, the transplanted Highlanders. the veteran who has carried across the ocean all the tradi- tions of European battleï¬elds, the Nor’weï¬tel‘ whohasbecome the ancestor of halt-beeede and is still a true son of atlld Scotia, the voy- agenr and shanty man. the hunter and trap- per, and even the stranger that is within our gates. ’ Saturday Night: “ I wonder what one could Fay _ about this book that would induce the intelligent reading public of Canada to greet it With the whirlwind of approval that its merits deserve. . . . It is one oi! the few meat. books written by Canadians. and most of the stories are located in Can-ado." WILLIAM BRIGGS. Publisher. 29-38 Richmond St. West. Toronto , rimmmm 'l’lllll Ag LlS'l‘LESS do is SLEEPLESS SALLOW SKlNliE lrequenlly chew and smoke immense quantities oi tobacco and wonder all the lime why ihen look so bad, leel so mean. Try under an absolute guar- antee of beneï¬t and ï¬nal cure, or money relucdeddhe taking oi a single box oi NO-TO-BAC regulates tobacco using, builds up nervous system. ‘ makes pure, rich blood. Many repori a gain oi ten pounds in ten days. Go buy a box. Try it under your own DRUGGIST’S GUARANTEE. 5â€â€ drug- I let is authorized to sell NmToâ€"Bac up- i or absolute guarantee to cure every ‘ form of tobaccousing. Ou written guar- i antes. free sample of o-Toâ€"Bac and g booklet called “Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Awe. ,“ mailed for tge . askin . Address TE STERLING R]? EDY 0., Chicano. Montreal, Cam, N. . ‘MW . CASCARETS flgapflï¬'gï¬ï¬l‘d ‘I‘ ’ 62227311? . z4,: TEz‘k' i=0 R CO N‘STIPATI o m. estrus McCASKI I S III Wholesale~VERRET, STEWART 81. CO. /£4:; 9 No.55 It Ef‘OMMENDED BY G IIES'L‘ AUTHORITIES SPECIAL ATTACHMENT LINKS FOR ALL PURPOSES. LARGE LINE OF WHEEL PATTERNS. FULLEYS, GRIP PULLEYS, SHAFTING UP TO 16 FEET LONG 05! our Quotations on MIII Machinory LL, DOUGALL ‘& coxs CARRIAGE VARNIBIâ€"IES. Unsurpassed for Durability, Brillianoy and Easy “forking. MONTREAL. ‘ Fort ALL PURr‘osEs. Quality Unsurpassed by any FOR STOCK 1““ IT. MONTREAL and QUEBEC oils or our c’HEAP nEiAtHAsir BARRIERS FOR SAWDUST, REFUSE, TAN BARK. ETC. ovsn 50 SIZES AND STYLES OF CHAINS VARYING FROM 75 T0 20.000 LES. WORKING STRAIN STOCK OVER 20 'IOMn PROMPT SHIPMENTS WATEROUS, . BRANTFOIIO, CANADA. Bend for NEW CHAIN CATALOGUE (Just Out) ST. LAW‘REEIN C E. SUGAR REFINING CO. “I ll"l‘(‘b)‘ certify that l have (ll' SUGAI’. REFINING L‘U.'S liX'l‘l’tA tskcti II‘Olil ten lots of about 1')†liairrels each. to contain : g9 I per cent. of 99 too To lSigned) .ii)ll.\' BAKlllt 12 Prof. of Chemistry LABORATORY 0F INLAND RE\'E.\‘L’E, OFl-‘lf'I-I or OFFICIAL ANAL turn. by my own hand. tell .satttplc ofihc STANDARD HIIANL'LATJCU Sl'GA ll. (Limited) i'sT, Montreal. April 8th. 1895. ST. 1. \WRENCE ind s ‘l‘ilninatcly l have analysed some and ï¬nd them uniiormly (Zaiiic Sugar with no impurities whatever." l)\\'ARIIS. Pli.D.. D.i‘.l.e. and Pub. Analyst, Montrch l’urc