Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Oct 1895, p. 8

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._ I l i m “a . ' wmwmmwmsmmgcm s.- G‘OING NORTH. TORONTO. Mail Acoom. Ex Union 8.30 10 45 5.15 I‘hornbill. . . . . . 5.56 11.52 6.01; 1'2 0'1 6.18 12.25 (3.35 1237 6.4.7 Accom. Mail. flewmarket... 11.10 6.12.": Aurora, 11.l8 6.35 King... 11.40 6.50 RICHMOND . .. 11.52 7.00 ’l‘hornhill 7-07 TORONTO Union .............. 9.50 12.40 7 15 PROOTOR’Sâ€"éficE. LINE. Connects with rill trains, leaving the Palmer House Richmond Hill. as follows: Mai & Expresshorth & South ....... Accommodation, north and south Express North. Mail South ........ .3110 n in. 11.00 a. m 1.15 p. in. POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post 011109 as follows:â€" Monnma ‘â€"Going North. smith East and West, including Thoruhill, Maple,Toronto,lll'n.rklln1n.&c. 7.45 EVENING râ€"Going south Bust and West (as above) 5.30 N. B.â€"-Rer:istered Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. A. L. SKE'ELE‘, “'atch Junker 6r Ieweilcr. Also dealer in Groceries and other Staple Articles. Prices right. Patronage Solicited. l l l SUMMER TIME TAIBLE. Metropolitan SI. Railway Going South Going North rr‘ <9 5‘ a; ~‘ 2; - ~ 3 a 2 1‘34 (21 i. ' 7’1 5 p; L: E :4 a: . ’1 :1 f 23‘ 2 o o 2 p >1 L5 C5 w Leave 6 20 run 6 A10 Lerwo n ‘10 '7 oo Ar 7 10 7 10... 7 20.... .7 lo . 7-11: . Fl no .. 8:10..,810.. 8 in 8 15... 820 8 40... {l 845.,.8.“10... $110... 9110 910 9:10... 9:111. ..10 9 30. ‘ 10 05...‘10 10. 10:10 ,1050. ll lo. ll :50. .. 1150 ...... 1'2 lo pm. 1210 pm 12:10.... 12:10.... 12 .30 2‘2 55 . loo 1‘20. l-iu. 2 no 3 05.. ’35 4 O D 1.1 or cw ...luio... . lo 1( 5m lo 55' 055.. 1100 1120 .. .. ....llQo..ll-lo Last czir qoiuu north on Suturng l)ll!l‘l’r leaves (Y. P. It. Crosxing at 11.50 o'clock. 1010. “ Nil-1E LIBEB $1.00 Der Year. ,1. .5. T .lJ HELL, BAKER & CUNFECTIONER 7' Richmond H111. , ‘VHOLESALE and RETAIL. FUTAI. LXEIE 0F Conlectloncry. Oranges. Lem- ons. Nuts and Fruit. Wedding Cakes on Shortest DAVI HILL, Proprietor. Notice THE PE?“ sac-r Tran Tl": Fl‘ :51' Tu_ II\ .IE WoaLD FROM THE TEA P'JlNT TO THE TEA CUP ___________..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. .___â€"-.‘_.___.â€"â€"â€"_ ‘ Wonsocn" Teri in; rL' oft‘vv T‘ca growers-.3111 .. ' ‘r l" 1 supervision .old by 111.111 :v .1 . -npluof:l:c bustq . and Ceyii n T ls. For that reason tin-y s t, one but the \ icsh loaves go into Monsoon :1 11:25. Iiat is why “Ill-011300"... the pmi‘xt Tea, can be sol.‘ It the same prim as inlrrior in. It is put up in scalle caddies of 1/4 lb.. 11b and 5 ".3 . and sold in three ilzvmn's at 105., 50c. and one. il‘x'ox'r‘ gr Cl-rdlv s not Loop it. tell him to wrile to STU‘I. IIAYTER ‘1' ( O, 11 and 13 Front. St. East. Toronto w. nevi/loos, HOUSE PAINTER, T Glamor, Gruinor and Paper- Hanger. RESIDENCE, - RlCHMOND HILL S nbscri be 101' The LIBERAL. I‘le Mllilflil Low prices ; Easy terms. Call and see these machines, they work second to none in canada. I0. .1. sown, ILGEZNT, RIQIâ€"lllloND HILL. Valuable Property FOR SALE In the Vlllnue of Richmond Hill, contuiniuq 10 lLCl't‘SJ’ll the. north .kulo 1.1 (feu're street our-It, first-cluss lund,1n 11 good state or cultivutiou. .>\ liuc ntl‘lf‘lllll of water crosses the rear of tho lot. If not sold on or before the {it day of October next wi.l be oll'orod in 5 or 1) 11cm lots, or 1tllltt‘llxllllgllllIClluSel‘ 111(‘lcl‘6 I would soil the whole of the farm. i-ontuvninc about; '50 acres. Fine residence, bricli front, neurly new. Bounti- fu1_luwn; good outbuiluings; lingo orchard, irun: will river-lino $1100 11 your. Five niiuutes’ walk from churches, High and Public schools. Don't miss it ; owner retiring. .7. BROWN BOX-1:21 Richmond Hill warm SALE ttiszmcnts. Elm: 911v»: Clerk’s Notice. of Markham will bu held at Unionville on At 10 o'clock a. 111., JOHN STEPHENSON Clerk - FARM to BE NT Known us "The Arnold Farm," situate nt Tliornlnll, on the west Side of Yongo strum. ten Iuilos north of 'loi'ozito. being lot number twenty-111110.201first concession of Ynliulluu. in the (‘ouutv (ll York, oonluining 2011 ucrcs, buying :1 “2111113ll\i'(‘lllll;l,bwll 1:111:43 burns, good Fillhllllfl mid outbuildings. ’lhe full planing is being dorm, ' 1’01 further pmticulurs upplv to R. U DAVISON, 86 Avenue ltoud, Toronto Oct. 17th, IH‘JS. M 5 l ' EXEEIIlllIS illlllflfia __+. Estate of Charles Mch-mi, lute of the. Townsliir oi \‘uuglinn, in tho (10111th of York, Furnior, tloceuscd. Notimis hereby given pursuant to C‘inpter 110 liowxml SuitutI-S of Ontario, that all persons huriug chum shrill on or before the hub duy of November, A. ll. D495. send tho some in wrilina duly Vel'lfior],pinb]11-e_ Imltl, to Andrew McNeil or Flora, McLean. Vellme. P. 0., executors of the lust Will and testnmeut of tho Milli Charles I‘lt‘lleuli. after which drug the executors Will pi'ocwod to (liVlflC the est-me among the nurtics entitled under the \\ ill of the 511511decencmlJiarinu record only to claims ul “'llll'll they then slim] liuve 11ml notice; 1111‘! 11m sun‘ exr‘i'utors will not be liubln for the llSN‘islll' (111;an thereof to any person or pi-r turns of whose ulnim notico shall not have lml'll ir‘l‘mvcll by them 21.1 the time of slit-ll dintribu~ lion COOK, TviAClDONALD SI lllllGGS, Solicitors for the LAN-litmus Ilutod this 11111 (lily of October, A. D. 1‘95. lli-i fiffillllllamlamllllfiillfli All imilirs Wiching to prepuro themselves for the ('omuwrrinl Diploma. 115‘ ‘ued by tho Edu- (‘Iuinn Department oi the Province of Ontario, “‘111 plrusn upply to tho unucrrigneil before NR vcmbor lst. 'l'lm examination consists of»- Onc paper on (immmirr and Rhetoric, “ “ Arithmetic, History from l'lfiatolfi’il, l’iii'sivs, I‘lllgllhll liitcruture A: Composition, Algelu'u, l‘i‘lli'lltl. ht hook. Six Fr-ts ‘iorkrlieopinw, Dnubio & Sinclo Entrv, lillsilli‘nl“ luims and L‘ciummciul Papers, Short- buud, &c. J. H. SANDVRSON. N.]l.â€"1fn school is opened in tho y'illnue this wintm'. it “ill be 111 “10 optional to tho students as to how much 01' the course they may V1 ish to (like. 113-3 n u u u .1 n u .1 0f Valuable Freehold Property in the VILLAGE OF THORNHILL l'nilor 11nd by virtue of the power of sule con- tained in {1 coitaiu inortgnpe which will be proâ€" lllll‘Cll m. the time of sale. and in resrect. of which dl‘luult has been made. there “'1” be offered for sale by public auction on salinity, first. 13, 5.895, At the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at Victoria. Hull,1n the Villuee of Thornhill, by J. '1‘. Sniceon, Esqun‘e, Auctioneer. the followmg property, 1mmer :‘ All and singular that certain pnrvel ortrnct of Lind and nrciviises situate, lying and being: in the township ol Vaughan. in the County of York and Provuioe of Untiuio. containin;,y by rul- ineusuremunt ninotccn null f‘lfllltJl‘IlHJS perches, be the same mm c or less, being composed of part or the south-east quarter of lot number thirty- 0110.111 the first concession of the said township of Vaughan, and comprising purl; of village lot number three of the said Village of Tliornhill, and win 11 mid parcel of land is more particu- larly described by met-es und bounds in the said mortgage. 011 (he said property is situnte the Hull known as VlCLUlliL Hull, in the sold Village of’l hoiuhill, consisting of ll. large one storey rough-vast build. ing on 11 stone ionndutioii, with an extension in tho rear. TERMS :Jl‘en per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down ut the tinio of 5:110, nnd tho buluucc to be puid within thirty days there- ul‘ter, without interest. The property will be sold subject to a. reserve bid to be fixed by the vendor. For further purticulurs and conditions of £0.10 upplv 1n the AllCLlUliUi r. [it Muplo, Hutu or to CLARKE, BOWES, HILTON d' SWABEY, 75 Yonge Street. Toronto, solicitors for Vendor. Dated nt Toronto, this Seventeenth day of Sepiombcr, 159:3. l-lâ€"tl-lil-lU-N WM. IIAIIIIISONO HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT Do You Want To Buy ? 11 so come and select from the following: \‘5’HIPS A large nscortnientâ€"-whzilo-lmiio, rim-hide, and Jinn. from .10 cents ouch up to :2. CURRY COMES (V CARDS In great variety. I‘l} Nets am] Screens Very low. Hzallcrs Leather, web, rope and ties. Snaps Champion, Bristol and German. [mp Dusters, Wotor-Pruof Kn cc and lilunket-s iii greut, variety. Harness ()il, Dressing, :Soups l’olzsh, rind Bick- mom's Gull Curo. Housings, lv‘routs, Rosettes. . The Daisy, McCluiu‘s rind oblier Sweat Pads, very cheap. Ilits 0f I111 kinds, and otlicrsupplics. Trunks, Vulisos, shawl-Straps, and Hunting lloits. Huvinglzrid in ulnrgc stock of tho above. will believing in small profits and quick returns, ushare of your custom is respectfully solicited by Rugs {834131133 ’5) Hth The next menting of rho Council of the Township 1 Saturday, Oct. 26th, 1895., Iris 9 fl 8 . 3.1.5. It will illifilllttlig ill: E .‘Eâ€"‘W ‘1 gigs it- Di: '1‘ a , In 1"". . 1. bowel Qfinoe, - 101° 111.0. so" To O» “rim com “I? A. s; in. $31.33 Mini; =s.:.‘is£.ca.t§§a. Surplus 0r. Policy-Holders" account :I. 3IS’C of December, (‘ " y...â€" â€" ’ ,â€" . . _ Ivor-I. tw/Jf) /2- PolICIcs absolutely lIiCOlltC<lillrlC alter {not year. No rc-L- SEl‘lCllolls .31.; to occupa Ion, resilience or travel. 9“» logo. 8. as}, r: n. lolly-*1; n5, «raâ€" Rafi. TIIOIQNHILL . General Agent Co. York "wining Done. Money to Loan. C y it Irralil OI EN â€"~â€"._:.»apâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- $5,500,006.93 Is paid every‘ year by Insurance Compinics in Canada. lVliy should you not have .i s‘iare in old age or to yom fam- ily? fhe LONI‘EDEIIATION LIFE has a guarantee ml 8 n \’ llii cm cap11aloffp5,770.83o.oo; Cash Income, 1894, $1,003,315.00; \ _, Y - ,. _ New Insumuce written, 189.4, $3 "28,204.00; Insurance in C“ F 4 - 4" y ' r ' . - I force, .,,525,4_~,5,3J,3.00, Ior exery dolLIi ieccned the Assocm- tion returns “£53.72 See. our Unconditional, Accumulative, Extended Insurance Policy, and ask 1-.“ rates, second to none in Canada or elsewhere, nished by Rates or any fnlormation fur- T frérkflfi’xkéffi *0, District Agent, Richmond Hill P. (fr. \Ve have what you want In And vsill Look at this list of a few specmls. ARREL CHURNS No.i,$.’;N,,$.-;N.,$ ",N.,.,.. \Vater'V‘VhZitZDCoalOOiZl, 15312.3 by boargel 3127.1. byo5 :raligldrots. T)". ,A Good Lantern tor 40c. Axes from 500, Axe Handles Ioc.‘ 3 inch Cut Nails, $2 50 per 100 lbs.; 3 inch Wire Nails, $3.10 per 100 lbs. Barbed \Vire $53 25 per 100 lbs. \Vindow Glass, Paints, White Lead and 0115. ‘Ne have two Cider Mills for sale cheap. Call and see us, or send us your orders. redith 156 KING STREET, E. TORONTO. arc-w Wires. e 630., m 395.53 up; Having purchased the lid-5111693 and gn'ltl will 0f_Mr. 0. J Brown, I intend refitting and filling the place, and opening up on or about FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25th, \Vilh a full line of FRESH - GROCERIES. I intend handling nothing but firstclass goods, and \xilli reasonable prices, “'Ullld solicit a liberal share of your patronage. JOHN L. MCDONALD Richmond Hill, October 17th, 1805. Jul THE Life fissnrsn Oi: GANAEA. Assures on all the modern plans, and is one of the most prosperous and progressive companies in existence. New Life Applications in 189.1 ...... ....... ....$Io,290,204.10 Assets, 3Ist Dcc , 189.1............ ...... . .................... . 4,616,419.63 Life Assurance in force, Ist jan., 1893 ..... 31,528,56974, Premiums low, Policies unconditional and nonlorleitable. Take 21 policy with the agent, LP. 1”. BIG 3E..Acl?§0 7?. _WM. HARRESONI "- i4ii)(?1'§1-1 9’ Oilice.

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