l «u:- --' w r ‘ - ~ -- “mix-wan, dhe chnMonn HrLi..iiTlmrsiiay, Oct. 24, _’£25 Wt (Confluth from First Page.) point, Miss McPherson, Mrs F Switzer. Lace, macrame or (wine, Mrs Soaulding, 1) Carter. Crochet work in cotton, Mag~ gie Benton, Mrs Heslip. Crochet work in wool, Mrs MennigMiss Devlin. Toilet bet, Mrs Wilmot, Mrs W Hunter. Sofa cushion, Miss Bell, M re Spaiilding. Ar- rasene on plusli,Miss Devlin, Mrs llcslip. Fancy braiding, Misstevlin, Miss Me- Vean. Outline work, Mrs J Hurd, Mrs F Sivilzer. Table cloth, Mrs Vunzant, C Penny. Paintingy on silk or satin, D Carter, Mrs G Larkin. Painting on re)- ‘vet, Mrs J Hurd, D Carter. Trimmed basket. Mrs Smith, Mrs Williams. Bead work, Miss Devlin, Mrs Hurd. Whisk- holder, Mrs Vanzant, Miss Wilmot. Or- namental needleâ€"work, Mrs Switzer, Mrs Smyth. Panels worked on plush, Miss Wilmot, Miss Devlin. Drawn tlirend work A McGuire, C Bell. Easel scarf, I McGuire, Miss Bell. Decorated blotting pad, Miss Sullivan, Mrs Sparling. Pm cushion, Mrs J Thompson, I McGuire. Table D’Oylies, C Bell, Mrs G Broddy. Table drape, Mrs Heaslip,l\’liss Chapman. Photo frame, Mrs Williams, Mrs Arnold. Lamp mat, Mrs Smith, ‘Mrs Gollop. Sofa pillow, Mrs Thompson, Miss “Vii mot. Handkerchief case, A Macdonnel, C Bell. Veil case, Miss Sullivan, Mrs Vanzuiit. Tie case, Mrs Hurd, Miss Sullivan. Novelties, Mrs Smith, Mrs Spanldine. MENTAL AitITH METIC. 5th book pupils, C Teasdale 7 pts, F B Sproule 7% pts, H Hollingshead 7 pts. Sen 4th book pupils, Eva Wallace 9 pts, Eva Whitmore 7% pts, H Dawson 6 pts. Jun 4th book, E Orth 6 pts, Flo Mc- Kenzie 5.5 pts, N Emeler. Sen 3rd book, H Wallace 8 pts, M Storey 7 pts. James Wallace 6 pts. Jun 3rd book, Florence Simmonds 5 pts, M Maynard 4 pts. Thus Peters 4 pts. Sen 2nd book, Vinnie Stacey 4pts, S Metcaif 3 pts, May Mc- Bride and Maggie Smithers, tie. Examiners-â€"K Langdon. W Faliey. ; HORTICULTURE. Hand bouquet, Miller & Son, Mrs Jno Mennie. Table bouquet, Miller (1‘ Son, «flIrs J Mennie. Bridal bouquet, Miller 6: 801;, C Scott. Corsage spray, flIillcr & Sun. C Seoet. Three geut’s buttonhole bouqhets, Miller J: Son,Miss McPherson. Best table design, Miller d5 Son, C Scott. Best funeral design, Miller «Sr Son, C Scott. Best display of tea rUSes, Miller & Son. Best assortment of Carnations, JlIiller &- Son, C Scott. Best: display of cut Chrysanthemums, [Miller & Son. Best C'Jllectiun of pansies, C Scott, Mrs I Menuie. Best collection of flowers and plants in pots, Bessie Wallace. FRUITS. Variety of apples, Jesse Chapman, A Gage. Twelve 000k npples,G Thompson, M Harrison. 12 table apples, 1111's Uriah Young, G Thomson. 12 winter apples, A Gage, G Thomson. 12 Iussets, G Thomson, \V Breckon. 12 winter pears, AGzige, O Blather. 12 autumn pears, W Campbell, 0 Mather. Barrel iusset .bpples, O Illatlier. Barrel greening apples, 0 Mather, Barrel of King of Thompkins, Mrs C Wiener. Barrel of winters apples, 0 Mather. Barrel cook- ing apples, lllrs C Wiener. Barrel northern spy apples, Uriah Young. Bari tel autumn apples, 0 blather. , ROOTS. Swede turnips, G Robinson, Uriah Young. White turnips, U Young, \V J Campbell. Carrots, H \Velsli, R Reilly. Maugel wurtzel, long,‘M Harrison, ’1‘ Padget. lilangel wurtzelglobe, ll‘Pudget, ’0 Young. Pearl of Savoy potatoes, 1 Devins, T Stevens. Freeman potatoes, 1‘ Stevens, R Taylor. Beauty of Hebron potatoes, J Dandridgo, It Guthrie. Steele’s earliest of all potatoes, J Dan- 'dridge, R Guthrie. Crown Jewel po- tatoes, J Dandridge. R Guthrie. Thorn- bum potatoes, J Brown, C Piunkeit. Burpee potatoes, J Dandridge, W Fox. Any sort of potatoes, 0 Dyer, J Danâ€" dridge. Winter radishes, C Scott, U Young. Squashes, G John, Mrs James Nattrcss. Pumpkins, M Harrison, R Guthrie. VEGETABLES. Twelve long blood beets, C Scott, J B "Guthrie, Geo Syine. 12 Egyptian beets, J Guthrie, U Young, R Guthrie. 3 Cauliflowers, giltedged, It Guthrie, J B Guthrie, J Dandridge. 3 cauliflowers, erfurt,J Dandridgc,J Gullirie,R Guthrie. ~3 calilillowers, snowball, ll Guthrie. J B Guthrie, Wm Fox. 3 eiiiiliï¬th-rs, Demi Dur, J Dnndridrge, \Vn) Fox, It Reilly. 3 caiilitlowers,early white licodlt Guthrie J Guthrie, J Dandridge. 3 Brunswick cabbage, G Syme, Wm Fox. 3 Hender- son’s cabbage, G Syme, \Vm Fox, Miller -& Son. 3 premium flat Dutch cabbage, G Syine, “'11? Fox, R Guthrie. 3 all bend early cabbage, \Vm Fox, It Guihrie, G Symc. 3 Savoy cabbage, I). Guthrie, G Syme, \Vm Fox. 3 red calibag'E, \Viii Fox, R Reilly, R Guthrie. Collection of Cabbage, \Vinningstadt, Premium .Flat Dutch and Savoy Druinhead, R Guthrie, 'Geo Syme. 12 American white onions,C Scott, Wm Fox, It Guthrie. 1‘3 Ameri- can yellow onions, G Syme, Wm Fox, C Scott. 1'2 American red onions. C Scott, RUrutlirie, J Guthrie. 12 Italian white onions, Wm Fox, ’1‘ Stevens, It (lntliiie. 12 Italian yellow onions, C Phinkett, It Reilly, G Syme. 12 Italian red onions, Wm Fox, R Gutln‘le,U Syme. 12 Rocca of Naples onions. “"111 Fox, R Reilly, C Scott. Best liqu bushel of prize taker onions, Wm Fox, R Reilly, G Svme. ‘Best rope of yellow onions, ‘\Vm Fox, R Reilly, G Syme. Best collection of 'onions, R. Guthrie;€.'- Syine. J Dundridue. l2 chantenay carrots, Wm Fox, It Reilly, | R Guthrie. I2 oxlieart carrotsJi G :i‘hric o3 Guthrie. ’1‘ Stevens. 3 largest citzoiis, BiG'uthting Guthrie, R Reilly. Colloc- cn... o. z. tion of herbs, R Guthrie, C Scott. J B Guthrie. 2 vegetable narrows, \V Fox, R Reilly, R Guthrie. 12 roots sulsify, ‘v‘v'm Fox, R I‘eilly, R Guthrie. 12?. red peppers, Wm Fox, [1 Guthrie, It Reilly. 3 garden Squash, IVm Fox, R Guthrie, R Reilly. 3 roots hollow Crowned pursnips, G Syinc. R Guthrie, Ill Harrinon. 12 gOhlen Paris celery, YVm Fox, G Syme, ll Reilly. 12 white plume Colurv, Win 5 Fox, A JIaynnrd. 12-2 dwarf white Celery G Syme, R Guthrie. DAIRY I’lti‘rIiL‘t'E. AJ lb iirl».in butter, .Mrs Burk. crock butter, Jim B Taylor. butter, Mrs Punk. 12 lb crock bumr. Mrs A Cage. 10 lb truck butler, Mm 'i‘ Corbett. 10 lb crock butter, M's C Wis- mer. 10 lb crock biittur,i\1iss Middleton. IO lb crock butter, Mrs J Wiley. 10 lb crock butter, Mrs \V Hcmphill it) lb crock butter by young lady under ‘20 yrs, Mrs Jns Bowman. ]0 lb roll butter. Mrs J “Why. 10 lb roll butter, Mrs J Wiley 10 ll) roll butler by young lady lII)ll"l' It) years, Lily Reaman. 10 lb butter, Ethel Troycr. 10'â€; roll butter, Mrs Hinli. IO dairy butter, Mrs lurk. it) lb butter. Furs Rink. 10 lb rendered honey, Dr I Thom, Mrs Wismcr. 5 lb hour}; in comb A Gage, ] and ‘2_ Cheese, factory-made. not less than (30 lb, \Valluce Urns. James W’ells. Cheese, home-madamâ€! less than 10 lbs. Mrs \Visnier. Jas \Vclls. 2 loaves 'lioinermndo bread, J Bell, Mrs F Switzoi',’ Mrs “'ismer. 12 home-made buns, plain, Mrs “’ismer, Mrs Arnold. 1:3 liriuie-Inade buns, with fruit, MI‘S Rziydon. Mrs Young. Fruit-cake, not less than 4 liis,B Watson, MI‘S Josnph. Sponge cake. not iced, Mrs A Orth, Mrs Young. Assortment canned fruit, Mrs A Gnge,Mi‘s J Devilis. Assort- ment of jellies, Mrs A Willimns, Mrs I“ Young. Assortment 0t pickles, Mrs J Arnold, Mrs A Gage. H’iME MANUFACTI’BES. Barrel of roller fliur. exhibited by manufacturer, \Vallaco Bros. l and 2. 10 yards home made flannel, Mrs F Swit- ze“, Mrs U Young. IO yaids factory made 11 time], Harris and Horsoly, I and ‘2. 10 yards full cloth, Mrs Wismcr, \Ynl» 20 lb lace Bros. 10 yards Canadian tweed, Harris If; Horselev. Pair blankets, Mrs U Young, Mrs C \Visuier. Pair horse blankets, Mrs U Young. Sari double team harness, D Penrey. Set single hwr l ness, D Pearey, John (lollny. Sriiile. lï¬ lli crock 4 mm specnu1ynaunyenki _.__A_T_~;. A. G. ELLlOTT’S. mam-um » Ladies†Regatta Hats only $Ioo each i Ludies’ Wool Trims 20 to 50¢. each Dress Goods, double fold. all wool, 25c. per yard. Black Cashmeres, extra, 25c. per yard. Check Dress Goods, 15c. per yard. Ladies’ Vests, heavy, 15 and 250. each. New Skirtings, 15c. per yard. .1 New Veilings, Frillings. New Hosiery, (iloves and Ties. MEN’S HATS In the latest English and American styles, good and cheap. Men’s and Boys" Cloth and Fur Caps. Men‘s and Boys’ Underwear. Men’s Overalls, 50c. per pair. Men’s Tweed Pants. $1.25 per pair. Men’s Overcoats, $5.50, worth $8.50. LADIES’ BOOTS. Special lines at $i.Io and 1.25 per pair. . Men’s Boots, special lines at $1.25 and 1.50 per pan}. Misses’, boys’ and children's boots in large variety, qualities good and cheap. Rubbers, best quality of goods at lowest prices. Gilt Edge Shoe Dressing, 23 cents. bridle nod martingale, D Penrey. Suit men’s clothing, Canadian tweed, Harris & Horseley, \Vallace Bros. Suit men's clothing, worsted, \anlace Bros, Harris S: Hurseley. Men’s Bzilmoral boots, D Stewart. Pair men's kip boots and n3- sorted boots. D Stewart. 1 and 2, Rug carpet, :urs Young, Miss Mth-au. Tin- su‘itli’s wmk. J Frank. Homoâ€"made wine, Miss 15 \Vutson, H Lenty. Home- made wine. not grape, .ii's “'ismer, K Brown. Two bars Soup, :urs II Li-nty, Mrs Barker. Sewing machine, any make, J Bolton, G Nun. HXE ARTS Cabinet organ, J H Bolton. Piziim, Heintzinnn d}: Co, Mendelsohn cf- Co Oil painting, amateur animals, E Forbes, Mrs J Hurd. Oil painting, amateur, flowers or fruit, Mrs G Aikin, M Sullivan. Oil painting, amateur, portraigl‘) Forbes, W Schultz. ()il painting, amateur, laud- scape or marine, N Bell, E Forbes. \Vater colors, amateur,anin:als.E Forbes, N Bell. \l’ater colors, amateur, flowers or fruit, Mrs I“ S\\'liZL‘I‘, M.s J Mannie \Vater colors, amateur, landscape or nutr- ine, N Rell, G Pike. Painting on china, ‘Ida Scoley, J Mennie. Drawing friim «b» jects, outline, E Forbes, J Ai-duisun. Drauing from objects, shaded crayon 1r charcoal, E Bell Smith. Portraits in Blacking, Day & Martin’s large box 10 cents. An entirely new stock of GROCERIES __AT_._ A. G. ELLIOTT’S, RICHMOND HILL. - » zzwgnwmmrarmunmeassgsunxm:27 may. 1. “’53.â€? ' “kflï¬-Fim; ""mm-‘m l “NEW/GOODS ‘nmnFMum 9:?4.}1‘Kb()1â€211i on. Eastio‘fiice, 85 King St. 3.. [iI'ORONTC. DIIUCC I‘CRS [1..7. Davis, M. RR. Yiced’rex: «Illi‘. Iliuliurdsou,M.P.I’ . ' 'u‘y, I'iti“iI1-ll L’roiiyn. . ll. lioz'r. Q l‘.. .ul.:ui hi-‘t ii pint. Hour. 0 l‘runstnn, General Manager. Eishmend Hill Branch. .017 nits re wired. uurl interest allowed at current into» III the SlH'lIILfS Department. Special littt’u'tl‘“. Lurch to the (:r ilection of sale and other notes. Blarney to 1401111 JAMES M. LAW’KENCE, Manager ‘“rsun;HEALns‘“e GEE nES'E‘ERED) 3% Eli R B THE NATURAL MEDICINE. A very careful research and study of the Herbs, Flowers, Roots, Seeds, &c., to he TEA. crayon or pastel, E Forbes, T Gamble. Collection Of photographs, A Hamilton, ‘iV McVee. Specimen ot peninunshipï¬lrs A Williams,“’ Schultz. Freehand draw- ing by pupils attending public schools, Ross Wallace, Aida Strong, Freehand drawing by pupils attending high schools, Emma Taylor,L Chapman. Stuffed birds and animals, Smith and Shenrdown. Copy book, by pupils M and under, I. Mdyiiaifl, J B-J'Ehlan. Copy bwk by pupils 12 and under, W Kingdou, John Heuiphill. Copy book, by pupil l] and under, H KeiSey. ‘ LAUIEs" WORKâ€"USEFUL Palcliivork quilt, Cotton, Mrs Scot, Mrs Switzer. Patchwork quilt, silk, E Forbes, M Fallis. ])itlt:ll\'.'(il'li quilt, silk, crazy pattern. V Mason, Mrs 'l‘hos Hull. I’ntcli- Work quilt, any other kind, Mrs \Vismer, Miss MuVeaii. Knitted quilt, Mrs An- drews, Mrs ’l‘ Swilzer. Crochet quilt, Susie Crawford, Miss Chapman. Sci. table mats, Ida Scolly, M's J )Iwnnie. Flour inat Mrs Arnold, Mrs C Scott. Tea cosy, Mrs J A Thompson, Ida MrGuim. Lum- hrequin, 'l‘ :.ic[’lmsoo, Li‘s G Vnnzzint. Family machine sciiiiig, Mrs L Smith, Mrs Rich. (Icnt’s shirt,cotton and linen, Mrs G Vanzunt, Mrs U Young. Gent‘s flannel shirt, Mrs W I'Iaycroft. Mrs lllch. Fancy knitting, woollen, Miss McPherson, T-iis L Smith. Fancy knitting, cotton, Mrs R Broddy, Mrs L Smith. Woollen socks, Mrs L Smith, Miss McPherson, “'oolleu stockings, ’I‘ Mcl’lierson,J llurnâ€" side. “’oolen mils, J Burnside, Mrs L Smith. Silk nuts, J Burnside, Miss MC- Plierson. Sill: stockings, J li‘urnside, Mrs L Smith. Gent‘s Woollen gloves. J Burnâ€" side, Miss MrPherson. Button holes, Mrs Gollop, Mrs '1‘ Smith. Dzirncd Slit’lhi or stockings, Mrs L Smith, 31“SI{L}illi}ililer. Pillow shame, A McGuiie, Miss \\'iln:ot. Embroidered pillow shuins, Miss Smith, A McGuire. Ladies shopping My, Miss :Ichan, Miss T Drvlin. Gentleman's smoking cap, Mrs '1‘ Smith, Miss McDonâ€" nel. Slipper holder, Ida McGuire, Mrs (1‘ Aikins. Ladies underwear, Idaruetluire, Mrs Thos Bell Slippers, embroidered. Miss Mcvean, Mrs ’1‘ Smith. Tld", :uiss T ‘ McPherson, .‘irs F Swinger. Camp stool l or chair, worked. Mrs G R Vanz‘iut, airs Gollop. 'l'ruy or carving cloth, Miss THI- mvit, Mrs T Smith. Lady’s night gown, found in various parts of America and Europe, has resulted in the diacmwry of a Ctillll)lliili.il‘li which will in future be known as HOME HEALTH HERB TE.\, and which should be kept in every household. It possesses remarkable properties the Herbs, Roots, Ba.rks,Soeds, Sic, entering iizto its comâ€" bination are of such uchnriutter thth results hitherto unattainable are now ‘nlilill.’ the much of anyone who possesses :1 package cf this wonderful medicine. Eyerything used in its manufacture is carefully selected under personal supervision. It quickly ehrcs Constipation, Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney troubles, Dilionsness, Sick Headache, Pnrilies the Blood, and Clears the Complexion. It is as pleasant as a cup of tea, and as crisin prepared. For sale by all druggists and dealers. Price 25 cents a package. If not. conveniently procurable it will be. sent, postage free. on receipt of price, by addressing THE HOME-HEALTH REMEDY 00., TUIU‘N 1‘0. AGENTS: C. D. DANIEL & CO., 171 King Street East, Toronto. ._ iIOHMOND’HILi. " ' ’ if HARDWARE - STORE. W“. is ,p groves arouse _ _ All of the best makes. I will sell you any store made as cheap as the cheapest, and set them up tor you tree of cost. Also Stove Pipes Hot-air Furnaces, lime-Trough ing, Hardware and 'Iinware of all kinds very cheap. Repairing promptly done. ASON". †TRIQH s m NLSJIHI . r f MAENESS SEQ? Is the place to go if you want the best harness that can be made, price Iind quality considered. FINE HARNESS A SPECIALTY. Full line of Jute and \Vool Horse Blankets, Wool and Rubber Knee Rugs, all grades and priCes. You have got to see the North ‘VeSt Bufl‘alo Rolieg To know their value; you can’t wear them out. Also Calf Skin Mitts, fur lined, warmest and best mitts made. Always on hand, Whips of every description and price, and all other supplies. . r. 5 u h t -‘ i l \Iiss Rnirrlcn, Miss J Burnside. \Viiollcn , hood. insa F. Scolly. Mrs J Mannie. Afghan, airs F Switzer..iitrs. G fluidity. Repairing promptly attended to. Call and see stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. 63:00. IVIcDonalld, RiOhEIIOIldl EEiIl. Sdmlllillflhlli‘d saws. Sdlfilfld 2%. Mr. ‘1'. B. Grain having gone out of the luisines in 31114110.] uni again )rciiured toisupply customer 1) shortest notice. Postal notes promptly attended to. W. H. JACKSON, l‘dAPLE .irumuoson, Insurance Agent ~â€"FOR lilillE MST. hiilTlllll. lililE lildllitdlltlE 80.; 3 he Lilitis‘ii nIllCIICfl, also the TEMEEEMWE 23. 7 7 assumes MAPLE. _ SLABS Delivered on shortest notice at reasonable prices. Com. $26.25 per ton. First-chases Beech 4's: Maple $4.50 §llzlbs $52.25. (BREWERS sflbLlCl’l‘ED. Wm. B. Proctor, RICHMOND HILL.