Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Oct 1895, p. 5

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little chums. RKCHMOND HILL, Thursday Oct. Mr. T. HerberlLemiox will be at Kelly’s Hotel every Wednesd: . Dr. F. J. Guillnnouglz, V. S., ViRllS Rich- mond Hill prolecri-Jnully on Wednesdays rend Saturdays. A. O. F. Court Inclel’.’ tit-marrow evening. Good Brooms for 15 and 18c. at the Con- crete. Revival services common-end in the Metho. dist church, Hendfoi‘d, on Monday evenind. Horse Clippers, $1 00; best make $1.50, at C. Mason’s. Rev. J. T. Morris. of Stnyner, was the guest of W. Trench, Esq., over Sunday last. Rolled Outs cud Wheat Flakes both lower, ask for quotations at the Concrete. Mr. R. S. White has resigned his seat as M. P. for Ciidwctl. A bye election will likely follow. Moneyâ€"â€"We cnn sure you money in buy- ing Boots and Shoes. Nunghtou Bros., Elgin Mills. Dr. W. J. Wilson, 191 College St.,Toroulo. Olfice hours: .10 a. 111.1.0 1‘2 a. 11].; 2 to 4, and 6 to 8 p. m. Phone 1284. Do you want iv. well fitting and good weur- ing Corset? if so go to A. Gr. Elliott‘s, he has them from 30c. to $1 per pair. 0. J. Brown still has the agency for Pur- ker's Dye Works. All parcels lelt at. his res- idence will be promptly attended to. Nice California Silver Plunea 150. per lb. at the Concrete. We will send to any address in Canada The Toronto Daily Star for one year, and THE LIBERAL to Janniry 1st, 1897, for $1 75, cash in advance. Noticeâ€"Persons indebted to O. J. Brown are requested to settle their accounts before Newmber lst. Gents’ Heavy Frieze Ulsters at the Can- cx‘ete for lit}, and nice overcouts for $4.50. 331‘. Hutchison is prepared to repeat any prescription given by Dr. Wilson, providing the number on the bottle is returned. (all {/5 large stock of men‘s, hoyu’ and ladies’ underwear to select from at A.G.Ellioti’s. We are pleased to acknowledge the re- ceipt of parliamentary papers from Ben. N. C. Wallace, M. 1‘., Controller of Customs. Splendid new Figs 5 cents per» lb., good Belarus 3 cents per 1b., good Currants 5 cents per lb. Atkinson & Switzer. The Very Rev. Dean Egan, of Barrie, was in the village on Friday, and called on a number of his church people and other :lends. Great value in Table and Floor Oilcloths at the Concrete; good quality, yard wide, Floor Cloth, nice pattern, [or 230. per yd. Owing tollhc amount of space taken up by the Wc-udbrldge Fair prize list, much other matter is unavoidably crowded out this week. ’ Ladle-5' Regatta. Hate in black, navy and red, the lillcbt style, cuu be bought cheap at A.-G. Elliott‘s. ' \Ve observe by the Aurora Banner that ' Mr. H. Q. b‘t. George, of Uuk Ridges, planted .3 bags at Burbank Seedling potatoes, from which he bud a yield of 300 bags. Richard's Pure Soup 4 bars for 23 cents, Richards’ 5 lb. Jubilee bar 28 cents, Wonder- ful Soup 5 bars for 23c., at the Concrete. We have received another large potato, which was grown on the farm of Mr. F. Gibson. It. is u red elephant, and weighs 2 lbs. 11 oz, Factory, Cotton, White Cotton, Sheeting, Flannelett, 'l'ickiugs, Uottonudes, &o., never were better than now at the Concrete. In the local bye-election for Montreal Centre, held on Tuesday, Dr. Guerin, Liber- al, was elected by 1254. At the last general 9 eciion, the Conservative member was elect- ud by 471 majority. Toilet Soap, & lb. burs, good quality 0.1!.- meul or Custile, 5 cent bar Buttermilk Soap 27 cents, box lutaut‘s Delight 270. box, at the Concrete. By order of the president a meeting to re- organize the curling club for the coming season will be held in the Council Chamber on Saturday evening at 8 o’clock. Our Boot and Shoe stock is much larger this season, our sulcs are also much larger, having the right kind of goods at prices to suit. all, we can do the trade at A.G.Elliott". The Band have Secured the services of Mr. H. b'heppiird Musson, of Toronto, 1: humor- ous vocalist of good reputation, for their concert on the evening 0! Thanksgiving-day, November ‘let. They Will announce their full list of performers in u later issue. i Good Grey Flannel for 9e. per yard and 28 inch Standard Wool, plain or twill, for 14 cents per yard. Atkinson & Switzer. The following-drove to the city yesterday, l and attended the convention of Provincial ,' Sabbath School Association 2 Mr. W. Atkin- son, Mr. W. Glues, Mm. Switzor, Mrs. W. A. Sanderson, Mrs. McMahon, Mrs. Linhlater, Mrs. C. Mason, Mrs. Siwrs, Miss Edith Swdzer. Just to hand, an entirely new stock of Groceries, clean and fresh, and will be sold cheap at A. G. Elliott“. Try us for Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars, Soups, Staruhes, Baking Powders, Stove Polish, Pearline, Rice, Sugo, Raisins. Currants, or any other goods you require ; pl'lCt'S light all the time. The Public Library Board met last evan- ing, but ulti-r reading the twa tenders which had been handed librarian, Qi‘tbt'lllulhilfillOll, dc, for th9 library Mill reading room, it was decided not in acct'Dt any temlcl‘ without making forum inquirv. The Board will meet. again on 'l‘ncsday owning, Business is growing hatter. Atkinson dc Switzvl' My their full trade is growing good; but of course Atkinson dc Swilzer find trade when others lire prowling. Large congregations greeted Rev. J. ’1‘. Morris in the Methodist church last Sunday morning and evening, when he preached live very excellent anniversary sermons. The free will offerings amounted to about $160, and the church people feel very much pleased will) the result. Two Papers 15 Mos. for $1.35. We arr-l prnpnrod ro amid THE LIBERAL and the Weele Globe from now until Dec. 31, 1896, for $1.35 in advance. Those not tak- ing either of those papers should subscribe at. once. Call ill. this otlice, or send the money. Credit Sale. Mr. Simon Baker, lot 29, 2nd Gen. Mark- knm,wi‘.l_liavo nn niiction sole of horses, cattle, Sheep, pigs, fowl. implements, etc., on Wednesday, the thi of November. Sale at 1 o'clock. Lunch provided. Terms l2 months. Seven per cent allowod for cash. Eckardt d" Prentice, Auctioneers. Mr. Laurier at Markham. A large load drove ovor from this place lo the Laurier deODstrutiun at Minimum on Saturday. The meeting was a great suc- cess, and we regret lhat want oi space pre- vents us (thing on account of the speeches this week. The speakers ware. Aid. H. R. Frauklund. Lille-rill candidate for East York ; Mr. Buin, M. P.: VIr. llldnr, M P.; Mr. Arch. Campbell, M. P.; Hon, Wilfred Laurier; Mr. J. I. Tarte, M. P.; Mr Mulock, M. P.; Mr. W. Gibson, M. P., and Mr.J.Sutherl-ind, M. P. Cannty Officers. The following were elected officers for the current veer at the York County W. C. T. U. Convention in Newmaiket lest, wank: Han. Pres, Mrs. Cody. Newmurket. Pres, Mrs. Gilchrist, Toronto Junction. Vice~Pres., Mrs. C. E. Cline, Newmnrkot. Cor. Sam. Miss Wiley, Richmond Hill. Rec. See. , Miss Foster. Yorkvillo. Trans , Mrs. Keough, Weston. Auditors, Mrs Eagle. Weston, and Mrs. C. M. Hughes, Newniarket. Village Council. The Village Council met iii the clerk‘s oflice on Monday, October 2lst. Presentâ€" the reeve, Councillors Atkinson, Morison, Palmer and Savage. The minutes of the 3rd of October were read and approved. Mr. Atkinson introduced a by-low N3. 149 to authorize the laying and collecting of asses. ments in the village of Richmond Hill for the year 1895. The by-law (No. 149) was read a first, Second and third time and passed. The council adjourned. ‘ King Plowmg Match: The annual plowing match under the auspices of King Plowmeu‘s Association will be held on the farm of Mr. Stephen Armi- taga, half a mile cost of Schoenberg village, on Wednesday, November 6th. All classes open to the Dominion. Lunch will be pro- vided forjudges and plowmen on the field. The prize list is large and the match prom- ises to to be the best in the history of the asmciation. For particulars ape bills or on- ouire of the directors, or Mr. J. T. Saigeon, Maple P. 0. East York Pic-Wing Match. The Annual Plowing Match of the East York Plowmen‘a Association will be held on the farm of Mr. John Luwrie, 1% miles east of Malvern Village, on Thursday, the 31rd. inst. The match will be open to the Do- minion. The prize list is large and a good match is expected. The following special prizes have been handed in since the bills were printed, viz.: :32 cash from H. Russell, Esq , Schiller House, Toronto, for best groomed and equipped team in field; box of cigars by A. McFarlane, McFarlane‘s hotel, Jarvis St., Toronto, for straighest plowing in field. Dinner will be provided for the plow- men lit the Callcnder House, Malvern For particulars apply to the directors or to the Secretary, Mr. T. Hood, Milliken. . An “ At Home.” On Monday evening last a most pleasant time was spent lit Mr. W. Trencli’s. It was an “At Home” which “ mine host“ gave to the choir of the Methodist church and a few other friends. The evening was occupied with "cont‘abs," games, music and brief, spicy speeches. Excellent solos were ren- dered by Mesdnmes Mason and Powell and Mesars. Home and Savage. Mr. R. W Ginsu also gave a beautiful cornet solo. The chairman of the impromptu entertainment was Rev. G. L. Powell. On assuming the chair he immediately called on lti-v. Mr. Vickery, who spoke in very cumplinivotary terms of Mr. Trench and his proverbial hos- pitality. Then the company sang heartily “ He‘s u Jolly Good Fellow.” Mr. Coombs and Mr. Brown, both of the High sellool,und Mr. Hume, leader of the choir, also made short and pleasant speeches. The company then separated after prayer was oflered by Mr. Vickery. Death of a Young Man. On Monday, the 2lst inst. there passed away zit his father's residence, Curl-ville, Wm. J. Coombs. Dreeused was the eldest son of James Coombs, and was only 21; years of ago. As the whole of his life was spent in this neighborhood lllH circle of acquaint.- ances was large, but not less large was his circle of friends. The immediate cause of death was consumption: although nuture had given him an active and hardy body it was none the lens proof against disease. About a year and a hall ago he caught a severe cold, which was not. properly attended, with the result that it settled on his lungs and developed into consumption. Some hope of recovery was entertained until about six months ago, when it became evidan that the disease had a firm hold of him. He grew gradually worse and fell with the full- ing lei-if. A remarkable coincidence is that deceased was born in the same month and died in the same month us his cousin, John, whose death was spoken of in last issue. One wus buried last Thursday at 2 o‘clock in Carrville grave yard, and the other will be buried this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock in the same place. in for the position ol‘ l Vaughan 001111011 The Council of the municipality of the tuwilsliip of Vaughan met at the town hill! on Tuesday, October 8th. The Reeve in the chair. Members present: Messrs. Arnold, Brysoh, Kirby, and Watson. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The treasurer laid before the council a statement showing lllllt certain parties were in arrears for interest due on ".lieir lilortguges held by this council. The following claims for sheep killed by (log or (11ng were mariaâ€"From James Marshall, for G lambs killed, valued at $23; from Geo. Winders, for one sheep killed, valued at $6. BrySonâ€"Watsonâ€"tliat the treasurer be and is hereby cutlirhized to pay the following claims for sheep killed by dog or dogs, being two-thirds their value:â€"~ Tu James Marshall. 75 “ George \Vindns.................... 4 00 â€"â€"C:trried. Kilbyâ€"Brysoli~â€"tliat the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the fol- lowing road OCCUlllllSZ District No 1â€"- Thos. Keys, 14] lbs. spikes at 40. .$ 5 64 “ " threading bolts for Lines’ bridge . 50 District No. 2â€" Tlios. Rankin, repairing bridge be- tween lots 15 iiiid 16. con. Ed. Jarrett, putting in stringers, repairing trussel and replunkiiig between late 15 aid 16, boxing in stringers at. Mrs. Thompson’s bridge, tightening truss rods on Pine Grove and Turner’s bridge David Blain, 516 lbs. iron and spikes at 40... . . . . . Elisha Farr, 109 ft. rock elm at 20 cents per foot . District No. 3â€" Treasurer King tp., for repa'rs on towriline Vaughan and King 51 94 J. L. Card, for supplies, &c...:.....155 94 â€" Carried. The council adjourned until Tuesday, the 12th of November, at 10 a. m. Gormley DRY GOODS The name Dry Goods was first used in 1745, and we have used it for several years ourselves, until now our name is always associated with Dry Goods wherever seen. A Fine Table Linen, Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Tweeds, Worsteds, Go to make up the niost’complete 5 00 assortment that. the critical mind of the intelligent shopper can conceive. n. We are advertised by our admiring ATKINSON & SWITZER patrons. Old customs, such its liusklngbees, paring- bees, &c.,hn.7e now become utmost 0. thing of the past in this vicinity. Yet sometimes we hear of a. paring-bee, but nothing like the ones of our gi'unllfitthei's' days. On the 16th. however, it regular old-tinieliusk- lug-bee was held in the barn at “ Dutch Castle," the residence of MizEdl‘orester. About. 100 were invited,but owing to the unfavorable weather some were unable to attend, Nothing was spin-ed to make the event a. success. Mizlr‘orester excels in the art of decorating, and certuiulv his taste in this cnse Wits novel and original. Corn- lecves fastened together hung in scallops from the beams, while here and there Chinese lanterns mingled their mild radiance with the stronger light on. Pittsbiirg lamp and other lights. Ali arch of corn-stalks marked the entrance to the impromptu bill-roeni, where the usual dance was to take place. In one corners. young colt, “ Nellv R," was tied ; in another a. Tamworth sow,” Ambra Nelly," with her 19 little ones, munted her satisfaction at being present. “ Sir John” in his corner represented the sheep, while the bovine species were represented by- a. fine calf. Turkeys, ducks and hens, in b xes with wire doors, surveyed ii. scene wliichfit, ev may never witness again. A playful family" of cats, ticketed “ For Stile," gumboled in' their cuge. Then there was a fine display of roots, citrons, 8w. Last but not least was the large pile of corn waiting to be hushed. Soon the guests arrived and commenced the onslaught. In a. short time the pile was sur- ronnrledbyaeheerfiil company, laughing and inking cs rust as they hushed the golden cars. . Many hands make light work, so that the lust eur was disposed of, and then come n. toothsonie lui-ch and hotcct‘fee. to both of which those present «lid mnplejustice. Afterlunt-li, “lnusu: arose ” in the “ bull-room," and to it the dancers “tripped the light fantastic." “ Missi sippi " wus well patronized during the evening, Mid it ths not untilthc " \vee smit’ hours ” thitt the merrv conipanv dispersed, with pleasn rit recolâ€" lections of the old-time bushing-bee, and wish- ing no doubt that they may occur oiteucr. 4. Lloydtown GRAND OPENING OF FALL AND WINTER A large new stock of all kinds at bottom prices. Genta’ light weight low out 3113, Gents’ Bil-ls, Congress and Oxfords cut from Don- gula, Buff, Shell Cordovan, Kangaroo, Pebble, Ladies’ lino footâ€"wear, button and , laced, neatest and best goods made; Littlies’ Oxfords all choice selections from best manufacturers; Boys’ and Youths’ in fine B315 and climbing, and kicking shoes; Misses’ and Oliilds' outing shoes; Influits' boots in different styles. Our Goodyear Wells have given unbounded satisfaction and we have the utmost confidence in their merits. Everything can be found in our large and varied stock. Remember I will were guests at Beechwood recently. Schornberg Fair was held on the 17th and 18th “0t be undemold' inst. The days were to vomblo, which added very much to make the Fair 21 uuccoss. Mrs, J. Coulter, of Noblcton, forincrlv of this place, passed uwuy peacefully, to join those gone iefore, after 0. Short illness of a. week. In the midst of life we are in death. We should ullliver so its to be ready for the summons tlint culls us uwuv to the lilo that is to mninâ€"Eternulâ€"“For we know not the hour when the Son of Mun coineth.” The deceased liuly leaves one child. i'our veers old, and it huallund to mourn her loss. Exâ€"Ald. Bailey, of Toronto, is visiting friends in this victuity. Mr. W. A. Marks has returned home tram To- ronto. Capt. A. Armstrong, who has been very ill, is now convalescent. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson rind family, of Bradford. AK..§O IN STOCIK Men’s and Women’s Cork S -les and Riakey's Plates; Loans in Porpcise and Cordo- vnil, Silk and Braid; Sibiu’s Beeswax Oil, \Vaterproof Oil, Glycerole Polish, Lndies’ Buttons and Button Hooks, and Button Fasteners; Antoine’s Paste Blocking; Trunks all sizes at wholesale prices. I) EAT]! S VVoon-At Thoriillill, on Thursday, October 17th, Mrs. Susan D. Wood. ivife of J. C. Wood. Interment at Mount Pleasant on Saturday, October 19th. COOMBS‘â€"Ah Cni'rvillo.on Monday, October 2151;, Willium J., eldest son of Mr. Jumes Coomba. aged 26 years. Custom Work a Specialty. Sewedond Pegged Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done at the Old Stand. ROBT. swans, Richmond Hill THE ” ' 1.895 cw goods for but. Salisbury Suitings, Flannelettes, Prints, Shillings, Grass Cloths, Dress Linings, Cashmere Hose, Yarns, Grey Flannels, Flannel Shootings, Shaker Flannel Blankets, &C., &c,, &c. GROCERY STOCK, Is always complete. , SAAC onoshv. Sale Register. MONDAY, November Alliâ€"Auction sale of horses, cattle, and sheep, on lot 20, 0011.3. Scnl'boru‘. the property of Mr. John Kennedy. Sule at one o'clock. 'l‘m-ms mule known on day of sale. Eclcnrdt S.- l’imitico, auctioneers. THURSDAY, Nov. 7LlIH-(ll‘Etlib sale Uf‘flu‘lll stock, implementsihc. on lot ‘21, rear 3rd con. Vuughuilt} olumilc north of llhtplel, the property of Juliles 'l‘rielrei'. No reserve. Rule utlo'cloclr. Tin-ins 12 months. J. '1‘. Sai- geon, auctioneer. Firiruv, Noi'euiller Stillâ€"«Al‘tt‘fritin sale of form stock, llllDlelllt‘llts, household furniture, etc. on lot 25, rear (if ’i'ih can. ll arkliam. the property of Mr. llounltl Don: Rule lit 11 o’clock; lunch iiiovilled. '1\\‘cl\'c iilooths’ credit. Eclidrilt r’c Prentice, auctioneers. IS’Pui'ties getting their bills printh at this Office will receivo a. notice similar to the above Mini: or‘ CHARGE. costumes A large quantity ofCetlur Posts for sale, 2nd lot, above Elgin Mills. W. J. HEARN, 17â€"“ Richmond Hill P O innit for SALE Ports of lots 51 and 52. lst con, Markham, Yongc street. known us rho Bernard Farm, one mile north of Richmond Hill Village, containing 1215 acres, is for sole. Apply on the premises to the proprietor, W.J. HEARN, 17-10 Richmond Hill P 0

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