aries seemed to be to crush natives in a procrustean bed: they forget that the only lasting civilization is that which springs from below. He added that not afew good people confuse clothing with morality. and that if the purpose was to extend the market for cotton goods, it. should be carried out openly and honestly, not under the pre- tence of promoting religion. English- men, the Professor said in conclusion, do not. theoretically, wish to extermi- nate native races, but as a matter of fact they do so, and What has happened in Tasmania, where not a single native survives. is likely to happen elsewhere In the islands of the South Sea. Lord Stanmore. for instance, better known as Sir Arthur Gordon, a colonial administrator of vast experience, ex- pressed a conviction that as much wrong has been inflicted by a desire to carry out civilizing ideas as by vio- lence. It was a mistake. he said, to regard the semiâ€"civilized races as imâ€" moral; their moral sense is very un- like our own. but it is none the less real. As to the attitude to be assumed toward the social usages and peculiar habits of the natives of a given country. Lord Stanmore, of course, conceded that certain customs, such as cannibalism. infanticide, widow burning, and the wholesale plundering of interiors by local chiefs. must be put an end to at once and firmly. But it would be Well, he thought. to permit the continu- ance of many usages repugnant and even repulsive to European ideas. In such matters he would trust to the transforming influence of time. Herein he cordially agreed with Prof. Petrie. who had reminded his hearers that Paul of Tarsus did not deem it needful, any more than did Epictetus, to prohibit slavery, polygamy, or even gladiatorial shows. The elimination of such evils was left to be brought about, as it was brought about, by the growing enlight- enment and energy of the public con- science. all the sciemï¬ists and men of practical experience in the East, who took part in debate, concurred with Prof. Flinders Petrie in deprecating efforts to impose ideas peculiar to our own race, age, or civilization upon countries which on dif- ferent lines have already made consider- able progress in culture. 'Lnfanticide, widow b1 wholesale plundering local chiefs, must be at once and firmly. toms law. lime Ionesâ€"VVhy 1t civilizations not interior in some to their own, and to destroy cusâ€" which are not contrary to moral chan of the ant ish Asso‘ 'ny doe He gets As to Politics an’t sn’t Snaggs quit turned down all the ith out The habit has can’t break it off has c China. Japan, an th belie men I‘h‘ At St. Catharines a seven-yearâ€"old boy named Orin \V. Filkins was drown- ed by falling into the canal. Full-back Morin of the Ottawa. Uni- versity Rugby football team, the cham- pions of Canada. was seriously injured at practice, and the club has summarâ€" lly closed its season. At the inquest into the death of John Layng, it was shown that his reason [or Wishing to marry Miss Robson was that he knew she would come in for valuable property when she came of age. Hotelkeeper Maybee of Grimsby. claims the reward offered for the ap- prehension of Teller Palmer of Hamilâ€" ton. on the ground that he told the police where the man was. The repairs to the city of Toronto Water \Vorks were completed on Friâ€" day and an ample supply of perfectly pure Water is now coming through the mains. The cart service has been dis- continued. Mr. Ouimet has granted ers rendered homeless by Chatham, N. B., the use 0 buildings. Jake; MénJBJ‘SQBHayZGéï¬Ezé.‘By‘fï¬Ã© upset-ting of a boat. Mr. \Vm. Kyle, the Toronto man who was arrested at Niagara Falls. Out“. on the charge of attempted bribery of an alderman, died on Friday afternoon at the latter place. Full-back Morin of the Ottawa. Uni- Shipment and the N( number 35, A \Vinni; [911'sevepty his mjunes. The trade returns for September show a decline as compared with the corresponding month of the preceding year of $1,015,000. Rev. Canon Towensend died at Am- herst. N.S., in the 88th year of his age. For 61 years he was rector of the Par- ish of Amherst. Lord Alfred Douglas,who figured so prominently in the Oscar \Vilde case in London. is at present at Niagara Falls with his wife. ‘ Miss Lillie Stewart, a patient at, the St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton. jump- ed from} a window in the third story. She is In a critical condition. The \Vinnipeg Grain Exchange pass- ed a resolution protesting against the action of the Dominion Government in raising the inspection fees on gram. A despatch from Regina states that W. Curren, who is in charge of the Dominion Public \Vorks Office, has been arrested on a. charge of incendiar- ism. His arrest has caused a, sensation. W. D. Palmer, defaulting tiller of the Bank of Commerce, and Fred. A. Filgiano, defaulting cashier of the Grand Trunk at Hamilton, were each sentenced to three years in peniten- tlary. Two shipments of Canadian tomatoes to England. made as an experiment have been reported upon. \Vhile not an entire success, they have demon- strated the possibility of developing an important trade in this respect. Dr. Bell. of the Canadian Geological Survey, who has just returned to Otta- wa from a trip to James' Bay, reports having discovered a river in the north which he claims to be the sixth of the great rivers of the world, and charac- terizes as the Nile of the North. The finances of the General hospital at Kingston show a deficit of $3,000 this year, and the authorities have issuâ€" ed a circular asking for a consensus of opinion regarding the curtailment of the salary of the superintendent as in the case of the superintendent of nurses. The report that Chief Justice Sir Henry Strong is about to retire from the Supreme Court, is emphatically de- nie‘d in Ottawa} The Dominion Government is being urged _to pnt a tax upon natural gas. whlch Is hemg piped in large quantities gram Canada to cities In the United A young man named Carter,ason of Mr. “’11:. Carter, of 59 Bay street. Tor- onto, was accidentally drowned in Rock lake, Man, on Sunday evening, by the A circular has been issued by the Customs Department, at Ottawa to the various collectors, calling their atâ€" tention to the fact that. the French treaty is now in full force and effect. Further news of prairie fires in Manitoba have reached Winnipeg. Near Shoal Lake the flames spread over the country for about ten miles, running at a. fearful rate, and many people had narrow escapes. Two young men were so badly injured that they cannot; live. Application will be made in Parlia- ment next session for an act to incor- porate the Canadian Electric Railway & Power Company, with power to op- erate an electric railway from Mont- real to Windsor, via Brockville, Kings- ton, Belleville, Toronto, and London. When Charles Peel was engaged in tearing down a brick structure yester- day in Hamilton the wall collapsed. burying Peal inthe ruins. \Vhenres- cued he was unconscious, and died shortly after his arival at the hospital. The deceased was twenty-four years of. age. . States A writ, of quo warranto to unseat Mayor Villeneuve, of Montreal, was ap plied for on Tuesday, on the ground that the Mayor is interested in a firm that supplies lumber to the city. Victor Talioreti, a Montreal drug clerk. has been arrested on a. charge of abducting a young lady with whom he was in love on the eve of her mar- riage to another man. The girl was missing from Monday to Thursday, and when found had evidently been given drugs to render her powerless. Intel-mung Inns About our Own Country. fin-m Britain. the United 5mm. and All Parts of the Globe. Continued and Anna-ltd for Easy Readum. THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. ninety-four years. He wa-s a vet the War of 1812-13, being one last survivors of that stirrin The ptin unet Strattord )ur ab 000 ran Que CANADA .uncqnscious, an 1218 arlval at theh was twenty-four 5 arpenter, Mr. Brown, and will recover from cattle from Manitob 2st this year alread‘ s granted the puffer- 1eless by the ï¬res in the use of the public have Jï¬il A EETSHELL inte ted Solicitor- of the Super- $30,000 trunk ran the time I The Fishmongers' Company are seek- ing to prohibit the sale in Iondon of frozen salmon from British Columbia, alleging that the fish is salmon trout, the sale of which is illegal in the Unit- ed Kingdom between the months of October and February. The following members of the Impeâ€" rial Parliament have been raised tothe peerage:â€"Sir Algernon Borchwajte. proprietor of the London Morning Post; Baron Henry de Worms, formerly Un- der-Secterary of State for the Colonâ€" ies ;band the Hon. Horace Cu-rzon Plun- 1 e1; . Sir Charles Lees. Governor of British Guiana,has been summoned to London to consult with Mr. Chamberlain on Venezuelan affairs. ‘ iSSUG The Rev. Edwin Palmer, D.D., Arch- deacon of Oxford, is dead. Mr. Herbert Wilberforce has been appointed aide to Lord Aberdeen. The Queen will return to Windsor castle from Balmoral on November 16. The Queen laid the foundation stone 3f the Duke of Fife’s Highland resiâ€" ence. English society is hurrying homeward for the London season. which promises to be an unusually brilliant one. The British battleship Victorious was launched at Chatham on Saturday. It has a. fifteen thousand tons displaceâ€" ment. Dr. Gunther, the well-known head of the department of zoology in the Briâ€" _tish Museum, retired on October 1, ow- ing to the age regulations. The Prince and Princess of Wales begin holding receptions at Sandring- ham house this week. The house will be full until after Christmas. Lord Rosebery, in a speech on Friday delivered at the opening of the new club at Scarborough, said that to his mind the primary obstacle to all reform and the greatest danger to the stability of the State lay in the present constitution of the House of Lords. It is stated in official circles that England intends to land trpops on some part of Turkish territory if the Arme- nian reforms are not honorably exeâ€" cuted. The British court has received the wprst advices concerning the Czare- Witch. who is the victim of consum - tion._ It is not expected that he Will survwe the winter. The report that Lord Salisbury had sent an ultimatum to the President of Venezuela is confirmed. The Cleveland Admiu‘mtration at “Washington is said to be interesting itself in the matter. The North German Lloyd Steamship Company has ordered from a. shipbuild- ing firm at Govan, a suburb of Glas- gow. two steamships. the dimensions of which will exceed those of the Campanâ€" ia and Lucania. A number of the friends of Mr. Tim Healy who was recently readout of the. Irish party, met in London on Saturday and subscribed $2,500,000 for a new daily paper in Dublin. to be started at once, with Mr. Healy in control. Prince Henry of Prussia. brother of Emperor William. and Prince Christian Victor recently rode a thirty-mile b1- cycle race from Balmoral to Braemar castle for a prize given by the Queen. Prince Christian won by half an hour. Ferdinand Meier. a. retired general of the German army committed suicide in London on Sunday evening by taking prussic acid on the Thames embank- ment. He had become reduced to beg:- gary through the failure of Jabez Bal- four’s Liberator Building and Loan Companies, in which all his money was invested. Miss Frances VViIlard sgxys that yhe bicycle is a great factor In advancmg temperance. It. is said that George J. Gould has in his possession twenty-three paintâ€" ings of his wife. Thirty Mormon saints leave Philaâ€" delphia on Saturday on a proselytlzing tour of Europe. James Dixon. accused of the murder of Capt. Phillips at Tonawanda, N.Y., hanged himself in his cell. An explosion of dynamite on the Ni- agara Falls Gorge Railway demolished the boiler house and injured several men. Mrs. John LanngD, who lives six miles from Delta, Ohio, has given birth to five chfldren, all boys, and they are doing well. . The strike of bicycle makersinToledo. 0.. was on Friday morning turned into a lock-out, with the result that there are five thousand men idle in the city. ronto. The Superintendent of Insurance in Springfield. 111., on Saturday granted a license to do business in Illinois to the Supreme Court of the Independent Order of Foresters, of Toronto. It is understood that the postal offi- cials in Washington have asked the Do- minion Government for permission to run United States mail cars with clerks on board through Canadian territory, and thav are sanguine that the permis- sion) will b} g 'nn:e l. Mr. Jose 11 Ramsey; jun., of St.Louis succeeds r. Hays as General Mana- ger of the Wabash Railway. The Pope has Written a letter the Catholic hierarchy of America, demniug religious congresses sue were held recently at Chicago and Duk a 1n_ noast‘m um: atioz us, who nst letter f rapidly (low: 1:}: his feet; on :companied the uke of ‘entral UNITED STATES im not to repeat KEAT Mill Marlborough was arrest- Park, New York, for ' down a hill on his bi- feet; on‘ the handles. The .ed the policeman to the Roundsman Ryan, who discharged him after )t to repeat the offence. of Mr BRITAIN is estate t< n _out p. mlstra‘tlon 1ftth Quebet such as and To- jeâ€" speculative markets. and furtEer ship- ments of gold are feared. GENERAL. Six hundred soldiers were killed in an explosion on a. steamship near Kinchow. China. King Menelek of Abyssinia was struck by lightning and either killed 61‘ par- alyzed. to the King of Ashantee, who is accus- ed of violating treaty obligations. Sir Edward Malet, the retiring Britâ€" ish Ambassador to Germany, was en- tertained at dinner by Chancellor Prince Hohenlohe. An irade has been promulgated in Tur- key announcing that the Sultan has signed the Armenian reform scheme demanded by the powers. In the storm that swept over Newâ€" foundland a church was blown down. forty or fifty vessels driven ashore on the coasts and several lives lost. The Sultan has informed President Faure of his intention to contribute 500.- 000 fr. to the subscriptions opened for the erection of a. mosque in Paris. According to the latest information received in Constantinople from Trebi- zonde, Armenia, four hundred persons were killed during the recent rioting there. It is reported the Czar has informed the Japanese Minister at St. Petersburg that Russia will never abandon Corea, 1m the week Speculativ ments of w that Russia will never abandon Corei, and W111 protect her against all enâ€" croachments. The insurgents in the province of San- ta Clara, Cuba, have circulated a pam- phlet advising the inhabitants not to use the railroads, as they have determined to blow them up with dynamite. It is reported as one of the warlike signs of the times that Turpin, the in- ventor of melinite, has been summoned from Paris to Constantinople, to assist in fortifying the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles. sador of Turkey. has received from an Armenian source a warning that the Young Turkey party will probably in- duce some Armenian miscreant to at‘ tempt his life in order to disgrace the Armenian people. Newfoundland's revenue for the Sep- tember quarter was $315,700, being $32,800 less than the same quarter 01 last year before the commercial crash and an improvement of $100,000 on the previous quarter of this year. A1 to the The In :hange The Emperor and Empress of Gerâ€" many. accompanied by extâ€"Empress Fred- erick, participated on Friday in the cereâ€" monies attendant upon the unveiling of the Emperor Frederick monument on the battle-field of \Voerth. The Governor of Goa, Portuguese In- dia, has cabled to the Minister of Ma- rine in Lisbon that the Portuguese troops have joined the insurgents and were pillaging the town and country. Sir Philip Currie, the British Ambas- News is received in London of the death of Makololo, one of Livingstone’s most faithful followers in Africa. from 1851 to 1864. \Vhat makes the taking off the sadder is the fact that he left- forty-Iive widows to mourn him. It is reported that the summer season at Monte Carlo. which has just closed. has been an almost complete failure. The attendance at the games was so small thit the number of roulette tables in use was reduced from eleven to rthree. Queer Effect of Light. It is asserted by one of the leading authorities on light and heat that the beams of the sun and moon have a very deleterious effect upon all kinds of edged tools. An exposure of a few hours to sunlight will " turn †the edge of the best razor ever made, and one night‘s exposure to the rays of the full moon will ruin such an instrument forâ€" ever. Similar exposure to light will finally spoil knives. scythes and sickles. the premonitory signs of coming use- lessness being noted in the blue color which the metal assumes. When the edge of such tools once disappears as a result of continued exposure to the light of either the sun or the moon. they are absolutely useless until they have been retempered. Because of this peculiar action of light on steel purchasers should always be on their guard against buying from peddlars who carry their wares exposed, or from retail dealers who have such tools on display in show windowsespecially if such windows be located so that they receive the full glare of the sun or moon at any time of the day or night. The unserviceableness of tools acquired under such circumstances is generally wrongfully attributed to bad material or interior workmanship. Milling in J erusalem. Flour milling has become an import- ant industry in Jerusalem. The pro« duct is disposed of entirely for inland consumption, none being exported. Dur- ing 1894 between 28,000 and 30,000 sacks of 191 pounds each were produced. The wheat is obtained from the Jordan Val- ley and Samaria. There are also in Jerusalem 11 mills driven by horse- power. In Jaffa. are ten steam mills, but only avery small quantity of flour is imported into Palestine, and that only of the finest sort. uiry f‘ :ht dec rollen I goods var ‘ Armenia, four him killed during the re Algoma. 18.1)ng gre 111 1112‘ D] M 3.1 n cneermg and furthe $315,700, being same quarter of commercial crash, of $100,000 on the 1‘1 abandon Cored against all en 1n Africa. from xkes the taking let that he left- opened Ior Pans. information from Trebi- ï¬red persons cent rioting ; at 1dit ‘ut cot- steady ions of for the of San- a. pam- L to use rmined with 1w n1 eltxe P. am OfI Italy a1; leased 1x leased to cor; Of the total ian road, 4,70 ian road. 4,700 miles, rails Ere alread) laid on over 1,000 miles. Spaip, Italy. Sweden, Hanover. Russia Austria and Turkey receive daily weath- er reports from Paris and London. The only daughter of Sig. Crispi. the Premier of Italy. has become engaged '39 Prince di Lingunglossa, a Sicilian. The long distance telephone between Paris and London has over two hundred calls a day, at the rate of $2 for each’ ca . piecen iznd his nurse ind companion (191‘- mg 1113 last years, has ‘ust died at Edm- burgh, at the age of 0. . A priest was altar at Friedh‘ Vince of Posen, ‘ in the chalice. The Czar of Russia is said to nea. great novel reader, and reads books in Eng- lish. French and German. as well as In his native tongue. King plore until The chiefs of police in a number of Ger- man cities have been notified by the dis- trict president of Schleswig to stop all proyessions of Socialists clubs, a. decree which is declared illegal by the Liberal papers in Berlin. WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE GLOBE. vate purse. Royal Sail evincing be sitpple mscx trait. of herself, £1 Royal Sailors' Re Garrett P. Serviss. the astronomer. Slot lost in ascending Mount Blanc a. few weeks ago in a furious snow-storm, narrowly escaped slipping into a cre- vasse, and was snowbound without food in the Dromedary's Humps for a. night and two days. But he tried it again a fortnight later, and made the ascent, when on his return to Chamounix he was saluted with cannon and cham- pagne in recognition of his pluck. On the London District Railway. by an automatic mechanism, the name of each station is now shovm in every carriage before the station is reached. This was made necessary by the fact that on the stations themselves the names are completely lost by the ad- vertisements that cover the walls, yet. the cost of the improvement is to be met by surrounding the names that are shown by the machine with more advertisements. The Scotch keeper had but little con- sideration for the feelings of the ama- teur sportsman. A novice from the south was out on a moor in the west Highlands the other day. and havmg unsuccessfully fired twice at a covey of birds that rose less than twenty yards ahead, he exclaimed excitedly, “It's strange that none of them fell. I'm positive some of them must have been struck." "I dinna doot." returned the keeper, with a sarcastic grin. " that they were struck wi' astonishment at gettm' off sae easy." Hussarghe is thqcol‘onelpf n_o fewei' than snxteen_ regunents 1n hrs royal mother's armles. If rail“ §roverm M Old and New World Events of lateral Chrenlcled Brieflyâ€"Interesting Ila.- ponlngs 0f Bree“: Dale. One day, while Lord Hopetoun was in the height of his glory as the most. popular Governor ever seen in the col- onies, three young men entered a. bar- ber’s shop in South Melbourne. Two of them whispered to the hair-dresser that; the third was "His Excellency," The supposed Governor was shaved with much ceremony. and that same evening the following sign appeared in the bar- er's window: “ Shaving 3d. Withthe razor same as I shaved Lord Hope~ toun, 6d." It is said that in the antarctic conti- nent, behind the fringe of ice that stretches, a forbidding and imposing wall, occasionally two miles high, along the southern- seas, is the future paradise of the hardy and intrepid explorer. The continent is twice the size of Europe, and, once beyond the ice wall, it pre- sents few of the obstacles that baffle seekers for the northern pole. It has vegetation of strange nature, hidden mineral weath in metals and precious stones and presents numerous attrac- tions that are likely to force a way over or through the awful wall of ice. Inc,~ Ading vessels condemned and broken up. 1,154 ships of 100 tons bur- den or more, with an aggregate tonnage of 708,971. were destroyed durin 1894, according to Lloyd’s Register; 0 these 281 were steamers and 873 sailing ves- sels. The total of steamers is forty- four above the average of the three pre- ceding years, owing not to casualties, but to the unusual number condemned. While the number of British ships lost is Larger than that of any other coun- try, the percentage of loss_ to the whole body of mercantile shipping is the smallest, being 2.8 of vessels and 2.2 WHEN] THE W but to the unusual While the number is larger than that try, the percenta whole body of me the smallest, being of tonnage. The 1 scribed as abandc missing has steac number was 1894, Forty thousan we sought and ussian Caucasu Mary Airtken Carlyle, the historian’s I‘he 21-1 The Queen [e inscription an by Queen sty has also ' to the serV'u 1900 has been contract between Staqley o_f the Belg}ans._bgnd1§g ix hundred and three miles )elonging to the Japanese d by the Government: and oratxons. length of the great Siber- l mxles. rails are already Thevnumbex abandoned. ‘bandoned. foundered, or steadily diminished; the '73 in 1891 and only 41' in ;‘eceptly poisoned at the 1m. m the Prussian Pro- Res Lest, Devonport, thus rest in this work. The sent from Osborne is: Victoria, 1895.†Her sent an engraved por- ramed in gilt, for th( Armenian Caï¬holica ‘bta‘med refuge m the given, out of her pri- )S‘L of a cabin at the ash, Devonport, thus 0 England produced as much iron as thd . of the railways of the Government and ison put in the wine HOLE WORLD :en Stanley and the IS. b1nding the ex- of the Congo State ancelled. 3 de-