J’ THE PEOPLE MARVELLED At the Rescue of Mr. Metcalfe of Hornings’ Mills. Badly Crlpplcd Wlili Sclnllrn and an In- tense Sum-rcr for Yearsâ€"For Two Years \Vns Nol Able lo [)0 Any Wort.»â€" llr. “‘iliiiims’ l’lnk Pills Restores Him to llcnlih. From the Shelburnc Economist. The completion of the local telephone service between Slielburne and Horn- illg’s Mills by Messrs. John Metcatlfc and IV. H. Marlati. referred toiiithese ccilumns recently, was the means (if bring: to the notice of a reporter of ,4 the Economist the [art of the remarkâ€" able restoration to health some iiinezigo England by 10 per cent., while in Ireland l they are from it} to ‘20 per cent. less as will be seen by the table of annual wages paid to didereut classes of mechanics. exams» scormxn IRELAND TRADES e s. L' - t: \. E irrinoering . . . . . . . 54 9 £5 8 Metal work 5t 15 51 '2 “nwmills. .. . 3'2 9 49 13 Coach build g 53 4 5'2 18 Bi‘uwcri 5t 17 50 iii lll<lllllTlBH 5'2 '3 47 l Choinical war it) o 1." o 1’I‘lnl.llll:'-léll‘;lt"Vl . l? U 14 3 Printing-small wor sll 1 ll 19 36 7 Building frndcs ... . ..7‘3 0 n3 1) lil U The variations in the same trade In ling- lsnd itself are remarkable. Lancashire ironmasters pay their pig-iron workers £87 a year, in the Cleveland district they pay £30 and in Scotland £74. In engin- eering works in London the wages are £80. in Manchester they are 1508, and in other / of Mr. Mcicalfe. the chief pi‘oinoieruof Enbglish distric)ts £1506; in saofland tlhclratg the line. For about two years l‘f- is etwecn £5t out 1) :3, w ie in re an blewalle was a terriblf‘ sufferer {Wm it is £71 for Dublin and £42 for the rest sciatica, and unable to work.‘ “Indie “the country. includmg Belfast In the lmtcil‘illlgil"lightlï¬ggmlieiï¬le Sign; iron and steel shipbuilding industry the obcasirgnallv hobbled about the) st rcets Land“; W‘wes 353 ‘1'] 12' ho“ 8,16 11103:;18‘: of Horning's Mills, excited universal “umbely “f?†’ on L e yte sympathy. The trouble was in one Laue“ We “Th- , , d of his hips and he could not stand or 1" CODSIderlDE lrheteamlngs 0“, mum? walk erect. His familiar attitude, as workmen, a comparison is pessflile With .’ the ï¬gures for 1891, as in that year very complete returns were made by all the companies. The average of wages has , risen by one guinea, or $5.11, in ï¬ve years, I being now 135)!) and 18 shillings-148 of the . men received less than 2t)shilingsin 1886 to 1‘ 42.1 in 180], and 44.5 received betWeeii ‘20 and 30 shillings in the latter years, against 43.1 in the former. ' THE Aviirtms INCREASE in England was 17shillings.in Scotland 26, and in Ireland 30. In England nearly twu thirds of the locomotive engineers receive over 40 shillings, or SID, a Week, and only 3 in 1,000 less than 30 shillings. In Scotland only one-twelfth of them get 40 shillings, while .20 in 1,000 get less than 30,Which is strange, for Scotch trains u ,v - . . ,, are run as fast as English and require “ and m a Slooged Posugon‘ equal skill. Firemen get about one-half the reSidents of Horning’s Mills can as much as engineers. Two-thirds of the winch was in a Sluill’l‘d over )OSil inn. English guards are paid over 25 shillings W‘ltfh on": in“? on his knee- 1‘" F- MEt' but signalmen are paid much less, “two- fgase “if? 1Sm]; tnFréf) Sgp'utwgixio $88321} thirds ofthem between )‘2 land. Boshillings physicians failed to do me anv good, “ghouei‘bnbles? than "osmmglgg' k aqd I “.ent‘ to Toronto for tre‘a‘ment' 8.0 311063 OI BBPDIDg over v“ I awee With equally unsatisfactory results. I “ryw‘t‘h me “aides'somet'mi’s “Mb no up' also tried electrical appliances without parent reasop. Newspaper printers are the avail. I returned home from Toronto be“ Off‘ 35 3/ 9ԠPenn Ofl'hem “W3â€? “1}? discouraged, and saidl would take. no sum ; then come tin-plate workers With 3,3 ï¬naret mgdicme: that it. seemed as if I percent. ; 13 per cent. of shipbuilders, 11 v2“, gluciï¬ 31113 $315 aildv tshyestgzi‘iiinsugi par cent. of hrfass and coppereworktirs, 13.31:: times were excruciating. I adhered for @531?"e'roceiofpcfirih:Sic;ng leisru 40 several months to my determination to 1-" p l ' g f h d‘ “I take no more medicine, but finallv con- 5“ lugs’on youe P" 6.6"? 0 t e .15 l 6†sented to a trial of Dr‘ \Vmiams.‘ Pink do, and 4 Workersin pig iron obtain that Pius strongly recommended by a friend. sum to 1 workeron railroad cars. Before I had taken thorn very long I Wages tend to increase slowly in all the felt a great deal better, my appetite British trades, is one conclusion of the ztagturned,‘ and the pains diminished. report, though it cannot be proved till full huge; lfSlVl‘lrgs tsï¬le ptiélsstgorfd 5:31: 53:11]: reports for later years are published. erect and resume my work, in the full ' . ' e ‘Llol'ment of health and strength. Ham cutting by Eleecmeny' . Plople who knew me marveued at the 'To have your hair singed off by electri- chiange, and on my personal rpCOmmEn_ City is the latest development oi the ‘Q’atlon many have used Pink Pius, tonsarial art. The apparatus to perform /This is the first time, however. that this operation consists ofa platinum wire / I have given the facts for publication." deï¬nite information on the question of the was 24 shillings and 9 pence, $6.03, a week, On being asked if the sciatica had ever returned, Mr. Metcalfe stated that once or tWice, as the result of unusual exposure, he had experienced slight at- tacks but he always kept some of the pills at hand for use on such occasions. and they never failed to fix him up all right. Mr. Metcalfc, who is 52 years of age, is in the flour and pro- Vision business, and, as proof of his ability to do as gooda day's work as he ever did in his life, we. may state that the most of the work connected With the erection of his six miles of telephone line was performed by him- self. Mr. Metcalfe also mentioned several other instances in which thel users of Pink Pills derived great beneâ€" fit,_ among them being that of a lady resident o Horning’s Mills. The Econ- omist knows of a number of instances in Shelburne where great good has fol- lowed the use of this wellâ€"known reâ€" medy. . The public are cautioned against imâ€" ‘itations and substitutes, said to be Just as good.†These are. only of- fered by some unscrupulous dealers beâ€" cause there isa larger profit for them in the imitation. There is no other remedy that can successfully take the place of Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills, and those who are in need of a medicine should inSist upon getting the genuine. which are always put up in boxes hear- ing the words " Dr. Williams' Pink PIIIS_ for Pale People." If you cannot obtain them from your dealer, they Will be sent postâ€"paid on receipt of 50 cents a.b0x. or $2.50 for six boxes, liy addressmg the Dr. \Villiams‘ Medicine Brockville, 0nt., or Schenectady, MECHANICS" WAGE; {N BRITAIN. Wages of Workmcn In England, Scotland and Ireland. An important blue book just issued by the British Board of Trade giVes the statistics of wages paid for manual labor 1) Great. Britain in trades requiring some degree of skill, but excluding workers in textile trades and in mining, as to Whom reports have already been published. The ï¬gures are those of wages paid during the year 1886, the slowness of English ofï¬cials being greater even than that of our Census Bureau ; in some cases, however, compari- sun can be made with the returns of the British census of 1891. some time form the basis of comparison and The report will for theorizing, and is valuable as giving “pauper labor†of Europe. The average wages paid to every man or a dollar a day, which if he had con- tinuous employment ‘0 52 weeks would give £64, or $320, a year. The average for Women was 12 shillings 8 pence, 33.08, s. Sllre,‘l)all11(’SS and prompt. substitutes. presented stretched over a. comb. By pressing a button in the handle of the comb a current is applied to the wire, and it is heated to a White heat. The comb is passed through the hair, and as the wire comes in contact with the hair it is burned off, the end of each hair being cauterised as out. which process prevents the loss of the oily substance with which the hair is ï¬lled. The apparatus is connected by flexible cord and attachment plug to a lamp socket and can be used by any barber of ordinary skill. â€"â€"~__.â€"_.____ How Editors Are Treated in China. Nineteen hundred editors of a. Pekin paper are said to have been beheaded. Some would shudder at such slaughter who are heedless of the fact that Con- sumption is ready to fasten its fatal hold on themselves. Dr. Picrce’s Gol- den Medical Discovery is the efficient remedy for weak lungs, spitting of blood, shortness of breath, bronchitis. asthma, severe coughs, and. kindred affections. Stamps. La Fayette C0,, Arkansas. Dr. V. Pierce: Dear Sinâ€"I will say this to you, that consumption is hereditary in my wife's family; some have already died with the disease. My wife has a sister. Mrs. E. A. Cleary, that was taken with consumption. She used your " Golden, Medical Discovery," and, to the surprise of her many friends, she get well. My wife has also had hemorrhages from the lungs, and her sister insisted on her using the "Gol- den Medical Discovery." 1 consented to her usmg it, and it cured her. She has had no symptoms of consumption for the past six years. ' Yours very truly, 'W. C. ROGERS, M. D. Delicate diseases in either sex, howâ€" ever induced. speedily cured. Book sent. securely sealed, 10 cents in stamps. Address, in confitlenre,\\'orlds Dispensary Medical Association, Buf- falo, N.Y. Too Much For Him. How does Briggs look in his new checked suit? Plaid out. Have You Thought of It. For four thousand years or more the world groancd. suffered, and fumed about its cornsfor there was no positive reliefâ€"no certain and painlcss cure unâ€" til Dr. Scott Putnam gave to the world his great Corn Extractor. If iherc is suffering now it is a result of carelessness, for the remedy is at hand. ’I'i‘y Putnam's Corn Extractor. it is Beware of At. Oxford this year 197 candidates themselves [or honours in classics, the largest number on record; there were. 97 candidates for honours in modern history. Mr .\\'. M. Carniuii, champion i,,(.).,._ list of Canada. wrues that he. consid- Vieek ; for boys, 9 shillings and 9. pence ers Si. Leon the very best thing to $2.2«l ; for girls. 6 shillings and 5 pence, drink while in general training. $1.56. These are the averages of the wages #7 râ€"r â€" of 816,106 persons. In round numbers, one-twelfth of these persons earned $350 a year or over, another twelfth between $30!) and $350, one-third between $250 and $300, one-twelfth between $200 and $250, and ï¬ve-twelfths $200 or less; included in this last class is the greater number of woMEN, BOYS, AND GIRLS. Wages are lower in Scotland than in A51f by Magic. This is always the case when Nerviâ€" line is applied to any kind of pain ; it is sure to disappear as if by magic. St rung- er, more penetrating. and quicker in action than any other remedy in the world, pain cannot stay where it is us- ed. It is just the thing to have in the house to meet a sudden attack of ill- ness. I V'l‘llE liva RE’lliEDY riiAi‘ cunss. "cry Sick nanâ€"Ila Tried a “frat “any Remedies. lmt Only Got Temporary Reliefâ€"South Ann-rice «n Norvlnc. on Recommendation of NILE. Errt‘ll. Lum- Iicr )lerrlnuic, Wns Tried. and lllwmc I WM In a Short Tune Burnished. EDICINES for the sick are not wanting. They are about as plentiful as mos- quitoes in Mus~ koka, and some- times just as useless and an- n o y in g. But thereisaserious . side to the mat- ter. VVhyshould ~ ’ » those who are broken down in health, weak and wesried, and nigh unto death often, have their con-' dition aggravated by remedies that do them no good. Sometimes, as Mr. Ephraim Tallman, who is a retired farmer, highly respected in the c mmunity, and now liv- ing in Merrickville, has said, temporary relief is secured. But the reaction that comes from disappointment is apt to set the patient back further than be was be- fore. The feature of South American Nervine is its permanent. healing powers. It is a medicine which strikes at the root of dis- ease, curing the deranged parts at the nerve centres, and these cured, disease cannot. exist. Mr. Tallman found this to be the case. He says 2â€"†Tvm years ago this fall Iliad an attack of La Grippe, and I haVe never been well since. My bowels,I may say, became perfectly ‘dormant, andl tried a great many medicines, and got Just tem- porary relief. But it was very tempomry. Mr. E. Errett, lumber merchant. of this town, advised me to try South American Nervine, and I must, and can, truthfully say that I have received more beneï¬t from it than from alP’the other remedies I have ever taken. I can honestly recommend it, as I consider it an excellent remedy. I know nothing better. I am a much better man since taking this remedy than for a number of years. and 1 give this testimony freely of my own accord, wishing South American Nervine the success it deserves.†â€"â€"â€"â€"+â€"â€"â€"- Burglaries are reported in many parts of the Province. Cold in the Headâ€"Nasal Balm gives instant relief,spccdily cures. chvr fails. A. l’. 7 86. Tired but Sleepless Is a condition Which gradually wears away the strength. Let the blood be puriï¬ed and enriched by Hood's Sar- l separilla and this condition will cease. “ For two or three years I was subject to poor spells. I always felt tired, could not sleep at night and the little I could eat did not do me any good. I read about Hood’s Ssrssparilla and decided to try It. Before I had ï¬nished two bottles I began to feel better and in a short time I felt all right and had gained 21 pounds in weight. I am stronger and healthier than Ihave ever been in my life.†JOHN W. I COUGELIN, Wallaceburg, Ontario. Hood’s Sarsaparllla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. Be sure to get Hood’s and only Hood's. Do not be induced to buy and other. e. .0 ll 11 Ill blll “Dad’s fizigï¬ieadghos'flmow The Leadin ' i No baker having USE OUR g any igiiulliii bland; wort w ii e ioul Mixeï¬gbe without this 15- )orrsaving machine. ,I. T. PENDRI’I‘H, Msnufao .urer, '13 to 8] Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont. T0 WOOLE_N_MANUFAGTURERS. ‘ \‘Vools l'DU'ï¬llt and sold. Hard \the. Hard Ends. Fine 5, etc... bought or exchanged for Mill Supplies, gai'nettcd wach or shoddy. llobi’. S. Fl‘llsel‘. 3 St. Iielcn'ot... Montreal; l)OUGLAS BROS, Slate, Gravel and meta. roofcrs, metallic ceilings, skylights shoot metal workers. 1'31 Adelaide W..’I‘Oi‘onto 1 Kill FLORIDA LANDS‘rleclaimcd muck; ad joining Lake .\popka~, healthiest part ol‘ stoic; no clearing, drainage, or irrigation; two or three crops yearly; low prices; easy terms. W. J. FENI‘UN, 203 Church at. Toronto. Permanently cured . bye. strictly Educa- tional System. No advance fees. Write for circular. THE ONTARIO iNc‘TiTU’l‘E, 76 Bond so. Toronto BIDYGLES--"Il§i Sï¬ii"wï¬.e§lҤl‘l Moderate Price. Sand for catalogue. G. '1‘. PENDRITH, Manufacturer. 73 to 81 Adelaide St. VV.. Toronto. BUSINESS CHANCES. If you want to buy or sell a stock or business of any description write me. I have had large experience in the wholesale. Am selling busi- nesses continually. Correspondence conï¬den- tial. No charge to buyers. JOHN New, 21 Adelaide East, Toronto 83 A HAYSUHE, gig and we will show you now to make 8) a day, ab- solutely sure; we ruinish the work and teach you i’rv-e; you work in the locality where- ynn live. Send us your address and we will explain the business fully, mnwniher we guarantee n. clear profit or 83 for every day's work. ahloiutei: Gum, W'rite a! once. Address D. T. Morgan, Mfr. Box A. 4, Windsor. Unto. Ephraim inllman, 0r Merrickvlllc, “’31; a I Cures Salt Rheum. Old Sores, Sore Eyes, Plies. MEAR the house of Walter 'K‘l many misleading Baker St Co. are~t facturers of pure '- they get,the genuin WALTER BAKER Timely Warning“. The great success of the chocolate preparations of of their name, labels, and wrappers. Baker 8:. Co. (established in 1780) has led to the placing on the market and unscrupulous imitations Walter he oldest and largest manu- and high-grade Cocoas and 3, Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are if used in their manufactures. ll Consumers should ask for, and be sure that 9 Walter Baker 81. Co.’s goods. 6: CO., Limited, DORCHESTER. MASS. Dliililreii Shrink i from taking medicine. They don’t like its taste. But they are eager to take what they like- Scott’s Emulsion, for instance. Children almost always like Scott’s Emulsion. And it does them good. Scott's Emulsion is the easiest, most palatable form of Cod-liver Oil, with the Hypophosphitcs of Lime and Soda added to nourish the bones and tone up the ner- vous system. The way child- ren gain flesh and strength on Scott's Emulsion is surprising even to physicians. All delicate children need it. Don‘t be persuaded to accenf a subs/itute.’ Scott 8; Bowne, Bellovllls. 50c. and $1. TEXTILE MILL SUIDPLIES. Cotton and “'oollen. Best English Card Clothing. Aniline liycs. High-grade Log- wood ('bips. Write for quotations. ROBERT & 60., St. Michael wt, )Iontrca tinting? RIVATE FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT on Mortgage of ltcni Estate. Interest at. lowcsr rates. Special arrangements may be made for (‘imrch Loans. Apply to Beatty, Blackstock, Nesbitt, Chadwick & Riddell. Bank of Toronto Ofï¬ces, Church Street, Toronto 10R SALEâ€"NEAR GlilMllSYâ€"FHUIT ll F'iPJl iboil new and fic'n: thirty acres cleared: eighteen planted io choioc fruits: very convenient and beautiful location: marketing facilities unsurpassed; no tram: worth forty-ï¬ve hundred. if taken at once will luke thirty-rive hundred casiLOr one Thou- sand may i‘ciiinin on mortgage: a. snap move quick. L, Box 413, Winona. Ont. COR. YONGE & GERRARD STS., TORONTO. ONT. ANADA'S Greatest Commercial School; C advantages best in the Dominion: stu- dents assisted to position: every week ; mode rate rates; everything ï¬rst-class. Catalogue and specimens of pcnmanship lice. SHAW 8: ELLIOTT. Principals. llllilUllITlSll, litilllttly: Poliiciiie Oil. 18an FRENCH Discovsnvâ€" Apparatus and Oil from $10 to 850. Oil can be kept for several years. See certiï¬cates of cores obtained- Published in the Montreal papers. rfl'EXPLANM‘onv PAMPHLET $1. “ ALEXANDRE.†Specialist of Paris. 1694 Notre Dame St.. Montreal r61: Twnn'i'v-rivs Yeahs DUNN’S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE ll CANADA. IiIImmmmlilsumâ€"mummnmulnnnumnm Boilâ€"x Sore Nipples. Burns. Scalds. etc. EEST VARNISHES , , 7-1.- ._. .. ARMERS here is a. snap for you. Hart has sample cloth pieces for quilts. Sen $1 for trial lot, good value. 27, 29, 31 William St, Torontg. and Music Books “every description. All Kinds 0! Musical Instrumento. Msnufacturers of Band In- strumental, Drums, {(0. Music Engravers, Prin- era and Publishers- Thc largest stock In Canada to choose from. Get our prices hefor pur- chasing elsewhere, an :5qu money. .Saad or Cutaloguu. mentioning goo. i nquind. ’VWHALEY. ROYCE do CO.."‘<7lmnt¢~ INGMAC ASKYOUR SEWING MACHINEAGENT‘ FOR IT, OR SENDA 3CENT STAMP FOR PARTICULARSPRICE LIST, . SAMPLES, COTTON YARN.&c. CANADIAN SHORT STORIES. W OLD MAN SAVARIN... AND OTHER STORIES, -31.. EDWARD WILLIAM THOMSON Cloth - SLOO. CONTENTS : Old Man Savm-inâ€"The Privilege of the Limitsâ€"McGrath's Bad Nightâ€"Great Godi’m 's Lamentâ€"The Redâ€"Headed Win- degdâ€" heShiniig Cross of Rigaudâ€"Little Baptisteâ€" l‘he R1 3 by Nightâ€"Drafted~A Turkey: Apieceâ€"Grandpa a‘s \l'olf Storyâ€"- The W atcrloo Vcteranâ€" ohn Bedellâ€"Ver- bitzsky's Stratsgem. PRESS OPINIONS. Montreal Gazette: “ Mr. Thomson has studied with equal success the French settler on the banks of the Ottawa. 01' its atributaries, the transplanted Highlanders, the veteran who has carried across the ocean all the tradi- tions of European battleï¬elds, the Nor'westor who has become the ancestor of liaifâ€"beeeds and is still a. true son of auld Scotia, the voy- agcur and shanty man, the lunter and trap- pep, and even the stranger that is Within our ga .es. ‘ Saturday Night: " I wonder what; one could say about this book that would induce the intelligent reading public of Canada to greet it with the whirlwind of approval that its merits deserve. . . It is one of the few great books written by Canadians, and most of the stories are located in Canada." WILLIAM BRlGfl. . Publisher. 2933 Richmond St. West. Toronto .' llllllflmlIllI|llIIIII'llIllinmmfllmlvllmlllll‘l'll- 3THAT gTOBAccO ECOUGH I Smoke and chew. hawk and spill Thrpal’s always irrllaled, consumption easny slarled. Then comes pale, bloodless counlonanco, glittering. resi- less eye and ever nervous movement oi hands and feel. NO-TO-BAG is a speciï¬c for tobacco throat even it you don’t want a cure. Take a No-To-BAC labial now and then. What a rellel l lilo-TO-BAG Builds up the nervous‘ Sys- - lam. makes new, rich blood, \ x -â€"lust the thing for the weak, nervous f man to use now and then. Gel ouréi book; read the marvelous record 0! recovery. You run no risk, lor you can b_uy under your own DHUGGIST’S GUAHAHTEE. Every druggist is authorized to sell ' Noâ€"Toâ€"Bac under absolute guarantee tocure every form of tobacco using. Our written guarantee, tree sam 12 of No-To-Bac and booklet called “ on‘t Tobaccp Spit: and Smoke Your Life Away. mailed for the asking. Ad- dress 'I‘HE STERLING REME YOO.. E Chicago Montreal.Can . New York 84 l.llllllullllllrdflill‘llllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllmllll Cat-d7 Cathart ure constipation Only 100 WWWIWIUU W Eur-mums For Carriage Work Manufactured by McCaskill, Dougall & 00., Montreal. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED- "ri-i uh, cements 8:60. ~â€"â€"-1\1ANUFACTURERS AND l.\ll’()lt'l‘EkS oreâ€"â€" White Lead, Colors, Glass, Varnishes, Oils. Chemicals and Dye Stuns. MONTREAL. .â€" LOG TOOTH, ’ ON 600, 1200 AND 1075. A MDST SATISFACTORY AND DURABLE CHAIN FOR LOG JACKS, REFUSE CONVEYCRS. ETO., ETO. LARGE QUANTITY OF THIS AND OTHER 8TVLES IN STOCK FOR ELEVATING mo CONVEYING ALL KINDS OF MATERIAL POWER TRANSMISSION MACHINERY SHAFTING, PULLEYS, GRIP PULLEYS, GANDY WATERPOOF BELTING GET OUR QUOTATIONS and NEW LINK-BELT CATALOGUE L, WATEROUS, BRANTFORD, CANADA.