VOL. XVIII. {HE LIBERALPRINTIMG & PUBusmNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. DB. LANGSTAFF. DR. J. N. EU’EGELSGN IS PUBLISHED EVERY PHURSDAY MORE \Voo tom. Kleinburg a nelson. r Aurora. lsb,8th,16th,aud 4 Richmond Hill ...... Mh and: (at the Palmer House Stouï¬ville .. .. Markham Mt. Albert Reliable Gum Applications used when required LS'Get your Cheap Teeth of Robinson. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S. AuroxxLOnt. W. ROGERS, DENTIST, Toronto Addressâ€"6'23 Spadina Ava, near Har- bord Sb. RICHMOND 09mm; i S to 10 a m; TORONTO. MRS. wELis, ENTEST, RICHARDSON HOUSE, MAPLE, Graduate of Philadelphia. Dental College. and Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Out. will be at. Mr. Sheppard’s (next door to the Manse), Richmond Hill, every Wednesday. Teeth extracted without pain or danger. It desixed will stop at Thorntlll on his way to and from Toronto. $1 per annum, in advance.] Graduate of th with diploma. 1 Dental School, \Friday of (such ram 1 to 3 p. m. Diseases of ho: 0d animals: treat proved methods ‘6 VETERINARY SURGEON A Store 20x40 it. with dwelling attached 24x28 it" to rent in the Village of Unionville. In me $019 are show windows, 7 is. square. 4 counters â€"-1 glass top couuzer. The buildings are two stories, with high ceilings. Cellar underneath the house. Store-house for feed and grain 21‘160 feet. Lasated between Webber's hotel and the post. ofï¬ce, the best business stand in the vil- Mze. Possession can be given at once. V 7 A _ _ Store & Dwelling TO RENT. 'Z'LQE élï¬gï¬ï¬‚éfl $1.00 IN ABVANGE. lst “’edncsdzay Each Month -â€": r74 niouvine. Oct. “$11,189; A little east of Pm-kdale station, over W. Collins‘ store, corner of Queen and Northcote Avenue, RICHMOND H MM 8:0 10:! DR. S. F. B. REID, VITflLGIZEQ gig VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, . T. McElroy, OFFICE HOURS EDITOR dz Pnomm'ron . McMAHON. cces‘or to Dr. W. J. Wilson) of the Ontario Veterinary College, oma. from the .Oumrio Veterinary moi, will visit Maple on Monday and ouch week. and Concord on Friday ip. :11. Gulls promptly attended to ‘of horses, cattle and other domesticat- trefxted by the latest and most up USED BY Dr. A. Rabinson. gamma. ctcrium‘g URGEON DENTIST h, aud 22nd uh and 24th “I 3 33mm. 2-: HOURS and 6 to 8 p 757.5 U£ ibtra! (“08pm .18th .20th 14th .28â€: 29th 30th S'AL’EM’E’CKARDT 15-“ ABDS. RNING if Sunday. 213E of each month do do each month :10 ‘ ,Ont. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. NOTARY PUBLIC A G F LAWRENC Barristers, Solicitors, Scc. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce open every Saturday. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES LAWRENCE & ORMISTDN, Magma! 4s liwvwwg Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"34 Bank of Commerce Buildlngs, 19 King Street \VesL l‘hornhillOï¬iceâ€"Postoï¬ice cveryWed- nesday from 10 to 12 a. m. Collections in City and Country promptly attended to. Money toloan LINDSEY, LINDSEY & BETHUNE Telephone 2984 Barristers. Solicitors, {‘15 TORONTO AND AURORA. ' Mr. T. Bé‘rhert Lennox will be at Kelly's Hotel Richmond Hill every Wednesday, for the trans- action of business. ROBINSON, LENNOX & MACLEOD Barristers, Solicitors. Conveyancers.1\'ota1~ies. &c 75 Yonge St... Toronto, and LawOflices} at the Dominion House. Rich- mond Hill, every Wednesday. Mr. Fred. W. Garvin will be at Richmond every Wednesda. , and at each sitting of t 0 Court. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c 011 good Farm Propertv at low races 01’ interest. BALI-1N5 ECXABDT. Umonville. No. I, AdeIaide Street East, Toronto Licensed Auctioneers for the Countxen of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment Generalsulee 0 stock. e113,, promptly attended to at reasonable rates. J C STOKES Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York,re- specttully solicit your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the sLortest. notice and a reusonabe rates. P.0.n.ddreas King Licensad Auctioneer for the County of York Salsa attended to on shortest notice and at real snnable rates. Patronage solicited. Residence Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the County 0! York. General sales of implements, iuruitnre.standing timber. em. attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited. P. 0. address Maple. Every accommodation to guestï¬. Board, 81. var day COOK, MACDONALD & BRIGGS, This ï¬ne hotel is ï¬tted up with all the modern appliances for health and comfort. Best brands of liquors and cigars. Sample rooms for com- mercial travellers. 'anses meet all trains. Rates $1.00 per day. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. Bloney t 6.6. S. Lmnsm BABEISTFRS, SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES Undel‘lakers a; Embalmers, Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand J. R. MILLER Paciï¬c Buildings, 23 Scott St. Toronto GARVIN & GARVIN, Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries and Con veyaucers. E. ï¬ï¬‚mw, @EWEE gmmw, 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO Eckardt a: PI entice, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries WRIGH COMMISSIOEEB IN THE must-:7 LYON LINDSEY CHARLES .1. R. BETBUNE. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31. 1895. “Stokes & Blougln . J. D. Readman, Garvin will be M Richp‘J‘ond J. '1‘. Saigcon, Email. "In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity. JOHN KELL Y, Promietor. W S OBMISTON, L L B E‘ I. B. DUNCAN T BROS, Money to Loan J. H. PRENTICE. Carrville. D BLOUGH Bill There are two ways of viewing the so- called Nmional Policy from a farmer‘s standpoint: the farmer as a producer and salesman. and the farmer as a purchaser. Toâ€"day we will consider him in the light. uf a. seller, for he must sell before he can buy. Read what the government statistician, Mr. George Johnson, has to say about the farmer in the government statistical abstract, page 253 for the volume of 1893. “ The chief industry of Canada. is that of agriculture. In it 45 per cent of the population ï¬nd their means of subsistence and their opportunities for accumulating wealth. Its products constitute one- fourth of the freightage of our railways, and one-third of our canals. Our mor- cantile marine depends largely upon the products of agriculture for freights, more than one‘half of “hich are products of the farm.†One would naturally suppose that no efl'ort would be left'undune to advance the interests of such an industry. When we read these admissions in the government “ Blue Books,†it is natural we should express surprise when from the same source, page 184, we read that as compared with 1881 the number of farmers and karmers’ sons in New Bl‘lllls wick in 1891had decreased 15.8 per cent“; in Nova Sontia 15.9 per cent.; in Ontario 2.5 per cent; in P. E. Island 13 per cent., and in Quebec 4 6 per cent. In ten years the farming populaiiun of New Brunswick declinei 8,605; Nova Scotia 10,095; Ontario 7,? 84; P. E. Island 265; Quebec 9,293. Now if we look at the lust report of the ‘ Bureau of Industries (municipal statistics) issued by the Ontario govuuinent, we ï¬nd that while the town, city and village population of the province increased 65,- 975 from 1888 to 1893, the rural or agri- cultural population decreased 36.062. Not. alone that, for during the same period the assessed Value of rural pro- perty declined $8,986,719, while the as sessed value of city and town property increased $85,862,201. What do these {figures mean I On the one hand we have tIi‘e‘Etatement of the Dominion Govern- menL's chief statistical oflicer shawing a. large shrinkage in our agricultural popu- lation, while on the other hand we have the ï¬gures of the Ontario Government showing deereased agriculturel population and a shrinkage of $8,986,719 in the value of farm lands in seven years in the l Province of Ontario alone. You can hardly discredit both author- itius. It is harrin likely that the Dumin- ion statistlcian and the ofï¬cials of the Ontario Guvernmeot have put their heads together to make out a bad case for the farmer. Let us look at the farmer as a sales- man. Huw often has it. been pointed out to you that under the National Pulicy the Volume of exports of the products of the fugm have been greatly increased. I admit that there has been a. large m- crease in the quantity of farm products exported, but I am not prepared to give the government credit for creating the demand, as some good Tory newepupere would have you believe. But is there a farmer in Canada. who will Say that; to day he is maklng more out of the product of his labor, the same amount of labor, he did sixteen years ago 'l Let us glance at some of the prices realized by the Canadian farmer for the products he exported in 1878 as computed with 1894. Turning to Trade and Navigation re- turns for those years we ï¬nd this result showing the average rate at which the following articles of farm product were entered fox-Aexpmt in 1878 and in 1894. In 1878 the average price of cheese ex- ported was 10.3 cents per pound; Eat-d 10% cents; beef 8% cents; mutton 8% cents; pork 6% cents; tnngues 9.} cents; sheep pelts 30 cents each; tullow 7 cents; Wool 2352t cents; bran 72 cents per cwr..; barley 59 cents; oats 4l cents; peas 82 cents; wheat $1.20; rye 60 cents; malt 71 cents. In 1894 the average price of cheese ex- ported mm 9}; cents; lard 9} cents; beef 6.11- cents; mutton 7% cents; pork 5 cents; tongues 73} cents; slwep pelts 28 cents; talluw 5§ cents; wool 20} cents; bran 71 barley 44 cents; oats 38 cents; peas 70 cents; wheat 66 cents; rye 52 cents; malt 62 cents. There are a few articles of farm produce in which the Trade and Navigation [‘6‘ mrns show an increased export value, notably in cattle, hurses and sheep. Let us give the government credit for increasing the value of cattle and sheep in England. It is cruel to destroy all the sturies they have told you when laymg claim to ï¬nding markets for you under the N. P. 1 fear I will ï¬nd no farmer who will tell me that the N. P. and high protictive duties have given him a market. in Eng- land for his farm products. Let us look a} the exports of some items of farm products, in which a. shrink- agé in value is slmwn, comparing 1878 with 1894. In 1878. 5,134,244 pounds of beef were exported; in 1894, 2,277,112 pourds. Mutton, 1878, 411,218 lbe.; Our Ottawa Letter. 1894, 82,339 lbs. Pork, 1878, 913,770 lhs.; 1894, 755,722 lbs. Tongues, 1878, 122,542 lbs.; 1894, 32,008 lbs. Sheep pelts, 1878, 89,758; 1891. 19,947. Tallow, 1878, 290,965 lbs.;‘ 1894, 169.529 lbs. Wool, 1878, 707 319 lbs.; 1894, 79.978 lbs. Barley, 1878, 7,267,379 bushels; 1894, 597,405 bush. Rye, 1878, 415,825 1864, bush. 614,] lbs. Barley, 1878, 7,267,379 bushels; 1894, 597,405 bush. Rye, 1878, 415,825 hush; 1894, 62.972 bush. Malt, 1878, 614,199 bush; 1895. 7,082 bush. I hear some good Conservative saying, “But the falling 013‘ in the export of Wool shows that, through the increased manutacture of woollens factories an in- creased domestic demand has been creat- ed for our farmers’ wool.†Wlnt does the census return show? In the volume of 1881 we ï¬nd that the value of raw material used in our woollen factories was $4.756,593; in 1891 It. had fallen to $4,037,767. Turn to trade and navigation returns and we ï¬nd that while the value of raw material used in the woollen mills showel a large decline in the ten years. the quantity of wool im- parted in 1891 was within 191,435 1‘35. nf what it was in 188]. This does not speak well for the woollen industry. In my next we will see the farmer as a buyer. We have dared to believe that there are many who read THE LIBERAL whu are not entirely disinterested in those things which tend to the education of the young. We think also that. every man, woman and child appreciates, to a greater or less extent, the value of an education such as is so liberally offered to the rising generation. And in VleW of this, we feel :ve are not. appealing to unappreciative readers when we present our “ Contribu- tions fuom the Schools.†It is the intention of the promoters of this column to contribute some article each week (sometimes the article may be short and dry) un a. subject interesting buth to writer and to reader. But in order that we may not encourage the spirit. of monopolyâ€"for this paper .13 liberal in politics as in everythingâ€"we invite contributions from all or any who desire to promote the interests of educa- tiun. It has been decreed that examinations shall be held in our school every two months. As we are just completing the ï¬rst two month of the school year, this is examination week, and possibly we can- not. choose a more seasonable subject for Lhis week than that of Examinations. The ï¬rst thing we notice is that our ex'aininatinns are mile-pasts (m the road to next July. One-ï¬th of the year has gone; one-ï¬fth of the year’s work is done; one ï¬fth of the year’s opportunities are things of the past. \Ve are ï¬nding out this week whether we remember what we have seen and heard on the journey. But again these examinations are our times for closing books and taking stock. Every well-regulated business is closed at stated periods, and an inventory is made of the goods on hand. Now we know nearly what was the value of our stock in trade two months ago. We are ï¬nding out what it is now. And it is merely a question of subtrac.ion to see whether there has been a gain or a loss. If we learn that there has been a. gain, we shall continue our business with increased vigor, being encouraged by the result of our two months’ woik. But if in any case we discover a lass, most, strenuous efforts will be made to repair it, because we cannot. afford to pass through life with a bankrupt. brain. Lastly, our examinations are a contest. We are struggling for place, but our riValry is a generous one. There are two ways of surpassing a rival. One is by pulling the rival down; the other by ele- vating oneself. The former method we despise; the latter we admire. And in this contest there is the fairest and freest competition with the result that the true spirit. of iuanliness is cherished. EsnEsr Coomss. H. M. High School. Contributions from the Schools. Victoria Hall having been Sold and bought. by various societies of the village, is being, renovated and in every way made more comfortable than the past pIaCes of meeting, consequently we hope to see larger turnouts of brethren to the several lodge meelings. The hall is sec- ond to none of those north of Turonto, having a. large seating capacity, and well equipped for holding concerts, etc. There is no doubt that under the new manage- ment. ihe hull will be made a. better aid to the life of the village, and a more fi- nancial success than hitherto. On Friday evening, 25th insh. a few friends and members of the Presbyterian Church assembled at the reSidence of Mr. 'l‘hos. Clay, the purpose being to spend a pleasant evening preVions tn the departure of Miss Etta. Clay lo Cadilac, Michigan, and to spring upon all those of the family somewhat of a pleasant sur- prise, as the following address goes to Thornhill To MIss ETTA CLAY,â€"The members, adherents and friends of the Presbyterian church, having heard that you are about to depart from us (we trust but for a. very short time), cannot aHow you to go from us Without some recognition of your labor of love in the Sabbath school, iii the choir and in every work of the church. show You have endeared yourself to us by your ï¬delity to the welfare of the church, and while we cannot, in any sense, repay you for the cheerful services rendered the church, yet, we ask you to accept of this chain and lady’s companion, as slight tokens of our high esteem for you, and for our heartfelt wishes for y0ur bodily and spiritual good. Though of little worth of themselves, may they nerve, as links of fond remembrance of those, who, out. of their hearts are assembled here to bid you a kind adieu and God-speed to your new place of abode. Our most earnest prayer is that God’s greatest; b!essing_ {nay accompany you and yours blessmg may accompany you and your here and hereafter. Signed on behalf of the congregation, ELLA WELSH, B. SMELLIE, NELSON SMELLIE. Miss Cl'ay, bemg completely taken by surprise, could scarcely make a reply, but in a few words thanked those presenting the beautiful chain and lady’s companion for their kind conslderation, and express- ed her gratitude for the gifts. remarking that she would ever keep green in her memory her friends in Thornhill. ThAoArrnhiVll, Oct. 25th, 1895 After a pleasant social time spent in amusements by old and young, all bade the recipient a heartfelt adieu and safe journey to her new place of abode. A very sudden death occurred near here last Thursday night. Mrs. Thomas Grogau retired, apparently in her usual health. but in the morning was found dead in her bed. Heart disease is sup- posed to have been the cause of her death. {The remains were interred in the R. C. cemetery on Sunday afternoon. The family have the sympathy of the community in their and bereavement. _ As little Millie Craddock was playing on the sidewalk last Saturday evening. she had the misfortune to fall into a ditch and break her left arm between the wrist and the elbow. The broken arm was set by Dr. Sisley, and is now doing nicely. It is expected that the Public Library organized last winter will soon be in run- ning order. Another lot of beoks has been purchased, and a meeting is to be held on Wednesday evening to make ï¬nal arrangements. Messrs. Tom. and Bert. Jackson left on Tuesday for Muskoka, where they will spend a couple of weeks hunting. Wui “Din-dell and daughter. Miss Murcia, of Toronto Junction, are visiting at Mr. I. Craddock’s. Miss Efï¬e Andrews, of Aurora, is visib- iug he( brother, MrLE. Apdrgwa. ~l'\'liss‘ Ramsay; of Penville, is the guest of Rev. A. Bedford. Pure Drugs Any person requiring Pat« ent Medicines, Drugs, 'I'oilet Articles, &c., (20., or wishing any receipts put up should call and get prices at W. J. Niche! £2; ï¬â€™s DRUGGISTS. 170 KING 8T. E., TBEGNTE. FARM for Parts of lots 51 and 52. 15!; c0 Yonge street, known as the BHI‘DBJ' mile north of Richmond Hill ann 1‘25 acras. is for sale. "Apply on the premises to the pn w. J. 17-10 rices the lowest and quality the highest. (Between the Clyde and Nipissing hotels). [Single copies, 3 cts. Lowest Prices Maple Ricbl No,18 flarkhat ‘um. 01 ‘tor Hill P 0