This remedy is a. remar] builder, it removes diseas ens the nerves. and puts on Patterson's case is only 0: ends that have been chroni columns at different times men. Let us be generous and dis- ‘ count the state- ment. The age has many women. strong and noble physically, as they are mentally and I: morally; but it is true nevertheless, that a large percent- age of the women of the country suffer from nervous and general debility. They drag out a. weary existence. and each day is a. day of pain and suffer- ing, This was the case with Miss Annie Patterson. of Sackville. N.B., a lady widely known in those parts. She was weak, and showed symptoms of‘en- tering a decline. She suffered terribly from indigestion and nervousness. Having tried practically all sorts of remedies. and called in the assistance of the cleverest physicians, and, these doing her no good, she was influenced by some one, somehow, to try South American Nervine. Of course, it was like hoping against hopeâ€"another pa- tent medicine. But she had taken only one bottle when her system began to take on the health of earliest years, and after using three bottles she was completely cured. No wonder she is strong in her convictions that there is no remedy like South American Ner- Vine. of one-quarter of the entire South American continent. A section of the United States press says this would in- troduce radical changes in the commer- ':ial and political relations of Vene- zuela. Columbia, and Brazil. From time to time articles have been writâ€" ten about British demands which are alleged to be harsh, but respecting which it has never been clearly shown that they are unjust, or that they are in excess of her rightful claims. The question has been more or less made the text of anti-British trades. The London Times says that " the New York Sun keeps a leading article on this subject in type, which appears and reappears every now and then. dressed up on each occasion with more or less vehemenoe of rhetoric, accord- ing to circumstances." The attitude of the United States Government in the matter is that, if. under colour of a dispute about boundaries, Great Britain is endeavouring to extend her territor- ial possessions in America, this is con- trary to the Monroe doctrine, and by that doctrine the United States Gov- ernment abides. Under these circum- stances, Mr. Chamberlain's reported action in instructing the Governor of British Guiana to get a provision for Maxim guns to defend the frontier is interesting. South-east of the eastern boundary of Venezuela lies the British colony or British Guiana. Between the two, how- ever. there is a debatable area respect- ing which a dispute of many years' standing has ' existed. Between the mouths of the Orinoco and the Amazon is the territory known prior to 1810 as the Guaya‘nas. In that year a large portion of the territory became the possession of Venezuela, as the succesâ€" sor in title of Spain. Another portion of the Guayanas was ceded to Great Britain by Holland in 1814. No treaty had ever definitely fixed the boundary between the Spanish and Dutch posâ€" sessions, and it was not long before a boundary dispute arose. which all cf- forts to settle have up to the present time proved unavailing. In 1887 the dispute reached such a point that dipâ€" lomatic relations between England and Venezuela were broken off. The ter- Iritory in dispute the Yuruary valley. in which gold mines of great richness have recently been discovered. and the ossession of which would go far to put ‘reat Britain in control of the navig- able outlet of the Orinoco, the WEARY AND WEAK WOMEN FIND A REAL FRIEND IN SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE. licspnlred oI'by all Her Friends. and [let Case Pronounced Hopeless by Doctors. Miss Annie Patcersnu. orsuckvllleflJL. Was Restored to Perfect llenllll. elect: State Something About lug so Much T Present Thue. interesting i has within it of the 'Amer Columbus, u ’age. in 1498, secured to provincial and local Govern- ment. At the head of the Central Ex- ecutive is the President, elected for a term of two years, and possessing no veto power. The legislation [or the whole Republic is vested in a Con mass of him Houses. both of whir‘h are 9. eat- ed for four years. the Senators being elected by the Legislature of each “.popular tmn.†year the independence of the territory was proclaimed. A more or less desulâ€" tory war of ten years followed and not until 1845 was the independence of her former colony recognized by Spain in the treaty of Madrid. The country is new governed under a constitution mo- delled on that of the United States. but with Columbus, who, during his third voy- age. in 1498, entered the Gulf of Paria. and sailed along the delta. of the in- oco, the very area of which is now the matter in dispute between Great Bri- tain and the Venezuelan Republic. Moreover, it is a. rich agricultural. pasâ€" toral, and forest country. It was a colony of Spain till 1810, when the Venezuelans rose against the yoke of that European power. and the following sneezed at. It Ontario, Quebe Edward Island gether, and con to more than Although V ï¬mall and inoo map, it is by n THE VENEZUELA QUESTION KEY TO THE COMDLERCE BIORE INDEPENDENCE four years, the Senators by the Legislature of and the Representative ,r, direct. ‘and public 1 contains nan half ‘ Venezuela inconsiderable ' no mean It is more abec. Nov: 3011B more the ('uuulry Tllulls (‘mn- nlk In ll|e World at [he remarkable health unly one 01' thous- chronicled in these ERHAPS he was a cynic. but some one has said that in this age there are no healthy wo- Manitc winch appears now and then. :asion with more rhetoric, accord- " ,The attitude at. elected for a mi possessing no gislation [or the ed in a Congress 1 looks but 3 »1e place on the a country to be than as large as prior to 1810 a (3 year a larg ry became th . as the succes \ba put to- ation equal of Canada. hzm one. it a first point sighted by strengt h- ‘sh. Miss I‘m elec- We admit the superiority of any ozhe person with more or less mental reservation Cold in tile Heaq.â€"â€"Nasa.l Balm gives instant relief.speedily cures. Never fails. The course of true conscience nevcr did i. -muoLh. Consumption. La Grippe, Pneumonia. and all Throat and Lung diseases are cured by Shiloh's Cure. A wail has been raised along the Rhine because some enterprising “Dutchman from Holland†imported as hams what taste and investigation proved to be the flap " hams " of seals. When in Toronto, recently, we had the pleasure of visiting their magni- ficent premises in the Confederation Life Building, which are the finest ever devoted to the purposes of busi- ness and shorthand education in Cana- da. Those who are interested in this line of work, would do well to write the Secretary, Mr. David Hoskins, for one of their handsome free catalogues. The methods of instruction have been greatly improved, and the staff large- ly increased so as to better conform with the practical ideas of the Board of Di- rectors. Students will henceforth rPc:ive a thorough training, not only in bookkeeping and commercial cal- culations, but, also, in all the details of office work, by handling the same papers and performing the same duties as a bookkeeper or an assistant in any wellâ€"regulated business office. Those who have the benefit of a. office work, by handling the same papers and performing the same dunes as a bookkeeper or an assistant; in any wellâ€"regulated business office. Those who have the benefit ofa. training of this sort, will experience very little difficulty in obtainmg sit,- uations in commercial offices. The President. of the Board of Trade has denoted a valuable gold medal, to be competed for at the Christmas exam- inatlons by those in attendance during thenpresent germ. Nervilineâ€"nerve pain cureâ€"is a. posi- tive and almost instantaneous remedy for external, internal, or local pains. The most active remedy hitherto known falls far short of Nerviline for potent power in the relief of nerve pain. A trial will demonstrate. Karl's Clover Root Tea. isasure cure for Headache and Negvous Diseases. Nothmg reheves so qulckly. During the last thirty-five years the British American Business College of Toronto, has been recognized throughout Canada as the leading institution in the country for the training of young men and young women for various avoca- tions in commercial life. That the busi- ness men of Toronto realize the import- ance of such an institution in their midst, is evidenced by the fact that it has just been reorganized as a joint stock company, having among its direc- tors such men as S. Caldecot-t. Presi- dent of the Toronto Board of Trade, Edw. Trout, Pres. Monetary Times Printing Co., E.R.C. Clarkson, Chart- ered Accountant, Wm, McCabe, Man- aging director of North American Life Ins., 00., Frederick \Vyld, of \Vyld. Grasett and Darling. S. F. McKinnon, wholesale milliner, and D. E. Thomson, barrister. of the firm of Thomson, Hen- derson and Bell. quire almost consl About. this time we to Journal of a similar (‘2 use of Dr. \Villiams' I gave us renewed hope couple of boxes. and l) all used there was a movement. After ‘ u more she was entirely disease. and as you can the best of health. have passed since the Pills was discontinued been no return of the sym toms of it. \\'e 1 Dr. Villiams' Pink Pi] strongly recommend case." Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills are an un- failing specific for such diseases as loanâ€" motor ataxia. partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica. neuralgia, rheu- matism, nervous headache. the after efâ€" fects of la grippe, palpitation of the heart. pale and sallow complexion, all forms of weakness either in male or fe- male. Pink Pills are sold. by all deal- ers, or Will be sent post paid on receipt of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing Dr. \Villiams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., 0r Schenectady, N. 1. A Celebrated Commercial College at the family residenc ose of ascertaining 1 ound the little girl a p ness and good health. one had bee:an by the use of I a cor: espondent a. sister of the little one, g: lowing informaLion: “Abo months ago Alvira was attac terrible malady, St. ViLus' became so bad that we ca] doctors, who held out no In her ultimate cure. and she ‘ 1y affected with the 'dance quire almost constant, Lovers pay sweethesrts compliments ; husbands pay wives’ bills. A Malady That Has Long Baffled Medical Skill. A Speedy (‘ure for the Trouble at Last IN:- cow'roIl-‘l‘he Particular» at [he Cun- ol’ {1 Little Girl Who “'ns 3 Seven sufferer. In a handsome t 10th line of Goulb ton 00.. lives Mr. of Goulbom’s mos in Mr. Bradley‘s f: tle daughter, 8 ye been a severe suff dance._ and who physiolans without sults. Having 1e: tom the Ottawa. Now Entirely Pain Banished as if by Magic. ST. VIT US‘ DA NOE. of' the little one. g information: “Abx Lgo Alvira was atta it. \VEï¬J‘C q ;’ Pink Pills cu *ommend them fully restored to health Dr. \Villiams'Pink Pills, t of the Journal called ifferer from St. Vitus’ ) had been LreaLed by wt any beneficial reâ€" learned that the little 111v restored to health family ears 0‘ Free From Disc ing the facts, and r1 a picture of bright- alth. Mrs. Faulkner, tle one, gave the fol- Dn: "About eighteen , was attacked by that lt. Vibus' dance, and hat we called in two out no hope to us of . and she was so badâ€" ;he 'dance' as to re- constant watching. I‘h 011T using 1y free an see ,perceptible im- lsing six boxes 7 free from the B see is enjoying Several months use of the Pink .. but there has malady, nor any are qultrepertaiq .ls cï¬red her and them in similar ‘ \Ve pr efore the ink Pill 'essful in the sidence on the vnship. Carle~ 5 Bradley, one for the bri right who con [‘6 atching. -, Ottawa by the 5, which arms ase were pur- am lit The Bank of Toronto. Toronto. 23rd October. 1 THE TRANSFER I from the sixteenth to t vember, both days inc? By order of the Boar (Signed) I). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that: a. Divl~ dend of FIVE PER CENT. for the current half-year, bein m; the rate of TEN PER CENT. PER A NUM upon tlmpmd-up Capi. ta] of the Bank. has this day been declared. and that the same will be payable at. the Bank and its branches on and after Monday, the second day of I)ecember_ next. THE TRANSFER BOOKS will be closed from the sixteenth to the thirtieth days of No- vember, both days included. LORIDA LANDS of extraordinary fertility in healthy location: immense proï¬ts on shipping winter growu vego'nblcs to northern markets. No clearing. drainage or irrigaLion needed. Low pricea; easy terms. W. J. FENTON, 203 Church Street, Toronto. Machinery of All Kinds. {WARMERS here is a. snap for you. Han has sample cloth pieces for qmlte. Se] 81 for trial 10:, good. value. 27. 29. 31 William St... Toronto BANK OF TURQNTD Uorn Extractor. made by Holson 5 Kingston, for many subsLiLutes a] ing offered, and it is always bent get the best. Safe, sure, painless a I Hmmznmu by {was}? E330â€; i b adveuw ï¬nnal System. No advance fees. Wripe (of dents 115‘ ‘Le cxrcular. THE ON’I‘A_I‘{I_Q lï¬gl‘l’l‘u'l‘g' Fifi}? ruf ' J. E. NAUD, Manufacturers’ Agent, cured without su monials and refer 1y sealed for 10 0‘ dress, \Vorld's Dis sociation, Buffalo. Ask your physician, youf druggist and your friends about Shlloh's Cure [pr Consumption. They will recommend It. The umrtmge ceremony 13 me dividing line between romance and realiLy. when '1’} {01‘ will Hood’s' Pills _ Constipation causes more than half the glls of women. Karl's Clovexj Rqot Tea. IS a. pleasant Cure for Constipation. afford them. Neither Competition nor dishonest rivalry can shake the reputation of St. Leon Water. W mm a. woman's bear hits a man right, L flattens him out. ' .‘ 9 ‘\ 5:1“ M“ ‘ I a 5 ‘1 sfafigimw Cat rrh in the Head “My wife has been a. suï¬erer from eaten-h for the past (our years and the disease had gone so far that. her eyesight was affected so that for nearly a year she was unable to read for more than ï¬ve minutes at a time. She suffered severe pains in the head and at times was almost distracted. About Christmas, she com- menced taking Hood’s Sarsspsrills, and since that time has steadily improved. She has taken six bottles of Hood’s Sar- sapsrilla. and is on the road to a complete cure. I cannot speak too highly of Hood’s Sarssparilla,'and I cheerfully recommend it.†W. H. FURSIER, Newmarket, Ontario. Is the Only True Blood Purifier ])0UGLAS BROS, Slum. Grav roofcrs. metallic ceilings sheet metal workers. 12; Adelaide well wil distressi a burden Favorite ful irreg flammat and kin and a b. are in 1 using it Prominently in the public eye today. Hood’s Sarsaparilia Is a dangerous disease because it is liable to result in loss of hearing or smell, or develop into consumption. Read the following: \Vhat ban th Uupid possesses moan o ï¬Vhy‘shouId ygur go limping ne gossip habiu liquor habit. from Windmills. Fire Department; Sup- plies and Waterworks Planps down :0 Engine Pucklng of the best; kmd. and arian A 1i: tle Rosewm Spite of 22-57 Notre Dame Sh. MontreaL Corns ! Corns! Corns utn at ': In means. 1 led if she m: malm :ularitie ion and dred .we essing l you DIVI DEN D NO. 79. he. Fil; hout emnve. 3 will glv guarant ‘tle farm well tilled, .tle cellar well ï¬lled, tle wife well willed.†uld you wile a. man bet I The last; 13 not the_ le sans. but how can_ a w1fe if she be the victlm of t] maladies that make her Let her take Dr. Pier erscriptinn and ogre all p: arities, uterine. dISOI‘deI‘S, 1_and _ulceratlop>, prola; out surgery. 1 references, yr 10 i1 d's Dispensm iuffalo. N.Y. _«.,_ . habiu is mot mm of l n otherw 0d . Are wmga. bu Did, sur ifé self w. coffin ea} )ctor well the made D'. VCOVULSON Kainâ€"less your C cure habitual constipa- tion. Price 250. per box a snap for you. Harris pieces for quilts. Send value. more injurious than )me and .r Corns in a fevs almost; 'instant; re- 1 cute 1n the end genuine Putnam’s e by Poison & Co. aubsLiLuLes are be- ; always better t,( [1 other Tumors *. Book. testi- :, mailed secure- in stamps. Ad- mry Medlcal As- an. Thous malt-h thr ise they v leral Mana‘ Gravel and Lnu virtues ifled rly filled skllled. A. P. 787. ave} and meta, 83. skylights ane W.,Toronto ovex-Ly can ‘Lhousands 1 through ‘hey Wnuld a sufferer? readâ€" round xtrac- ‘etter least "' t nuun DAILâ€" I Hidii‘ï¬sf ‘ Wholesale’VERRET, STEWART & co. and I few ASK FOR ST, LEON MINERAL WATER 603m. OR SALE â€".\IEAR GRIMBSYâ€"FRUIT F \R.\’[ ~50“ new and fich; thirty acres cleared; eighteen planned I0 choioo fruits; very convenienc and beautiful location: marketing tucilitim unsurpassed: no trash; woth forty-ï¬ve hundred. If Iauen at once will take thirtyâ€"ï¬ve hundred cash,or one Thou- sand may remain on mortgage: a. snap move quick. L , Box 443, Winona. out. WHAT A BEMABKABLE CHANGE! Sheet Metal Ceilings. Terra. Cotta. Tile, Red Black and Green Roafln Slate. Metal Cor uicea. Felb.Ta.r. Rooï¬ng invh. Etc. Gutters Downpipes, 850., supplied the trade. Telephone 1936. Adelaide a Wtdmer Sta TORONTO 1 onmorcgage or Real Estate. Interest at lowest rates. Special arrangements may be made for Church Loans. Apply to SLATE, SHEET-METAL: TILE & GRAVEL RDOFERS BUSINESS CHANCES. If you want to buy or sell astock or business at any description write me. I have had large experience in the wholesale. Am selling bum- nesses continually. Correspondence conï¬den- tial. No charge to buyers. JOHN NEVV’, 21 Adelaide East, Toronto GERMAN BREAST BALSAM, AM) BE CURED OF THE COUGH. Sold by Druggists Ar 25 and 50 cent RIVATE FUNDS FOR INVESTMENT on Mortgagerot Real Estate. Interest; "’rite at once. Adiiresg D_. T._Mqrg‘an‘ G. DUTmE 8:. SONS DON'T CQUGH XOUR LUNGS AWAY, Cod-liver Oil is useful beyond any praise it has ever won, and yet few are Willing or can take it in its natum1 state. Scott’s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil is not oï¬â€™ensive; it is alâ€" most palatable. Children like it. It is Cod-liver Oil made more effectual, and combined With the Hypophosphites its strengthening and flesh-forming powers are largely increased. A GREM ï¬ï¬ Don't be persuaded to accept a substitute I Scott 6:. Bowne, Bellevlllo. 50:. and $l. Beatty, Blackstock, Nesbitt, Chadwick 8:. Riddell. In your appearance. conversation and general hearmg. if you have been lately drinking St. Leon regularly. Yourstomacn may have been upset. your liver alugghh. or your kidneys failed to pun-form xheir duty. St. 1 eon makes evsrythlng smooth and if you don't believe it: just try it}. THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Head Ofï¬ceâ€"King St. W, Toronto. Tel. 1321. ROCK SALT 7/44â€ch " W 'ARGFST S“ E IN CFNADA. USE EBY’S The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established __ in 1780) has led to the placing on the market misleading and unscrupulous imitations of their name. labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker Sc 00. are the oldest and largest manu- V facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and , , Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are 5‘ used in their manufactures. teach you in you no) k m the local Whreru you live. Send us your Addy and we will explain the business (u! remember we guarantee a clear proï¬t .3 for every day's work; ablelubely an] McCASKILL, DOUGALL 85 0033 - : : CARRIAGE VARNISHES. Unsurpassed for Durability, Brilliancy and Easy Working. MONTREAL. WALTER BAKER 6: CO., Limited, Bank of Toronto Ofï¬ces. Church Street. Toronto Timeï¬y Warning. idress D. T. Morgan, Mgr Box A. 4:. Windsor. Onto: Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they get,the genuine Walter Baker 8!. Co.’s goods. DORCHESTER. MASS. ECO M M E Cure UTHORITIE Montreal Gazette: " Mr. Thomson hu studied with equal success the French settle! on the banks of the Ottawa. or its atribuuu‘iea, the transplanted Highlanders. the veteran who has carried across the ocean all the trad!- tiona of European battleï¬elds, the Nor'wesber who has become the ancestor of half~beeedl and is still a. true son of auld Scotia, the voy- ageur and shanty mm. the hunter and trap- per. and even the stranger that IS within our games." AND OTHER STORIES, _BY_ EDWARD WILLIAM THOMSON c.TL"iiéii'Jii"t'h, M “3â€â€â€˜1313318 Cloth - SLOO. CONTENTS : Old Man Bavariaâ€"The Privilege of the Limitsâ€"McGrath's Bad Night‘Great Godfrp 's Lamentâ€"The Red-Headed Win- degoâ€"’ he Shini 3 Cross of Rigaudâ€"Littl. Baptisteâ€"The Ri e by Nightâ€"Draftedâ€"A Turke Apieceâ€"Grandpa a's \Volt Storyâ€"- The Marine Veteranâ€" ohn Bedellâ€"Ven- bituky’s Stratagem. Saturday Ni ht: “ I wonder what one could say about t is book that would induce the intelligent reading ublic of Cnnuda 1:! great it with the whirlw ml of approval that its merits deserve. . . . It iiona of the few great books written by Canadians, and most of the stories are located in Canada." OLD MAN SAVARIN... WI LL [AM B RIGCS. Publisher. Get my descriptive ER 3- abnul _ ‘ > ‘ ‘ Ygzucun'b Elms FOR STOCK WH ALEY. R 6Y8§°£ COJTOronh FOR ALL PURPOSES. Quality Unsurpassed by any CANADIAN anon-r stoma: 29-33 Richmond St. West. Toronto PRESS OPINIONS. and Music Booko ofevery ,descrlpï¬on. All Kinds of Musical Inotrumentï¬ Manufacturers of Band In- otrumontv. Drums. an. Muaio Engravon, Prim 'ters and Publlchen. The largest stock In Canada. to choc-o from; Get our fleas before put. chasing v sewhere. and pan moneyz Send or Catalog“ mentioning go required. ONTREAL S. S. KIMBALL, CHAMPION STUMP 8: STONE exrnncron. There are more or these Machmen in use than all who: kinds oom- 14 years’ trial ha»: proved them the best. Sand for price- and terms to 577 Craig 815.. Montreal and qua-.50 cam oz“. Mixers st.W